Correlation and Significance

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Correlation and Significance

The researchers are seeking to ascertain whether there is an association between two

observed variables at this establishment, gender and customer service delivery.

Correlation is the statistical measurement that is used to establish this relationship.

The type of correlation used is bivariate correlation which is computed using Pearson

Correlation. This gives the strength of relationships between variables. The value of

the coefficient lies between -1 and +1 (Chetty, 2015). This type of correlation is also a

measure of a linear association between two normally distributed random variables

(Schober, Boer, & Schwarte, 2018). According to the SPSS output, the correlation

coefficient are equal 0.463. In interpreting this value, the table below is used to

establish the magnitude of the relationship.

Table 1

Approach to interpreting correlation coefficient

Magnitude of the observed correlation Interpretation


0.00-0.10 Negligible correlation

0.10-0.39 Weak correlation

0.40-0.69 Moderate correlation

0.70-0.89 Strong correlation

0.90-1.00 Very strong correlation

Using the table, it is shown that the r value is between 0.40 and 0.69. This indicates a

moderate positive and substantial relationship between gender and customer service

delivery with males having a higher mean of 51.60 than females of 48.52. The
correlation is not high and thus there is not a marked relationship between gender

specificity and customer service. The correlation r is statistically significant at the

0.01 level which indicates that the researcher can be 99% confident that r did not

occur by random sampling error. Further research needs to be conducted to

understand why males score slightly higher in customer service than females at this



Chetty, P. (2020, March 18). Correlation of variables in SPSS. Project Guru.





Schober, P., Boer, C., & Schwarte, L. A. (2018). Correlation Coefficients. Anesthesia

& Analgesia, 126(5), 1763–1768.

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