MCAMX4 Transition Guide

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Mastercam X4

Transition Guide
May 2009

Be sure you have the latest information!

Information might have been changed or added since this document was
published. The latest version of this document is installed with Mastercam or
can be obtained from your local Reseller. The ReadMe file (ReadMe.htm)
includes the latest information about new features and enhancements.
ii • MASTERCAM X4 / Transition Guide

Mastercam® X4 Transition Guide

Date: May 2009
Copyright © 2009 CNC Software, Inc. — All rights reserved.
Software: Mastercam X4
Part Number: X4-PDF-TG

TERMS OF USE Use of this document is subject to the Mastercam End User License
Agreement. A copy of the Mastercam End User License Agreement is
included with the Mastercam product package of which this docu-
ment is part. The Mastercam End User License Agreement can also be
found at:


1. Before You Begin ................................................................. 1

 Getting Help........................................................................... 2
Mastercam Help..................................................................... 2
Documentation...................................................................... 2
Additional Training................................................................ 2
Support and Services ............................................................. 3

2. Overview .................................................................................. 5
 Migration Requirements ...................................................... 6
Mastercam Files That You Must Update ............................... 7
Mastercam Files That You Do Not Need to Update .............. 8
 Configuration Files ................................................................ 9
Mastercam X Configuration Files .......................................... 9
Version 8 or 9 Configuration Files ......................................... 9
 Post Processors .................................................................. 11
 C-Hooks, NET-Hooks, and VB Scripts .............................. 12

3. Updating Files to Mastercam X4 ................................ 13

 Procedure Overview ........................................................... 14
 Mastercam’s Migration Utility .......................................... 15
 Updating Files ..................................................................... 17
Update Folder ...................................................................... 17
Converting Individual Files.................................................. 19
Custom Tools ....................................................................... 20
Updating .CONFIG Files ...................................................... 21
 Post Files ............................................................................. 23
UpdatePost Utility ............................................................... 23
iv • Mastercam X4 / Transition Guide

 Machine and Control Definitions ....................................... 32

Editing Machine and Control Definitions ........................... 32
Machine and Control Definitions in Mastercam Wire ........ 39
Moving Post and Definition Files to a Network Location.... 44

4. Updating Parts and Machining Jobs ....................... 49

 Converting Parts ................................................................. 50
About Converting Version 9 Parts........................................ 50
Converting Files in Batch Mode........................................... 51
Machine Compatibility with Version 9 ................................ 52

A. Mastercam X: General File Information .................. 61

 File Locations ...................................................................... 62
 Support Files ....................................................................... 64
Toolpath and Operation Defaults ........................................ 64
Tool Libraries ....................................................................... 64
Coolant Options ................................................................... 65
Wire Power Libraries ............................................................ 65
Material Libraries ................................................................. 66
chapter 1
Before You Begin
This guide is designed to help current Mastercam users
recreate their current Mastercam work environment—and their
current jobs and parts—as quickly as possible after installing a
new Mastercam release. It provides information for migrating
from a previous Mastercam X version, as well as from
Mastercam Version 8 or 9.
Recreating your Mastercam work environment in the new
version involves several tasks:
 Moving files you have customized into the correct
folders in the new installation.
 Updating files whose formats have changed in the new
 Modifying your configuration files so that they point to
the correct files.
 Integrating Mastercam part files and machining jobs
that you created in previous versions into the new
You will find the following sections in this guide:
 “Overview” on page 5 outlines the files that must be
migrated and/or converted when updating to a new
Mastercam version.
 “Updating Files to Mastercam X4” on page 13
describes how to perform the transition.
 “Updating Parts and Machining Jobs” on page 49
provides information on migrating your work to the
new version.
 “Mastercam X: General File Information” on page 61
explains some of the differences between Mastercam X
files and files in previous versions of Mastercam.
2 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Note: In this guide, the term “Mastercam X” refers to any version of

Mastercam X. When the information applies only to a specific
version, the version number is indicated (for example, Mastercam
X2 MR2).

Getting Help
Mastercam provides several sources of documentation and support to
help you. Because Mastercam is so widely used in manufacturing,
additional resources are available through your Reseller and on the

Mastercam Help
Located in the Mastercam \Help directory, you can access a
comprehensive context-sensitive Help system from any dialog box or
ribbon bar, and from the Mastercam Help menu.

The \Documentation folder in your Mastercam installation includes
a suite of documentation tools, training videos, and other resources
you can use to make the most of your Mastercam experience. These
publications and movies are designed to get you up and running
quickly, and to provide ongoing education and support as you work
with basic and advanced features.

Additional Training
Additional Mastercam training is available from a variety of sources,
including your Mastercam Reseller and CNC Software, Inc. Two
options are listed below:
 Mastercam University: CNC Software sponsors Mastercam
University, an affordable online learning platform that gives
you 24/7 access to Mastercam training materials. Take
advantage of more than 180 videos to master your skills at
your own pace and help prepare yourself for Mastercam
Certification. For more information on Mastercam University,
BEFORE YOU BEGIN / Getting Help • 3

please contact your Authorized Mastercam Reseller, visit, or email 1
 Getting Started Tutorial Series: The Getting Started Tutorial
Series is a set of books and videos designed to introduce new
users to Mastercam. The tutorials are best used in sequence,
but they can also be used independently. For more
information, please contact your Authorized Mastercam

Support and Services

Use the following websites to find information on Mastercam: Mastercam global user forum CNC Software, Inc. corporate website CNC Software, Inc. Educational

Division website

For assistance with installing Mastercam, its SIM HASP or NetHASP, or

to obtain more information on using Mastercam, contact your local
Mastercam Reseller. If your Reseller is unavailable, you can call CNC
Technical Support Services Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5:30
p.m., USA Eastern Standard Time.
When calling CNC Software for technical support, please follow these
 Be sure you have already tried to contact your Mastercam
 Provide the serial number of your SIM HASP or NetHASP.
 Be ready to describe the problem in detail. Write down what
happened, particularly if you cannot call immediately after
the problem occurs.
 Be in front of your computer when you call.
 If possible, try to duplicate the problem before calling. Our
Support Services technician may require you to duplicate the
problem while you are on the phone.
 When you call, have ready a complete description of your
hardware, including your operating system (OS), central
processing unit (CPU), graphics card and settings, and
4 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

You can also leave a message for CNC Support Services twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week via our email or website addresses.
When sending email, please include:
 The serial number of your SIM HASP or NetHASP
 Telephone number and contact information where you can be
 Files required to reproduce an issue, such as .MCX and post

TIP: Use Mastercam’s Zip2Go utility to gather Mastercam part

data into a compressed .Z2G file. This utility makes it easy to
provide your Reseller or CNC Support Services with a file
attachment that contains the information they need. Zip2Go
scans the machine groups in your current part file and captures
information such as your Mastercam configuration, machine
definition, and post files. For more information on using Zip2Go,
please refer to the Mastercam Help.

Important Contact Information

Address CNC Software, Inc.

671 Old Post Road
Tolland, Connecticut, 06084-9970

Phone (860) 875-5006

Fax (860) 872-1565

FTP Address

Internet Address

chapter 2
Use this overview to learn about the files you need to migrate
and/or convert to reproduce various settings and preferences
of your current Mastercam environment in your new
Mastercam X4 installation.
Most Mastercam files can be migrated to Mastercam X4 so that
you can keep your current customized work environment.
What you need to do to fully migrate your customized files to
Mastercam X4 depends on which version you are updating
 If you are migrating from a previous release of
Mastercam X, most files need to be updated even
though the extension remains unchanged. A few files
can be used without updating.
 If you are migrating from Mastercam Version 9 or 8, all
files must be updated because Mastercam X
introduced new file extensions and some new file
Appendix A on page 61 explains some of the differences
between some file types in Mastercam X and previous versions
of Mastercam. It also lists the location of library and setting files
in Mastercam X.
In general, configuration files, post processor files, C-Hooks,
and NET-hooks require additional handling and are covered
separately in this chapter.
6 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Migration Requirements
Updating to a new Mastercam version involves both moving
customized files to the new installation and updating files whose
formats have changed. When you install Mastercam X4, you need to be
aware of the following:
 If you are replacing your current Mastercam X installation
with Mastercam X4 by installing it in the same folder, you will
have an opportunity to use a backup utility as part of the
installation program to preserve your customized files. We
recommend that you do this.
 Mastercam’s migration utility copies all of your customized
files (except part files) to their corresponding locations in the
Mastercam X4 installation folder. We make this utility
available during installation only for customers who are
updating to Mastercam X4 from Mastercam X3 or X3MU1.
See “Mastercam X4 Migration Utility” on page 15 for more
information about the migration utility.
 The Update folder function in Mastercam X4 moves and
updates selected files from previous versions of Mastercam X,
as well as Versions 8 and 9. You can use this function to update
files that were moved from X3 by the migration utility.
See page 17 for more information about this function.
 If you are keeping your current Mastercam X installation and
installing Mastercam X4 to a different folder, copy your
customized files to the new folder. See page 8 for a list of files
that need to be copied.
The migration utility will copy these files automatically.
OVERVIEW / Migration Requirements • 7

Mastercam Files That You Must Update

You must update the following Mastercam files before using them in
Mastercam X4:
 Toolpath and operation defaults (.DEFAULTS, .DF9, .DF8)
 Tool libraries (.TOOLS, .TL9, .TL8)
 Material libraries (.MATERIALS, .MT9, .MT8)
 Operation libraries (.OPERATIONS, .OP9, .OP8)
 Power libraries (.WP9, .WP8)
 Machine definitions (.MMD, .LMD, .RMD, .WMD)
 Component libraries (.GMD)
 Part files (.MCX, .EMCX, .MC9, .MC8)
 Post files (.PST, .PSB)
To update these files for use with Mastercam X4, do one of the
following after installing Mastercam X4:
 In Mastercam X4, choose File, Update folder, and then select
the file type and the directory of files that you want to convert.
Make sure you select the destination directory in the
Mastercam X4 installation that corresponds to your prior
installation. See page 17 for more information.
 In Mastercam X4, choose File, Open and select an individual
file. When you save the converted file, make sure you use the
correct file extension (such as .DEFAULTS or .TOOLS) or the
file will be saved as an *.MCX.

Note: The migration utility only places files in their new location.
It does not convert them for use in Mastercam X4.
8 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Mastercam Files That You Do Not Need

to Update
The following Mastercam X files can be used in Mastercam X4 without
 Tool holder descriptions (.HOLDERS)
 Nesting defaults (.DEFX, .NSLX)
 HST formula files (.FORMULA)
 Key mapping files (.KMP)
 Toolbar mapping files (.MTB)
 NetHASP configuration (nethasp.INI)
 Communications settings (mcomm.CFG)
 VB Scripts
 XML files
While these files do not need to be updated for use in Mastercam X4,
you still must copy them to the appropriate X4 installation directory.
Remember, you must update all files from Version 8 and Version 9
before you can use them in Mastercam X4.
If you are migrating from Mastercam X3 or its maintenance release,
Mastercam X3 MU1, you can use the migration utility to copy these
files to their new locations. See page 15 for more information about
Mastercam’s migration utility.
OVERVIEW / Configuration Files • 9

Configuration Files

Mastercam X Configuration Files

Configuration files that you customized for Mastercam X can be used
in Mastercam X4 with the following important qualifications:
 You must update default files and file paths in your
configuration files to reflect correct libraries and files that you
have migrated or converted rather than the defaults.
Instructions for this are included in the conversion
procedures in the next chapter.
 Some configuration property pages were revised and new
pages were added with Mastercam X2, so some configuration
settings from releases prior to Mastercam X2 will not populate
the Mastercam X4 configuration property pages properly.
Changes include:
 AutoSave/Backup settings, Grid settings, and Verify
settings are new property pages.
 The CAD settings, Files, Start/Exit, Toolpaths, Verify, and
Wire Backplot property pages have been changed.
You must manually configure these pages after you migrate to

Version 8 or 9 Configuration Files

Prior to Mastercam X, separate configuration files were typically
created for each Mastercam product. In Mastercam X, Mill, Lathe,
Router, Wire, and Design all share a common configuration file.
Because the Mastercam X configuration settings are not identical to
earlier versions, you will have to review your Version 9 settings and
create new configuration files.
 You still need separate configuration files for inch and metric
 Just like in earlier versions, you can still create as many
different configuration files as you want for special needs or
custom applications.
The default location for the Mastercam X4 configuration files is the
\config folder, although they can be stored in a different folder.
10 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Although the System Configuration dialog box (Settings,

Configuration) in Mastercam X4 includes many of the configuration
settings from earlier versions of Mastercam, some configuration
settings are set or edited in different dialog boxes. The following table
shows where to find your current configuration settings.
Table 1: Version 9 configuration settings since Mastercam X2
Version 9 configuration Mastercam X2 configuration topic
Allocations Not used in Mastercam X
Tolerances Settings, Configuration > Tolerances
properties page
Communications Specify default communications package
in Settings, Configuration > Communica-
tions properties page. Can be overridden
in the control definition.
Files Settings, Configuration > Files properties
Plotter settings Not used in Mastercam X; use standard
Windows drivers instead
Pen attributes Settings, Configuration > Printing proper-
ties page
Toolbar/Keys Moved to separate, expanded functions:
• Settings, Customize to create and
edit toolbars, drop-down menus, right-
mouse menu
• Settings, Key Mapping for key-
board shortcuts
• Settings, Toolbar States to show/
hide toolbars for each product
NC Settings Settings, Configuration > Toolpaths prop-
erties page; some settings moved to
control definition
CAD Settings Settings, Configuration > CAD Settings
properties page;
Drafting settings Settings, Configuration > Dimensions
and Notes
Start/Exit Settings, Configuration > Start/Exit prop-
erties page
Screen Settings, Configuration > Screen, Colors,
Chaining, Shading properties page
OVERVIEW / Post Processors • 11

Post Processors
Post Files
All post processors used with previous versions of Mastercam must be
updated by using the UpdatePost utility, which is installed in your
\chooks folder.
This includes post processors that have been copied to your
Mastercam X4 installation by the Update folder function (page 17).

Setup Sheets
Use the UpdatePost utility to update all setup sheets created with the
.SET File setup sheet program (*.SET).
See “UpdatePost Utility” on page 23 for more information on
converting post processors and setup sheets.
12 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

C-Hooks, NET-Hooks, and VB Scripts

C-Hooks (*.DLL) and NET-Hooks (*.NET) are add-in applications or
utilities that customize, enhance, or extend Mastercam's functionality.
They can be created by individual users, Mastercam Resellers, third-
party application developers, or by CNC Software itself. They must be
modified prior to use with Mastercam X4, but they are not converted
or updated by either the Mastercam migration utility or the Update
folder function. Please contact the application developer for more
Most VB Scripts can be used in Mastercam X4 without modification.
chapter 3
Updating Files to
Mastercam X4
CNC Software, Inc. understands that many current users have
invested a substantial amount of time and energy in developing
their tool and material libraries, toolpath and operation
defaults, and operation libraries to meet their own preferences
and customer requirements. To help make the transition
process as smooth as possible, Mastercam X4 now includes
utilities and functions that simplify the transfer and conversion
of files from previous Mastercam X releases or Versions 8 and 9.
This chapter outlines the steps you follow to move and convert
your files and libraries to Mastercam X4—whether you are
migrating from Version 8, 9, or any other Mastercam X
installation. It then details the utilities, functions, and
procedures you will use to accomplish this transition.
You will find procedures for updating your parts and
machining jobs in Chapter 3 (page 49).

TIP: Before installing Mastercam X4, we recommend

that you back up all files you want to preserve from your
previous version of Mastercam.
14 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Procedure Overview
Below is a brief overview of the transition procedure for previous
versions of Mastercam X as well as versions 8 and 9. Each step listed
below is discussed in detail in this chapter.

 From Mastercam X3 (using the migration utility):

1 During installation, use the migration utility to copy all files to
appropriate locations.
2 Use Update folder to update your files.

3 Run the UpdatePosts utility.

 From any Mastercam X (not using the migration utility):

1 Copy all customized files that do not need to be modified to
the appropriate X4 directories.
See list on page 8.
2 Use Update folder to update your files.

3 Run the UpdatePosts utility.

4 Edit .CONFIG files to point to your customized files and


 From Version 8 or Version 9:

1 Use Update folder to update your files.

2 Run the UpdatePosts utility.

3 Create machine and control definitions if you do not use the
UpdatePosts to automatically generate them,
4 Edit .CONFIG files to point to your customized files and

• Use the Mits8to9 C-Hook to update Version 8 wire power
libraries (.WP8) to Version 9 wire power libraries (.WP9).
• Use the HD9toGMD C-Hook to update Router Head Definition
files (.HD9) to Mastercam X component libraries (.GMD).
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Mastercam’s Migration Utility • 15

Mastercam’s Migration Utility

Migrating from Mastercam X3
If you are migrating from Mastercam X3 or its maintenance release,
Mastercam X3 MU1, and you are installing Mastercam X4 into a
different directory (so that you keep Mastercam X3 installed), you will
have the opportunity to run a migration utility as part of the
installation process.
This utility only functions with updates to Mastercam X4 from releases
of Mastercam X3. You cannot use this utility if you are updating to
Mastercam X4 from any other version of Mastercam.

Mastercam X4 Migration Utility

If you wish to use the migration utility, you must run it as part of the
Mastercam X4 installation. You cannot run it later. The Mastercam X4
migration utility performs the following migration tasks:
 Copies customizable files (except part files) and certain
installed files that have been modified (that is, files with a
modify date different from the creation date) to their
corresponding locations in the Mastercam X4 installation.
 Creates backups of the default versions of these same files by
creating a filename.BAK of these files before replacing them
with the your customized files. This assures that you will have
access to both your customized files and the default versions.
 Modifies .CONFIG files and updates paths, if necessary.

Note: Except for the .CONFIG files, the migration utility only
moves files; it does not convert them for use with Mastercam X4.
After using the utility to move files, you must still convert them
either by using the Update folder function or by opening them in
Mastercam X4.

The following table lists the files that the migration utility acts on.
16 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Table 1: Mastercam X3 migration utility files

Directory Files Extensions
root directory NetHASP configuration nethasp.INI
\cnc_machines Component libraries (general .GMD
machine definitions)
Machine definitions .MMD, .LMD,
Control definitions .CONTROL
\config Configuration files .CONFIG
Key mapping files .KMP
Toolbar mapping files .MTB
product Operation libraries .OPERATIONS
folder\ops Defaults .DEFAULTS

product Tool libraries .TOOLS

product HST formula files .FORMULA
\materials Material libraries .MATERIALS
\wire\power Power libraries .POWER
\nesting Nesting defaults .DEFX, .NSLX
product Post processors .PSB, .PSB, .SET
\common\edi- .XML
\VB VB scripts .VBS
If you are installing Mastercam X4 to the same folder as your current
Mastercam X3 installation (replacing your current installation), you
cannot use the migration utility. However, the installation program will
not replace your customized files with the newly released version, so
your customized files will be preserved.

Updating Files
Mastercam provides tools that easily convert files from previous
versions, including Mastercam versions 8 and 9. Typically, you would
first update your files using these methods, and then edit your custom
tool definition, configuration, and control definition files to use your
converted files instead of the system defaults.
Update Folder
Use the Update folder function to convert an entire folder of files. For
example, you can convert all of your tool libraries and/or part file
folders in a single operation. It does not matter which Mastercam
product you are running or which machine definition is active. This
function works for the following file types:
 Part files (.MCX, .EMCX, .MC9, .MC8)
 Operation libraries (.OPERATIONS, .OP9, .OP8)
 Control definitions (.CONTROL)
 Default files (.DEFAULTS, .DF9, .DF8)
 Tool libraries (.TOOLS, .TL9, .TL8)
 Machine definitions (.MMD, .RMD, .LMD, .WMD, .GMD)
 Materials files (.MATERIALS, .MT9, .MT8)
 Wire power libraries (.POWER, .WP9)
 Post Files (.PST, .PSB)

Note: Update folder only copies the post files to the X4 directory. It
does not convert them. You must use the UpdatePost utility to
convert your posts to X4. See page 23 for more information.

Mastercam provides the option to select a destination folder that is

different from your source folder so that your original files are not
overwritten. If you use the same folder for the source and destination,
Mastercam creates backup copies of the source files.
Some Mastercam X files can be used in Mastercam X4 without
modification. See page 8 for a list of customized files that you should
copy to the appropriate X4 directory.
18 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Note: See Appendix A on page 61 for more information regarding

changes to files types in Mastercam X from previous versions.

 To use the Update folder:

1 Start Mastercam X4 or save your part.

2 Choose File, Update folder.

3 Choose whether you would like to update all files or only

specific file types.
 Select Update specific file types to activate the File
types section. The function will only update the files
you select from this list.
 Select Update all applicable files in source folder to
update all Mastercam files in the source folder.
4 Choose whether you would like to update files from specific
versions or from all supported versions.
 Select Update specific versions to activate the
Versions section. The function will only update files
from the versions selected in this list.
 Select Update all previous versions in source folder to
update files from all previous supported versions.
5 Click the Browse button next to the From this source folder
field and navigate to the folder that contains the files you want
to convert. (Check Search sub-folders if you want to include
files in subfolders.)
6 Click the Browse button next to the To this destination folder
and navigate to the folder where your files will be stored.
Select Use source folder as destination folder if your
customized files already in the (X4) destination directory or if
they will be located on a network.
If the destination folder contains a file of the same name that
is in the current version format, the new file will be placed in
the destination folder and renamed "Copy of <filename>".
7 Click OK. Mastercam automatically converts all the files
found in the source directory, including metric and inch files.

• Update folder will not update Version 8 Wire power libraries
(.WP8). Use the Mits8to9 C-Hook to update .WP8 files to .WP9
• Router Head Definition files (.HD9) must be updated using the
HDtoGMD C-Hook.
• Update folder only copies the post files to the X4 directory. You
must use the Update Post Utility to convert your posts to
Mastercam X4.
• Post text files (.TXT) from Version 8 and Version 9 are not copied
with this function.
• Only files supported by the products enabled on your SIM will
be updated.

Converting Individual Files

In Mastercam X4, choose File, Open and select an individual file.
When you save the converted file, make sure you use the correct file
extension (such as .DEFAULTS or .TOOLS) or the file will be saved as
an *.MCX.
Mastercam automatically converts part files (.MCX, .EMCX, .MC9,
.MC8) from previous releases when you open them.

Importing Tool Information from Text Files

As an alternative to manually converting libraries, you can also import
the tool information from text files.

 To create a Mastercam X4 tool library from a text file

1 If necessary, export your old libraries to text files.

 From Version 8 or Version 9, right-click in the Tool

Manager and choose Convert a library to text.
 From any Mastercam X version, right-click in the Tool
Manager and choose Import/export tools, Convert a
library to text.
2 Start Mastercam X4 or save your part.

3 Activate Mill, Router, or Lathe by selecting a product-specific

machine definition from the Machine Type menu.
20 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

4 Select Tool Manager from the Toolpaths menu to create a Mill

or Router tool library, or Lathe Tool Manager to create a Lathe
tool library.
5 Right-click in the Tool Manager window and choose Import/
export tools, Convert a library from text.

6 Navigate to the folder that contains the desired text file and
select it.
7 Mastercam prompts you to enter a name for the converted
library. Mastercam will create a new library from the text file
instead of adding the tools to the currently open library.
8 Repeat this procedure for each text file that you want to
convert to a tool library.
9 Use the Tool Manager to open the new libraries and edit any
tool definitions.

TIP: Read the online help in the Tool Manager to learn how to
copy tools from one library to another.

Custom Tools
Tool libraries that contain custom tool types, or tool definitions that
use custom tool profile geometry, require additional manual editing to
function properly.

 To edit the custom tool types or definitions

1 Update the tool library with the Update folder function or
2 Open the tool library in the Tool Manager. Locate the desired
tool definition and edit it so that it references the new
Mastercam X4 file with the tool geometry. (Click the Help
button in the Tool Manager to learn more about editing tool

Updating .CONFIG Files

After you convert all of the desired libraries from your current
Mastercam workstation, you can edit your configuration (.CONFIG)
files to point to the converted files instead of the factory default files.
By updating your configuration files now, you ensure that when you
create your machine and control definitions, they will use your new

Note: If you do not want to use your converted libraries as the

default libraries for each product, you can skip the rest of this

 To update configuration files

1 Choose Settings, Configuration from the menu.

2 Choose Files from the list at the left of the dialog box.
22 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

3 In the File usage section, select the type of library or file that
you have converted.

4 In the Selected item section, select the converted library or


5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each converted library or file that you
want to use as a default.
6 Click the Save As button when you’ve selected all the libraries
and files that you wish to use as defaults.
7 Repeat this procedure for your metric .CONFIG file. (If you
normally work in metric, repeat for your inch .CONFIG file.)

Post Files

UpdatePost Utility
The UpdatePost utility is a C-Hook that is supplied with Mastercam X4
and installed in your \chooks folder. It converts posts (including
binary posts) and .SET setup sheets from Mastercam Version 4 or later.
The converted post retains the name of the original post, while the
original post is saved with an extension that indicates the originating
version. (See Table 2 on page 24 for examples.)
UpdatePost can also create a machine definition and/or a control
definition from a post processor. Many Version 9 users will find this a
convenient way to get up and running quickly. See “Automatic
Machine and Control Definition Creation (Version 9 and Earlier)” on
page 26 for more information on automatically creating machine and
control definitions from a post processor.

Note: The UpdatePost utility is not designed to update existing

machine and control definitions. If UpdatePost finds a machine or
control definition with the same name as one it is creating, it will
ask you if you want to overwrite it. If you do, it creates a .BAK file of
the original.

UpdatePost makes the following changes to your post:

 Updates the header to the latest version number.
 Updates string initialization to conform to current best-
practice standards.
For more information about post parameters, see the Mastercam X4
NCI & Parameter Reference.
The following table lists the input and output files for different post
24 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Table 2: UpdatePost input and output files

Input files Output files
Mypost.PST, Mypost.PST, Mypost.PST_version
Optional: UpdatePostX.log, Mypost.mmd,
Mypost.PST, Mypost.PSB, Mypost.PST, Mypost.PST_version
Mypost.TXT Mypost.PSB, Mypost.PST_version
Optional: UpdatePostX.log, Mypost.mmd,
Mypost.PSM, Mypost.PSM, Mypost.PSM_version
Optional: UpdatePostX.log, Mypost.mmd,
Router posts will output .RMD files instead of .MMD. Lathe posts will
output .LMD files, and Wire posts will output .WMD files.

 To run the UpdatePost utility

IMPORTANT: This procedure is only valid for MP-compatible


1 Organize the posts that you wish to convert.

 If you did not copy your posts with the Update folder
function, you may wish to copy your original posts to a
temporary folder or to your Mastercam X4 posts folder
before running UpdatePosts. Make sure you include any
.TXT files used by the original post. These .TXT files are not
required if you used the Update folder function.
 After you run UpdatePost, the new post retains the original
file name, and the original post is renamed with a backup
extension (for example, Postname.PST_version).
 UpdatePost can convert several posts at once, but only if
they are the same machine type (for example, Mill, Lathe,
Router, Mill/Turn, or Wire). If you have many posts to
convert, you may wish to sort them by machine type.
 Consider whether you will need to create a machine and/
or control definition for each post (Version 9 or earlier
users), or whether you will use the new posts with existing
definitions (Mastercam X users).
2 Start the UpdatePost utility.

 From the menu, choose Settings, Run User Application,

and select UpdatePost.dll.
3 Enter your conversion settings:

 Choose the version number and type of the original posts.

 Specify the target directory for the converted posts.
 Tell Mastercam whether you need to create a machine
and/or control definition for each converted post (Version
9 and earlier only).
4 Click Select Post(s) to select the individual posts.

 Use [Shift+click] and [Ctrl+click] to select multiple posts.

 The posts must all be the same type and version. You can
select posts from different folders, but they will all be saved
in the same target folder.
 If you used the Update folder function to move posts from
a previous version of Mastercam to X4, select the posts that
are in the X4 directory.
 If you did not use the Update folder function, select only
the .PST/.PSM file for each post. However, all the files
associated with the post (for example, the .TXT file or .PSB
file) must be in the same directory as the .PST/.PSM file.
5 Select your log file options. Creating a log file is strongly
recommended; it will list every error generated during the
conversion, plus any other instance where Mastercam could
not unambiguously determine how to convert the original
6 Click OK to convert the posts and close UpdatePost, or click
Apply to convert the posts and leave UpdatePost open so you
can convert more posts.
7 Review the log file (if you created one) for errors and other
 All errors are noted in the log file and flagged in the
converted post. It is important that you review these and
make the appropriate corrections to ensure that the
converted post contains no critical errors.
 If you think you will need to refer to the log later, make sure
that you print it out or save a copy to a different file.
Mastercam overwrites the log each time you run
26 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Converting Setup Sheets

Because a .SET file setup sheet is basically a type of post processor, you
can also use the UpdatePost utility to convert .SET files to Mastercam
Start the UpdatePost utility by selecting Settings, Run User
Application from the menu. Choose UpdatePost, and then follow the
procedure for converting posts.

Note: After clicking the Select Post(s) button, select All Files (*.*)
from the Files of type list so that you can select the .SET files.

Like converted post files, your new setup sheet will have the same
name as the old one. Mastercam will create a backup copy of your
original file with a different extension (SetupSheetName.SET_version).

Automatic Machine and Control Definition Creation

(Version 9 and Earlier)
Users who are upgrading from Mastercam Version 9 or earlier can use
the UpdatePost utility to automatically generate a machine and
control definition from their existing post processor. The machine and
control definitions will be automatically configured to use the
converted post. When you are running the utility, simply select the
Machine Definition and/or Control Definition options in the Create
files section of the UpdatePost dialog box.
Mastercam will automatically transfer information from your current
post to the new machine and control definition. For any information
that is not read from the post, Mastercam will use system default
values. Typically, most of the values read from the post will be written
to the control definition, while most of the values in the machine
definition will be default values.
The control and machine definition will each have the same name as
the post. For example, if you convert a mill post called HAAS_VR8.PST,
Mastercam will create HAAS_VR8.CONTROL and HAAS_VR8.MMD in
addition to the post file itself. The machine definition will be
automatically configured with the HAAS_VR8.CONTROL and
Mastercam will convert all of the post numbered questions into
control definition settings. However, you will still see the numbered
questions in the converted post.

 The new machine and control definitions will be

automatically saved to your \CNC_MACHINES folder.
 If you wish, you can use the \CD_Compare utility to examine
the new control definition and see exactly which control
definition settings have been read from the post and which
are system defaults. From the Settings menu, choose Run
User Application, open the CD_Compare folder, and choose
Machine definitions created by UpdatePost
When you run UpdatePost to automatically generate a machine and
control definition, virtually all of the custom information contained in
your current post is written to either the control definition or the
converted post. The machine definitions created by UpdatePost are,
for the most part, renamed copies of Mastercam’s generic machines
that load your control definition and post. These new machine
 All have a standard axis layout and orientation.
 All include a tool changer group with automatic tool changer.
 Mills and routers include A/B/C rotary axes with
counterclockwise rotation.
 Lathes include left/right spindles and upper/lower turrets,
plus steady rest and tailstock.
 Routers include sample aggregate heads and drill blocks.
 Wire EDM machines include upper and lower wire guides.
However, it is important to understand that if your current post
includes settings that are different from the default machine
components, your converted post will—by design—use your
converted settings and not the default machine definition
components. This is because the primary goal of the conversion
process is maintaining maximum compatibility with your current
parts and jobs so you can be up and running as quickly as possible.
For example, if you are running an HMC, most likely your post has the
switch vmc=0. The machine definition created by UpdatePost will
show the XYZ axes aligned for a VMC, but your converted post will still
have vmc=0, so your part will post the same way as before.
To take full advantage of the new machine definition in your post, first
edit the machine definition with the proper axis orientation and
topology, and delete any unnecessary components. Then use the
pmachineinfo postblocks to access the machine definition settings
via parameters. (For example, axis orientation information is available
to your post as parameters 17390–17396.)
28 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Inch/Metric Machine and Control Definitions

Just like any Mastercam part file, machine definition files are
recognized as either inch or metric, depending on the units that were
active when they were created. This means that, if you are working in
metric units and you use the Machine Definition Manager to open an
inch machine definition, you will be alerted that the units are

However, this only affects the current Machine Definition Manager

session. When you close the machine definition, Mastercam switches
back to the units you were using when you were working on your part.
Your part is never converted.
As a convenience to our users, Mastercam X4 includes a complete set
of both inch and metric machine definitions. While this lets you use
machine definitions that are created in the units you typically work
with, it is important for you to understand that you can cut metric
parts with inch machine definitions, and vice versa.
If you typically work with metric units, or your machine tool’s native
dimensions are metric, you might wish to create the machine
definition as a metric file so that you are not prompted to change units
whenever you edit it. This does not affect how your parts are
machined. Each machine definition by default includes both inch and
metric parameter values that are automatically used by Mastercam to
machine parts in either units of measure.

Follow these guidelines:

 If you are using the UpdatePost utility to automatically create
machine definitions, set Mastercam to the desired unit of
measure before running it. For example, if you want to create
metric machine definitions, make sure you are running in
metric mode first.
 You do not need to create separate inch and metric versions of
your machine definitions. You can select an inch machine
definition as the default machine in your metric .CONFIG file,
or a metric default machine in your inch .CONFIG file. In
general, if you only have one machine on your shop floor, you
should only need to create one machine definition for it.
 To create part geometry in either inch or metric units, select
the proper .CONFIG file in the System Configuration dialog
box. The active machine definition or machine group has no
effect whatsoever on the units in which your geometry is
Control definitions (.CONTROL files) and post processors do not have
units associated with them. Inch and metric machine definitions can
each use the same .CONTROL files and posts. However, because the
control definition is where you select the .DEFAULTS file that
automatically loads when a machine definition is selected, Mastercam
installs separate control definitions that point to inch and metric
.DEFAULTS files. This is done simply for your convenience.
30 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 You can configure any control definition to point to either an

inch or metric .DEFAULTS file.
 In the properties for any machine group, you can select either
an inch or metric .DEFAULTS file.

Finding and Fixing Conversion Errors

The UpdatePost utility incorporates several features that make it easy
to identify and fix errors and areas of concern in the converted post.
Because of the great variety in techniques used to customize
Mastercam posts, and because Mastercam X incorporates several
important structural changes, it is impossible for UpdatePost to
predict with 100% accuracy the intent of the post writer.
You need to be concerned about two types of situations:
 UpdatePost could not reliably convert a line or object in a way
that conforms to Mastercam X standards, and recorded an
error condition instead of a complete line of code.
 There were several possible Mastercam X conversion
solutions, and UpdatePost was not sure which to use. This
means that the converted post will work, but might not
produce the output that you expect.
The most important tool in evaluating the conversion results is the
UpdatePost log.

Mastercam writes this information to the file UPDATEPOSTX.LOG in

the destination directory where you are saving the converted posts.

Note: Each time you run the UpdatePost utility and save posts to
the same directory, the log is overwritten.

In the log file, an error looks like this:

22 - 20 Apr 2005 01:12:59 PM - PST LINE
(1200,1200) - Label has not been defined[*30]

The LINE (x, y) block tells you the location of the error in the
original and converted post, in this case, line 1200 in each.

When you open the converted post, Mastercam displays the affected
code as a block of three lines:
 The first line is the actual line of code created by UpdatePost.
 The second line is the original line, commented out, and
preceded by the phrase CNC<<CONVERT>>.
 The third line reproduces the error message from the log,
formatted as a comment, and preceded by the phrase

CNC<<MSG ... >>.
The following code shows a typical conversion error. In this example,
Mastercam knows that the line is supposed to be an else command,
but it cannot convert the other word because it has not been properly
else, #'nobrk' emulation option
#CNC<<CONVERT>> else, p_nobrk_emul #'nobrk'
emulation option
#CNC<<MSG-ERROR(1200,1200)>> Label has not been

There is a one-to-one correspondence between messages embedded

in your code and messages in the log file. Before using a converted
post, you should always review the log and the corresponding message
in the post and make any necessary corrections.

Uncertain variable type errors

Mastercam X is much more strict than earlier versions of Mastercam in
enforcing the variable type (string or real variable). When UpdatePost
expects a string variable but finds a real, or the reverse, it inserts a
question mark in the code following the variable name. It inserts a
single question mark ? when it expects a real variable, and a double
question mark ?? when it expects a string variable.

IMPORTANT: Because UpdatePost cannot properly process

the expression that contains the variable, these lines will not
produce the output that you intend. Review and correct each
instance before running the post. See the Mastercam X4 NCI &
Parameter Reference for more information.
32 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Machine and Control Definitions

This section introduces you to machine and control definition
customization, which allows you to use your migrated libraries and
files from earlier Mastercam installations. This makes it easy for you to
create and use tool libraries, operation defaults, and other machine-
specific settings so that whenever you select the machine to create an
operation, the associated libraries and defaults are automatically
The topics presented in this section are not a comprehensive guide to
creating or editing machine and control definitions. Please refer to the
Mastercam X4 Reference Guide or access the online help from the
Machine Definition Manager or the Control Definition Manager for
more comprehensive information.

Editing Machine and Control Definitions

Editing Mastercam’s Default Machine and Control
If you do not want to create machine or control definitions with
UpdatePost, you can use one of Mastercam’s default machine
definitions and manually configure it to use a converted post. If you
wish to take this approach, consider the following points:
 The control definition created by UpdatePost is customized
with all of the numbered questions from your existing post. If
you use Mastercam’s default definitions, you will need to
recreate this manually.
 If you are modifying one of Mastercam’s default machine or
control definitions, it is a good practice to save it with a new
name instead of overwriting the default definition. (Use the
Save As function inside the Machine Definition Manager or
the Control Definition Manager.)

To use one of your converted posts with a manually configured

machine and control definition, follow this general procedure.
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 33

 To add a post to the default machine and control definition

1 Use the Control Definition Manager to load the post. Choose
Settings, Control Definition Manager from the Mastercam
2 Click the Post Processors button.

3 Click Add files and select the desired post processor. Click OK.

4 Select the new post from the Post processors drop-down

5 Make any desired changes to the control definition settings or
post text using the Control Definition Manager.
6 Click Save to save the new settings to the active .CONTROL
file. If you would like to retain the default definition, click the
Save As command to create a new .CONTROL file.
7 Exit the Control Definition Manager.

8 Open the Machine Definition Manager by choosing Settings,

Machine Definition Manager. Open the desired machine

9 Select the .CONTROL file with the new control definition.

10 Select the post and save the machine definition.

See the Mastercam X4 Reference Guide or the online help for more
detailed information.
34 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Editing a Machine Definition to Use Tool and Material

Complete the steps in this section to edit a machine definition to use
the tool and material libraries that you migrated from your previous
Mastercam workstation. Typically, this procedure would be performed
if you were editing one of the Mastercam default machine definitions.
If you automatically created your machine definitions with
UpdatePost and added them to your .CONFIG files as described in
“Updating .CONFIG Files” on page 21, they will already point to your
migrated libraries. In that case, you do not need to complete this
If you are using Mastercam Wire, please see “Editing a Control
Definition to Use a Wire Power Library” on page 39.

 To edit a machine definition to use tool and material libraries

1 From the Settings menu, choose Machine Definition
Manager and open the desired machine definition.

2 Click the Edit general machine parameters button on the


3 Select the Tool/material libraries tab.

UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 35

4 Click on a library type in the File Type window.

5 Select the library to use as the default from the drop-down list.

6 Repeat the previous two steps for inch and metric tool
libraries and the material library.
7 Click OK twice to close the dialog box and save the machine

Editing a Control Definition to Use Operation Defaults

and Libraries 3
Complete the steps in this section to edit a control definition to use the
operation defaults file and operation libraries that you migrated from
your previous Mastercam workstation.
If you automatically created your control definitions with UpdatePost
and added them to your .CONFIG files as described in “Updating
.CONFIG Files” on page 21, they will already point to your migrated
libraries. In that case, you do not need to complete this procedure.
Typically, this procedure would be performed if you were editing the
default.CONTROL file installed with Mastercam.

 To edit a control definition to use operation defaults and

1 From the Settings menu, choose Control Definition Manager
and open the desired .CONTROL file.
2 Click the Existing definitions button and select the desired
post file.
3 Select the Files property page.

4 Under File Usage, click on the type of file that you wish to

5 Click the file cabinet button and choose the desired file.

6 Repeat these steps to select an operation library and an

operations default file, for both inch and metric.
36 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

7 Click OK to close the Control Definition Manager and save the

control definition.

Note: The same operation library or defaults file can be used by

several different controls.

Editing a Machine Definition to Use Mastercam X

Coolant Options

Note: If you are using Mastercam Wire, please see “Editing a Wire
Machine Definition to Use Mastercam X Flushing Options” on
page 40.

Mastercam X greatly expands your flexibility for creating and selecting

coolant options. You can:
 Define up to 10 coolant options.
 Turn on each option individually and in any combination.
 Customize the name and states of each option.
Version 9 (and earlier) posts had a predefined post variable,
scoolant, which stored the coolant state—typically, either Flood,
Tool, Mist, or Off. In Mastercam X, this has been replaced by a set of
parameters that can be accessed with the new pmachineinfo post
block. (See the Mastercam X4 NCI & Parameter Reference or the online
help for more information.)
To maintain compatibility with earlier posts, Mastercam X includes a
Version 9-style coolant mode based on the scoolant variable. When
you automatically create a machine definition with UpdatePost, this
mode is turned on by default. Follow these steps to deactivate this
mode and take advantage of Mastercam X’s expanded coolant
capabilities. This procedure is entirely optional.

IMPORTANT: Customizing a post to support new coolant

options is a sophisticated task that should only be undertaken
by experienced post writers.
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 37

 To define Mastercam X coolant options

1 From the Settings menu, choose Machine Definition
Manager and open the desired machine definition.

2 Click the Edit General Machine Parameters button on the


3 In the General Machine Parameters dialog box, select the

Coolant commands tab.
4 Deselect the option to Support coolant using coolant value
in post-processor. This option enables compatibility with
earlier posts.

5 As soon as you deselect this option, Mastercam enables the

text entry fields for all the other event labels. Enter the name
of each of your coolant (or other) options, and the name of
their on and off states.
6 You can also set several other options:

 Change the name of the Coolant button. For example, in

the default Router machine definitions, it is labeled
“Options” instead of “Coolant.”
 Turn off all coolant options when one is shut off.
7 Click OK to close this dialog box, and then click OK again to
save the machine definition.
8 Edit your post to implement the new options:

 Each coolant event label is stored in a post parameter that

can be accessed with pmachineinfo.
38 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 Read the state of the V9 compatibility flag with parameter

17102. “True” means that the V9 compatibility mode is
active and you should use the scoolant value to control
the coolant.
See the Mastercam X4 NCI & Parameter Reference or the online
help for more information.
The conversion procedures outlined in this section use Mastercam’s
factory-default generic mill/lathe/router machine definitions, which
support the three coolant types from earlier versions of Mastercam
(thru-tool, flood, and mist). If you wish to use more sophisticated
coolant options in connection with a machine-specific tool library,
follow this general outline:
 Convert the library according to the steps outlined in this
 Select the desired machine definition.
 Select Tool Manager from the Toolpaths menu.
 Right-click on the desired tool definition and choose Edit
 From the Parameters tab, click the Coolant button to access
the machine’s coolant options.
From here, you can also define options that control other functions
besides coolant.
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 39

Machine and Control Definitions in

Mastercam Wire
Editing a Control Definition to Use a Wire Power
In Mastercam X, the power settings library that you use with a
particular wire EDM machine is stored in the control definition.

 To edit a control definition to use a wire power library

1 From the Settings menu, choose Control Definition Manager
and open the desired control definition.
2 Select the Files property page.

3 Under File usage, select a Power library.

4 Click on the file cabinet button. Navigate to the power settings

library, and then select it. Its name will appear under Select
item’s file name.
5 Click OK to close the Control Definition Manager, and choose
Yes to save the edited control definition.
40 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Editing a Wire Machine Definition to Use

Mastercam X Flushing Options
Mastercam X greatly expands your flexibility for creating and selecting
flushing options for wire EDM machines. You can:
 Define up to 10 flushing options.
 Turn on each option individually and in any combination.
 Customize the name and states of each option.
If you wish to program other machine types such as laser or water jet
machines, you can use this procedure to expand the options on the
Flushing page to control other functions.

Version 9 (and earlier) posts had a predefined post variable, water,

which stored the flushing state—typically, Flood On or Off. In
Mastercam X, this has been replaced by a set of parameters that can be
accessed with the new pmachineinfo post block. (See the Mastercam
X4 NCI & Parameter Reference or the online help for more
To maintain compatibility with earlier posts, Mastercam X includes a
V9-style flushing mode based on the water variable. When you
automatically create a machine definition with UpdatePost, this mode
is turned on by default. Follow these steps to deactivate this mode and
take advantage of Mastercam X’s expanded flushing capabilities. This
procedure is entirely optional.
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 41

IMPORTANT: Customizing a post to support new flushing

options is a sophisticated task that should only be undertaken
by experienced post writers.

 To define Mastercam X Wire flushing options

1 From the Settings menu, choose Machine Definition
Manager and open the desired machine definition.

Note: You may get a message that says you are editing the disk copy
of the machine definition. Click OK to continue.
2 Click the Edit General Machine Parameters button on the

3 In the General Machine Parameters tab, select the Flushing

commands tab.
4 Deselect the option to Support flushing using value in post-
processor. This is the option which enables compatibility
with earlier posts.

5 As soon as you deselect this option, Mastercam enables the

text entry fields for all the other event labels. Enter the name
of each of your flushing (or other) options, and the name of
their on and off states.
6 You can also set several other options:

 Change the name of the Flushing button.

 Turn off all flushing options when one is shut off.
7 Click OK to close this dialog box, and click OK again to save
the machine definition.
8 Edit your post to implement the new options:

 Each coolant event label is stored in a post parameter that

can be accessed with pmachineinfo.
42 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 Read the state of the V9 compatibility flag with parameter

17102. “True” means that the V9 compatibility mode is
active and you should use the water value to control
See the Mastercam X4 NCI & Parameter Reference or the online help for
more information.

Editing the Control Definition to Use C-Hooks for Agie

Wire EDM Machines
If you used a previous version of Mastercam Wire, you may have
attached C-Hooks to the Aux Register button and the Misc Vals button
on the Wire Parameters page. Converting your post processor with the
UpdatePost utility will not automatically attach these C-Hooks. These
C-Hooks are installed in the \chooks directory of your Mastercam

IMPORTANT: Mastercam X4 Wire enhances support for Agie

EDM with Agievision controls. The enhanced Agievision
support includes a new interface and a complete set of machine
definition, control definition, and post processor files.
The new Agievision interface is not compatible with existing
parts that have been created with the Agie C-Hook. The part
geometry can be used, but all wirepaths must be recreated.
You can use the following procedure to update a control
definition so that you can run and maintain existing Agie C-
Hook parts, but you cannot use a control definition modified for
the Agie C-Hook with the new Agievision interface.
See the Mastercam X4 Wire Getting Started Guide or the
online help for more information.

 To edit the control definition to use C-Hooks for Agie Wire EDM
1 From the Settings menu, choose Control Definition Manager
and open the desired control definition.
Do not open the enhanced Agievision control definition. See
the Mastercam X4 Wire Getting Started Guide or the online
help for more information.
2 If necessary, select Wire from the Control type drop-down
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 43

3 Under Control topics, choose the Files property page.

4 Under File usage, select Chook from Misc. values button.

5 Under Select item’s file name, click the file cabinet button,
navigate to the \mcamx\chooks directory, and select the
agie.dll C-Hook.
6 Select the option to Enable chooks from misc values button.
Selecting this option allows you to access the C-Hook’s
interface from the Wirepath dialog box.

7 Under File usage, select Chook from Aux. register button.

8 Under Select item’s file name, click the file cabinet button,
navigate to the \chooks directory, and select the agiereg.dll
9 Select the option to Enable chooks from aux registers
Selecting this option allows you to access the C-Hook’s
interface from the Wirepath dialog box.

10 Click OK to close the Control Definition Manager, and choose

Yes to save the edited control definition.
44 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Moving Post and Definition Files to a

Network Location
By default, Mastercam stores all machine and control definitions in
the \cnc_machines folder in your Mastercam installation folder.
Creating machine definitions in a network location—or creating
control definitions based on posts in a network location—is no
different from creating them on a local workstation. However, if you
need to move a machine definition from a local workstation to a
network location, you need to reconfigure it so that it works properly.
This involves the following procedures:
 Moving or copying the machine definition file, control file,
and post processor to the new location.
 Modify the network copy of the .CONTROL file so that the
control definition references the network copy of the post
 Editing the machine definition so that it points to the network
copy of the .CONTROL file.
Each of these procedures is described in detail below.

 To copy files and create a new control definition

In this example, the Mill 4-Axis VMC machine definition is being
moved from a local C: drive to a U: drive on a network. This will require
moving Generic Fanuc 4X Mill.control and the Generic Fanuc 4X
1 Copy the following files to the network location. These files do
not need to be stored in the same folder.
 machine definition file (.MMD, .LMD, .RMD, .WMD)
 control definition file (.CONTROL)
 the post processor (.PST, .PSB, .PSM)
2 Start the Control Definition Manager from the Settings
 If there is no active machine group, you will see the
following dialog box:
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 45

 If your current Mastercam file already has an active

machine group, you will find this button in the Control
Definition Manager toolbar.
3 Select the Open button to open a .CONTROL file.

4 Navigate to the network location and open the .CONTROL file

that you just copied there. The title bar should display the
proper network path:

5 Make sure that the Control type displays the desired machine

6 Click the Post Processors button.

7 Click Add files and select the desired post processor from the
network location. Click OK.
8 Select the network post from the Post processors drop-down

9 Save the new control definition:

Click the Save button to save your changes to the
.CONTROL file,
Click the Save As button to create a new .CONTROL
46 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 To remove the local post processor from the control definition

At this point, the drop-down list in the network control definition
contains two versions of the same post file: a local copy and a network
version. This next procedure will remove the local post processor from
the control definition.
1 Click the Post processors button.

2 Select the local copy of your post processor.

3 Click Delete files and OK.

Mastercam only deletes the control definition’s reference to
the post processor. It does not delete the post file.
4 Click the Post processors drop-down list. The local copy
should no longer be visible, just the network copy.

5 Save the control definition.

6 Close the Control Definition Manager.

 To edit the machine definition

The final procedure is to edit the machine definition so that it points to
the new, network version of the .CONTROL file, and not the version on
your local drive.
1 Start the Machine Definition Manager from the Settings
2 If your part file already has an active machine group, you will
first see an alert message about editing the current machine
definition; click OK to continue.
UPDATING FILES TO MASTERCAM X4 / Machine and Control Definitions • 47

3 Click the Open button and navigate to the network location

where you copied the machine definition.

4 Select the desired machine definition and click Open.

5 Click the folder button under Control Definition.

6 Select the network folder with the new .CONTROL file and
click OK.
7 Select the new .CONTROL file. Make sure that you see the
network path as shown below.
48 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

8 Select the new post processor. Make sure that you see the
network path as shown below.

9 Save the machine definition and exit.

chapter 4
Updating Parts and
Machining Jobs
Mastercam X4 is designed to smoothly import and convert your
current parts so that you can easily keep working on your
current jobs. It includes an import function (File, Update
folder) that lets you convert parts in batch mode, or you can
import individual files. However, many users will find it more
convenient to convert parts one at a time, as they are required.
Importing parts from a previous Mastercam X version is
straight forward. The most important part of importing a part
from Mastercam Version 9 or earlier is creating a machine
group to hold the toolpaths and assigning a machine and
control definition to it. The following sections tell you more
about how this is done and issues that might arise.
50 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Converting Parts
The following sections describe what happens when Mastercam
converts a Version 9 file, how to convert files in batch, and offer some
examples of how Mastercam validates your current operations against
the machine definition in the converted file. If you are converting parts
from an earlier Mastercam X version, Mastercam preserves all the
machine group and machine and control definition information.

About Converting Version 9 Parts

If you are converting parts from Version 9, Mastercam performs the
following tasks:
 Reads the product type (Mill, Lathe, Router, Wire) and units
(inch/metric) from the source file. Based on this, Mastercam
looks up the proper machine definition from the Mastercam X
.CONFIG file.
 Creates a machine group in the new file based on the selected
machine definition. This also determines the control
definition and post assigned to the new file.
 Writes most of the current Job Setup information, such as the
stock model and material selection to the machine group
 Creates toolpath groups from inside the machine group which
correspond to the toolpath groups in the original file.
 Updates the NCI file name for each operation in the original
file so that it becomes the NC file name for each operation in
the new file. The path for the new NC file is specified in the
control definition.
 Discards the post selection in the original file. The new post
selection will be the post assigned to the default machine
 Validates each operation against the default machine
definition. (See “Machine Compatibility with Version 9” on
page 52.) For Lathe parts, Mastercam automatically assigns
axis combinations based on the turret and spindle settings in
the source file.
Your original parts are completely unchanged.

In the Default Machines page of the System Configuration dialog box,

Mastercam lets you specify a default machine definition for each
product. These are saved to the .CONFIG file, so you can have different
default machine definitions for different configuration files. When you
convert a file, Mastercam figures out which product it was created with
and automatically assigns the default machine definition for the
proper product type.
If you wish, you can change this behavior. The Files page of the System
Configuration dialog box also includes an option to Apply last
machine definition.

When this is selected, Mastercam applies the most recent machine

definition that has been used in the current Mastercam session, for
each product type. If it cannot find one, or if the most recently used
machine is incompatible with the imported file, Mastercam will then
use the default machine definition.

Converting Files in Batch Mode

Mastercam lets you convert single parts by simply opening them with
the File, Open function. Use the File, Update folder function to
convert parts in batch.
If you have many parts to convert, think about how to organize them
so you can convert them as efficiently as possible:
 The Update folder function automatically converts all the files
in a folder, so make sure the folder does not contain any parts
that you do not want to convert.
 Consider creating different folders for parts of the same
product type that are cut on different machines. For example,
if some Mill parts will be cut on a 5-axis machining center, and
others on a 4-axis HMC, consider placing them in separate
folders. Before converting each set of parts, you can select a
different default machine in System Configuration so that
each part will be assigned the proper machine.
 In the same way, you can create folders for parts based on
which post processor they require. If you have configured a
machine definition with multiple posts, for example, you can
update the machine definition to use a different post between
conversion runs.
52 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 Each conversion session can mix inch and metric parts. If you
edit your machine preferences between sessions, make sure
you apply the same changes to both inch and metric
configuration files.

IMPORTANT: If you are converting parts with toolpaths, it

doesn’t matter which product is running or what the active
machine group is. However, if you are converting parts that
have just geometry and no toolpaths, you should make sure
that you are running in Design mode with no machine group
visible in the Toolpath Manager.

 Converting parts in batch

1 Choose File, Update folder from the menu.

2 Select the version of the files to import.

3 Select the source folder.

4 Select the destination folder and click OK.

5 As each part is converted, Mastercam displays messages

about compatibility issues between the specified machine
definitions and the operations in the file, if any. Review these
messages and print/save them as they are displayed.

Machine Compatibility with Version 9

When you convert a Version 9 file, Mastercam creates a machine group
based on a default machine definition. As part of this process, it
validates each operation against the machine definition to ensure that
the toolpath can be run on the machine as it is currently programmed.
There are several levels of compatibility:
 Severe incompatibility, in which the toolpath physically
cannot be cut on the machine. This typically results from the
toolpath referencing axes or other components that are not
present in the machine definition.
 Minor incompatibility, in which one or more toolpath
parameters fall outside the limits set by the machine
 Complete compatibility, in which the operation is converted
with no action required by you.

In addition, as part of this process Mastercam also assigns axis

combinations to the converted operations and validates them. (This
mostly affects lathe parts.)
In each case, Mastercam implements routines to trap the
incompatibility and notify you so you can isolate and resolve the
problem. The following sections describe each of these situations in
greater detail.
Mastercam performs all of these checks in the following
 When you import files in batch mode.
 When you open and convert single files.
 When you select a new machine definition for a machine
 When you move or copy an operation from one machine
group to another.

Severe incompatibility
When Mastercam is physically unable to perform an operation on the
selected machine, it displays the following message:

Click the Details button to learn more. Mastercam displays a report

similar to the following. In this case, it tells you that the selected
machine definition is not configured with the correct rotary axes. You
would see this message if you tried to import a part with multi-axis
toolpaths using a machine definition for a simple 3-axis mill.
54 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

If you are converting many files, print this report or copy it to another
document so you can refer to it later. Close this dialog box and the
Incompatible Machine dialog box to proceed with the conversion.
When Mastercam creates the machine group for this file, it will not use
the incompatible machine definition. Instead, it creates a special
machine group based on system default values for the selected
machine type. Note that no post has been assigned.

Your original operations are contained within this group. Before

resuming work on this part, click the Replace button to select a proper
machine definition. If you try to edit the machine or control definition,
you will not be able to configure a post or save any changes to your
hard drive.

Minor incompatibilities
In the case of a minor incompatibility, the machine can run the
operations, but some of the programmed parameters on the existing
operation do not match the range of values set up in the machine
definition. Mastercam creates the machine group with the selected
machine, and then edits the operation as necessary to conform with
the machine definition. Click the Details button to review a status
report that tells you exactly which values have been changed.
You will first see the following message while converting the file:

Choose one of the options:

 Click OK to have Mastercam edit the operation.
 Click Details to see a report that tells you exactly which
changes Mastercam will make.

In this example, the feed rate of the imported operation

exceeds the maximum specified in the machine definition. If
you accept the change, Mastercam will reduce the operation’s
feed rate to the machine definition maximum.
If you are converting a batch of files, preserve this error report
so you can return to the operation later. You can print it, save
it, or copy it to another file or text editor.
If you accept the changes, the file will be converted and the operation
will be marked dirty in the Toolpath Manager.

Click the Parameters icon in the Machine Group to review the


Axis combinations
For machines that have multiple axis combinations in their machine
definitions, Mastercam automatically tries to select the best
combination for each operation as it converts it. Axis combinations are
used most often with multi-spindle/multi-turret lathes, so Mill and
Router users will rarely have to deal with this, although it is possible to
create axis combinations for some sophisticated milling applications.
56 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

As each file is converted, Mastercam will display a message like the

following picture. The highlighted operation shows where Mastercam
has selected a different axis combination based on the tooling, turret,
and spindle selections in the source file:

The axis combinations in Mastercam’s default lathes—and in any lathe

machine definition created by UpdatePost—are designed to mesh
closely with the tooling and machine setup features in Mastercam
Version 9, so the axis combinations that you see displayed in this
dialog box should match the turret and spindle selections in your
source Mastercam file.
If you have installed a sophisticated lathe machine definition with
Mastercam X and wish to change the axis combinations displayed
here, you can to do that on an operation-by-operation basis as
described below.

 Selecting a new axis combination

1 In the Toolpath Manager, click on the Parameters icon for the
desired operation.

2 Click the Axis Combo’s button on the Toolpath parameters


3 Select the new axis combination and choose OK.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that the spindle, turret, and mounting

orientation of the tool used in the operation are consistent with
the new axis combination. Right-click the tool and choose Edit
tool, then click on Setup tool to review this.

Vertical turret lathes (VTLs)

In Mastercam X, support for vertical turret lathes is found in the
machine definition. Because of this, when you import a VTL part from
earlier versions of Mastercam, the converted part will not be set up on
a VTL unless the default lathe machine definition is a VTL. However,
you can easily recreate the same VTL functionality of earlier versions
of Mastercam by simply selecting a VTL machine definition in the
machine group properties.
 The first procedure in this section describes how to create a
lathe VTL in the machine definition.
 The second describes how to select it in the machine group
58 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 Creating a VTL machine definition

Follow these steps to convert a horizontal lathe to a VTL. You need
to perform these steps if you used UpdatePost to automatically
create a lathe machine definition and want it to be a VTL.
1 From the Settings menu, choose Machine Definition
Manager and open the desired lathe machine definition.
2 Click the Edit General Machine Parameters button on the

3 Select the CPlane, WCS, HTC/VTL tab.

4 Select the Vertical turret lathe option and choose OK.

5 Save the machine definition.

From this point forward, whenever you select this machine,
Mastercam will automatically adjust the part display and tool/
construction planes to reflect the VTL orientation.

Home positions in Mill/Router parts

In previous versions of Mastercam, defining a home position for Mill
and Router toolpaths was optional. You could activate or deactivate it
by selecting the check box on the Tool parameters page for each
operation. In Mastercam X, the home position is always active. When
you convert a part whose operations do not have a home position
defined, the operations in the converted part will have a home
position of 0,0,0.
Typically, this does not affect your NC output. However, Mastercam X
includes a backplot option to show the home position. In these cases,
you might wish to disable that option so your tool doesn’t appear to
move to your part starting from 0,0,0.

 Turning off the home position display

1 After starting backplot, click the Options button.

2 Deselect the Show Mill/Router Home Position option.

 Changing the home position

Mastercam lets you set, manage, and change home positions in
several places.
 Each machine definition includes a home position setting.
This is set as part of the axis combinations, so each axis
combination can have a unique home position.
 The control definition tells Mastercam whether to use the
machine definition or the operation defaults as the source of
the default home position. Set this on the Tool page in the
Control Definition Manager.
 Use the Toolpath parameters tab for each operation to edit the
home position directly or to change its source.
60 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide
appendix a
Mastercam X: General
File Information
This appendix explains some of the differences between file
types in Mastercam X and previous versions of Mastercam. In
Mastercam X, these support files are generally more accessible,
easier to manage and customize for your specific requirements.
Mastercam X is a powerful application and this section offers
only a brief overview of some of these differences. It is not a
comprehensive comparison. For more information about
Mastercam X, please see refer to Mastercam’s Help and the
documentation provided in the installation’s
\documentation folder. For information on creating or
editing machine and control definitions from files created in
version 8 or 9, please see “Machine and Control Definitions” on
page 32.
62 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

File Locations
Mastercam X introduced new file extensions and some new file types.
Table 1 on page 62 lists these new files and—if they have them—their
equivalents in Version 9. It shows file names and paths for Mastercam
Mill; other Mastercam products have equivalent paths.
Table 1: Mastercam X libraries and files
File Type Version 9 Mastercam X
Part files extension .MC9 .MCX, .EMCX
location \mcam\mill\mc9 \mcamx\mcx

Toolpath and extension .DF9 .DEFAULTS

defaults location \mcam9\mill\ops \mcamx\mill\ops
example Defaults.DF9, Mill_inch.DEFAULTS,
Defaultsm.DF9 Mill_mm.DEFAULTS
Tool libraries extension .TL9 .TOOLS
location \mcam9\mill\tools \mcamx\mill\tools
example Tools.TL9, Mill_inch.TOOLS,
Tools_mm.TL9 Mill_mm.TOOLS

Power settings extension .WP9 .POWER

location \mcam9\wire\power \mcamx\wire\power
example Wire.WP9, Wire.POWER
Wirem.WP9 Wirem.POWER
Material extension .MT9 .MATERIALS
location \mcam9\mill\tools \mcamx\materials
example Matls.MT9, Default.MATERIALS
Operation extension .OP9 .OPERATIONS
location \mcam9\mill\ops \mcamx\mill\ops
example Operat.OP9 Mill_inch.OPERA-
Machine extension Not used in .MMD, .LMD, .RMD,
definitions Version 9 .WMD

Table 1: Mastercam X libraries and files

File Type Version 9 Mastercam X
location \mcamx\
example mill default.MMD
mill default mm.MMD
Component extension Not used in .GMD
libraries Version 9
location \mcamx\
example mill vmc compo-
Control extension Not used in .CONTROL
definitions Version 9
location \mcamx\
example default.CONTROL
default mm.CONTROL
HST Formula extension Not used in .FORMULA
files Version 9
location \mcamx\mill\formula
example Default.FORMULA
Post processor extension .PST, .PSB, .TXT, .PST, .PSB, .SET
files .SET
location \Mcam9\Mill\Posts \mcamx\mill\posts
example Mpfan.pst MPFAN.PST
Configuration extension .CFG .CONFIG
location \mcam9 \mcamx\config
example Mill.CFG, Millm.CFG- Mcamx.CONFIG,
Mpfan.pst Mcamxm.CONFIG
Key mapping extension Not used in .KMP
files Version 9
location \mcamx\config
example default.KMP
Toolbar extension Not used in .MTB
mapping files Version 9
location \mcamx\config
example default.MTB
64 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

Support Files

Toolpath and Operation Defaults

Mastercam X gives you a great deal of flexibility in how you use and
manage .DEFAULTS files:
 When you create a new operation, you can tell which
.DEFAULTS file provides the initial values by opening the Files
tab of the Machine Group Properties dialog box from the
Toolpath Manager. In this same location, you can select a new
.DEFAULTS file or edit the existing one. (See the following
 When you create a new machine group by selecting a new
machine, the .DEFAULTS file is specified in the control
definition that is associated with the machine definition.
 When you create a new control definition, Mastercam
includes the .DEFAULTS file that is specified in the .CONFIG
file. (In Mastercam X4, choose Settings, Configuration >
Files properties page, and then choose a defaults library from
the File usage list.)

Tool Libraries
In Mastercam X, the default tool library is a property of the machine
definition. This lets you organize your tools for each machine or type
of machine in its own library which is automatically selected when you
create toolpaths for that machine.

 When you first create a new machine definition, Mastercam

uses the tool library specified in the .CONFIG file. (In
Mastercam X4, choose Settings, Configuration. From the
Files properties page, select a tool library from the File usage
 You can edit a machine definition to use a different tool
 Once a machine group has been created, you can select a
different tool library as the default for operations in that group
on the Files tab of the Machine Group Properties dialog box.
Of course, when you are creating an operation, you can use the Tool
Manager to select tools from any library, just like in your current
Mastercam product.

Coolant Options
One of the differences between tool definitions in Mastercam X and
earlier versions of Mastercam is that Mastercam X lets you select a
default coolant option from a wider range of coolant types. When you
create or edit a tool definition, you can select a default coolant option
from any type of coolant available in the active machine definition. If
you later use that tool with a different machine (and if you choose to
get the coolant option from the tool definition), it is your responsibility
to make sure that it supports the particular coolant option stored in
the tool definition.
“Editing a Machine Definition to Use Mastercam X Coolant Options”
on page 36 tells you more about defining coolant options in your
machine definition and supporting them in your post.
Mastercam Wire supports flushing instead of coolant. See “Editing a
Wire Machine Definition to Use Mastercam X Flushing Options” on
page 40 for more information.

Wire Power Libraries

In Mastercam X, the default power library is a property of the control
definition. When you first create a new wire control definition,
Mastercam uses the power library specified in the .CONFIG file.
 You can change a control definition to use a different power
settings library on the Files page of the Control Definition
66 • MASTERCAM X4/ Transition Guide

 Once a machine group has been created, you can select a

different power settings library for the operations in that
group. (Choose the Files tab of the Machine Group Properties
in the Toolpath Manager.)
 When you are creating an operation, you can select a power
settings library in the Wire parameters tab, just like in your
current Mastercam product.

Material Libraries
Previous versions of Mastercam maintained separate versions of
material libraries for each individual product. In Mastercam X, a single
library (default.MATERIALS) stores Mill and Lathe settings, so that
these products can use the same library. If you want to use material
libraries migrated from your current Mastercam products, you can
handle this in either of two ways:
 Convert one library (for example, Mill) and manually edit the
Lathe settings.
 Convert each library and edit your configuration file and
machine definitions so that the default material library for
each product is different.
Mastercam Router installs its own material library, router.MATERIALS,
in the same folder as default.MATERIALS.

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