Break Nor Bend. The Word's That Shouted at Iolore Growing Up. The Sorosa Family Had Earned

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Break Nor Bend. The word’s that shouted at Iolore growing up.

The Sorosa family had earned

its noble status after his Grandfather betrayed their old ruling family to give the land to the new
Empire. The reward was his family were the new lords of the land. He argued that he had done
what he had to do to spare the unnecessary bloodshed. Iolore felt that his grandfather had
broken the family motto before it was first stitched along with the lion on the sigil. Iolore was an
ambitious kid. He was groomed to lead as the next heir and he fell into stride with ease. He
learned the ways of the court, he learned how to lead, but more than that, he learned to lie. He
learned how much more useful a secret was then a sword. His father, Lord Rhine Sorosa, had
been a soldier. He strove to drive that noble integrity into Iolore, telling him that through glory,
not deceit, he could raise this family above Petty Lordship, maybe even into a Duchy. Iolore
didn't want to be Lord, or Duke...he wanted to be King. His sisters, Ava and Eiralen, and
younger brother Romulus both knew about his shady dealings and tried to talk him out of his
ways but he wouldn’t listen.

One day, a lesser house tried to overthrow the Sorosa family. Lord Rhine kept trying to sue for a
peaceful resolution while Iolore secretly led covert missions to disrupt the enemy army. It was
enough as the day of the battle the rebels were routed. However, in the midst of battle Iolore’s
mother was slain. Lord Rhine became much more reserved and Iolore picked up much of the
slack at 40, a very young age to the elves. Even though the enemies were ready to surrender,
Iolore cold-heartedly called for the house to be exterminated, and set his house's soldiers on the
hold. The bards would write the rains of Castamere about it and he would adopt it as the Sorosa
song.. He began to gain a reputation, making some to note that a Sorosa always pays their
debts, as Iolore would respond to any and all signs of disrespect with some form of retaliation.
His father stayed locked in his room, and Ava was soon married off to another family. Iolore kept
at it, improving his stock in the world until one day his enemies tricked him into a sense of
security and assassinated him. Now. he is back with only his name, a tune in his head that he
cant seem to forget and a weird feeling to aim ever higher in life.

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