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78 VIRTUAL REALITY Reznek et al.



Virtual Reality and Simulation: Training the Future

Emergency Physician

Abstract. The traditional system of clinical educa- that show tremendous promise in overcoming most of
tion in emergency medicine relies on practicing di- the deficiencies associated with live-patient training.
agnostic, therapeutic, and procedural skills on live It will be important for academic emergency physi-
patients. The ethical, financial, and practical weak- cians to become more involved with this technology
nesses of this system are well recognized, but the al- to ensure that our educational system benefits opti-
ternatives that have been explored to date have mally. Key words: virtual reality; simulation; emer-
shown even greater flaws. However, ongoing progress gency medicine; education. ACADEMIC EMER-
in the area of virtual reality and computer-enhanced GENCY MEDICINE 2002; 9:78–87
simulation is now providing educational applications

T HE INFORMATION age is here and, in an

unprecedented fashion, is changing nearly
every aspect of our lives. Astoundingly, this evo-
In EM, as in many other specialties, the tradi-
tional training model still exists; for diagnosis,
therapeutic intervention, and performing proce-
lution promises to accelerate as computer-related dures, the live patient remains the cornerstone for
advances continue to become available at an ex- teaching. Over the years, many educators have un-
ponential rate. Gordon Moore, the cofounder of In- derstood there to be significant drawbacks to this
tel Corporations, has observed that the power of system and have searched for other options. These
computer chips doubles every 18 to 24 months. other training tools, including volunteers, plastic
And, Randall Tobias, a former vice-president of models, animals, and cadavers, have shown even
ATT, noted that ‘‘over the last 30 years, we have greater flaws.2,3 So today, believing there to be no
seen a 3,000-fold increase in computing power. If acceptable alternatives, we continue to rely on the
we had had similar progress in the automotive in- patient as the foundation of our clinical education.
dustry, a Lexus would cost $2, it would travel at However, the continuing progress of computing
the speed of sound and go 600 miles on a thimble technology is providing us with applications that
full of gas.’’1 will challenge this notion and quickly make it out-
Almost every profession has learned to adapt to dated. Advances in the realms of virtual reality
and subsequently exploit this ongoing progress in and computer-enhanced simulation are showing
computing technology. The field of medicine, how- great promise in supplementing our traditional
ever, has only just begun to join in and is doing so training system of live ‘‘models,’’ and may even
at a considerably slower pace. The leaders in med- eventually replace them.
ical education, in particular, have not taken ad-
vantage of the technology that is becoming avail-
able, and those of us in emergency medicine (EM) RATIONALE
are no exception.
Traditionally, we have relied on the patient as our
primary vehicle for the clinical training of physi-
cians. Unfortunately, this teaching system is not
From the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of
Surgery, Center for Advanced Technology in Surgery at Stan-
ideal due to the simple fact that the clinical prac-
ford, Stanford University Medical Center (MR, PH, TK), Stan- tice of medicine has been refined over the years
ford, CA. specifically to improve patient care and not nec-
Received March 7, 2001; accepted August 27, 2001. essarily education. Superior patient care and op-
Address for correspondence and reprints: Martin Reznek, MD, timal physician training are often mutually exclu-
CATSS Laboratory, Department of Surgery, Stanford Univer-
sity, School of Medicine, 300 Pasteur Drive, H3680, Stanford,
sive in the clinical setting, and consequently
CA 94305-5655. Fax: 650-724-3431; e-mail: mreznek@ live-patient training has several significant short- comings.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • January 2002, Volume 9, Number 1 • 79

One can appreciate these deficiencies by consid- standardizing the training of central line insertion
ering the simple example of teaching a resident to is impossible because each educational experience
perform a procedure such as central venous cath- is based on an individual patient with unique anat-
eterization. Learning curves have been demon- omy. In addition, recording the exercise, which
strated for procedures in EM as well as other spe- would allow both the resident and the instructor
cialties.4–11 Using the patient as a practice ‘‘model’’ to review the procedure multiple times and to be
places the patient at an increased risk of compli- more objective in their assessment, is rarely per-
cation, but due to a historical lack of satisfactory formed because it is difficult and expensive. As a
teaching alternatives, we have had to accept this consequence, debriefing the resident after live-pa-
inherent risk as a ‘‘necessary evil.’’ Even if we can tient training is often suboptimal. Recording would
ethically justify allowing a resident to practice in- also enable the debriefing to be postponed to a time
serting a central line in a patient a single time, we that is more convenient and more conducive to
certainly cannot allow the resident to repeat the learning.
exercise multiple times until he or she has per- Finally, teaching any procedure on a live
formed it correctly. Even more devastating to the ‘‘model’’ is expensive. The instruments are not re-
learning process is the fact that an instructor is usable, and it takes longer for a trainee to perform
ethically bound to stop the resident if he or she is the procedure.15 Furthermore, an attending ob-
making an error. For this reason, the resident will server ideally should be present at all times, keep-
only rarely have the opportunity to experience ing him or her from other clinical responsibilities.
complications resulting from his or her actions (in And due to the learning curve, there theoretically
other words, pneumothorax or air embolus). In will be a more frequent need for additional medical
live-patient training, the resident is often denied care due to iatrogenic injuries sustained when an
the luxury of learning from his or her mistakes, a inexperienced physician performs the procedure.
technique that many educators have reported to be It is clear that the live patient ‘‘model’’ is not an
highly effective and some even believe to be supe- ideal instrument for education, especially for the
rior to standard methods of acquiring factual introductory instruction of procedures and most
knowledge.12–14 medical management algorithms. Technologic ad-
In addition to these ethical issues, live-patient- vances in the areas of virtual reality and computer-
dependent education is also inefficient. In the cen- enhanced simulation have introduced a new
tral line example, the resident is not even guar- method of teaching that bypasses each of the eth-
anteed the opportunity to learn that procedure. ical, financial, and practical deficiencies of live pa-
The resident is dependent on random chance and tient training that have been illustrated in this
must wait for the arrival of a patient who needs a section.
central line before he or she can practice that skill.
In fact, for procedures with indications that are SIMULATION —BACKGROUND
less common than those of a central line, such as AND HISTORY
cricothyroidotomy, the resident may never even get
the chance. Simulation is the act of mimicking a real object,
Even if the resident is fortunate enough to get event, or process by assuming its appearance or
the opportunity to perform the procedure, signifi- outward qualities.16 In order to be an effective
cant time constraints exist that will negatively af- teaching tool, a simulator must provide both edu-
fect his or her learning. When learning on a pa- cationally sound and realistic feedback to a user’s
tient, the resident commonly experiences pressure questions, decisions, and actions.17 Sufficient real-
to ‘‘hurry’’ from the teacher as well as the patient. ism should be present for the user to suspend dis-
The attending physician will most likely have lim- belief; however, it is important to realize that a
ited time due to his or her other duties, and the simulator does not need to be identical to real life
‘‘model’’ is likely only to tolerate so much. to accomplish this.18 Therefore, one does not have
Central venous catheterization, like any proce- to include every detail of the real experience when
dure, is designed, of course, from a patient care designing an effective simulator.
standpoint and not an educational one and as such Both the birth of modern simulation and the
impedes learning. For example, sterile draping is majority of advances in this field can be credited
required during central line insertion on a live pa- to the aerospace industry. Flight simulation was
tient. These drapes obscure the important external first conceived in 1929 when Edwin Link designed
landmarks that the novice needs to insert the nee- an amusement park ride that gave the sensation
dle properly. The internal anatomy is even more of flying a plane. This machine eventually was
frustrating due to the fact that it cannot be visu- modified into the Link Flight Simulator.19 Training
alized even before draping and must be imagined. with this primitive simulator was associated with
Furthermore, with live-patient-based learning, a 90% reduction in nighttime and bad-weather col-

lisions.15 Since that first successful simulator, sev- examples of available scenarios are: myocardial is-
eral major advances have been added to the con- chemia/infarction, pneumothorax, pericardial tam-
cept, including motion camera displays and even- ponade, hypotension, hypertension, diabetic ke-
tually computer-generated displays. The success of toacidosis, brain injury, blood loss, anaphylaxis,
this means of training as well as its cost–effective- and multiple electrolyte abnormalities.
ness in the aerospace sector has been well docu- The end result of all the capabilities listed
mented.20,21 Other industries as diverse as the mil- above is that the modern human patient simulator
itary, business management, transportation, and is an extremely realistic and engaging teaching
nuclear power have also found success in training tool.23–25 These simulators have been used primar-
with simulation.1,16,17 ily in the field of anesthesia and therefore they
The field of medicine has occasionally incorpo- have been designed mainly for this purpose. How-
rated simulation into its training. However, for the ever, it has become clear that other specialties, in-
majority of applications, the technology has been cluding EM, can potentially benefit from the sim-
limited and subsequently so has its success. The ulators, and accordingly some initial pilot studies
one major exception to this has been the use of are being performed.
computer-enhanced mannequins. The first of these
simulators, Sim One, was created in 1967 at the SIMULATION IN
University of Southern California. This simulator MEDICAL EDUCATION
consisted of a life-size mannequin connected to a
computer, an instructor’s console, an interfacing The popularity of the human patient simulator in
unit, and an anesthesia machine. The Sim One the field of anesthesia is mainly due to the work of
was able to simulate cardiac arrest, blood pressure Gaba, Fish, and Howard that began in the late
abnormalities, several arrhythmias, and airway 1980s. At that time, it was recognized that 65–70%
compromise.22 Since then, significant advances in of all unintentional incidents in anesthesia could
these simulators have been made, and several dif- be attributed to human error. In an attempt to gain
ferent commercial models are now available.23 better insight into this problem, they came across
The modern human patient simulators are de- extensive research done in the aerospace sector.
signed to have more than 40 realistic findings in The airlines and NASA had begun to address hu-
seven anatomic areas.17 These mannequins have man error in their profession and developed a cur-
several anatomically correct clinical signs, includ- riculum, called Crew Resource Management
ing breath sounds associated with chest rise, heart (CRM), to educate their pilots in avoiding human
sounds, palpable carotid and radial pulses, periph- error. Gaba, Fish, and Howard adapted the prin-
eral blood pressure, pupilary reflexes, and muscle ciples of this course to anesthesia and developed a
twitch from nerve stimulation. Additionally, the program that they called Anesthesia Crisis Re-
mannequin is able to speak by way of microphone source Management (ACRM). Forty percent of the
from the operator. The simulators are designed to course time is used to teach the proper medical
interface with conventional monitoring devices responces to specific crises, and 60% is used to
that can record the mannequin’s electrocardio- teach general principles of teamwork and CRM.26,27
gram, respired carbon dioxide levels, pulse oxime- The ACRM course has been well received. Stu-
try signal, invasive pressures (arterial, central ve- dents of the course find the mannequin and sce-
nous, and pulmonary artery), cardiac output, and narios very realistic and believe that they benefit
temperature.24 All of the physical findings, as well from the crisis resource management and team-
as the signals to the monitoring devices, can be work discussions.23,24,28 A small number of studies
modified by the operator as needed or automati- have demonstrated construct validity of the pa-
cally by the computer during a scenario. In addi- tient simulator29 as well as improvement in perfor-
tion, the simulators are programmed to respond mance during emergencies after training with the
appropriately to approximately 70 medications24 simulator.30 Proper objective evaluation of human
and several physical interventions that include: in- performance in any setting, including ACRM, has
tubation (unintentional endobronchial or esopha- proven thus far to be difficult. For this reason, few
geal intubation are possible), chest compression, objective studies of ACRM have been undertaken.
ventilation, electrocardioversion, cricothyroidotomy Despite the lack of objective data however, the sub-
(the airway can be automatically altered to make jective response has been positive, and more than
intubation difficult or impossible), chest tube in- a hundred simulator centers are running through-
sertion, and insertion of peripheral venous and ar- out the world.31
terial catheters as well as central venous lines. Other fields in medicine also have recently be-
Modern simulators have approximately 50 avail- gun to recognize the potential of the patient sim-
able preprogrammed scenarios17 and, if required, ulators for teaching in their fields. Surgeons at
new scenarios are easy to design.24 Just a few Penn State University and Stanford University
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • January 2002, Volume 9, Number 1 • 81

have begun pilot studies in the use of patient sim- ogy can be traced to work done at MIT and Har-
ulators for resident trauma and crisis management vard University by Ivan Sutherland in the mid-
training. Their initial observations have led them 1960s. Sutherland envisioned a new way for com-
to believe that the use of these simulators in sur- puters and humans to interact and, in 1965,
gical education is promising; however, their find- presented his groundbreaking talk entitled ‘‘the
ings are yet to be published. Ultimate Display.’’ He proposed a model for a com-
Two pilot studies using patient simulators for puter display that would simulate the physical
EM education have been reported in the literature. world and would allow the user to interact directly
In New Zealand, a group has developed a course with the computer within that world. Five years
to teach EM trainees ‘‘advanced airway skills.’’32 In later, Sutherland’s visions were realized when he
this course, the trainees are able to practice prac- invented the first head-mounted display,37 and VR
tical airway skills as well as hone their general was born.
management skills of an emergency. The course Most believe that it is sufficient to classify VR
creators thought that the patient simulator in con- devices as either immersive or non-immersive. For
junction with their curriculum was a very effective medicine, however, it is probably more beneficial
teaching tool for EM and reported their intent to to use a classification system proposed by Voelter
further develop their airway course. Another pilot and Kraemer. They classified VR technology into
study regarding the potential use of the patient four categories: immersive VR, desktop VR, pseudo
simulator in EM was reported from Boston.33 This VR, and inverse VR. Immersive VR involves a sys-
group developed several EM scenarios and com- tem that completely integrates the human user
bined ACRM principles with the MedTeams’ Emer- into the computer’s world, while desktop VR differs
gency Team Coordination Course (ETCC) to design in that the user is not totally integrated into the
their pilot program. The course participants, in- virtual world but is still able to observe and man-
cluding EM attendings, residents, and nurses, all age the virtual world on a computer screen. For
regarded the scenarios as highly realistic, and they example, modern flight simulators used by the avi-
believed that they benefited from the course as a ation industry and the military would be consid-
whole. The most unique aspect of this pilot study ered highly immersive. The user sits in the simu-
is that it appears to be the first to explore the si- lator surrounded by the visual display and realistic
multaneous use of multiple simulators as well as sounds and the simulator can move. Similar flight
patient-actors. simulator programs are available for personal com-
The human patient simulator is the most im- puters; however, these would be classified as desk-
pressive of the computer-enhanced medical simu- top VR because the simulation occurs entirely on
lators. However, two others exist that may be use- a computer screen in front of the user. The third
ful in EM and deserve brief mention. The first is type of VR, pseudo VR, refers to a system in which
‘‘Harvey,’’ a cardiology mannequin simulator re- the user can control the computer animation and
leased in 1976, which is able to simulate the ar- observe it, but there is no further interaction.
terial pulse, blood pressure, jugular venous wave, For example, a three-dimensional (3-D) anatomic
precordial movements, and heart sounds in normal model can be rotated to improve learning, but it
and diseased states.34 In EM, ‘‘Harvey’’ has been cannot be palpated or deformed. Finally, inverse
used to determine possible areas of insufficient VR describes the integration of a computer into the
training of emergency physicians (EPs) in the car- life of the user as apposed to the reverse. An ex-
diovascular examination.35 The second simulator ample of this technology would be a program that
with potential applications in EM is a pelvic ex- allows quadriplegics to use a computer with eye
amination simulator that was recently developed movement-based controls in order to communi-
at Stanford University. This pelvic mannequin is cate.38
equipped with internal sensors that are connected A fifth type of VR, augmented reality, was not
to a computer. By interpreting these signals, the mentioned by Voelter and Kramer, but it has been
computer is able to provide the user with visual described by other groups in the literature and
feedback regarding which structures they are pal- should be added to the classification to make it
pating and how much pressure they are applying.36 complete.39,40 Augmented reality is achieved by pre-
senting virtual images on a see-through head-
VIRTUAL REALITY —BACKGROUND mounted display, thereby superimposing the vir-
AND HISTORY tual world on the real one. For example, a program
has been created to aid in maxillofacial surgery by
The most technologically advanced form of simu- enabling the surgeon to view the internal anatom-
lation is virtual reality (VR). Jaron Lanier is cred- ical structures of a patient’s face (based on prior
ited with first coining the term ‘‘virtual reality’’ in radiographic studies) superimposed on the pa-
the late 1980s; however, the origin of this technol- tient’s surface anatomy.39 In other words, the sur-

geon is virtually able to see through the patient’s as in the real world, a person relies on six degrees
skin. of freedom of movement to feel an object’s position
Functionally, there are four necessary elements and orientation in space. The first three degrees of
comprising a VR system: software, hardware, in- freedom are the Cartesian coordinates X, Y, and Z.
put devices, and output devices.19 The software es- Freedom of movement in these three axes is nec-
sentially is a set of mathematical algorithms and essary for a person to define an object’s position.
equations that define the virtual environment and The remaining three degrees of freedom refer to
its responses to the interactions with the user. The the directions of rotation around a point or an ob-
hardware is needed to perform the great number ject, sometimes referred to as ‘‘pitch,’’ ‘‘yaw,’’ and
of calculations required by the software to produce ‘‘roll.’’19 Rotation in these three degrees is impor-
the rapidly changing virtual environment. The tant for establishing an object’s orientation. In
equations and algorithms used to generate a vir- combination with a visual display, the PHANToM
tual environment can be based on real-world data is able to realistically convey a virtual object’s po-
from photographs, pathology sections, plain radio- sition and orientation using six degrees of freedom.
graphs, computed tomography, magnetic reso- For force feedback simulation, the PHANToM is
nance, or ultrasound. From these data, a com- able to convey only three degrees of freedom to its
puter-aided design (CAD) program is used to user. This limitation is due to the fact that the
produce a wire-frame surface model consisting of force feedback at any given instant can be simu-
polygons. These polygons are given texture and lated from only a single point on the virtual object’s
coloring by a method called rendering.41 To im- surface. This is similar to feeling the compliance of
prove the resolution of an object, the size of the an object such as a grapefruit through a pencil;
polygons must be decreased and their number in- some compliance information can be conveyed but
creased. However, as the number of polygons in- the information is somewhat limited. Despite this
creases, so does the number of calculations to pro- hindrance, the force feedback simulation is very re-
duce them. Therefore, there exists a trade-off alistic when supported by simultaneous visual
between the speed of object updating and the im- simulation. The PHANToM has been programmed
age quality,42 both of which are important compo- to simulate the shape and compliance of many ob-
nents of the realism of the virtual environment. jects, including anatomic structures, and programs
Ideally, image frames need to be refreshed from 24 also exist that simulate the sensation of punctur-
to 30 times per second so the eye cannot distin- ing one or more layers of varying compliance.
guish between the frames.43 The computer’s output or feedback to the user
The virtual environment is then presented to is important for the realism of the virtual experi-
the user through various output devices. Virtual ence; however, the input from the user to the
images are projected either on a high-resolution computer is also essential in that it makes the ex-
monitor (with or without 3-D capability) or on a perience truly interactive. Conventional input de-
head-mounted display. In addition to visual out- vices, including the keyboard, mouse, and voice
put, there also exist output devices for the other recognition technology, can all be useful in VR, but
senses. Speakers can be added for audio output several more advanced innovations have been de-
and devices have been created to give haptic feed- veloped specifically for VR. Tracking devices are
back, including force feedback and tactile touch. used to detect the position and movement of the
Force and tactile feedback remain the most diffi- user’s head, body, and limbs. For most purposes,
cult portions of the virtual environment to simu- tracking the hand(s) and head are sufficient for re-
late. The current methods of simulating tactile alism; however, full body suits have been devel-
touch are not optimally realistic. Inflatable blad- oped. Electromagnetic, mechanical, and gyroscopic
ders covering the hand, vibrating transducers, sensors have been used for positional and move-
electrical stimulation, and shape memory alloys ment detection, and biosensors are currently being
that can be altered with an electrical current have developed to track muscle and neuronal activity.41
all been explored with limited success.41 However, Despite VR technology’s only being in its early
other technologies, including pneumatically-driven stages, it is already impressive and certainly ad-
pins as well as new inflatable bladders, are being vanced enough to be used in many medical appli-
developed. cations. It must be noted that the existing simu-
Force feedback simulation has had much lation capabilities are somewhat limited in their
greater success. The PHANToM (produced by realism and can be disappointing if one expects too
SensAble Technologies, Woburn, MA) is a com- much. However, it is also essential to realize that
puter-driven mechanical arm with a ‘‘wand’’ exten- improvements in all four of the functional portions
sion or a thimble at its end that allows its user to of VR (software, hardware, input sensors, and out-
sense the position, orientation, shape, and compli- put devices) are continually becoming available
ance of a virtual object. In the virtual world, just and the realism will continue to improve.
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • January 2002, Volume 9, Number 1 • 83

VIRTUAL REALITY IN MEDICAL and the condition and vital signs of the patients
EDUCATION are dynamic and respond appropriately to the spe-
cific injuries and interventions. This program in-
Basic Science. Several VR projects are currently corporates an educational module, as well as prac-
under way for basic science education. One system, tice modules and a testing module for each injury.
called the Anatomic VisualizeR, is being developed There are text and graphic feedback as well as au-
at the University of California, San Diego. This dio and visual feedback in the form of a realistic
program contains several 3-D anatomic models virtual patient; however, there is no haptic feed-
that are based on data from the Visible Human back. Similar VR medic trainers have also been de-
Project. A student is able to virtually dissect these veloped by other groups.49,50 One trainer developed
3-D models while simultaneously accessing other at the University of Pennsylvania differs slightly
supporting 2-D resources, such as diagrams, text, from the others in that a virtual medic has been
and videos. The program also allows the user to added to the animation. In this program, users are
adjust the size, opacity, and orientation of the var- able to watch the virtual medic perform the ex-
ious organs in order to better reveal the adjacent aminations or procedures that they have selected.49
and deeper structures. This function of the pro- In addition to out-of-hospital patient care, a vir-
gram provides the user with an extremely effective tual emergency department (ED) program has also
method for learning the anatomic relations of or- been created.51 This system is in an early stage of
gans.44,45 development and is limited in the current number
Another virtual anatomy program, called the of procedures and interventions that are pro-
‘‘3D Human Atlas,’’ has been developed in Japan. grammed; however, the graphics are very realistic
This program facilitates students’ understanding and multiple patient types are possible (including
of anatomic cross-sections and how they relate to newborns, males and females). In addition to in-
the anatomy of the entire body. Cross-sections, creasing the number of available disease/injury
based on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans scenarios and medical interventions, the designers
of a live model, are shown simultaneously along- intend to enhance the program in other ways to
side a 3-D computer rendering of the entire body make it more realistic. One anticipated upgrade is
of that model. An opaque plane through the 3-D to enable multiple users to interact in the virtual
model indicates the orientation of the MRI cross- ED at the same time. A group in Norway also has
section, thereby enabling the student to better un- begun to address this issue.52 It is their intention
derstand how the cross-section relates to the entire to use their program to facilitate the continued
body. Additionally, the external and internal struc- medical education of EPs in remote locations.
tures of the 3-D whole-body rendering have vary- The outlook for the multiple user virtual EDs
ing opacities, allowing the user to develop a better is promising because a similar project in neonatol-
understanding of the anatomic relationships of ogy has shown initial success.53 A virtual delivery
these organs.46 room has been programmed with a newborn that
A VR program has also been designed for teach- has variable breathing, movement, crying, heart
ing brain anatomy to medical students. This pro- rate, and skin color. These five parameters are con-
gram includes 2-D modules of gross brain sections, trolled from a command computer that can be net-
histology, and neuroradiology, in addition to a 3-D worked to other computers by local cables or an
anatomic model of the brain. The user can adjust internet connection. This allows multiple users,
the views of the brain, and variable opacities exist even if separated by a great distance, to simulta-
to allow better understanding of deeper structures neously observe the changing condition of the vir-
and their relative positions.45,47 tual neonate. The individual users are able to com-
municate with each other in real time through
Clinical Scenarios. The number of programs that headphones and a microphone at each console.
have been created for basic science education is Currently, users can only observe the virtual baby;
limited; however, more applications have been de- however, further development of the software is
veloped for advanced levels of medical training. currently under way that will allow the users to
The military, likely due to its success with VR in perform virtual medical interventions on the baby.
aviation and combat training, has been interested Eventually, this interesting VR setup will allow
in using VR for training its medical personnel in several users to care for the virtual neonate si-
battlefield trauma management. Accordingly, a multaneously much as nurses, residents, and at-
military group in Germany has produced a desktop tendings do in the real world.
VR program that facilitates the training of medics
in casualty triage, resuscitation, and evacuation.48 Medical Procedures. The greatest amount of work
In this system, 30 different injuries can be simu- to date in VR for medical education has come in
lated, multiple interventions can be performed, the arena of medical procedures. Virtual reality

trainers have been developed for several different sive procedures and examinations. These include:
examinations, invasive procedures, and surgeries. occular examination, ultrasound, hysteroscopy, sig-
These trainers use haptic as well as visual feed- miodoscopy, ureteroscopy, brochoscopy, and upper
back, and most of them have been well received. GI endoscopy.75–82 The ultrasound and endoscopic
Virtual reality simulators have been developed simulators have been found to be very realistic. In
for abdominal trauma surgery, laparoscopic chole- both cases, the simulated medical instruments and
cystectomy, neurosurgery, endoscopic sinus sur- visual output appear very real. Both use tracking
gery, temporal bone dissection, arthroscopic sur- devices that allow the computer to sense the ac-
gery of the knee and shoulder, and vascular tions of the user, and the endoscopic simulators
anastamosis.54–61 In general, the minimally inva- use a robotic interface to provide the appropriate
sive surgeries are easier to simulate due to the lim- force feedback on the scope. These tracking and
ited visual and haptic feedback. The surgical field feedback devices are hidden from the user so they
is viewed on a screen, away from the patient, and do not take away from the realism of the simula-
the haptic feedback is transmitted through the tors.
surgical instruments. Several of these simulators Only a few of these simulators have been for-
have multiple interactive modules, including edu- mally studied to date. The ultrasound simulator
cational, practice, and testing. All of these simu- has been examined for its potential in training sur-
lators have been well received and are considered gical residents. Investigators concluded that it was
to have great potential; however, most of them equally as effective as live patient training but su-
have not yet been adequately tested for validity or perior in its convenience.77 The sigmoidoscopy sim-
their effectiveness as teaching tools. ulator has been shown to improve performance,
In addition to the surgeries listed in the previ- but it has not been compared with the current
ous paragraph, several non–operating room inva- standard of training, the live patient.79 Clearly all
sive procedures also have been simulated using VR of these simulators, including the few that have
technology. Again, most of these use haptic as well been subjected to initial review, require further in-
as visual feedback, and the more advanced pro- vestigation.
grams have multiple modules for education, prac-
tice, and testing. Similarly to the surgical VR pro-
grams, these have also been well received, but
most presently lack significant testing. Simulators SIMULATION IN MEDICAL EDUCATION
have been developed or are currently under devel-
opment for: intravenous catheter insertion, skin Members of the department of EM at the Univer-
suturing, lumbar puncture, epidural anesthesia, sity of Michigan have created an immersive train-
bone marrow biopsy, leg trauma assessment and ing environment, called the Medical Readiness
treatment, cardiac catheterization, inferior vena Trainer (MRT), that simultaneously uses both VR
cava filter placement, pericardiocentesis, cricothy- and computer-enhanced mannequin simulation.83
roidotomy, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, and emer- The MRT uses a mannequin simulator for haptic
gency thoracotomy.62–73 feedback and a CAVE system for the visual and
auditory feedback. The CAVE system is essentially
The emergency thoracotomy program is unique
a room with computer-generated stereoscopic (3-D)
in that it previously has been studied in the EM
images projected onto its walls. The participants
literature.73,74 Investigators found that the pro-
wear stereoscopic glasses that enable them to see
gram was a reliable and valid evaluation tool; how-
the wall images in three dimensions but do not
ever, it remained inferior to porcine animal mod-
otherwise distort their vision of the real world. The
els. Another study documented that it ‘‘showed
MRT allows participants to care for the mannequin
promise’’ as a teaching tool; however, no concrete
simulator in a variety of virtual environments, in-
conclusions were drawn. When interpreting these
cluding an injury scene in the field, an ED, a sick
results, it is important to understand that this tho-
bay on a rocking naval vessel, a rescue helicopter,
racotomy program is an innovative but early sim-
an ambulance, and even a battlefield. There are
ulator. It is not as interactive as many newer sim-
currently no reports of formal testing of the MRT,
ulators and does not use haptic feedback. It is the
but its creators are hopeful that this combination
only one of the simulators listed above that would
of mannequin simulation and VR will prove to be
be classified as pseudo VR. Therefore, generalizing
an excellent training tool.
the results from these two studies to other VR sim-
ulators is not appropriate because the thoracotomy
program differs in its level of interaction and po- DISCUSSION
tential realism.
A number of VR programs have also been de- Virtual reality and computer-enhanced simulation
veloped to simulate minimally invasive or noninva- represent the future of medical education. Despite
ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE • January 2002, Volume 9, Number 1 • 85

this technology’s only being in its infancy, several volved. A search for virtual reality and simulation
applications have already shown themselves to be in EM in the medical, computer, and engineering
effective teaching tools. Given this early success literature revealed only 13 publications. Of the 13,
and the certainty that computer and engineering just six were published in the EM literature, and
technology will continue to advance at an exponen- of those, two dealt with only pseudo VR and one
tial rate, it is clear that the potential of VR and was an editorial.84
simulators for medical education is astounding. Because the involvement of EPs has been lim-
We predict that once they have reached a suf- ited, most of the VR programs as well as the man-
ficient level of sophistication and cost-efficiency, nequin simulators have not been designed with
VR applications and simulators will be broadly ac- EM in mind. It is fortunate for us that many of
cepted into medical education. One can easily en- these simulators are still useful for EM education;
vision an educational system in which medical stu- however, in many cases their designs could be im-
dents and residents will first learn procedures and proved for our specific needs. By EPs assuming an
other elements of patient care on simulators or in active leadership role in this area, we will be able
the virtual world. Once these trainees have safely to ensure that future VR and simulation technol-
mastered certain basic skills, they then can begin ogy will be steered in a direction that will most
to hone these skills with patients in the real world. benefit education in our field.
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