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Monthly Preliminary Performance -BSC Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode

December 2021

BSC Backorder Trend BSC Service Level Trend

$14.0M 1.5% 1.6% 100%

1.4% 98%
1.2% 95.1% 94.8% 95.2%
96% 94.7% 94.7% 94.7% 94.5%
1.0% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.2% 93.7% 94.1%
$10.0M 93.5% 93.3%
94% 92.4%
$8.0M 92%
0.7% 0.7% 0.8% 90%
0.5% 0.6% 88%

$4.0M 86%
$2.0M 0.2%
10.6 11.8 11.4 10.9 11.0 10.4 7.5 6.1 5.2 6.7 7.6 11.1 11.6
$0.0M 0.0% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

Service Level % - Actual

BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red
Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red

BSC Forecast Accuracy and Bias Trend Healthy Stock for DC Finished Goods Inventory
$600M 100%
90% 83% 50%
81% 82% 82% 81% 80% 80% 82% 82%
81% 78% $23 M $46 M $44 M $54 M $59 M $46 M
80% 73% 78% 40% $500M
$6… 80%
64% $17 M $21 M 64% 66% 64% 64%
30% 62% 63% 63% 63% 61% 63% 63%
70% $400M 63% 62%
$129 M $125 M $122 M $122 M $112 M $120 M
Forecast Accuracy

20% $128 M $123 M $126 M $128 M $123 M $121 M $128 M 60%

60% $118 M

Forecast Bias
10% $300M
50% -3% 40%
-4% -8%
-10% -8% -8% 0%
40% -11% -12% -11% $200M
-15% -14% -16% -16% $344 M $326 M $334 M $340 M $362 M $365 M $354 M $355 M $352 M $343 M
-10% $304 M $322 M $318 M $331 M 20%
30% $100M
20% -30% 0%
10% -40% $70 M $62 M $62 M $65 M $63 M $72 M $88 M $89 M $73 M $68 M $85 M $77 M $83 M $77 M
0% -50% -$100M
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

-$200M -40%
Healthy Value Excess Value Deficit Value (Negative)
Forecast Accuracy F. Ac. Goal Forecast Bias* Total FG HSM Exclusions (On-Hand) Healthy Score % Healthy Score Goal %

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Metric December Goal Commentary

Dec'21 Backorder at $11.6M (Internal Mfg $10.3M / External Mfg SFMD $1.3M), $0.4M increase vs prior month due to continued
labor and capacity constraints at Spencer, quality issues, and supplier capacity and electronics supply constraints. $5.5M above
goal (1.1% vs goal of 0.55%), maintaining red. Families on backorder continue to be mainly due to constrained supply due to
headcount gaps/staffing and training challenges, Covid-19 impact, component/material shortages, and quality related supply
issues. Main backorder$ drivers are Labor and capacity constraints at Spencer (~$5.2M) [Uro products ($3.0m) and Endo products
Backorder $11.6 M $6.0 M ($1.9m), PI Accustick ($0.3m)], Quality related supply issues (~3.3M) [Endo RX- Dilation ($1.2m), Endo Tomes & Wires (0.6m), Uro
Ureteral Stents ($0.5m), Uro Pfr Fixation ($0.5m), PI Magic TQ ($0.4m)], and increased demand and external supplier component
/electronics supply/capacity issues (~$1.3M) [PI Flexima/Percuflex ($0.4M), Uro Nephrostomy Drainage ($0.2M), PI Starter
($0.1m), PI Ranger ($0.1m), CRM Communicator ($0.2m), CRM Accolade ($0.1m)]. Backorder continues to be an internally driven
metric (BSC Internal Mfg. backorder $10.3M, $0.6M increase vs prior month, in red (3 of the last 3 months)). BSC External Mfg.-
SFMD backorder at $1.3M, $0.2M decrease vs prior month - in red (10 of the last 10 months).
Dec'21 Service level at 92.4% (Internal Mfg 92.9% / External Mfg SFMD 89.9%), 1.2% decline versus prior month (93.6%), 4.2%
below goal, 3.6% below threshold for green - in red (2 of the last 2 months). Main drivers are Uro, Endo, and PI product supply
issues from Spencer [1.33% impact - Endo Interject & Superview (0.20% impact), Uro Tradeoff (Various, inc. 5640 Renal Dilators,
Gemini, Segura) (0.12% impact), Uro Zero Tip Baskets (0.12% imapct), PI Accustick (0.11% impact), Uro Navigator Hd Acc Sht
(0.10% impact), Endo Next Gen Biliary (0.10% impact), Endo Pancreatic (0.08% impact)], quality issues [Endo Tomes and Wires
(0.48% impact), Endo Rx - Dilation (0.30% impact), PI Magic TQ (0.05% impact)], electronics supply constraints [CRM
Service Level (OTDS) 92.4% 96.0%
Communicator (0.48% impact), CRM Accolade (0.09% impact)], and component supply/capacity constraints [Uro Rear Tip Extender
(0.21% impact), PI Flexima/Percuflex (0.13% impact)]. BSC Internal Manufacturing Service level declined by 1.4% hitting 92.9%,
3.5% below threshold for green (96.4%), 2.9% unfavorable impact on BSC SL based on BSC SL goal for green (96.0%) - in red (2 of
the last 2 months). BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Service level declined by 0.6% vs prior month hitting 89.9%, 4.5% below
threshold for green (94.4%), 0.8% unfavorable impact on BSC SL based on BSC SL threshold for green (96.0%), in red (4 of the last 4
Dec'21 forecast accuracy at 82%, 1.4% decline vs prior month (83.4%), maintaining yellow (5 of the last 5 months). Dec actuals
(Singles) below forecast for all regions except Latam and Canada, and all divisions except Endo. Key drivers franchise are IC
Forecast Accuracy (3 month lag) 82.0% 85.3%
Diagnostics, EN Biliary Devices, EN Polypectomy, PI Arterial Accessories, PI Arterial Balloons, IC Stents and IC Guide Catheters.
Continuing focus on monitoring and further realigning forecast through SI&OP cycle and the Forecast Bias metrics.
Dec'21 forecast Bias at -8.4% due to lower sales in Oct (-11.0%), Nov (-5.9%) and Dec (-8.5%), 2.5% improvement vs prior month (-
10.9%), in red (7 of the last 7 months). Key Franchises that have high forecast bias are IC IVUS Equipment, EN Therapeutic Imaging,
Forecast Bias (3 month lag) -8.4% + / -4% IC Atherectomy, NM Deep Brain Stim, UR Prostate Health and IC Ivus Disposables. BSC forecast bias: 1 month std cost$ at 3 month
lag is -8.5% and 1 month std cost$ at 0 month lag is -7.8%. Dec actuals (std cost$) below forecast for all divisions and all regions
except Latam. We will further adjust the forecast in the Jan SI&OP cycle.
Nov Inventory of $1,724M is $43.3M unfavorable to AOP plan ($1,680M), $16.2M unfavorable to F3 plan ($1,708M). $52.4M
unfavorability RM/WIP from plant network , offset by favorability tied to $9.1M in finished goods (FG). Inventory decreased $4.7M
Inventory $ including BTG (prior month in Nov vs Oct: RM/WIP decreased $1.1M (0.1 day fav); FG decreased $3.6M (0.5 day fav).
$1,724 M $1,680 M
of November) Including Lumenis: Nov Inventory at $1,778M ($54M Lumenis inventory: $15.9M RM/WIP, $20.7M FG, $17.4M Purchase Price
Accounting Adjustments), $97.3M unfavorable to AOP plan ($1,680M), $70.2M unfavorable to F3 fcst ($1,707M). Unfavorability
tied to $29M in finished goods (FG) and $68.3M unfavorability RM/WIP from plant network.
Nov DIOH at 229.3 days, 6 Days unfavorable to plan, mostly due to $52.4M unfavaorable Raw/WIP vs plan. Unavorable impact
Inventory DIOH including BTG (prior
229 223 RM/WIP 7.0 days, COGS 0.3 day, offset by favorable impact FG 1.2 days).
month of November)
Including Lumenis: DIOH 232.2 days, 8.9 days unfavorable to AOP plan, 1.8 days unfavorable to F3 fcst (230.4 days).
Healthy Stock % decreased by 0.7% vs prior month (64.2%), maintaining red, driven by- 1> Healthy Inv$- $8.2M net decrease (due
to on-hand inventory decreases and safety stock decreases: Domestic -$9.2M, AP -$1.6M, with partially offset EMEA +$2.0M; 2>
Excess Inv$- $8.0M net increase (driven by increases in on-hand inventory and safety stock decreases: EMEA $3.5M, AP $2.2M,
Dec'21 Healthy Stock % for DC FG 63.5% 68.1%
Domestic $2.1M; 3> Partially offset by Deficit Inv$ - $6.1M net decrease (due to increases of on-hand inventory and safety stock
decreases: AP -$5.1M, EMEA -$1.4M). Healthy Inv$ at $343M, Deficit Inv$ at $77M, Excess Inv $120M.

* Dec'21 and previous months: Forecast Bias is based on cumulative 3 months std cost$ at 3 month lag. Forecast Accuracy is based on a single month of units at 3 month lag.

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Preliminary Backorder Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode
December 2021

BSC Backorder Trend Super Region / *Region Actual Backorder % Trend

$14.0M 1.49% 1.6%

1.4% EMEA, 1.1%
$12.0M 4.0% AP, 1.0% Japan*, 0.7%
1.19% LA, 1.7%
1.09% 1.08% 1.2% 3.5% BSC, 1.1% China*, 0.5%
1.07% 1.06%
$10.0M 0.99% US, 1.0%
1.0% 3.0%
$8.0M 0.76% 2.5%
0.69% 0.66% 0.8%
$6.0M 0.55% 2.0%
$2.0M 0.2%
10.6 11.8 11.4 10.9 11.0 10.4 7.5 6.1 5.2 6.7 7.6 11.1 11.6
$0.0M 0.0% 0.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red US EMEA AP LA CAN BSC Japan* China*

December Month End -Backorders by Global Divisions December Month End -Backorders by Super Region / *Region
$6.0M 2.5% $7.0M 2.5%


2.0% 2.0%
2.0% $5.0M
1.5% 1.5%
1.2% $4.0M
$3.0M 1.1%
1.0% 1.0%
0.8% $3.0M
1.0% 1.0%
0.7% 0.5%
0.4% 0.3%
0.1% 0.5% 0.5%
$1.0M 0.0% $1.0M
0.6 0.0
1.9 0.0
3.9 0.0
4.3 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.0 6.3 0.0
2.4 2.0 0.3 0.0
0.5 0.6 0.3
$0.0M 0.0% $0.0M 0.0%
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt US EMEA AP LA CAN Japan* China*

BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal

Top Drivers December BO$ Impact on BSC gap Commentary

Quality- Field action initiated in Oct due to increase in pin hole complaints. +16k additional units ordered. Product on
Endo 4175 RX - DILATION $1,151,845 $1,136,366
allocation hold. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~20%.
Spencer Supply- Continue to recover from supply shortage Expected Recovery: March ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to
UroPH 5293 Zero Tip Baskets $677,622 $641,930
be ~$1.4M and SL ~65%.
Spencer Supply- Deprioritized families due to labor constraints in Spencer. Will be breaking out Segura/Gemini from
UroPH Uro Tradeoff-Spencer (Various) $605,154 $593,341
this group due to higher BO$. Expected Recovery: Q2. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~68%.
Spencer Supply- Production mix in November with Ultra builds, capacity constaints impacting recovery timelines
UroPH 5998 ADVANTAGE FIT BLUE $558,945 $549,220
Expected Recovery: First week of Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$200K and SL ~85%.
Quality- Quality Issue at Coyol with Capio Slim production. Complete BO Recovery expected in January. Expected
UroPH 5949 Pfr Fixation $486,727 $478,147
Recovery: Mid Jan. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$0K and SL ~97%.

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Quality- Field action initiated & Teleflex sheath supply constraint. Expected Recovery: May' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO
Endo Tomes & Wires $591,474 $422,692
to be ~BO$ ~$4M and SL ~50%.
Quality- Contamination of core wire brought line down until new units are received and pass inspection. Line
PI Magic TQ $409,191 $407,296 expected to be back in prodution Jan 10th. Expected Recovery: Early April. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$60k and SL
Endo 4196 EUS-FNB NEEDLES $409,082 $382,463 Spencer Supply - Materials constraints. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~75%.

Demand and material shortage- Surge in demand in 2021 due to competitor supply issues. Raw Material (Trocars),
PI Flexima/Percuflex $393,222 $372,860 Mandrel and Packaging Component Shortages are impacting daily output. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$497k and SL ~75%.
Spencer Supply - Component constrained in Spencer. BO Projection increased in Dec. Expected Recovery: Apr' 22. Jan
UroPH 5757 Navigator Hd Acc Sht $356,789 $340,320
ME- Expecting BO to be ~$406k and SL ~77%.
Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Q3 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$600k and SL
Endo Interject & Superview $366,400 $332,867
Spencer Supply- Reduction in manufacturing capacity due to labor shortages. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME-
PI Accustick $255,257 $248,754 Expecting BO to be ~$389k and SL ~30%.

Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$100k and SL
Endo Pancreatic $211,061 $208,178
Spencer Supply (Quality)- Product blocked due to material change without proper revision/distribution controls.
Endo 4166 Next Gen Biliary $197,347 $183,892
Expected Recovery: Feb' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~85%.
Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Early Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$60k and SL
Endo 4120 Litho Baskets $179,861 $170,565
Electronic component shortages- Electronic component shortages (ADI, Micron, NXP) creating supply gaps. Peak
CRM Communicator $162,212 $158,901 backlog in late Jan/early Feb. If no more component gaps, recovery by May. Expected Recovery: May'22. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~50%.
Spencer Supply- Recovering from high demand due to competitive stock out (Cook). Expected Recovery: Feb ME. Jan
UroPH 5473 FLEXIMA CATHETERS $141,414 $139,652
ME- Expecting BO to be ~$115k and SL ~53%.
Demand and component shortage- Large OUS sales above plan in November, long leadtime, component issues, and
UroPH 5650 Nephrostomy Drainage $135,549 $132,341
capacity issues driving BO. Expected Recovery: Feb ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~55%.
Spencer Supply- Recovering from headcount shortage. Expected Recovery: May ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
UroPH 5275 Nitinol Grasper $137,972 $131,178
~$500k and SL ~50%.
Dec'21 Backorder at $11.6M (Internal Mfg $10.3M / External Mfg SFMD $1.3M), $0.4M increase vs prior month due
to continued labor and capacity constraints at Spencer, quality issues, and supplier capacity and electronics supply
constraints. $5.5M above goal (1.1% vs goal of 0.55%), maintaining red. Families on backorder continue to be mainly
due to constrained supply due to headcount gaps/staffing and training challenges, Covid-19 impact,
component/material shortages, and quality related supply issues. Main backorder$ drivers are Labor and capacity
BSC $11,571,519 $5,546,541
constraints at Spencer (~$5.2M) [Uro products ($3.0m) and Endo products ($1.9m), PI Accustick ($0.3m)], Quality
related supply issues (~3.3M) [Endo RX- Dilation ($1.2m), Endo Tomes & Wires (0.6m), Uro Ureteral Stents ($0.5m),
Uro Pfr Fixation ($0.5m), PI Magic TQ ($0.4m)], and increased demand and external supplier component /electronics
supply/capacity issues (~$1.3M) [PI Flexima/Percuflex ($0.4M), Uro Nephrostomy Drainage ($0.2M), PI Starter
($0.1m), PI Ranger ($0.1m), CRM Communicator ($0.2m), CRM Accolade ($0.1m)].
*The blue line shows top 11 families contributed to $5.7M unfavorability to the BO$ goal.

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Preliminary Service Level Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode

December 2021
BSC Service Level Trend Super Region / * Region Actual Service Level Trend
100% 100%

98% 98%
95.1% 94.8% 95.2% 96%
96% 94.7% 94.7% 94.7% 94.5%
93.7% 94.1%
93.5% 93.3% 93.6%
94% 92.4% 94%

92% 92%
90% 90% AP, 95.0%

88% 88% BSC, 92.4%

86% 86% US, 91.8% China*, 99.5%
LA, 93.2%
84% 84%
CAN, 90.6% Japan*, 97.1%
82% 82% EMEA, 90.1%
80% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red US EMEA AP LA CAN BSC Japan* China*

December Service Level by Global Divisions December Service Level by Super Region / *Region
100% 100%

99.2% 98% 99.5%

96% 97.7%
96% 97.1%
95.7% 95.2% 94%
92% 95.0%
92.2% 92% 93.2%
88% 90.0% 90% 91.8%
87.5% 90.1%
76% 77.3% 80%
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt US EMEA AP LA CAN Japan* China*

Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green

Top Drivers December SL Impact on BSC SL Commentary

Electronic component shortages- Electronic component shortages (ADI, Micron, NXP) creating supply gaps. Peak
CRM Communicator 53.6% -0.48% backlog in late Jan/early Feb. If no more component gaps, recovery by May. Expected Recovery: May'22. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~50%.
Quality- Field action initiated & Teleflex sheath supply constraint. Expected Recovery: May' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to
Endo Tomes & Wires 71.3% -0.48%
be ~BO$ ~$4M and SL ~50%.
Quality- Field action initiated in Oct due to increase in pin hole complaints. +16k additional units ordered. Product on
Endo 4175 RX - DILATION 18.6% -0.30%
allocation hold. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~20%.
UroPH 8681 REAR TIP Arden Hill Supply- Production capacity constraints until end of Feb. Expected Recovery: Mid-Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO
79.2% -0.21%
EXTENDER to be ~0 and SL ~80%.

Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Q3 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$600k and SL
Endo Interject & Superview 62.4% -0.20%

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Demand and material shortage- Surge in demand in 2021 due to competitor supply issues. Raw Material (Trocars),
PI Flexima/Percuflex 74.8% -0.13% Mandrel and Packaging Component Shortages are impacting daily output. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$497k and SL ~75%.
UroPH Uro Tradeoff-Spencer Spencer Supply- Deprioritized families due to labor constraints in Spencer. Will be breaking out Segura/Gemini from this
66.1% -0.12%
(Various) group due to higher BO$. Expected Recovery: Q2. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~68%.
Spencer Supply- Continue to recover from supply shortage Expected Recovery: March ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
UroPH 5293 Zero Tip Baskets 74.7% -0.12%
~$1.4M and SL ~65%.
Spencer Supply- Reduction in manufacturing capacity due to labor shortages. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME-
PI Accustick 32.3% -0.11%
Expecting BO to be ~$389k and SL ~30%.

ICardio Emerge MR US 91.3% -0.11% Maple grove Supply- Mix challenges between US and OUS, corrected going forward. Expected Recovery: Jan ME.

Demand- Strong sales of the Tria kits in Japan and shortage of Axxcess catheters causing shortage - mitigated by
UroPH 8750 TRIA FIRM 59.9% -0.10%
agreement to sell Tria singles instead of kits Expected. Recovery: Jan ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~0 and SL at goal.

UroPH 5757 Navigator Hd Acc Spencer Supply - Component constrained in Spencer. BO Projection increased in Dec. Expected Recovery: Apr' 22. Jan
77.4% -0.10%
Sht ME- Expecting BO to be ~$406k and SL ~77%.
Spencer Supply (Quality)- Product blocked due to material change without proper revision/distribution controls.
Endo 4166 Next Gen Biliary 82.6% -0.10%
Expected Recovery: Feb' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~85%.
Component Shortage- Component gaps in CLN in Oct/Nov. SS recovery by end of Jan. Expected Recovery: Feb' 22. Jan
CRM Accolade 81.5% -0.09%
ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~85%.
Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$100k and SL
Endo Pancreatic 65.9% -0.08%
Material Shortage- Packaging supply (AMCOR) gap in deliveries. Recovery through Q1. Expected Recovery: Mar'22. Jan
CRM Ingevity 86.7% -0.07%
ME- Expecting BO to be ~ $20k and SL ~85%.
Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Early Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$40k and SL
Endo 4180 Other Biliary 72.5% -0.07%
Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Early Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$60k and SL
Endo 4120 Litho Baskets 73.3% -0.06%
Delayed shipments- Delayed shipments from Medikit due to COVID. Expected Recovery: End Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO
PI Super Sheath 62.9% -0.06%
to be ~$50k and SL ~70%.
UroPH 5650 Nephrostomy Demand and component shortage- Large OUS sales above plan in November, long leadtime, component issues, and
49.3% -0.05%
Drainage capacity issues driving BO. Expected Recovery: Feb ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~55%.

Quality- Contamination of core wire brought line down until new units are received and pass inspection. Line expected
PI Magic TQ 9.9% -0.05%
to be back in prodution Jan 10th. Expected Recovery: Early April. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$60k and SL ~10%.

Supplier Capacity- Capacity constrained in HTQ due to headcount challenges. Ramping 5th line and starting qualification
PI Ranger 92.3% -0.05%
of 6th line in Q1. Expected Recovery: early Q3 2022. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$123k and SL ~94%.

UroPH 5685 Holmium Delayed shipments- Delayed shipments from Molex due to systems issues following Lumenis seperation. Expected
86.3% -0.05%
Disposables Recovery: Jul' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$50k and SL ~96%.
UroPH 5358 Percuflex Uro Material Shortage- Recovering from pouch shortage and mandrel capacity issues. Expected Recovery: Mid-Feb. Jan ME-
48.6% -0.05%
Diver Expecting BO to be ~$30k and SL ~55%.
Demand- MDT left EU market, so increased demand for SS. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
PI Starter 87.0% -0.04%
~$50k and SL ~85%.
Dec'21 Service level at 92.4% (Internal Mfg 92.9% / External Mfg SFMD 89.9%), 1.2% decline versus prior month
(93.6%), 4.2% below goal, 3.6% below threshold for green - in red (2 of the last 2 months). Main drivers are Uro, Endo,
and PI product supply issues from Spencer [1.33% impact - Endo Interject & Superview (0.20% impact), Uro Tradeoff
(Various, inc. 5640 Renal Dilators, Gemini, Segura) (0.12% impact), Uro Zero Tip Baskets (0.12% imapct), PI Accustick
BSC 92.4% -3.60% (0.11% impact), Uro Navigator Hd Acc Sht (0.10% impact), Endo Next Gen Biliary (0.10% impact), Endo Pancreatic
(0.08% impact)], quality issues [Endo Tomes and Wires (0.48% impact), Endo Rx - Dilation (0.30% impact), PI Magic TQ
(0.05% impact)], electronics supply constraints [CRM Communicator (0.48% impact), CRM Accolade (0.09% impact)],
and component supply/capacity constraints [Uro Rear Tip Extender (0.21% impact), PI Flexima/Percuflex (0.13%
*The blue line shows top 20 families contributing to 3.05% unfavorability to the SL (OTDS) goal.

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Preliminary Backorder and Service Level Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode
December 2021

BSC Backorder Trend BSC Service Level Trend

$14.0M 1.49% 1.6% 100%
1.4% 98%
1.19% 95.2%
96% 94.7% 95.1% 94.7% 94.7% 94.8% 94.5% 94.1%
1.09% 1.08% 1.06% 1.2% 93.5% 93.7% 93.3% 93.6%
$10.0M 0.99% 1.07% 94% 92.4%
$8.0M 92%
0.69% 0.66% 0.8% 90%
$6.0M 0.55%
0.6% 88%

$4.0M 86%
$2.0M 0.2%
10.6 11.8 11.4 10.9
0.0 0.0
11.0 10.4
0.0 0.0
7.5 0.0
6.1 5.2 0.0
6.7 0.0
7.6 11.1
0.0 11.6
$0.0M 0.0% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red

BSC Internal Manufacturing Backorder Trend BSC Internal Manufacturing Service Level Trend
$14.0M 1.46% 1.6% 100%

1.4% 98%
$12.0M 1.25% 95.8%
96% 95.1% 95.0% 95.4% 94.9% 95.0% 94.6%
94.5% 94.3%
1.02% 1.2% 93.9%
$10.0M 1.01% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 93.2% 93.5% 92.9%
$8.0M 92%
0.71% 0.8% 90%
$6.0M 0.65%
0.6% 88%
$4.0M 0.57% 86%
$2.0M 0.2%
10.1 11.3 11.0 10.2 9.5 9.0 6.4 4.9 4.2 5.6 6.4 9.7 10.3
$0.0M 0.0% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red

BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Backorder Trend BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Service Level Trend
$14.0M 100%

2.2% 98%
$12.0M 95.8%
2.0% 96% 94.7% 94.6% 94.7%
1.74% 94.3%
$10.0M 1.64% 1.59% 1.8% 93.6%
94% 92.6%
1.47% 1.47% 1.6% 91.9% 91.8% 92.2%
$8.0M 1.29% 1.27% 92% 90.4% 90.5%
1.4% 89.9%
1.11% 1.14%
1.2% 90%
1.0% 88%
0.60% 0.63% 0.58% 0.8%
$2.0M 0.4%
0.2% 82%
0.5 0.4 0.0
0.4 0.7 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.3
$0.0M 0.0% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red

Page 7 of 21 1/6/2022
Preliminary Forecast Accuracy Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode

December 2021

BSC Forecast Accuracy and Bias Trend Super Region / *Region Forecast Accuracy Trend
90% 83% 50% 100%
81% 81% 82% 82% 81% 80% 82% 82%
78% 80%
80% 78% 40% 90%
30% 80%

Forecast Accuracy

Forecast Accuracy

Forecast Bias
10% 60%
0% 50%
40% -12% US, 88%
-4% -3% -8% -10% 40%
30% -8% -8% -11%
-10% -11% -20% 30% CAN, 83%
-15% -14% -16% -16%
20% -30% 20% Japan*, 84%
BSC, 82%
AP, 74%
10% -40% 10% EMEA, 79% China*, 61%
LA, 67%
0% -50% 0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

Forecast Accuracy F. Ac. Goal Forecast Bias* US EMEA AP LA CAN BSC Japan* China*

December Forecast Accuracy and Bias by US-Divisions December Forecast Accuracy and Bias by Super Region / *Region
100% 50% 100% 50%
92% 88% 88%
90% 85% 83% 87% 40% 90% 83% 84% 40%
81% 79%
77% 30% 80% 74% 30%
67% 67%

Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy

70% 20% 70% 20%


Forecast Bias
Forecast Bias
60% 10% 60% 10%

50% 0% 50% 0%

40% 0% -10%
40% -3% -10% -5%
-4% -5% -7% -7%
-7% -7% -8% -9%
30% -20% 30% -12% -20%
-19% 20%
-19% -30%
20% -30%

10% -40% 10% -40%

0% -50% 0% -50%
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt US EMEA AP LA CAN Japan* China*

Forecast Accuracy F. Ac. Goal Forecast Bias Forecast Accuracy F. Ac. Goal Forecast Bias

Impact on BSC Forecast
Top Drivers Forecast Accuracy / Forecast Commentary
Accuracy gap
Bias% (Forecast Bias$)
US: Forecast adjusted, expect correction by Jan cycle with 3 month offset. EMEA: Expo/Impulse sales below forecast, future
IC Diagnostics 74.6%/-16.8%(-1.1M) -0.82%
trend in line with avg Sales.
US: Sales above forecast on Tomes, Wires & Hurricane due to field actions. EMEA: Field action on preloaded Tomes
EN Biliary Devices 79%/1.2%(0.4M) -0.27% impacted the overall forecast accuracy. AP (China): China: Jagwire guidewire sales lower than forecast. Canada: Sales above
forecast as we finished Dec. above plan.
EMEA: Strong Q4 sales on Captivator. AP (China): Captivator new tender. Latam: Strong Sales for Captivator in Brazil.
EN Polypectomy 84.9%/3.4%(0.4M) -0.21%

PI Arterial Accessories 79.2%/-1.4%(0M) -0.20% US: Soft Sales for Flowswitch, on stat. EMEA: Flowswitch sales below forecast in Europe, mainly UK.
US: Athletis slow launch, core balloons sales light, forecasts have been adjusted. EMEA: Low sales in Russia on Mustang
PI Arterial Balloons 82.1%/-7.6%(-1.1M) -0.18% and Sterling. AP (China): Mustang sale lower than forecast. Latam: Strong sales for Mustang.
Canada: Soft sales for Mustang.
US: COVID impact total DES market was 10% slow in Dec, Also planned for bulk which did not come through. AP (Japan):
IC Stents 74.1%/-5.9%(-2.8M) -0.18% Synery XD OUS sales above forecast. Canada: Delay in tender award roll-out for Promus Elite.

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US: Forecast adjusted, soft month across CT. EMEA: Mach1 overbooked due to turkey DMO tender. AP (China, Japan):
IC Guide Catheters 74.1%/-1.7%(-0.1M) -0.17% Mach 1 sales below forecast. Latam: Sales above forecast for Runway. Canada: March1 sales below forecast.

EMEA: Standard Teflon sales below forecast driven by MENA region. AP (China, Japan): China - Sensor sales below forecast
UR Urology Guidewires 85.5%/-1.3%(-0.1M) -0.16% as reducing in channel requirement. Japan - Sensor sales increase. Latam: FA 71%, Sales above forecast on Amplatz.

US: Supply constraints from Spencer and Coyol combined with competitive supply issues from Cook, keep forecasts aligned
PI IO Drainage 71.6%/-16.9%(-0.5M) -0.12%
to expectations of supply recovery. EMEA: Supply contraint impact. Canada: Spike in demand for Flexima.
AP (China): OCHD negative bias due to supply constraint.
IC IVUS Disposables 75.7%/-9.8%(-2.9M) -0.11%
US: Communicator and Teleflex Balloons supply gaps impacting actual bookings. AP (Japan): Communicator: supply
constraints, not overconsumption, offset low sales in previous months due to lack of inventory. Acc paper: supply
CRM Accessories & Externals 74%/-8.5%(-1.4M) -0.11%
constraint, no supply in Dec, so shipments below forecast. Latam: Soft Sales in Brazil and Colombia. Canada: soft demand
on Communicators.
US: Forecasts coming through on bundle UPNs as opposed to eaches UPN. Planner will review forecast/SS strategy in Jan.
EMEA: Strong sales above forecast driven by MENA region, mainly in Duel Lumen and Irrigation to support tenders due to
UR Stone Mgmt Accessor 80.6%/-1.9%(0M) -0.11%
past backorder. AP (Japan): Axxess Catheter demand increase. Canada: Spike in Duel Lumen as it was used as a sub for
Dilator Sheaths (rolling BOs).
US: Leads not offered for bulks due to Amcor packaging constraint. AP (China): Supply Constraint. EMEA: Ingevity+ launch
CRM Leads 60.8%/-2.5%(-0.8M) -0.10%

EN Hemostasis 80.7%/-4.3%(-0.7M) -0.10% AP (China): Interject Supply Constraint.

US: Magic TQ sales below forecast due to supply issues since Nov, Meier sales were high - one month blip - on stat. EMEA:
PI Arterial Guidewires 86.6%/-2.3%(-0.3M) -0.09%
Starter BO after the strong sales above forecast for the last few months (competitor out of market).
US: Lower PO's in Dec due to contract volumes - will make it up in Jan. EMEA: After strong sales in Nov, Dec came in much
PI Stryker 0%/-39%(-0.3M) -0.08%
lower than forecasted.
US: US FA is 88% vs 91% target. Stents continue to recover from backorders, which continues to impact accuracy. EMEA:
Stents is in recovery phase and we experience volatility in entire region. demand increase is coming from MENA to support
UR Ureteral Stents 79.3%/-0.5%(0M) -0.08%
year end purchase and underselling from Europe due to COVID recent impact. Latam: Extra sales in Colombia in Percuflex.

AP (Australia, Malaysia): Slow sales and upside forecasting in ANZ but decend demand been adjusted in Jan'22 onwards.
NM RF 79.7%/-9.9%(-0.6M) -0.08% Latam: 3month lag high forecast impact in Brazil but already adjusted.

US: Overall volume aligned but managing mix monthly between std & enfit. EMEA: Strong sales above forecast on Initial G-
EN Enteral Feeding 72%/-8.9%(-0.6M) -0.06%
tube in Turkey and MENA.
EMEA: Grounding pad phased out (inventory depleted) earlier than expected due to scrap related to non compliance in
EP Accessories 55.6%/-16.1%(-0.5M) -0.06% labelling. TX Needles & Fixed sheaths in supply constraint. Latam: Soft sales in the region.

US: Global sales below forecast driven by BO in Zero Tip, Nitinol Graspers, Segura/Gemini Baskets; offering customers
product swaps based on availability. EMEA: Sales below forecast due to backorder in main families such as ZeroTip, Dakota.
UR Stone Retrieval 81.2%/-11.6%(-0.8M) -0.05%
AP (China, Japan): Zerotip 1.9F - supply constraints, not overconsumption, offset low sales in previous months due to lack
of inventory. Dakota - Supply Constraint. Latam: Escape sales below forecast. FA 73% vs 87% target.
US: Driven by Flexiva Pulse/mix of actuals compared to forecast. Adjusting mix in January cycle. EMEA: Sales below forecast
UR Stone Laser Therapies 72.5%/-10.4%(-0.9M) -0.05% for Coherent fibers in Dec. AP (China): SMT-Lighttrail lauch delayed. Latam: Sales below forecast in Holmium Disposables.
Canada: Delay in new customer/tender going live.
US: Soft shipments in Dec vs Dec SIOP forecast. The business decision was made to keep the SIOP forecast at 20% above the
IC LAAC 52.6%/-12.2%(-2.2M) -0.05%
Financial forecast.
US: Softness across CT in Dec. EMEA: Soft sales in previous months, Dec FA 84%. AP (China, Japan): China - Rotalink sales
IC Atherectomy 70.4%/-23.8%(-2.7M) -0.05% below forecast, Japan - Rota wire sales below forecast due to case decrease driven by Covid.

US: Continue to see COVID impact to elective procedures despite de-risking the FCST. EMEA: Nov strong sales month but
NM DEEP BRAIN STIM 30.9%/-31.3%(-2.3M) 0.00%
Dec much delay in elective procedures impacting DBS. AP (Japan, ANZ): ANZ - directional lead negative bias, Japan -
: Launch R16than
slower negative bias. pushing to adjust forecasts accordingly. EMEA: Avvigo Launch delay + demand
IC IVUS Equipment 5.7%/-70.9%(-5.9M) 0.00% volatility GEM on FFR. AP (China, Japan, Taiwan): negative bias due to zcode conversion impact not captured in RR. Latam:
Demand Volatility, High actuals in FFR Accesories.

Global Divisional Bias: IC -11.7%, StrHrt -7.8%, PI -9.4%, Uro -8.6%, Endo -3.9%, CRM -2.8%, EP -18.7%, NM -11.1%. Super
Regional Bias: US -8.6%, EMEA -6.9%, AP -11.6%, LA +0.2%, CAN -7.5%.
BSC Fcst Accuracy / Bias
82% / -8.4% (-$57.6M) -3.31% BSC forecast bias: 1 month std cost$ at 3 month lag is -8.5% and 1 month std cost$ at 0 month lag is -7.8%. Dec actuals (std
(3 month lag)
cost$) below forecast for all divisions and all regions except Latam. We will further adjust the forecast in the Jan SI&OP
*The blue line shows top 20 franchises contributed to 3.3% unfavorability to the FA goal.
** Dec'21 and previous months: Forecast Bias is based on cumulative 3 months std cost$ at 3 month lag. Forecast Accuracy is based on a single month of units at 3 month lag.

Page 9 of 21 1/6/2022
Preliminary Inventory (Health and Days Inventory on Hand -DIOH) - DIOH Not updated for prior month
December 2021 Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode

Healthy Stock for DC Finished Goods Inventory BSC DIOH and Inventory $ Trend
$600M 100% 400 Days $2,000 M
1,673 1,707 1,728 1,724 $1,800 M
$23 M $46 M $44 M $54 M $59 M $46 M 350 Days 1,610
$500M 1,533 1,541 1,555 1,574 1,583
$6… $17 M $21 M
64% 66% 64% 64%
1,468 1,510 $1,600 M
62% 63% 63% 63% 61% 63% 63% 300 Days
$400M 63% 62%
$129 M $125 M $122 M $122 M $112 M $120 M 60% $1,400 M
$128 M $123 M $126 M $128 M $123 M $121 M $128 M 250 Days
$118 M $1,200 M
200 Days 235 240 232 232 239 240 229 $1,000 M
40% 225 213 213 213 222
$200M $800 M
$344 M $326 M $334 M $340 M $362 M $365 M $354 M $355 M $352 M $343 M 150 Days
$304 M $322 M $318 M $331 M 20%
$600 M
$100M 100 Days
$400 M
$0M 50 Days
$200 M
$70 M $62 M $62 M $65 M $63 M $72 M $88 M $89 M $73 M $68 M $85 M $77 M $83 M $77 M
0 Days $0 M
-$100M Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21
Nov-20 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

-$200M -40%
Healthy Value Excess Value Deficit Value (Negative) DIOH Actual DIOH Goal Inventory $*
Total FG HSM Exclusions (On-Hand) Healthy Score % Healthy Score Goal %

November Month End - DIOH by Super Region / *Region (FG)

November Month End - Finished Goods DIOH by Global Divisions
400 Days $275M $300 M 300 Days $700 M
$603M $602M
350 Days $600 M
$226M $250 M 250 Days
300 Days
$500 M
$200 M 200 Days
250 Days $164M
$400 M
200 Days
$135M $127M 230 $150 M 150 Days $305M
198 144 $300 M
150 Days $92M 138 137
171 128
152 158 $100 M 100 Days 119
143 $200 M
100 Days 121 94
101 $72M $185M 81 $71M
$73M $50 M 50 Days $63M $100 M
50 Days $33M
0 Days $0 M 0 Days $0 M
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt US EMEA AP LA CAN Operations Japan* China*

DIOH Actual DIOH Goal Inventory $ DIOH Actual DIOH Goal Inventory $

Page 10 of 21 1/6/2022
November Impact on
Top Drivers Inventory / BSC DIOH Commentary
(% to plan) gap

COGS 100% (0.3) Nov Cogs ($684) came in $20.7M higher than Oct Cogs ($663.3M), still $0.8M lower vs AOP plan (684.8M)

Finished Goods $1121M / 99% 1.2 $9.1M favorable, 1.2 days favorable impact, $3.6M lower than Oct actuals.

RM/WIP $602M / 109% (7.0) $52.4M unfavorable, 7.0 days unfavorable impact, $1.1M lower than Oct actuals.
Healthy Stock % decreased by 0.7% vs prior month (64.2%), maintaining red, driven by- 1> Healthy Inv$- $8.2M net decrease (due to on-hand
inventory decreases and safety stock decreases: Domestic -$9.2M, AP -$1.6M, with partially offset EMEA +$2.0M; 2> Excess Inv$- $8.0M net
Dec'21 Healthy Stock % for DC FG 63.5% (68.1% Target) increase (driven by increases in on-hand inventory and safety stock decreases: EMEA $3.5M, AP $2.2M, Domestic $2.1M; 3> Partially offset by
Deficit Inv$ - $6.1M net decrease (due to increases of on-hand inventory and safety stock decreases: AP -$5.1M, EMEA -$1.4M). Healthy Inv$ at
$343M, Deficit Inv$ at $77M, Excess Inv $120M.
Healthy inv$ decreased by $8.2M vs prior month ($351.7M) driven by -
1 > Domestic - $9.2M net decrease [$4.7M decrease due to decreases in on-hand inventory, as well as safety stock adjustments: CRM ICM (-
$1.8M), StrHrt Watchman FLX (-$1.6M), IC Stents (-$1.3M)]; partially offset by PI ICE IG-CX due to increases in on-hand inventory and safety stock
adjustments (+$1.0M)
2 > AP - $1.6M net decrease [driven by $1.7M decrease primarily due to decreases in safety stock: PI DC Bead (-$0.9M), PI Ultra System Console (-
Dec'21 DC FG Healthy $ $343.4M
$0.8M); $0.7M decrease due to decreases in on-hand inventory in Uro Holmium Disposables; and decreases across mutiple families; partially
offset by $2.0MM increase in EN Metal Stents G.I. families due to increases in on-hand inventory and safety stock adjustments]
3> Partially offset by EMEA - $2.0 net increase [$0.9M increase due to increases in on-hand inventory: StrHrt Acurate Delivery System, as well as
multiple increases across families; partially offset by decrease in IC Synergy XD OUS (-$1.8M) due to decreases in on-hand inventory]

Deficit inv$ decreased by $6.1 vs prior month ($83.4M), driven by -

1> AP- $5.1M net decrease [$3.2M decrease due to safety stock decreases and increases in on-hand inventory: IC Promus Premier (-$2.1M), IC
Maverick 2 MR (-$0.6M), IC Pullback Sled (-$0.5M); partially offset by decreases in on-hand inventory of IC Synergy XD OUS (+$0.5M)]
Dec'21 DC FG Deficit $ $77.3M
2> EMEA - $1.4M net decrease [$2.4M increase due to increases in on-hand inventory and decreases in safety stock: CRM NG3 (-$1.4M), IC
Promus Premier (-$0.4M), CRM NG4 (-$0.3M), Uro Sensor (-$0.3M); partially offset by IC Promus Elite (+$1.4M) due to increases in safety stock
and decreases in on-hand inventory]
Excess inv$ increased by $8.0M vs previous month ($112.4M) driven by:
1> EMEA - $3.5M net increase [$3.5M decrease behind decreases in safety stock and increases in on-hand inventory: CRM NG3 (+$1.2M), IC
Promus Premier (+$0.9M), IC FFR Wire (+$0.7M), CRM Fineline (+$0.7M)]
2> AP- $2.2M net increase [$2.5M primarily due to safety stock decreases, some increase in on-hand inventory: PI Ultra System Console
(+$1.1M), PI DC Bead (+$0.8M), CRM Fineline (+$0.6M); with partial offset from Uro Holmium Capital (-$1.4M) due to decreases in on-hand
Dec'21 DC FG Excess $ $120.4M
3> Domestic - $2.1M net increase [$4.6M increase due to increases in on-hand inventory and decreases in safety stock: CRM Communicator
(+$2.0M), IC Synergy II US (+$1.5M), EN Exalt Model B SUD (+$1.1M); with partial offset from PI Mustang (-$1.3M) due to decreases in on-hand

Nov Inventory of $1,724M is $43.3M unfavorable to AOP plan ($1,680M), $16.2M unfavorable to F3 plan ($1,708M). $52.4M unfavorability
RM/WIP from plant network , offset by favorability tied to $9.1M in finished goods (FG). Inventory decreased $4.7M in Nov vs Oct: RM/WIP
decreased $1.1M (0.1 day fav); FG decreased $3.6M (0.5 day fav).
BSC including BTG $1724M / 103% (6.0) Including Lumenis: Nov Inventory at $1,778M ($54M Lumenis inventory: $15.9M RM/WIP, $20.7M FG, $17.4M Purchase Price Accounting
Adjustments), $97.3M unfavorable to AOP plan ($1,680M), $70.2M unfavorable to F3 fcst ($1,707M). Unfavorability tied to $29M in finished
goods (FG) and $68.3M unfavorability RM/WIP from plant network. DIOH 232.2 days, 8.9 days unfavorable to AOP plan, 1.8 days unfavorable to
F3 fcst (230.4 days).

Page 11 of 21 1/6/2022
Preliminary Divisional Trends
December 2021

Divisional Backorder % Trend (Global) Divisional Service level Trend (Global)

5.5% Uro, 2.7% 100.0%
5.0% Endo, 2.0%
EP, 0.8%
4.5% PI, 1.2% 95.0%
CRM, 0.3% ICardio, 0.4%
3.0% StrHrt, 99.2%
NM, 0.1%
2.5% StrHrt,0.0%
85.0% NM, 97.7%
1.5% ICardio, 95.7%
1.0% 80.0%
PI, 95.2%
0.5% EP, 92.2%
Uro, 87.5%
Endo, 90.0% CRM, 77.3%
0.0% 75.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21

ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt

Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (US Super Region) Divisional Inventory DIOH Trend (Global)
100.0% 300
PI, 198
ICardio, 171
Uro, 143 NM, 152 EP, 230
StrHrt, 158
CRM, 121
60.0% Endo, 92%

Uro, 88% 150

NM, 87%
PI, 85% 100
CRM, 77%
20.0% EP, 83% Endo, 101
ICardio, 81% 50
StrHrt, 67%
0.0% 0
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21

ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM StrHrt

Page 12 of 21 1/6/2022
Preliminary Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trends
December 2021

Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (EMEA Super Region) Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (AP Super Region)
100.0% 100.0%
StrHrt, 85% Endo, 75% PI, 77%
90.0% 90.0%
ICardio, 75%
80.0% 80.0%
70.0% 70.0%
60.0% 60.0%
50.0% 50.0%
PI, 78%
Endo, 86% Uro, 71%
40.0% 40.0%
CRM, 59%
30.0% ICardio, 77% 30.0%
Uro, 75% NM, 68% StrHrt, 58%
20.0% 20.0%
NM, 56%
10.0% CRM, 69% 10.0%
EP, 61%
EP, 52%
0.0% 0.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM
EP NM StrHrt EMEA EMEA FA goal EP NM StrHrt AP AP FA goal

Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (CAN Super Region)

Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (LA Super Region)
Endo, 88%
100.0% 100.0%
PI, 78% ICardio, 81%
ICardio, 70% Endo, 71% PI, 76%
90.0% 90.0% Uro, 75%
80.0% 80.0%
70.0% 70.0% StrHrt, 62%
60.0% 60.0%
50.0% 50.0%
CRM, 68%
40.0% 40.0%
Uro, 64%
30.0% 30.0% CRM, 55%
StrHrt, 53% NM, 51%
20.0% 20.0%
10.0% EP, 43% NM, 0% 10.0% EP, 26%

0.0% 0.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM
EP NM StrHrt LA LA FA goal EP NM StrHrt CAN CAN FA goal

Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (Japan region) Divisional Forecast Accuracy Trend (China region)
100.0% 100.0%
PI, 86% Endo, 88% NM, 75%
ICardio, 71% Uro, 74%
90.0% 90.0%
ICardio, 77% PI, 70%
80.0% 80.0%
70.0% 70.0%
60.0% 60.0%
50.0% 50.0%
40.0% NM, 57% 40.0%
Uro, 76%
30.0% 30.0% China, 61%
Endo, 46%
20.0% StrHrt, 68% 20.0% CRM, 22%
StrHrt, 45%
10.0% CRM, 72% 10.0% EP, 0%
EP, 72%
0.0% 0.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM
EP NM StrHrt Japan Japan FA goal EP NM StrHrt China China FA goal

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Preliminary Backorder BSC Internal Manufacturing Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode

December 2021
BSC Internal Manufacturing Backorder Trend
Super Regional BSC Internal Manufacturing Actual Backorder % Trend
$14.0M 1.46% 1.6% 5.0%

4.5% CAN, 4.8%
1.25% 1.4% -
$12.0M LA, 1.8%
4.0% BSC, 1.0% -
$10.0M 1.01% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.02% 3.5% -
EMEA, 1.0%
1.0% -
3.0% AP, 1.0%
$8.0M -
0.71% 0.8% 2.5% US, 1.0%
$6.0M 0.59%
0.57% 0.6% 2.0%
$4.0M 1.5%
$2.0M 0.2%
10.1 11.3 11.0 10.2 9.5 9.0 6.4 4.9 4.2 5.6 6.4 9.7 10.3
$0.0M 0.0% 0.0%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21


BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red

December Month End -Backorders by Global Divisions December Month End -Backorders by Super Region
$9.0M 6.0% $9.0M 6.0%


$8.0M $8.0M 4.77%

5.0% 5.0%
$7.0M $7.0M

$6.0M 4.0% $6.0M 4.0%

$5.0M 2.9% $5.0M

3.0% 3.0%
$4.0M $4.0M
$3.0M 2.0% $3.0M 2.0%
$2.0M $2.0M 0.98% 1.01% 1.01%
0.3% 0.0% 1.0% 1.0%
0.1% 0.1%
$1.0M 0.2% $1.0M
0.4 0.0
1.6 0.0
3.8 0.0
4.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 5.9 1.9 1.7 0.3 0.5
$0.0M 0.0% $0.0M 0.0%
ICardio PI Endo Uro CRM EP NM

BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal

Top Drivers December BO$ Impact on BSC gap Commentary

Quality- Field action initiated in Oct due to increase in pin hole complaints. +16k additional units ordered. Product on
Endo 4175 RX - DILATION $1,151,845 $1,136,366
allocation hold. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~20%.
UroPH 5293 Zero Tip Baskets Spencer Supply- Continue to recover from supply shortage Expected Recovery: March ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
$677,622 $641,930
~$1.4M and SL ~65%.
UroPH Uro Tradeoff-Spencer Spencer Supply- Deprioritized families due to labor constraints in Spencer. Will be breaking out Segura/Gemini from this
$605,154 $593,341
(Various) group due to higher BO$. Expected Recovery: Q2. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~68%.
Spencer Supply- Production mix in November with Ultra builds, capacity constaints impacting recovery timelines
BLUE $558,945 $549,220
Expected Recovery: First week of Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$200K and SL ~85%.
UroPH 5949 Pfr Fixation Quality- Quality Issue at Coyol with Capio Slim production. Complete BO Recovery expected in January. Expected
$486,727 $478,147
Recovery: Mid Jan. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$0K and SL ~97%.
Endo Tomes & Wires Quality- Field action initiated & Teleflex sheath supply constraint. Expected Recovery: May' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to
$591,474 $422,692
be ~BO$ ~$4M and SL ~50%.
PI Magic TQ
Quality- Contamination of core wire brought line down until new units are received and pass inspection. Line expected
$409,191 $407,296
to be back in prodution Jan 10th. Expected Recovery: Early April. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$60k and SL ~10%.


$409,082 $382,463 Spencer Supply - Materials constraints. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~75%.

BSC Internal Manufacturing $10,296,763 $5,406,305 $0.6M increase vs prior month, $5.4M above goal (1.0% vs 0.55% goal), in red (3 of the last 3 months)

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Preliminary Backorder BSC External Manufacturing- SFMD Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode
December 2021

BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Backorder Trend Super Regional BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Actual Backorder % Trend
$2.0M 6.4%
Millions $1.8M 5.9%
5.4% US, 1.2%
$1.6M 2.0% CAN, 3.4%
4.9% LA, 1.5% EMEA, 1.8%
$1.4M 1.64% 1.59% 1.8%
1.74% 1.47% 1.47% 1.6% BSC, 1.5%
$1.2M 1.29% 3.9%
1.27% 1.4% AP, 1.4%
1.14% 3.4%
$1.0M 1.11% 1.2% 2.9%
$0.8M 1.0% 2.4%
$0.6M 0.60% 0.63% 0.58% 0.8% 1.9%
0.6% 1.4%
0.4% 0.9%
$0.2M 0.2%
0.0 0.0
0.4 0.4
0.0 0.0
0.7 0.0
1.5 0.0
1.5 0.0
1.1 0.0
1.1 0.0
1.0 0.0
1.1 0.0
1.2 0.0
1.4 0.0
1.3 0.4%
$0.0M 0.0% -0.1%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21


BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BSC BO% - Threshold for Red

December Month End -Backorders by Global Divisions December Month End -Backorders by Super Region
$1.6M 6.0% $1.6M 6.0%

5.5% 5.5%
$1.4M $1.4M
5.0% 5.0%
$1.2M 4.5% $1.2M 4.5%
4.0% 4.0%
$1.0M $1.0M 3.4%
3.5% 3.5%
$0.8M 3.0% $0.8M 3.0%
2.5% 2.5%
$0.6M $0.6M 1.8%
1.5% 2.0% 1.5% 2.0%
1.3% 1.4%
$0.4M 1.2% 1.5% 1.2%
$0.4M 1.5%
0.0% 0.0%
1.0% 1.0%
$0.2M 0.2% $0.2M
0.5% 0.5%
0.2 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.0 0.0
$0.0M 0.0% $0.0M 0.0%

BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal BO Dollars BO % of Sales BO % - Goal

Top Drivers December BO$ Impact on BSC gap Commentary

Electronic component shortages- Electronic component shortages (ADI, Micron, NXP) creating supply gaps. Peak
CRM Communicator $162,212 $158,901 backlog in late Jan/early Feb. If no more component gaps, recovery by May. Expected Recovery: May'22. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~50%.
Demand- MDT left EU market, so increased demand for SS. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
PI Starter $97,252 $86,320
~$50k and SL ~85%.

Delayed shipments- Delayed shipments from Medikit due to COVID. Expected Recovery: End Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO
PI Super Sheath $58,586 $55,386
to be ~$50k and SL ~70%.

Supplier Capacity- Capacity constrained in HTQ due to headcount challenges. Ramping 5th line and starting
PI Ranger $91,685 $36,166
qualification of 6th line in Q1. Expected Recovery: early Q3 2022. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$123k and SL ~94%.

BSC External Manufacturing- $0.2M increase versus prior month, $0.8M unfavorable vs goal of $0.45M (1.47% vs 0.57% goal), in red (10 of the last 10
$1,274,756 $822,397
SFMD months).

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Preliminary Service Level BSC Internal Manufacturing Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode
December 2021
BSC Internal Manufacturing Service Level Trend Super Regional BSC Internal Manufacturing Actual Service Level Trend
100% 100%

98% 98%
96% 95.1% 95.0% 95.4% 94.9% 95.0% 94.6% 96%
94.5% 94.3%
93.2% 93.5% 93.9% 92.9% 94%
92% 92%
AP, 94.6%
90% 90%
88% US, 92.9%
88% LA, 93.5%
BSC, 92.9%
86% 86%
84% 84%
CAN, 90.4%
82% 82% EMEA, 90.8%
80% 80%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red

December Service Level by Global Divisions December Service Level by Super Region
100% 100%
98% 99.4% 98%
96% 97.7% 96%
96.1% 95.6%
94% 94%
94.1% 94.6%
92% 92% 93.5%
90% 90%
88% 88% 90.4%
88.4% 88.3%
86% 86%
84% 84%
82% 82%
80% 80%

Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green

Top Drivers December SL Impact on BSC SL Commentary

Quality- Field action initiated & Teleflex sheath supply constraint. Expected Recovery: May' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
Endo Tomes & Wires 71.3% -0.48%
~BO$ ~$4M and SL ~50%.
Quality- Field action initiated in Oct due to increase in pin hole complaints. +16k additional units ordered. Product on allocation
Endo 4175 RX - DILATION 18.6% -0.30%
hold. Expected Recovery: Mar' 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~20%.
UroPH 8681 REAR TIP Arden Hill Supply- Production capacity constraints until end of Feb. Expected Recovery: Mid-Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~0
79.2% -0.21%
EXTENDER and SL ~80%.

Endo Interject & Superview 62.4% -0.20% Spencer Supply - Labor constraint at Spencer. Expected Recovery: Q3 22. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$600k and SL ~50%.

Demand and material shortage- Surge in demand in 2021 due to competitor supply issues. Raw Material (Trocars), Mandrel
PI Flexima/Percuflex 74.8% -0.13% and Packaging Component Shortages are impacting daily output. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
~$497k and SL ~75%.

UroPH Uro Tradeoff-Spencer Spencer Supply- Deprioritized families due to labor constraints in Spencer. Will be breaking out Segura/Gemini from this group
66.1% -0.12%
(Various) due to higher BO$. Expected Recovery: Q2. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$500k and SL ~68%.

Spencer Supply- Continue to recover from supply shortage Expected Recovery: March ME. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$1.4M
UroPH 5293 Zero Tip Baskets 74.7% -0.12%
and SL ~65%.
Spencer Supply- Reduction in manufacturing capacity due to labor shortages. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME- Expecting
PI Accustick 32.3% -0.11% BO to be ~$389k and SL ~30%.

Service level declined by 1.4% hitting 92.9%, 3.5% below threshold for green (96.4%), 2.9% unfavorable impact on BSC SL based
BSC Internal Manufacturing 92.9% -2.87%
on BSC SL goal for green (96.0%) - in red (2 of the last 2 months).

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Preliminary Service Level BSC External Manufacturing- SFMD Press keys CTRL + L to see in full screen mode
December 2021
BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Service Level Trend Super Regional BSC External Manufacturing-SFMD Actual Service Level Trend

100% 100%

98% 98%
96% 94.7% 94.6% 94.7% 96%
94% 92.6% 94%
91.9% 91.8% 92.2%
92% 90.4% 90.5% 92%
90% 90%
88% 88%
AP, 96.4%
86% 86%
84% 84%
BSC, 89.9% LA, 91.9%
82% 82% CAN, 92.1%
80% 80% US, 86.6%
Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Dec-20 Jan-21 Feb-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21
EMEA, 84.6%
Nov-21 Dec-21
Service Level % - Actual
Service Level - Threshold for Green Service level-Threshold for Red US EMEA AP LA CAN BSC

December Service Level by Global Divisions December Service Level by Super Region
100% 100%
95% 99.0% 97.5%
97.7% 95%
90% 93.9% 93.5% 92.3% 90%
91.9% 92.1%
80% 85%
75% 80%
55% 60.0% 65%

50% 60%

Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green Service Level % - Actual Service Level - Threshold for Green

Top Drivers December SL Impact on BSC SL Commentary

Electronic component shortages- Electronic component shortages (ADI, Micron, NXP) creating supply gaps. Peak
CRM Communicator 53.6% -0.48% backlog in late Jan/early Feb. If no more component gaps, recovery by May. Expected Recovery: May'22. Jan ME-
Expecting BO to be ~$150k and SL ~50%.
Delayed shipments- Delayed shipments from Medikit due to COVID. Expected Recovery: End Feb. Jan ME- Expecting BO
PI Super Sheath 62.9% -0.06%
to be ~$50k and SL ~70%.

Supplier Capacity- Capacity constrained in HTQ due to headcount challenges. Ramping 5th line and starting
PI Ranger 92.3% -0.05%
qualification of 6th line in Q1. Expected Recovery: early Q3 2022. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be ~$123k and SL ~94%.

Demand- MDT left EU market, so increased demand for SS. Expected Recovery: mid Mar. Jan ME- Expecting BO to be
PI Starter 87.0% -0.04%
~$50k and SL ~85%.

BSC External Manufacturing- Service level declined by 0.6% vs prior month hitting 89.9%, 4.5% below threshold for green (94.4%), 0.8% unfavorable
89.9% -0.75%
SFMD impact on BSC SL based on BSC SL threshold for green (96.0%), in red (4 of the last 4 months).

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Details of 3 Month Cumulative Std Cost$ 3 month Aggregate lag by region
December 2021

Lag Month Region Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

3 Month 3 Mo Cum (Dec,Nov,Oct) Domestic $ 318,228,403 $ 293,156,302 $ (25,072,102) -8.6%
EMEA $ 223,976,783 $ 209,433,483 $ (14,543,300) -6.9%
Canada $ 12,170,891 $ 11,326,963 $ (843,927) -7.5%
Latin America $ 23,144,031 $ 23,195,428 $ 51,397 0.2%
AP_excl JP-CN $ 45,337,057 $ 40,965,820 $ (4,371,237) -10.7%
China $ 63,496,939 $ 53,288,641 $ (10,208,299) -19.2%
Japan $ 56,658,027 $ 54,034,414 $ (2,623,612) -4.9%
BSC Total $ 743,012,131 $ 685,401,051 $ (57,611,080) -8.4%

Lag Month Region Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

3 Month Dec Domestic $ 110,421,538 $ 99,413,103 $ (11,008,435) -11.1%
Forecast Version-Aug EMEA $ 71,232,653 $ 66,955,915 $ (4,276,737) -6.4%
Canada $ 4,028,344 $ 3,674,357 $ (353,987) -9.6%
Latin America $ 7,521,521 $ 8,072,404 $ 550,882 6.8%
AP_excl JP-CN $ 15,280,682 $ 14,347,715 $ (932,967) -6.5%
China $ 22,914,300 $ 19,712,654 $ (3,201,646) -16.2%
Japan $ 20,524,212 $ 20,011,897 $ (512,315) -2.6%
BSC Total $ 251,923,250 $ 232,188,045 $ (19,735,205) -8.5%

Lag Month Region Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

2 Month Nov Domestic $ 103,826,654 $ 97,035,323 $ (6,791,331) -7.0%
Forecast Version-Aug EMEA $ 78,313,745 $ 76,461,805 $ (1,851,940) -2.4%
Canada $ 3,997,201 $ 3,939,860 $ (57,341) -1.5%
Latin America $ 7,701,745 $ 7,980,275 $ 278,530 3.5%
AP_excl JP-CN $ 15,038,112 $ 13,670,759 $ (1,367,353) -10.0%
China $ 21,411,746 $ 18,160,609 $ (3,251,138) -17.9%
Japan $ 18,230,421 $ 17,460,196 $ (770,225) -4.4%
BSC Total $ 248,519,624 $ 234,708,827 $ (13,810,797) -5.9%

Lag Month Region Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

1 Month Oct Domestic $ 103,980,211 $ 96,707,875 $ (7,272,336) -7.5%
Forecast Version-Aug EMEA $ 74,430,385 $ 66,015,763 $ (8,414,622) -12.7%
Canada $ 4,145,346 $ 3,712,747 $ (432,600) -11.7%
Latin America $ 7,920,765 $ 7,142,749 $ (778,015) -10.9%
AP_excl JP-CN $ 15,018,264 $ 12,947,346 $ (2,070,918) -16.0%
China $ 19,170,893 $ 15,415,378 $ (3,755,515) -24.4%
Japan $ 17,903,394 $ 16,562,321 $ (1,341,073) -8.1%
BSC Total $ 242,569,258 $ 218,504,179 $ (24,065,079) -11.0%
Details of 3 Month Cumulative Std Cost$ 3 month Aggregate lag by Division
December 2021

Lag Month Division Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

3 Month 3 Mo Cum (Dec,Nov,Oct) CRM $ 113,165,726 $ 110,082,637 $ (3,083,090) -2.8%
Endo $ 120,111,481 $ 115,565,955 $ (4,545,526) -3.9%
EP $ 46,843,679 $ 39,481,668 $ (7,362,011) -18.6%
ICardio $ 177,017,739 $ 158,532,940 $ (18,484,799) -11.7%
NM $ 49,282,757 $ 44,373,959 $ (4,908,798) -11.1%
PI $ 112,770,627 $ 103,043,128 $ (9,727,499) -9.4%
StrHrt $ 42,914,486 $ 39,811,549 $ (3,102,937) -7.8%
Uro $ 80,905,636 $ 74,509,216 $ (6,396,420) -8.6%
BSC Total $ 743,012,131 $ 685,401,051 $ (57,611,080) -8.4%

Lag Month Division Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

3 Month Dec CRM $37,683,193 $35,607,985 $ (2,075,208) -5.8%
Forecast Version-Aug Endo $40,435,784 $40,075,231 $ (360,553) -0.9%
EP $15,161,309 $13,891,098 $ (1,270,212) -9.1%
ICardio $61,713,848 $56,015,052 $ (5,698,796) -10.2%
NM $17,423,277 $14,061,316 $ (3,361,961) -23.9%
PI $38,019,055 $34,070,955 $ (3,948,100) -11.6%
StrHrt $14,035,221 $13,014,813 $ (1,020,409) -7.8%
Uro $27,451,563 $25,451,597 $ (1,999,966) -7.9%
BSC Total $ 251,923,250 $ 232,188,045 $ (19,735,205) -8.5%

Lag Month Division Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

2 Month Nov CRM $38,914,863 $40,023,152 $ 1,108,289 2.8%
Forecast Version-Aug Endo $39,869,916 $38,802,824 $ (1,067,092) -2.8%
EP $16,063,803 $13,503,299 $ (2,560,505) -19.0%
ICardio $59,117,325 $53,714,102 $ (5,403,223) -10.1%
NM $16,194,651 $15,398,976 $ (795,675) -5.2%
PI $37,200,719 $34,391,897 $ (2,808,823) -8.2%
StrHrt $14,486,836 $14,018,182 $ (468,654) -3.3%
Uro $26,671,511 $24,856,396 $ (1,815,115) -7.3%
BSC Total $ 248,519,624 $ 234,708,827 $ (13,810,797) -5.9%

Lag Month Division Forecast Actuals Total Error % Error

1 Month Oct CRM $36,567,671 $34,451,500 $ (2,116,171) -6.1%
Forecast Version-Aug Endo $39,805,780 $36,687,900 $ (3,117,881) -8.5%
EP $15,618,567 $12,087,272 $ (3,531,295) -29.2%
ICardio $56,186,566 $48,803,786 $ (7,382,780) -15.1%
NM $15,664,829 $14,913,667 $ (751,162) -5.0%
PI $37,550,854 $34,580,277 $ (2,970,577) -8.6%
StrHrt $14,392,428 $12,778,554 $ (1,613,875) -12.6%
Uro $26,782,563 $24,201,224 $ (2,581,339) -10.7%
BSC Total $ 242,569,258 $ 218,504,179 $ (24,065,079) -11.0%
DC FG Healthy, Deficit and Excess Inv$ Delta drivers
December 2021
May-21 December
DELTA Healthy DELTA Excess Value DELTA Deficit Value
Value (Current - (Current - Previous (Current - Previous Healthy Excess
Division Franchise Family Previous Month) Month) Month) Drivers Drivers Deficit Drivers
NM NM Pain Management 8503 Ipg (2,311,120) (1,814,447) (69,105)
ICardio IC Stents Synergy XD OUS (2,064,575) (276,032) 1,107,786
StrHrt IC LAAC Watchman FLX (1,788,945) 68,317 1,001,000
CRM CRM ICM ICM (1,758,958) 602,399 (1,458)
ICardio IC Stents Synergy II US (1,547,751) 1,526,224 (2,788)
UroPH UR Stone Laser Therapies 5685 Holmium Disposables (1,292,168) (1,415,030) (1,517,544)
NM NM Dbs 8584 Dbs Ipgs (1,211,358) (712,010) (132,907)
NM NM RF 8731 Cannula (993,220) (326,714) (44,956)
PI PI Arterial Balloons Mustang (960,758) (1,234,991) 245,307
EPT EP SS Therapeutic CRBS CRYO BALLOON (941,108) 231,777 (5,634)
PI PI Venous Thrombectomy Ultra System Console (928,910) 1,185,547 (180,464)
PI PI IO Embolization DC Bead (914,195) 841,199 (300,477)
PI PI Arterial Drug Eluting Eluvia US (812,664) 313 1,262,308
NM NM Pain Management 8539 Remote Controls (777,113) (678,323) (8,796)
NM NM Dbs 8577 Dbs Leads (759,078) (257,419) (27,441)
NM NM SPINE Tools (758,417) - -
NM NM Pain Management IPG 1,800,162 535,172 124,643
Endo EN Metal Stents - G. I. 4698 M.I. BILIARY 1,271,032 201,519 26,613
ICardio IC Stents Synergy XD US 1,175,526 (18) (1,391,036)
NM NM DEEP BRAIN STIM DBS IPGS 1,174,830 397,103 28,360
StrHrt IC TAVI Acurate DELIVERY SYSTEM 1,085,562 314,893 95,438
PI PI IO Cryoablation ICE IG-CX 1,076,440 140,962 5,801
Endo EN Metal Stents - G. I. 4693 M.I. ENTERAL 951,729 28,893 20,737
NM NM RF CANNULA 916,300 302,120 43,469
NM NM DEEP BRAIN STIM DBS LEADS 846,582 303,716 1,361
ICardio IC IVUS Disposables Pullback Sled 766,700 194,770 (518,225)
CRM CRM Accessories & Externals Communicator 513,782 1,988,098 444,082
CRM CRM Leads Fineline (348,369) 1,223,689 (149,606)
ICardio IC IVUS Disposables FFR Wire (703,591) 1,119,854 (107,632)
CRM CRM PG's NG3 (7,440) 1,057,174 (1,233,199)
ICardio IC Stents Promus Premier (227,221) 951,465 (2,468,499)
ICardio IC IVUS Equipment IVUS Accessories 208,980 902,296 7,869
EPT EP RHY STD THERAPEUTIC RHY FORCE OI (346,375) 784,696 (6,569)
ICardio IC Balloons Emerge MR US (336,615) 483,649 (613,839)
PI PI Venous EKOS EKOS Catheters-DVT 85,776 362,818 3,270
UroPH UR Stone Laser Therapies 5683 Holmium Capital 73,758 (1,442,900) (597,186)
UroPH UR Prostate Health 8658 REZUM DISPOSABLES 21,577 (1,000,190) (5,075)
NM NM Pain Management 8603 Multilingual Doc (484,731) (947,715) (9,032)
Endo EN THERAPEUTIC IMAGING 5166 EXALT CONSUMABLES (292,815) (780,380) (28,423)
ICardio IC Balloons Maverick 2 MR (436,365) (399,412) (625,887)
Endo EN THERAPEUTIC IMAGING 3403 Spyglass Consumables 654,076 36,057 (615,603)
ICardio IC IVUS Disposables OC HD (364,597) 15,831 (586,507)
ICardio IC IVUS Disposables OptiCross Legacy 153,957 197,889 (523,742)
ICardio IC Stents Promus Elite OUS (564,492) 9,991 1,405,293
CRM CRM Leads 4-Front (294,938) (411,631) 1,102,116
CRM CRM Leads Ingevity (494,820) 110,600 704,314
TOTAL BSC All Franchises All Families (8,235,384) 8,026,760 (6,081,710)
Healthy Stock
Positive value (Improvement), indicating the value by which Healthy Inventory increased from the previous month
Negative value (Decline), indicating the value by which Healthy Inventory decreased from the previous month
Driver of Healthy increase

Driver of Healthy decrease

Excess and Deficit Stock

Negative value (Improvement), indicating the value by which Excess or Deficit Inventory decreased from the previous month
Positive value (Decline), indicating the value by which Excess or Deficit Inventory increased from the previous month

Driver of Excess or Deficit decrease

Driver of Excess or Deficit Increase

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