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Prodi S-1 Keperawatan

Jl. Kemuning No. 57 Candi Mulyo Kec. Jombang Kab. Jombang, Telp (0321)

Compilled by: LIA MIFTASARI, M.Pd













No copying this book without permission from the writer. Even the writer don’t
know if you copy this book, but remember God knows all things what we do in
this world. Good luck and may we will get success in this world and here after,

Alhamdulillah...Big thanks for Allah as the almighty, finally the writer can publish the
module, namely “Intensive English Book For Toefl Preparation”. This module is the result of
It provides background and understanding of the TOEFL, which can help the students to take the
test with maximum efficiency and make the kind of score that can give a wide choice of college or
graduate schools
Intensive English Book For Toefl Preparation was written to help the students to
practice more not only in Listening Comprehension, but also in Structure and Written Expression,
Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension. By practicing it very hard, hopefully the students will get
significant ability which influnce their interensting in English get high score in Toefl.
Enjoy in practicing is a sentence used to make better in learning. It has been included lots
of material that has been written especially English grammatical for English learners. That is why,
Intensive English Book For Toefl Preparation provides some questions and gives some
opportunities for students to practice it.
Some advices to improve this module quality the writer really need. Hopefully, this module
is useful for English nursing students, especially students of STIKES ICME Jombang. May Allah
bless whoever read and learn this Basic English GrammarModule. Amen .....

Kediri, 22 March 2020



Practice makes Perfect

Buku ini dipersembahakan untuk

mahasiswa S1- Keperawatan
semester VI

Strategy for Listening

1. In part A, focus for second speaker

2. Get the main idea of the conversation
3. Choose the different answer on your teks
4. Understand functional expression seperti agreement (persetujuan), uncertainty
(ketidakpastian), suggestion (saran), surprise (keterkejutan), idiomatic
5. In Part B, when narrator is reading direction, understand about the questions,
then imagine what the speakers will say?
6. When you listen the conversation, you must know about the topic
7. Understand the condition what, who, where, when the speakers saying
8. In part C, see the keyword of the speakers saying
9. Focus for the first sentence for first speaker and find the topic
10. Focus for 5 W and 1 H question
11. Make conclusion of the speakers saying
Time: Approximately 30 minutes
50 Questions

Practice !

Section 1 has three parts. Each part has its own set of directions. Do not take notes while listening
or make any marks on the test pages. Notetaking, underlining, or crossing out will be considered
cheatting on the actual TOEFL exam, answer the questions following the conversations to talks
based on what the speakers have stated or implied.

For practice test 3, restart your listening comprehension casssette immediately following
practice test 2. On the actual TOEFL, you will be given extra time to go on to the next page when
you finish a page in the listening comprehension section. In the followings test, however, you will
have only the 12 second given after each question. Turn the page as soon as you have marked
your answer . start the cassette now.


In part A, you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end or each
conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The question will be spoken
just one time. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible
answers and decide which one would be the bist answer to the question you have heard. Then, on
your answer sheet, fint the number of the problem and mark your answer

1. (A) April (B) May (C) June (D) July

2. (A) Philadelphia (B) Chapmans (C) Doctor (D)Arizona
3. (A) He’ll see if he can get the computer going.
(B) It’s very good computer
(C) Dana has copy the manual in the back office
(D) The woman was wise to have copied her data
4. (A) gas station (B) A police station (C) A lost-and-found department (D) Abar
5. (A) Jason Daniels isn’t home right now
(B) the caller diadled the wrong number.
(C) Jason Daniels can’t come to the thone right now
(D) Jason Daniels doesn’t want to speak to the caller.
6. (A) She’s on a committee (C) She’s exercises too much
(B) She’s been working later (D) She’s trying to budget her sleep
7. (A) better (B) sick (C)fine (D) tired
8. (A) no, because it’s not for sale
(B) yes, because he has plenty of money
(C) yes, if he borrows the money from the woman
(D) no, because he didn’t bring enough money
9. (A) Europe (C) Canada
(B) where the speakers are (D) California
10. (A) her car is being repaired at the gas station.
(B) frank is going to the gas station to pick up her car
(C) she has gone to get her gas tank filled with gasoline
(D) her car isn’t working properly because of the type of gasoline that she is using
11. (A) although they knew there was going to be a meeting, they didn’t come
(B) they didn’t want to attend the meeting, but they did anyway
(C)they didn’t know about the meeting
(D) they didn’t let anybody know BOUT THE MEETING, so nobody attend
12. (A) he made the best grade in his class.
(B)he is an exceptionally good student
(C) his classmates made good grades, but he didn’t
(D) he is one of the better students in his class
13. (A) the dean was asked to question several student
(B) the humanities professor questioned several student
(C) the humanities professor as able to answer the students’ questions
(D) the humanities professor has asked the dean a question about some students
14. (A) refuse to work (C) request to work overtime
(B) leave early (D) ask for assistance
15. (A) he went to the concert because he didn’t want to work
(B) he didn’t go to the concert because he had too much work to do
(C) although he had a lot of work to do, he went to the concert
(D) he never goes to a concert if he has work to do.
16. (A) he lost the library’s new books
(B) he is going to the new library to look for some books
(C) he many keep the library books longer
(D) he had to pay a late fee for the book
17. (A) he is afraid to start smoking because of the hazardous effects
(B) he is afraid he become fat if he stops smoking
(C) he is afraid that will become more nervous if he stops smoking
(D) he doesn’t realize the possible dangers of smoking
18. (A) he studies regularly , but his grades are suffering
(B) he is so lazy that he never gets good grades
(C) he hasn’t studied lately but will likely get good grade
(D) he probably will not pass because he hasn’t studied
19. (A) his meat wasn’t tender
(B) the speaker did not have a good character
(C) it was difficult to meet new people in the crowd
(D) the meeting was cut short
20. (A)he never forgets when he has a meeting
(B) it seems that he forgot about their meeting
(C) he should have canceled the meeting
(D) he has to come to the meeting
21. (A) vegetables (B) fruit (C) meat (D) cokies
22. (A) they couldn’t afford a honeymoon
(B) they went to Puerto Rico
(C) they went to St. Augustine
(D)they are still planning on going to Puerto Rico
23. (A)the first hot dog came from Germany
(B) hot dogs originated in the united states
(C) some hot dogs are made from reindeer meat
(D) even countries like Finland have a food similar to hot dogs.
24. (A) his work is too simple to keep him interested (C) he has a flat tire
(B) he has no time to relax (D) he has no work to do
25. (A) Tiffany is Stephanie’s mother (C) Tiffany is older than Stephanie
(B) Tiffany and Stephanie’s are sister (D) Tiffany is younger than Stephanie
26. (A) To find out how long it will take to repair the car
(B) To find a different repairman
(C) To find out what it will probably cost before the work is done
(D) To repair it himself
27. (A) she watched TV last night instead of working on her paper
(B) she didn’t watch TV last night because she had to write a paper
(C) she wrote her paper last night while she was watching TV
(D) she is writing a TV script
28. (A) franklin admired the deer’s beauty from his bedroom window
(B) franklin closed the door quickly
(C) franklin shot a deer with a rifle
(D) franklin took a photograph of a deer
29. (A) start typing immediately
(B) have her paper typed by somebody else
(C) change her topic
(D) find a different typing service
30. (A) Yolanda injured Anna
(B) Yolanda had ro run downtown last week
(C) Yolanda went downtown to exercise
(D) Yolanda met Anna downtown unexpectedly.



In part B, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked some
questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken jus one time. They will not be written
out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the
speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you
have chosen.

31. (A) he was crazy (C) he had many broken bones

(B) they thought he was dead (D) he fell out of a plane
32. (A) on a plane (B) on television (C) on the ground (D) in a hospital
33. (A) he fell out of a plane (C) he fell while walking
(B) his two parachutes didn’t open (D) A parachute fell on him
34. (A) he died (C) he broke his leg
(B) he jumped from a plane again (D) he went crazy
35. (A) dentist – patient (C) teacher-student
(B) doctor-patient (D) pharmacist-customer
36. (A) in a few days (C) very slowly
(B) before leaving the office (D)soon enough
37. (A) some medicine (C) exhaling slowly
(B) some tests (D) filling her lungs with air
38. (A) she does not have enought air in her lungs
(B) she’s exhaling too slowly
(C) she didn’t do well in her tests
(D) she has a little congestion


In part C, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will be asked some questions. The talks
and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not he written out for you, so you will have to
listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a questions, read the four possible answear in your test book an decide
which one would be the best answer to the number of the problem and fill in the space that
corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
39. (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 7
40. (A) they attraced the attention of a private airplane
(B) they ran out of gas
(C) some fishermen spotted them
(D) their families finally found them
41. (A) they knew that they had run out of fuel
(B) their families had reported them missing
(C) they hadn’t met the private airplane when it was due to arrive
(D) it was starting to get dark
42. (A) 15 miles (B) 7 ½ miles (C) 2 miles (D) 5 miles
43. (A) to plan a special diet for the patient to lose weight
(B) to show someone how to read an x-ray
(C) to get the patient to join an exercise class
(D) to inform the patient about how to deal with his illness
44. (A) she talked with a chiropractor
(B) she read the x-rays
(C) she did some back stretching exercises
(D) she took some pain killers.
45. (A) osteoarthritis (C) pinched nerves
(B) curvature of the spine (D) muscle spasms
46. (A) A painter (B) A museum guide (C) An art critic (D) A friend of Dali
47. (A) perfume (B) leather goods (C) furniture (D) jewelry
48. (A) A toreador (B) Gala (C) Columbus (D) Lincoln
49. (A) landscapes (B) seascapes (C) hand craftsmanship (D) surrealism
50. (A) toreadors (B) slave markets (C) landscapes (D) limp watches

Time: Approximately 30 minutes
50 Questions

Section 1 has three parts. Each part has it own set of directions. Do not take notes while listening
or make any marks on the test pages. Notetaking, Underlining, or crossing out will be considered
cheating on the actual TOEFL exam. Answer the questions following the conversation or talks
based on what the speakers have stated or implied.
For practice test 4, insert your listening comprehension cassette in your tape player. On the
actual TOEFL you will be given extra time to go on the next page when you finish a page in the
listening comprehension section,in the following test, however, you will have only the 12 second
given after each question. Turn the page as soon as you have marked your answer. Start the
cassette now.


In part A, you will hear short conversation between two speakers. At the end of each conversation,
a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just one time.
After you hear a convensation and the question about it, read the four possible answes and decide
whic one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then, on your answer sheet,
find the number of the problem and mark your answer.
1. (A) something happened to her car
(B) she was broken and couldn’t afford the bus
(C) she got up too late to catsh the bus
(D) her car got struck in the driveway
2. (A) she doesn’t like other people brushing her clothes
(B) she doesn’t like to drink
(C) she doesn’t like to knit
(D) she doesn’t like being snubbed at a party
3. (A) he will buy the car as soon as he gets the money
(B) his friend is buying the car for him
(C) he can’t afford to buy a new car
(D) he has already made the down payment on the car
4. (A) shee had to fly out town (C) she said that she’d come later
(B) She’e sick (D) she decided to stay home
5. (A)15 (B) 50 (C) 85 (D) 100
6. (A) the man doesn’t have to study a foreign language
(B) the man just received an “A” on his test
(C) the man’s adviser gave him some good advice
(D) he doesn’t have to take the final exam.
7. (A) Rusty will lose hs car becauuse he hasn’t made the payments
(B) the finance company is returning Rusty’s car
(C) Rusty has a broken finger from falling on the pavement behind his car
(D) Rusty’s car is being repaired
8. (A) reviewed a previous lesson
(B) presented new material
(C) tested the students
(D) made the students write in class
9. (A) the woman is getting another job
(B) the woman is disappointed at not getting the job
(C) the woman’s boss is letting her have a better job
(D) the woman’s job is much better than she had expected
10. (A) they are pleased (B) they dread it (C) they are undecided (D) they are frustrated
11. (A) the bank closed before the woman could deposit her money
(B) if the woman hurries, she’ll get to the bank before closing time.
(C) the woman has to take some money out of the bank befare it closes
(D) the bank is closing the woman’s account because the hasn’t deposited any money.
12. (A) they were total strangers (C) he knew them very well
(B) he knew them ony slightly (D) he wasn’t sure whether he knew them or not
13. (A) cut the sugar cubes into smaller pieces (C) reduce the amount of sugar he ingests
(B) put sugar in his coffe (D) eat more sugar
14. (A) they were pulled through the wreckage (C) none will survive
(B) they were pulling each other through the wreckag (D) all will probably survive
15. (A) there were so many tickets left that they had to sell them again the next day
(B) not many showed up to purchase tickets on opening day
(C) there were no tickets left by noon of the opening day
(D) a few tickets were left for the afternoon of opening day.
16. (A) knowing that he lacked experience, he still applied
(B) even though he was experienced, he didn’t apply for tha job
(C) he was highly qualified for the job, so he applied
(D) he didn’t have much experience working in the fields
17. (A) it could not be solved by anyone (C) gary was the only one who couldn’t solve it
(B) everyone knew how to solve it (D) only gary could solve it
18. (A) tthe people thanked her for her response
(B) the people were grateful because she had requested tthe information
(C) she was happy with the response to er first request
(D) she responded gratifully to their request
19. (A) she can’t attend the meeting because she has too much homework
(B) she completed her homework early so that she could attend the meeting
(C) although she has homework due tomorrow, she plans to go to the meeting
(D) she refuses to attend this class because of the homework
20. (A) gil prefers that the woman wait for him
(B) gil is happy because the woman didn’t wait for him
(C) the woman is angry because gil left before she arrived
(D) gil doesn’t want the woman to wait for him
21. (A)jogging (B) at the store (C) taking a stroll (D) getting a newspaper
22. (A) the woman will go home for dinner
(B) the woman won’t go to the concert
(C) the man and woman will eat together
(D) both of them will go home before going to the concert
23. (A) oscar pays his bills ahead of time
(B) oscar has decided to get a loan to pay his bills
(C) oscar has too many expenses and can’t save any money
(D) oscar’s wife will have to go to work
24. (A) his keys are lost forever
(B) he expenct to find his keys soon
(C) his keys were lost , but now he has found them
(D) someone showed up with his keys soon after he had lost them
25. (A) they attended the concert even though the tickerts were expensive
(B) they wanted at tendend the concert, but the tickets were sold out
(C) the tickets were so inexpensive that they attended the concert
(D) the couldn’t afford the tickets for the concert.
26. (A) use a different type of viewing device (C) stand up
(B) sit down (D) stop raising the sign
27. (A) melanie didn’t wear the coat because she doesn’t like red
(B) melanie is allergic to wool
(C) melanie wore the coat but broken out in rash
(D) melanie couldn’t wear the coat because she was in a rush.
28. (A) he’d like to have a steak ang salad now
(B) he thinks he’ll run out and buy a steak and salad right now
(C) he just ate a steak and salad
(D) he’s eating a steak and salad at the moment.
29. (A) she usually goes to the football games
(B) she hasn’t seen a football game for a long time
(C) she doesn’t like football
(D) she usually doesn’t go to football games
30. (A)the agent has sold no policies this week
(B) the agent has sold only one policy this week
(C) the agent hasn’t sold too many policies this week
(D) last week , the agent sold more policies than anybody else
In part B, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked some
questions . the conversations and questions will be spoken just one time . they will not written
understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard. Then , on your answer
sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.
31. (A) department store (B) supermarket (C)produce market (D) variety store
32. (A) tuna fish (B) enggs (C) bleach (D) detergent
33. (A) it is a no-frills store (C) the lines are shorter
(B) the fresh food looked appetizing (D) there is a wide selection
34. (A) the man did not enjoy the store (C) he spent more than $50
(B)nothing was on sale (D) he found the food inexpensive
35. (A) san juan (B) venus (C) miami (D) port-o-call
36. (A) morison (B ) mowrison (C) norrison (D) morrison
37. (A) cash (B) credit card (C) personel check (D) traveler’s checks
38. (A)in three days (B) march 27 (C) march 15 (D) june 20.

In part C, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will be asked some questions . the
talks and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not be written out for you so you will
have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a question , read the four possible answears in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answear to the qoestions you have heard. Then, on your answer
sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.

39. (A) the high cost of gasoline (C) dangereus driving conditions
(B) overcongestion of university areas (D)police roadblocks
40. (A) state law only (B) city law only (C) natural law (D) city and state law
41. (A) roller skating in the streets is only a local problem
(B) skaters are creating problems for motorists
(C) police will ticket violators
(D) the problem is most common in college and university areas
42. (A) new political ways (C) new means of water travel
(B) new methods of fishing (D) how to trap animals
43. (A)they were plentiful in england
(B) they grew only in certain sections of the country
(C) they were preferred raw
(D)they did not exist in england
44. (A) by canoe (C)by toboggan anf snowshoes
(B) by blazing trails through the forest (D)on animals
45. (A)corn (C) building shelters
(B) domisticated animals (D) trapping animals
46. (A) the settlers werw well prepared for the hardships that they would encounter.
(B) the new settler evidently found the winters severe
(C) the indians taught the settlers how to build canoes
(D)the settlest brought tool and weapons the ney world
47. (A) 6;:45 in bation rouge (C) 1:45 in dallas
(B) 1:45 in atlanta (D)2:45 in dallas
48. (A)smoking cigars (C)smoking a pipe
(B) dringking whiskey (D)smoking cigerttes
49. (A) 3242 (B) 3224 (C) 2334 (D)3442
50. (A)1:45 P.M (B) 12 mignight (C) 1:45 A.M (D)6:45 P.M

Time: Approximately 30 minutes
50 Quesrions

Section 1 has three parts. Each part has its own set of directions. Do not take notes while
listening or make any marks on the test pages. Notetaking, underlining, or crossing out will be
questions following the conversations or talk based on what the speakers have stated or implied.
For practice test 6 , rest your listening comprehension casset immediately following practice
test 5. One the actual TOEFL , you will be given extra time to go on the next page when you finish
a page in the listening comprehension section. In the following test, however you will have only the
12 second given after cach question. Turn the page as soon as you have marked your answer.
Start the cassette now.

In part A, you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation, a third voice will ask a question about what was said. The question will be spoken
just one time. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible
answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer.
1. (A) mark is fond of rare meat (C) mark dislikes rare meat
(B) mark is angry at the chef (D) mark doesn’t want his meat cooked medium rare
2. (A) the man doesn’t like skim milk
(B) the milk has turned bad
(C) the man’s check-cashing card has expired
(D) the milk may turn sour if the don’t drink it within the next five days.
3. (A) he has other plans (C) he thinks it will be frightening
(B) he has a bad personality (D) he doesn’t have enough time
4. (A) it has been in her family a ong time (C)her mother doesn’t like it
(B) it is a family disgrace (D) her boyfriend gave it to her
5. (A) it was cleaned (C) the employees had to work very late
(B) there was a large sale (D) there was a robbery
6. (A)she has good taste in clothes (C) the skirt is pretty, but not the blouse
(B) her choice is not suitable for the occasio (D) it is too elegant
7. (A) jack didn’t visit them
(B) jack will not visit them because it’s not on his way
(C) they hope jack will visit them
(D) they are sure that jack will visit them if he doesn’t run out of time
8. (A) she’ll count the votes on the proposal
(B) she’ll support the man’s proposal
(C) she’ll make the proposal herself
(D) she’ll back out the proposal
9. (A) at the jewelry store (C)from a machine
(B) from the purchaser (D)down the hall
10. (A) it will rain late (C) it’s raining now, but will probably stop
(B) it’s probably not going to rain (D) the rain has already stopped
11. (A) the man should ask for advice
(B) the man need to make his own decision
(C) the man should not buy the house
(D) the man should make an ofter
12. (A) Monday, wenesday,and Friday (C)Tuesday, thrusday,and sunday
(B) Saturday and Sunday (D) Monday,Friday and saturday
13. (A) it was hard for her to learn so much material
(B) she learned the difficult extremes
(C) she wasn’t able to materialize the difficulties
(D) she found the material after a difficult search
14. (A) he studied because it was a nice day
(B) he din’t study because it was a very nice day
(C) he studied in spite of the beautiful weather
(D) he likes to study when the weather is nice.
15. (A) she found a had seat because the theater was dark
(B) she couldn’t find a seat in the dark
(C) she couldn’t seat her friends
(D) she had some difficulty finding a seat.
16. (A) after the class had begun, some of the brazen students entered the room
(B) there were three dozen student in the class after it had begun
(C) there were 24 students in the class after it had begun
(D) the dozen people in the room were doubling as students.
17. (A) he expected the professor to contradict him self
(B) he had expected the professor to cancel the class
(C) he was contrary with the professor
(D) he hadn’t expected the professor to cancel class , but he did
18. (A) in a butcher shop (C) in a pharmacy
(B) in a akery (D) in an ice –cream store
19. (A) he won the trophy (C)he sprained his ankle
(B) he’s minister (D)he broke his arm
20. (A) in the winter (C) in September
(B) in july (D) in april
21. (A)the speakera may cause Katie to be late
(B) she will be here shortly
(C) the speakers will probably be late if she doesn’t arrive soon
(D) she probably forgot the appointment
22. (A) go to a party either Friday or Saturday night
(B) go to a party if the weather is good
(C) go to a party on both Friday and Saturday nights
(D) not go to a party because of the weather
23. (A) helen hates to eat fish
(B) helen often fishes with her husband, but she doesn’t like it
(C) helen hates her husband after he has been fishing
(D) helen likes to eat fish , but her husband likes to fish too much.
24. (A) Karl enoys painting puzzles
(B) Karl’s expression puzzled the woman
(C) Karl was comused
(D) Karl expressed the woman’s face a puzzle
25. (A) he must exhaust the runner
(B) he was probably very tired after running
(C) the rum made him sleepy
(D) he must run after the thief
26. (A) he can probably see her tomorrow afternoon
(B) tomorrow at noon she will see him
(C) she may see him now, but she’ll be too busy tomorrow
(D) he must pay his last bill if he wants to see her
27. (A) sally’s friend have very bad habits
(B) sally doesn’t have many friends because she is spiteful
(C) sally bas many friends although she has bad habits
(D) bad people are avoided by sally
28. (A)the houses are too simple to cost so much
(B) it is easy to pay for a nice house
(C) they don’t have enough money for a new house because of the high prices
(D) the can afford a new house now, but not next year.
29. (A) it should have closed yesterday, but it will close in two days
(B) it closes two days from now
(C) it closed two days ago
(D) registration for the class is late
30. (A) she didn’t know that they had changed plans
(B) their change in plans didn’t affect her plans
(C) she didn’t tell them when she change plans
(D) she didn’t know that they had changed the schedule of the planes.

In part B, you will hear longer conversations. After each conversation, you will be asked
some questions. The conversations and questions will be spoken just one time. They will not be
written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand and remember what
the speaker says.
When you hear a questions , read the four possible answear in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard. Then, on your answer
sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen.
31. (A) he’s lost his job as a chef
(B) he can’t keep up with new trends
(C) he hunt himself exercising
(D) he is overweight
32. (A) limit fats and keep working out the gym
(B) eat carbohydrates
(C) stop eating dessert
(D) doa breathing program
33. (A) eat yogurt
(B) read a good book
(C) snack on low –fat vegetables
(D) take long walks
34. (A) take home leftovers from a salad bar
(B) read book on dieting
(C) bring lunch from home
(D) sskip lunch
35. (A) co-outhors of a book
(B) librarian-researcher
(C) biographer-book buyer
(D) professor-student
36. (A) france (B) chile (C) mexico (D) spain
37. (A) painter (B) world traveler (C) sociology professor (D) writer
38. (A) chile (B) france (C) germany (D) Canada


In part C, you will hear several talks. After each talk, you will be asked some questions. The talks
and questions will be spoken just one time . they will not be written out for you, so you will have to
listen carefully in order to understand and remember what the speaker says.
When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide
which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard. Then, on your answer
sheet, find the number of the problem and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the
answer you have chosen
39. (A) there was not much wind
(B) there was no ways of controlling them
(C) it was hard to get off the ground
(D) they were too heavy
40. (A) germany (B) france (C) united states (D) england
41. (A) A french clockmaker (C) A french count
(B) von zeppelin (D) blimp
42. (A) germany (B) england (C) united states (D) france
43. (A) the airships were used for wartime purposes
(B) they were afraid because of the tragedy of the hindenberg
(C) the newer models were too small
(D) they were difficult to control
44. (A) elephants (B) rabbits (C) bears (D) tigers
45. (A) butterflies (B) mice (C) spiders (D) turtles
46. (A) disease (B) speed (C) size (D) fur
47. (A) beasts (B) herbivorous (C) carnivorous (D)dinasaurs
48. (A) 180 million years ago (C) 16 million years ago
(B) 60 million years ago (D) 150million years ago
49. (A)by excavating sites (C) by observing them closely
(B) by reconstructing skeletons (D) by living with them
50. (A) scientists have studied them for centuries
(B) they were meat eating as well as plant eating
(C) they wandered the earth for millions of years
(D) they lived on land , in the sea, and in the sky



1. First, study the sentences. Your purpose is to determine what is needed to

complete the sentence correctly.
2. Then study each answer based on how well it completes the sentence. Eliminate
answer that do not complete the sentence correctly.
3. Do not try to eliminate incorrect answer by looking only at the answers. The
incorrect answer are genarally correct by themself. The incorrect answers are
generally incorrect only when used to complete the sentence.


You know that a sentence in English should have a subject and a verb . the most common
types of problems that you will encounter in structure questions on the TOEFL test have to do with
subject and A verbs : perhaps the sentence is missing either the subject or the verb or both, or
perhps the sentence has an extra subject or verb

Example I from the paper and computer TOEFL test

Was backed up for miles on the freeway

a) Yesterday
b) In the morning
c) Traffic
d) Cars

Example 2 from the paper and computer TOEFL test

Engineers for work on the new space program

a) Necessary
b) Are needed
c) Hopefully
d) Next month

Example 3 from the paper and computer TOEFL test

The boy going to the movies with a friend

a) He is
b) He always was
c) Is relaxing
d) Will be


A Sentence in english must have at least one subject and one verb
EXERCISE 1: Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following sentences.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or in correct (I)

1. Last week went fishing for trout at the nearby mountain lake.
2. A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the front desk
3. A job on the day shift or the night shift at the plant available.
4. The new computer program has provides a variety of helpful applications.
5. The box can be opened only with a special screwdriver.
6. The assigned text for history class it contains more than twenty chapters.
7. The papers in the wastebasket should be emptied into the trash can
8. Departure before dawn on a boat in the middle of the harbor.
9. Yesterday found an interesting article on pollution.
10. The new machine is processes 50 percent more than the previous


An Object of a preposition is a noun, pronoun,gerund or noun clause that comes after a preposition
, such as in, at, of, to, by, behind, on, and so on, to form a prepositional phrase.

(After his exams) Tom will take a trip (by boat)

This sentence contains two objects of prepositions. Exams is the object of the preposition after
,and boat is the object of the preposition by.

An object of a preposition can cause confusion in structure quetions on the TOEFL test
because it can be mistaken for the subject of a sentence.


A preposition is followed by a noun,pronoun, gerund or noun clause that is called an object of the
preposition. If a word is an object of a preposition, it is not the subject.

EXERCISE 2 : Ech of the following sentences contains one or more prepositional phrases.
Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the prepositional phrases that come before
the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C ) or incorrect (I ).

1. The interviews by radio broadcasters were carried live by the station.

2. In the last possible moment before takeoff took his seat in the airplane.
3. At the neighborhood flower shop, flower in quantities of a dozen or a half dozen
can be delivered for free.
4. The progressive reading methods at this school are given credit for the
improved score.
5. For the last three years at various hospitals in the county has been practicing
6. In the past a career in politics was not considered acceptable in some circles.
7. Shopping in the downtown area of the city it has improved a lot in recent years.
8. At the building site the carpenters with the most experience were given the most
intricate work.
9. For the fever and headache took two aspirin tablets
10. The report with complete documentation was delivered at the conference.
Appositives can cause confusion in structure quetions on the TOEFL test because an appositive
can be mistaken for the subject of a sentence An appositives ia a noun that comes before or after
another noun and has the same meaning.

Sally, the best student in the class , got an A on the exam.

In this example sally is the subject of the sentence and the best student in the class can easily be
rekognized as an appositive phrase because of the noun student and because of the commas. The
sentence says that sally and the best student in the class are the same persone. Note that if you
leave out the appositive phrase, the sentence still makes sense (sally got an A on the axam)

The following example shows how an appositive can be confused with the subject of a
sentence in structure questions on the TOEFL test.


An appositives is a noun that comes before or after another noun and is generally set off from the
noun with commas. If a word is an appositive, it is not the subject . the following appositive
structures are both possible in english:


Tom, A really good mechanic, Is fixing The car


A really good mechanic Tom Is fixing The car

EXERCISE 3 : eac of the following sentences contains an appositive. Underline the subjects once
and the verbs twice. Circle the appositive phrases. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or
incorrect (I)

1. The son of the previous owner, the new owner is under taking some fairly broad
changes in management policy.
2. Last semester, a friend, graduated cum laude from the university.
3. Valentine’s day, February 14, is a special holiday for sweethearts.
4. At long last, the chief executive officer, has decided to step down.
5. Tonight’s supper, leftovers from last night, did not taste any better tonight than last
6. The only entrance to the closet, the door was kept locked at all times.
7. In the cold of winter, all heating unit , would not turn on
8. The new tile pattern, yellow flowers on a white background, really brightens up the
9. The high powered computer the most powerful machine of its type ,was finally
readied for use.
10. A longtime friend and confidant, the psychologist was often invited over for Sunday
A present participle is the –ing form of the verb(talking,playing). In structure questions on the
TOEFL test, a present participle can cause confusion because it can be either a part of the verb or
on adjective. It is part of the verb when it is preceded by some form of the verb be.
The man is talking to his beard
In this sentence talking is part of the verb because it is accompanied by is.
A present participle is an adjective when it is not accompanied by some form of the verb be
The man talking to his friend has a beard

In this centence talking isan adjective and not part of the verb because it is not accompanied by
som form of be. the verb in this sentence is has.

The following example shows how a present participle can be confused with the verb in
structure questions on the TOEFL test.


A present participle is the –ing form of the verb . the present participle can be (I) part of the
verb or (2) an adjective. It is part of the verb when it is accompanied by some form of the verb
be. It is an adjective when it is not accompanied by some form ot the verb be.
1. The boy is standing in the corner
2. The boy standing in the corner was naughty

EXERCISE 4 : Each of the following sentences contains one or more present participles. Underline
the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the present participles and label them as adjectives
or verbs, then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect(I).

1. The companies offering the lowest prices will have the most custemers.
2. Those travelers are completing their trip on delta should report to gate three.
3. The artisans were demonstrating various handicrafts at booths throughout the
4. The fraternities are giving the wildest parties attract the most new pledges
5. The first team winning four games is awarded the championship.
6. The speaker was trying to make his point was often interrupted vociferously.
7. The fruits were rotting because of the moisture in the crates carrying them to
8. Any students desiring official transcripts should complete the appropriate form.
9. The advertisements were announcing the half-day sale received a lot of attention.
10. The spices flavoring the meal were quite distinctive.


Past participles can cause confusion in structure questions on the TOEFL test because a past
participle can be either an adjective or a part of a verb. The past participle is the form of the verb
that appears with have or be . it often ends in –ed, but there are also many irregular past
participles in English. (see Appendix F for a list of irregular past participles)

The family has purchased a television.

The poem was written by Paul.
In the first sentence the past participle purchased is part of the verb because it is accompanied by
has. In the second sentence the past participle written is part of the verb because it is
accompanied by was.
A past participle is an adjective when it is not accompanied by some form of be or have.

The television purchased yesterday was expensive

The poem written by paul appeared in the magazine.
In the first sentence purchased is an adjective rather than a verb because it is not, accompanied by
a form of be or have (and there is a verb, was, later in the sentence). In the second sentence
written is an adjective rather than a verb because it is not accompanied by a form of be or have
(and there is a verb, appeared, later in the sentence).


A past participle often ends in –ed, but there are also many irregular past participles. For many
verbs, including –ed verbs, the simple past adn the past participle are the same and can be
easily confused. The –ed form of the verb can be (I) the simple past, (2) the past participle of a
verb, or (3) an adjective.

1. She painted this picture

2. She has painted this picture
3. The picture painted by karen is now in a museum.

EXERCISE 5 : Each of the following sentences contains one or more past participles. Underline
the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the past participles and label them as adjectives or
verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. The money was offered by the client was not accepted

2. The car listed in the advertisement had already stalled
3. The chapters were taught by the profesor this morning will be on next week’s exam.
4. The loaves of bread were baked in a brick oven at a low temperature for many hours.
5. The ports were reached by the sailors were under the control of a foreighn nation.
6. Those suspected in the string of robberies were arrested by the police.
7. The pizza is served in this restaurant is the tastiest in the county.
8. The courses are listed on the second page of the brochure have several prerequisites.
9. All the tenants were invited to the independence day barbecue at the apartment
10. Any bills paid by the first of the month will be credited to your account by the next day.

TOEFL EXERCISE (SKILL 1-5 ): choose the letter of the word or group of words that best
completes the sentence.

1. The North Platte River from Wyoming into Nebraska

a. It flowed b. Flows c. Flowing d. With flowing water
2. Biloxi received its name from a sioux word meaning “first people”.
a. The city of b. Located in c. It is in d. The tour included
3. Apriade of lions up to forty lions, including one three males, several females, and cubs.
a. Can contain b. It contains c. Contain d. containing
4. Tea plant are small and white.
a. The b. On the c. Having flowers the d. The flowers of the
5. The tetracyclines, antibiotics, are used to treat infections.
a. Are a family of b. Being a family c. A family of d. Their family is
6. Any possible academic assistance from taking stimulants marginal at best
a. It is b. There is c. Is d. As
7. Henry adams, born in Boston, famous as a historian and novelist.
a. Became b. And became c. He was d. And he became
8. The major cause, the pull of the moon on the earth.
a. The ocean tides are c. Of the tides in the ocean
b. Of ocean tides is d. The oceans’ tides
9. Still a novelty in the late nineteenth century, limited to the rich
a. Was c. It was Photography
Was photography d. Photography was
10. A computerized map of the freeways using information gathered by sensors embedded in the
pavement on a local cable channel during rush hours.
a. Airs b. Airing c. Air d. To air


When you have two clauses in an English Sentence, you must connect the two clauses correctly.
One way to connect two clauses is to use and,but,or,so, or yet between the clauses.

Tom is singing, ang Paul is dancing

Tom is tall, but Paul is short
Tom must write the latter. Or Paul will do it
Tom told a joke, so Paul laughed
Tom is tired, yet he is not going to sleep

In each of these examples, there are two clauses that are correctly joined with a coordinate
conjunction and,but, or, so, or yet, and a comma(,).

The following example shows how this sentence pattern could be tested in structure
questions on the TOEFL test.

And but or so yet
S V, Coordinate connector S V
She laughed but she wanted to cry

EXERCISE 6 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the
subjects one and the verb twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences are correct
(C) or Incorrect (I).
1. The sofware should be used on a laptop computer, and this computer is a
2. The rain clouds can be seen in the distance , but no has fallen
3. They are trying to sell their house, it has been on the market for two months.
4. So the quality of the print was not good, I changed the typewriter ribbon.
5. The lifeguard will warn you about the riptides, or she may require you to get out
of the water
6. You should have finished the work yesterday, yet is not close to being finished
7. The phone rang again and again, so the receptionist was not able to get much
work done
8. The missing wallet was found, but the cash and credit cards had been removed.
9. Or you can drive your car for another 2,000 miles, you can get it fixed.
10. The chemist was awarded the Nobel Prize, he flew to Europe to accept it.
Sentences with adverb caluses have two basic patterns in english. Study the clauses and
connectors in the following sentences :
I will sign the check before you leave

Before you leave, I will sign the check

In each of these examples, there are two clauses : you leave and I will sign the check, and the
clauses you leave is an adverb time clauses it is introduced with the connectore before.

In the first example the connector before comes in the middle of the sentence, and no comma (,) is
used . in the second example the connector before comes at the beginning of the sentence . in this
pattern, when the connector comes at the beginning of the sentence, a comma (,) is requeired in
the middle of the sentence.

The following example shows how this sentence pattern could be tested in structure
questions on the TOEFL test.


After as soon as once when as
now that
As before since whenever because
As long as by the time until while inasmuch as
S V adverb connectore S V
Teresa went inside because it was
adverb connectore S V, S
because it was raining, teresa
went inside

EXERCISE 7 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Cricle the connectors then indicate if the sentences are correct
(C) or In correct (I).

1. Since the bank closes in less than an hour, the deposits need to be tallied
2. Their backgrounds are thoroughly investigated before are admitted to the
3. The citizens are becoming more and more incensed about traffic accidents
whenever the accidents accur at that intersection.
4. The ground had been prepared, the seedlings were carefully planted.
5. We can start the conferance now that all the participants have arrived
6. The building quite vulnerable to damage until the strom windows are installed.
7. Once the address label for the package is typed, can be sent to the mail room.
8. Because the recent change in work shifts was not posted, several workers
missed their shifts.
9. The mother is going to be quite upset with her son as long as he misbehaves so
10. Inasmuch as all the votes have not yet been counted the outcome of the
election cannot be announced.

Adverb clauses can express the ideas of time and cause, as you saw in Skill 7; adverb
clauses can also express a number of other ideas, such as contrast, condition, manner, and
place.because these clauses are adverb clauses, the have the same structure as the time and
causes clauses in skill7. Study the following examples:

I will leave at 7:00 i/I am ready

Although I was late, I managed to catch the train.

In each of these examples, there are two cluses that are correctly joined with adverb
connectors. In the first sentence, the adverb condition connectore if comes in the middle of the
sentence. In the second sentence, the adverb contrast connector although comes at the beginning
of the sentence, and a comma(,) is used in the middle of the sentence.

The following example show a way that this sentence pattern can be tested in the structure
section of the TOEFL test


If although as where
In case evev though in that wherever
Provided though
Unless whereas
S V adverb connector S V
Bob went to school even though he felt sick
adverb connector S V S V
even though Bob felt sick, he went to school
NOTE: a comma is often used in the middle of the sentence with a contrast connector
The smith family arrived at 2:00, while the jones family arrived an hour later

EXERCISE 8 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors yhe indicate if the sentences are correct
(C) or incorrect (I).

1. It is impossible to enter that program if you lack experience as a teacher.

2. The commandant left strict orders about the passes, several soldiers left the post
3. No one is admitted to the academy unless he or she the education requirements.
4. While most students turned the assignment in on time, a few asked for an
5. I will take you wherever need to go to complete the registration prosedures.
6. I will wait here in the airport with you whetherb the plane leaves on time or not.
7. Providing the envelope is postmarked by this Friday , your application still
8. As the nurse already explained all visitors must leave the hospital room now.
9. This exam will be more difficult than usual in that covers two chapters instead of
10. Though snow had been falling all day long, everyone got to the church on
time for the wedding.
TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (SKILL1-8): choose the letter of the word or group of word that best
completes the sentence.

1. The three basic choords in the tonic, the dominant, and the subdominant
a. Functional harmony c. Functional harmony are
b. Functional harmony is d. Functional harmony they are
2. Hale telescope, at the palomar observatory in southern California.scientist can
photograaph objects several billion light years away.
a. The b. With the c. They use the d. It is the
3. Withhout the proper card installed inside the compute, impossible to run a graphics
a. Is definitely b. Because of c. It is d. is
4. Thecharter for the Louisiana lottery was coming up for reneral, spared no expense in
the fight to win renewal.
a. The lottery committee c. So The lottery committee
b. So The lottery committee and d. The lottery committee made
5. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple start ; to the naked eye to be a single star
a. It appears b. But it appears c. Appears d. Dispite it
6. The sun’s gravity severely distorted the path of the coment entered its wildly erratic
orbith arround Jupiter.
a. It b. When c. After the comet came into it d. Once the comet
7. Each object Jupiter’s magnetic field is deluged with electrical charges.
a. Enters b. It enters c. Entering d. enter
8. As its name suggests, the Prairie Wetlands Resource Center the protection of
wetlands on the prairies of the Dakotas, Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
a. It focuses b. Focuses on c. Focusing d. To focus on
9. One of the largest and most powerful birds of prey in the world, a six foot wingspan
and legs and talons roughly the size of man’s arms and legs.
a. So the harpy has c. With the harpy having
b. The harpy having d. The harpy has
10. Areation of such a community was a desirable step. The requisite political upheaval had
to be accepted.
a. Since the b. The c. Later, the d. It was the


A noun clause is a clause that fungtions as a noun ; because the naun clause is a noun, it is used
in a sentence as either an object of a verb, an object of a preposition, or the subject of the

I know when he will arrive

I am concerned about when he will arrive
NOUN CLAUSE AS OBJECT OF PREPOSITIONWhen he will arrive is not important

In the first example there are two clauses, I know and he will arrive , these two clauses are joined
with the connector when. When changes the clauses he will arrive into a noun clauses that
functions as the object of the verb know.

In the second example the two clauses I am concerted and he will arrive are also joined by
the connector when. When change the clause he will arrive into a noun clause that functions as the
object of the preposition about.
The third example is more difficult. In this example there are two clauses, but they are a
little harder to recognize. He will arrive is one of the clauses, and the connector when changes it
into a noun clause that functions as the subject of the sentence. The other clause has the noun
clause wheen he willarrive as its subject and is as its verb.

The following example shows how these sentence patterns could be tested in structure
questions on the TOEFL test.


- What, when, where, why, how - whatever, whenever
- whether.if - that
Noun clause as object
S V noun connector S V
I know what you did
Noun clause as subject
Noun connector S V V
What you did was wrong

EXERCISE 9: Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Put boxes around the noun clauses.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)

1. When the season starts is determined by the weather.

2. The manual how the device should be built.
3. The schedule indicated if the teams would be playing in the final game.
4. He refused to enter a plea could not be determined by the lawyer.
5. Talked about where we should go for lunch.
6. Why the condition of the patient deteriorated so rapidly it was not explained.
7. Whether or not the new office would be built was to be determined at the meeting.
8. That the professor has not yet decided when the paper is due
9. The contract will be awarded is the question to be answered at the meeting.
10. He always talked with whomever he pleased and did whatever he wanted.


In skill 9 we saw that noun clause connectors were used to introduce noun subject clauses or noun
object clauses. In skill 10 we will see that in some cases a noun clause connector is not just a
connector; a noun clause connector can also be the subject of the clause at the same time.

I do not know what is in the box

Noun clause as object of verb
We are concerned about who will do the work
Noun clause as object of preposition
Whoever is coming to the party must bring a gift.
Noun clause as subject

In the first example there are two clauses: i do not know and what is in the box. These two clauses
are joined by the connector what. It is important to understand that in this sentence the word what
serves two functions. It is both the subject of the verb is and the connector that joins the two
In the second example there are two clauses. In the first clauses we is the subject of are. In
the second clause who is the subject of will do. Who also serves as the connector that joins the
two clauses. The noun clause wo will do the work finctions as the object of the preposition about.

In the last example there are also two clauses : whoever is the subject of the verb is
coming, and the noun clause whoever is coming to the party is the subject of must bring. The word
whoever serves two functions in the sentence : it is the subject of the verb is coming, and it is the
connector that joins the two clauses.


Who what which

Whoever whatever whichever
Nounclause as object
S V noun connector/subject V
I know what happened
Naun clause as subject
Noun connector/subject V V
What happened was great

EXERCISE 10 : Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the
subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors . put boxes around the noun clauses.
Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

1. The game show contestant was eble to respond to whatever was asked.
2. You should find out which the best physics department.
3. The employee was unhappy about what was added to his job description.
4. Whoever wants to take the desert tour during spring break signing up at the office.
5. The motorist was unable to discover who he had struck his car.
6. The voters should elect whichever of the candidates seems best to them.
7. It was difficult to distinguish between what was on sale and what was merely on
8. You should buy whatever the cheapest and most durable.
9. What was written in the letter angered him beyond belief.
10. You can spend your time with whoever important to you.



(Reading Toefl materials)

Lenght of study: 24 meetings. 7 meeting for Structure materials (MR sam), 7 meetings for
reading materials (Mrs Eva), and 7 meeting for listening materials (together). And in the last 3
days will be held TOEFL Test.
Overview :Reading section consist of 50 questions with 55 minutes to finish. Here the time
management is very important. Time is of the essence when it comes to the TOEFL. In fact, all
other things being equal, good timing and the ability to pace yourself can make or break your
TOEFL score.
The objective: This supplementary toefl preparation materials is one of strategies to improve
your score especially in the reading section.

Skim the reading passage to determine the main idea and the overall organization of ideas in the
You do not need to understand every detail in each passage to answer the questions correctly. It
is therefore a waste of time to read the passage with the intent of understanding every single
detail before you try to answer the question.

 Look ahead at the questions to determine what language skills are being tested in the
 Questions related to different language skills are answered in different ways.
 Find the section of the passage that deals with each question.
 The language skill tells you where to look in the passage to find correct answer.
 For main idea question, look at the first line of the paragraph.
 For directly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the question, and skim for that
key word (or related idea) in order in the passage.
 For pronoun questions, the question will tell you where the pronoun is located in the passage.
 For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in the passage.
 Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully.
 The answer will probably be in a very redictable place in the passage.
 Choose the best answer to each question from the four choices listed in your tested.
 You can choose the best answer according to what is given in the appropriate section of the
passage, eliminate definitely wrong answer, and mark your best guess on the answer.
Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each one is followed by a number of
questions about it. You are to choose the one best answer, A, B, C or D, to each question. Then,
on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the
letter of the answer you have chosen.

Questions 1-9

Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless and inflammable liquid that can be produced by combining
carbon disulfide and chlorine. This compound is widely used in industry today because of its
effectiveness as a solvent as well as its use in the production of propellants.

Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. In the
past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used
throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous
gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous
characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in
1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds.

1. The main point of this passage is that

A. carbon tetrachloride can be very dangerous when it is heated
B. the government banned carbon tetrachloride in 1970
C. although carbon tetrachloride can legally be used in industry, it is not allowed in home
D. carbon tetrachloride used to be a regular part of cleaning compounds
2. The word “widely” in line 2 could most easily be replaced by
A. grandly
B. extensively
C. largely
D. hugely
3. The word “banned” in line 4 is closest in meaning to

Main idea questions

How to identify Both paper What is the topic of the passage?
the question and computer What is the subject of the passage?
test What is the main idea of the passage?
What is the author’s main point in the passage?
Which of the following would be the best title?

Where to find The answer to this type of the question can generally be determine by
the answer looking at the first sentence of each paragraphs.

How to 1. Read the first line of each paragraphs.

answer the 2. Look for a common theme or idea in the first line.
question 3. Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the passage to check that you
have really found the topic sentence. (s)
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answer and choose the best answer
from the remaining choices.

A. forbidden
B. allowed
C. suggested
D. instituted
4. According to the passage, before 1970 carbon tetrachloride was
A. used by itself as a cleanser
B. banned in industrial use
C. often used as a component of cleaning products
D. not allowed in home cleaning products

Almost every reading passage on the computer TOEFL test or paper TOEFL test will
have a multiple- choice question about the main idea of the passage. Such a question may be
worded in a variety of ways; you may, for example, be asked to identify the topic, title, primary
idea, or main idea. Since the passages are generally written in a traditionally organized manner, it
is relatively easy to find the main ideas by studying the topic sentence, which are most probably
found at the beginning of each paragraph.
The Passage one

One identifying characteristic of minerals is their relative hardness, which can be determined by
scratching one mineral with another. In this type of test, a harder mineral can scratch a softer one
but a softer mineral is unable to scratch another one. The Mohs’ hardness scale is used to rank
mineral according to hardness. The minerals are listed in this scale, ranging from talk with a
hardness of 1 to diamond with a hardness of 10. On this scale, quartz (number 7) is harder that
feldspar (number 6) and it’s therefore able to scratch it; however, feldspar is unable to make mark
on quartz.
1. Which of the following best states the subject of this passage?
A. The hardness of diamonds
B. Identifying minerals by means of a scratch test
C. Feldspar on the Moh’s scale
D. Recognizing minerals in their natural state
2. The main idea of this passage is that
A. The hardness of a mineral can be determined by its ability to make a mark on other
B. Diamonds, with a hardness of 10 on the Moh’s scale, can scratch all other minerals
C. A softer mineral cannot be scratched by harder mineral
D. Talc is the first mineral listed on the Moh’s scale.



HOW TO IDENTIFY On paper and How is the information in the passage

THE QUESTIONS computer test organized?

How is the information in the second

paragraph related to the information in the
first paragraph?

On computer test only Click on the paragraph that,.........

WHERE TO FIND THE The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by
ANSWER looking at the first sentence of the appropriate paragraphs.

HOW TO ANSWER Read the first line of each paragraph.

THE QUESTION Look for word that show relationship among the paragraphs.
Choose the answer that best expresses the relationship.

Passage one.
When buying a house, you must be sure to have it checked for termites. A termite is much like an
ant in its communal habits, although physically the two insects are distinct.
Like those ants, termite colonies consist of different classes, each with its own particular
job. The most perfectly formed termites, both male and female, make up the productive class. They
have eyes, hard body walls and fully developed wings. A pair of reproductive termites founds the
colony. When new reproductive termites develop, they leave to form another colony. They use their
wings only this on time and then break them off. the type of termite.

1. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
A. Termites Destroy Houses
B. Termites Work Well Together
C. The Habits and Physical Characteristics of Termites
D. The relationship of Soldier and Worker Termites
2. How is the information in the passage organized?
A. The characteristic of Termites Houses are described
B. Two types of termites are outlined
C. The Habits and Physical Characteristics of Termites are described
D. The relationship of Soldier and Worker Termites are described
3. Answer Stated Detail Questions Correctly



According to the passage…
HOW TO IDENTIFY On both paper and It is stated in the passage…
THE QUESTION computer test The passage indicates that….
Which of the following is true?
On computer test only Click on the drawing that….
The answer s to these questions are found in order in the
.Choose a key word in the question.
HOW TO ANSWER Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word or
Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully.
Eliminate the definitely wrong answer and choose the best answer
from the remaining choices.


Passage one
Like those ants, termite colonies consist of different classes, each with its own particular job.
The most perfectly formed termites, both male and female, make up the productive class. They
have eyes,
hard body walls and fully developed wings. A pair of reproductive termites founds the colony.
When new reproductive termites develop, they leave to form another colony. They use their wings
only this on time and then break them off. of a profesional. Treatments vary depending upon the
type of termite.

1. How are termites like ants?

A. They live in communities, and each class has a specific duty
B. Their bodies are the same shape
C. The king and queen are imprisoned
D. The females' reproductive capacities are the same


Sometimes you will be asked to find the answer that is not stated or not mentioned in the passage

Or not true in the passage. It means that three of the answer are stated, mentioned or true in the
passage , while one answer is not true.


Which of the following is not stated?
HOW TO IDENTIFY Which of the following is not mentioned?
THE QUESTIONS On paper and Which of the following is not discussed?
computer All of the following are true except…

WHERE TO FIND THE The answers to these questions are found in order to the passage
Choose a key word in the question.
HOW TO ANSWER Scan the appropriate place in the passage for the key word (or related
Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully.
Look for answer that are definitely true according to the passage,
eliminate those answers.
Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the passage.


Passage one
The worker termites are small, blind and wingless, with soft bodies. They make up the majorityof
the colony and do all the work. Soldiers are eyeless and wingless but are larger than the workers
and have hard heads and strong jaws and legs. They defend the colony and are cared for by the
1. Which of the following is not true?
A. All termites have eyes
B. Some termites cannot fly
C. Workers are smaller than soldiers
D. Termites do not fly often


In the reading section sometimes be asked to determine to which noun a pronoun refers. In a
pronoun reference question, it is important to understand that a noun is generally used first in a
passage, and the pronoun that refers to it come s after. Whenever you are asked which noun a
pronoun refers to, you should look before the pronoun to find the noun.

On paper test The pronoun”…..” in line X refers to which of the
HOW TO IDENTIFY following?
THE QUESTION On computer Look at the word X. click on the word or phrase that
test X refers to.
The line where the pronoun is located is given in the
WHERE TO FIND THE On paper test question..The noun that the pronoun refers to is
ANSWER generally found before the pronoun.
On computer The pronoun is highlighted in the passage. The noun
test only that the pronoun refers to is generally found before
the pronoun.
Locate the pronoun in the passage
HOW TO ANSWER Look before the pronoun for nouns that agree with the pronoun
THE QUESTION Try each of the nouns in the context in place of the pronoun.
Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer
from the remaining choices.

Passage one
Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been banned for home use. In the
past, carbon tetrachloride was a common ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used
throughout the home, but it was found to be dangerous: when heated, it changes into a poisonous
gas that can cause severe illness and even death if it is inhaled. Because of this dangerous
characteristic, the United States revoked permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in
1970. The United States has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds.

1.The word “It ” in line 3 refers to?

A. industry
B carbon tetrachloride
C a common ingredient
D the home

Passage 2

The full moon that occurs nearest the equinox of the sun has become known as the harvest moon.
It is bright moon that allows farmers to work late into the night for several nights; They can work
when the moon is at its brightest to bring in the fall harvest. The harvest moon, of course, occurs at
different times of the year in the northern and southern hemispheres. In the northern hemisphere,
the harvest moon occurs in September at the time of the autumnal equinox. In the southern
hemisphere, the harvest moon occurs in March at the time of the vernal equinox.

1.The pronoun “It” in line 2 refers to

A.the equinox
B.the sun
C.the harvest moon.
D.the night
2.Look at the word they in the passage. Click on the word or phrase that they refers to.


You will sometimes be asked to answer a multiple choice question about reading passage by
drawing a conclusion from a specific detail or details in the passage..Questions of this type
contains the word implied, inferred, likely or probably to let you know that the answer to the
question is not directly stated.


HOW TO IDENTIFY On both paper and It is implied in the passage that…
THE QUESTION computer test It can be inferred from the passage that…
It is most likely that…
What probably happened…?
WHERE TO FIND The answers to these questions are generally found in order in the
THE ANSWER passage.
HOW TO ANSWER 1. Choose a key word in the question.
THE QUESTION 2. Scan the passage for the key word (or related idea)
3. Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word.
4. Look for the answer that could be true, according to that sentence.

Passage one
Probably the most recognized board game around the word is the game of Monopoly. In
this game, players vie for wealth by buying, selling, and renting properties; the key to success in
the game, in addition to a bit of luck, is for a player to acquire monopolies on clusters of properties
in order to force opponents to pay exorbitant and fees.
Although the game is now published in countless languages and versions, with foreign
location and place name appropriate to the target adorning its board, the beginning of the game
were considerably more humble. The game was invented in 1933 by Charles Darrow, during the
height of the great depression. Darrow, who lived in Germantown, Pennsylvania, was himself
unemployed during those difficult financial times. He set the original game not as might be
expected in his hometown of Germantown, but in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the site of numerous
pre-depression vacations, where he walked along the boardwalk and visited the park place.
Darrow made the first games by hand and sold them locally until Parker brothers purchased the
rights to Monopoly in 1935 and took the first steps toward the mass production of today.

1. The French version of Monopoly might possibly include a piece of property entitled
A. Atlantic city, New Jersey
B. Germantown, Pennsylvania
D.The Eiffel Tower
2. It is implied that Darrow selected Atlantic City as the setting for Monopoly because
A. it brought back good memories
B.his family came from Atlantic City
C.the people of Germantown might have been angered if he had used Germantown.
D.Atlantic City was larger that Germantown.


You will sometimes be asked to answer a multiple- choice question about what probably
came before the reading passage (in the preceding paaragraph)or what probably comes after the
reading passage (in the following paragraph). Of course , the topic of the preceding or following
paragraph is not directly stated, and you must draw a conclution to determine what is probably in
these paragraph.

HOW TO IDENTIFY On both paper The paragraph preceding in the passage probably…
THE QUESTION and computer What is most likely in the paragraph following in the
test passage?
WHERE TO FIND The answer can be generally be found in the first line in the passage for a
THE ANSWER preceding question. The answer can generally be found in the last line for
the following question.
HOW TO ANSWER 1. Read the first line for preceding question.
THE QUESTION 2. Read the last line for following question
3. Draw a conclusion about what comes before or after
4. Choose the answer that is reflected in the first or last line of the


Passage one
While draft laws are federal laws, marriage laws are rather than federal; marriage
regulations are therefore not uniform throughout the country. The legal marriage age serves as an
example of this lack of conformity. In most states, both the man and the woman must be at least
eighteen years old to marry without parental consent; however, the states of Nebraska and
Wyoming require the couple to be at least nineteen, while the minimum age in Mississippi is
twenty-one. If parental permission is given , then a couple can marry at sixteen in some states, and
in few states even allow marriage before age of sixteen, though a judge’s permission, in addition to
the permission of the parents, is sometimes required in this situation . Some states which allow
couples to marry at such a young age are now considering doing away with such early marriages
because of the numerous negative effects of these young marriages.

1. The paragraph preceding the massage most probably discusses

A. State marriage laws
B. The lack of uniformity in marriage laws
C. Federal draft laws
D. The minimum legal marriage age
2. The topic of the paragraph following the passage is most likely to be.
A. Disadvantages of youthful marriages
B. Reason why young people decide to marry
C. The age when parental consent for marriage is required
D. Discussion of why some states allow marriages before the age sixteen


When you are asked to determine the meaning of a word in the reading section of either the paper
TOEFL test or the computer TOEFL test, it is possible (1) that the passage provides information
about the meaning of the word, and (2) that there are structural clues to tell you that the definition
of a word is included in the passage. Look at a multiple-choice example from the paper TOEFL test
where a structural clue to the meaning of the tested word is included in the passage.


On both paper What is the meaning of “X” in line Y?

HOW TO and computer test The word X in line Y is closest in meaning to….
IDENTIFY THE The word X in line Y could best be replaced by..
On computer test Look at the word X in paragraph Y . click on another
word that is close in meaning to X.
Click on the word in paragraph Y that could best be
replaced by…
punctuation Comma, parentheses, dashes
CLUES restatement Or, that is, in other words, i.e.
examples Such as, for example, e.g.
WHERE TO FIND Information to help you determine what something means will generally be
THE ANSWER found after punctuation clue, the restatement clue, or the example clue.
HOW TO 1. Find the word in the passage.
ANSWER THE 2. Locate any structural clues.
QUESTION 3. Read the part of the passage after the structural clue carefully.
4. Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer
from the remaining choices.


Passage one
The teddy bear is a child’s toy, a nice soft stuffed animal suitable for cuddling. It is however, a toy
with an interesting history behind it.
Theodore Roosevelt, or Teddy as he was commonly called, was president of the United States
from 1901 to 1909. He was an unusually active man with varied pastimes, one of which was
hunting. One day the president was invented to take part on a bear hunt ; and inasmuch as Teddy
as president, his hosts wanted to ensure that he caught a bear. A bear was captured, clanked over
the head to knock it out, and tied to a tree; however, Teddy, who really wanted to hunt a bear,
refused to shoot the bear and, in fact, demanded that the bear be extricated from the ropes; that
is, he demanded that the bear be set free.
The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First a cartoon-drawn by Clifford K.
Berryman to make fun of this situation-appeared in the Washington Post, and the cartoon was
widely distributed and reprinted throughout the country. Then toy manufacturers began producing
a toy bear which they called a “teddy bear” became the most widely recognized symbol of
Roosevelt’s presidency.

1. According to line 1 of the passage, what is “teddy bear”?

A. A ferocious animal
B. The president of United States
C. A famous hunter
D. A plaything
2. Look at the word pastimes in paragraph 2 . this word could best be replaced by
A. Past occurrences
B. Previous job
C. Hunting trip
D. Leisure activities
3. Look at the word extricated in paragraph 2. Click on another word or phrase in paragraph 2
that is close in meaning to
4. In line 10, a “cartoon” could be best described as
A. A newspaper
B. A type of teddy bear
C. A drawing with a message
D. A newspaper article


When you are asked to determine the meaning of a long word that you do not know in the
reading section of either the paper test or the computer test it is sometimes possible to determine
the meaning of the word by studying the word parts. The following chart contains a few word parts
that you will need to know to complete the exercise.


Part meaning example Part meaning example
CONTRA (against) contras DIC (say) dictate
MAL (bad) malcontent DOMIN (master) dominant
MIS (error) mistake JUD (judge) judgment
SUB (under) subway MOR (death) mortal
DEC (ten) decade SPECTATOR (see) spectator
MULTI (many) multiple TERR (earth) territory
SOL (one) solo VER (turn) divert
TRI (three) triple VIV (live) revive


Passage one

Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo was a Portuguese-born explorer who is credited with the
exploration of the coast of what is today the state of California. Sketchy military records from the
period show that early in his career he served with the Spanish army from 1520 to 1524 in Spain’s
quest for subjugation of the people in what are today Cuba, Mexico, and Guatemala. Little is
known of his activities over the next decades, but apparently he succeeded in rising up through the
ranks of the military; in 1541, he was ordered Antonia de Mendoza , the Spanish ruler of Mexico, to
explore the western coast of North America. Cabrillo set out in June 0f 1542 in command of two
ships, the San Salvador and the Victoria; he reached San Diego Bay on September 28, 1542, and
claimed the terrain for Spain. The Peninsula where he landed is today named Cabrillo Point in his
honor; the area has been established as a national monument and park , and local residents each
year hold a celebration an reenactment of Cabrillo’s landing.

1. The word “subjugation” in line 4 is closest meaning to

A. Religion
B. Flag
C. Control
D. agreement
2. Look at the word “decades” in paragraph 1. This word is closest in meaning to
A. Months
B. Centuries
C. Long epoch
D. Ten-year period
3. In line 9, the word “terrain” is closest in meaning to
A. Land
B. Population
C. Minerals
D. Prosperity


You may be asked to determine the meaning of a difficult word in reading passage, a word that you
are not expected to know. In this case the passage will probably give you a clear indication of what
the word means.
HOW TO IDENTIFY On both paper and What is the meaning of X in line Y?
THE QUESTION computer test The word “X” in line Y is closest in meaning
On computer test only Look at the word X in paragraph Y. click on
another word that is close in meaning to X.
Click on the word in paragraph Y that is closest
in meaning to X.
WHERE TO FIND Information to help you understand the meaning of an unknown word can
THE ANSWER often be found in the context surrounding the unknown word.
HOW TO ANSWER 1. Find the word in the passage
THE QUESTION 2. Read the sentence that contains the word carefully
3. Look for context clues to help you understand the meaning
4. Choose the answer that the context indicates

The black widow is the most dangerous spider living in the United States. It is most
common in the Southern parts of the country, but it can be found throughout the country. The black
widow got its name because the female has been known to kill the male after mating and, as a
result, become a widow.
The black widow is rather distinctive in appearance; it has shiny globural body, the size and
shpe of a pea, and its underbelly with a red or yellow spot. The female is considerably more ample
than the male, roughly four times larger on the average.
If a human is bitten by a black widow, the spider’s poison can cause severe illness and
pain. Black widow bites have occasionally proved deadly, but it is certainly not the norm from black
widow bites to be mortal.
1. In line 3, the word “widow” means
A. A type of poison
B. The dead male spider
C. The human victim of the spider
D. A female whose a mate has died.
2. Click on the word in paragraph 2 that is closest in meaning to “spherical”
3. The word “ample” in line 7 indicates that the spider is
A. Feminine
B. Large
C. Dotted with colors
D. normal
4. Look at the word deadly in paragraph 3. Click on another word in paragraph 3that is close in
meaning to deadly


On both the paper and computer TOEFL test you may be asked to determine the meaning of the
simple word in the reading passage, a word that you see often in everyday English. In this type of
the question you should not give the normal meaning of the word; instead , a secondary meaning
of the word is being stated , so you must determine the meaning of the word in this situation.


HOW TO On both paper and What is the meaning X in line Y?
IDENTIFY THE computer The word X in line Y could best be replaced by...
QUESTION On computer only Look at the word X in paragraph Y. Click on
another word that could best be replaced by....
Click on the word in paragraph Y that could best
be replaced by......
WHERE TO FIND Information to help you understant the secondary meaning of a simple word
THE ANSWER can often be found in the context surrounding the word.
HOW TO 1. Find the word in the passage
ANSWERTHE 2. Read the sentence that contains the word carefully
QUESTION 3. Look the context clues to helpyou understand the meaning
4. Choose the answer that the context indicates.


Passage one.

The life span of an elephant that dies from natural cuses is about sixty-five years. Of
course, an elephant can perish from a number of “unnatural” causes” e.g., it can be killed by
hunters, most probably for the valuable ivory in its tusks; it can die from diseases that spread
throughout an elephant herd; or it can die from drought or from the lack of lack of food that almost
certainly accompanies the inadequate supply of water.

If, however, an elephant survives these disasters, it falls prey to old age in its mid-sixties.
Around this age, the cause of death is attributed to the loss of the final set of molars. When this last
set of teeth is gone, the elephant dies from malnutrition because it is unable to obtain adequate
nourishment. In old age, elephant tend to search out a final home where there is shade for comfort
from the sun and soft vegetation for cushioning; the bones of many old elephant have been found
in such places.

1. The word “unnatural” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

A. Wild
B. Violent
C. Domesticated
D. Abnormal
2. Look at the word drought in paragraph 1. A drought means
A. a drowning
B. a lack of food
C. an inadequate supply of water
D. an overabundance of animals
3. Which of the following could be used to replace the word “survives” in line 6?
A. Rises to
B. Succumbs to
C. Denies
D. Lives through
4. In line 8, “malnutrition” is used to describe a condition related to
A. Good health
B. Illness
C. Poor eating
D. Dental problems
5. The word “shade” in line 10 is closest in meaning to
A. Color
B. Heat
C. Diminished light
D. A front porch


A question about the tone is asking if the author is showing any emotion in his or her
writing. The majority of the passage on the TOEFL test are factual passages presented without any
emotion.; the tone of this type of passage could be simply informational, explanatory, or factual. If
the author is being funny then the tone might kbe humorous; if the author is making fun of
something, the tone might be sarcastic; if the author feels strongly that something is right or
wrong. The tone might be impassioned.


HOW TO IDENTIFY THE On both paper What is the tone of the passage?
QUESTION and computer What is the author’s purpose in this passage?
In which course would this reading be assigned?
WHERE TO FIND THE tone Look for clues throughout the passage that show
ANSWER if the author is showing some emotion rather that
just presenting fact.
purpose Draw the conclution about the course from the
topic of the passage and the supporting ideas.
course Draw a conclution about the course from the
topic of the passage and the supporting ideas.
HOW TO ANSWER THE Tone 1. Skim the passage looking for clues that the
QUESTION author is showing some emotion.
2. Choose the answer that identifies the
purpose 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and
the details used to support the main idea.
2. Draw a conclution about the purpose.
course 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and
the details used to support the main idea.
2. Draw a conclution about the course.s

Passage one
Truman Capote’s in Cold blood (1966) is a well-known example of the “nonfiction novel” a popular
type of writing based upon factual events in which the author attempts to describe the underlying
forces, thougghts, and emotions that lead to actual events. In Capote’s book, the author describes
the sadistic murder of a family on a Kansas Farm, often showing the point of view of the killers. To
research the book, Capote interviewed the murdrers, and he maintains that his book presents a
faithful reconstruction of the incident.
1. The purpose of the passage is to
A. Discuss an example of particular literary genre
B. Tell the story of in Cold Blood
C. Explain Truman Capote’s reasons for writing In Cold Blood
D. Describe how Truman Capote researched his nonfiction novel
2. Which of the following best describes the tone of the passage?
A. Cold
B. Sadistic
C. Emotional
D. Descriptive
3. This passage would probably be assigned reading in which of the following courses?
A. Criminal law
B. American history
C. Modern American Novels
D. Literary Research

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE : Study each of the passage and choose the best answer to the
questions that follow.

Bigfoot is a humanlike creature reportedly living in the pacific Northwest. Bigfoot sightings
have been noted most often in the mountainous areas of Northern California. Oregon, and
Washington in the United States. The creature has alsobeen spotted numerous times in British
Columbia in Canada, where it is known as Sasquatch.
The creature described by witness is tall by human standarts. Measuring 7 to 10 feet (2 to 3
meters) in height. It resembles an ape with its thick, powerful, fur-covered arms, and short, strong
neck; however, its manner of walking erect is more like that of Homo sapiens.
Although there have been hundreds of reported sightings of Bigfoot, most experts have not
seen enough evidence to be convinced of its existence. The fact that some puported evidence has
been proven fake may have served to discredit other more credible information.
1. Which of the following best states the topic of the passage?
A. Difference between Bigfoot and Sasquatch
B. A description of Bigfoot
C. Where Bigfoot, or sasquatch, can be found
D. The creature Bigfoot and its questionable exixtence
2. The word “noted” in line 2 is closest meaning to which of the following?
A. Reported
B. Written in a letter
C. Refused
D. Discussed
3. It is implied in the passage that Bigfoot would probablyNot like to live
A. In Oregon
B. In the Pacific Northest
C. On coastal Plains
D. In Mountainous area
4. Which of the following is NOT true about the appearance of Bigfoot?
A. Its arm and neck look like those of an ape
B. Its arm are covered with fur
C. It is short- necked
D. It walks like an ape.
5. According to the passage, how do expert feel about the evidence concerning Bigfoot’s
A. They feel certain as to its existence
B. They are not certain
C. They are sure that it does not exist
D. They feel that all the evidence is fake.

Prodi S1 Keperawatan
Jl. Kemuning No. 57 Candi Mulyo Kec. Jombang Kab. Jombang, Telp (0321) 8494886

A. STRUCTURE (Choose the correct form!)

1. Any acid can, in principle, neutralize any base, although _______ between some of the more
reactive compounds.
A. side reactions can occur
B. the occurrence of side reactions can
C. can side reactions occur
D. side reactions that can occur
2. _____ the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, aengineers, are creating exotic
Anew metallic substances.
A. Meet B. To meet C. Being met are D. They are meeting
3. ______ James A. Bland, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” was adopted is the state song of
Virginia in 1940.
A. Was written B. He wrote the C. His writing was D. Written by
4. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____________ that
motor phenomena have an essential role in psychology.
A. who she believed C. who believed
B. believed D. who did she believe
5. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill. His wife began to take a more active role in politics,
and many people believed that ________ and the president shared his responsibilities.
A. She B. Herself C. Her D. Hers
6. ________ at home requires only three types of chemicals, several pieces of simple
equipment,and running water.
A. For the development C. When film is developed
B. To develop Film D. In developing Film
7. _______, particularly the oxides of sulfur, greatly increases the rate at which rust forms.
A. The presence of air pollutants
B. Air pollutants are present
C. Because the presence of air pollutants
D. Air pollutants whose presence
8. About 42 million bushels of oats are used annually _______ manufacture of breakfast foods in
die United States.
A. The B. in the C. is the D. to
9. Adhesions are ______ formed within the body in response to inflammation or injury.
A. that thin bands of scar tissue
B. they thin bands of scar tissue when
C. thin bands of scar tissue
D. thin bands of scar tissue able to
10. ________ 200 bones forming the framework, or skeleton, of the human body.
A. Being over C. There are over
B. Where over D. Over
11. Doctoral students _____ to take their qualifying examination have studied in the library for the
last three months.
A. Who was prepared C. Whom prepares
B. Which are preparing D. Preparing
12. Probably, the best known antibiotic, _____ widespred use after the Second World War.
A. Come Out C. Came into
B. Coming of D. Comed in
13. _____, the outermost layer skin, is about as thick as a sheet of paper over most of the skin.
A. It is the epidermis C. The epidermis
B. In the epidermis D. The epidermis is
14. ______ at 212 degrees F. And freezes at 32 degrees F.
A. Waters boils C. The water boils
B. Water boils D. Waters boil
15. The temperatures ________ take place very widely for different materials.
A. Which melting and freezing
B. At melting and freezing
C. Which they melt and freeze
D. At which they melt and freeze

B. WRITTEN (Error EXPRESSION analyzing!)

16. The world's water balance is regulated by the constant of water in Liquid and vapor form
among the oceans, the atmospheric, and the land
17. The major purpose of the United States Department of Education are to ensure equal
educational opportunity for all and to improve the quality of education.
18. Massive gains in computer speed, power, and reliably have been largely due to advances in
silicon technologic andmanufacturing processes.
19. The sunflower, the official state flower of Kansas, and is widespread in the prairies of the
Western United States.
20. The aim of the decorative arts is to beautiful our surroundings.
21. Lake Superior, part of the United States-Canadian boundary, Is a largest freshwater lake in the
22. The snapper, a large-headed fish with a long dorsal fin, is named to its characteristic way of

suddenly, shutting its mouth.

23. Modern digital synthesizers, based on microprocessors, are virtually unlimited in the number
and range of musical sounds it can produce.
24. During the years he composed, Charles Ives was isolation from the music world; none of his
major works was publicly performed.
25. Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that attempts to eliminate conflict by alter the personality
in a positive way.

Text for number 26- 27

Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father was a Kenyan
named Barack Obama, Sr (Senior). His mother was a white American named Ann Dunham. His
parents separated when he was two years old and later divorced. His father returned to Kenya and
saw him only once before he died in an automobile accident in 1982.
After the divorce, Obama’s mother then married an Indonesia, Lolo Soentoro. The family then
moved to his stepfather’s home country in 1967. Obama attended local schools in Jakarta until he
was ten years old.
Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971. He lived with his maternal grandparents until his
graduation from high school in 1979. After that, Obama moved to Los Angeles and studied at
Ocidental College for two years. He then transferred to Columbia University in New York City.
Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988. He was selected as an editor of the law
Obama review based on his grade ad writing competition. In 1990, he became the first Black
president of the Harvard Law Review. He graduated with J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard in
1989. (Source:

26. The statements below are true, EXCEPT ...

A. Obama’s father was an American.
B. Obama was six years old when he moved to Jakarta.
C. Obama was the first black President of harvard Law Review.
D. Obama graduated from Harvard Law school with good marks.
27. What did Obama do in 1988?
A. Married an Indonesia, Lolo Soentoro
B. Returned to Honolulu
C. Moved to Los Angeles and studied at Ocidental College
D. Entered Harvard Law School
28. In 1990, he became the first Black president of .... (paragraph 4)
The word he in the sentence above refers to......
A. Ann Dunham
B. Barack Obama
C. Lolo Soentoro
D. Obama’s mother
29. Obama returned to Honolulu in 1971. (paragraph 3 line 1)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Went
B. Came back
C. Lived
D. Sent

Text for number 28-30


Located along the main street of Kuta, Legian beach, Jeruk Bali café is so much more than the
name implies. For breakfast and lunch, to be sure it has a café atmosphere with colorful Carribean
décor, ocean view and sea breezes, but night time it matures into a push restaurant, spilled out
onto timber-decked, encompassed by goldfish ponds and cooled by elephant-headed spout. Open
daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner from 8.00 until late night
Jl. Pantai Legian Kuta-Bali, Indonesia
T: +62.361-765965
Website: www.
(adapted from the Jakarta post, November 19, 2008)
30. When does the café start to serve?
A. 8 a.m. C. 8 p.m.
B. Before at night D. Late at night
31. Where is it located?
A. Ocean C. Bali beach
B. Legian beach D. Carribean beach
32. “. . . Open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner from 8.00 until late night.”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Everyday
B. Every week
C. Twice a day
D. Twice a week

Text for number 33- 36

Last week, I suddenly became really sick, and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my side, so
my father rushed me to the emergency room at the nearest hospital. I started feeling a strong pain
in my side, and there wasn't any sign that I was getting better. We didn't feel that we needed to call
an ambulance because we lived so close to the hospital. When we arrived, my dad helped me into
the emergency room, and the doctor on duty realized I had appendicitis. I was quickly admitted to
the hospital. A nurse took my vital signs (blood pressure, temperature, and pulse) while my dad
filled out all the necessary paperwork. Soon thereafter, I was prepared for emergency surgery. The
surgery didn't last that long, but I felt sore afterwards.
33. Why they didn’t call an ambulance?
A. Because they lived near by the hospital.
B. Because they didn’t like using an ambulance.
C. They didn’t have much money.
D. They like take a walk
34. Why the writer went to the hospital?
A. Because the writer sell medicine
B. Because the writer was sick
C. Visiting a sister in hospital
D. Checking his medical check up
35. What is the name of the writer sick?
A. Appendicitis
B. Appendix
C. Approval
D. Approach
36. When we arrived, my dad helped me into......…(line 4)
The bolt word “we” refers to ….
A. Nurse and doctor
B. Nurse and we
C. Doctor and Dad
D. The writer and Dad

Text for number 37-40

This mango smoothie tastes great, it is low in fat and will give you a healthy immune system.
Give it a try. A refreshing drink is for all occasions. Appreciate our Mango Smoothie.
Slice a large ripe mango in half. Cut horizontal and vertical lines across each of the pieces in a
grid effect. Then turn the skin inside out to reveal equal sized chunks. Slice these chunks off the
skin with the knife. Afterwards, pour 250 milliliters of yogurt and 150 milliliters of milk into a blender.
Next add the mango, followed by 8 ice cubes. Put the lid on firmly, and blend until the mixture is
smooth, or the consistency you desire. If the smoothie is too thin, add 1/2 a banana and blend
again. This will also make it sweeter. Finally, pour into a glass, drop in a couple of straws and
37. What does the text above tell us about?
A. It tells about the way to make a mango smoothie.
B. It promotes the importance of a mango smoothie.
C. It describes the features of a mango smoothie.
D. It discusses about how mango become smoothie
38. What should you do after pouring yoghurt and milk into a blender?
A. Slice the chunks off the skin with a knife.
B. Add the mango, followed by 8 ice cubes.
C. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.
D. add 1/2 a banana and blend again.
39. How many steps are done to make a mango smoothie?
A. 7 C. 9
B. 8 D. 10
40. “Afterwards, pour 250 milliliters of yogurt and 150 milliliters of milk into a blender.”
The underlined word means ….
A. Add C. Mix
B. Serve D. Stir

Good Luck!!!

Barron’s. 2004. How to Prepare for TOEFL Test of Foreign Language 1th Edition. New York: 250
Wireless Boulevard.

Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test: Preparation for the
Computer and Paper Test. New York: Pearson Education.

Pyle, Michael A. 2005. Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guide. Dehli: Nice Printing Press.

Rudman, Jack. 2011. Test Of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) Test Series. National
Learning Corp.

Sharpe, Pamela J. 2012. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL. Barron’s Education Series Inc.

Simon and Schuster. 2001. Kaplan Test Preparation and Admission TOEFL IBT. New York.
Praise to Allah, the all mighty for the blessing and mercy given to me in completing this
English book, namely “Intensive English Book For Toefl Preparation” which dedicated as the
module for students at STIKES ICME Jombang in the sixth semester . As we know that, many
students still keep on their mind that English just like a Big Ghost which can bring a nightmare to
them. They also think that English is difficult and confusing moreover when they face an English
examination from the teachers.
Actually, Students just should change their habit. Absolutely, habit which can make them
mastering English easily by reading, reading, and reading then practicing. Hopefully, this module
will be useful for students, especially for students who want to master their English deeply.
Beacuse this module provides background and understanding of the TOEFL, which can help the
students to take the test with maximum efficiency and make the kind of score that can give a wide
choice of college or graduate schools.
Intensive English Book For Toefl Preparation was written to help the students to
practice more not only in Listening Comprehension, but also in Structure and Written Expression,
Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension. By practicing it very hard, hopefully the students will get
significant ability which influnce their interensting in English get high score in Toefl.
Absolutely, it will help them to get easy on mastering English if they often practice it more
while analyzing it. Just like a motto, “Practice Makes Perfect”, so the more you practice it, the
more result brightly you have. Thanks!

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