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Press Release

16th May 2011

Miriam Tlali Reading and Book Club Celebrates Afrika Day With Ngila Muendane & The Leader South Africa
Never Had

The Miriam Tlali Reading & Book Club and the wRite associates will be celebrating Afrika Day by featuring and
profiling The Leader South Africa Never Had with the author, Ngila Michael Muendane, the world renowned
motivational speaker and liberation activist, on Saturday, 21st May 2011, 14H00, African Literature Boookshop, 191
Louis Botha Avenue, Corner 8th Street, Orange Grove.

Afrika Day commemorates 48 years of the establishment of the Organization of African Union, now African Union, on
25th May 1963.

The book, The Leader South Africa Never Had: The Remarkable Pilgrimage of Vusumzi Make, is based on a little
celebrated leader who was involved in starting the biggest bus boycott in South Africa which was equaled by the one
led by Dr. Martin Luther King at the same time.

“As we celebrate Afrika Day, we invite the public to engage the author on how the story of this leader unfolded and
impacted hugely on Africa’s independence struggle, the brains and braves behind it, touching on master musical cats
like Nina Simone, Max Roach, Louis Armstrong, Sammy Davies Jnr, founding fathers of Africa’s Independence
Kwame Nkrumah, Franz Fanon, internationalist Che Guevara, poet extraordinaire Maya Angelou and many other
greats”, said Sindiswa Seakhoa, Convenor of the Miriam Tlali Reading & Book Club.

Said Ngila Muendane, “…this is a story of one of the most extraordinary men of our time. You probably never heard
of this remarkable man. Find out why. He single-handedly influenced the course of history in South Africa almost

Make was a close friend of O.R Tambo, shared a room with him, continues Muendane, and stopped Apartheid Prime
Minister John Vorster in his tracks when he tried to pursue his fraudulent détente policy in Africa!

This is a fascinating story, full of valour, pain, joy, triumph, humour, love, adventure, risk and many more. It reads like
fiction and is written in a captivating style. It’s truly a great read, concludes Muendane.

The Club features the now popular Kiddies’ Session which accommodates kids aged 2- 10 facilitated by Pride
Mthethwa. The programme looks at encouraging children to read and write through storytelling and reading
particularly in indigenous languages. Also interesting will be the Teens’ Session which covers age 11 – 16 facilitated
by poet and singer Precious Masuku. This months’ session will focus on poetry-writing as well as reciting. The
programme aims to grasp the ever-changing minds of teens at an early stage. Parents are encouraged to bring their
children to benefit from these exciting programmes.

Accompanying the book discussion will be poetry performances by Emmah Mabye, an upcoming poet from Tembisa
who will read some of her latest works. Toto Mubenga, a former heavyweight boxer originally from The Democratic
Republic of Congo will also be reciting his poems.

Book lovers are also invited to buy this and other books by Michael Ngila Muendane, Miriam Tlali, Lewis Nkosi, Victor
Molele and Mosala Huma that will be available for sale. Entrance is free and everyone is welcome.

For more information, please contact: 011-791 3585/4102, fax: 086 605 3642, Email:

Issued by the wRite associates, © 17th May 2011

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