Biotechnology For The Production of Essential Oils, Avours and Volatile Isolates. A Review

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Received: 27 March 2010; Accepted: 27 March 2010; Published online in Wiley Online Library: 12 May 2010

( DOI 10.1002/ffj.1996

Biotechnology for the production of essential

oils, flavours and volatile isolates. A review.†,‡
Y. Gounaris*

ABSTRACT: Various applications of biotechnological methods for the production of volatile compounds useful to the food and
pharmaceutical industries are discussed. The yields obtained from intact or genetically modified plants are compared to those
achieved by microbial methods. Plant yields are too low for the products to compete commercially to those synthesized
chemically. Still lower yields are obtained with in vitro-cultured plant tissues. Trangenic plants with altered methylerythritol
path gave 50% more essential oil in the best case. The 100-fold increases in shikimate-derived volatiles, obtained with over-
expressed alcohol dehydrogenase and five-fold more C6 volatle aldehydes and 2-phenylethanol, were produced with overex-
pressed lipoxygenase and 2-phenylethanol dehydrogenase, respectively. However, the most spectacular yields were observed
with biotransformations catalysed by microorganisms. Kluyveromyces marxianus, produces over 26 g/l 2-phenylethanol from
phenyalanine, whereas Candida sorbophila, Mucor circillenoides or Yarrowia lipolytica can produce 5–40 g/l g-decalactone from
ricinoleic acid. Vanillin production from ferulic acid is in the range 12–60 g/l with Amycolatopsis and Streptomyces species.
Vanillin can be produced at 5 g/l by Escherichia coli and amorphadiene yields of 37 g/l have been observed with Saccharomyces
cerevisiae, both with the genetically overexpressed methyl–erythritol path. Genetically engineered b-oxidation genes result in
yields of 10 g/l g-decalactone byYarrowia lipolytica and up to 80 g/l dicaboxylic acids by various yeasts. These results far exceed
the theoretical limit of about 1 g/l required for consideration of a procedure as a commercially interesting process, alternative
to chemical sythesis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: bioreactor; biotechnology; essential oil; terpenoids; volatiles

Introduction plant tissues in limited quantities. Plant seeds, flowers, stems

and roots usually contain 0.1–10% v/w fresh weight essential oil
There are hundreds of thousands of different secondary metabo- and often <0.1%. Cases of up to 20% v/w or even higher essen-
lites produced by plants, four times more than the number pro- tial oil concentrations in plant tissues are also known. Even so, a
duced by microorganisms. This number is estimated to represent single compound can constitute 40–90% of the oil and usually
only 10% of the secondary metabolites existing in plants and still is not the most useful one. The most desirable volatiles are often
waiting to be isolated and identified. Of these, terpenoids com- present in the essential oil at concentrations <10% and even
prise the largest and structurally most varied class, numbering less than 1%. Considering that in most cases the essential oil is
over 40 000 different molecules. Members of the 10-carbon ter- produced in only specific plant tissues, such as seeds or flowers,
penoids, the monoterpenoids, are constituents of essential oils whose total mass in a single harvesting season is a small weight
produced by plants. The essential oil monoterpenoids are vola- percentage of the whole plant, it is obvious why obtaining
tile, which means that they pass in to the air in sufficient concen- useful volatiles from cultivated plants can be an expensive
trations to be detected by, and to act on, other organisms. operation. Chemical manufacture of small organics, such as the
Essential oils can also contain sesquiterpenoids, phenypro- majority of plant volatiles, is often cheaper, so that the natural
panoids and benzenoids. In addition, plant tissues can produce product occupies a small percentage of the market. An example
volatile aldehydes and their corresponding alcohols, and acids as is vanillin, nine-tenths of whose market involves the synthetic
well as volatile ketones. These compounds are occasionally found product.[1] A factor determining the share market of the ‘natural’
in essential oils, but are usually formed in specific plant tissues
and under specific physiological conditions that favour catabolic
reactions. They can be considered as belonging to the primary * Correspondence to: Y. Gounaris, 10 Stoimenidou Street, 62045 Alistrati,
metabolism, although they can have useful fragrance, flavour or Greece. E-mail:
medicinal qualities.

The commercial interest on volatiles stems from their aro- This article is part of the Special Issue of Flavour and Fragrance Journal
entitled, Aromatic Plants, Spices and Volatiles in Food and Beverages™, edited
matic and flavour qualities. Several of them, have significant by Ana Cristina Figueiredo and M. Graça Miguel
antimicrobial and antineoplastic activity. Others act as messen-
gers in communication between plants themselves or with University of Thessaly, Department of Agriculture, Fytokou Street, 38446 New
other organisms. Volatiles are obtained from plants by distilla- Ionia, Magnesia, Greece
tion at or by extraction with ethanol, diethyl ether, chloroform, ‡
This article was published online on 12 May 2010. The funding information in
pentane, hexane, benzene or other organic solvents. Unfortu- this footnote has been removed. This notice is included in the online and print
nately, volatiles, like most secondary metabolites, are present in versions to indicate that both have been corrected 28 May 2010

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Y. Gounaris

product compared to that of the synthetic is the recent elucidated almost to completion.[2–9] Its rate-limiting step is the
preference of consumers for it, partially stemming from the one catalysed by 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase
belief that it is free from traces of harmful manufacturing arte- (DXS). NADPH, CTP and ATP are required for its operation. Con-
facts and left-overs. Also, the chemical synthesis often results in densation of dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP) with isopente-
racemic mixtures of the product, giving an approximation only nyl diphosphate (IDP) by the action of geranyl diphosphate
of the natural flavour qualities. There is a need to reduce the (GDP) synthase leads to formation of the monoterpenoid pre-
cost of the natural product, so it becomes available to a wider cursor GDP. Like all prenyltransferases, the GDP synthase is a
range of consumers. From an environmental aspect, the produc- rather slow catalyst. The cis isomer neryl diphosphate (NDP) is
tion of useful volatiles by non-chemical environmentally also formed. Cyclization of GDP is catalysed by the also slow
friendly methods is always a preferred and often necessary cyclases, membrane-bound enzymes in the plastids and endo-
alternative. plasmic reticulum. The hydroxylations of linear or cyclic monot-
Biotechnology attempts to facilitate the production, and erpenes are catalysed by NADPH-consuming, cyt450-dependent
therefore to reduce the market cost, of natural volatiles by monoxygenases, utilizing molecular oxygen, but also able to use
employing a variety of non-polluting methods. The initial hydrogen peroxide produced from any source. These hydroxy-
attempts with plant materials consisted of efforts to produce lases are inducible by a variety of biotic or abiotic stress factors.
volatiles in plant cell or tissue cultures, either by de novo synthesis Sesquiterpenoids are considered to be synthesized in the
or by biotransformation of cheap precursors into high-value cytosol from farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), derived from the
products. Before that, biotransformation efforts involved fungi, mevalonic acid pathway. Two NADPH and three ATP molecules
yeast and bacterial cultures. Semi-synthetic methods, in which a are consumed for FDP synthesis and the rate-limiting step is
precursor is transformed into a useful product by isolated catalysed by 3-hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase
enzyme preparations, crude or purified, have also been (HMGR). Sesquiterpene cyclases act on FDP to produce at least
attempted. Recently, most efforts have involved metabolic engi- 200 types of cyclic sesquiterpenoids.
neering of the biosynthetic pathways leading to the synthesis of The phenylpropanoids are produced from phenylalanine and
the desired volatile. The various methods of biotechnology for tyrosine, both derived from the shikimic acid pathway. A multi-
producing useful volatiles are discussed in this paper. tude of feedback-inhibited steps and a need for NADPH and ATP
in the shikimic acid path ensure a tight regulation of Tyr and Phe
synthesis. The requirement for NADPH is even greater in the
Types of Volatile Metabolites with Flavour transformation of Phe and Tyr into phenylpropanoids. It is
and Fragrance Qualities or with Biological required for the removal of the carboxyl group of the propenyl
side-chain by successive reductions that form the corresponding
Action and Their Biosynthesis volatile aldehydes, alcohols and phenylpropenes. The carboxyl
Of the terpenoids, only members of the mono- (C10) and ses- group is first esterified to coenzyme A, by specific ligases. Then it
quiterpenoid (C15) classes are sufficiently volatile. Volatility is is transformed to an aldehyde group by an oxidoreductase and
determined not only by the size of the molecule and its stere- the aldehyde is reduced into an alcohol by an alcohol dehydro-
ochemistry, but mainly by its ability to form hydrogen bonds. genase (ADH). Phenylpropenes are then produced from the
Monoterpenoids whose molecule contains only carbons and alcohols. NADPH is also required for the hydroxylations of the
hydrogens are very volatile. Those with one hydroxyl, keto, aromatic ring. Benzoic and phenolic acids come from the corre-
peroxy, or epoxy group are still volatile, but those with more sponding hydroxycinnamic acids by b-oxidation of the propenyl
hydroxyls are only slightly or not at all volatile. The same holds chain, followed by oxidative decarboxylation. This process is
for the sesquiterpenoids, where one hydroxyl group seems to tightly regulated by feedback inhibition. Volatile derivatives
be the maximum tolerated hydrogen bond-forming function for are then formed by the reduction of the carboxyl group, as in
sufficient volatility to be preserved in the molecule. Triterpe- phenylpropanoids.
noids and higher-order terpenoids are not volatile. Phenylpro- Non-branched volatile aldehydes and their corresponding
panoids and benzenoids, bearing up to one hydroxyl and no alcohols can be derived by degradation of unsaturated fatty
carboxyl, are volatile. The simultaneous presence of a keto acids, mainly linoleic and linolenic acid,[10–12] by the sequential
group does not abolish the volatility. However, more hydroxyls action of lipoxygenases (LOX), hydroperoxide lyases (HPL) and
drastically reduce or completely abolish the volatile properties. ADH. The initial introduction of molecular oxygen into the
(Hydroxy)cinnamic acids are not sufficiently volatile, due to the carbon–carbon double bonds requires NADPH. These are cata-
presence of the carboxyl group, unless it is esterified with a bolic reactions of the primary metabolism. Methyl-branched
volatile alcohol. Aliphatic and olefinic aldehydes, monoalcohols compounds, such as isovaleric and isobutyric acid, are derived
and monoketones are volatile for at least up to 12-carbon sizes. from leucine and valine catabolism. Isovaleric acid could poten-
As the molecule becomes smaller than five carbons, even the tially be produced from DMADP of the terpenoid synthesis
acids are volatile. Organic monocarboxylic acids, esterified with pathways. According to Höschle et al.,[13] branched volatiles can
volatile alcohols, are also volatile. This type of compounds can be produced by catabolism of lineal terpenoids and of leucine-
be divided in two categories. One has linear carbon chains and derived 3-methyl-crotonyl-CoA, the precursor of isovaleric acid,
the other has a methyl side-chain. via degradation of the produced 3-methyl glutaryl-CoA. In bac-
Genetic engineering is a powerful method used to alter the teria at least, they could be produced from linear monoterpe-
rate of volatile production by acting on the biosynthetic path- noid or even sesquiterpenoid degradation.[14,15] Unlike the LOX
ways leading volatile synthesis. A short discussion of these path- path, the degradations of leucine, valine, monoterpenoids and
ways seems pertinent at this point. The monoterpenoids are DMADP, leading to volatile aldehyde, alcohol and acid produc-
produced by the plastidic methyl–erythritol–phosphate (MEP) tion, do not need reductive equivalents but rather produce

path, whose sequence and enzymatic properties have been them.

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Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

De novo Production of Volatiles by Tissue Volatiles in hairy roots. It is a general observation that sec-
ondary metabolite yield by cell and callus cultures increases if
and Cell Cultures some degree of cell differentiation is induced. Genetic transfor-
mation of plant tissue by insertion of the T-DNA regions of the Ri
Plant Tissue and Cell Cultures plasmid of Agrobacterium rhizogenes results in the formation of
small, fine, hair-like root structures, known as ‘hairy roots’. Four
Volatiles in callus and cell cultures. Producing compounds in of the 18 ORFs in the TL-DNA are essential for hairy root formation,
plant cell, callus or tissue cultures has been attempted to ensure of which ORF11 (rolB) is absolutely necessary. The TR-DNA carries
a stable supply and quality of the product. Some of the plants two auxin synthesis genes, but by itself does not provoke hairy
used as sources for the desired substance are rare, slow-growing roots formation. Hairy roots lack geotropism, are highly branched
and found in not easily approachable regions of the world and and can be cultured in bioreactor facilities needing no plant
difficult to cultivate. The in vitro cultures were expected to speed growth regulators, since the inserted T-DNA carries genes for
up the biomass propagation rate and to have it under controlled auxin synthesis. They grow as fast, or faster, than normal roots,
conditions and immediately available. These attempts encoun- with meristem cell cycles averaging 10 h. They produce second-
tered serious difficulties. The rate of secondary metabolite pro- ary metabolites at levels and patterns similar to those of normal
duction by in vitro-cultured plant cells is orders of magnitude roots, but also metabolites produced in aerial parts of the plant.
lower than that in the intact plant, usually in the range 0.1– Often novel compounds are also produced. Unlike cell or callus
0.01 g/l day.[16] Volatile compound yields are still lower and vola- cultures, hairy roots are biochemically stable and the T-DNA is
tile secondary metabolites are present often in trace amounts stably integrated.
detected in cultures of various plant species, examples of which Excellent reviews on the culture methodologies and morpho-
are given in Table 1. Although cases of cultures showing higher logical and biochemical characteristics of hairy root cultures,
yields of secondary metabolites than the intact plant are including their potential for secondary metabolite production,
known,[41] they are not involving volatiles. In many cases, the have been published.[42,63–66] Most of these reviews cover the wide
volatiles found in the intact plant are not present at all in the in spectrum of secondary metabolites and the preponderance of
vitro cultures. They are often different than those present in the the cited cases concerns the production of non-volatile com-
intact plant. Volatile aldehydes, alcohols, ketones and acid esters pounds, primarily alkaloids and secondarily some phenolics and
appear more frequently or for the first time in in vitro cultures. The non-volatile higher terpenoids, with a few cases involving vola-
terpenoids produced are in most cases glycosylated. tiles. However, Figueiredo et al.[63] focused on essential oils only;
The reasons for the reduced ability of the in vitro cultures they listed 11 plant species whose hairy root cultures can synthe-
to produce volatiles, and secondary metabolites in general, size essential oil constituents. Among these, Pimpinella anisum
are not known with certainty. The cultured cells and callus seem and Achillea millefolium hairy roots are capable of essential oil
to have some enzymatic activity for terpenoid production.[42–44] yields similar to, or even higher than, those obtained with the
Geranyl diphosphate synthase activity has been detected in roots of the parent plants. It is clear that hairy roots have the
plastids[45] but sesquiterpene cyclase has not.[46–48] According potential for synthesizing both volatile and non-volatile
to Falk et al.,[49] the inability of cultured plant cells and callus terpenoids.
to accumulate significant amounts of monoterpenes, could be Table 2 presents a list of additional examples, specifically for
due to the combined effect of lower enzymatic activity and volatile compounds produced by hairy roots, mostly drawn from
their higher catabolic rate. Concerning the phenylpropanoid Figueiredo et al.[63] In these, the essential oil was analysed to some
synthesis potential, enzymatic activities of phenylalanine extent, although the authors also cite the cases of Daucus carota
ammonia lyase, shikimate dehydrogenase, cinnamic acid-4- and Leontopodium alpinum hairy roots, whose main component
hydroxylase, p-coumaric acid-3-hydroxylase, cinnamoyl-CoA was not identified. The yields are greatly elevated in comparison
reductase, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase, 4-hydroxycinnamate:CoA to those of cell or callus cultures and can be further increased by
ligase, cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase and caffeic acid-O- the inclusion of abiotic or biotic elicitors in the culture medium. A
methyltransferase have been detected in callus or cell suspen- prospect for further increasing the volatile production from hairy
sions and are often equal to those in the intact plant.[50–54] Of the roots is to genetically engineer their volatile production paths
enzymes of the volatile aldehyde and alcohol synthesis path, using transgenes inserted into the T-DNA region.
discussed below, lipoxygenase and hydroperoxide lyase activity
has been found to be present in in vitro-cultured plant tis-
Volatile Synthesis by Cultured Microorganisms
sues.[29,55,56] In cell suspension cultures of alfalfa, the hydroper-
oxide lyase activity was rate-limiting.[57] The ability of cultured Although a great deal of research on the biotechnology of vola-
plant tissue and cells to produce volatiles is inducible by a tiles still involves plants, especially efforts to increase terpenoid
variety of chemical and physical factors, as is also the ability for and phenolics production in transgenic plants, most of the recent
secondary metabolite synthesis in general. The induction treat- effort is directed to using microorganisms. Volatile aldehydes and
ments increase the essential oil yield by up to five-fold[58,59] in alcohols are far more easily produced by cultured microorgan-
some oils containing novel terpenes or in oils of altered relative isms, and efforts to genetically alter microbes for producing or
percentage.[60–62] Even under the optimum induction conditions, biotransforming terpenoids or phenolics were met with reward-
the yield of essential oil by in vitro-cultured plant tissues and ing success. Therefore, in most cases microorganisms are used for
cells is usually less than that achieved by the intact untreated their production, instead of plant cell cultures. Also, microorgan-
plant. Therefore, using cultured plant cells and calli for volatile isms (bacteria, algae and fungi, including yeasts) are sturdier than
production, even with the inclusion of elicitors and other plant cells under bioreactor conditions. They are better suited to
inducers, does not seem to be a particularly promising withstand the frictional stress imposed by the shaking proce-

undertaking. dures as well as various temporary extremes of pH, temperature

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. View this article online at

Table 1. Volatiles detected in plant cell or callus cultures

Plant Products/remarks Reference

Agastache rogosa (Korean mint) Volatile C9-aldehydes and alcohols, butanedione. Different from those in intact plants [17]
Artemisia dracunculus (tarragon) Production of phenylpropenes of the essential oil [18]
Citrus sp. C. paradisi callus produced 40 volatiles (mono-, sesquiterpenes, adehydes and hydrocarbons), 186 mg/kg FW. This is 5% of [19]
peel oil yield. C. limon produced 11 monoterpenes and n-nonanal, 40 mg/kg FW. C. aurantifolia gave only limonene,

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4.4 mg/kg FW
Citrus sinensis No volatile components were detected, but embryogenic callus produced 10 ingredients of orange oil [20]
Citrus aurantifolia Produced citrals, terpenyl acetate, dodecanal [21]
Coleonema album Monoterpenes. More if cultures under light [22]
Eucalyptus camaldulensis Alkanes, alkenes, alcohols in calli derived from stamens [23]
Eucalyptus citriodora Monoterpenes in calli derived from immature flowers [24]
Melissa officinalis (balm) Low amounts of 2-phenylethanol, d-octalactone [25]
Very low amounts of C6-aldehydes, -alcohols and -acetate asters. Large concentrations of glycosides of nerol, citronellol, [26]
geraniol, 1-octen-3-ol
Mentha piperita (peppermint) Mint oil components [27]
Ocimum basilicum Essential oil ingredients [28]
Olea europaea (olive tree) Produce most of the volatile C6-aldehydes, -alcohols and -acetyl ester found also in olive oil [29]
Origanum acutidents Origanum oil ingredients (38) [30]
Origanum vulgare Formation of n-alkanes. Lack of terpenoids even in green calli [31]
Oryza sativa Volatile hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones aldehydes, esters. Most were present in the intact plant also [32]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Petroselinum crispum (parsley) Both types of cultures produced nonanal and decanal. Cell cultures produced also limonene, acetophenone, not found in [33]
callus or in intact plants. No phellandrene, apiole, menthatriene, that as found in intact plants
Salvia officinalis (sage) Low amounts of essential oil [34]
Smyrnium perfoliatum a-Pinene [35]
Fragaria sp. (strawberry) Low amounts of ethyl butyrate, butyl butyrate [36]
1,2-Propanediol (flavour precursor) [37]
Tacoma sambucofolium Accumulation of phenylpropanoid glycosides. [38]
Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) Acetate butyl ester, 2-methyl-1-propanol, n-butanol, 4-phenyl-1-butanol, terpineols, 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone, [39]
Vanilla planifolia Vanillin [40]
Y. Gounaris

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

and salt or deleterious metabolite concentrations created during

the culture process. All classes of volatiles can be produced by





microorganisms (Table 3), but aldehydes, alcohols and organic
acid esters are in far greater preponderance, indicating a strong
participation of catabolic processes. Microorganisms producing
volatiles have also been previously cited in several review

2,3-Dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4H-benzopyran-4-one in the essential oil of hairy and normal roots. Similar constituency of the oils
Essential oil yield was 3–10% of that of normal roots. Contained enhanced percentage of falcarinol, farnesene, phellandrene,
articles.[93,118–124] In most cases the yield of the main compound is
<100 mg/l. Far better yields are attained when a substrate bio-
chemically more immediate to the volatile product is used, or
Essential oil yield was only 0.02%, compared to 0.06%, 0.3% and 2% of normal plant root, leaf and fruits, respectively

when an immediate precursor is included in the culture medium

together with the crude substate, a case closer to the biotrans-

Hairy root oil had kessyl alcohol and kessyl acetate instead of bornyl acetate and valerenal of the normal roots
formation procedures discussed in the next section. For example,
2-phenylethanol production by Kluyveromyces and other yeasts
can exceed 400 mg/l.[91,112] 2-Phenylethanol is a rose-like aroma

3-Hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2-furanone (sotolone), 3-amino-4,5-dimethyl-2-furanone (sotolone precursor)

with an annual market of 7000 tons. Chemically produced, is 250
Low amounts of essential oil, containing mainly farnesene. Had also selinene as a new compound

times cheaper than its natural counterpart.[91] High yields of

Essential oil of roots was similar to that of normal roots, with only minor quantitative differences

benzaldehyde (almost 10 g/l) were also achieved by cultured

Essential oil containing 47% neryl isovalerate (precursor of a-fenchene) and 6% neryl butyrate

Goetrichum candidum.[88] Production of the peach-like aroma

g-decalactone by Yarrowia lipolytica and various Candida species
can exceed 10 g/l if castor oil is included in the culture.[81,116]


Biotransformations by Plant and Microorganism Cultures

Not all steps leading to the synthesis of a volatile are blocked to
the same extent in cultured plant cells and calli. Included in the
culture media, an intermediate compound of the path can often
be (bio)transformed or (bio)converted into volatile products by
Yield of essential oil comparable to that of normal plant

residual enzymatic activity downstream of the blocked step(s).

Eugenol yield was 10-fold lower than in normal roots

Such biotransformation procedures are most successfully used

with microorganisms cultured in supplemented media. The
yields are far better than those in media not supplemented with
a close precursor molecule. Ideally, to keep the cost low and the
process economically worthwhile, cheap abundant precursors
are sought, able to biotransform into high-value products. The
issue of secondary metabolite bioconversions has been devel-
oped in several recent reviews[41,78,93,118–127] and the discussion
elemene, octanal, heptanal
2-Hexenal as main ingredient

here is limited to volatiles only. Some examples are given in

Table 4.
A common problem in biotransformations involving volatiles is
Table 2. Volatiles produced by plant hairy root cultures

that a substrate might not be dissolved easily in aqueous medium.


Agents facilitating its dissolution can be used, but it must be borne

in mind that above a threshold concentration the substrate might
hinder cell growth. The same holds for the volatile product, which
above a threshold concentration could feedback-inhibit its own
synthesis or could be poisonous to the cells. These practical prob-
lems limit productivity. Methods for continuous addition of
substrate at non-harmful concentrations and removal of the prod-
uct(s) have evolved. Among these, the pervaporation method[230]
Chamomila recutita (chamomile)

and the inclusion of volatile-binding materials in the culture

Levisticum officinale (lovage)

Trigonella foenum-graecum

media are commonly used. The issue of sequestering the product

Anethum graveolens (dill)

has been discussed by Ramachandra and Ravishankar[41] and

Leontopodium alpinum

Georgiev et al.[65] Addition to the culture media of a non-soluble

Artemisia absinthium

Valeriana officinalis
Pimpinella anisum

solid or non-miscible hydrophobic liquid phase creates ‘two-

Ambrosia trifida

Coluria geoides

phase systems’, consisting of two immiscible liquids or of a solid

Cucumis melo

and a liquid phase, in which system the desired volatile is seques-

tered by binding non-covalently to the solid or to the hydrophobic
liquid phase. For example, including the Amberlite resin XAD-4 in

the cell cultures of Vanilla fragrans increased the yield of vanilla


flavour. Alternatively, the product can be bound non-covalently to

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. View this article online at

Table 3. Volatile compounds produced by cultured microorganisms

Microorganism Substrate/culture type Product/remarks Reference

Acetobacter sp. Fusel oil Methylbutyric acid (precursor to aromas) [78]
Aspergillus niger Rice bran oil (4 g/l ferulic acid) 2.8 g/l Vanillin [79]
Coconut fat 2-Undecanone, 2-nonanone, 2-heptanone. 40% yield [80]
Aspergillus oryzae castor oil g-Decalactone, 0.86 g/l [81]
Botryodiplodia theobromae Jasmonic acid, 1100 mg/l (100 mg/g dry cells) [82]
Candida guilliermondii and other Castor oil, decanoic acid g-Decalactone, up to 10 g/l with castor oil hydrolysate [81]
Candida species
Ceratocystis fimbriata Coffee husks / Solid-state 12 Volatiles, including ethanol, acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate (main component, 250 mg/l per kg dry substrate), ethyl [83]
propionate, isoamyl acetate
Pervaporation bioreactor Esters and alcohols. Banana-like flavour [84]
Ceratocystis moniliformis Pervaporation bioreactor Ethyl-, propyl-, isobutyl- and isoamyl-acetates, citronellol, geraniol. All <100 mg/l in the culture broth, but pervaporation [85]
increased total yield by 50% (citronellol) to 414% (isobutyl acetate)
Coryne-bacterium glutamicum Pyrazines (roasted nutty flavour) [78,86]
Fistulina hepatica Oak wood powder 53 Volatile compounds (aldehydes, short-chain alcohols, terpenes, methoxybenzenoids). Mushroom aroma [87]

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Geotrichum candidum Leucine+ ethanol 2-Hexanoic acid (9.5 g/l), benzaldehyde (1.6 g/l), acetate asters, methyl-butanol, methyl-propanol, butyric acid [88]
Geotrichum fragrance Leucine+ ethanol Ethyl-isovalerate [78]
Geotrichum klebahnii Leucine+ Ethanol Ethyl esters of branched acids [89]
Castor oil g-Decalactone, 0.2 g/l [81]
Kluyveromyces lactis Grape must + Phe Citronellol, geraniol, linalool [90]
Kluyveromyces marxianus Grape must + Phe 2-phenylethanol, 0.4 g/l [91]
Cassava bagasse, palm bran. Ethyl acetate, ethanol, acetaldehyde, other volatiles [92]
Solid state fermentation.
Moniliella suaveolens Castor oil press cake g-Decalactone,180 mg/kg dry matter [93]
Penicillium chrysogenum Hydrolysed maize fibre Vanillic acid 0.81 g/l, vanillin 0.35 g/l, [94]
Phlebia radiata (Basidiomycetes) Liquid cultures Bisabolol, aromatic and sesquiterpene alcohols. 2-Methyl- and phenyl-propanol were the main ones at 5 mg/l [95]
Piptoporus soliniensis (Basidiomycetes) Liquid media of yeast extract and glucose. g-Decalactone, 8 mg/l. [96]
Polyporus tuberaster K2606 Liquid culture 14 Volatiles, mainly benzylaldehyde (8 mg/l) and 3-methyl-1-butanol [97]
Poriales sp. (Basidiomycetes) Liquid cultures Over 80 volatiles. Mainly bisabolol, geraniol, nerolidol [98]
Proteus vulgaris Cheese Methylbutanals (5 mg/l), methylbytanols (100 mg/l) [99]
Rhizopus oryzae Cassava bagasse with soyabean. Acetaldehyde, 3-methylbutanol, other volatiles [100]
Solid state fermentation
Rhodotorula aurantiaca Castor oil g-Decalactone, 6.6 g/l [101]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Wine must 2-Phenylethanol, ethyl esters, acetates, volatile fatty acids. Fruity aroma [102]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Elemental sulphur in the medium Sulphur-containing flavours [103]
Immobilized Alcohols, carbonyls and esters, not significantly different from those of liquid fermentations [104]
Carotenoids Apocarotenoid aldehydes and ketones. Total <4 mg/l [105]
Dough Isoamyl alcohol, phenylethanol [106]
Sporidiolobus salmonicolor Vinasse + ricinoleic acid methyl ester g-Decalactone [107]
Sporobolomyces odorous Hydrolysed castor oil g-Decalactone, 5.5 g/l [108]
Staphylococcus xylosus Starter culture 2- and 3-Methylbutanal (0.8 mg/l), 2-methylpropanal, and many other aldehydes, ketones, esters [109]
Stigmatella aurantiaca Agar cultures C10 volatile ketones [110]
Trichoderma harzianum 6-Pentyl-a-pyrone. Coconut-like flavour [111]
Trichoderma viridae 6-Pentyl-a-pyrone. Coconut-like flavour [112]
Trichoderma harzianum Castor oil g-Decalactone, 260 mg/l [113]
Various other Trichoderma sp. Sugar cane bagasse. Solid state fermentation 6-Pentyl-a-pyrone, 3 g/kg dry matter [114]
Tyromyces sambuceus g-Decanolide, 880 mg/l [115]
Various yeasts Molasses + Phe 2-Phenyl ethanol, 0.9 g/l [112]
Yarrowia lipolytica Castor oil or methyl ester of ricinoleic acid g-Decalactone, up to 12.3 g/l [116]
10% v/v Castor oil or 0.05% decanoic acid g-Decalactone, up to 6.9 g/l [81]
Williopsis saturnus Fusel oil 3-Methyl-butyl-, ethyl-, 2-methyl-butyl-, isobutyl-acetate [117]

Yields are cited if they are referred to explicitly, as many of them are only cited as percentages of GC chromatogram peaks or simply as detected in headspace analyses. Specific substrates are cited if different from the usual culture
Y. Gounaris

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Table 4. Biotransformation of precursors for production of volatiles by plants and microorganisms

Organism Substrate Product/effect/yield Reference

Anethum graveolens Geraniol Nerol was detected for 24 h. Afterwards, no nerol or geraniol was detected [128]
Asparagus officinalis Santonin (sesquiterpene), 0.2 g/l Hydroxylated derivatives, <120 mg/l [129]
Capsicum annuum Ferulic acid, 2.5 mM Vanillin, 10 mg/l [130]
Capsicum frutescens, immobilized cells Coumaric acid, protocatechuic aldehyde, caffeic acid Vanillin, capsaicin [131]
Ferulic acid, vanillylamine Vanillin, capsaicin [132]
Caragana chamlagu Ionones, 0.6 g/l Oxo-, epoxy-, hydroxyl-ionones, epoxyketone (70 mg/l) [133]

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Catharanthus roseus 3-Carene, 2-pinene Epoxy- and hydroxyl-derivatives [134]
Geraniol, nerol, carvone, 0.1 g/l Hydroxylation at allylic positions, and reduction of double bonds and keto groups, <60 mg/l each [135]
Geraniol Geranial, neral [136]
3-Carene, 2-pinene Epoxy and hydroxyl-derivatives [134]
Hydroxybenzyl alcohols, 60 mg/l Glycosylated derivatives, <20 mg/l each [137]
Piperitone Hydroxylated derivatives [138]
Citrus paradisi, callus Valencene, 5 mg/l Nootkatone, 1 mg/l [139]
Coffea arabica Vanillin Vanillin glycoside [140]
Dioscorea deltoidea Limonene, 1.2 g/l. Carvone (240 mg/l), via carveol [141]
Eucalyptus perriniana Borneol, 0.5 g/l Borneol glycosides, the most abundant at 240 mg/l [142]
Eugenol, thymol, carvacrol, 0.8 mM Glycosides of thymol, carvacrol and eugenol accumulated in the cells, 70–99% conversion [143]
Eugenol, isoeugenol, 0.5 g/l Glycosides of eugenol and isoeugenol, the most abundant (100 mg/l) [144]
Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

Camphor (0.5 g/l) Glycosides of hydroxybornanones from camphor (160 mg/l) [145]
Caryophyllene oxide Caryophylla-3-ene-5,14-diol-O-gentobioside from caryophyllene oxide [145]
Fenchone Glycosylated hydroxyfenchanones [146]
Euphorbia characias Geraniol Geranial, neral [136]
Fragaria sp. (strawberry) a-Ketovalerate Butanal, butanol [36]
Glycyrrhiza alba Monoterpene aldehydes Reduction into alcohols [147]
Lonicera japonica Germacrone Guaiane, eudesmane, secoguaiane [148]
Melissa officinalis (balm) Monoterpenes Metabolize rapidly and disappear [25]
Mentha canadensis Menthyl acetate Menthol that was glycosylated in 24 h [149]
Mentha piperita Menthyl acetate Menthol that was glycosylated in 24 h [149]
Isopiperitenone, 0.1–0.2 g/l Epoxy and hydroxyl-derivatives of isopiperitenone, some of them glycosylated. Also, low amounts of menthol. [150]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

25–35% conversion. All <3 mg/l
Mentha sp., immobilized cells Menthone Neomenthol [151]
Myrtillocactus geometrizans Carene, 0.1–0.5 g/l Carenols (up to 400 mg/l), carenones (100 mg/l) [152]
Nicotiana tabacum 3-Carene, 2-pinene Epoxy- and hydroxyl-derivatives [134]
Hydroxybenzyl alcohols, 60 mg/l Glycosylated derivatives, <20 mg/l each [137]
Geraniol Geranial, neral [136]
Nicotiana tabacum, calli Carene, 0.1–0.5 g/l Carenols (up to 400 mg/l), carenones (100 mg/l) [152]
Nicotiana tabacum, immobilized cells Ionones, 0.1 g/l Corresponding saturated ketones and alcohols, <60 mg/l each [153]
Olea europaea (olive tree) callus Linoleic acid, linolenic acid Hexanal (from linoleic acid), hexenal (from linolenic acid) [29]
Papaver bracteatum Linalyl acetate Linalool, geraniol, a-terpineol [154]
Peganum harmala Geranylacetate, linalyl acetate, 5 mg/l Geraniol (55 mg/l) from geranyl acetate, linalool (14 mg/l) and a-terpineol (12 mg/l) from linalyl acetate [155]
Benzyl acetate, Benzyl alcohol, [156]
anisaldehyde, anisyl alcohol (<80 mg/l),
ionones, ionol, hydro-ionone,
pinenes, verbenol, verbenone, myrtenol, myrtenal,
menthone, menthol, piperitol,
citronellal, <0.1 g/l citronellol
Perilla frutescens Leucine Pinene [157]
Petroselinum crispum Citral, citronellal, geraniol Citral was reduced to geraniol and nerol and citronellal was reduced to citronellol. Geraniol was converted to [158]
nerol, neral and geranial

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Table 4. Continued

Organism Substrate Product/effect/yield Reference

Picea abies b-Pinene, limonene, 200–400 ml/l From b-pinene: cis- and trans-pinocarveol, myrtenol, a-terpineol, pinocarvone, myrtenal. From limonene: [159]
limonene epoxide, carveol, cineole, perillyl alcohol, in each case 40 mg/l
Rosa sp. (roses) Geraniol Nerol, citronellol [157]
Solanum aviculare Citronellal, 150 mg/l Menthane-3,8-diol, citronellol, isopulegol, 15–39% transformation [160]
Limonene, 1.2 g/l Carvone (240 mg/l), via carveol [141]
Spirodela punctata Alkyl substituted citronellol Hydroxyl derivatives [161]
Triticum aestivum, seeds Neral, geranial, citronellal, pulegone, Reduced to the corresponding alcohols and oxidized to the corresponding acids, total up to 21 mM in the seeds [162]
carvacrol, vanillin, 40 ml/ml in the vial air
Vanilla planifolia Ferulic acid Vanillin [163]
1 mM 3,4-Dihydroxy-benzaldehyde 16.7 mg vanillin and 286 mg vanillyl alcohol per 100 g DW embryo culture [164]
Fungi and algae
Aspergillus niger b-Ionone Hydroxyl and oxo derivatives [165]
(–)-Guaiol The aroma material pancherione [166]

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Nerol, geraniol, 0.1% v/v Linalool, 43 mg/l, a-terpineol 54 mg/l [167]
Capric acid, caprilic acid Up to 46% conversion to nonan-2-one and heptan-2-one [168]
Phenylalanine 2-Phenylethanol [169]
Aspergillus niger followed by Ferulic acid Vanillin, 767 mg/l [170]
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus
Beauveria bassiana Cadina-dien-3-one Various hydroxylated derivatives [171]
Botryodiplodia theobromae a-Linolenic acid Jasmonic acid, 1100 mg/l (100 mg/g dry cells) [82]
Botryodiplodia theobromae (Mucor fungus) (+)-Valencene (sesquiterpene), 0.4 g/l Nootkatone [172]
Botryosphaeria dothidea (Mucor fungus) (+)-Valencene (sesquiterpene), 0.4 g/l Nootkatone [172]
Candida boidinii Betuligenol Raspberry ketone [173]
Candida sorbophila Ricinoleic acid g-Decalactone, 40.9 g/l [174]
Chaetomium globosum Valencene Nootkatone, 25 mg/l [175]
Chlorella sp. (algae) (+)-Valencene (sesquiterpene), 0.4 g/l Nootkatone, 90% conversion [172]
Cladosporium suaveolens 5% Ricinoleic acid g-Decanolide, 0.5% [176]
Curvularia lunata Squamulosone (aromadendranone), 0.16% w/v Various aromadendranes, <0.06% w/v [177]
Dunaliella tertiolecta (halophilic green algae) Terpene aldehydes Reduction of the aldehydes to alcohols [178]
Epicocum nigrum Citrus sinensis oil Terpene alcohols [179]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Fusarium proliferatum Limonene, 0.5% Carveol, 35 mg/l [180]
Fusarium verticilloides Limonene Perillyl alcohol [181]
Ganoderma applanatum Myrcene, 0.1% v/v Myrcenol and other volatile oxygenated metabolites [182]
Glomerela singulate b-Selinene Hydroxylation at three positions [183]
Gomgronella butlery Limonene, 0.5% Perillyl alcohol, 16 mg/l [180]
Ischnoderma benzoinum b,b-Carotene, 20 mg/l Flavour compounds (b-ionone, b-cyclocitral, dihydroactinidiolide, hydroxyl-trimethyl-cyclohexanone), total [184]
<6 mg/l
Kluyveromyces marxianus Phenylalanine 2-Phenylethanol, 26.5 g/l, 2-phenylethylacetate, 6.1 g/l [185]
Marasmius scorodonius b,b-Carotene, 20 mg/l Flavour compounds (b-ionone, b-cyclocitral, dihydroactinidiolide, hydroxyl-trimethyl-cyclohexanone), total [184]
<6 mg/l
Mucor circillenoides Ethyl decanoate, ethyl caprinate g-Decalactone, 10.5 g/l [186,187]
Penicillium citrinum Limonene, 0.5% a-Terpineol, 80 mg/l [180]
Penicillium digitatum Limonene, 0.5% a-Terpineol, 506 mg/l [180]
Penicillium digitatum, spores Geraniol, nerol, citral, 1 mM Methylheptenone, 0.9 mM [188]
Penicillium roqueforti, spores Octanoic acid, 0.5 mM 2-Heptanone, 0.48 mM [189]
Phanerochaete chrysosporium Phenylalanine, cinnamate Benzaldehyde [190]
Pichia pastoris 2–5% Alcohols (propanol, butanol, hexanol, etc.) 20–50% conversion to the corresponding flavour aldehydes (propionaldehyde, butyraldehyde, hexanal, etc.) [191]
Pleurotus flabellatus Myrcene, 0.1% v/v Myrcenol and other volatile oxygenated metabolites [182]
Pleurotus sajor-caju Myrcene, 0.1% v/v Myrcenol and other volatile oxygenated metabolites [182]
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Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Table 4. Continued

Organism Substrate Product/effect/yield Reference

Pleurotus sapidus Limonene, 0.5% Carvone [180]
Pleurotus sapidus Limonene, 0.5% v/v Carveol (30 mg/l), carvone (55 mg/l) [192]
Polyporus tuberaster Phenylalanine, 45 mM Benzaldehyde, 11.93 mM [193]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Aliphatic aldehydes, 2-keto-carboxylic acids Acyloins [194]
Thiol precursors Three times more flavour thiols in wine fermentation [195]
Massoi oil d-Decalactone, 7.45 g/l [196]
Phenylalanine 2-Phenylethanol, 7 g/l [197]

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Oleic acid 2-Phenylethanol, 12.6 g/l [198]
Terpenoid glycosides Free terpenoids [199]
Sporidiobolus salmonicolor Ricinoleic acid, 5 g/l g-Decalactone, 40 mg/l [107]
Ricinoleic acid g-Decalactone, 131.8 mg/l [200]
Sporidiolobus ruinenii Methyl recinolate g-Decalactone, 5.5 g/l [201]
Torulopsis bombicola Palmitic acid Hexadecanolide lactone (musk fragrance) [202]
Trametes versicolor b,b-Carotene, 20 mg/l Flavour compounds (b-ionone, b- cyclocitral, dihydroactinidiolide, hydroxyl-trimethyl-cyclohexanone), [184]
total <6 mg/l
Trametes suaveolens Phenylalanine Benzaldehyde [203]
Yarrowia lipolytica Methyl ricinoleic acid 5 g/l g-Decalactone, g-octalactone, g-dodecalactone [204,205]
Zygorhynchus moelleri 0.2% Vanillic acid Vanillyl alcohol, 5 g/l [94]
Alcaligenes defragrans Limonene + isolimonene (or phelandrene), 1 mM each Isoterpinolene, 250 mM [206]
Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

Amycolatopsis sp. Ferulic acid Vanillin, 12 g/l [207]

Clostridium tyrobutyricum 5-Hydroxy-2-decenoic acid or 5-hydroxy-2-dodecenoic acid 5.95 g/l d-Decalactone or 13 g/l d-dodecalactone [208]
Bacillus sp. Lutein, 0.04 mM Ionones, total <10 mg/l [209]
Bacillus fusiformis 50 g/l Isoeugenol Vanillin, 8.10 g/l [210]
Calothrix (Cyanobacteria) Norcarotenoids, 0.1–0.4 mM Pentan- and hexan-diones, hydroxypentanones and hydroxyhexanones [211]
Bacillus subtilis 1% Massoia lactone 40% Transformation to d-decalactone [212]
Geotrichium sp. Lutein, 0.04 mM Ionones, total <10 mg/l [209]
Ischnoderma benzoicum Phenylalanine Benzaldehyde, 0.3 g/l [213]
Plectonema (Cyanobacteria) Norcarotenoids, 0.1–0.4 mM Pentan- and hexan-diones, hydroxypentanones and hydroxyhexanones [211]
Rhodococcus sp. Geraniol Geranic acid [214]
Xanthobacter sp. C20 Limonene, 1 mM Limonene-8,9-epoxide, 0.8 g/l [215]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Pseudomonas fluorescens a-Pinene oxide, 0.01–0.03 g/l Isonovalal, 108 g/l culture. [216]
Pseudomonas putida Ferulic acid, Vanillic acid [217]
Ferulic acid + dithiotheitol Vanillin, 210 mg/l [218]
Isoeugenol, 30 mM Vanillin, 10 mM [219]
Pseudomonas rhodesiae a-Pinene oxide Isonovalal, 16.4 g/l/g biomass, 160 g/l/h [220]
Pseudomonas sp. Pinenes, 1% v/v Cymene (130 mg/l), terpineol, borneol, limonene, terpinolene (all <40 mg/l) [221]
2% Massoia lactone Up to 85% conversion to d-decalactone [212]
Pycnoporus cinnabarinus Vanillic acid Vanillin, 2.5 g/l [222]
Rhodococcus erythropolis Carveol, 50 mM Carvone, 160 mM [223]
Rhodococcus opacus Limonene Carveol, carvone [224]
Serratia marcescens 0.4% Eugenol Vanillin, 3.8 g/l [226]
Streptomyces setonii Ferulic acid, vanillic acid Vanillin, 64 g/l [227]
Ferulic acid Vanillin, 13.9 g/l [228]
Streptomyces sp. V-1 45 g/l Ferulic acid Vanillin, 19.2 g/l [229]

The main products are shown. Yields are cited for the optimum culture time and conditions if reported explicitly, as in many cases the products are referred as simply ‘detected’.

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Y. Gounaris

soluble additives. b-Cyclodextrins are water-soluble molecular in Table 5. The yields are improved by immobilizing the enzyme
cages that, properly modified, could sequester the desired on polymer, glass or other supports, or by encapsulating it inside
product into their cavities. In addition, this confinement of the membranes. The resulting easy recoverability and re-use of the
product into the clathrate cage protects it from exposure to enzyme lowers the cost of operation. Overall, and with the
degrading conditions in the culture medium. exceptions of glycosidases and esterases, most of the enzymes
Of the volatiles listed in Table 4, vanillin is of the highest used in bioconversions catalyse the introduction of some
importance, followed by benzaldehyde, capsaicin, g-decalactone oxygen function in the substrate molecule. This reduces its vola-
and 2-phenylethanol. The commercial aspects, the organoleptic tility, unless it splits the molecule into smaller volatile parts.
and bioactivity qualities, the uses and the production method- The majority of the isolated enzyme-catalysed bioconversions
ologies of these volatiles have been discussed by Cheetham,[202] involve lipid-derived volatile products. In the phenolic and ter-
Dignum et al.,[1] Garavaglia et al.,[91] Krings and Berger,[118] penoid category, the most promising use is in liberating volatiles
Ramachandra and Ravishankar,[41] Schade et al.[231] and from their glycosylated forms. Of particular importance, as far as
Vandamme and Soetaert.[78] Vanillin is produced at about 12 000 yields are concerned, is the formation of ‘green’ note flavours,
tonnes annually, primarily from guaiacol. Only 20 tonnes are hexenols and hexenals, from fatty acids by the action of hetero-
produced by extraction from vanilla beans. It is used as a food geneous crude enzyme preparations[262] and the liberation of
additive, but also possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti- vanillin from glycovanillin by the action of commercial pectinase
mutagenic qualities. The biotransformation of ferulic acid to van- and cellulase.
illin using Amycolatopsis can produce up to 12 g/l culture
medium,[207] whereas yields in the range 13–>60 g/l have been
achieved with Streptomyces species. [227–229] Capsaicin, the major Metabolic Engineering
pungent compound in chilli peppers, is produced by the same
Genetic engineering of metabolic paths is the newest and most
biosynthetic path as vanillin. It is used as a food additive and a
promising effort for improvement of volatile production. There
counter-irritant in rheumatisms and neuralgias. Of commercial
are several excellent reviews on metabolic engineering of the
interest could be the method of producing it using immobilized
secondary metabolite pathways in general[263–266] and also on
placenta cultures of Capsicum frutescens, biotransforming cou-
terpenoid paths specifically.[267–269] This review concentrates
maric acid.[232] The flavour compound benzaldehyde is the
on cases concerning the production of volatile compounds.
second most important volatile. Currently, it is obtained form
amygdalin. Biotransformation of phenylalanine to benzaldehyde
by Ischnoderma benzoinum seems to be a possible alternative, Genetically Engineered Microorganisms
since yields of 1 g/l can be achieved by in situ recovery meth- Bacteria and yeasts have been genetically altered, either to
ods.[118,213] The peach-smelling g-decalactone, product of lipid improve their synthesis of volatiles or to produce new ones the
catabolism, is also easily made using chemical synthesis. The microorganism is normally unable to synthesize. A list of promis-
biotransformation of ricinoleic acid by Candida sorbophila can ing examples is given on Table 6. Microorganisms are particularly
produce up to 40 g/l g-decalactone;[174] Mucor circillenoides well suited for fermentation and general culturing procedures.
achieves over 10 g/l from fatty acid esters;[186,187] and Yarrowia Genetically manipulating them to produce volatiles from raw
lipolytica produces 5 g/l of a mixure of g-lactones, mainly substrates, in commercially worthwhile quantities, would be a
g-decalactone, from methyl ricinoleic acid.[204,205] These values are major breakthrough in biotechnology. Although most of the
much higher than the theoretical limit of about 1 g/l required for achieved yields are still in the mg/l scale, vanillin can be produced
consideration of a procedure as an alternative commercially at 5 g/l by E. coli carrying the 3-deoxyarabino-heptulosonic acid
interesting process. The same holds for the ‘rose’ flavour com- 7-phosphate synthase gene[271] and amorphadiene yields of
pound 2-phenylethanol, product of the phenylpropanoid path, 37 g/l have been observed with S. cerevisiae transformed with
obtained by biotransformation of phenylalanine. Kluyveromyces operons of the methyl–erythritol and mevalonate path genes.[283]
marxianus, cultured in the presence of phenylalanine, produces Yarrowia lipolytica with genetically engineered genes of the
over 26 g/l 2-phenylethanol[123,185] and Sacharomyces cerevisiae b-oxidation genes is able to reach 10 g/l g-decalactone produc-
yields 12.6 g/l from oleic acid and 7 g/l from phenylalanine.[198] tion from ricinoleic acid esters.[285–289] Volatile dicarboxylic acids
An inspection of Tables 3 and 4 shows the superiority of micro- can accumulate at amounts up to 80 g/l, when various yeasts
orgamisms compared to cultured plant cells, as far as yields of having genetically interrupted b-oxidation and amplified
volatile compound production are concerned. w-hydroxylation were fed with fatty acids and alkanes.

Biotransformations by Isolated Enzymes Genetically Engineered Plants

Isolated enzyme systems often have a higher biotransformation Terpenoids. A compilation of some of the metabolic engi-
rate than cell-based procedures, but the cost of isolating the neering efforts concerning the monoterpene- and
enzyme is a basic factor determining their employment.[233] sesquiterpene-synthesizing paths is presented in Table 7. The
Enzymes exhibit high stereo-selectivity in the conversion CaMV35S promoter was commonly used in such studies.
process, minimizing the production of undesirable isomer and However, expression of the transgene often proved tissue-
enantiomer by-products often accompanying cell-mediated specific. Co-suppression instead of overexpression was also a
biotransformations.[234] However, only about 7% of the studies common occurrence. Most successful was the overexpression of
on biotransformation involve isolated enzymes, the rest being the DXR of the MEP path, where a 50% increase in total essential
concerned with whole-cell systems.[125] Although they have oil yield in peppermint was attained.[293] Monoterpene cyclases
been applied to a significant extent,[126] only a few cases of are slow enzymes and higher yields of cyclic monoterpenes

biotransformations involve volatiles. Some examples are given were achieved by overexpressed limonene synthase, especially

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Table 5. Biotransformations involving volatile compounds, effected by crude or purified enzyme preparations

Enzyme/extract Source Product/results Reference

100 kDa cut-off extract Tomato fruits 5 mg/min hexanal from 16 mM linoleic acid [235]
Alcohol dehydrogenase Yeast Production of 1-phenyl-2-propanol from 1-phenyl-2-propanone [236]
Lactobacillus kefir Synthesis of phenylethanol from acetophenone [237]
Amine oxidase Aspergillus niger Production of vanillin from vanillamine [238]
Benzaldehyde lyase, immobilized Pseudomonas fluorescens Traces of benzoin produced from benzaldehyde [239]
Cell-free extract Potato tuber Hexenals, hexanal, pentenals, pentenol were formed from fatty acid [240]

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Cutinase, immobilized Fusarium solani Alcoholyses and hydrolyses esters of volatile alcohols [241]
Cyclase Cichorium intybus (chicory) Cyclized germanone-4,5-epoxide converted into neoprocureumenol [242]
Enzyme mix Citrus poonensis fruit peel 30% of limonene was converted to terpineol, linalool, and linalool [243]
Germacrene A hydroxylase Cichorium intybus Production of nootkatone from valencene [244]
Hydroperoxide lyase and alcohol Saccharomyces cerevisiae (whole cell extracts. Transformed with Production of cis-3-hexenal, cis-3-hexenol from lipid degradation [245]
dehydrogenase hydroperoxide lyase was from banana)
Hydroperoxide lyase Excreted to the medium by Pichia pastoris, transgenic with the 30 mg/l hexanal and nonenal from C18 hydroxy-fatty acids. [246]
tomato hydroperoxide lyase
Excreted to the medium by Yarrowia lipolytica, transgenic with the Accumulation of 350 mg/l C6 aldehydes in the culture medium, from [247]
green pepper hydroperoxide lyase. Lipid-induced promoter olive oil and fatty acids
Laccase Various microorganisms 28.6% transformation of valencene to nootkatone [248]
Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

Lipases Various microorganisms Hydrolyse menthyl esters, liberating menthol [234]

Catalyse synthesis of flavour esters [249–251]
Lipoxygenase/hydroperoxide lyase Apple pomace, crude mixture Production of hexanal and 2,4-decadienal from unsaturated fatty [252]
soybean, recombinant hydroperoxide lyase Production of hexanal and hexenal from vegetable oils [253]
Lipoxygenase, hydroperoxide lyase Soya Used in combination, converted polyunsaturated fatty acids into C6 [254]
aldehydes and alcohols
Membrane fraction, immobilized Carnation flowers, tomato leaves, strawberry leaves Production of hexanal from linoleic acid [231]
Microsomes Nicotiana tobacco Hydroxylated terpineols at allylic positions. Use NADPH and O2. [153]
Probably cyt P-450-dependent monoxygenases

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Viscozyme (pectinase) + Celluclast Commercial enzymes Transformation of glucovanillin from vanilla pods into vanillin. 1.8 g [255]
(cellulase) vanillin from 100 g dry pods
Peroxidase Horseradish Introduction of hydroxyl and methoxy groups at the 6,7 double bond [256]
of citronellol
Phenoloxidase Mucuna pruriens Produced catechols from monophenols [257]
a-Acetolactate decarboxylase, Yeast 12-Day faster conversion of a-acetolactate and diacetyl into acetoin [258]
encapsulated in beer
b-Glycosidases Grapes, yeasts, bacteria, fungi Hydrolyse monoterpenoid glycosides of plant juices, liberating the [199]
monoterpenoids [259]
Almond Benzaldehyde production from amygdalin [202]
Immobilized sesquiterpene hydroxylases Chicory 50–100% Transformation of sesquiterpenes to the corresponding [261]
and sesquiterpene alcohol alcohols, aldehydes and acids
Mixture of materials (soya for Hydrolysed oils (mainly linoleic and linolenic acid) 4.2 g/kg 3(Z)-hexen-1-ol, 1.5 g/kg 2(E)-hexenal [262]
lipoxygenase, guava for
hydroperoxide lyase, baker’s yeast for
alcohol dehydrogenase)

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Table 6. Production of volatile matabolites by transgenic microorganisms

Microorganism Transgene/genetic manipulation Products Reference

E. coli With DXP synthase, IDP isomerase, FDP synthase, Pinene, myrcene, terpinene, carene, sabinene, limonene, [270]
monoterpene cyclase terpinolene
3-Deoxyarabino-heptulosonic acid 7-phosphate synthase Vanillic acid, 5 g/l [271]
and catechol-O-methyl-transferase
Mevalonate path basic gene operons [272]
Engineered mevalonate path and other terpenoid Produces IPP, DMAPP, casbene (if the GGPP synthase gene is also [273]
synthesis genes included), 2.2 mg/l amorphadiene (if the FPP synthase gene is
included). Mevalonate included in the substrate in some cases
Sesquiterpene synthase Up to 8.9 mg/l geranyl geraniol, when mutant GGPP synthase [274]
and mutant HMG-CoA synthase were used. Up to 22–26 mg/l

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when mutant FPP synthase or IPP isomerase were used under
IPP or DMAPP feeding
Feruloyl-CoA synthetase and feruloyl Synthesis of patchoulol [275]
Hydratase/aldolase from Pseudomonas fluorescens 70.6% Conversion to vanillin (2.5 g/l). 3.3 mM ferulic acid as
A 9.6 kb DNA fragment of Bacillus stearothermophilus [276]
Bacillus stearothermophilus limonene methyl oxidase or 33 mg/l Terpineol, 26 mg/l carveol, 2.2 mg/l carvone from [277]
limonene hydratase limonene. 230 mg/l perillic acid and 36 mg/l perillyl aldehyde
from terpineol
29 mg/l Terpineol and 72 mg/l perillyl alcohol from the limonene
methyl oxidase transformants. 235 mg/l Terpineol and 35 mg/l
carvine with the hydratase transformants. Limonene included
in the substrate
Methylomonas sp. Limonene synthase Limonene, 0.5 mg/l [278]
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Clove DNA Eugenol, thymol, 2-phenylethyl alcohol [279]
epi-Cedrol synthase (eCS)or doubly by hmgr and mutated epi-Cedrol. 90 mg/l by ecs, 390 mg/l by ups2-1/hmgr [280]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

transcription factor ups2-1 (ups2-1/hmgr)
HMG-CoA reductase, GAL1 promoter 1 mg/l Abietadiene, geranygeranyldiphosphate [281]
GPP synthase Up to 10.6 mg/l geranylgeraniol [273]
Amorphadiene synthase [ADS], HMG-CoA reductase Up to 700 mg/ml amorphadiene with ADS, 11.2 mg/ml with ADS [282]
[HMGR], FPP synthase and HMGR co-transformation. 61 mg/ml when met-repressible
FPP synthase was also introduced. 73 mg/ml amorphadiene
when FPP synthase was overexpressed
Various operons of the mevalonate and DXP path genes Up tp 37 g/l amorpha-4,11,-diene [283]
Pinene hydroxylase Biotransformation of pinene to myrtenol [284]
Yarrowia lipolytica Acyl-CoA oxidase genes pox1, pox3 disrupted g-Decalactone, 0.35 g/l from methyl ricinoleate [285]
Genetically engineered 9.5 g/l g-calactone from methyl ricinoleate. [286]
Deleted acyl-CoA oxidases, selective for short chain fatty 10-Fold increase in g-decalactone production from fatty acids [287,288,289]
Various yeasts (Candida, Saccharomyces, Genetically interrupted b-oxidation and amplified Up to 80 g/l flavour dicarboxylic acid from fatty acids or alkanes [290–292]
Schizosachcaromyces, Pichia, Yarrowia, w-hydroxylase
Y. Gounaris

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Table 7. Production of volatile terpenoids by genetically engineered plants

Gene Transgenic Results/remarks References

Monoterpene path
1-Deoxy-xylulose-5-phosphate Mentha piperita (peppermint) Overexpression under CaMV 35S promoter gave 50% more essential oil. Same [293]
reductoisomerase (DXR) composition as in wild-type. Co-suppression of DXR results in less essential oil
Limonene synthase (LS) Mentha piperita Expression under CaMV 35S promoter. Transgenics had more menthone, menthofuran and [294]
pulegone and lower menthol than wild type plants. Only 1% increase in limonene
Under CaMV35S, no expression in glandular trichomes and no effect on oil yield and [295]

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

Mentha arvensis and Higher or lower levels of total monoterpenes, depending on the overexpression or [296]
Mentha piperita co-suppression of the transgene correspondingly
Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) Both, plastid-directed and cytosol-directed LS produced limonene reaching the [297]
concentrations of 143 ng/g fresh weight in the plastids and 40 ng/g in the cytosol
Limonene-3-hydroxylase Mentha piperita Under CaMV35S. Co-suppression. Percentage of limonene in the essential oil rose from 2% [295]
(Lim3h) to 80%. No change in total oil yield
Nicotiana tabacum The plants already had a monoterpene synthase transgene. Hydroxylated limonene into [298]
isopiperitenol. From that, methatrienes, p-cymene and isopiperitenone were
Linalool synthase (LIS) Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation) Expression under CaMV35S promoter. Linalool was produced in the flowers and leaves. [299]
Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

Petals had linalool oxide but not linalool. These monoterpenes are not found normally
in this plant
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) Under E8 late-ripening specific promoter. Synthesis of linalool and 8-hydroxylinalool in [300]
Petunia hybrid Formation of linalool, as glycoside, in leaves, sepals, petals, ovary, stem. Not detected in [301]
roots, pollen style and nectaries
Linalool/nerolidol synthase Arabidopsis thaliana Targeted to plastids. Synthesis of linalool and its glycosides. The glycosides were at levels [302]
up to 60-fold higher than those of free linalool. Also, synthesis of low levels of nerolidol

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Petunia, potato, tomato, Up to 150 mg/g FW tissue linalool, its hydroxylated products and their glycosides [303]
Menthofuran synthase (MES) Mentha piperita Antisense silencing. 50% less menthofuran [293]
Overexpression. More menthofuran [304]
Sesquiterpene path
germacrene A synthase Arabidopsis thaliana Expressed in the cytosol. Some germacrene A was produced. Low levels [302]
Nerolidol synthase Arabidopsis thaliana The transgene was introduced into the mitochondria. High levels of the sesquiterpene [305]
nerolidol were produced
The transgene was introduced into the plastids. The sesquiterpene nerolidol was [302]
Solanum tuberosum (potato) The transgene was introduced into the plastids. High levels of linalool, 8-hydroxylinalool [268]
and their glycosides were observed
Sesquiterpene synthase TPS10 Arabidopsis thaliana Overexpression. Production of high quantities of farnesene bergamotene and other [306]
Trichodiene synthase Nicotiana tabacum Expressed under the CaMV 35S promoter. Low levels (5–10 ng/g FW) of trichodiene were [307]

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b-Farnesene synthase Arabidopsis thaliana Synthesis of (E)-b-farnesene [308]

Y. Gounaris

when directed to plastids. Although overexpression of rate-

limiting steps (DXR, cyclases) increased the total or specific yield




of monoterpenes, altering the expression of enzymes for non-
rate-limiting steps, or for more downstream steps, usually
altered their relative percentages. This might be advantageous if
the yield of the desired compound increases. Boosting the pro-
duction of monoterpene alcohols, as by overexpressed linalool

Suppression by RNA interference leads to strongly reduced levels (75–99%) of

Under CaMV35S promoter. The sense orientation was overexpressed 100-fold
synthase, also increases the rate of their glycosidation, so that

10-fold more of the volatiles 2-phenylacetaldehyde and 2-phenylethanol

Two AADCs decarboxylating phe and tyr were used. Transgenics produced
the yield of the glycosidated forms can far exceed that of the
free form. Overexpressing transgene prenyltransferases of ses-

Suppression by RNA interference leads to strongly reduced levels of

quiterpene synthesis, such as the farnesene, nerolidol and TSP10

and resulted in increased content of shikimate-derived volatiles

Under CaMV35S promoter. More benzyl and phenylethyl acetates
synthases, increases the linear and some cyclic sesquiterpenes
appreciably, and these can even be detected in plants not

Antisense suppression. 10–100-fold more methyl benzoate

normally producing them. More limited was the success with
non-regulated sesquiterpene cyclases, where only small
increases in the specific sesquiterpene yield were observed.

Shikimic acid-derived volatiles. Effects of both, overexpres-

sion and silencing of enzymes for synthesis of shikimate-derived
phenolic in transgenic plants are known (Table 8). Manipulating

shikimate-derived volatile benzenoids

the pre-tyrosine and pre-phenylalanine part of the shikimic acid
path does not seem very promising, due to the presence of mul-
tiple feedback-inhibited regulatory steps, which would nullify the
overexpression results. The same seems to be true for the pro-
duction of benzenoids from phenylpropanoids, although paths
not involving b-oxidation have been reported, whose regulation
characteristics, however, are still not defined.[315] At downstream

sites, overexpressions of aromatic amino acid decarboxylases, Table 8. Production of shikimic acid-derived volatile phenolics by genetically engineered plants

alcohol dehydrogenase and alcohol acetyltransferase all resulted
in higher volatile phenolic yield. Reports on the effect of overex-
pression of transcription factor genes on volatile yield, as
reported by Memelink et al.[263] for flavonoid and indole alkaloids,
are not yet known for the shikimic acid path. This approach
seems, however, to be most promising and RNAi silencing of a
myb-type trans-factor in Petunia strongly reduced the levels of
volatile benzenoids.
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato)

Lipid and amino acid-derived volatiles. Metabolic engineer- Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation)
ing of volatile production achieved its most spectacular results
Vitis vinifera (grapevine)

with the levels of aldehydes, alcohols and organic acid esters.

Examples are given in Table 9. For compounds produced by deg-
Transgenic plant

radation of unsaturated fatty acids, the largest increases (even

Petunia hybrida

Petunia hybrida

Petunia hybrida

five-fold) were observed by overexpression of desaturases and

lipoxygenases. Only moderate increases were achieved by over-
expressed hydroperoxide lyase. With alcohol dehydrogenase the
results were not unambiguous. In some cases, its upregulation
only increased the amount of alcohols, leaving the aldehydes
unchanged, and in other cases no significant changes were
observed for either type of compound. Since ethylene is involved
Aromatic amino acid decarboxylases

in the signal transduction path for stimulation of lipid-derived

aldehyde and alcohol synthesis, attempts were made to change
Alcohol acetyltransferase (AAT)
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)

myb-Type trans factor (ODO1)

Benzoic/salicylic acid carboxy

the activity of 1-amino- cyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase

methyltransferase (BSMT)

(ACS), the enzyme catalysing the synthesis of the ethylene pre-


cursor 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid. Up to now, only

downregulation of ACS has been reported, accompanied, as
expected, by drastic decreases in the levels of volatile aldehydes
and alcohols.


The author would like to thank his colleagues for their recom-

mendations on improving this article.

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Table 9. Production of volatiles derived from catabolism of fatty acids or amino acids in transgenic plant species

Gene Plant Results/remarks References

1-Amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate Lycopersicon esculentum Downregulation of the synthase by its antisense form. Strong decrease in hexanal, [316]
synthase (ACS) (tomato) hexanol, 3-hexanol, trans-2-heptenal in the fruits. No significant change in
cis-3-hexenal or trans-2-hexenal
Malus domestica (apple tree) Downregulation of the synthase by its antisense form. Strong decrease in volatile [317–319]
esters but not in volatile aldehydes
1-Amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate Cucumis melo var, Downregulation of the oxidase by its antisense form. 60–85% reduction in total [320]

Flavour Fragr. J. 2010, 25, 367–386

oxidoreductase (ACC oxidase, ACO) cantaloupensis cv. volatiles. Potent odorants (ethyl butanoate, ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, ethyl
Vedrantrais 2-methyl butanoate) were reduced by over 95%. Weak odorants (2-methylpropyl
(cantaloupe melon) acetate, 2-methyl butyl acetate) reduced by 50%
Downregulation of the oxidase by its antisense form. Production of butyl and hexyl [321]
acetate was blocked at the step of fatty acid reduction to aldehydes and at the step
of ester formation
Malus domestica Downregulation of the synthase by its antisense form. Strong decrease in volatile [317,319]
esters but not in volatile aldehydes
Acyl-CoA desaturases Lycopersicon esculentum A yeast D9 desaturase was used. >3-fold increases were observed for [322]
1-hydroxy-2-butanone, 1-penten-3-ol, heptanal, 3-hexen-1-ol, 2-octanol,
cis-3-hexenal, hexanal, 2-nonenal. Also, increases in non-fatty acid-derived volatiles
Biotechnology for essential oils, flavours and volatile isolates

Nicotiana tabacum A yeast D9 and an insect D11 desaturases were used. More cis-3-hexenal, palmitoleic and [323]
palmitvaccenic acid
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) Lycopersicon esculentum Overexpression of ADH2 under CaMV 35S or fruit-specific polygalacturonase promoter [324]
resulted in higher hexanol and (Z)-3-hexenol. Aldehydes remained unchanged.
Co-suppression results in lower amounts of these compounds.
No changes in volatile alcohols and aldehydes upon upregulation of the tomato ADH2. [325]
Downregulation resulted in less (Z)-3-hexenol but no change in (Z)-hexenal
Hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) Arabidopsis thaliana The rice HPLs were targeted to Arabidopsis plastids. The transgenics produced low [326]

Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

levels of aldehyde volatiles, but only in leaves and not in roots
Lycopersicon esculentum A cucumber HPL, acting on 9-hydroperoxides, was overexpressed in tomatoes. Only [327]
small change in C9 aldehydes and alcohols
Solanum tuberosum Antisense depletion of the HPL leads to greatly reduced levels of 3-hexenal and [328]
Lipoxygenase (LOX) Lycopersicon esculentum LOX C of tomato was targeted to plastids. Under expression to 1–5% of normal, either [329]
by co-suppression of by antisense forms. Hexenal, hexenol reduced to 1.5% of
Nicotiana tabacum LOX2 of soybean was overexpressed in tobacco under CaMV35S promoter. There was a [330]
50–529% increase in C6 volatile aldehyde production
Solanum tuberosum The potato plastidic LOX H1 was silenced by antisense methodology. Volatile C6 [331]
aldehydes were reduced. No change in jasmonates
2-Phenylethanol dehydrogenase Petunia hybrida Five times more 2-phenylethanol [332]
Ripening-associated membrane Lycopersicon esculentum TRAMP is a channel protein for water and small solutes. Overexpression suppressed [333]
protein (TRAMP) production of hexenal, hexanal, hexenol, methylbutanol and
6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one. Antisense plants had more total volatiles

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Y. Gounaris

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