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Ha Ida

HALOA SPEED-PILOT Is made by Haldex

AB - maken o( the world famous

H ALDA taximeters .

The nme precision and high quality

characterises HALDA SPEED-PILOT -
the 8-day dock-the trip meter-all

puts proofed agai nst corro1ion-the

unique reliability. nomovinc part makes
and thus weu is red1,1ced to a minimum.

SPEED-PILOT is accurne to within one

hill percent.

,.,.,.,....: NOAch 11117
then you need a
Anotherl5 miles to go . and how's the time!
Hnvens!it's ll.30alrndy! l'llreallyh1Htostep
on it! Darntheseholdups!. let'stakeachlnceand
. , , whew! , . thatwasanurthing'

Yn, ten.e an~ious driving such u this quickly auses

mental fHlgue the big bozyofsaledriving. And
what does It rolly 11.mount to ! Jun this the uncertainty
of not know ing your time "position .. You hurry bee1us e
made up. But If you had beenwirnedearlierofthistimelag, then
this lait minutefrantiC•peedingcO<J1d be avoided. And
this Is preciu•ly whit the Halda Speed Pilot offen yo1,1-
a perfectly conuolled journey. ltinformsyou,at
aglance, w heiheryouareahndorbehlndyour
scheduled time. And hiving this fact readily
safe driving • , , it provides a
What is Balda Speed-Pilot?
H ALDA SPEED PILOT p1,1ts u1 end to guessing
It mechanically computes time, dist1nce and
speed sothltyouCilln re1d off instantly your true
''p<nition" at 1ny point of your journey. lt is an entirely
You are now all rudy for rcla~ed." pilot·· driving and with

the Halda Speed Piiot taking over the worries of time and

diuance you'll get a new enjoyment from every iourney.

new predsion instrument, combinin& a dock, trip metn,
I "Pilot'' and mechanism for setting average spttd. A
with add lt lonal safety. When the Pilot hand synchronises
glance I t its clear-to-read dials will telt you u once how far
you hive come, llow you ire off for time and when you'll with the minute hand then you know that you are dud on
arrive at your destination .
time and if this position is maintained you will arrive in
T his is pilot d rivi ng
There ilone simple preliminary before embarking on a Pilot 3hrs.tothevcryminute. Should you bebehindorinfront
controlled drive; check the distance to be covered and the
of your scheduled time then the Pi lot hand will dearly show
time you wish to arrive. Ai an example: assuming the
distance ls 108 miles and you have3 hrs. 10 m;ns. in which to it by being so many minutes before or behind the minute
cover it. Holdinz reserve, then, you have a clear
3 hrs. available. You thu1 quickly find thtyouraverage hand accordingly .
speedwlllhavctobc36m .p.h.

( l)Trlpm•t•r Z•ro(()(lt rol.

(2) Control for s.u1 n1 Av• raa• SpMd pu ll o ut to set pilot

(l ) ~:~~~~~ S.itln& pilot hand (7) and w lftd ln& clodt 8 day W ith t hl1 Information th• proeedure II simple :
(4) Trlpmet•r . (n Set your • .,...... •PHd co )6 m.p.h.

Av•raa•Sfl"dh&nd .
6 Plloc hand .
Ckldi. m lruiw hand .
h Set yovr t r l met•r to uro.
Alla n tht Plfo: hand lmlMdlawly Mlow tht mln utt
hand of t ht clock t ht momtt1t you sun. your journ•y.

In t he ordinary courw of•vanu 18 mini. either way i• not

.,.ry 111n1fiean1. But '""on a Hilda Speed Pilot it becomes

a hlply lmpoftant fan. Ref•rrl n1 back to an assumed

journey If t h• lftr'q• 1peed is Increased to 40 m.p.h. then

the time pi ned O'ltr I dlsun« of 108 miles is 18 minutes.

So to pin a mattar of 18 ml111. m•ns hl1h top spee•:h and EASY TO FIT
t his could mean d rlvl n& youl'Mlf unnecessarily hud. With Any intelligent person can fit a Haldi Speed Pilot to any
1ypeofvehlclebeitur.bus,coachortruck. ltsconnruction
Pllot d riYln1thes1111nlflcantfacu areconsuntly before you is simple, It consisu of two main sections: (a) the fitting
lO that dr lvl n1 becomes la. strenuous. mo,.. controlled. frame which is screwed first to the under•ide of the instru·
ment panel and set It a comfortable an~le of vision, (b) the
Pilot which Is fitted into the frame. The connection to the
Speedometer is made with the T gur and trll n• mi.sion cable
BUT IF YOU FALL BEHIND suppl ied. Moreover, the Speed Pilot i• readily transferred
from one vehicle to another and the mechanical adjustment
made with a screw driver-with no ugly marks left where
Traffic ], hold ups, dttoun are 1v1nu o n a journey whk h
you cannot posslbly prophay. But t he Halda Speed Pilot

will show you Immediately how mr,ich 1....... y hu been lost PILOT DRIVING GIVES YOU . ..
by t hem. And once you hl.¥1 had 10me exper ience of Wlththe HaldaSpeedPilotyouhavetheperfect''co-piloc'·,
assurln1 you of 5 distinct benefits tow11rds safer and more
" pilot " drl¥1n& you will know exactly whether o r not you relueddrl .. ln1:

1r1attemptln1t1Mlmpossible.or1t lantakin1 undue risks. 1 Ad eft ni te inc rease in sa fe ty beuuseitrelievesyou

oftheanxletyofm1int1inin1yourtimescheduleand so
In tryln& to maka aood t hese loues. for iniunce, if t here is prevennyoufromukin1unduespeedingrish.

a time lq of some JO or 40 minut• between actual and It pr o m o tes e ve n driving and so saves on wear, tear.
fuel and repair bills. Thus a H11ld11 Speed Pilot soon
Khed uled dm• then knowint: this f1«, seein1 it clurly ukesareolluowncost.
It a dd s to th e pl eas ure of d r iving, knowing that
indicat ed on t he Speed Piiot . p,...,.nu you from possibly
yourjourneyisvisiblycontrolled 11everypointofthe
jeopard l1in1 life 1nd limb In a rash 1uempt to mike it SCJO<I.
With the assurance given by the Speed Pilot. your
Instead. know1 n1 m1th1m1tlcally that you cannot possibly driving is less fatiguing and you arrive much
be ont lme, ampl1 notl<ea.n b41iv1n t hatyou ar11oin1to
S Yourworklngdayca n be planne dmo r eefficie ntly.
b• h1lf-hour In• and the jO\l r ney can the n be continued

without undue worry or 1tn.ln. STANDARD PRICES 19 g ns.

SPO RTS S PECIAL MK. IV a lso avai la ble
£16 - 17 - 6

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