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Scalars and Vectors

SCALAR : A scalar quantity has a magnitude and a unit, no direction.

For example mass = 4kg

Magnitude of mass = 4 and unit of mass = kg

Example of scalar quantities : mass, speed, distance etc.

Scalars can be added, subtracted and multiplied by simple laws of algebra.

VECTOR : Vector are the physical quantities having magnitude as well as

specified direction.

For example : Speed = 4 m/s (is a scalar)

Velocity = 4 m/s toward north (is a vector)

Example of vector quantity : Displacement, velocity, acceleration, force etc.

Representation of vector :

Geometrically, the vector is represented by a line with an arrow indicating

the direction of vector as

Mathematically, vector is represented by

The magnitude of the vector is represented by | | or simply A

Thus, the arrow in figure shown

represents a vector in
xy-plane making
an angle θ with x-axis.
Graphical form : A vector is represented by a directed straight line,
having the magnitude and direction of the quantity represented by it.

For Example:
A force of 5 N acting 45° N of E is
represented as shown

(i) We choose direction co-ordinates.

(ii) We choose a convenient scale like

1 cm = 1 N

(iii) We draw a line of length equal in

magnitude and in the direction
of vector to the chosen quantity.

(iv) We put arrow in the direction of

vector Magnitude of Vector,

Angle between two Vectors (θ)

It is smaller of the two angles between the vectors when they are placed
tail to tail by displacing either of the vectors parallel to itself. (0 ≤ θ ≤ π).

Basic Trigonometric Ratios of standard angles

Angle 0° 30° 37° 45° 53° 60° 90° 120° 180°
sin θ 0 1/2 3/5 1/√2 4/5 √3/2 1 √3/2 0

cos θ 1 √3/2 4/5 1/√2 3/5 1/2 0 - 1/2 -1

tan θ 0 1/√3 3/4 1 4/3 √3 N.D. - √3 0

Illustration :

Three vectors , and are shown in the figure, find the angle between

1. and

2. and

3. and

Solution :

1. The angle between and is 60°

2. The angle between and is 15°

3. The angle between and is 75°

Negative of Vector
It implies vector of same
magnitude but opposite in

Equality of Vectors
Vectors having equal magnitude and
same direction are called equal vectors

Collinear vectors
Any two vectors are co-linear then one can
be expressed in the term of other.

(where λ is a constant )
Co-initial Vectors :

If two or more vectors start from same

point then they called co-initial vectors.

Here, A, B , C and D are co – initial vectors.

Coplanar Vectors :

Three (or more) vectors are called coplanar vectors if they lie in the
same plane or are parallel to the same plane.

Two independent vectors are always coplanar.

Note: The vector does not change with rotation or translation of frame
of reference (shifting of origin)
Multiplication and division of a vector by a scalar

• In case of positive scalar – The magnitude of vector changes accordingly.

• In case of negative scalar – The magnitude changes and the direction of

the vector gets reversed.

Illustration :

Find the magnitude and direction of Force acting on a body of mass 3kg
having acceleration of -4 m/s2 North wards.

Solution :

Using =m , we get = -12 N North wards or 12 N South wards

Components of vector
OP : Position vector
Length OP = r meter
Directed from O to P
The vector makes angle  with X axis. 
1 O

 
OP  OX2  OY2 2
  tan1

OX  OP cos 
OY  OP sin 
Laws of Addition & Subtraction of Vectors :

1. Triangle Law of Addition :

(i) Keep vectors such that tail of one vector coincides with head of other.

(ii) Join tail of first to head of the other by a line with arrow at head of
the second.

(iii) This new vector is the sum of two vectors. (also called resultant)
2. Polygon Law of Addition :

This law is used for adding more than two vectors as an extension of
triangle law of addition.
We keep on arranging vectors such that tail of next vector lies on head of
When we connect the tail of first vector to head of last we get resultant
of all the vectors.
3 Parallelogram law of addition :

(i) Keep two vectors such that there tails coincide.

(ii) Draw parallel vectors to both of them considering both of them as sides
of a parallelogram.
(iii) Then the diagonal drawn from the point where tails coincide represents
the sum of two vectors, with its tail at point of coincidence of the two

(Commutative Law)
Suppose angle between these two vectors is θ, and

(AD)2= (AE) 2 + (DE) 2

= (AB + BE) 2 + (DE) 2
= (a + b cos θ) 2 + (b sin θ) 2
= a 2 + b cos 2 θ +2ab cos θ + b 2 sin 2 θ
= a 2 + b 2 + 2ab cos θ

angle a with vector a is

Important results on vectors –

• To a vector, only a vector of same type can be added that represents the
same physical quantity and the resultant is also a vector of the same type.

• As R = [A 2 + B 2 + 2AB cosθ] 1/2 so R will be maximum when,

cos θ = max = 1, i.e., θ = 0º, i.e. vectors are like or parallel and
Rmax = A + B.

• If magnitudes are equal A = B and angle between them is θ

then R= 2A cos(θ/2) [1 + cosθ = 2cos 2 (θ/2)]

• If magnitudes are equal A = B and angle between them is π-θ

then R= 2A sin(θ/2) [1 - cosθ = 2sin 2 (θ/2)]

• The resultant will be minimum if, cos θ = min = – 1, i.e., θ = 180º, i.e.
vectors are anti parallel and Rmin= A – B.

• If the vectors A and B are orthogonal, i.e., θ = 90º,

• Minimum number of unequal coplanar vectors whose sum can be zero is

Suppose angle between two vectors A and B is θ.
Then angle between A and -B will be 180° – θ.

For direction of S we will either calculate angle α or β, where,

Illustration –
Two vectors of 10 units & 5 units make an angle of 120° with each other.
Find the magnitude & angle of resultant with vector of 10 unit magnitude.

Two vectors of equal magnitude 2 are at an angle of 60° to each other find
magnitude of their sum & difference.

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