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Kalinga State University
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Learning Module Page No.: 1


Lesson 12


Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of crime mapping in the police organization
2. Discover what consists a crime mapping
3. Illustrate a crime mapping

Crime Mapping

Crime Mapping is very important in police planning as regards crime suppression or prevention. It could
readily pinpoint to police managers where and when crime happens within the area of responsibility (AOR)
of a certain police unit or station. By just looking at their crime mapping, they could be immediately provided
with the information necessary for planning rather than going over their police blotter or compilations of
Crime mapping is essential for planning, it has a time span. It could represent the crimes committed within a
week, month, quarter, semester, or year.

Crime mapping consists of its title, the map of the AOR of a certain police unit or station, the crime clock,
and the legend. The TITLE indicates the number of days that it covers whether it is for a week, month,
quarter, semester, or year. Inside the map are shown the types and numbers of crimes that happen at specific
locations. As shown in the LEGEND, COLORED PLASTIC PELLETS could be used to show the type of
crimes committed which are pasted in the map to show where the crimes happened. The CRIME CLOCK
shows when the crimes actually happen and the legend helps the police manager understands easily the crime

For instance, in the crime mapping of a certain police station, it shows that crimes against person like murder,
homicide, and physical injury happen from 11:00 o'clock at night to 3:00 o'clock in the early morning at
specific places, the chief of police may do something to address the problem, like giving more focus or
attention by deploying more police personnel at the specifñic place and time. He might also consider as
beneficial the help of force multipliers like BPAT, NGOs, and other volunteers. The police chief, if he wants to
prevent the commission of crimes in these areas where crimes usually happen as shown in the crime mapping
may direct his patrolmen to be in their proper uniforms at all times, aggressively patrol their beats and position
themselves in very conspicuous places in the areas so that as much as possible, all would-be criminals could
see them thereby discouraging them to commit crimes.

On the other hand, if he would like to arrest the criminals inflagrante delicto (caught in the act), he may deploy
his police personnel in civilian attire so that, the criminals, seeing there are no police officers around, commit
crimes only to be arrested on the spot.

Another way that the Crime Mapping could be useful is that if the police chief, after looking at the crime
mapping decides to go to the exact location where crimes had happened at the exact time they had been
committed, he can always do it for him to see and know by himself how come crimes proliferate in these
places at certain times.
The police do not only maintain crime mapping, they also have Traffic Mapping or sometimes called Traffic
Spot Maps. Ther traffic mapping indicates places in the AOR with heavy traffic congestions at specific times
of the day. Because a police officer on patrol should not be in places where he is not needed, the traffic
mapping could tell the traffic police officer where he should be - at places where there is heavy traffic
congestion. In other words, by employing traffic mapping, police traffic officers could focus or concentrate
their effort of maintaining traffic order at specific places as indicated in the traffic mapping, especially if
the office lacks traffic personnel. Because heavy traffic congestion is dependent on the movement of people,
motor vehicles, and everything that uses the traffic way, it is recommended that there should be separate crime
mapping for weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Crime Mapping of Hingyon Municipal Police Station, 1st Quarter CY 2019

Source: Hingyon Municipal Police Station

 Padduyao, F. (2020).Law Enforcement Operations and Planning with Crime Mapping. Quezon City.
Wiseman’s Books Trading, Inc.
 Revised Philippine National Police Operational Procedures (2013)

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