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Department of English

Ram Lal Anand College

University of Delhi

A Certificate Course in the

History of English Literature

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Couse Objective:
As students of Literature we study historical periods through literary texts. We
account for the context while negotiating various genres of the respective
periods. This course wishes to put the context at the forefront and wishes to
show the trajectory of socio-historical and economic changes leading to the
production of literature. The course would be helpful in preparation all exams
after B.A(Hons) English, ie, entrance to Masters, M.phil/Ph.d and NET.
Course Mode and Duration:
The course classes held over Zoom/Google Meet will commence on 9th Jan 2022
and end on 19 March. The course will be delivered in 40 hours. All classes will
be held over weekends.
Professors from different universities like University of Toronto, Mahindra
Ecole, Sophia College Mumbai, IIT Indore and University of Delhi have been
invited to lecture.
Rs. 1000 for students outside of Ram Lal Anand College
Students will be evaluated on the basis of quizzes and course completion
How to enroll:
Register and Pay Fee at:

For more Information:

Dr. Deepti Bhardwaj
Department of English
Ram Lal Anand College
University of Delhi
Course Convener

Course Curriculum:

1 The Medieval Age Drama

2 The Age of Elizabeth and Renaissance: History, Society, Literature

3 Jacobean, Caroline and Puritan periods

4 The Restoration Period

5 The eighteenth Century Literature

The romantic Period: Philosophy, Sensibility and Literature/
6 Gothic

The Victorian period: Uncertainty, socio-cultural crisis and
7 literature

8 Early twentieth century: fragmentation, modernism, world war

9 Post Modernism

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