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Factions (not include villages and cities, city states, towns, proviences, tr

 Forming
o Minor Factions
 Include: simple villages, small organizations (think Akatsuki or the Seven
 Requirements
 For Town:
o Level 10 requirement for Leader
o you need at least three PCs that are not your alternate
o You also need 17 NPCS.
o However, more PCs after a certain point apply towards the NPC
 For Guilds:
o Level 10 requirement for Leader
o 10 PCs, no alts.
o Major Factions
 Includes (temples, Hidden Village, Organization, Nation)
 Requirements
 Temple (leave for Danzo)
 Hidden Village
o Kage must be level 17 (S-Rank)
o You need at least 2 level 10 PCs that do not include the Kage
o 450 NPCs
o If you meet the above requirements, you form your village
 Organization
o Leader has to be level 16
o Must have at least 5 members to be level 10 or above, not
including the Leader
 Nation
o At least 2000 NPCs and 5 level 16 characters
 Recruiting
o Use DT to recruit follower, using persuasion instead of investigation
o DC 20 persuasion check to recruit a single follower. Every 5 above the DC is an additional
o Additional DT adds bonus to roll.
o Everyone in the faction can recruit
o For those that formed a village, on Sunday roll a d4. Gain followers based on that roll.
This represents people moving/being born in the born.
 Benefits
o Minor
 Town
 2 rep perks
 Guild
 1 rep perk
o Major
 Village

 Organization

o Steal from Strongholds and Followers or steal from those already established in factions
 S&F-
 Stronghold

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