l1 - Industrial Revolution Plus

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World History Syllabus

1. History of the world will include events from 18th century such as
2. industrial revolution,
3. French Revolution
4. Unification Of Germany & Italy
5. world wars
6. Russian Revolution
7. Redraw of national boundaries
8. colonization
9. decolonization
10. Political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc. - their forms and
effect on the society.
What is World History?
Transition of Pre – Modern World in to Modern world

Pre-Modern World Modern World

Feaudal Economy Capitalist Economy

Monarchy Republic Polity

Custom & Traditions by Humanism/Liberalism


Religion was Constitution Manmade Constitution

Why this Transition?

1- World Trade

4- Imperialism &
Colonialism Reasons For Industrial Revolution 2- Capitalism &
(Raw material) Capitalist Class

3- Inventions And
Reasons for Industrial Revolution

1. With the beginning of world Trade & with the passage of time the demand of
goods increased to such a level that it went beyond the human production &
this prepared the base for IR.

2. The growth for IR was provided by capitalism & Capitalist class.

The two important Features of capitalist economy are market & profit at any
cost. This required change in the mode of production transportation &
communication. This prepared the ground for R&D this led to the formation of
royal societies in Europe.
Example: Royal society of England. It was the organisation of the capitalist class with the objective
to provide financial support for R&D. This led to new inventions & discoveries & it acted as spark for
Reasons for Industrial Revolution
3. Industrial growth was provided by inventions & discoveries.
A. Hargreaves invented spinning wheel with good speed
B. Arkwright invented spinning wheel run by water.
C. Crompton allied both the features but it failed to overcome the limitations of human
D. The revolution in this field was done by New comen who invented steam engine & James
watt who improved steam Engine stream power was turned into mechanical power & this was
the beginning of Machine Age/ IR.
E. The other imp developments were in the filed of transport & communication ex: Steam
boats, railways, telegraph. Telephone etc.
Reasons for Industrial Revolution

4- IR turned into a fire because of the philosophies like Imperialism &

Colonialism colonies provided “oxygen” to industries.
Ex. The two power houses for British Industries were
1. North America till 18th Century
2. India
Salient Features of Industrial Revolution

1. Britain became 3.Beginning of Textile

Epicenter Sector

Salient features
of IR

2. Revolution within 4.Change in Agriculture

revolution Pattern
Q. Why Britain became Epicenter of IR?

A. In the 2nd half of 18th century Britain became the epicentre of IR in Europe because;
From the beginning of 13th century business class became dominant in the society &
polity of Britain

In 1215 King John of England came out with Magnacarta. Under it he created a council
which saw the presence of baron’s & it included feudal lords, merchant traders. This
council later on became Parliament & from here starts the dominancy of business class
in polity & society of Britain. On other side Feudalism was dominant in the social
structure of Spain, Portugal , Austria, France etc.
Q. Why Britain became Epicenter of IR?

B. Availability of Capital-
Although Britain had a late entry in geographical discoveries & colonialism but
also they made arrangement of capital internally & externally. Internally the
development was establishment of Bank of England in 1694 & externally
conquest of India was very beneficial for Britain also beginning of IR, 1757
Battle of Plassey, 1764 Battle of Buxar & from here starts the drain of wealth
from India in the form of bribes & gifts.
Q. Why Britain became Epicenter of IR?

C. Enclosure Movement- The beginning of IR increased the value of land in

England & in this scenario the big land lords started snatching away the lands
of small formers. This was called as enclosure movement. The landless farmers
started migrating to cities & they fulfilled the initial requirement of labour for
D. Availability of raw material- Britain was rich in cotton, Coal & Iran & they
were the 3 pillars of IR in the initial phase.
E. Two power houses :
North America
They provided oxygen to IR of raw materials& market
Q. Why Britain became Epicenter of IR?

F) Strong political structure:

Parliament was born in England in 13th century but it got the power in 17th century. In 1649 Charles I the
ruler of England was caught & executed by the Parliament. This was the end of the status of monarchy in
England. After him Charles II, James II failed to handle the situation & finally James II escaped to France.
In this Scenario Parliament brought William & Marry from Holland, they were placed on the throne of
England and this was called as Glorious revolution of 1688. Under it power transferred from monarchy to
Parliament without bloodshed. In 1706 Parliament passed act of settlement, this gave the authority to
Parliament to elect the ruler for the British Throne. In this way in the beginning of 18th century when
Europe was struggling under monarchy, Britain became the 1st nation to have the Parliamentary form of
Government Which bothered about economy & empire.
Revolution within revolution

IR proved to be revolution within revolution especially in the filed of transport &

communication Ex. Steam boats by – Robert Fulton
In Pre modern world sea trade depended on winds & it had its limitations but with the
beginning of IR. The requirement was to move in the specific direction of raw material &
market this led to the coming of steam boats.
Railways: They were also the requirement of the time. They not only improved transport
& communication, But their biggest contribution is Territorial Integration.
The biggest contribution was in the field of communication
Ex. Wireless, Telegraph, Telephone
Change in Agricultural Pattern

Food Cash
Grains Crops

Before IR, 80% Production of food grains & 20% production of cash crops

After IR, In colonials like , India 20% in food grains & 80% in cash crops.

IR led to the commercialisation of agriculture in India which became disasters

for colonies giving birth to regular famines
Evaluation of IR
Impact on Economy

Promotion to capitalism
Ex. The bible of capitalism come after IR as wealth of Nation by Adam Smith in 1767.
Promotion to the concept of free trade, because it provided oxygen to Industries.
Promotion to urbanisation

Whenever production centres turn into cities because of Head Quarters
growth & development in economy it is known as Urbanisation
Religious centres
Ex. Manchester, Texas, Chicago, Lankashayar etc.
Birth of new class Industrial – Capitalist – big business houses in a nation Industrial (Production
controlling the large part of economy of a nation
Ex. Tata, Ambani
Evaluation of IR
Impact on Polity



Evaluation of IR
Impact on SOCIETY

Whenever economy & Polity will change it will naturally lead to change in society. Industrial Revolution
changed the social structure in which the important developments were

1- Attack on slavery system in 1773 France became the first nation to abolished slavery system because
capitalism believes in talent & profit.
2- Liberation of women because they emerged as important working force in modern Industries in French
revolution , the first woman activist in the world who rise the voice for equal status of women was Olympe
de Gouges, but the real liberation of women started after first World War. When they started getting
economic & political rights
3- Emergence of new classes in the society. Industrial Capitalist, middle class & pro literates (work Class)
Q- Why did the industrial revolution first occur in England? Discuss the quality
of life of the people there during the industrialization. How does it compare
with that in India at present?. (150 words) (2015, GS, UPSC)

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