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Methods of Information in Medicine

@ F. K. Schattauer Verlagsgesellschaft mbH (1993)

K.-R Kaltenborn, O. Rienhoff Review Paper

Institute for Medical Informatics.
University of Marburg, Marburg,
Germany Virtual Reality in Medicine
Abstract: Virtual reality (VR), as part of computer science, allows
computer-based models of the real world to be generated, and provides
humans with a means to inieract with these models through new human-
computer interfaces and, thus, to nearly realistically experience these
models. This contribution explores the technical requirements for VR,
describes technological advances and deficits, and analyzes the
framework for future technological research and development. Although
some non-medical applications are discussed, this contribution focuses
primarily on medical applications of VR and outlines future prospects of
medical VR applications. Finally, possible hazards arising from the use of
VR are discussed. The authors recommend an interdisciplinary approach
to technology assessment of VR.
Key-Words; Virtual Reality, Human-Computer I nterface, Hu man-Compu-
ter Communication.

1. Introduction 2. History, Terminology, of the real world to be generated and

and Definition provides humans with a means to
Virtual reality (VR) has gained interact with these models through
wide attention in popular and scien- Virtual reality, as part of the field new human-computer interfaces and,
tific conrputing journals, conferences of computer science, originated in the thus, to nearly realistically experience
and, especially, in the mass media mid Sixties. At this time Sutherland, these models [1, 13, 16-23]. The con-
[1-5]. Many contributions suggest that who is generally regarded as the cept of VR is charactefized by at-
VR will not only radically change our founding father of VR, carried out tributes which produce an experience
awareness and thinking, but also so- preliminary VR research and pub- for the user of being immersed in the
ciety as a whole [4-7]. New computer lished some basic thoughts on the virtual world. These attributes are:
applications in the field of medicine subject Ul, I2). 1. A three-dimensional representation
will be made possible through VR and Terminology concerning this com- of the VR model by the computer.
will, thus, revolutionize medicine. puter-technology varies: the terms -.Auditive, tactile and haptic infor-
However. in contrast to the media "virtual reality", "artificial reality" and mation can be added to the visual
propaganda and the far-reaching ex- "cyberspace" are used in the literature representation in order to make the
pectations of medical applications of either as synonyms or with slightly virtual world more realistic. Special
VR, the subject has not gained sig- modified meaningsl [13, 14]. equipment, such as head-mounted
nificant attention in scientific medical VR can be defined as a system displays, can be used to realize
literature. In March 1993, only three which allows computer-based models these demands.
minor contributions related to VR in 2. Real time interactivity.
medicine were listed in the MED- 3. A human-oriented interface design
LINE data base [8-10]. which allows natural human com-
A critical scientific discussion about munication such as gestures and
VR technology seems essential as it I The term virtual reality dates back to Lanier language. Rather than the typical
would not be justified to reject the who founded the VR technology firm VPL in
computer-oriented interfaces suchr
Redwood City, California (USA) [15, 16]. In
development and application of poss- the mid Sevcntics Krueger. in conncclion as keyboard and mouse, VR tech-
ibly promising technology for the with the dcvelopment of his vrosoplacE tech- nology offers special human-cen-
benefit of patients. However, it is also nology, had already introduced the expres- tered interfaces, such as data gloves
important to avoid unjustified expec- sion "artificial reality" [5, 15, 16]. "Cyber- and vronopr- e,cn [15, 24].
space" originatcd from Gibson's scicnce fic-
tations from patients and to guarantee Given these characteristics, VR is
tion novel Neuromanccr and gained furthcr
the responsible use of limited financial popularity following the use of the term by regarded by many authors as the most
resources. the VR company Autodcsk (CA, USA). advanced computer technology in the

Meth Inform Med 1993: 32: 407-77 407

area of human-computer communica- In this contribution, the technically - Real Environment Sensing,
tion [1,23-25]. VR is not restricted to oriented definition of VR, outlined - Virtual Environment Display, and
single human-computer communica- above, will be used including the most - Virtual Environment Control.
tion, but allows more than one user to important attributes: "three-dimen-
enter the system and, thereby, enables sional representation", "real time in-
3.1 Real Environment Sensing
human-human communication via the teractivity", and "human communica-
VR system U5,26,211. tion mode". Although the develop- Real Environment Sensing (RES)
This comprehensive definition of ment of VR is still in its infancy, the systems are used to provide the VR
VR, including all of the attributes following description of VR applica- system with information pertaining to
listed above. also indicates that the tions will not be limited to only certain the real world, i.e. body gestures and
established radiological methods of medical fields. However, if applica- positions of the user and possibly
computer tomography (CT) and tions are described which include only speech as well. The objects of the
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), parts of VR due to current state of virtual world are mediated through
especially with respect to three-dimen- research and development, this point information input of the RES [36].
sional reconstructions, which are often will especially be mentioned. Currently, the most significant RES
quoted in context with VR, are only input device is the data glove.2 This
antecedents to VR, not full VR appli- Lycra glove is equipped with various
cations [6, 15]. sensors which measure the position
In contrast to the technically and orientation of the user's hand and
oriented definition of VR given finger movements. Finger movements
above, there are numerous characteri- 3. VR Equipment: are measured through fiber-optic
zations and definitions of VR which State of the art, Problems, cables equipped with a light-emitting
describe primarily psychological as- and Perspectives diode. The light from the diodes is
pects and experiences with VR. Ac- received by a photosensor and is then
cording to Heim [28], VR is charac- Commercial VR equipment has converted into quantifiable digital
terized by the following: "Danger and been available for nearly three years computer signals [1, 5, 15, 23, 26,
caution pervade the real (existential) [20]. Enrado [33] and Aukstakalnis 37-401.
world, but virtual reality can offer and Blatner [1] have given an over- Head-tracking systems are used to
total safety, like the law of sanctuary view of firms supplying VR technical define the spatial position of the user
in religious cultures... The ultimate and software tools. Although VR sys- and to supply the computer with this
VR is a philosophical experience, tems are still expensive and the high information f23, 36, 41, 421. While
probably an experience of the sublime costs are viewed as a major threat for several devices are based on elec-
or awesome." In similar approaches, the dissemination of VR [5, 7,20,26, tromagnetic technology (".g., the
especially in the Californian VR 34], Pausch [35] was able to compile a Polhemus system), recent tracking
scene, VR is regarded as a survey of reasonably priced VR sys- systems are also based on optical tech-
"psychedelic" or a "technical" drug of tems which offer basic functionalities. nology (e.g., the optical 3D tracker)
the Nineties |, 29-321. The lack of In the following description of laz]. The advantages of using optical
scientific discourse pertaining to VR necessary VR systems and single com- tracking include a faster update-rate
in medicine may be attributed to the ponents, the classification of Grims- with low latency, better accuracy and
wide range of VR definitions which dale [36] (Table 1) will be used. Thus, bqtter resolution. Furthermore, the
often create thrilling images of VR. a differentiation is made between: optical tracking system cannot be dis-
torted by electromagnetic fields.

VR Equipment
System application/modality device
Real Environment Sensing body position data glove
body gestures head tracking system Different versions of the data glove are
body movements body suit available at various pricc and quality levels.
language eye tracking For example, in 1990 Carrabine [26] states
speech recognition that the DataGlove was being offercd by
VPL Research Inc. (Redwood City, CA,
Virtual Environment Control object behavior hardware and software USA) for $ 8,800 in contrast to only $ 80 lbr thc
object dynamics Nintendo computcr game vcrsion Power
object relationships Glove. Other input deviccs include the Dex-
terous Hand Master (DHM) distributcd by
Virtual Environment Display visual perception headmounted display Exos (Lexington, MA, USA), CyberGlove
auditive perception auditory display and Spaceball from Spatial Systems Inc.
tactile perception tactile display (Billerca, MA, USA), Waldo (Character
haptic perception haptic display
Shop, Van Nuys CA) and, finally, the VPL
force perception Data Suit to measurc whole-bodv movements
(Table adapted from Grimsdale [36]) ll, 5, 23, 26,37. 40).

Speech recognition systems are also ment Display and Virtual Environ- sounds is enhanced even when the
considered to be potential VR input ment Control. sounds are transmitted simultaneously
devices [1, 36, 43]; however, comput- Head-mounted displays, one of the 151,521. VR devices for audio, tactile,
er-based general speech recognition is most significant devices of Virtual En- haptic and thermic perception are
still limited to command-like input vironment Display, are used to trans- being developed and partly applied
and must, therefore, be regarded as an fer visual information. A head- 11,23,36, 39, 43, 47, 53-571.
option for the future. In addition, eye mounted display consists of a display
tracking systems are also included in for each eye with each display offering
discussions of possible input a slightly different image 3.3 Virtual Environment Control
systems which
lI, 4I, 441. Again, technical problems creates depth and a stereoscopic view. The Mrtual Environment Control
have to be solved. A distinction can be made between (VEC) system can be defined as
A completely different approach "see-through" and "opaque" type dis- mediator between Real Environment
has been adopted by Krueger [15], plays. "See-through" head-mounted- Sensing and Virtual Environment Dis-
who used video recordings for this displays are based on CRTs (cathode play. The VEC system must control
task instead of applying special de- ray tubes) while opaque displays are the behavior of the objects existing in
vices to measure human gestures [37]. based on either LCD (liquid crystal the virtual world on the basis of the
These video recordings are analyzed display) or LED (light-emitting- information and drive pulse obtained
by the computer and interpreted as diodes) technology3. from the Real Environment Sensing
special commands. This method does In general, the resolution of the and must then display the results in
not impair the user's freedom of currently available displays is not suf- the Virtual Environment Display [36].
movement with cumbersome devices. ficient to create images close to reali- The objects of the virtual world must
The system enables, for instance, the ty. A combination of laser technology behave according to implemented reg-
production of computer graphics with- and holography is viewed as a poten- ulations of the respective model, i. e.,
out keyboard or mouse. Since several tial technology for developing future the objects' behavior is determined
users can be networked, the tasks can displays [41].There are also ap- by such regulations (e.g., u door is
also be performed cooperatively. proaches used to construct three-di- moved about a fixed axis; if a blood-
mensional representations on a screen vessel is cut with a scalpel, blood
using either holography or LCD with extravasates).
3.2 Virtual Environment Display
superimposed cylindrical lens arrays For all these tasks, the VEC has to
Virtual Environment Display 146-491. With regard to the discussion compute a mass of data in a very short
(VED) mediates virtual reality of future display-developments, there time period. A negative influence on
through the use of special devices are proposals to produce the image the experience with VR can be ex-
which provide the user with visual, directly onto the retina through laser pected if the VEC is not able to meet
audio, tactile, and haptic information. beams [13, 41, 50]. basic laws of human nature. Examples
The requirements for a visual, The experience of the virtual world of this are not only image quality, but
three-dimensional representation of can be constructed even more realisti- also latency and perceptual delays,
reality, e.g., a moving scene in the cally if the visual information is sup- i.e., delays between the input by the
landscape, are extremely complex and plemented by audio, tactile, and hap- user and responses from the VR sys-
are characterized by the following tic information. At NASA. a 3-D tem. Only delays less than 10 ms are
criteria [1]: auditory display has been developed able to provide humans with the feel-
- static depth cues (interposition, which enables sounds to be perceived ing of simultaneousness [58]; how-
shading, brightness, size, linear from different spatial origins. Thus, ever, the best VR systems currently
perspective, and texture gradient); the ability to understand each of the available have an overall time delay of
- motion depth cues (motion par- between 60 and 70 ms [58]. Latencies
allax); higher than 300 ms may cause motion
- physiological depth cues (accom- sickness. Even time delays of 120 ms
modation, convergence) ; 3 Colored LCDs have a resolution of must be considered inadequate be-
- stereoscopic cues.
(vertical) x 320 (horizontal) pixel triads [23]. cause the user may overcompensate
New modcls, which are also more expensivc, for the unusual delay of system
In addition, the field of view, reach a resolution nearly two times higher [1, response. Again, this area requires
frame-refresh rate and eye tracking 23, 36. 431. Reccntly, a monocular head- further improvement [1, 43, 58].
must concur with the physiological mounted display was developcd which prod-
uces the pixels through red LEDs on a black
visual laws of humans in order to background with a resolution of 280 (v) x
create a sense of visual immersion [1]. '720 (h)
[a5]. The CRT displays provide a
However, these requirements cannot significantly bettcr resolution (approximately
3.4 Prospects for the Development
be realized by the Virtual Environ- 1,000 x 1,000 pixels in monochrome mode) of VR Tbchnology
and allow computer-generated images to be
ment Display alone, but also require superimposed on the view of the real world From the technical assessment
good interactions between Real En- environment. Thus. thc user can pcrccive above, it can be concluded that VR
vironment Sensing, Virtual Environ- both simultaneously [1, 23. 431. technology available today does not

Meth. Inform. Med., Vol. 32. No. 5. 1993 409

yet allow experiences close to the real [1, 19, 39,78,81]. VR is also being 5. VR Application in Medicine
world [1, 2, 13, 19,23,36,39,41,43, discussed and developed as a front-
50, 58-62]. Saffo articulates this point end for multi-media and as an instru- In the following, a description will
well in stating that "Mrtual Reality ment for information transfer [1, 19, be given of VR systems which are
(VR to enthusiasts) is a confusing 24, 40,78, 82-84]. Thus, VR in com- either in the stage of development or
tangle of extravagant goals and inad- bination with visualization and simula- testing and which will likely be used in
equate technologies aimed at immers- tion techniques as well as with multi- the near luture. Discussions concern-
ing users in vivid computer-generated media is regarded as a promising ing possible long-term VR applica-
information environments" 1621. medium for education and training [1, ttons are not considered in the follow-
However, current developments in the 4, 9, 18, 69, 79, 84-86]. There are also ing overview, €.g., VR-controlled sur-
VR technology sector have shown application areas for VR in fine arts gical miniature robots, advancing the
steady improvements which are ex- and music fl, 4, 15,39,87-93]. operation area via blood vessels
pected to continue [21]. Considerable Financially, the most promising VR [103-105], telepresence surgery [106],
financial investments will therefore be field is the market for computer games or the direct connection between the
needed for this. and entertainment [1, 13, 16, 32, 50, human brain and VR systems [46].
In the past, large investments have 72, 94, 95]. The applications of VR
been made in VR development espe- vary from home computer games to
cially in the military sector. Due to the supply of video arcades. One of 5.1 VR Applications
political changes in the world and the first video arcades using VR tech- for Persons with Disabilities
difficulties of national economies, fu- nology was opened in Los Angeles
Computer, robot, or microtechnol-
ture military development of VR tech- and offers the VR game "Battletech"
ogy-based assistive devices can be
nology will be more financially re- which, like many computer games, is a
used to support persons with dis-
stricted [63]. In contrast, the industrial war game.
abilities. These technical devices can
sector is expected to expand invest- In architecture and corresponding help patients perform daily routines
ments in VR technology [64]. The fields of archeology, computer
and duties which they could not other-
entertainment sector is another im- graphics have developedinto high- wise perform due to a disability;
portant area for VR in that it provides performance instruments used to
robots are also used for training and
large investments for VR and com- automate working drawings and pre-
educating the disabled, especially chil-
puter game tool developments 16, 47, sent multiple views of a building with-
dren [107-117]. However, robotics re-
54, 63, 65, 66]. Compared to these out much delay [96]. Furthermore, search and development is far from
mass markets (entertainment, indus- computer graphics have been used to providing reasonable rehabilitation
try, military) which have sufficiently reconstruct the architecture of late
robots for patients with varying ill-
large financial means, the financial Gothic churches based on the original
nesses, a fact which hampers its appli-
capacity of the market for medical VR ground plans [97-99]. According to
cation in this area [118-120]. The
research and development is rather the given ground plan, the computer
most dominant problem with these
limited [58]. creates a historical reconstruction of
applications is the human-robotic in-
the church following construction terface used to control the robot [108,
rules commonly used in the late Goth-
4. VR in Non-medical Fields ic period. VR technology, in this re-
ll3, ll7, 121]. VR technologies may
contribute to a solution of this prob-
spect, can be used to increase the
lern through their specific interface-
The prospects of the VR approach capacity.of computer graphics and to
are promising enough to attract vari- allow a realistic perception of build-
ous fields which have either started to ings in the preconstruction phase [56, The following three VR applica-
develop or are already using VR tech- 64,71,100, 101]. For example, at the tions, under development in 1992 at
nology. One of the first VR applica- University of North Carolina an the US-company Greenleaf Medical
tions was flight simulation for pilot "architectural walk-through" was Systems, serve as examples lII0, 1221.
training in civil and military aircraft; created. This model enables the The "Movement Analysis System"
similar applications are being de- architect, wearing a head-mounted (MAS) is composed of a data glove
veloped for astronautics [4, 14, 16,22, display, to view the future building and the respective hardware and soft-
23, 34, 41, 54, 67-'721. In industry, and to even "walk through" it 137, 43, ware. The MAS system collects data
potential applications include VR use 102]. In addition, VR models have about wrist and hand movements us-
for robotics in industrial production or been used to meet customers' needs ing a data glove and then conducts
even telepresence virtuality for robots concerning the interior decoration of computer-supported movement anal-
in areas which are difficult for humans kitchens [1, 50]. Some believe that yses. The results from these analyses
to access 123, 68,73-75). Computer- these virtual buildings could, in the should improve the assessment of
based visualization and simulation, future, serve similar purposes to our therapeutic effects and rehabilitation
which have reached a high standard in current "real" buildings (shopping therapy. In addition, the MAS is con-
industry and science [76-80], are also malls, information centers, art gal- sidered as a tool for worksite ergo-
considered promising fields for VR leries) [100]. nomics for persons with disabilities

4t0 Meth. Inform. Med., Vol.32. No.5, 1993

and for the development of prostheses technical point of view, this field of- based on CT scanning or MRI in-
[21, 110]. fers opportunities for the development crease diagnostic capabilities and have
The "Gesture Control System" and application of single VR compo- become an integral part of preopera-
aims to support patients limited in nents. However, a prerequisite for this tive planning [13a-1a0].
their movement and coordination is the willingness of society to provide Several years ago, concepts regard-
abilities. The patient's gestures are financial resources for technological ing the application of image process-
collected through the data glove and research and development to support ing to support surgical robots were
then analyzed by a computer. Using persons with disabilities [17]. formulated (e.g., the EC-research
hand gestures the user activates pre- proposal SCAMPI, Marburg 1989). In
programmed instructions which result the mean time, CT and MRI have
5.2 VR, Surgery and Image
in the respective actions, e.9., operat- been used in neurosurgery to control
ing telephone connections. robotic systems and to perform brain
The "Glove Tälker", similar to Surgical procedures are seen as a biopsies and resections U4l-144].
the above, enables vocally impaired further application area of VR. Within Again, future developments will in-
persons to communicate verbally. the field of surgery, there are two new crease this field of application: "En-
The patient's gestures are collected developments in which VR technology hanced computer graphics and robotic
through the data glove, interpreted by could successfully be applied: the in- devices are important adjuncts to
the computer and then transmitted to troduction of minimal invasive surgery neurosurgical procedures and will find
a voice-synthesis system. For the latter (MIS) and the use of image processing increasing use in the future" [141].
two applications the computer uses a for either the preoperative or intra- The following three research pro-
filter system in order to eliminate operative phase. This will briefly be jects, conducted at the University of
unintended movements resulting from discussed below. North Carolina at Chapel Hill, de-
the coordination disorder of the pa- MIS has revolutionized operation monstrate the integration of VR with
tient. procedures and will be increasingly the ongoing technological trends [43,
The sl-,q.nrt (Sign Languagc Recog- applied in various surgical fields [127, 1021. The project "X-Ray Vision"
nition) System, a similar project, aims 128]. In order to adapt traditional aims to superimpose Ct MR, or
to identify the Auslan (Australian operation procedures to the methods ultrasound images on a see-through
Sign Language) gesture language and of MIS, various problems must be head-mounted display. The surgeon,
to convert it into a suitable format solved and new capabilities must be e.g., in reconstructive surgery, will be
which can be used by a voice syn- developed. The problem of sight dur- able to directly view the surface and at
thesizer [123]. Another device which ing the operation phase is especially the same time evaluate the bone struc-
aims to support persons with dis- important. The current video systems ture with reflected static 3-D-recon-
abilities is "BioMuse", a computer used for MIS provide two-dimen- structions on his/her see-through
control system which aims to provide sional images of three-dimensional head-mounted display.
real time control of computers anatomic space, which leads to mal- For the "See-through {Jltrasound"
through the use of bioelectrical signals functions of hand-eye coordination as project, real-time clinical ultrasound
from the eyes, muscles and brain well as difficulties with depth percep- data are computed, visualized and
(EEG). "BioMuse" can be used as an tion and spatial orientation ll27). composed with video images. The
eye-tracking system, i. e., the user can There is no doubt that the develop- physician views the images using the
direct the cursor on the screen through ment of three-dimensional image sys- hdad-mounted display [10]. At pre-
eye movements. Together with an in- tems (stereoscopic or holographic) sent, the ultrasound images are still
telligent word processor, the vocally would simplify laparoscopic surgery two-dimensional. Stix [10] states that
and motorially disabled persons could considerably [127]. Another problem it would be interesting to use current
be offered new forms of communica- with MIS is the loss of direct tactile developments in 3-D ultrasound imag-
tion. In addition, "BioMuse" could contact with the anatomical structure. ing techniques for this project.
also be considered as a tool for con- Major improvements in image pro- The third project, "Radiation
trolling robots 144, 124]. Finally, VR cessing have, however, been made Tieatment Planning", was launched to
applications may even help the blind within the last years to overcome these support radiological therapy of neo-
through auditive and tactile VR com- problems. Ultrasound provides im- plasms. It was designed as follows: the
ponents which compensate for the loss proved intraoperative orientation and physician wears a head-mounted dis-
of sight and support spatial and geo- information about the specific mor- play to view the anatomical structure
graphicaf orientation 1125, 126]. phology of tissue [127, 729, 130]. of the patient, computed from CT
The above described VR projects Novel developments aim at and al- scanning. At the same time, a beam
for persons with disabilities do not aim ready allow computer-based real-time symbolizing the direction of the in-
to provide a complete VR application, 3-D ultrasound imaging, e.g. three- tended radiation is projected onto the
but aim mainly to provide disabled dimensional ultrasound imaging of the display. According to the anatomical
persons with a "human-centered inter- fetus offers impressive image quality conditions, e.9., tumor localization,
face" for carrying out various tasks for the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities the physician can manipulate the di-
using computers or robotics. From a [131-133]. Three-dimensional images rection and position of the beam so

Meth. Inform. Med., Vol.32, No.5. 1993 411

that by following the beam the radia- and protein folding [53, 94]. The therapy. In the area of diagnostics,
tion hits mainly tumor tissue and only authors also believe that the phar- Tärt states the possibility of construct-
a little healthy tissue. maceutical industry offers substantial ing patient specific psychodiagnostic
The future of robot-assisted and application potential, but expect slow tests using virtual realities. Virtual
minimal invasive surgical procedures, development over the decade. The realities could be designed for the
in conjunction with digital imaging, entertainment sector is considered by specific problems of an individual pa-
will be characterized through further the authors as the fastest growing tient by including material which the
technical improvements and a steadily application area for their haptic dis- patient has previously experienced as
enlarging field of application. VR in plays (haptic displays for toys, e.g., problematic, e.9., people, special
its complete form, i.e., including all StarTours, HardDrivin'). events. Thus, through VR-testing in-
its attributes, would be most interest- VR applications which simulate the struments a more specific diagnostic
ing for this area, but is not yet avail- operation of a virtual patient for the approach could be realized. Accord-
able. Nevertheless, single VR at- purposes of education are often de- ing to Tärt, these applications could
tributes and related technologies are scribed as another medical application be further improved through the poss-
very likely to become functionally in- of VR 1L,22,72,l05,106, 147]. How- ibility of allowing the patient to create
tegrated in the technical development ever, these applications are still far his/her own virtual reality which the
of these areas. from being realized and, thus, cannot therapist could then experience using
in the near future be considered the VR system.
5.3 VR for Visualization and severe competition to the traditional Tärt describes induction as a tech-
assistance on the operating table or nique whereby a patient is brought
surgical videos. However, a good ap-
into a specific state to elucidate certain
Visualization of molecular struc- plication would be to use VR and
emotional or intellectual problems
tures through computer graphics pro- digital imaging techniques for virtual
which are inaccessible in his/her nor-
vides a comprehensible view of spatial operations as a tool for operation
mal state. Tärt suggests that comput-
structure, charge diffusion, and dy- planning.
er-based virtual realities with specific
namic behavior [80, 145, 146). A po-
life events etc., be created as an induc-
tential application area for visualiza-
tive tool; i.e., using VR as a trigger
tion techniques in this area is drug
5.4 VR in Psychiatry mechanism. Potential side effects and
design [146].
ethical issues are also discussed by the
VR technology in this regard can be Psychiatry has been considered as
used to optimize visualization tech- the most promising sector of VR in
niques [146]. York University, Glaxo medicine [148], however, without any Finally. Tärt expects important
Research, VR pioneers Division Ltd., thorough explanation. therapeutical improvements in psy-
and IBM have launched a common In "Virtual reality in mental chotherapy through VR. Similar to
project Io analyze whether or not drug therapy", Ward [149] describes per- diagnostic applications, VR systems
development can be performed more sonal experiences with the treatment should be used in therapeutic settings
efficiently using 3-D visualization of of arachneophobia. For this thera- to simulate situations which are criti-
molecular structures using VR [29]. peutical purpose, a multi-media sys- cal for the patient, e.g. training in a
A visual-haptic display has been tem was used but not a complete virtual office if the client is plagued by
developed at the University of North VR system. This multi-media system feehngs of rejection at his/her work
Carolina at Chapel Hill to display provided patients with a therapeutic place.
force fields of interacting protein setting in which they were able to In an anonymous contribution to
molecules [53]. With the visual-haptic control film sequences with spiders. the Lancet, similar fields of applica-
display, including a force-torque- This form of therapy resulted in a tion for VR in psychiatry are de-
feedback, test persons were able to reduction of fear [149, 150]. Similarly, scribed, but more critically assessed
reach the docking of drugs to a protein at San Francisco State University a with regard to potential hazards: VR
molecule faster than with a visual group of students has developed a could severely affect the perception of
display alone. In addition, a better multi-media project which offers par- reality of an already impaired patient
perception and understanding of the ents of disabled children the oppor- and could limit the freedom of therapy
molecular docking forces was re- tunity to participate in a "virtual dis- [8]. Furthermore, the author discusses
ported. Because of these experiences, cussion group". The "virtual discus- the limits of VR with respect to the
the authors expect a more systematic sion group" enables parents to talk way in which the patient interprets the
and efficient way of designing drugs about sensitive issues that they may VR experiences because VR ex-
using these methods. The authors of not otherwise be able to discuss [151]. periences are limited to those which
the study consider the following In an overview of future VR appli- man can design. The author states that
biomedical procedures appropriate for cations in psychotherapy, especially "For patients seeking to understand,
use with the visual-haptic display: for patients with multiple personality as many do, the purpose of their
drug-enzyme docking, work with disorders, Tart [152] emphasizes the suffering VR is as unlikely as hal-
DNA-intercalators, protein design areas of diagnosis, induction, and lucinogenic drug use to provide access

4t2 Meth. Inform. Med., Vol.32, No.5, l9q3

to a deeper reality in their search for ible consequences. Empirical research There are two important issues con-
meaning" [8]. concerning the impact of VR enter- cerning the discussion of long-term
An interesting psychiatric case in tainment games on children has not future perspectives of VR in medicine:
which a computer offered a surprising yet been conducted. However, the - The aim of photorealistic reality in
communication medium is described study by Brown and Robertson [154] the development of VR is not as
in popular science literature. An autis- about home computer and video dominant in the medical field as it is
tic adolescent, who had never verbally games could be significant. The au- in other fields, except in psychiatry.
interacted with his family, was en- thors conclude that the excessive use -Methods in medicine are primarily
abled to communicate with his envi- of computer games at a psychological- expected to deliver valid informa-
ronment through the computer [153]. ly important developmental age can tion for diagnostic and therapeutic
This case illustrates that communica- cut children off from social contacts decisions. For example, X-rays are
tion disorders may likely be reduced and produce unrealistically simple not at all realistic in a photorealistic
through the use of an appropriate models of interpersonal communica- sense, but are still important for
medium, in this case the computer. tion. Furthermore, the use of military diagnoses. Thus, requirements for
This experience with the computer as VR games, such as "Battletech", VR in medicine are different to
a communication aid may justify some which are so similar to real military those in other fields and are, thus,
expectations about computer-based VR applications, may lead to a fatal more likely to be realized.
VR in psychiatry. alienation from reality which may - Medicine is mainly concerned with
Nevertheless, future applications of have already subtly begun during problems and issues characterized
VR in psychiatry and psychology are childhood. Similar objections exist by three-dimensionality. This is
more difficult to assess than in other against violence in VR games, particu- true for both the micro or molecu-
medical fields, as they are different in larly for children [51. lar-level, e.g., where the function-
nature. Until now, there have not ality of proteins not only depends
been any real VR applications known on the correct amino-acid sequence
in psychiatry, i.e., applications which but also on the correct spatial pro-
meet the complete VR definition. The 6. Discussion tein structure, and for the macro-
use of VR in non-psychiatric domains level. e.9.. where operative
may focus on single VR attributes and The desire to perfectly reconstruct chances for tumor removal are in-
their underlying VR technology; i.e., nature with technical means to make fluenced by the spatial localization.
VR may be applied successfully even the viewer believe that it is an act of Consequently, the interrelationship
when used partly and in a primarily nature and not the work of man seems between the three-dimensionality
technical way. In contrast, psychiatry to be as old as mankind. For example, of medicine and the three-dimen-
looks for the production of a complete achieving a closeness to reality was a sionality of VR systems can con-
virtual reality. In psychiatry, the con- main objective of art during the Re- tribute to future developments of
structed reality should be included as naissance period. Several techniques VR applications in medicine [18].
an additional reality in the communi- were developed for this purpose, one Considering the current state of
cation process, to either improve the of which was the linear perspective, to VR, the following conclusions can be
communication of various realities create the illusion of body and space drawn:
(reality of the patient, of the physician Further use of VR as a thrilling,
- -'fashionable,
[155]. VR may be regarded as a con-
etc.) or to make it easier to change tinuation of this tradition, adding the but undefined term for
from one reality to another. The tech- experience of simultaneousness and various novelties in the computing
nical question is "if" and "when" VR immersion through interactivity with sector will impair serious discussion
technology will be able to produce a the computer as well as through the and research funding [156]. The use
representative reality. From a psy- other attributes of VR. of VR as a scientific term leads to
chiatric point of view, questions arise the necessity of a binding definition
as to whether or not this additional The aim of VR, to make the com- to avoid confusion.
virtual reality really improves com- puter-simulated reality close to reality - The use of medical VR applications
munication within the diagnostic and and to make this simulated reality outside of research will very likely
therapeutic processes. Consideration interactively accessible, still requires take more than 10 years given, in
must also be given to the potential considerable technical research and comparison, the time between the
difficulties and side effects resulting development. This aim can only par- initial definition of the problem and
from additional realities. The expense tially be reached within short and the first field trials in PACS (Pic-
of the technical requirements must medium-term periods. Furthermore, ture Archiving and Communication
be justified and compared with the reality does not only consist of visual, Systems) development in radiology
benefits. tactile etc. perception but also implies or the even longer period of the
Due to the fact that the entertain- causality, chaos, etc. [1]. This fact is evolution of knowledge-based sys-
ment market will probably be flooded responsible for a degree of complexity tems.
with VR toys, child psychiatry and in nature that can only partially be - As already stated, with regard to
child psychology should evaluate poss- reached with a VR model. the prospects of VR in medicine,

Meth. Iniorm. Med., Vol.32, No.5, lt)93 413

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