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Wilfred van der Vegte and Regine Vroom

Information and knowledge management (IKM) has the an overabundant source, containing obsolete or
potential to significantly improve the efficiency of the unrelated other knowledge.
design process, but it can also imcrease the success of
At the time of Court’s actual investigation (around 1993),
products. The objective of this chapter is to provide
the internet and other recent sources of knowledge were
insight into the kind of improvements that IKM can
hardly available, and Court mentioned that designers had
introduce in companies in general, and in product
to depend on the following sources: journals, magazines,
development more specifically, as well as the technologies
catalogues, libraries, external organizations, design guides
that are utilized to realize these improvements. One of the
and events (such as exhibitions, conferences and
primary aims of IKM is to make knowledge more
courses). Six years later, Bruggeling reported that at Océ,
accessible to everyone who needs it. The implementations
a Dutch photocopier manufacturing company, designers
of information and knowledge management that can be
also used the following sources to access knowledge: the
considered forms of ‘advanced design support’ are
world wide web, the company intranet, e-mail and the
typically in the area of computer-based IKM, which is also
product data management system. The arrival of new
the focus of this chapter. In practice, the terms
technologies offered opportunities to reduce the time
information and knowledge are often used
designers spend searching for knowledge, while the
interchangeably. For obvious commercial reasons,
advancement of computer technologies, such as CAD, has
‘upgrading’ existing solutions for data or information
also accelerated design activities other than those related
management to knowledge management solutions is a
to information finding. A negative effect of progress is
popular practice among software vendors and
that increasingly cheap data storage has resulted in huge
management consultants. To avoid confusion, we will
amounts of critical data, among which it has become even
refer to knowledge management and information
more difficult to find back the information. Thus, the time
management as IKM, and only make the distinction
savings brought about by new technologies are perhaps
between knowledge, information and data where this is
annulled by the increase of stored data that the same
new technologies have caused when it comes to
Designing and developing products is usually a information finding.
knowledge-intensive activity with its own specific IKM
problems and solutions. In the following subchapters we 10.2 Types of knowledge
will explore the specifics of IKM in the context of product
design and development. Where it is needed, we will It was already mentioned that making knowledge more
discuss topics from IKM in a broader sense. accessible is an important goal in IKM. Usually a
distinction between more accessible and less accessible
types of knowledge is made. Such a distinction in types of
10.1 Knowledge-related problems in product
knowledge is useful because it makes it easier to identify
design and development
problem areas and to devise strategies for improvement.
One of the most recognized knowledge-related problems We can distinguish domain-independent or general types
in design is how to find the knowledge. According to of knowledge and domain-dependent or specific types of
research by Court and others, engineering designers knowledge. General knowledge may pertain, for instance,
devote 18-30% of their working hours to searching for, to an insurance company as well as to a design agency.
and handling, information and knowledge. Not finding the In our case, discussion of domain-dependent knowledge
knowledge is a problem that can manifest itself in many focuses on the domain of product design
different forms:
• It can be completely missing: both inside and outside
10.2.1 General types of knowledge
the company, the knowledge that is needed, e.g. to When it comes to general knowledge, perhaps the most
solve a particular problem, is simply unavailable; important distinction that can be made is the one just
mentioned: between more accessible and less accessible
• It can be untraceable, hidden or inaccessible: it is not
types of knowledge. More accessible types of knowledge
possible to find out who owns the knowledge or
are known as explicit knowledge and formal knowledge,
where the knowledge is stored, and in some cases it
while less accessible types of knowledge are known as
is not even known that it exists. Typically, this is
informal and implicit, or tacit, knowledge. Often the only
because the considered knowledge is only present in
distinction that is made is between explicit knowledge and
a tacit form, but knowledge that is readily available
formal knowledge on the one hand, and implicit, tacit and
can sometimes also be inaccessible, for instance,
informal knowledge on the other hand. In this syllabus we
because it is only available in a language that is not
will use a more subtle distinction, which will prove useful
understood. Sometimes knowledge is hidden on
in the explanation of IKM solutions in the further parts of
purpose – think of classified knowledge;
this chapter. The distinction between fundamental types
• It can be difficult to capture, for instance because it of knowledge is illustrated in Figure 10.1.
is unstructured, or because it can only found amidst

The most concrete form of information is formal
skills (experience, craftsmanship)
knowledge. This is knowledge that is reproducible and
unambiguous. What is formal knowledge depends on who implicit
of what is working with this knowledge. To a human, a cognitive knowledge
(mental models, beliefs)
piece of legal text from a law book can unambiguously tell
him what to do or not to do, but to a computer equipped physical products
with a compiler for a particular programming language, knowledge assets
only a well-written program in that language is formal
The next most concrete type of knowledge is explicit services
knowledge. Explicit knowledge includes formal knowledge, explicit
but it also includes knowledge that has been recorded in a traditional media
reproducible form and that is not strictly unambiguous, documents
for instance an informal textual description in a text book, digital media
or a voice recording saved as an audio file. This
Figure 10.2 Subdivision of a company's knowledge
knowledge can be said to be informal, yet it is explicit
assets (adapted from Korbijn)
because it can be explicitly referred to. A computer can
store and process it as data (like the abovementioned Functional knowledge (know what and know why) is
audio file) but not as knowledge because it is not formal. knowledge about a field of application, such as aesthetics,
In the real world we also have to deal with informal mechanics or ergonomics. Operational or procedural
knowledge that cannot be referred to, because it is not knowledge (know how) is primarily about acting and
available in any reproducible form. Thus this knowledge primarily based on past experience. Learning by doing
lacks all the characteristics that explicit knowledge has: it plays an important role in acquiring operational
is implicit knowledge. It is also known as tacit knowledge. knowledge. In an industrial design-engineering
Typical examples of implicit knowledge are ‘craftsmanship’ environment, knowledge about design processes and
and ‘routine’, or the skills that someone has acquired to design methods is a typical example of operational
do a particular job. knowledge. Contextual knowledge (know where and know
when) refers to operating in specific environments or
As an example, consider a company that wants to gain circumstances. An example in the context of industrial
knowledge from a successful design project in order to design engineering is knowledge about suppliers that can
make it available for future projects. If the achievements provide electro-motors for vacuum cleaners, or knowledge
of this project can be described in terms of types of about the vacuum-cleaner market in Germany.
knowledge, it is easier to find out how the results can be
reused. Formal knowledge is the easiest to reuse: it can Korbijn relates the general types of knowledge to the
be universally understood by humans and even be knowledge assets1 of a company, which is formed by all
processed by computer applications, if they are knowledge inside a company (Figure 10.2).
compatible with the representation format of the
knowledge. Explicit informal knowledge can also be 10.2.2 Specific types of knowledge in product
reused but not by computers. The effort needed to reuse design
it may depend on the person: it is easier for same people
In design, we can also distinguish knowledge about the
who recorded the knowledge to reuse it than it is for
product (which corresponds to both functional knowledge
others. The other knowledge related to the project is tacit
and contextual knowledge), and knowledge about the
knowledge. This is the area where the most additional
design process (corresponding to procedural knowledge).
effort is needed for reuse in future projects. At best, it is
Most types of knowledge in design, including knowledge
known what the tacit knowledge is about (e.g. ‘the skill to
about the product and the design process, can be
create a shape that is attractive for the customer’) but not
somehow related to the product life cycle. Life cycle-
what it contains and how it is utilized. At worst, the tacit
related knowledge is often subdivided into aspects
knowledge is not even recognized as knowledge, and thus
representing the various ‘x-abilities’ in design for X (DFX),
not recognized as something that is worth reusing.
such as manufacturability, usability and serviceability.
Another practical general distinction is the one between Based on a model of the product, this knowledge can be
functional, operational and contextual knowledge. used to predict or to explore what will happen during the
explicit informal product’s life cycle. They can also be converted into
knowledge knowledge prescriptive knowledge or guidelines, telling the designer
how to design, what to do next, or what to take into
explicit implicit
informal or tacit
knowledge knowledge

Korbijn uses the term ‘knowledge base’ instead of ‘knowledge
assets’. To avoid confusion with the knowledge bases discussed

programmed textual a person’s skills

instruction description in accomplishing
in subchapter 10.6 and 10.7, we will not refer to a ‘knowledge
for a machine in a book a task base’ in that sense here.

Figure 10.1 General types of knowledge: explicit,

implicit, formal and informal knowledge
amount of similarity, and Figure 10.3 is an attempt to
10.3 Knowledge flows and related tasks combine different models of knowledge flows for
‘Finding’ information and knowledge, as we mentioned in companies found in various sources in the literature.
subchapter 10.1, is an important issue for designers. But Recognizing the different sub-processes in the flow of
to master the utilization of knowledge effectively, ‘finding’ knowledge is important if we want to understand the
the knowledge is not the only thing that needs to be different tools and techniques that are available in
done. In order to be ‘found’, knowledge has to be ‘made’ information and knowledge management: what they do,
first. To address the different treatments or conversions what they need, what they deliver, etc. With that in mind,
that knowledge (or data or information) needs to undergo we will now describe the steps in Figure 10.3 in more
before it can be used, knowledge-management specialists detail. Please note that most of the activities discussed
typically distinguish knowledge flows consisting of various here can be thought of as performed by humans as well
steps or stages. There are numerous different models that as computers. Also, they are not necessarily the
describe the steps or stages in different types of responsibility of designers but to a large extent the task of
knowledge flows, and we will not cover all of them in this others inside and outside the company.
chapter. Anyway, the various models show a substantial Knowledge, information and data may already exist in a
prepared form that makes it more or less directly usable,
inside or outside the company. ‘Searching’ and ‘finding’
knowledge is usually called absorbing or capturing
knowledge. For data and information, this process is
usually referred to as acquisition, collection or gathering.
These activities may refer to prepared data and
information as well as to unprepared data or information.
However, the process of acquiring useful data and
information from unprepared sources – for instance from
implicit knowledge – is more difficult and therefore it
typically requires a different approach. The term
knowledge acquisition is also used, but usually in a
broader sense: it refers to capturing knowledge plus some
of the succeeding steps, and it is also known as
knowledge discovery (see below). A related activity is
knowledge exploration, focusing on analysis (research) of
collected knowledge rather than using it directly – for
instance with the purpose to investigate general
characteristics of knowledge, to identify relationships
between pieces of knowledge or to find patterns of
A great deal of the efforts put into knowledge
management is in the conversion of data and information
into knowledge. Most sources in the literature identify
several steps of processing data and information before
the final step of conversion to formal knowledge, such as
clustering and structuring. Typically, these steps, and in
some cases also the final step, are considered to belong
to the field of knowledge discovery and data mining, a
range of activities that mostly leans on computer
technology. This area will be discussed into more detail in
subchapter 10.8. Depending on the quality of the input,
the processing steps may not only have to be applied to
data and information but also to already available
knowledge – for instance if the obtainable explicit
knowledge is not in a format that can directly be used
inside the company. In order to gain explicit knowledge
from data, information or implicit knowledge, the final
processing step of representing the knowledge is always
needed. If explicit knowledge is created based on data,
information and implicit knowledge, then the whole of
activities performed from acquisition to processing is also
called knowledge generation or knowledge synthesis,
because the result can be considered to be new
Once we have explicit knowledge, we can store or archive
it so that it can be utilized more than once. This is also
Figure 10.3 Knowledge flows (compilation from
various literature sources)
referred to as knowledge warehousing, as it is done in a The four types of knowledge conversion can be clarified
knowledge warehouse or knowledge base (subchapter through a case study presented by Nonaka and Takeuchi
10.6), from which the knowledge can be extracted. If the as a successful application of combining the four types of
knowledge is actively made available to multiple conversion in a product-realization case, namely the
recipients, this is called distribution (or diffusion or development of the first bread-baking machine that
sharing) of knowledge. Finally, knowledge is there to be Matsushita started in 1985. The objective was to allocate
used inside the company, it can be embedded into the routine tasks involved in baking bread, such as
products and it can also be sold or exploited externally to kneading the dough and adjusting the temperature as a
turn into direct profit for the company. function of time, to a machine – which was in this case
not strictly a computer, but a consumer product
We have to realize that these knowledge flows are not
incorporating mechanical components as well as some
necessarily limited to one company. For instance, for a
computing power in embedded software. A first prototype
product-developing company, selling its knowledge
based on objective measurements of temperatures,
directly does not seem to be the most obvious activity,
kneading torques, etc., from baking processes, turned out
but to buy knowledge from another company that has
incapable of producing edible bread. One of the problems
made knowledge available, for instance through
that were recognized was that the kneading process is in
consulting activities, software, a database or a website is
fact based on implicit knowledge owned by bakers.
quite common. For the product-developing company, the
Matsushita sent off Ikuko Tanaka, one of the members of
purchased knowledge is external input to its knowledge
the development team, to work as an apprentice with a
flows, whereas for the selling company or knowledge
master baker (socialization). When she had gained
provider, the same knowledge is output. In some cases,
sufficient kneading skills, she tried to explain the
knowledge providers seem to provide useful knowledge at
technicians in the team how the kneading process should
no cost: we are probably all familiar with knowledge
be carried out by the product but it turned out difficult to
portals and search engines such as Google (see
make the knowledge explicit in such a direct way. Then,
subchapter 10.9). Of course, these companies do make
the technicians were also sent to the bakery and tried to
profit from their knowledge, but they do this, for instance,
knead the dough according to their own implicit
through advertisements rather than selling it directly.
assumptions of how it should be done, while Tanaka
Another obvious example of managing knowledge among watched them and tried to give instructions on how the
multiple companies is a context in which the companies kneading movements should be modified based on the
are working together in one project. It is clear that in implicit knowledge she had gained. This was also done
case of collaboration, the IKM practices of the various with the product prototype. Tanaka simply said ‘exert
participants have to be adjusted or adapted to each other. more force’, ‘let the hook turn faster’, or ‘make a twisting-
Especially in the field of computer support and stretching movement’ (externalization). After a tedious
communication, various software and hardware solutions trial-and-error process of several months, this process
have been developed to make effective knowledge- resulted in a design with specially formed ribs inside the
intensive cooperation possible (see chapter 2). baking tin to enable the twisting-stretching movement,
and optimized torques and rotation speeds (combination).
The overall process of adaptation, from one form of data, The product with its embedded formal knowledge was
information or knowledge to another one that is launched on the market in 1987 and became an instant
eventually used, is called knowledge conversion. It is success, which stimulated Matsushita to develop more
important to note that in order to represent common products to improve the quality of living in a similar way
forms of knowledge conversion and real-life knowledge (internalization).
handling in companies, various steps in Figure 10.3 can
be skipped. For instance, a very common form of Information and knowledge management is about
knowledge conversion is direct transfer of implicit, managing the knowledge flows, thus facilitating
personal knowledge from one person to another person, knowledge conversion. Two different levels of IKM can be
for instance by exchange of experience, imitating, etc., as distinguished: IKM at organizational level, also known as
it is done in the traditional master-apprentice context. In macro-scale IKM, and IKM at application level, also known
Figure 10.3, this would correspond to a direct arrow from as micro-scale IKM. The practical IKM solutions that can
unprepared sources of implicit knowledge to use of be considered forms of advanced design support typically
knowledge. Even in modern product-development belong in the category of micro-scale IKM. However, for
environments, this type of knowledge conversion still successful implementation of IKM in a company, it has to
plays an important role. In their standard work ‘The be implemented at organizational level in the first place.
Knowledge-creating Company’, Nonaka and Takeuchi It is for that reason that in 10.4, macro-scale IKM will be
distinguish four types of knowledge conversion: (1) briefly introduced before the succeeding subchapters
socialization: from implicit to implicit knowledge; (2) elaborate on micro-scale applications and solutions.
externalization: from implicit to explicit knowledge; (3)
combination: from explicit knowledge to explicit 10.4 Macro-scale IKM: managing information
knowledge and (4) internalization: from explicit to implicit and knowledge-related issues in
knowledge (see also the example case in subchapter product development on an
10.5). They argue that a continuous cyclic succession of
organizational level
these conversions, called the knowledge spiral, is
beneficial for the efficiency and the success of product Macro-scale IKM in product-realizing organizations is
development processes. typically dealt with by the management and by

management-supporting staff, such as human resource
Table 10.1. MABA-MABA: some IKM-relevant items
management (HRM). From that point of view, IKM from the original Fitts list
activities can be divided into two items respectively:
Humans appear to surpass present-day machines with respect
• Allocation of the tasks in Figure 10.3 between to the following:
humans and IT systems and Ability to improvise and use flexible procedures.
Ability to recall relevant facts from large amounts of
• Management of those IKM tasks that are allocated to
knowledge stored over a long time at the appropriate time.
humans inside and outside the organization.
Ability to reason inductively.
Typically, the second management activity requires the Ability to exercise judgement.
most effort but the allocation is not trivial either: both Present-day machines appear to surpass humans with respect
humans and machines have their strong points and weak to the following:
points when it comes to handling knowledge, and it Ability to perform repetitive, routine tasks.
depends on the specifics whether a certain task is best Ability to reason deductively, including computational
performed by humans, by IT systems or by a combination
Ability to handle highly complex operations, i.e. to do
of both. many different things at once.

10.5 Allocation of IKM tasks to humans and described by Sainter and his fellow researchers. A design
computers team at an automotive company was asked to reduce
costs on one of the company’s models. The designers
Key considerations in the allocation of IKM tasks are: the
found out that the rear windows had been designed to
capabilities of humans and computers, the costs involved
withstand speeds of 150 km/h, apparently for no reason,
and the risks involved in allocating tasks to humans or to
since most cars cannot reverse at that speed. They
computers. In the first place, it is important to note that
concluded that this was a perfect item to save costs and
as long as knowledge is implicit (tacit), computers cannot
decided to reduce the speed requirements for the rear
handle it. Secondly, when it comes to tasks already
window to around 50 km/h. The design of the window
concerning operations on explicit knowledge, so-called
was changed accordingly. Shortly after production and
MABA-MABA lists (men are better at … - machines are better
distribution of the new car model had started, however,
at …) can be used to evaluate the capabilities of humans complaints came in about damaged rear windows. It then
and computers. There are many of these lists in literature
turned out that the cars were distributed on transport
and on the web; the most famous one is the first MABA-
trains where they were often loaded back to front, thus
MABA list presented by Fitts in 1951, better known as the
exposing the rear window to the air pressure generated
Fitts list. Table 10.1 shows a selection of IKM-relevant
by the train speed, which was 150 km/h. Over the years,
items from the original Fitts list. Together with the
the reason for the speed requirement was lost, and the
distinction between explicit, implicit, formal and informal
indirect effect of this loss of knowledge resulted in
knowledge, these lists can provide a first impression of
financial consequences for the company: already
task allocation options. The development of the bread-
produced cars were returned to the company and had to
baking machine discussed in subchapter 10.3 is a good
be refitted with old-style rear windows, and the
example of a successful subdivision of tasks over humans
production process of the rear-window assembly had to
and machines, where humans had to uncover the implicit
be reverted to its original setup.
knowledge to create explicit knowledge that could
eventually be formalized and embedded in a machine as a Storing knowledge in computers can be done in various
repetitive routine task. ways and at various levels of explicitness, ranging from
text documents in natural language to highly formalized
Beside the strong and weak points of humans and
logical structures. Whatever way it is done, information
computers, often a more important factor is the
and knowledge stored in a computer needs to be
availability of an applicable solution for a given IKM task:
retrieved from that computer as well. Several ways to
the computer may be the best performer for the task, but
accomplish this are discussed in more detail from
if no IKM software tool is readily available for this task, a
subchapter 10.5.2 onwards.
custom-built application is needed. In many cases, that
may be a too expensive solution. From subchapter 10.5.2 Storing and handling knowledge with computers also has
an overview will be given of computer applications for its risks: application software, operating systems, etc.,
IKM tasks in product development, and to what extent can become obsolete and it can become difficult to
solutions are readily available. retrieve it after a long period in time because the systems
on which it was created are no longer available. Yet, in
One of the most common motivations for allocating IKM
many cases, once information and knowledge is stored on
tasks to computers, especially when it comes to storage,
computers, companies become motivated to expand the
is the risk that knowledge in people’s minds becomes
range of IKM tasks that are computer-supported.
unavailable as soon as the people in question are
Extensive coverage of how far a company can go or
unavailable: they can go on holiday, become sick, retire
should go falls outside the scope of this course. At any
or move over to the competitor.
rate, companies will always end up with certain IKM
A typical problem in product developing companies is how activities that need to be done but cannot be performed
to manage design history. An illustrative example of with computers. The next subchapter briefly discusses
problems related to design history management is what companies can do in this area.

10.5.1 Managing knowledge by managing 6) Convert company knowledge to profit by encouraging
people patent applications and licensing knowledge to other
companies. Propagate an image of being a
Although this course focuses on computer-supported knowledgeable company to attract more assignments
forms of knowledge management, it is important to and customers.
realize that IKM is not a branch of computer science.
When computers are not used or cannot be used in IKM, This list of possible initiatives is far from complete. For a
there are many things that a product-realizing company more complete overview, we refer to the many books on
can do to deal with information and knowledge-related the human and organizational aspects of IKM that are
issues more efficiently and successfully, and it is useful to available. For those who are further interested in macro-
have some notion of other ways of managing knowledge. scale knowledge management, the book by Nonaka and
The main IKM activities that involve people and that can Takeuchi can be recommended; there is also plenty of
serve as a starting point for IKM projects in a company general knowledge-management content on the web1.
are (1) generating or synthesizing new knowledge, (2)
capturing existing knowledge from external and internal 10.5.2 Computer supported knowledge
sources (3) storing knowledge, (4) distributing knowledge management in product design: an
internally, (5) using knowledge and (6) exploiting or overview of micro-scale applications
selling knowledge. Revisiting Figure 10.3 it becomes clear
that, in this context, some tasks are skipped. These are In this subchapter we will take a closer look at some of
the tasks that are specifically computer related: the main the typical techniques and technologies behind computer-
reason for their absence here is obviously that humans supported IKM. We will do this based on the knowledge
can handle and store implicit knowledge. flows that were identified in Figure 10.3 because IKM
tools based on particular technology typically focus on
Concrete activities that can optimize the knowledge flows particular steps in the overview of knowledge flows.
in a product-realizing company from a human-centred Figure 10.4 outlines the key areas of computer support.
approach are: To put the micro-level IKM techniques and technologies in
1) Improve and increase synthesis of new knowledge by a practical context, we will discuss them starting from the
stimulating research and development activities. application side (‘bottom-up’):
Provide incentives to people who come up with novel • Perhaps the ultimate form of utilizing knowledge is to
ideas. Recruit people with invention skills. Promote build it into a product, so that the end user can
creativity techniques. directly benefit from it. Of course, knowledge can
2) Stimulate capturing existing external knowledge by also be prepared for use in the design process, and
sending people to courses to brush up their this is what is typically offered by knowledge-based
professional knowledge. Subsidize subscriptions to engineering applications. Systems for knowledge-
professional journals for staff members. Establish an based engineering form a subcategory of ‘knowledge-
in-house library with access for all employees and based systems’, a general concept that is introduced
recruit a dedicated librarian. Invite people from in subchapter 10.6, which aims to extract knowledge
potential suppliers and other relevant companies or that is needed for specific usage from a formalized
organizations to give presentations about new source. Most knowledge embedding in products is
developments in their lines of work for the product based on similar foundations.
development staff. Appoint experienced workers as • Typical technologies for distribution of knowledge are
tutors or mentors to assist less experienced workers. computer supported collaborative work and
3) If there is a lot of implicit knowledge in the minds of groupware. These are briefly discussed in 10.10, but
people, make sure that there are more people are explained in more detail in Chapter 2. To
available with the same knowledge; take care that distribute knowledge, knowledge portals and search
they do not take a holiday at the same time. engines can also be used. These technologies are
Implement measures that reduce the risk of people more commonly used to collect knowledge, one of
with crucial implicit knowledge moving over the next activities in this listing.
competitors, or more general: nourish ‘human capital’ • For the storage of knowledge, knowledge-based
and make it attractive for people to stay with the systems rely on knowledge bases. In other systems
company. Create an atmosphere, both socially and that support knowledge management, knowledge and
physically, in which people stay healthy. data is also archived in so-called knowledge
4) Organize in-house colloquia where staff members warehouses and data warehouses, which are
distribute their knowledge from finished projects discussed in 10.7.
among the others. Initiate job-rotation projects
where people can gain experience in different fields 1,
and different environments.,,,
5) Use knowledge effectively by matching jobs to,,
people’s capacities. Improve the knowledge that,
managers have of people’s capacities.,,,

engine and the knowledge portal. Although our
readers are most probably familiar with search
external externally engines, we will briefly discuss them within the
sources prepared sources context of IKM. Search engines can be deployed at
both ends of the knowledge flows: to search data
sources internally from ‘unprepared’ external or internal sources such
prepared as a company intranet or the Web, as well as for
searching in data or knowledge warehouses.
Knowledge portals can also be found at both ends of
acquiring/ acquiring/ the knowledge flows: at the entry side, designers can
collecting/ collecting/ capturing/ consult external knowledge portals, and at the exit
gathering/ gathering absorbing side, they can consult internal knowledge portals that
eliciting /eliciting assist in finding knowledge in, for instance, a data
warehouse, or in finding internal experts in a given
field. Search engines and knowledge portals are
discussed in subchapter 10.9.
search knowledge • The activity of exploiting or selling knowledge outside
engines portals the company is not commonly supported by
computers, except where knowledge is embedded
into products that are sold – see subchapter 10.6.
The problem here is, that in order to be recognized
and processed by computers, knowledge must be
available in some kind of formalized language, and in
order to make exchange possible beyond company
articulating/ knowledge acquisition /
knowledge discovery &
boundaries, this formalized language has to be
formalizing data mining understood externally. Apart from specific areas,
there is no standard format for formalized
knowledge; furthermore, most companies prefer to
data & knowledge
warehousing; knowledge make profit from the effort they have put in
bases formalization instead of making the formalized
archiving/ knowledge freely available, for instance, on the Web.
knowledge based Going through the techniques from the application of
systems / knowledge
extracting based engineering knowledge to the sources of its ‘rough materials’, we will
see that the design-specific content of the techniques
distributing/ computer supported declines. At the application end, micro-scale IKM in design
diffusing/ collaborative work & and engineering focuses on specific issues such as
groupware; knowledge
sharing portals & search engines material selection, parameterized design, problem solving
and diagnosis, etc. Here, formalization plays an important
role in making knowledge more accessible. If we come
closer to the sources of the knowledge, we will see that
embedding using/utilizing computer support is more general in nature, and based
on ubiquitous technologies such as search engines and
databases. Yet, we will attempt to point out the design-
products company
specific relevance where this is possible.

10.6 Computer support for knowledge

extraction and utilization
Figure 10.4. Computer support in the context of
We can distinguish two forms of knowledge utilization:
knowledge flows (white text)
utilization by the designer in the design process and
• Creating explicit and/or formal knowledge through utilization by the end user, mostly during the use process.
automated processing of unprepared data and Computer support of knowledge utilization by the user
information as well as data relating to implicit typically comes in the form of embedded software, where
knowledge (for instance the transcript of an interview the product is equipped with its own ‘computer’, usually a
with a person possessing valuable skills) is usually microchip. This topic is more specifically addressed in the
referred to as knowledge discovery and data mining. course ID 4130, ‘Smart systems and technologies’.
An introduction to this area is given in subchapter Knowledge-utilization support in the design process
10.8. typically comes in the form of knowledge-based
engineering (KBE) systems, a specific type of knowledge-
• Collecting prepared data, information and knowledge based systems (KBSs). KBS technology has mainly
from internal and external sources can be done in developed from a branch of artificial intelligence (AI)
several ways. Two of the most essential forms of called rule-based systems. In rule-based systems, the
computer support in this process are the search

knowledge of interest is compiled by human experts into given objective, e.g., to optimize the parameters of a
a system of logical rules and equations and stored in a design. In most cases, the KBE system will be rule-based
knowledge base. and it has to deal with multiple rules that all apply to the
problem at hand. The most important task of the
The rules are a formal representation of the knowledge
inference engine is to identify these rules and to put them
concerning the given area or domain. The representation
in the right order for processing, or to combine them into
typically uses symbolic (i.e., non-numeric) terms defined
more complex (e.g. nested) rules.
in a language based on a predefined syntax with
semantics to express meaning. In most current KBSs, the It is probably true to say that outside of the field of
domain expertise is captured in the form of so-called engineering, KBSs are mostly used by large companies
production rules, relationships and facts. They are because these systems are custom-built and therefore
generally formulated as expensive. Typical applications are routine commercial
IF (condition) THEN (draw conclusion or take operations – such as order processing, and diagnostic
action) systems – such as problem solving in a car workshop.
Another widespread application of KBSs in troubleshooting
For instance, can be found on the websites that many companies have
IF material(part_A OR part_B) = thermoplastic opened for customer support, for instance Apple and
AND no_extra_part_allowed = TRUE Microsoft1.
THEN connection_type = snap_fit
Engineering is a field where people are used to
is a production rule for the selection of a connection. A formulating problems in terms of equations and logic;
more complex version could prompt the user to choose therefore it is not surprising that – when it comes to
between alternatives that do not require a separate application in smaller companies – knowledge-based
fastener, e.g., snap fit or ultrasonic welding. Additional engineering (KBE) is ahead of most KBS application areas.
rules could guide the user through the process of A KBE system represents product knowledge and the skills
dimensioning a snap finger based on parameters such as of an individual (the knowledge author) within an
the insertion force allowed and the insertion distance. engineering domain; it incorporates them and makes
Further possible add-ons are the automatic creation of them available within a computerised application. As a
geometry that can be imported into a CAD application, or sub-domain of KBSs dedicated to engineering and design
even complete integration into a CAD system. applications, KBE has grown out of CAD/CAE technology.
We distinguish custom-built KBE systems in the tradition
In the knowledge base, production rules are usually
of KBSs (10.6.1), KBE systems in close connection to CAD
formulated in a more concise way than the above IF-
(10.6.2) and stand-alone KBE systems that do not
THEN statement, but typically still in an English-like
intensively interface with CAD systems. In the latter
‘language’. To cover more complex relationships, category we will discuss KBE tools for problem solving and
sometimes object-oriented representations called ‘frames’, idea finding (10.6.3), and knowledge-based ‘design-for-X’
‘graphs’ and ‘networks’ are used. For the end user of the (10.6.4).
system, the difference is not clearly noticeable. Two other
alternatives for traditional production rules that do make a
difference to the end user are KBs based on the AI 10.6.1 Application of company-specific
concepts of fuzzy logic (or fuzzy sets) and those based on customized KBEs
neural networks. The typical characteristic of fuzzy KBs, is Customized KBE systems specifically tailored for a specific
that they are able to deal with vague descriptions, while context in a specific company. These systems are not very
neural networks, enable a KB to become self-learning: the widespread but they have a long history of successes
system can be trained by feeding it with examples of particularly in the aerospace and automotive industries.
input and the desired output, instead of feeding it with The introduction of customized KBE is considered to have
formal rules. This is useful in case it is known that a resulted in substantial reductions in development times.
relationship exists, but it is not possible to express it in a The systems do not necessarily have a high level of
formula or a logical statement. Currently, however, most technological sophistication. Typically, a product model is
of the work involved in preparing a knowledge based is held in a rule-based format such that properties of a
still done by human experts or knowledge authors. and product can be linked together with constraints. Design
KBs that create part of their knowledge output rules are stored in a knowledge base from which they are
automatically based on fuzzy logic and neural networks retrieved by an inference engine. Current KBE systems
are not widespread in design and engineering. For the are problem solvers based on declarative models with no
theory behind fuzzy logic and neural networks we refer to concept of a design process. They have not been devised
the course ‘smart systems and technologies’ (ID4130) for capturing the designer’s reasoning and are often built
once again. in an ad hoc fashion, which makes maintenance of the
The knowledge in the KB itself is usually created and system difficult.
processed via the workflow shown in Figure 10.3. The Many KBE systems focus on geometric knowledge, i.e.,
extraction of the information from the knowledge base is linking the dimensional relationships of a product. Outputs
carried out by a part of the system known as inference include complete detail design drawings, costs, bills of
engine, which is generally separate from the KB itself.
Inference normally involves searching the knowledge base
for the appropriate rules that apply in order to reach a 1,

material and manufacturing process information. 10.6.3 Knowledge-based support for problem
Typically, they rely on some kind of macro language that solving and idea-finding
is already included in conventional CAD/CAE software, but
not intended for the average CAD user. Knowledge-based IKM-tools for problem-solving are often based on TRIZ.
engineering is especially beneficial for companies with one TRIZ (pronounced TREEZ) is the Russian acronym for the
or more of the following characteristics (which also apply Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. It is an algorithmic
to the systems discussed in the introduction of 10.6): approach to solving technical problems. It began in 1946
when the Russian engineer and scientist Genrich
• Products are based on design-to-order or Altshuller (1926–1998) discovered that the evolution of a
engineering-to-order: each product is slightly technical system is not a random process, but is governed
different from the other; the differences depend on by certain objective laws. These laws can be used to
the assignment from the customer; consciously develop a system along its path of technical
• The design of the products includes repetitive design evolution, by determining and implementing innovations3.
tasks; Looking for inventive problems and how they were solved,
• The products can be defined by a set of rules and Altshuller screened over 200,000 patents. Of these, only
equations. 20% had somewhat inventive solutions; the rest were
straightforward improvements. Altshuller defined an
An example1 is the KBE application for headlamp design inventive problem as one in which the solution causes
implemented at Jaguar Cars, where repetitive design another problem to appear, such as increasing the
tasks were captured into rules and equations. A car strength of a metal plate causing its weight to get
designer who makes a style rendering initially determines heavier. Usually, inventors must resort to a trade-off and
the form of the headlamps. Before KBE implementation, compromise between the features and thus do not
this rendering was entered into a CAD system and the achieve an ideal solution. In his study of patents, he
CAD file was sent to the headlamp supplier who usually found that many described a solution that eliminated or
came up with modifications. These modifications on their resolved the contradiction and required no trade-off. In
turn would lead to modifications that the designer had to the 1960s and 1970s, Altshuller categorized the solutions
apply to the bonnet and the wing of the car body, which into five levels, ranging from routine design problems
again made it necessary to reconsider the headlamp and. minor improvements to existing systems, to rare
design, and so on. This tedious trial-and-error process scientific discoveries and pioneering invention of
could take up to three months. As early as 1989, the car essentially new systems. He noted that with each
company and the supplier decided to work on a KBE succeeding level, the source of the solution required
system that incorporates all the headlamp knowledge broader knowledge and more solutions to consider before
concerning practical design and legislation, and which an ideal one could be found. Based on these findings,
enables the designer to play with various styling options Altshuller re-categorized the patents. Instead of
in the certainty that the design of the front of the car classifying them by industry, such as automotive,
body and the headlamps will be compatible. What once aerospace, etc., he removed the subject matter to
took months to accomplish now takes minutes. For uncover the problem solving process. He found that often
further reading on the principles behind Knowledge-based the same problems had been solved over and over again
engineering, Mike Lewis’ course documents at Coventry
University can be recommended1, as well as McMahon
and Browne’s book.

10.6.2 Application of user-customizable KBE

in combination with CAD

Software that more explicitly profiles itself as KBE

software is typically integrated with CAD systems. These
off-the-shelf solutions are typically based on the same
macro languages as the customized KBE applications, but
they provide a more easily accessible user interface to
everyday CAD users, making it possible to define rules
and equations by using a graphical interface. Key players
in the KBE world are Genworks, Solid Works in Figure 10.5 The Innovation Workbench suggests
combination with DriveWorks or RuleStream, and CATIA solutions for the containment ring
(Product Knowledge Template)2. problem.

using one of only 40 fundamental inventive principles. If

only later inventors had knowledge of the work of earlier
ones, solutions could have been discovered more quickly
1 and efficiently. These 40 principles have been described in

Table 10.2 Two out of 40 TRIZ principles

Principle 1. Segmentation
Divide an object into independent parts: replace
mainframe computer by personal computers; replace a
large truck by a truck and trailer; use a work
breakdown structure for a large project;

Make an object easy to disassemble: Modular furniture;

quick-disconnect joints in plumbing;

Increase the degree of fragmentation or segmentation:

Replace solid shades with Venetian blinds;

Principle 2. Taking out

Separate an interfering part or property from an object,
or single out the only necessary part (or property) of an
object: Locate a noisy compressor outside the building
where compressed air is used; use the sound of a Figure 10.6 Design for assembly: knowledge-based
barking dog, without the dog, as a burglar alarm. software from Boothroyd Dewhurst, Inc.

several publications and on several websites1. Table

10.2 gives two principles with examples. Figure 10.5 10.7 Computer support of knowledge storage
shows a screenshot of Innovation WorkBench in action2.
The most basic solution for storage of data and
Most of the TRIZ software packages are aimed at large information in large quantities is the database. In a
companies and they are relatively expensive. However product development environment, typical database-
TRIZ40 offers a web-based TRIZ toolkit that can be used oriented systems are engineering data management
at no cost3. (EDM) and product data management (PDM) systems.
Database technology, as well as its application in EDM
and PDM, is discussed in more detail in the bachelor
10.6.4 Knowledge-based design-for-X
course ID2601, ‘Software in design’. At low level,
Another area of application is that of design reviews in databases store data and information as ASCII characters
various stages of the design, to assess cost and representing numbers and/or textual information. When
manufacturability. Commonly used methods in this area these numbers and text have a meaning that can be
are design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA) and interpreted by other system components, like the rules
design-to-target-cost (DTC), but also other forms of discussed in subchapter 10.6, they can be considered
design analysis, such as quality function deployment knowledge. Thus, a knowledge base as explained in
(QFD) and failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). subchapter 10.6 can also be implemented as a database,
Notably, not all of these applications for design support as is indeed the case for most knowledge bases. We have
advertise themselves as ‘KBE tools’. Typical examples of to keep in mind that this is also true for other ‘advanced’
commercial software in this area are Boothroyd & forms of knowledge storage that we will discuss in this
Dewhurst’s DFMA (Figure 10.6), Seer DFM and TeamSet’s subchapter, namely knowledge warehouses, product life-
software for DFMA, DTC, QFD and FMEA. Examples from cycle management (PLM) systems – which are in fact
product design, with the obtained improvements, can be extended PDM systems – or systems for storing design
found on the respective websites4. Also, on the web, rationale.
various KBE oriented online tools can be found which
Strictly spoken, the knowledge bases discussed in the
offer support for ‘quick-and-dirty’ estimates for
previous subchapter should also have been discussed
engineering problems, for instance cost calculation for
here as means of knowledge storage. But because of the
injection moulding5 or strain calculation for snap-fits6.
way KBs are specifically adapted to their concrete
However, the ‘knowledge’ content of the latter tool is
application, we chose to discuss all the elements of
questionable, since it is based on equations only.
knowledge-based systems in one subchapter.

10.7.1 Data warehousing and knowledge

warehousing Data warehouses originate from a line of work called
2 business analysis, where historical business data is
analyzed in order to make forecasts, to underpin
management decisions or to support quality assurance7.
5, Dutch only; For Dutch students: please note that the English word warehouse does not correspond to the Dutch warenhuis
(department store). Instead, it corresponds to magazijn, pakhuis
6 or opslagloods

Most of the data that business analysts need to do their Dymond2). Some of the columns in the fact table are
job is generated and managed by a multitude of software joined with matching columns in so-called dimension
applications, such as ERP systems, spreadsheets, order- tables dedicated to specific queries.
processing systems and manufacturing planning systems.
The direct relevance of data warehouses for product
The difficulty in dealing with so many sources is what
designers is fairly limited, in particular because of their
inspired the advancement of data warehousing. The
static nature. They may, however, have some practical
following description is from Dymond:
advantage in the following circumstances:
‘A data warehouse gathers data from multiple sources and
• Situations where designers work with (historical)
organizes it in a logical and accessible structure. One of
market or customer data, especially when data about
the motivations for using a data warehouse is efficiency.
or from the customer has direct influence on the
The original data may be located in different computers,
product design. Potentially, data warehouses can be
databases, and formats. Every time a study is done, it is
used to store anthropometric data, or results from
necessary to gather and prepare data from these many
customer surveys;
sources. If the same preparation work is being done
repeatedly, then it makes sense to try to find a way to do • Situations where designers work closely together with
most of the preparation phase once and then reuse it.’ other disciplines in the company, such as marketing,
sales, maintenance and manufacturing.
The various business systems from which the warehouse
retrieves its data mostly deal with dynamic data–for Indirectly, designers are also confronted with data
instance, manufacturing data is continuously updated. warehouses because they play an important role as a
However, the warehouse typically requires static or non- subsystem in some of the IKM technologies discussed in
volatile data, i.e., data that refers to completed affairs, so the following subchapters.
that it has potential historical relevance. The business
analyst is more interested in the fact that the total In data warehouses computers store data, just as the
development time of a new product took 6 months than in name says. The warehouses can be used as a source for
the fact that a design review on the 5th of March gave knowledge but computers do not store (formal)
reason to select a different material for the product knowledge in them directly. This is what knowledge
housing. Other characteristics of a data warehouse are warehouses are for; however, the distinction between a
that it is structured, it can be extended, it is updated and knowledge warehouse and a regular knowledge base is
maintained for a long period in time, and that it is capable not as clear as that between a data warehouse and a
of delivering dedicated summaries of detail data according regular database. The only distinction is a rather
to the most common queries from the analysts1. It is subjective one: knowledge warehouses are supposed to
exactly these characteristics that distinguish a data store more knowledge than knowledge bases. One of the
warehouse, as a special type of database, from a regular reasons for the lack of distinction is that, unlike regular
database. databases, regular knowledge bases are already static in
nature because its rules have to be prepared by experts.
Figure 10.7 illustrates the structure of a typical data A special type of knowledge warehouse, currently in its
warehouse. It is organized by topic and it consists of infancy, is the distributed knowledge warehouse in which
tables. The central table is called fact table. It holds knowledge belonging to multiple companies is connected,
columns with detail data, with the columns representing so that it can be accessed as one knowledge warehouse.
This type of knowledge warehouse is expected to play a
role in collaborative engineering environments (see
chapter 2) in the near future.
There are several sources on the web that can provide
further information on data warehousing and related

10.7.2 Knowledge-oriented product lifecycle

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is an overarching
strategy of guiding the product throughout its entire
lifecycle. PLM includes PDM as one of its many
subsystems since a key feature nonetheless remains the
ability to generate bills of materials (BOMs) and automate
their changes to keep them perpetually up to date.
However, it also entails more, allowing collaboration
Figure 10.7 Structure of a data warehouse (from
amongst many constituents and successful planning and
execution of product development and introduction
the variables that are used repeatedly to answer common programs. A much broader – but not yet realized –
questions about a particular topic (characterization by
1 3 e.g.,,

mission of PLM would be to provide a panoramic overview 10.7.3 Tools for archiving design rationale
of data and business processes associated with the
product from creation to disposal to any involved party, Design rationale is an explanation of why a product, or
such as design engineers, manufacturing engineers, some part of a product, has been designed the way it is.
production planners, purchasing, marketing, and As such, it is part of the design history of a product. In
suppliers. This still evolving category of software should various situations it is beneficial for a company to have
help any manufacturing company deliver a product and access to design rationale, in particular when the work
continually enhance it by helping it manage and automate done by one or more designers is passed on to others or
materials sourcing, design & visualization, engineering if others have to base their work on what designers have
change orders and product documentation, such as test prepared. In practice, this situation can occur when
results, product packaging, and post-sales data. It should people are temporarily on leave, when design work is
also help companies manage through a growing number forwarded to a different discipline such as production
of local, regional, national and international regulations1. preparation, or when a product is being redesigned. The
case of the car rear window in subchapter 10.5 is a good
PLM systems operate from a product life-cycle centred example of what can go wrong when design rationale
perspective, covering conceptualization, design, cannot be backtracked. The obvious place to look for
procurement, production, delivery, service, retire etc. design rationale is in the minds of the original designers,
These phases naturally include multiple people, operating but they are not always available or they may have
in multiple departments, and typically from multiple forgotten why particular design decisions have been made
companies, each with locations in multiple countries in the past.
around the world. Solving these inherent difficulties that
result from managing this complexity stimulated the As was already suggested in subchapter 10.5, a possible
development of PLM solutions. Most PLM vendors focus solution is to archive the design rationale by using
on specific industries with a particular supply chain, and computer support. Based on the work of Regli and others,
their solutions have been developed to solve the specific three approaches accomplishing this can be distinguished
needs of those industries (e.g., automotive suppliers • The process-oriented approach: the designer actively
caring mostly about effectively managing the complex enters the design rationale into a structure that is
supply chain, or fast-moving consumables companies given by the system. The structure offers
concentrating on maintaining and extending the value and standardized means to express where in the design
variety of merchandise brands). Because of this history a decision was taken, if alternatives were
specialization, different PLM systems can have completely considered, if and why a particular solution was
different functionalities and there is no single vendor yet chosen or rejected, etc. Reasons behind decisions are
that can meet all of the varying needs. typically entered by the designers in natural language
PLM systems typically manage several layers of and/or explanatory sketches.
information, offering related applications for each layer, • The feature-oriented approach: The system actively
for instance, a layer of information and applications for offers the designer available solutions for the typical
executives, a layer for resource management and sub-problems that need to be solved for typical
budgets, a layer for overseeing projects, and a layer for design processes in the design domain at hand. This
tracking all product-related business processes. is only possible in domains where design processes,
Applications include product portfolio management, as well as the components and features in the
project management, resource management, strategic products, are highly standardized, e.g., printed-circuit
selection of suppliers, design collaboration, visualization, board design or chemical plant engineering. The set
and others in addition to traditional engineering of problems is limited and built into the system; for
applications like PDM and CAD. every problem there is a limited set of typical
The PLM market is still in its infancy, emerging from the solutions, from which the original problem, thus the
traditional PDM market, primarily due to expanded reasoning behind the design, can be backtracked.
collaboration features and on the availability of web-based These systems are typically rule-based and, clearly,
technology. There are several dozen vendors that are hardly applicable in industrial design engineering.
offering suites of PLM functionality coming from different • The integrated approach: the designer uses a
worlds, based on their origins. A great part of these dedicated CAD system, and the design-rationale
logically hail from the engineering space and have since system automatically derives the designer’s reasoning
added to their design-focused PDM and/or CAD from his actions, without requiring active entry of the
applications to support additional manufacturing and reasoning. At the current state of technology, this
operations-oriented business processes. Some companies approach, again, is typically feasible for the design of
offering PLM solutions are EDS/UGS PLM Solutions, products from highly-standardized components,
Centric/Framework Technologies, MatrixOne/Cadence, where the choice of each component can be
Dassault Systèmes and PTC2. backtracked to the reason why it was chosen.
Typically, the designer selects components from a
1 catalog rather than designing them from scratch. (Jakovljevic, Predrag & Brown)
2,,,, Obviously, from what is currently available, the process- (must select country before oriented approach is the only one that is realistic in
proceeding to URL) industrial design engineering. Although there are no

Figure 10.8 Example of a rationale structure created with DRed (Bracewell and others)
(legend at bottom left)

commercial software solutions yet, successes have been solutions’. Known suppliers of KDD software, mostly in
reported with software developed in academia that was combination with data warehousing, are companies like
applied in product developing companies. As an example, Hummingbird, Verity, Convera and Autonomy, but also
Figure 10.8 shows a fragment of a so-called ‘rationale IBM.
structure’ that designers can create using a tool called
Usually KDD technologies are not specifically implemented
DRed (Design Rationale editor). DRed is being developed
for product design. However, a substantial amount of
by Rob Bracewell and others at the Cambridge
knowledge that designers work with, for instance
Engineering Design Center and it has been successfully
knowledge from the sources discussed in subchapter 3.2,
applied in several companies. Typical issues that can be
originates from data-mining and knowledge-discovery
entered are which solutions came up for problems the
activities. It can therefore be beneficial to designers to
designers have been facing, which solutions were chosen
have a common understanding of what these techniques
and which ones were rejected, and – most importantly –
bring about. In the following subchapters KDD will be
why they were chosen or rejected.
briefly introduced in more detail; there are several
Clearly, before rationale knowledge can be stored in such sources on the web that can provide further background
structures, it needs to be entered (knowledge acquisition information1.
or knowledge capture), and if the knowledge is used at a
later stage it has to be extracted from storage. Yet, tools 10.8.1 From data to knowledge: processing
supporting preservation of design rationale are discussed steps and technologies for KDD
here, because storage is the critical element in retaining
the knowledge for the future. In accordance with Figure 10.4, typical tasks for KDD are
data acquisition, clustering (segmentation), structuring
10.8 Computer support for (re)organizing (classification), and representation. Representation, or
making knowledge formal, is usually subdivided into three
knowledge: knowledge discovery and
application fields for formal knowledge: generalization,
data mining
detection and prediction.
Knowledge discovery and data mining are two names for
the same discipline comprising a portfolio of techniques, Data acquisition
usually abbreviated KDD. The objective is to create
Data acquisition involves the collection of unprepared,
knowledge from data. In a similar context the term
‘rough’ data from a given collection of sources. These
‘knowledge mining’ is also used; it gives a more adequate
sources can be on paper or on any other type of analogue
description of what is actually happening – compare, for
or digital information carrier. Data that is not available in
instance ‘gold mining’, where the goal is to find gold. KDD
software is often marketed under confusingly broad
denominations such as ‘knowledge management 1

a digital form will have to be processed manually and/or than € 10.- is successful on the market; (b) 85% of the
(semi)automatically in order to be used as input for KDD. products more expensive than € 25.- is unsuccessful; (c)
Automatic and semi-automatic methods of digitizing data 30% of the products produced in China is unsuccessful on
involve combinations of technologies such as 2D and 3D the market; (d) 95% of the products produced in China
scanning, optical character recognition and feature costs less than € 12.-; (e) 75% of the products with a
recognition. Digital data occurs in many forms, including cardboard packaging is successful. A statistical clustering
documents created with office software, CAD files, HTML method can be applied to produce a hypothesis about the
pages, sound files, movie clips, etc. If the data is pure success of a product produced in China, is packed in
text, the acquisition and subsequent KDD activities are plastic and costs € 15.-. Another statistical method might
usually referred to as text mining. produce a hypothesis about the origin of an unsuccessful
product that costs € 4.50 and that is packed in cardboard.
Once data is available digitally one could say that it has
been acquired. If the data is in a local, closed, or An illustrative visual demonstration of data clustering is
practically finite system, such as a library archive, a PDM the presentation of websites shown in Figure 10.9 created
system or some other document management system, with Visual Net2, a clustering tool of which the results can
indeed, no further preparation may be needed for KDD. be accessed through a web interface. The collected data
However, if the data is in a remote, open, or practically in the figure are URLs obtained from the Open Directory
infinite system, such as the World Wide Web, a large project3. The example shows how the user can zoom in
company intranet or a large computer network, a local on clusters of URLs (in this case the CAD cluster, a sub-
extract or index of the complete system is typically cluster of the URLs relating to 'computers'). The size of a
prepared as a principal source for further KDD activities. cluster corresponds to the total number of URLs collected
This index itself can be stored as a local source in, for in it and the proximity of clusters and URLs shows how
instance, a data warehouse, a database, a PDM system or closely they are related. Used this way, Visual net could
an ERP system. For automated collection of data from the be used as a visualized interface to information portals.
original remote system, typically so-called crawlers, However, since 2005 it is only available for business
spiders and bots are used: see subchapter 10.9.1. analysis purposes, working with large amounts of
unstructured data collected in an enterprise context for
Clustering and structuring business analysts to find patterns and relations in
unstructured data sets.
Clustering (also called segmentation) is the process of
dividing the source dataset into mutually exclusive groups Knowledge representation
such that the members of each group are as ‘close’ as
The knowledge-representation subtasks that are usually
possible to one another, and different groups are as ‘far’
addressed as generalization, detection and prediction are
as possible from one another, where distance is measured
not specifically included in Figure 10.4. The actual
with respect to all available variables1. The structuring
activities addressed with these terms actually boil down to
task examines the characteristics of the data elements
making knowledge formal by representing it in such a
(e.g., documents) and places them into categories
form that it makes detection and prediction possible
according to meaningful partition criteria, models or rules.
during its use. The objective of the generalization task in
This is mostly done by classification. The aim of
KDD is to extract generally applicable relations or rules
classification is to divide a dataset into mutually exclusive
that characterize the source data. Generalization can also
groups such that the members of each group are as
be seen as a form of modelling.
‘close’ as possible to one another, and different groups
are as ‘far’ as possible from one another, where distance Detection aims at finding anomalies or irregularities that
is measured with respect to specific variable(s) relevant to are considered relevant, mostly in large sets of
the knowledge domain that is covered by the eventual observation data. Examples are, for instance, detection of
formal knowledge. For example, a typical classification intrusion in a network, or money-transfer patterns that
problem is to divide a database of products into groups indicate fraud.
that are as homogeneous as possible with respect to a
variable with possible values ‘successful on the market’ Predictive KDD is usually applied in complex situations
and ‘unsuccessful on the market’. Most of the where massive quantities of input data are available,
classification algorithms are based on symbolic and representing large sets of variables that are assumed to
statistical methods. To extract categories from the original have influence on variables to be predicted (which are, in
dataset, symbolic methods produce rules that contain some cases the same variables as the input variables). In
variables, e.g.: such situations, traditional predictive models based on
equations are rarely available. In some cases, clustering
IF sales in North America > 100,000 AND sales in methods, as demonstrated in the above hypothetical
Europe > 50,000
THEN the product is successful on the market;
example about the market success of products, can be
ELSE it is unsuccessful. helpful. In more complex situations, KDD enriched with
machine-learning techniques such as neural networks and
Statistical methods extract statistical discriminators, such
as probability distributions. As an example, statistical
discriminators can be (a) 95% of the products cheaper 2,
1 3

Figure 10.9 Demonstration of Visual Net clustering results.

genetic algorithms, can attempt to extract predictions by so-called knowledge authors based on interviews with
about the future course of variables. A typical popular experts. As a result, the automated creation of knowledge
application field is weather and climate forecasting, where in KDD usually does not present a solution to a queried
massive amounts of sample data about wind directions, problem that is typical in the designer’s line of work, as in
water temperatures, air temperatures, geometry of the KBE, but rather a collection of apparent conclusions from
landscape, etc., can be used to predict the course of the the available source data based on generalization and
weather. Similar application fields are ecological prediction (typically, the detection capabilities of KDD are
forecasting (development and effects of pollution, not important in the context of IDE). In other words, KDD
development of wildlife populations, etc.) and geology starts from available data and comes up with knowledge
(erosion, earthquakes, landslides, etc.). Another that might be relevant for some problem that the designer
interesting area for prediction can be found in situations may have.
where data is difficult to quantify or to parameterize; The downside of this approach is that knowledge from
especially where human preferences (taste!) and KDD might not be useful at all. However, at best KDD
psychological or sociological behaviour are concerned. might come up with ‘off-the-beaten-track’ knowledge that
Successful implementations of data mining in this area is not based on predefined problems, and thus stimulate
can be found on websites where people can specify their creativity more than KBE is likely to do. Nevertheless, it
preferences for books, movies or music; based on hardly seems surprising that direct, dedicated application
similarities with profiles of other site visitors, the system of KDD in IDE is scarce. Therefore it is not surprising that
can recommend other movies, books or CDs to a user the area where KDD is providing support for designers
that he or she did not know yet. A well-known example of already, is in searching information and knowledge during
this form of taste prediction is’s website. the analysis stage of design, based on data from the web,
Although the potential of this area has hardly been the intranet, electronic libraries, but also from
exploited in an IDE context, it is obvious that this is one ‘engineering data warehouses’ that store historical
of the most promising areas of advanced design support product and design data for a company. On the web,
that KDD can offer: think of predicting customer many designers already use text mining and other KDD-
preferences, fashion trends and user behaviour. generated knowledge without being aware of it: the
search engines and knowledge portals that are already
10.8.2 Current and future application of KDD invaluable sources of information and knowledge to
in industrial design engineering designers are (partially) based on KDD techniques (see
also subchapters 10.9.1 and 10.9.2). Most of the tools for
Like the knowledge that is mostly represented by rules in content based image retrieval and 3D model database
KBE, the discovered knowledge in KDD is formal and, querying that were discussed in subchapter 3.2 are
likewise, it may also be described based on rules. The strongly rooted in KDD.
difference between knowledge in KBE/KBS and knowledge
in KDD, is that in KDD data has undergone an automated Another promising area of KDD support for designers is
treatment through acquisition, clustering, structuring and text mining. Directly or indirectly, design processes often
representation as knowledge, whereas in KBE/KBS, the produce large quantities of text in the form of design-
knowledge is typically compiled ‘manually’ by experts or review reports, business correspondence, product
advertisements and user manuals. Internally, text mining

could assist, for instance, in re-tracing design rationale, search engine does not imply searching the Web (or other
errors from the past and marketing-based reasons behind source) but searching the index. To keep the index up-to-
features of former products. On the other hand, designers date, the crawler must be instructed to return to the
do not always have sufficient time to uncover potentially indexed sites on a regular basis.
relevant knowledge from external sources, such as patent
User input into a search engine is usually done through a
databases, or information about products from
query: a specification of terms that the user is looking for,
competitors on the web. Text mining solutions have
or wants to exclude, formulated in a query language. A
indeed been developed to mine information from patents,
query language is mostly specific to a search engine,
successfully pointing out groups of similar patents or
although many query languages show similarities. The
potential areas of patent infringement for a given
query language prescribes how the user has to enter
terms that he or she wants to include, to exclude, to
appear in a specific combination, etc. For instance, a
10.9 Computer support for knowledge search for pages that contain the phrase ‘design support’
capture and knowledge elicitation but not the word ‘architecture’ in the query language
Knowledge elicitation can be done by consulting internal supported by Google7 would be
and external sources. The two most common computer- “design support” –architecture
based tools that are used here are the search engine and
the knowledge portal. Both can be used within a company but in the query language supported by Scirus8, a search
context to capture knowledge that is available internally engine for scientific publications, it would be
or externally, but also to prepare knowledge to be offered (design support) ANDNOT architecture
to external customers or users. The following two
Many of query languages and the algorithms that are
subchapters will provide a brief introduction; there are
used to match input terms to those in the index originate
several sources on the web that can provide further
from vintage computer technology that was already used
background knowledge2.
in – for instance – library catalogues from the 1960s or
even earlier.
10.9.1 Search engines
The results returned by a search engine are mostly
A search engine is a program that searches documents for considered to be information rather than knowledge.
specified keywords and returns a list of the documents However, the growing problem of users having to deal
where the keywords were found 3. Search engines with too many search results has inspired the developers
actually form a general class of programs, but the term is of search engines to include some ‘intelligence’ in the
often used to specifically describe systems that enable form of ranking the search results by relevance based on
users to search for documents on the Web and Usenet knowledge9. The knowledge on how relevant a document
newsgroups. The Web is the most familiar application is supposed to be can be based on various contributing
area for search activities in data acquisition, because it factors, ranging from predictive KDD analysis of the
offers the convenience that documents usually contain search-and-find behaviour of other search-engine users,
links to each other4, but databases and data warehouses to data about how many other websites link to the
can also serve as a source for search engines. website in question. Certain search engines, such as
One of the most basic tasks of a search engine is data, use KDD techniques to cluster search
acquisition by sending out a program called crawler (also results.
called bot or spider) to fetch as many documents as
possible. It starts from a given URL (uniform resource
locator) or another specific address, and then 10.9.2 Knowledge portals and wikis
automatically follows all the links in each document5,6.
Another program, called an indexer, then reads these Knowledge portals can be defined as single-point access
documents and creates an index, which is a database in software systems intended to provide easy and timely
which the words contained in each document are access to information and to support communities of
recorded. Each search engine uses a proprietary algorithm knowledge workers who share common goals5. The usual
to create its indices such that, ideally, only meaningful appearance form of a knowledge portal is a website that
results are returned for each query. In fact, using a can be accessed through a web browser. Most knowledge
portals are driven by a software application called portal
server, running on a central computer, which is also called
1 server. A portal server provides all kinds of functionality
that is nowadays common on websites, such as:
· • Content management: a knowledge portal, or any
, website managed by a portal server, is typically more
4 7
5 8,
6 9 (Weiss)

that just a collection of HTML documents that link to content finds itself on relatively permanent web pages,
each other. Often part of the content of the website and that human administrators perform the content
(text documents, movies, sounds, etc) is stored in management.
other formats, in databases, data warehouses, KBs,
On the internet, there is a wide range of knowledge
etc. and is not directly accessible through a web
portals available dedicated to support of designers in
browser. Browser-compatible temporary HTML pages
areas such as finding the right equations to solve an
are created on-the-fly by the portal server if the user
engineering problem4, finding suppliers for parts5, and
clicks on a link that refers to specific information.
finding existing patents6.
Such one-time documents can usually be recognized
by the characteristic that their URL does not contain Another popular concept closely related to knowledge
a regular path name to indicate a file inside a folder, portals, information portals and content management
such as systems is the wiki. A wiki is a type of website that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove, and
tools/disclaimers/general.html otherwise edit and change available content, sometimes
without the need for registration. This ease of interaction
but rather a seemingly cryptic combination of codes
and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for
and commands, such as
collaborative authoring7. Perhaps the most well-known wiki is Wikipedia, ‘the free encyclopedia’. Because not
file&file_name=find-b&local_base=tud01 only administrators but virtually everyone can add, edit
and delete content, a wiki is more dynamic than an
Obviously, as the above URL indicates, the website of information portal. Unlike many knowledge portals, wiki-
the DUT library is based on a content management based websites typically do not produce pages on-the-fly.
system that creates on-the-fly web pages. Other
everyday examples of portal-server based sites are The term wiki can also refer to the collaborative software
the DUT central website and the local blackboard itself (wiki engine) that facilitates the operation of such a
education support system1, which can be said to be a web site. In fact, this software is a particular type of
true knowledge portal. In fact, blackboard2 is a good content-management system. Specific characteristics of a
example of portal-server software. wiki engine are, for instance that for each article it
provides one-click access to a discussion page particular
• Collaboration features: knowledge portals can to that article and that the most recent additions and
accommodate discussion forums, polls, chat rooms modifications of articles can be monitored.
and other interactive features. Unlike the other IKM
support tools discussed in the previous subchapters, 10.10 Computer support of knowledge
that basically deploy knowledge transfer from a
sharing, computer-supported
system to its human users, knowledge portals do also
support knowledge exchange between people.
collaborative work and groupware

• Access management: especially when a knowledge Groupware could be defined as ‘computer-based systems
that support groups of people engaged in a common task
portal appears on a company intranet, it can be
desirable to limit access to internal users, or to or goal and that provide an interface to a shared
environment’. CSCW or ‘computer-supported cooperative
distinguish different areas for, for instance the
company management, the company staff, regular work’ is the study of how people work together using
computer technology. Typical applications include email,
customers and the general public. As a matter of
course, a portal server can manage who has access awareness and notification systems, videoconferencing,
chat systems, multi-player games, and real-time-shared
to what information, who is authorized to edit
applications (such as collaborative writing or drawing)8.
content and who is admitted to which discussion
forum, etc. These tools have already been discussed in Chapter 2.

Historically, knowledge portals are the descendants of the 10.11 Conclusions

so-called information portals. This first generation of
portals on the Web were devised as an alternative to the There are several interesting benefits that can be attained
first search engines in the early 1990s. A good example from applying information and knowledge management in
was (and still is) Yahoo3. Instead of letting the user enter a product-design environment: making reuse possible of
search terms, the portal offers a pre-defined catalogue of knowledge that has been applied before and/or by others,
taxonomically arranged information or knowledge
categories. The most significant correspondence between 4,
an information portal and a knowledge portal is that they,
offer a single point of access. Information portals mainly
differ from today’s knowledge portals in that all of the 5,,,,
1 6,
2 7
3 8

re-tracing decisions that have been made in the past,
reducing the workload needed for routine tasks and
calculations, finding external information and knowledge
easier and faster, discovering relevant patterns in huge
and unstructured collections of data – for instance on
potential users – and receiving guidance while applying
design supporting methods such as DFX, FMEA and TRIZ.
Specific IKM applications for designers are mostly
available in the form of knowledge-based engineering
tools and design-specific knowledge portals. In some
areas, such as support for storing design rationale, the
development of tools for designers has not yet matured
from academic research, while in other areas applications
in design are still waiting to be taken on by researchers
and software vendors. One of the possibly interesting
applications is the application of data mining to uncover
knowledge about ‘softer’ aspects in design, such as taste
and preferences based on social backgrounds.
Apart from IKM support specific for designers, there are
also ubiquitous forms based on IKM technology that are
being used by designers on a daily basis, especially on the
internet. Although search engines have been around for
over a decade, they are still becoming more powerful
thanks to the inclusion of the latest AI and KDD
technologies. This makes them also increasingly
successful in helping to find information and knowledge
for professionals with specific needs, including product


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