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P re mie r lT o no-.iJc r.

l 202 U q,
Premier Bank
Dnter 2,1,06.2021
Letter of Conttnitnenl lbr llnnk's undertaking lbr line of Cl.edit
Flomi lhe Prcrrlicr Bank l-td. Tongi Branch
Ic|dcr ll) no: 586921
lnvilalion lietircnre No: DA-2-1.28a

NId Sullan AIi
Itailway AdlnrDislrati!e Building.
KanralapLLr. Dhalia l2l 7

Wc hale heen inlbnncd drat IiIAN ENGINEERINC CO..,11. SHAHID SI{IIY SCHOOL itoAl).
PURIIO AItlCHPtlR, \4ONNUNAGAR. TON(il, (lAZlPUlt, BANGI.ADESH (hereinaller callcd "thc
i.ndc/') intends to submit to you its lender (herciralter callcd "lhe Terlder") li)r thc c\ecution ol'lht
\\1,rls ol 'Al SS E,Works,/AKA Scction: Clonstrltction ofCurlc Post at kln f0:|9 - 10'1/1, llllS -
llli:. ll:li9'21:116. 215,/1'9. 20510-2.215i0-1. :15/2 I in betwecrl ASZ 6?? \,CR slali.,n" $Irder the
abo\ e in!,itaLion lirr I crrdcrs (hereinaticr called "Lhe 1Ir I ").

Furrlrcnlrorc. $c
ullderstand that. accorLllng to J'our conditions, the Tendeler's I'inancial Cipacit) i.e.
l.iqnid .\sser musl bc sLrbstantiated b] a l.etter ()1'Commilnlcnt of Iiank's U0deftaking lix of Clredit.

.\t 1ir. rcqucsr ot, and.inangenrent \\ith, lhc l'cndcrer, \\,e The Premier Bank, l'ongi tsrrnch l15 Kxzi
MrLrket. lirrgi, Cazipur. do herebl agree and underlake that I{IAN ENGINEERIN{I CO.. 11, SIIAIIID
B,\N(lL-AD[Stl !\,i11 be pro\'ided bv us \!ith a rclolving Iine ofcredit. ir casc aNarded the conlfacl. l'L]r
e\ecution ol_1hc \orks viz ,^T SSAE,'Wo|ks,/AKA Sectionr ConshLtolioll ol'(irrve Post al km l0li9
20J1l.2lli8 - 212r2. I ll/9 211/6. ll5r,1-9. 105/0-2.215i0 2. ll5,/2 3 in betwecn ASZ ii?? NICR sl rion '
!idc in\itation Iin ln,'ilaliorr l{cfirence \o: DA-2-l.l8a. lbr a rctal a]notrnt not less than BDI' (iI Ueurel lTwent) Lacl orl) (ir) $,ords) lir lhe $lc pLrrposc ofthe execuli(n) ofdrc above
connrLct. This rcYolving Line 01 credil \\ill bc r]raintained b) us unlil issuance ol' "Takir)g_ Ovcr
ale11iiicate' b) thc procuring Lrtit]

In $itncss $hereol, aulhorircd rcprcscntative ol the b.rnk ltas hereunto signed xnd scaled thi\ Lettcr o1_


<. t. a'LU '
Sr,lirr SLMane ASN{ Karim
Senior IixccLrti\ e Ollicer VP & Bra[ch Nlanagcr

The Premler Bank Limited

Tongi Branch: Kazi Market (1st Floo0,175 lvlymensingh Road, Tongi, Gazipur. Tel: 9815756-7
Cell: 01730002799, Web :

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