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8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of 




Submitted By-: 
ROLL NO.102 


8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


This is to certify that the project work entitled LABOUR WELFARE in GNA

ENTERPRISES LTD. is the bonfide work of  Pardeep Kaur and has been

successfully completed by her in the partial fulfillment for the degree of 


University Patiala, under my guidance.

I am fully satisfied with her work and wish her best of luck in her 


Project Guide

8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


I here by declare that the report entitled LABOUR WELFARE in GNA

ENTERPRISES LTD. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for 


University School of Business Studies, Talwandi Sabo (Punjabi

University Patiala) is my original work and has not been submitted for the

award of any other degree or other similar titled project.

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Pardeep Kaur Punjabi University Patiala 3/74
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With deep sense of pleasure and satisfaction, I completed this

project on ³LABOUR WELFARE in GNAE´ (Guru Nanak Auto Enterprises
Limited), V.P.O. Bundala, Distt. Jalandhar, a well known industry for 
manufacturing of the spare parts.
I would avail this opportunity to thank my guide MR.MANJIT SINGH
(ASSTT.MANAGER HRD) who gave me this opportunity to do this Endeavour.

There are of course no words to express my thanks to entire staff of 

GNAE for their guidance and direction, which have in this training program
never let me feel like an outsider. Their support is invaluable for me.
I am also thankful to my project guide MR.AMANDEEP SINGH. I
further pay reverence to the worthy founder of the industry and his
descendants who have contributed a lot, not only to lift the production of 
the automobile industry but have also elevated a lot for the prestige of the
people of Punjab.
  At the last I express my thanks to all those who have directly or 
indirectly contributed in making this project a success. 

Yours faithfully

(Pardeep Kaur) 4/74
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I dedicate this research work to my parents, Mr. MANJIT SINGH, My

Project Guide, Faculty of  Punjabi University School of Business

Studies, as without their support and motivation this report would never 

come into light.

I am also grateful to my honorable Dr. Bhawdeep Tanghi (H.O.D) for his

leadership and motivation. 5/74
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Industrial training now a days is one & only one method to make students

familiar with the modern techniques, latest equipments & methods used in

various industries during industrial training the students visit to various

companies and make themselves familiar with the practical aspect of the

production methods.

This training has provided an ultimate experience & opportunity to have

practical knowledge which has increased my level of thinking & dealing with

different kinds of people in all walks of life. It helps them a lot while

appearing at the interviews. Industrial training improves theoretical and

practical concept of the students about engineering. The well planned

properly executed & evaluated industrial training helps a lot in inculcating

good work culture. It provides linkage between student and industry in

order to develop awareness of industrial approach to problem solving

based on broad understanding of plant. 6/74
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Sr. No. Table of content Page No.

1 Introduction to the Organization
2 Introduction to Subject
3 Objectives of Study & Research Methodology
4 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
5 Findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
6 Annexure
7 Bibliography 7/74
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Company Profile

  About the company, Guru Nanak Auto Enterprises Limited is the 'flagship
company of GNA group of companies, located at village Bundala in Jalandhar district of 

Punjab. It was established by Legendary Late Sardar Amar Singh way back in 1946 as

a small scale Industrial venture in a 1000 meter plot of land.

In the beginning the chaff-cutting machines were produced. But in the early 50's

due to recession in the chaff-cutting machines workshop has to windup.

Then in 1954 Late S. Amar Singh along with his sons S. Rachhpal Singh and S.

Gursaran Singh started again but this time with a new venture of manufacturing

 Automobile Rear Axle Shafts. At that time the company had two lathe' machines and a

milling machine in the workshop. This was the beginning of new era in the company and

has emerged as a well establishing, quality conscious pioneer company in the auto

parts in the industry.

Now operating in a Competitive Environment Guru Nanak Auto Enterprises Ltd.

is an auto component manufacturing plant and supplies Rear Axle Shafts to original

equipment market in India. It is spread over an area of 80,000 square meters with

30,000 square meters of covered area in Bundala, Jalandhar expanding continuously

ever since, under the stewardship of Mr. Jagdish Singh, Managing Director.

The company expertly applies breakthrough technology by providing innovative

art- to-art lean, flexible manufacturing with world class infrastructure and on time

delivery to everything from passenger trucks to heavy commercial vehicles. The 9/74
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Intellectual Assets

The people it employs know the company. Needless to say the growth of Guru

Nanak Auto Enterprises Ltd. has been spurred by the spirit of the individuals who work

at the various levels to keep ahead of the rest, and constantly rise to the challenges that

beckon them at the frontiers of exports.

Labour is an essential requirement for all types of manufacturing industrial

undertaking. Along with fixation of objectives, formation of policies Labour  W elfare and

Safety measures to ensure the better working condition is also the major function of the

management of a company.
The policies are communicated to those responsible for implementing them and

to those who are affected by them. The arrangement of chain of communication is a

matter of great and growing importance to understand the labour aspect along with

other aspects such ,as finance, marketing. We should make at least a brief view of the

organization chart of the company.


S.Amar Singh established Guru Nanak Auto Enterprises Ltd. in 1946 as a small-

scale industrial venture in a one thousand meters plot land. In the beginning of the

chaff-cutting machine were produced but in the early 50's due to recession in the

economy, the chaff- cutting machine workshop had to wind up.

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In 1954, Late S.Amar Singh along with his sons S.Rachhpal Singh and S.

Gursham Singh started again but time with a new venture of manufacturing automobile

Rear Axle Shafts with a capital of Rs.15000/-.

Now Guru Nanak Auto Enterprise Ltd. is the flagship company of GNAE group of 

companies located at village Bundala in Jalandhar district, Punjab.

This was the beginning of new area in company since then it has never looked

back and has emerged as a well- established auto part industry. Guru Nanak Auto

Enterprise Ltd. producing following products:

Rear Axle Shafts
  W heel Spanners

 S-CAM Shafts

  Engine Bearing

  Torsion Bars

Major Customers of GNAE Ltd.









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Objectives of the Company

The main objectives of the company are as following-:

1. To provide quality products and make timely delivery of the products.

2. To introduce cost reduction, value engineering and reducing waste


3. To continuously upgrade manufacturing capabilities by adopting new

environment friendly techniques.

4. To provide quality of work life for employees by Training,

Development Motivation, good compensation, performance appraisal,

total quality Management, flexibility in work schedules, autonomous

participation, suggestion schemes, Collective Bargaining ,Grievance
handling etc.

5. To have proper man power planning for avoiding over stocking and
under stocking of employee.

6. To show its responsibility towards society by providing free education,

Medical facilities, and medical operations and by organization camps

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Labour welfare

Labour welfare is an important facet of industrial relation. In the present age of 

industrialization growing attention is being paid to the Labour problems. It is an

indication of the increasing importance of the working class in the economic and social

structures of the modern communities. There are 4 factors of production i.e. land,

capital, labour and entrepreneur. The lack of well built labour may rest bad effect on the

production and this may create major problems for the industry for its survival. So,

labour welfare and safety measurement is one of the national programs for the

betterment of labour.

The need for the labour welfare and safety measures was strongly felt by the

Royal Commission on labour as far back as in 1931.

Moreover it is the social responsibility of the employers for overall development

of the workers and to secure them from any physical loss during the working hours.

The industrialization in India has created a number of problems. Before

independence, nothing was done for the welfare and for securing the safety of factory

workers. There was no provision about welfare and safety of workers in constitution. In

free India labour welfare was emphasized by the constitution which laid down article

41,42and 43 for ensuring welfare measures for the workers. So the government has

passed so many acts to improve the welfare of the labour in factories. The factories act

1948 is having so many provisions relating to the welfare and safety of the workers.

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The factories act 1948 emphasis on labour welfare and safety measures such as

washing facilities, first aid appliances, canteen, rest shelters and various provisions

relating to safety of workers ex. fencing of machinery, precautions in case of fire, safety

of buildings and machinery etc.(section 21-41 ). There are so many other schemes

which have been provided by the govt. of India for the welfare of the workers such as

provident fund, family, pension funds, gratuity schemes and employee¶s insurances

schemes etc.

W elfare means improvement of workers from all aspects, mental, health and

standard of living etc. and safety measures means proving secure working conditions so

as to reduce physical injury as well as financial loss to the workers. By providing proper 

working conditions the workers will be motivated and in the result they will work by there

best of the capacity.

In this training report ³Labour W elfare And Safety Measures´ in Guru Nanak Auto

Enterprises, Bundala an attempt has been made to analyze various schemes, factors

and measures adopted by the factory to provide secure, smooth and proper working

conditions to the workers.

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Meaning of Labour Welfare and Safety Measures

In the topic ³Labour Welfare and Safety Measures´ there are two factors

1. Welfare Measures
2. Safety Measures

Labour W elfare And Safety Measures are both significant for the betterment of the living

and working lives of the labourers, thus these are meant for the welfare of the workers.

Labour Welfare

Labour welfare refers to the effort made by employers to improve the working

and living conditions of the workers over and above the wages paid to them.

  According to the report of the International Labour Organization Asian Regional 

Conference, ³workers welfare should understood as meaning with such service,

facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertaking to

unable the persons employed in them to perform there work in healthy and peaceful

surroundings and to avail of facilities which improve their health and high morale ´.

W elfare work may be considered to.· include anything done for the intellectual,

physical, moral and economical betterment of the workers whether by employers, by

government or by other agencies, over and above, what is laid down by law or what is

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normally accepted as a part of the contractual benefits for which the workers may have


Labour welfare can be explained in the following two ways:-

1. Broader Sense:-

In its widest sense it includes all matters affecting the health, safety,

comfort and general welfare of the workmen and includes provision for education,

recreation, thrift schemes, convalescent homes. It covers almost all fields of activities of 

workers e.g. social, economic, industrial and educational.

2. Narrow Sense:- 

In its narrow sense welfare means addition to general physical

working conditions is mainly concerned with the day to day problems of the workers and

the social relationship at the place of the work. In some countries the use of welfare

activities provided is confined to the workers employed in the undertaking concern;

while in other the workers families are allowed to share many of the benefits which are

made available.

Labour's Safety

Safety means providing all those facilities and working conditions to

the workers to avoid all the possibilities of unexpected event resulting in personal injury.

 Accidents in an industrial establishment cause bodily injury to a person. It is an incident

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which generally makes a worker unfit for work. Accidents do not always happen by bad

luck or chance but in most of the cases, industrial accidents take place on account of 

faulty machine designs, poor inspection, lack of concentration and tension. Proper 

safety measures, if are taken, on these factors, accidents can be reduced to great

extent. Safety is a vital function of personnel management.

Safety is a basic and primary requirement in a factory. Unless the life of 

worker is secure and smooth the proper working cannot be ensured in a factory.

Forms of Labour Welfare and Safety Measures

Labour welfare and safety measures may be classified in various ways.

Firstly, it may be classified into the following three categories:-

Scope of Labour Welfare and Safety Measures

It is some what difficult to accurately lay down the scope of labour welfare and

safety measures, especially because of the fact that labour is compared of dynamic
individual with complex needs.

The following list which is by no means exhaustive gives the items under which

welfare work should be conducted inside and outside the work place.

a) Labour Welfare Measures

The need for adoption of welfare measures as means to increase the workers

productive efficiency, to keep up their morale and for the maintenance of industrial

peace has been realized by all sections of the society. Provisions relating to welfare of 

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the factory have been made in Section 42-50 in Chapter 5 of the Factories Act 1948,

which are as under:-

  W ashing facilities

 Facilities for storing and drying clothing

 Facilities for sitting

 First-aid appliances

 Canteen

 Shelters, Rest rooms& Lunch rooms

  W elfare officers

b) Health Services:-

The efficient working process requires -the sound health of the person engaged

therein. Unless the workers are physically and mentally health they cannot perform their 

duties effectively, properly and smoothly. The environment of the factory where workers

are working must be clean and free from infection. Section 11 to 20 contained in

Chapter 3 of the Factories Act 1948, deal with the health of workers in a factory. These

provisions are in keeping with the object of the Act, are also with Articles 42 of the

Indian Constitution which requires that the state should make provisions for securing

 just and humane conditions of work. These provisions are as under:-

 Cleanliness

 Disposal of wastes & effluents

 Ventilation & Temperature

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 Dust & Fumes

 Artificial Humidification

 Overcrowding

 Lighting

 Drinking W ater 

  W ashrooms

 Spittoons

c) Safety Measures:-
Safety is a basic and primary requirement in a factory. Unless the life of workers

is secure, smooth and proper working cannot be ensured in any factory.

Section 21 to 41 of the Act contains the provisions relating to the safety of the

workers. They are summarized as under:-

 Fencing of machinery

 Regulation of work on or near machinery in motion

 Restriction on employment of young persons on dangerous machines and

prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton openers

 Provision regarding pits, sumps, opening in the floor etc

 Restriction on carrying of excessive weight

 Provision of protection of eyes

 Protection against dangerous fumes

 Protection against gas explosives or inflammable dust

 Protection regarding use of electric light

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 Protection in case of fits

 Maintenance of building and machinery

 Appointment of safety officers

Objectives and significance of Labour Welfare and Safety


Now days in India with the industrialization, the employers have not only to pay

the wages to the workers but also to provide the welfare facilities and safe and secure

working conditions. The Government also has made many rules to secure the rights of 



The objectives of providing welfare and safety measures to the workers are mainly


  Humanistic:-

It is partly humanistic since it enables the workers to enjoy a richer and fuller life

by providing them these amenities and convenience of life which they themselves

cannot provide.

  Economic:-

It is partly economic since it improves the efficiency of labour, increase

availability where there is scarcity of labour and secure better class of workers where it

is not scarce and it minimizes the chances of any industrial dispute.

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  Civic:-

It is partly civic since it develops a sense responsibility and dignity among the

workers and makes the worth citizens.


Labour welfare refers to the efforts made by the employers to improve the

working and living conditions and safety measures are adopted to secure the life of the

workers from any unexpected accident. In simple words, labour welfare and safety is

concerned with the facilities to be provided to the workers in addition to what· is laid

down under the law. The fallowing benefits secure from the Labour  Welfare and Safety

Measures: -

  Increase productivity:-

These measures enhance the efficiency of the workers and their productivity

considerably increased.

  Decreases labour turnover and absenteeism:-

It helps in reducing the labourers¶ turnover and absenteeism rate.

  Raise morale:-

It raises the morale of workers. A feeling is developed among the workers that

they are being looked after properly.

  Industrial peace:-

It promotes industrial peace by minimizing industrial disputes.

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Labour welfare measures are also knows as employees' service programmers

to bring benefits. The following text presents the provision regarding the health welfare

& safety of workers the followed by GNAE Ltd The text is divided into three parts. First

belong to the workers under  section 11 to 20 and second part presents the provision

regarding welfare of the workers under  section 42 to 50 and the third part belongs to

safety measures of workers under section 21 to 41.

Before explaining all three provisions, I would like to explain meaning of labours


Labour welfare under factory acts 1948 is a step to protect the industrial labour 

from exploitation done on the part of employees. There conditions were so depleted that

it was considered as an indispensable to protect them against industrial and

occupational hazards.
In order to remove all such weakness, labour welfare was setup. Employees

enjoy services such as canteen, crèches, education recreation facility etc. without any

reference to the specific work done by them.

In organization labour is the important part, without them organization cannot be

develop. If the labours are trained then only any organization can be developed. The

organization must think about the workers if the organization not takes any care about

them then they will also not think about the concern.

Labour welfare concerned with the facilities to be providing with workers in

addition to what is laid down by law.

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Definition:- According to the encyclopedia of social science defines "voluntary

efforts of the employer to establish with in existing industrial system working and some

time living cultural conditions of the employers beyond what it required by law and

customs of the country and conditions".

Concept regarding labour welfare in GNAE Ltd: -

Some welfare measure are statutory and some are non statutory. The

employees who take mere interest in their labour force adopt both measures. GNAE
Ltd believes in and takes interest in their labour force so they adopt both statutory and

non statutory measures.

1. Statutory welfare measures: - These are those measures which are required by law

Some Important Provisions under statutory welfare: -

I. The factory act 1948

II. W orkers compensation act 1923

III. The employees state insurance act 1948

IV. The employees provident fund and miscellanies provisions act 1952.

V. Maternity benefit act 1962

VI. The payment of bonus act 1972

VII. Group life insurance

2. Non statutory welfare measures: - It undertakes voluntary by employees non

statutory welfare:

I. Housing

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II. Medical

III. Homeopathy

IV. Education

V. Transportation

VI. Library

VII. W elfare tour sport club

VIII. Cooperation societies.

IX. T.V. entertainment etc.

 As GNAE Ltd adopt both statutory & non statutory. In the non statutory measure
it provides to workers following facilities:

I. Housing, Rent allowance·

II. Medical

III. Transportation

IV. Canteen

V. Shelter room, restroom, and lunchroom.


Section 49 of factories act provides that in every factory where in 300 to 500 or 

more workers are ordinarily employed the employer shall appoint at least one welfare


In GNAE Ltd as there are more than 300 workers there is welfare officer who

takes care about the labour welfare facilities.

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The main duties & function of the welfare officer are as follow:-

1. He supervises the following concepts: -

a) Safety, health and welfare programmers like housing, recreation, sanitation

services etc.

b) Granting leaves and their wages

c) Redresses of workers grievance

2. Counseling the workers in: -

a) Personal and Family problems

b) Adjustment to their work environment

c) Understanding their right & privileges

3. Advising management in matters of:-

a) Formulating labour & welfare policies

b) Apprenticeship training programs

c) Meeting statutory obligation to workers

d) Developing benefits

e) W orkers education and use of communication media

4. Establishing liaison with workers so that they may:-

a) Understand various limitations under which they work

b) Appreciate the need of harmonious industrial relation in the plant

c) Interpret company policies contently

d) Come to settlement in case of disputes

e) Establishing liaison with management so that the latter may appreciate workers

viewpoint on various maters in the plant

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f) W orking with management and workers to improve productivity

g) W orking with outside public to secure proper enforce of various acts

In brief, a welfare officer is expected to render different types of functions i.e.

labour administration & labour relations. His labour function includes advice &

assistance to implementing statutory provision relating to workers health, safety &


His labour administration function includes maintenance of discipline in wager &

salary administration etc. His labour relation function include settlement of grievance

administration of· standing order, increase in production efficiency promotion of 

harmony and peaceful settlement of disputes.

Types of Labour welfare services: - 

W e may classify all labour welfare services under two heads:

i. Intramural: -  Which are provided with ill the factory such as safety, health,

welfare facilities.

ii. Extramural: - W hich are provided outside the factory such as education,

housing, recreation, transport etc.

The important welfare services:

a) Labour welfare provision.

b) Health provision.

c) Safety provision.

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The need for adoption of welfare measure as a means to increase the workers

productive, efficiency to keep up their moral and for the maintenance of industrial peace

has been realized by all section of the society provision relating to welfare of the factory

worker have been made in section 42-50 in chapter5 of the factories act 1948. The

provision regarding the welfare of factory workers under section 42-50 in GNAE Ltd are

summarized as follows: -

Washing Facilities (section 42):- In every factory,

a) Adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall be provided and maintained for 

the use for workers

b) Separate and adequately screened facilities shall be provided for the use of male
& female workers.

c) Such facilities shall be easily accessible and shall be kept clean.

In case of GNAE LTD the workers are provided with adequate washing facilities.

These facilities are maintenance by him and are kept clean to create a healthy

environment in the firm.

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1. Cleanliness (sec. 11)

Every factory must be kept clean and free from effluvia arising from any drain,

privy or other nuisance. In particular, the following measures must be adopted:

a) Accumulation of dirt and waste shall be removed daily from the flours.

b) The floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least once in every week.
c) W here the floor becomes wet, means draining shall be provided and maintained.

In case of GNA Ltd, proper cleanliness is given equal importance as the other 

activities. The three teams of workers are employed for cleaning the firm. They turn by

turn clean not only the administrative department but also the other departments.

2. Disposal of Wastes and effluents (Sec. 12):

Effective arrangements shall be made in every factory for the treatment of wastes

and effluents due to the manufacturing process produces a large quantity of wastes,

scrap material, their disposal should be properly maintained.

In case of GNAE Ltd, there is proper system for the disposal of wastes and other 

effluent given out during the manufacturing process. Further good care is taken so that

no waste is left out in the concerned department after cleaning.

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3. Ventilation and Temperature (sec. 13) :

Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every factory for securing and

maintaining every work room.

a) Adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air 

b) Such a temperature as well as secure environment to workers should be

provided so that there is a feeling of comfort and it may lead to prevent injury to health.

In case of GNAE Ltd, proper ventilation & temperature is maintained in every

department of the firm.

Sufficient numbers of exhaust fans are installed so as to maintain proper 

ventilation as no such procedure are undertaken in the organization that will increase

the temperature to an abnormal level therefore no such equipment is installed to adjust

the temperature even in peak summers. The production floor remains cool because of 

its special design.

4. Dust and Fume (sec. 14):

In any factory where dust or fumes is produced off in any manufacturing process

which is likely to be offensive to the workers, effective measures must be taken to

prevent the initiation of the dust or fume. Any exhaust appliance which may be

necessary shall be applied as near as possible to the point of origin of the dust or fume

and such points shall be enclosed so far as possible.

In case of GNAE Ltd, the special design of floor keeps it away from dust. As the

fume and dust arise at the time of producing axle, sufficient numbers of exhaust and

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proper system to remove the dust are installed. Thus the employees of the GNAE Ltd

are prevented from the harmful effects of the fumes.

5. Artificial Humidification (Sec.15):

The state government is empowered to make rules for all factories in which

humidity of the air is artificially increased.

The rules should relate to:

a) Prescribing standards of humidification

b) Regulating the methods for artificially increasing the humidity of the air 
c) Directing the prescribed tests for determining the humidity of the air 

In case of GNAE Ltd as no such work is done which is carried out in .highly

closed doors or vaccumised rooms that arise need of artificial humidification. Therefore

no such provision is made in the firm.

6. Overcrowding (Sec. 16):

Section 16 provides that there must not be over crowding in any room of factory

so as to cause injury to the health of the workers. In order to prevent overcrowding, the

section requires a minimum of 14.2 cubic meter of space per worker as per the act. As

already mentioned in the report each department of GNAE Ltd. is specially designed for 

the different levels of activities. Hence there is no overcrowding of the workers in any

department of the firm.

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7. Lighting (Sec. 17):

Every part of the factory must be provided with the sufficient and stable lighting,

natural or artificial or both.

In case of GNAE Ltd, proper arrangement are made for lighting sufficient number 

of tubes and bulbs are fitted in every department of the firm. The employees feel more

comfortable while working. Even glazed windows are also installed in the production of 

floor which are kept very clean.

8. Drinking Water (See. 18): 

 Arrangement shall be made to provide and maintain at stable points a sufficient

supply of whole some drinking water. All such points shall be clearly marked "Drinking

W ater" in a language understood by majority of the workers.

In GNAE Ltd, employees are provided with clean and cool drinking water and for 

this a water cooler is installed at an easily approachable place in the firm so that

employees can have the cool and clean water without any discomfort at any time. The

cooler is kept away from the urinal, latrine etc. so as to prevent any disease to the


9. Washrooms (Sec. 19):

Section 19 requires sufficient washrooms accommodation and there must be

separate closed accommodation for male and female, workers. Such accommodations

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must be adequately lighted, ventilated and maintained in a clean and satisfactory


In case of GNAE Ltd, adequate numbers of separate enclosed accommodation

of urinals and latrines for male and female workers are conveniently situated and are

adequately lighted and ventilated. Sweepers are employed who regularly wash these

places and keep the washrooms clean. Good quality soap is always placed outside the

washrooms .

10. Spittoons:
There shall be provided a sufficient numbers of spittoons at convenient place and

they shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. No person shall spit

anywhere except in the spittoons. A notice containing this provision and the penalty for 

its violation shall be prominently displayed at stable place in the premises.

In case of GNAE Ltd, sufficient numbers of spittoons are provided in the firm at

convenient places. W orkers are strictly prohibited to spit within the premises. Sponsors

and department head are responsible for having strict watch on the workers that they do

not split with the premises. These spittoons are replaced as well as cleaned on a

regular basis.

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Safety is basic and primary requirement in a factory. Unless the life -of workers is

secure, smooth and proper working can not be ensured in any factory. Section 21 to 24

of the act contains the provision relating to the safety of the workers. These provisions

are absolute in character and it is the duty of the occupier' of every factory to comply

with them. The provisions regarding the safety of workers under section 21 to 41 GNA E 
Ltd is summarized as follows.

1. Fencing of Machinery (Sec.21):

In every factory, every dangerous part of any machinery shall be securely fenced

by safe guards of substantial construction which shall be constantly maintained and

kept in position while the part of machinery they are fencing are in motion or in use.

In case of GNAE Ltd, all the machinery is securely fenced. Every machine is

securely fenced by the safe guard and necessarily construction. All the machinery

properly checked by the supervisor and. the concerned head before starting. No worker 

is allowed to make any adjustment without the prior permission of the supervisor before


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2. Worker on or Near Machinery in Motion:

With a new to secure the safety of the workers, section 22 requires that

examination, lubrication etc. of the machinery while it is in motion should be carried out

only by a special trained adult male worker wearing tight fitting clothing which shall be

supplied by the occupied.

In case of GNAE Ltd, only adult and experienced male workers are employed,

while the machinery is in motion, they examine all the machinery. During work security

of the concerned worker is taken as its priority and the worker is allowed to work on

machine only when he wears a fit cloth like· boiler suite, which is provided by the firm.
The suit provides the worker a high level of security. Further the helmets are provided to

the shop floor worker and the supervisors are also provided short range wireless sets

(which covers the whole area of the factory).

W omen and inexperienced young male employees are strictly prohibited to come

closer to the machinery in motion. Also proper register regarding the right clothes

provided by the firm is maintained. The Performa of the register maintained in the

GNAE Ltd is as follows.

36 36/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

Table no. 1

From no. 7-A prescribed under rule 50.

Register of tight clothes maintained in GNAE Ltd provided to workers

S. No. of  Name and Designation Department Date when Signature /

workers Father¶s the tight thumb

Name clothes were Impression

provided of the


3. Employment of young persons on dangerous machines (Sec. 23)

No young person shall be required or allowed to work at any dangerous machine

unless: -

a) He has been fully instructed as to the danger arising In connection with the

machine and the precautions to be observed.

b) He has received sufficient training in work at the machines or is under adequate

supervision a person who has a through knowledge and experience of the


In case of GNAE Ltd, as earlier young employees are not allowed to the

machinery in motion. Only trained and experienced adult workers are employed on

dangerous machines.

37 37/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

The employees are properly instructed by the supervisors and care fully aware of 

the danger arising out of the machines. If precautions are not taken care of however 

proper register of adult worker as well as the young worker are maintained in GNAE Ltd.

Table No. 2.

Form no. 12 prescribed under rule 87 Register of young! Adult workers

maintained in GNAE LTD

S. No. Name and Designation Letter of  No. and Date of  Remarks
of  Father¶s group in certificate

workers Name the form II

No. of  Token

Certificates No.

4. Striking gear and devices for cutting of power (sec. 24):

In every factory stable striking gear or other efficient mechanical appliances shall

be provided and maintained and used to move driving belts to & loose pulleys which

form part of the transfixion machinery. Such gear of appliance shall be so constructed,

placed and maintained to prevent the belt from creeping back on to the fast pulleys.

Stable devices for cutting of power in emergencies from running machinery shall be

provided and maintained in every work room.

38 38/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

In case of GNAE Ltd, they had got no provision regarding the riving belts but they

have provision regarding the cut of power. There re main switches to cut of power in

factory. The workers when they finish their work they cut of power from the main switch.

5. Self Acting Machines (Sec. 25):

No transferring of the self acting machine in any factory and no material carried

their own shall be allowed. From any fixed structure which is not part of the machine.

This restriction would apply if space over which is a space and which any person is

liable to pass, whether in case of employment otherwise.

In case of GNAE Ltd there is no any self acting machine available.

6. Causing of New Machinery (sec. 26):

 All machinery driven by power and installed in. any factory after 1 august, 1949

must be enclosed or otherwise effectively guarded as to prevent danger. It is punishable

offence to sell or hire any machine which does not comply with the above provision.

In case of GNAE Ltd machine properly check its screw, bolts, nuts, cylinder,

head nut etc. properly check.

7. Lifting Machines, Chains, Ropes and Lifting Tackles (Sec. 29):

In every factory lifting machines, chains, ropes and lifting tackles must be of good

construction sound material and adequate strength and free from defects. These shall

be properly maintained thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in

every period of 12 months.

39 39/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

In case of GNAE Ltd there are also cairns with the firm for lifting material with a

lifting capacity of 8 tones. This crane is thoroughly is examined by the expert every 6

months and data on date are recorded in the register maintained for this purpose for the

sake of safety. The crane is never used beyond its capacity only the trained drainer 

operators are allowed· to use the crane that to with prior permission of the supervisor 

under his guidance.

8. Revolving Machinery (Section 30)

In every factory in which the process of grinding is carried on, their shall be
permanently affixed or placed near each machine a notice indicating the maximum safe

working speed is not exceeded. Each particular case has to be decided with reference

to its circumstances to decide what effective measures have been taken.

In case of GNAE Ltd when the grinding process to be started the grinding

process to be started the operator has to wear goggles & helmet to prevent himself from

the abrasive dust. The worker is not allowed to make any adjustment in the machine

without the permission of the supervisor.

9. Floor, Stairs & means of access (Section 32)

In every factory all floors, steps, stairs, passages & gang ways shall be sound

construction and properly kept and maintained and shall be kept free from obstructions

and substances likely to cause persons to sup. Safety is the keynote here and normal

use is the test. W hen any person has to work at a height from where he is likely to fall,

provision shall be made, so far as is reasonably reachable by fencing or otherwise, to

ensure the safety of person so working.

40 40/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

In case of GNAE Ltd the floor, stairs 7 steps are properly maintained. In addition

to it no worker is employed to lift so much heavy weight which may cause injury to him.

10. Excessive Weights (Section 34)

No person shall be employed in any factory to lift, carry or move any load so

heaving as is likely to cause him injury , state government may make rule prescribing

the maximum weights which may lifted, carried or moved by adult men, adult women,

adolescents and children employed in factories.

In case of GNAE Ltd also follows the requirements of excessive weights provided
under the Factory Act 1948 and doesn't allowed and order any of its employee to lift

such a heavy weight that may cause him personal injury, and provided the employees

with such facilities that will then in lifting and moving the material from one department

to another.

11. Protection of eyes (Section 35)

In respect of any manufacturing process carried on in any factory involving risk of 

injury to the eyes from· the particles or fragments thrown off in the cause of process or 

by reason of exposure to excessive light, the state government is giving the power to

make rules requiring. Those factories must provide effective screens or suitable goggles

to protect the employed persons.

In case of GNAE Ltd whenever there is some work, which can cause injury to the

eyes of the worker they provided with special safety glasses i.e. goggles check.

41 41/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

12. Precaution against dangerous fumes, gases etc. (Section 36)

No person shall be required or allowed to enter any chamber, tank, pits, vat, flue

or other confined places in any factory in which any gas, fume, vapors or dust is likely to

be present to such as extent as to involve risk to person being overcome there by.

In case of GNAE Ltd when the component is manufactured some burnt gases

come out which prove to be dangerous to the workers. Therefore, they are provided by

suitable breathing apparatus. Further no employee till today has complained for any
disease due to the fumes.

13. Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light. (Section 36A): -

In any factory: -

(a) No portable electric light or any other electric appliance of voltage exceeding

twenty four volts shall be permitted for use inside any chamber, tank, or other 

confined place unless adequate safety devices are provided.

(b) If any inflammable gas or dust is likely to present in chamber, tank, pipe, flue or 

any other confined place, no lamp or light other then that of flame proof 

construction shall be permitted to be used their in.

42 42/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

Provisions regarding the social security in GNAE Ltd

Social security is very much necessary for workers because this' security cause a
feeling of belongingness among the workers. Their job satisfaction and morale

increases and they try to put maxin1um efforts for the achievement of the goals.

I. Providing fund schemes: - 

Every employee whose pay exceeds Rs. 500 is required to become a member of 

the provident. The employee contribution to the provident fund scheme is 12 % of the

basis pay to become a member of fund. An employee can use from this provident fund

in case of need every employee fill the form of provident fund at the time of joining the

 job (Annexure) whenever any employee enters to the job this form is properly filled by


II. Employee family pension:- 

It become payable upon cessation of employment after attaining the age of 58


III. Employees Insurance Policy:-

The employees contributes' of basic salary to provident fund is Rs. 59 per month.

IV. Medical benefit:-

 All the employees drawing a gross salary up to 500 per month are provided with

scheme that they can avail medical benefit for self children & dependable parent at

allotted dispensary.

43 43/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

Provision regarding the employment of young persons in the

The provisions regarding employment of young persons in GNA E Ltd are as

follows: -

1. Prohibition of employment of young children (section 67):-

  A child who has not completed his fourteen years is prohibited from working in
any factory under any circumstance what so ever, no exemption ever in case of 

emergency can be allowed to overcome of this section.

 At GNAE Ltd children are not allowed to work must be adult i.e. he must be of 18

years is allowed to work even he is below 18 years, if he must be above 14 years of age

& is having certificate of by the firm.

2. Non adult worker to carry tokens (section 68): -

 A child who has completed his 14 years or an adolescent shall not be required or 

allowed to work in any factory unless he is given a certificate of fitness by a competent

certifying surgeon.

 At GNAE Ltd who has completed his 14 years or an adolescent shall not allowed

to work unless he is having a certificate of fitness by competent doctor, recommended

by the firm.

44 44/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

3. Certificate of fitness (section 69): -

The certificate of fitness is granted by a certifying surgeon on the application of 

young persons or a guardian. The certifying surgeon shall examine. The young person

has a certain fitness for working in a factory.

In case of GNAE Ltd the certifying of fitness is granted by the doctor 

recommended by firm. The application has to write an application requesting the

medical examination & attached with documentary stating that the document holder 

employed there if doctor after examining him give certificate.

4. Working hours for children:-

No children be employed or permitted to work in factory:

1. for more then four & a half hours in any day.

2. On any day on which he has already working in any other factory.

 At GNAE Ltd the working hours for children are name as for the adults except the

extended time period. The children are provided with a rest of 1 hour after continuous

working of 4 hours.

5. Notice of periods of working for children (section72): -

Every factory must display and correctly maintain a notice of periods of work for 

children such notice should show clearly the periods during when children may be

required or allowed to work.

45 45/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

In case GNAE Ltd no such notice is displayed on any board of the firm. The child

workers are informed weekly by the concerned supervisor as where they have to work

when they have to join & leave the work.

6. Register of child worker (section 73):-

The manager of every factory in which children are employed shall maintain a

register of child worker showing:

a) The nature of each child worker in factory

b) The nature of his work

c) The group in which he is included

d) W here his group works· on shift, the relay to which he is allotted

e) The number of his certificate of fitness

In case of GNAE Ltd a register of child worker is maintained by concerned

supervisor containing name of worker, nature of work & any other remarks. This register 

also helps in maintaining record of hours of work spend by child workers.

46 46/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

Industrial Relation in GNAE Ltd

Labour welfare will not compete if Industries not having smooth relations with the


In case of GNAE Ltd there are good relation between an employer and worker.

Because workers are satisfied with the welfare facilities provided to them. They are

getting all sorts of benefits because the company's management members are also

involved in different social welfare activities like.

Medical Facility, Housing Facility

Religious ceremonies etc so the workers are having very good image

management in their minds moreover workers are get wages at proper time intervals
without any delay. Firm is having skil1ed unskilled and semiskilled workers and every

type of worker is satisfied from the treatment being given to them. Company is following

open door policy every employee who is having problem at work or personal level can

easily discuss with the head of department.

So workers are fully satisfied from the work environment because of good mutual

understanding among management & workers. The routine worker is smooth. There is

no chance of any strike during dupe time of company. So this company is a very good

example of industrial relations.

47 47/74
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48 48/74
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a) To analyses the provision regarding health & welfare the workers.

b) To analyses the provision regarding safety & social security of the workers.

c) To analyses the employer & employees relations with each other.

d) To know the workers are satisfied from the labour welfare activities in GNA

Enterprises ltd.

e) To know if the people are satisfied with the steps, which management taken to

improve welfare activities.

f) To find the awareness among the labours class that if they know about the limit

labour facilities given to them.

49 49/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


Sample size and design: It is proposed to have a sample size each of 30

employees from all departments.

  A well structured questionnaire shall be designed and distributed to the

concerned persons (employees and the head of the concerned departments) for the

collection of primary data. Interviews shall be held with the company executives, and

functional heads on various aspects of the research. Surveys may be conducted. Depth

interviews may be conducted to extract the needed information from the concerned


Period:  The primary data is proposed to be collected through various means of 

communications, i.e. in person, by telephone, e-mail , between 11.02.09 to 01.04.09,the

period and mode of collecting data shall be reviewed suitably at the appropriate times

so as to make it meaningful and closest possible to the objectives set for the research


50 50/74
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51 51/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

1:- Do you know about the term ³LABOUR WELFARE´?

0% To    r   
    ¢ £  £ 


¥  t

To    oder  te extent

   


To  ome extent

Not t
   


Tot No. Of Respondents  30 

To r  e extent 21% 

To  moder te extent 34% 

To some extent 45% 

Not t 0% 


Fr om the bove fi ure  it i s c ear that 21%  of peop e  say th at they k now about the ter m 
to a  ar  e extent, 34% say to moder ate extent, 45% say to some extent only.

52 52/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

2:- Is there any need for welfare schemes?

16% 3%


Don¶t now


Total No. Of Respondents  30

Yes  1% 

No  16% 

Don¶t Know   


Fr om the above figur e it i s clear that 1%of people  say yes, 16%  of people  say no, a nd
3%of people say don¶t now whether ther e is any need f or welfar e schemes or not.

53 53/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw 54/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

4:- Are welfare schemes helpful to you?






on t ko
&  ' 

Total o. Of Re pondent 30
e 23
o 32
on¶t Kno 45


From the above figure it i clear that 23 of people ay ye that elfare cheme are
helpful to them, 32 of people ay no, and 45 of people ay don¶t kno .

55 55/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

5:- Do you know about the welfare policy of the company?




To o e extent
1  3 


Total o. Of Re pondent 30
e 25
o 45
To o e extent 30


Fro the above figure i t i clear that 25 of people ay ye that  they know about  the
welfare policy of the fir , 45 of people ay no, and 30 of people ay to o e extent.

56 56/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

6:- How many schemes company gives to workers?

elo 10

13% 1%

bove 10

43% 43%

elo 20

bove 20

Total No. Of  Respondents  30 

Belo  10  1% 
Above 10  43% 
Belo 20  43% 
Above 20  13% 


From  the  above  figure  it  is  clear   that  1%of   people  say  that  the  schemes given to
workers  by  company  are  below 10,  43%  say  above 10,  43%  say  below 20  and  13% 

say above 20. 

57 57/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

7:- Do you know about the present safety measures of the organization?






To o e extent
9  A 

Total o. Of Re pondent 30
e 71
o 0
To o e extent  29


Fro the above figure i t i clear that 71 of people ay ye that  they know about  the
afety ea ure of   the fir , 0 of people ay no, and 29 of people ay to o e

58 58/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

8:- Are you satisfied with present welfare schemes of the firm?


Co pletely  ati fied

C  D  D 


To a l r ge extent

To a oder  te extent
C  E 

To o e extent
D  C 


Not at all

Tot l No. Of Re pondent 30

Co pletely ati fied 30% 
To l r ge extent 5% 
To oder te extent 12% 
To o e extent 39% 
Not at all 14% 


Fr o the above figur e it  i clear   that 30%of  people ay  that  they ar e co pletely 

ati fied with the pr e ent af ety ea ur e of   the fir  , 5 % ay  to l r ge extent, 1 2% ay 
to oder te extent, 39% ay to o e extent and 14% ay not at all.

59 59/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

9:- Is there any link between welfare schemes and productivity of the employee?

11% Ye F 



on t kno
G  H 

Total No. Of  Re pondent 30 

Ye   11%
No  45%
Don¶t Kno   44%


From the  above  figure  it i   clear  that 11% of   people  ay  ye that there  i   link bet een 
elfare  cheme   and  productivity  of  the  employee,  45% of   people  ay  no,  and  44%of  
people  ay don¶t kno . 

60 60/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

10:- Is there any link between safety measures and quality of the product?




To  o e extent
P  Q 


Total No. Of  Re pondent 30 

Ye 29%
No  38%

To  o e extent 33%


Fro the  above  figure  it i   clear  that 2 9% of   people  ay  ye that there  i   link  between 
afety  ea ure   and  quality  of  the  product,  38% of   people  ay  no,  and  33%of   people 
ay to  o e extent. 

61 61/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

11:- Do you know about Regulations of Govt. regarding Labour Welfare?




30% To  o e extent

R  S 

Total No. Of  Re pondent 30 

Ye 23%
No  30%

To  o e extent 47%


Fro the  above  figure  it i   clear  that 23% of   people  ay  ye that they  know  about the 
regulation   of  the  govt.  regarding  labour   welfare,  30% of   people  ay  no,  and  47%of  
people  ay to  o e extent. 

62 62/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

12:- Is there any need for Safety measures?




To  o e extent
T  U 


Total No. Of  Re pondent 30 

Ye   48%
No  19%

To  o e extent 33%


Fro the above figure it i  clear that 48% of  people  ay ye that there i  need for   afety 
ea ure , 19% of  people  ay no, and 33%of  people  ay to  o e extent. 

63 63/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

13:- "Welfare schemes provide more motivation". Is it true?

Co pletely ti fied
V  X 

W  W 


33% To  l r ge extent

X  X 


To  oder  te extent

V  X 

To  o e extent

22% 13%
Not t ll
X  X 

Tot l No. Of Re pondent 30 

Co pletely ti fied  33%
To l r ge extent 13%

To  oder te extent 22%

To  o e extent 20%
Not t ll 12%


Fr o the  bove figur e it i clear that 33%of  people r e  co pletely ti fied  with thi
t te ent ³Welfare schemes provide more motivation´,  13% to l r ge  extent, 22%
y to  oder te extent nd 20% y to  o e extent nd 12% y not t ll. 

64 64/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

14:- Do you want to give any suggestions about the welfare schemes to the

b b a 



Y ` 

T tal . Of Resp ndents 30



Fr m the ab ve figur e it is clear that f people  say yes they want to give any
suggestions, of people  say no they don¶t want to give  suggestions about labour 
welfar e to the company.

65 65/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


66 66/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


The main findings regarding the labour welfare in GNAE Ltd are as follows:

y In GNAE Ltd cleanliness is maintained, spittoons are placed at proper places, proper 

ventilation is maintained, fresh and pure drinking water is provided, separate and

adequate arrangement of washroom is there, proper lighting is there, having the

consideration of the firm towards the health of the workers.

y Adequate arrangements for the disposal of wastes and fumes and the availability of 

sufficient fire fighting equipments makes the firm much safer for the worker to work in

and makes the employees feel comfortable while working.

y It is well established company from the view point of profitability and productivity.

y Company enjoys an excellent reputation and goodwill among the creditors, bankers

and suppliers.

y  W elfare programs and policies are designed and implemented properly. W elfare

committee has been formed for the redrenal of the disputes and complaints of the

workers and for considering the suggestions of the workers.

67 67/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


In GNAE Ltd. there are also some short comings, so I would like to explain some

a) All workers should be made aware regarding welfare schemes.

b) The workers should be made aware about the welfare policy of the company.

c) There must be proper awareness among the workers about the safety measures.
They should know about the benefits of the safety tools used during their work.

d) The workers should be motivated for the use of safety measures for the sake of 
their own lives.

e) The regular training programs should be arranged for giving knowledge to every

worker about labour welfare schemes and safety measures of the organization.

f) The organization should develop new welfare schemes for the mutual benefits of 
the workers as well as for the benefit of the organization.

g) It should prende non statutory facilities in more efficient way.

 At the end, it can be said that GNAE Ltd not only follows all the provisions of welfare
but also takes care of all its employees. Every employee considered to be one of the
member of the family and is provided full support by the firm both emotionally and
financially as one takes care of his home, the same is done at GNA E Ltd.

68 68/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


It was a very nice, fastidious and finicky experience for me to work in GNAE Ltd

as a management trainee. The organization as a whole is a group of very motivated,

qualified, skilled, intelligent, experienced and helpful people who always come before to

anyone to help. The organization is one of the leading companies in state of Punjab.

It was a great pleasure for me to work with the GNA E Ltd employees. I will never 

forget the help I have received from the GNA E officials. So far it was the most awesome

experience in my life. I wish them for their prosperous future.

69 69/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw


70 70/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw



1. Do you know about the term ³LABOUR WELFARE´?
a) To a large extent 
b) To a moderate extent 
c) To some extent 
d) Not at all 

2. Is there any need for Welfare schemes?

a) Yes 
b) No 
c) Don't know 

3. According to you what is the main purpose of the Safety Measures?

a) Increase in the production 
b) W orkers satisfaction 
c) Improve quality 

d) Employee development 

4. Are Welfare Schemes helpful to you?

a) Yes 
b) No 
c) Don¶t know 

5. Do you know about the Welfare policy of the company?

a) Yes 
b) No 
c) To some extent 

71 71/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

6. How many schemes company gives to workers?

a) Below 10 
b) Above 10 
c) Below 20 
d) Above 20 

7. Do you know about the present safety measures of the organization?

a) Yes 
b) No 

c) To some extent 

8. Are you satisfied with the present welfare schemes?

a) Completely satisfied 
b) To a large extent 
c) To a moderate extent 
d) To some extent 
e) Not at all 

9. Is there any link between welfare schemes and productivity of the employee?
a) Yes 
b) No 
c) Don't know 

10. Is there any link between safety measures and quality of the product?
a) Yes 
b) No 
c) To some extent 

72 72/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw

11. Do you know about Regulations of Govt. regarding Labour Welfare?

a) Yes 
b) No 
c) To some extent 

12. Is there any need for Safety measures?

a) Yes 
b) No 
c) To some extent 

13. "Welfare schemes provide more motivation". Is it true?

a) Completely satisfied 
b) To a large extent 
c) To a moderate extent 
d) To some extent 
e) Not at all 

14. Do you want to give any suggestion about welfare schemes to company?
a) Yes 
b) No 

73 73/74
8/4/2019 Project Gnae Lw



Chawla, R.C., ³Business Law´ 

Himalaya Publishers

Garg, K.C., ³Human resource Management´ 

Kalyani Publishers


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