11 клас Level 1 Grammar Comprehension Task 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (20×0.1=2points)

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11 клас

Level 1

Grammar Comprehension

Task 1. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. (20×0.1=2points)
1 My husband and I ________(think) for weeks about where we could go on holiday this summer, but we
____________________ (not / decide) yet.

2 Amanda __________________ (work) very hard lately. I think she needs a break.

3 ____________you _____________ (write) that report yet, Tom?

4 I ________________ (know) Daniel since we _________ (be) kids.

5 If you can paint like that, for sure you ________ (become) a famous artist.

6 If I ______________ (be) you, I'd go home.

7 There ____________________ (be) an accident if Jake hadn't stopped the car in time.

8 I ___________________ (not ask) for your help if I knew how to do it myself.

9 Kim _________________________ (not fall) if she had been more careful.

10 The machine doesn't stop unless you __________________ (press) the red button.

11 By the time I (arrive) at the office, the meeting


12 Judy (leave) work early on Friday because she_________________

(arrange) to go away for the weekend.

13 Do you think it (rain) tomorrow?

14 By the time you get here, the party (begin).

15 I (not be) here tomorrow. I __ (travel) to

Australia on a business trip.

16 This time tomorrow Tina (collect) all the necessary information and
she (start) writing her project.

17 I can't give you any more money. You (already / borrow) a lot from me.
18 you (finish) reading the book I lent you?
19 They (put off) the meeting three times before they managed to meet.

20 By the time I saw Martha, she (already / post) the letters.

Task 2. Complete the blanks in the text by choosing a, b or c. (20×0.1=2points)

The risks of keeping fit
Going to the gym? Before you set (1) ________ , you might want to consider the risks
you take every time you get on the treadmill or (2) ________ those weights.
It is true that if you're unfit, you have more chances of (3) ________ a heart attack than
someone who exercises regularly. However, if you go to the gym every day, it is
possible that you will suffer (4) ________ couple of injuries a year, serious enough to
make you (5) ________ a workout.
Are you keen on water sports? Read on and find out about some of the risks involved in
diving. A Chicago dentist and diver, Dr Barbara Mousel, says that (6) ________ of
divers suffer from 'diver's mouth syndrome'. In this condition the changing pressure in a
dive squeezes your teeth together and causes your gums (7) ________ , but it can be
prevented (8) ________ you wear a special mouthpiece. Also, amateur divers who dive
(9) ________ than forty times a year may suffer from depression and loss of memory
later in life. Worth (10) ________ in mind, huh?
How often do you buy new running shoes? (11) ________ in worn out trainers may do
your body more harm than good, as your knees (12) ________ . This often results in
'runner's knee', a condition. (13) ________ develops over a period of time, so you may
not know there is a problem (14) ________ you hear a disturbing sound and you feel a
sharp pain in your knee. To make matters worse, there is (15) ________ cure for
runner's knee!
'Muscle tear' is another (16) ________ injury and it occurs if you fail (17) ________
properly before you start exercising. A torn muscle heals, but it may become shorter
and leave you (18) ________ flexible. So, next time you decide (19) ________ to the
gym, remember you (20) ________ treat your body with respect.

1 a. up b. off c. about
2 a. rise b. raise c. lift
3 a. suffering b. suffer c. to suffer
4 a. the b. -- c. a
5 a. missing b. miss c. to miss
6 a. some b. many c. a lot
7 a. bleeding b. to bleed c. bleed
8 a. unless b. if c. if not
9 a. many b. more c. most
10 a. keeping b. keep c. to keep
11 a. Run b. Running c. To run
12 a. do not protect b. have not protected c. are not protected
13 a. who b. which c. where
14 a. by b. after c. until
15 a. not b. no c. any
16 a. usual b. ordinary c. common
17 a. warming up b. to warm up c. warm up
18 a. little b. less c. least
19 a. going b. go c. to go
20 a. must b. have c. need

Task 3. (2 points)
QChoose the correct item.

1 A lot of people have a negative image …… Alex because he is a bit of a know-it-all.

A of B on.........................C with D in
2 Simon wasn’t paying attention in the meeting which resulted …… him missing his boss’s
A of B on.........................C with D in

3 The magazine was bombarded …… letters from teenagers after they printed the article on cosmetic
A with B over......................C from D of

4 Janice is …… the process of getting her hair dyed at the moment.

A at B in...........................C on D to

5 Karl got involved …… some traditional dancing when he visited New Zealand.
A on B in...........................C with D about

6 I was dragged …… helping to organise the end of year show.

A over B onto......................C from D into
7 Annie complains …… anything and everything. She’s such a whinger.
A about B over......................C between D with

8 Stop being such a drama queen. You’ve blown this completely out …… proportion.
A on B in...........................C of D at

9 The Haka originated …… the war cries of the Maori people.

A by B after......................C about D from

10 After the story broke in the paper, the celebrity was …… hiding and didn’t appear in public for over a
A at B in...........................C to D of

11 It’s difficult to distinguish …… the twins. They’re just so alike in looks and character.
A across B with.......................C among D between

12 The image just flashed …… the screen and then disappeared.

A over B across...................C on Dbetween

13 …… an average day she probably spreads about ten different stories about other people’s private
A Of B In..........................C For DAt

14 Are you familiar …… his books?

A with B of..........................C over Dabout

15 Claire experimented …… a number of different colours before she chose one for her nails.
A from B over......................C across D with

16 He is very skilled …… doing tattoos. They look so artistic.

A on B at..........................C in D to

17 When my brother was in Australia he made contact …… a distant relative of ours.

A of B between................C over D with

18 I had to cancel the lesson …… short notice so I still had to pay for it.
A with B on.........................C at D in
19 She was so ……. awe of her favourite singer that when she met him she couldn’t speak.
A of B in C at D by

20 It was a very difficult exam but, ……. my relief, I passed it.

A in B at C of D to
Task 4 (2 points)
Fill in: spin, land, tutor, admit, quit, stumble, aim, progress, ignore, irrigate, groom, toast,
clap, beat, retain, recall, capture, snarl, huddle, memorise in the correct form.

1 The students were eager to learn and ……………………….. quickly.

2 He did a back flip and ……………………….. lightly on his feet.
3 Mark is trying to ……………………….. his little brother who is having difficulty in Maths.
4 Richard ……………………….. eating junk food when he started training for the marathon.
5 Word association can help people ……………………….. names.
6 She learnt how to ……………………….. and care for horses during her gap year.
7 There are many techniques to help you ……………………….. important information.
8 We ……………………….. on the heavy door with our hands but no one came to open it.
9 Through his essay, he ……………………….. to change the way people view education.
10 The best way to ……………………….. information is to concentrate while reading.
11 Don’t ……………………….. me when I’m talking to you.
12 His adventure stories always ……………………….. my imagination.
13 I was terrified when the dog growled and ……………………….. at me.
14 He ……………………….. that he found teaching difficult because of the lack of resources.
15 Children often ……………………….. when they read aloud.
16 The water in Lake Nasser is used to .................. the farmer’s fields.
17 The martial arts student ............... around quickly so that he was facing the opposite way.
18 The whole family .................. around the wood stove to keep warm.
19 The audience ................... with much enthusiasm.
20 The best part of camping is ..................... marshmallows over the fire.

Level II
Vocabulary Competence
Task 5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold.(2 points)

1 I had a very interesting ............................................... with a marine biologist at

the conference. CONVERSE
2 The government has a new plan to promote waste ................................. . PREVENT
3 The ............................................... on the oil rig caused a serious oil spill.
4 The recycling scheme had led to a ............................................... in waste
treatment costs.

5 The mayor asked for ............................................... to solve the town’s waste SUGGEST
6 Recycling is one the best ways to reduce ............................................... .
7 Wildlife ............................................... is becoming more and more urgent.
8 The ............................................... of recyclables takes place every Tuesday.
9 My bed was terribly ....................................... and I just had to complain to the CO
10 We were all very .................. about going on holiday and couldn’t sleep. EXCITE

11 All the beaches near the hotel were .................................... and we didn’t feel CROWD
relaxed at all.
12 The tour guide seemed totally .............................................. and not very
knowledgeable at all.
13 The hotel’s location was very .......................................... and we spent a fortune CONVENIENT
on taxis.
14 Mrs Norton was .................................... by the rudeness of the hotel staff. SHOCK
15 The overnight drive to Paris was very ................................................ . TIRE

16 Jeremy lost his credit card and was ............................... to pay for dinner. ABLE
17 Bob was left ............................................... by the rudeness of the waiter. SPEECH
18 I really enjoyed the ............................................... activities at the festival. DIFFER
19 Jan thinks birthday parties are silly, but I ................................... disagree. TOTAL
20 Sheila wore a ............................................. dress to her friend’s wedding. BEAUTY

Task 6
Join the sentences using the words in brackets.

1The hikers gave up. There was heavy snow. (due to)

2 I lost my keys. I couldn’t get into the house. (so)


3 That’s the boy. His brother lives in Dubai. (whose)


4 I do lots of after-school activities. For example, swimming, horse riding and dance. (such as)


5 They were late. There was too much traffic. (because)


6 Alex didn’t go to university. Sandra didn’t either. (neither)

7 Take a first aid kit. You might have an accident. (in case)

8 I eat everything. I don’t eat spicy food. (except for)


9 We don’t see each other very often. We’re still good friends. (although)

10 They took a compass. They didn’t want to get lost. (so as not to)


Reading Comprehension
Read the text and for questions 1-5, choose the best answer A, B, C, or D.(5

Despite being up at the crack of dawn to work in the homes of the better-off villagers,
6-year-old Mohamed Achan still enthusiastically runs to the muddy riverbank and waits for his school to
arrive… in a 30-foot bamboo boat.

The boat is one of a 45-vessel fleet which travels the shallow delta of Bangladesh as a floating school.
It’s an incredible project by architect Abul Rezwan who was always frustrated as a child when school
was cancelled due to flooding during the monsoon rains although some schools were less fortunate and
were simply washed away.

When Rezwan graduated as an architect, job offers from wealthy businessmen flooded in. However,
Rezwan’s true desire was to help the poor in his own community. He refused to allow young children to
be left to a life of illiteracy. So his solution was simple: if children can’t go to school, then bring the
school to them.

These school boats, which now run on solar power, now operate all-year round and offer the same
full primary school education as they would on dry land. In many ways, the boat schools are more
valuable than land-based schools. By covering 300 miles over a week, more people in the community
benefit from them. This is especially true for girls who were previously not allowed to walk the long
distance to school. Evening classes on sustainable agriculture are also held for adults. This was possible
with the solar-powered lights Rezwan designed with the money he got from the Bill Gates Foundation.
These solar-powered lights enable not only the children to study at night but also their parents to work
in the fields in the evenings or go fishing. Without the lamps, families would have to burn expensive
kerosene lamps.

Since starting his non-profit group with just one flat-bottomed boat made from local materials, life
for 90,000 Bangladeshi families have changed dramatically. Today, his boats fit 60 people and the solar-
panelled roofs provide much sought-after Internet to the villages they visit. Students can engage in live
chats with scientists or visit the library boat which houses over 1,500 books. Ever more boats are being
built, made possible by various charities around the world.

Today, the boat schools are so loved in Bangladesh that crowds of children cheer upon seeing them.
As student Shanto Islam, 16, says, “This boat inspired me. After that, I started to dream”, he now wants
to go to university and earn himself a degree.

1 Abul Rezwan began the project in order to

A educate families about flooding.
B rebuild flooded schools.
C lessen the flooding of the monsoon.
D provide access to education.

2 Abul Rezwan believes it is important that

A his wealth is spent on helping others.
B the poorest villages are given assistance.
C children receive an education.
D education becomes the country’s priority.

3 In paragraph 5, ‘sought-after’ is used to show that

A it took a long time to gain access to the Internet.
B the boat’s services proved very popular with the locals.
C the solar panels were essential to the project’s success.
D the boat schools visit many villages along the river.

4 Rezwan assists family incomes by

A providing them with kerosene lamps.
B donating solar-powered lights to sell on.
C offering employment opportunities.
D enabling locals to work in the evening.

5 According to the text, the school boats are viewed as

A solutions to flooding.
B signs of hope.
C forms of charity.
D a local university.

Level III

Listening comprehension (10 points)

Task 8.1. Listen to a news report. Mark the statements 1-5 T (true) or F (false).

(5 points)

1 The plane crash happened at an airport. …..…

2 An explosion caused the plane to crash. …..…
3 No one saw the plane crash. …..…
4 It took a long time for the emergency
services to reach the crash site. …..…
5 No passengers were hurt in the crash. …..…

Task 8.2. Listen to a phone message and fill in the missing information.
(5 points)
New employee
Things to do:
 Check and set out in conference room
 Move projector into hall
 Call and confirm numbers of attendance (list of phone numbers on the
 Finish preparations by in the morning

Task 9. (5 points)

Writing.You have had a class discussion about using renewable energy. Now your
teacher has asked you to write an essay giving your opinion (120-160 words).

Think about:

 It doesn’t cause pollution.

 Resources don’t expire.

 It can be expensive to set up.

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