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FORMED BY SPHERICAL MIRRORS A ray of light passing through the centre of curvats

When an object is placed in front of a spherical mirror of a concave or convex mirror, is relected back al
the same path, i.e. such a ray ot light retraces its pa
(concave convex), light rays from the object fall
of reflection (because it strikes the mirror normallv or
on the mirror and get retlected. 'The reflected rays
produce an image at a point where they intersect (in perpendicularly) (Fig. 4.15).
case of concave mirror) or appcar to intersect (in
case of convex mirror). The formation of an image Rule Ill
the focus (in
by a mirror is usually shown by a ray diagram. To passing through
A ray of light
a concau

construct a ray diagram, we need at least two rays mirror) or converging

at the focus (in a convex mirror
whose paths after reflection from the mirror are known. becomes parallel to the principal
axis after reflection
So before discussing the ray diagrams, we describe the (Fig. 4.16).
rules which the rays follow for forming an image. ray of light
passing through ray of ghr
A. the focus D Conyerging
at the fc
1. A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis principal axis P
principal axis F
of a concave mirror, passes through its focus after
reflection from the mirror (Fig. 4.14a). B
2. A ray of light which is parallel to the principal axis N

of a mirror, appears to be coming from its

convex a. Concave mirror
b. Convex mirror

focus after reflection from the mirror (Fig. 4.145). through the focus
Fig. 4.16 A ray of light passingthe
reflected as parallel to principal axis.

ray of light parallel M o- Rule IV

to the principal axis
ofa spherical mirror
A A ray oflight incident at the pole P
ray of light parallel E convex) gets reflected along a path such
principal to the principal axiISE
(concave or
to the angle of

principal axis
PE that the angle of incidence is equal
reflection. In this case, the principal axis itself is the
normal at the pole P (Fig. 4.17).
N ray of light
incident at the M
ray of light
a. Concave mirroor
b. Convex mirror pole incident at

either the pole

parallel to the principal axis
Fig. 4.14 A ray of light the focus after reflection.
to pass through
passes or appears
P principal axis B,
principal axis 6,

M reflected
M A ray of light
passing through reflected ray
the centre of ray N
ray of light passing
centre of curvature
P_ through the
curvature a. Concave mirror b. Convex mirror

Fig. 4.17 A ray of light incident at the pole

Study Tip
N B I n all the above cases, the laws of reflection are
b. Convex mirror followed. The incident ray is reflected in such a way
a. Concave mirror
at the point of incidence that the angle of reflection
the centre of
Fig. 4.15 A ray of light passing through equals the angle of incicdence.
curvature is reflected back along its original path.
The position, size and nature of Image formed when the object is placed at the focus
image formed by a (F) of the mirror
concave mirror depend upon the distance of the
from the pole ot the mirror. We can
object An object AB is placed at the focus (F) of a
place the object concave mirror. We draw
at different positions (or different a ray AD from the object
distances) from the parallel the principal axis (Fig. 4.19). This ray gets
concave nmirror to get different types of
important cases are described here.
images. Some reflected at D and then passes through the focus (F)
Rule 1. A second ray of light AE passing through
the centre of curvature C strikes the mirror
Case normally
(or perpendicularly) at point E and gets reflected along
Image formed when the object is placed between the same path [Rule I]. The two reflected rays, DF and
the pole (P) and the tocus (F) of the mirror
EC are parallel rays and therefore intersect at a far off
An object AB is placed between the
and the focus(F) of a concave mirror
pole (P) distance to form an
image at 'infinity' (not possible to
We draw a ray AD from the
(Fig. 4.18). show in this diagram). So, when an object is placed at
object parallel to the the focus of a concave mirror, the image formed has
principal axis. This ray gets reflected at D and then
the following characteristics:
passes through the focus F |Rule I]. A second ray of
Position: At infinity
light AE passing through the centre of curvature C
Nature: Real and inverted
strikes the mirror normally (or
point E and gets reflected along the same path [Rule
Size: Highly magnified

II]. The two reflected rays, DF and EC are

rays and therefore, do not intersect each other on
the left side of the mirror. These rays on
backwards appear to intersect at a point A' behind
the concave mirror. Thus, A' is the image of A and
A'B' is the image of AB when seen from position X. image at infinity
real, inverted
The image is virtual because the reflected rays do not and highly Concave

magnitied) mirror
actually intersect. So, the image formed when an object
is placed between the pole (P) and focus (F) has the
following characteristics: Fig 4.19 Position ofthe object: at F

Position: Behind the mirror

Case !
Nature: Virtual and erect
Size: Larger than the size of the object (magnified) Image formed when the object is placed between
the focus (F) and the centre of curvature (C)
An object AB is placed between the focus (F)
and the centre of curvature (C). We draw a ray
AD from the object parallel to the principal axis
(Fig. 4.20). This ray gets reflected at D and then
passes through the focus (F) [Rule 1]. A second ray
of light AE passing through the centre of curvature
B C strikes the mirror normally (or perpendicularly)
object at point E and gets retlected along the same path
(between P (Virtua,
and erect andd [Rule I1]. The two reflected rays, DF and EC which are
eye mirror converging actually intersect at a point A'. Thus, A' is
the real image of A and A'B' is the real image of the
between P andF object AB and the image can be received on a sereen.
Fig. 4.18 Position of the object: 145
Position: At the centre of curvature
Nature: Real and inverted
(real Size: Same size as the object
Case V

object Image formed when the object is placed beyond the

(between F centre of curvature (C) of the mirror
and C)
An object AB is placed beyond the centre of
mirror curvature (C) of the concave mirror. We draw a ray

A AD from the object parallel to the principal axis

Fig. 4.20 Position of the object: between F and C (Fig. 4.22). This ray gets reflected at D and then passes
through the focus(F) LRule 1]. A second ray of light
AE passing through the centre of curvature C strikes
So, when an object is placed between the focus (F) and
the centre of curvature (C), the image formed has the the mirror normally (or perpendicularly) at point E
and gets reflected along the same path [Rule I1]. The
following characteristics:
two reflected rays DA' and EA' intersect at A'. Thus, A'
Position: Beyond the centre of curvature
is the real image ofA and A'B' is the real image of the
Nature: Real and inverted
Size: Larger than the object (magnified) object AB and the image can be received on a screen.
So, when a n object is placed beyond the centreof
curvature (C) of the concave mirror, the image formed
Case IV
has the following characteristics:
Image formed when the object is placed at the
Position: Between the focus and centre of
centre of curvature (C) of the mirror
An object placed is at the centre of curvature C of
a concave mirror. We draw a ray AD from the object Nature: Real and inverted
Size: Smaller than the object (diminished)
parallel to the (Fig. 4.21). This ray gets
principal axis
the focus (F)
reflected at D and then passes through M
AE passes through the
[Rule I]. A second ray of light
strikes the mirror at point E and gets reflected D
in the direction EA' [Rule
parallel to the principal axis
DA' and EA' meet at a
III]. The two reflected rays,
the real image of Aand A'B' is the
point A'. Thus, A' is
real image of the AB. The image can be received
object object
(beyond C) A
object is placed at the centre
on a screen. So, when an
image (real,
of curvature, the image formed has the following inverted,



M Fig. 4.22 Position of the object: beyond

Case Vi
object Image formed when the object is at infinity
B When an object is at a considerable distance
is at
infinity. Suppose an object Ab
(real, inverted say the object is at
a n d s a m e size as

the object)
infinity in front of a concave mirror (since the
IS at infinity, it cannot be shown in the diagra
mirror Since the object AB is very far off, the rays AD 2other

AP from its are parallel to


Fig. 4.21 Position of the object: at C
topmost point A

Activity 3
To study the nature of image formed by a convex

I. Hold a convez mirror in one hand.
res, iterted,
the in the other
2. Hold a pencil in upright position
irror hand.
in the mirror.It
Fig. 4.23 Object at irfinity 3. Observe the image of the pencil
erect and diminished.
(Fig. 4.23). The incident ray AP striking at the pole is 4. Now, move the pencil away from the mirror slowly
the image becomes smaller as the pencil moves away
reflected along PA' such that 2APC = LA'PC [Rule
JVI. Similarly, the other ray AD is reflected along DA' S. On moving the pencil away from the mirror,
the focus. It is virtual and
such thatADC = ZA'DC (since DC is the normal image moves closer to
at D and i = Zr). The two reflected rays
point DA
and PA' intersect at A' which is the real image of A.
From the above activity, it follows that for all
Similarly, A'B' is the real image of the object AB and
it can be received on a screen. So, when an object is at positions of the object, the convex mirror forms virtual,
erect and diminished or highly diminished image.
infinity from a concave mirror, the nature of the image
formed has the following characteristics: Case
Position: At the focus (F) Image formed when the object is placed anywhere
Nature: Real and inverted between pole (P) and infinity
Size: Highly diminished An object AB is placed in front of a convex mirror
The images formed by a concave mirror for different anywhere between the pole and infinity. Let us consider
two rays starting from point A of the object (Fig. 4.24).
positions of the object and their uses are summarised
in Table 4.4 The incident ray AD, parallel to the principal axis of

TABLE 4.4 Images formed by a concave mirror for different positions of the object

Position of the image Nature and size of the image Uses

Position of the object

1. At infinity At the focus (F) Real, inverted and highly In solar cookers and solar devices,
diminished (point sized) doctor's head mirror to concentrate
light on the body parts (like eye and
throat) to be examined

2. Beyond the centre of Between the focus (F) and Real, inverted and
centre of curvature (C) diminished
Curvature (C) *****

At the centre of curvature Real, inverted, same size as As a reflecting mirror behind a
3. At the centre of
the object projector lamp in floodlights
curvature (C) (C)
of Real, inverted, bigger than
4. Between the centre of Beyond the centre

Curvature (C) and focus (F) curvature (C) the object (magnified)
Real, inverted and enlarged As a reflecting mirror in car
5. At the focus (F) At infinity
(highly magnified) headlights, searchlights, torches, etc.

Virtual, erect and enlarged As a shaving or make-up mirror,

6. Between the focus Behind the mirror
(F) dentist's mirror, in floodlights, etc.
and pole (P) (magnified)

parallel rays Iror

distant object

ima N
(virtual, elot image (virtual,
diminished) erect, highly
dirninished, i.e.
point sized)
between the pole and infinity N
Fig. 4.24 Object
Fig. 4.25 Object at infinity

point D and is
the convex mirror, strikes the mirror at The incident ray AD gets reflected in the direction DX
along DX such that it appears diverge
reflected The two reflected rays DX and PY are diverging rays
AE travelling towards
the focus F |Rule I]. The other ray at point A' when producad
normal to the mirro, is but they appear to intersect
the centre of curvature, being backwards. Thus, A' is the virtual image of point A of
reflected back as EA along the s a m e path [Rule I1]. The the object. Similarly, AB is the virtual image of the
two reflected rays EA and DX
are diverging rays but
object AB. So, when anobject is at infinity in front oi
intersect the other side of the mirror
appear to image formed has the followina
they mirror, the
backwards. Thus, A' is the a convex

at point A' when produced characteristics:

the object. Similarly, A'B' is
virtual image of point A of Position: Behind the
mirror at the focus (F)
when an object
the virtual image of the object AB. So, Nature: Virtual and erect
is placed between the pole (P)
and infinity in front of
formed has the following
Size: Highly diminished (point sized)
a c o n v e x mirror, the image c o n v e x mirror for different
The images formed by a
characteristics: summarised in Table +.5.
between the pole (P) positions of the object are

Position: Behind the mirror

and focus (F) MIRRORS
Nature: Virtual and erect USES OF SPHERICAL

Size: Diminished Concave mirrors

Concave mirrors are used in the following ways
Case I used as reflectors
1. As reflectors: They are

Image formed
when the object is placed at infinity searchlights
a considerable distance,
we projectors, lighthouses, headlights,
When a n object is at beam of light. This
AB is at and torches to obtain a parallel
object is at infinity. Suppose object
say the the bulb
the object is is possible when the s o u r c e of light (i.e.
infinity in front of a convex mirror (since mirror whicn
be shown in the diagram). is placed at the focus of the c o n c a v e
far off at infinity, it cannot mirrors are
far ofi, the two rays AD acts as a retlector. Large concave

Since the object AB is very

A are parallel to one another in reflecting telescopes
and AP from its top point are

AP striking at the pole is 2. As mirrors: Concave mirrors

(Fig. 4.25). The incident ray ZEPY [Rule IV]. mirrors and as make-up mirrors to Se

PY such that ZAPE = as shaving

reflected along

TABLE 4.5 images formed by a convex mirror for different positions of the object
Nature and size of the image
PoSition of the object Position of the image

I. Between the pole and nfin1ty Behnd the mirror between P and F Virtual, erect and amuushed
* **************.************

2. At nfinity Bebnd the muror t the locus (F) Virlul, crect and highly dimnished (point sized

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