English Speech Ice

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Imagine that all the ice melted

What if a big surge of climate change melted all the Earth’s ice overnight? Would you be drowning
under water? Would flood most countries and cities? Have you ever watched an ice cube melt in a
glass of water? Does it change the water level? It doesn’t. But if you add some salt to the water and
then add one ice cube, the ice will melt and there will be an increase of 2.6%. That’s a small amount,
isn’t it? But what would happen if you apply this to glaciers and floating ice in the sea?

In fact, 5.4 million square meters of the Earth is covered with ice. If all of it were to melt overnight,
the sea level would rise approximately by 70 meters. All the land on the planet would be partially
underwater. The Netherlands would be washed out. We think that Africa wouldn’t have a hard time,
because of the extreme heat. Would the floods wash out all the humans? Not all of it. But who is still
alive after the floods, has plenty of more dangers to deal with. The melted ice would release a lot of
carbon dioxide. The atmosphere would remain the same, but you’ll slowly start to choke from
breathing the air. Sea and polar animals would face a big dangerous of destruction. Those who are
still alive have to leave their homes. This would result a massive decrease of human food supply.

The world as we know it would collapse. Luckily, all the ice cant melt overnight. But it is melting. The
sea level rise by 6 cm during the 19 th century. But they rose by 19 cm during the 20 th century. NOAA
estimates that global sea level could rise up to 2.5 meters by the year 2100. If this happens Islands
like the Maldives, Marshall island, Kiribati and Tuvalu would be flooded. They entire population has
to transplanted somewhere else. This will create a situation in which in hundreds of thousands of
state-less people would find a new homo. 150 million persons in total. Even the oldest ice core who
has been there for 1.5 million years is melting. If we keep living like this in 5,000 years all the earth’s
ice would be melted. So, we need to focus on the globalization. There are some thinks you could do
to slow done global warming. Like power your home with renewable energy, such as wind or solar
energy, if that’s not possible for you, take a look at you electric bill. There are many ways to get a
cheaper electric bill and it helps globalization. Or reduce water waste, like take shorter showers, turn
the tap off when you don’t need it.

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