A Research Study On The Effects of Applying Vinegar

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“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II

“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II

SY. 2021-2022
“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II


The Problem and its Scope

“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II


This includes rationale, and theoretical background which shows why the researcher have
chosen and had interest in the topic of using vinegar and its effect to plant growth. This study
focuses on how vinegar can affect upon plant growth through applying. This study is chosen by
the researcher to show that there is a substantial relationship between vinegar and plants and how
it leads to decrease plant growth. Which at the same time can help plant lovers, or farmers by
spreading knowledge on the reaction of plants to vinegar.

Rationale of the Study

Vinegar can bring down the pH of soil and keep plants from developing. Low pH levels
are not reasonable for the development of many plants. The causticity of family vinegar, with
around 5% acidic corrosive, isn't solid to make enduring harm the dirt, and the dirt should get
back to ordinary pH levels following a couple of days. Notwithstanding, herbicidal vinegar, with
20% acidic corrosive, can have a more extended enduring impact. Herbicidal vinegar can
likewise consume the eyes and skin, so it ought to be utilized with appropriate insurance and

Often, plant lovers, especially home planting, conceptualizes that all plants need is
sunlight and water. People say that through only these, plants can be well taken care of. Which is
an idea this study aims to oppose. Plants are something more fragile than we think it is. It is
vulnerable to reactions such as the said substance. Through vinegar, plants that we grow or even
natural growing plants like algae and seaweeds can be destroyed and stopped to grow. This study
was chosen by the researcher to spread awareness that plants should be more well taken care of
and be cautious of.

Theoretical Background

The acidic corrosive found in vinegar is the most hurtful component to plants. Vinegar at
first dries out the leaves of plants however doesn't influence roots, making it a helpless answer
for killing enduring weeds. Rehashed use on youthful, effectively developing annuals can cause
“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II

more harm, in any event, keeping the weeds from building up roots and setting seeds that permit
them to self-sow for their next development cycle.

Vinegar is an acid and offers a low pH of soil. This can prevent plants from growing as
low pH is not suitable for plant growth. The acidity of the regularly used vinegar at homes is
about 5% acetic acid, which is not as strong as to cause a lasting impact on the soil. Soil, in a
matter of a few days, returns to the normal pH level it had. Vinegar is used in gardens, usually
for its burning effect to cure common afflictions – weed control more commonly. Vinegar’s
acetic acid is known to dissolve cell membranes, leading to the desiccation of tissues and hence
plants eventually may die. As a result, vinegar is used depending upon the type of plant. In some
cases, vinegar is recommended to be used to up the pH levels of the soil thus promoting effective
plant growth. For this, however, the effects could be temporary, as some plants may need large
quantities of vinegar for plants to exhibit a significant change. In other words, if vinegar
concentrates are added to the soil rather than being sprayed onto the plant foliage, it can destroy
weeds by reducing the pH of the soil to a degree that it cannot sustain plants.

application/ dries out the

exposure of lessens soil pH plant,
plants to level diminishes its
vinegar growth
“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II

This includes problems and statements that the researcher aims to answer and prove at the
end of the study.
Statement of the Problem
1. What is the effect of vinegar to plant growth?
2. Can vinegar possibly be beneficial to a healthier growing of plants after it fries out?
3. Why doesn’t vinegar damage the roots?
4. Why is vinegar used in planting?
5. Is there a contra-substance that can be used to prevent plants from drying out due to
It is said that vinegar lessens the pH level of the soil, thus causing the plant to be
dehydrated and drying, without the roots being severed. Hence, the researcher assumes that
vinegar can be substantial to regrowing plants, and unbeneficial to use if the growth of plants is
This study can be beneficial to the following:
To home planters- That they may be more cautious of the substances they expose their
plants to. Being more knowledgeable about different effects of different things to their plants and
make their plants well taken care of.
To farmers- that this study may help them understand the effects of vinegar to their
plants, and from hence create a solution and a better way of cultivating their products.
To individuals- that they may be more knowledgeable of the effects of vinegar to plants
and hence be more responsible for their surroundings.
“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II

Research Design
This study will be using quantitative method of extracting data. Quantitative study is a
study that uses statistical analyzation on extracting the data that they need. It uses numbers than
words, where respondents are their sources. The researcher will be handing out surveys through
google forms, due to the pandemic, which will include questionnaires regarding or coherent to
the topic.
The survey will be conducted among people in the community. All homeowners and
plant lovers, as well as farmers and those who uses planting as their main source for living. The
target number of respondents to be able to collect solid data is 50 respondents.
Definition of Terms
1. Vinegar- a sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic
liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling.
2. pH level- In chemistry, pH, historically denoting "potential of hydrogen" is a scale used to
specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. Acidic solutions are measured to have
lower pH values than basic or alkaline solutions.
3. Algae- Algae are defined as a group of predominantly aquatic, photosynthetic, and
nucleus-bearing organisms that lack the true roots, stems, leaves, and specialized
multicellular reproductive structures of plants.
“A Research Study on the Effects of Applying Vinegar

Upon the Growth of Plants”

A Partial Fulfillment to the Subject Practical Research II


1. https://byjus.com/neet-questions/how-does-vinegar-affect-plant-growth/
2. “What is the Effect of Acidic Vinegar Water on Growth of Plants” (Harper)

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