Pirates of Silicon Valley Student Movie Review

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Name: ____Camille Santiago_____ Date: ____01/28/2021____

Course & Section: ___BSIT-1B____ Result: _________________



“Pirates of the Silicon Valley” is a 1999 movie that was based on the book “Fire in
the Valley” which presents two major characters —Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who were
college dropouts that made the world of technology of what it is today. This film shows
how computers started and how it was developed by these amazing companies— Apple
and Microsoft.

This movie helped me know what kind of personality Steve Jobs has. I found him
as a manipulative, rude, and abusive person who puts himself above others. I am still
mad at him for leaving Arlene and denying his paternity to his daughter. Despite that, I
noticed how Steve was so invested in making computers and how he saw a big
potential in them. Together with his friend Wozniak and their two other friends worked
hard and started Apple Computers in Steve’s parents’ garage is a very humbling start.
Their dedication to their work led to success especially when they released Apple II
which revolutionized the computer industry. I suddenly thought if Steve possessed
some traits of a good leader, I wonder what else would have happened back then.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates, who I find as a brilliant and risk-taker guy because of his
courage to quit Harvard and start developing a software for the first personal computer,
Altair 8800. He is good at knowing the worth of their product especially when he
managed to make a good deal with MITS by convincing Ed Roberts that their language
is what the Altair needed. His great decisions and critical thinking in life are why I think
Bill Gates became the richest man in the world, particularly when he and his team made
a great negotiation with IBM where the success of Microsoft started.

Watching this movie made me realize the difference between Steve Jobs' and
Bill Gates’ leadership style and their way of pursuing goals. That one quote from
Picasso “Good artists copy; Great artists steal”, was both said in the movie by Steve
Jobs and Bill Gates which I think means if you steal, you only get those things that you
like, and then you make it your own. It is like plagiarizing an essay, but you only get the
important points then you paraphrase them to call it your own. Instead of copying,
where you’re just taking and writing the same ideas of others.

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