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Certificate No.


“A Boy with Guts

and Passion”
A John Gokongwei Jr. Life Story, Book Review and Reflection

Submitted By:
Lorie S. Carvajal
Certificate No. AJA19-0226

All of us are facing many struggles and difficulties in our lives. Some
might have given up in fighting against this challenges they encountered, but
for some, it is an opportunity to stand up and to be strong enough in believing
that someday they will achieve their most wanted desire, success. I Lorie
Carvajal once believe that someday I can have the cherry on top of my life, I
faced and will be facing more and more difficulties that will challenge me but
because of a boy with a lot of guts and passion, I realize that my
perseverance and dedication was nothing compared to his determination and
mindset to overcome those. The boy is Mr. John Gocongwei Jr.

I’ve read a book featuring the life of Mr. John Gocongwei Jr., how he
started everything and how he faced all of the challenges, to become one of
the most successful and bold entrepreneur in the Philippines. Mr. John
Gocongwei Jr., is the top third richest person in the Philippines, that open as
many companies as he can whenever and wherever he sees the opportunity
of building it. The first, four chapters of the book was all about the ancestors
and first big steps of a little John. Mr. John Gocongwei Jr., was first part of a
peasant class family in the society, his great grandfather, Go Bon Tiao who
was a peasant farmer that traveled from China to the Philippines and made
his own way to success. And that’s when the legacy of Gotioaco/Gocongwei’s
started and boom rapidly until today. Mr. John Gocongwei Jr. is the great
grandson of Go Bon Tiao from his first wife. The Gotioaco became one of the
most powerful and well-known family in Cebu because of Go Bon Tiao who
was also known for his generosity for the people of Cebu even when he was
already powerful and influential, he never forgets where he came from and
always tries to look back and help the people who was with the same situation
he was before. This kind of attitude is also possessed by Mr. John Gocongwei
Jr., as in the last part of book II, the author boldly included a statement from
Mr. John saying, “Life has been good to me, and I want to give back the
blessings I have received.” Continuing the legacy of Gotioaco, their family
business eventually faced bankruptcy because of the negligence and
irresponsiveness of one of the sons of Mr. John’s great grandfather. But
despite of it, Mr. John’s father, John Gocongwei Sr., also became an
entrepreneur that sustains their family needs, it was enough at first and they
enjoyed the wealth from the business. But a tragic situation happened when
Mr. John’s father died because of a disease. It was a grieve for the family of 7,
excluding the father because they have depended their whole life with the
business that their father has, and when he died, the creditors attack them like
hungry piranha and took away everything from them that lead them to an
unfortunate and pity situation, and let them realize especially the little Mr.
John that the life and fortune that they once enjoyed before was all gone
Certificate No. AJA19-0226

and now made them see that they are already poor and suffering. Little Mr.
John was led to no choice but to be away from his mother and siblings who
was forced to go back to China and start anew. He was left in the Philippines
to study but even his uncles can’t support him and that’s why he decided to
take a risk and started to make steps and ways on his own to support himself
and his family. The unfortunate situation and homesickness for his family
became Mr. John’s motivation and encouragement to do what is necessary at
that time of difficulties, to work. At his early teenage life Mr. John started to
become a peddler, selling soap, thread and candles using only his bicycle and
roaming around Cebu to find and reach his customers. He and his bicycle
became best friends and never leave each other for three years. The Bicycle
Age was the start of little John to pursue bigger dreams, I mean big, as in big
dreams that are bigger than a teenage little John. Because of hard work and
determination, the little John before now became the biggest known and
influential entrepreneur; he chose to chase opportunities instead of chasing
toy cars like any other boys. He started making money and not making bubble
balloons to pop like some other kids. Mr. John became a dreamer who
inspires me with a thought that maybe I also need to dream bigger in
achieving my goals in my life. When Mr. John Gocongwei Jr. continues his
journey of surviving he sees every struggles as an opportunity to open and
create new big things which he believes will be soaring in the whole world
someday. Carrying the past of his life, Mr. John faces his present to create a
very wonderful future. In my case, I did have a motivation and inspiration but
not like Mr. John’s and that made me realize that I need to strive for more, I
need to be hungry, not in material things but hungry for passion and guts to
do anything to reach what I want to achieve someday. I was not like Mr. John,
who forecast his future base on his capabilities, belief and personality. Mr.
John, did not depend on any other person, he did not think of anything that
can affect what he was doing negatively, instead he looked at it positively and
turn it upside down and made all of it as his motivation. Mr. John was
passionate enough and earn a lot of guts to pursue what he needs from the
very first part of his life. He wanted to do something that can let him grow and
prosper. One of the things I also appreciate about Mr. John was his
generosity that he inherent I guess, from his great grandfather. Because not
like any other powerful and successful persons, Mr. John was not looking at
the status he has in life to outreach and spread his success to others who are
also in great need. Mr. John donated at charities, foundations and non-profit
organizations that supports indigenous or less fortunate people. Mr. John also
never closes his doors of success to some people who asks for his help
especially his family that he supported when he was already earning enough.
I am the first born of the family, and potentially, will be the bread-winner once I
started earning income from my future job, and Mr. John opened my eyes that
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it will happen not so soon, and that I need to equip myself with generosity and
open-mind to keep on supporting them even if I might be on the edge of a cliff.

Some things might be hard to achieve even if you wanted it badly. But
giving up and being afraid of failing is not an excuse or option not to continue
on pursuing them. In life, there might be instances when you reach your fullest
and did your best but it just wasn’t enough, but still it is not a reason stay
behind and hide at the back of your shadow. Reading Mr. John Gocongwei
Jr.’s life story left me with only one lesson, two things to remember and three
things to do; I learned the moral of not giving up and continue on persevering
even if it is already hurting you; guts and passion are the things I should
always remember in pursuing my goals and; first thing to do is to pray, second
thing is to discipline yourself, and the third thing is to challenge yourself. I
should always ask for assistance because I could never do all things all by
myself. I must discipline myself, for me to always put in mind that I should
achieve my goals because I need to for the people who are depending on me.
I should not be afraid of always taking risk every time I have to, just like Mr.
John Gocongwei Jr., he always choses to turn the hardships he experienced
to opportunity that eventually, made him the most powerful and successful
person not just in the Philippines but in my life. I may not be like Mr. John
Gocongwei Jr., but it is not impossible for me to soar high and achieve my
most wanted desire.

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