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CBSE Class 10 (Term I )

Neetu Gaikwad

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þ One Day Revision 3-6
þ The Qualifiers 9-14
þ Latest CBSE Sample Paper 17-25

Sample Paper 1 29-38

Sample Paper 2 39-47

Sample Paper 3 48-56

Sample Paper 4 57-65

Sample Paper 5 66-74

Sample Paper 6 75-83

Sample Paper 7 84-92

Sample Paper 8 93-102

Sample Paper 9 103-111

Sample Paper 10 112-121

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Computer Applications CBSE Class 10 (Term I)

Sr. No. Unit Name Marks

. Cyber ethics



— Netiquettes.
— Software licenses and the open source software movement.
— Intellectual property rights, plagiarism and digital property rights.
— Freedom of information and the digital divide.
— E-commerce: Privacy, fraud, secure data transmission.

— Introduction to web page designing using HTML: create and save an HTML document, access
a web page using a web browser.
— HTML tags: html, head, title, body, attributes: text, background, bgcolor, link, vlink, alink , br
break , hr horizontal rule , inserting comments, h ..h heading , p paragraph , b bold , i
italics , u underline , ul unordered list , ol ordered list , and li list item . Description lists: dl,
dt and dd. Attributes of ol start, type , ul type .
— Font tags attributes: face, size, color .
— Insert images: img attributes: src, width, height, alt , sup super script , sub subscript .
— HTML Forms: Textbox, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list, combobox.
MCQs Preparation Tips

Focus on Theory Learn to Identify Wrong Answers

MCQs can be formed from any part or The simplest trick is, observe the options
line of the chapter. So, strong command first and take out the least possible one
on theory will increase your chances to and repeat the process until you reach
solve objective questions correctly and the correct option.
Analyse your Performance
Practice of Solving MCQs During the practice of MCQs you can
Cracking an MCQ-based examination identify your weak & strong
requires you to be familiar with the topics/chapter by analysing of incorrect
question format, so continuous practice answers, in this way you will get an
will make you more efficient in solving awareness about your weaker topics.
Practice through Sample Papers
Speed & Accuracy Solving more & more papers will make
In MCQ-based examination, you need you more efficient and smarter for
both speed and accuracy, if your exams. Solve lots of Sample Papers
accuracy is good but speed is slow then given in a good Sample Papers book.
you might attempt less questions
resulting in low score.

Attempting MCQs in Exams

1. Read the paper from beginning to in MCQ type questions, it is a waste

end & attempt those questions first in of time, you will not get extra marks
which you are confident. Now move for this.
on to those questions which requires
4. Most of the time, you need not to
thinking and in last attempt those
solve the MCQ completely to get the
questions for which you need more
correct option. You can start thinking
in reverse order and choose the best
2. Read instructions of objective fit option.
questions carefully and find out what
5. As there is no negative marking for
is being asked, a bit carelessness can
incorrect answers, so don't leave any
lead you to incorrect answer.
question unanswered. Use your
3. Tick/Write down the correct option guess if you have not exact idea
only while filling the OMR sheet. about the correct answer.
Step by step solution is not required
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Revise All the Concepts in a Day
Just Before the Examination...

● Introduction to HTML
HTML is a markup language, which is used to This tag provides various attributes, which are as follows:
define the layout and attribute of a World Wide ● background attribute specifies a background image

Web (WWW) document as well as to create for a document. HTML supports various graphics
links between web pages. format such as .gif, .jpg etc.
It is a subset of SGML (Standard Generalised ● text attribute specifies the color of the text in a

Markup Language) and a high-level markup document.

language. ● bgcolor attribute specifies the background color of a

It was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1990. document.

● link attribute specifies the color of an unvisited link in
HTML provides some basic tags which are
a document. The default color of link attribute is blue
required for HTML code:
1. <HTML>Tag It represents the root of an ● alink attribute specifies the color of an active link in a
HTML document, so it acts as a container for document (a link get activated when it is clicked). The
all other HTML elements. It informs the browser default color of an alink attribute is red (#FF0000).
that it is dealing with an HTML document. ● vlink attribute specifies the color of a visited link in a

e.g. <HTML> document. The default color of vlink attribute is

M purple (#800080).
</HTML> ● topmargin property sets a topmargin (distance

2. <HEAD> Tag This element is a container for between the top of the document and the top of the
all the header elements. The <HEAD> tag browser window) of your body element.
● leftmargin property sets a left hand margin (distance
must include a title for the document that can
include scripts, styles, meta information and between the left side of the document and the left
many more. The second line of your HTML edge of the browser window) of your body element.
document should be <HEAD>. 5. <FONT> Tag This tag specifies the font face, font size
3. <TITLE> Tag This tag defines the title of the and font color of the text. This tag is generally used for
changing the appearance of a short segment of text. It

document. Title must be a simple text and

should not be same as the file name. It is can be set for a character, sentence or entire
placed between <HEAD> and </HEAD> document.
tags. This tag provides various attributes, which are as follows:
4. <BODY> Tag This tag defines the ● size attribute specifies the size of the text inside a

document’s body. It is used to set the basic <FONT> tag. The range of accepted values goes
page characteristics. It contains all the from 1 (the smallest) to 7 (the largest).
necessary contents of a HTML document, such ● face attribute specifies the font name or type face of

as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists etc. The the text inside a <FONT> tag.
content of your web page is placed in between ● color attribute specifies the color of the text inside a
the opening <BODY> and closing </BODY> <FONT> tag.
04 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

6. <BASEFONT> Tag This tag specifies a default ● width attribute specifies the width of a horizontal
font color, font size or font family for all the text in a line in pixels or percent. Its default value is 100%.
document that follows it, which is only supported ● color attribute specifies the color of the
by Internet Explorer web browser. horizontal line.
Following are the attributes of <BASEFONT> tag: 13. Style Tags
● color attribute specifies the color of the text
There are three types of style tags are as follows:
inside a <BASEFONT> tag. ● Bold <B> Tag This tag specifies the text into

● face attribute specifies the face type of the text

bold text. It is a container element. This tag is
inside a <BASEFONT> tag. used for text formatting.
● size attribute specifies the size of the text inside ● Italic <I> Tag This tag is used to make the text

a <BASEFONT> tag. in italic form. It is also a container element. This

7. <CENTER> Tag This tag is used to centralise a is also used for text formatting.
segment of text to be displayed on browser’s ● Underline <U> Tag This tag is used to

window. With the <CENTER> tag, closing tag underline the text. It is also a container element.
</CENTER> is always used. 14. HTML Lists HTML supports several elements for
8. Comment <!- -... - -> Tag This tag is used to making lists. They can be divided into two types of
insert comments in the source code of the web lists, i.e. Glossary lists and Regular lists. Glossary
page. Comments are not displayed in the lists are denoted by the element <DK>, while
browser’s window. All the text inserted inside this Regular lists are denoted by the elements <UL>,
tag (<!- - ...- - >) will be ignored by the browser <OL>, <MENU> and <DIR>.
that made invisible for the user.
Types of Lists
9. Heading Tags In HTML, heading tags are used to
There are various types of list as follows:
display the text as a heading. It can also be used to
give section headings. There are six levels of (i) Unordered List <UL> This list (also known as
headings, ranging from <H1>…</H1> to unnumbered list) is an indented list with a bullet
<H6>…</H6>. symbol in front of each list item.
Attribute of heading tags is: An unordered list starts with the <UL> tag. Each
● align attribute specifies the alignment of the text
list item starts with the <LI> tag.
as heading. By default, alignment is left. Attribute of <UL> List tag is:
10. Paragraph <P> Tag This tag is used to mark a ● type attribute is used to change the bulleted
block of text as a paragraph. It is used to insert a symbol in a list. The attribute may have a
line break with extra space in the beginning. This is value of circle, disc or square.
a container tag. (ii) Ordered List <OL> This list starts with the
Attribute of <P> tag is: <OL> tag. Each list item starts with the <LI>
● align attribute specifies the alignment of the text
tag. The list items are marked with numbers. By
default, the numbering will be 1, 2, 3 ... . You can
within a paragraph. By default, alignment is left.
also adjust the numbering using type attribute.
11. Line Break <BR> Tag This tag is used to insert a
Attributes of <OL> tag is:
line break which means the text/image following the
tag will be moved to the next line when displayed in
● type The numbering of an HTML list can be
the browser. changed to letters or roman numerals by the type
12. Horizontal Rule <HR> Tag To create a horizontal ● start attribute is used to change the beginning
line on your web page, you have to use the empty
value of an ordered list. Normally, the ordered
tag <HR>. This horizontal line can be used to list begins with 1.
divide information into sections.
(iii) Definition List This is a list of items, with a

Following are the attributes of <HR> tag: description of each item. HTML definition lists
● size attribute specifies the height of the rule in
(<DL>) are indented list without any bullet
pixels. Its default value depends directly on the symbol or any number in front of each item.
browser. Generally, the default size of a rule is
3 pixels. Tags used in definition lists are as follows:
● noshade is boolean attribute. When this attribute ● <DL> Opening tag that defines the start of
is present, the rule is drawn with a solid black the list.
line as a 2D effect instead of the default ● <DT> List item that defines the definition term.

3D effect, i.e. without shading. ● <DD> Definition of the list item.

● align attribute specifies the alignment of a

● </DL> Closing tag that defines the end of the
horizontal line. list.
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

● Inserting Images and Forms

1. Inserting an Image in a Web Page The <IMG> tag 3. Form HTML forms are very effective because
is used to insert an image in a web page. It is very they can easily collect data from the Internet and
important to know that images are not technical part utilise that information in other web page. Form
of the web page file, they are separate files which are starts with the <FORM> tag and ends with the
inserted into the web page, when it is viewed by a </FORM> tag.
browser. We can use the following tags in the <FORM>
Syntax tag:
<IMG src = “image URL” [various attributes]> ● <INPUT> Tag It defines text entry fields,

Attributes of <IMG> Tag check boxes, radio buttons or push buttons. It

● src attribute takes URL (Universal Resource
is an empty element specified by <INPUT>
tag. The <INPUT> tag defines an object on
Locator) of an image file as value, which points to
the form which can receive user input.
the direct location of an image to be displayed.
● <SELECT> Tag Use the <SELECT>
● alt attribute of <IMG> tag is used to provide
container tag to create dropdown menus and
alternate text when an image on a web page
scrolled lists. Between <SELECT> and
cannot be displayed. The alternate text is the text
</SELECT>, you can only have <OPTION>
associated with an image that serves the same
tag and their text, which define the items in the
purpose and conveys the same essential message.
● align attribute is used to set the position of an
container tag to create multiline, scrollable,
image in a web page according to the user’s
text entry boxes. Whatever is between the
requirements. In HTML, images appear inline with a
<TEXTAREA> and </TEXTAREA> tags will
single line of the text. But, HTML standard does not
be the initial contents of the entry box, so put
define a default alignment for the images with respect
them right next to each other, if you do not
to other text and images in the same line.
want initial contents.
● width and height attributes require integer values.
When an image is added to a web page, it is not There are various controls supported by HTML
mandatory to specify width and height of the form as follows:
image. At the time of loading an image, a box will ● Textbox provides a single line text input field

appear on the place where the image will be where the user can enter text.
loaded. ● Password provides a single line text input field

● border attribute of the <IMG> tag specifies the where the user can enter password. A
width of the border around an image. You can set password field shows one dot for each
the border of an image that you want to use in your character input by the user.
web page. By default, an image has no border in ● Checkbox provides a checkbox on the

HTML. form.With checkboxes, we can give the users

2. Superscript and Subscript in HTML a list of items to choose from. The user can
● <SUP> Tag The text which is elevated slightly
choose more than one items from the list.
● Radio button provides a radio button on the
above the baseline to appear above the
surrounding text is known as superscript. form. Only one radio button of a group can be
e.g. In a 2, the superscript is 2. In HTML, the selected at one time. When a form is
<SUP> and </SUP> tags turn the enclosed text submitted, selected radio button’s value
into superscript. In its simplest form, <SUP> tag (specified by the value attribute) is submitted
may be specified as: to the destination.
● List box is a graphical control element that
<SUP> aaa </SUP>

allows the user to select one or more items

where, aaa is the text, which is to be superscripted. from a list contained. The <SELECT> tag is
● <SUB> Tag The text which is lowered slightly
used to create a drop-down list. The
below the baseline to appear below the <OPTION> tag inside the <SELECT> tag
surrounding text is known as subscript. define the available options in the list.
e.g. In H 2O, 2 is the subscripted text. In HTML, the ● Combo box in HTML is used to display a

<SUB> and </SUB> tags turn the enclosed text drop-down list of some options from which
into subscript. In its simplest form, <SUB> tag one can be selected. <SELECT> tag is
may be specified as: supported in all the web browsers.
<SUB> aaa </SUB> <OPTION> tag is used inside the
where, aaa is the text, which is to be subscripted. <SELECT> tag that displays the options in
the list.
06 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

● Cyber Ethics
1. Issues Related to Cyber Ethics 2. Open Source Software Movement The open
● Plagiarism The word ‘plagiarism’ has emerged source software movement is a movement that
from a latin word plagiarius, which means supports the use of open source licenses for some
kidnapping. Plagiarism is an act of copying software. The open source movement was started
another person’s idea, words or work and to spread the concept of open source software.
pretend that they are our own. Thus, open source software is a software whose
● Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Intellectual source code is available for modification or
property rights reserves all the rights of the owner enhancement by anyone. Examples of open source
to the information to decide, how much information software are Linux, Unix, MySQL, etc.
is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. The 3. Freedom of Information (FOI) FOI or Right to
owner can decide the price for doing so. Information (RTI) refers to a citizen’s right to access
● Netiquettes The word netiquette is a
information that is held by the state. In many
combination of net (from Internet) and etiquette. It countries, this freedom is supported as a
means respecting other users' views and constitutional right.
displaying common etiquette when posting your
views to online discussion groups. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) FOIA is a
federal law that generally provides that any person
● Hacking Hacking means stealing of required
has a right to obtain access to federal agency
information by seeking and exploting weakness in
a computer or a computer network. For gathering
required information, a hacker appears with 4. Digital Divide Digital divide is a term that describes
malicious intention and breaks into the owner’s the uneven distribution of Information and
system and steals the information illegally. Communication Technologies (ICTs) in society.
● Piracy Software piracy means copying of data or 5. e-Commerce e-Commerce (Electronic Commerce
computer software without the owner’s or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and
permission. However, most peoples are aware services on the Internet. e-Commerce draws on
about piracy and know that it is illegal, yet the technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic
piracy is uncontrollable. funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet
● Digital Property Rights Digital property includes marketing, online transaction processing, electronic
data, Internet accounts, and other rights in the data interchange, inventory management systems
digital world, including contractual rights and and automated data collection systems.
intellectual property rights. Digital property rights There are some types of e-Commerce, which are as
disputes arise when some form of counterfeiting follows:
or piracy occurs between companies. ● Business-to-Business (B2B)

● Software License A software license is a license ● Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

● Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
agreement that gives an individual, company or
organisation permission to use a software ● Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

program. It typically provide end users with the ● Business-to-Government (B2G)

right to one or more copies of the software Frauds in e-Commerce e-Commerce fraud shows
without violating copyrights.
no signs of slowing down. Online businesses are
There are two types of software license, which are quickly becoming easy targets for cybercriminals as
as follows: fraud in e-Commerce continues to rise.
(i) Proprietary Software License The hallmark There are some methods of fraud that are used to
of proprietary software licenses is that the
target e-Commerce as:
software publisher grants the use of one or
● Refund Fraud ● Merchant Fraud
more copies of software under the End-User

● Fraud via Identity Theft

License Agreement (EULA), but ownership of
those copies remains with the software 6. Secure Data Transmission System Security is an
publisher. essential part of any transaction that takes place
(ii) Free and Open Source Software License over the Internet. Customers will lose his/her faith in
This license generally fall under two e-Commerce if its security is compromised.
categories: those with the aim to have minimal Following are the essential requirements for safe
requirements about how the software can be
redistributed (permissive licenses) and those
● Confidentiality ● Integrity
that aim to preserve the freedom that is given
● Availability ● Authenticity
to the users by ensuring that all subsequent
● Non-Repudiability ● Encryption
users receives those rights (copyleft licenses).
● Auditability
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 9

Chapterwise Set of MCQs to Check Preparation
Level of Each Chapter

1. Introduction to HTML
Direction (Q. Nos. 1-15) Each of the question has four options out of which only one is correct.
Select the correct option as your answer.
1. To create a web page, we need
(a) notepad (b) web browser
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

2. To start a list using square, use

(a) <UL type = “square”> (b) <OL type=“square”>
(c) <UL type=“ ”> (d) <OL type = “ ”>

3. leftmargin is an attribute of which tag?

(a) <FONT> (b) <HR>
(c) <BODY> (d) <HEAD>

4. purple is the default color of

(a) link attribute (b) alink attribute
(c) slink attribute (d) vlink attribute

5. Choose the correct code to display horizontal line of blue color.

(a) <HR color=“blue”> (b) <HR> color=“blue”
(c) <HR>Blue (d) <HR color=blue>

6. Which of the following tag is an empty tag?

(a) <OL> (b) <UL> (c) <LI> (d) <DL>

7. To start a list with lowercase roman numerals from 4, we should write


(a) <UL type=“i” start=“4”> (b) <OL type=“i” start=“4”>

(c) <OL type=“4” start=“i”> (d) <UL type=“4” start=“i”>

8. Identify the output of following code.

Hard <B> Work </B>
(a) Hard Work (b) Hard Work
(c) Hard Work (d) Hard
10 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

9. HTML code to create a paragraph whose text color is yellow.

(a) <P> (b) <P color=“yellow”>
<FONT color=“yellow”>
(c) <P> color=“yellow”</P> (d) None of these

10. <BR> tag is used for

(a) line break (b) paragraph
(c) bold text (d) heading

11. Identify the error in the following HTML code. Also, choose the correct code.
<BODY color=“yellow” background=“nature.jpg”>
(a) <BODY text=“yellow” background=“nature.jpg”>
(b) <BODY text=“yellow” image =“nature.jpg”>
(c) <BODY bgcolor=“yellow” image =“nature.jpg”>
(d) <BODY bgcolor=“yellow” background=“nature.jpg”>

12. Choose the HTML code to set the image ‘life.jpg’ stored in ‘pictures’ folder in F : as the
background of your web page.
(a) <BODY image =“F:\pictures\life.jpg”>
(b) <BODY background =“F:\pictures\life.jpg”>
(c) <BODY background =“F:\life.jpg”>
(d) <BODY Images =“F:\life.jpg”>

13. Identify the output of following code.

<OL start=“3” type =“a”>
<LI> Department
<LI> Management
<LI> Staff
(a) a. Department (b) c. Department
b. Management d. Management
c. Staff e. Staff

(c) c Department (d) C Department

d Management D Management
e Staff E Staff

14. Choose the correct code.

Mayur Vihar

(a) <DL> (b) <DT>
<DT> Delhi <DL> Delhi
<UL> Mayur Vihar <DD> Mayur Vihar
<DT> Maharashtra <DL> Maharashtra
<UL> Mumbai <DD> Mumbai
</DL> </DT>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 11

(c) <DL> (d) <UL>

<DT> Delhi <DT> Delhi
<DD> Mayur Vihar <DD> Mayur Vihar
<DT> Maharashtra <DT> Maharashtra
<DD> Mumbai <DD> Mumbai
</DL> </UL>

15. Identify the output.

<LI> Vegetables
<OL type=“1”>
<LI> Onion
<LI> Tomato
(a) ● Vegetables (b) Vegetables
1. Onion 1. Onion
2. Tomato 2. Tomato

(c) ● Vegetables (d) Vegetables

1 Onion 1 Onion
2 Tomato 2 Tomato

For Detailed Solutions
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (a)
6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a) Scan the code
11. (d) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (a)

2. Inserting Images and Forms

Direction (Q. Nos. 1-15) Each of the question has four options out of which only one is correct.
Select the correct option as your answer.
1. Correct code to insert an image in HTML document.
(a) <IMG href = “Environment.jpg”> (b) <IMG url = “Environment.jpg” >
(c) <IMG link = “Environment.jpg” > (d) <IMG src = “Environment.jpg” >

2. Which of the following is not an attribute of <IMG> tag?

(a) href (b) alt (c) src (d) align

3. Identify the type of URL of an image by given syntax.

<IMG src=“environment.jpg”>
(a) Absolute URL (b) Relative URL
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

4. To display (X+Y) 3 , correct HTML code is

(a) <SUB> (X+Y)3</SUB> (b) X+Y<SUP>3</SUP>
(c) (X+Y)<SUP>3</SUP> (d) <SUP> (X+Y)3</SUP>
12 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

5. HTML code to display an image “school.jpg” on the right side of the page.
(a) <IMG src=“school.jpg” alt=“right”>
(b) <IMG src=“school.jpg” alignment=“right”>
(c) <IMG src=“school.jpg” align=right>
(d) <IMG src=“school.jpg” align=“right”>

6. Identify the code to insert an image “hello.jpg” in a web page with alternate text
“Welcome” when image is not displayed.
(a) <IMG src=“hello.jpg” alt=“Welcome”>
(b) <IMG src=“hello.jpg”> alt=“Welcome”
(c) <IMG src=“hello.jpg”> Welcome
(d) <IMG src=“hello.jpg” alternate=“Welcome”>

7. Choose the correct output of the following code.

<INPUT type = “checkbox” name=“Java” value = “on”> Java <BR>
<INPUT type = “checkbox” name=“Python” value = “on”> Python
(a) Java Python (b) Java
(c) Java Python (d) Java

8. Which attribute of <INPUT> tag specifies the field name?

(a) label (b) value
(c) name (d) fieldname

9. Which tag is used to define options in a drop down selection of combobox?

(a) <SELECT> (b) <COMBO>

10. Tag to create textbox field in HTML document.

(a) <INPUT> (b) <TEXTBOX>
(c) <TEXT> (d) <TXTBOX>

11. HTML code to create two textbox with labels ‘Field’ and ‘Interest’.
(a) <INPUT type = “text” name = “field”/> <BR>
<INPUT type = “text” name = “interest”/>
(b) <INPUT type = “text”label = “field”/><BR>
<INPUT type = “text” label = “interest”/>
(c) Field : <INPUT type = “text” name = “field”/><BR>
Interest : <INPUT type = “text” name = “interest”/>
(d) None of the above

12. Which method attribute of <FORM> tag opens a new form as per the URL?
(a) GET (b) Form
(c) POST (d) SET

13. Web page with one image is actually

(a) one file (b) two files
(c) three files (d) depend on type of image
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 13

14. By default, an image has ……… border in HTML.

(a) no (b) one line
(c) two line (d) dotted

15. Which tag is used to display log 2 x in HTML document?

(a) <SUP> (b) <SUB>

For Detailed Solutions
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (d)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a) Scan the code
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b)

3. Cyber Ethics
Direction (Q. Nos. 1-15) Each of the question has four options out of which only one is correct.
Select the correct option as your answer.
1. Which of the following is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour?
(a) Netiquette (b) Internetiquette
(c) Etiquette (d) Ethics

2. ………… is the study of ethics pertaining to computers, covering user behaviour.

(a) Phishing (b) Piracy
(c) Cyber crime (d) Cyber ethics

3. Which of the following is a contract between the entity that created and supplied an
application, underlying source code?
(a) Software rules (b) Software license
(c) Software norms (d) None of these

4. When software is defined as being in the ………… , anyone is free to use and modify
the software without restrictions.
(a) public domain (b) proprietary
(c) commercial (d) closed

5. ……… is a collection of rights that automatically get to someone who creates an

original work of authorship like a literary work, song, movie or software.
(a) Patent (b) Trademark
(c) Copyrights (d) Digital rights

6. It is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that


(a) Patent (b) Trademark

(c) Copyrights (d) Digital rights

7. Which of the following protects the specific, unique name, logo and symbols
pertaining to your products or business brand?
(a) Patent (b) Trademark
(c) Copyrights (d) Digital rights
14 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

8. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her creation for a
certain period of time.
(a) IPR (b) FOI
(c) RTI (d) All of these

9. Which of the following can be defined as the right to access information held by public
(a) Freedom of Information (FOI) (b) Right to Information (RTI)
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

10. ………… , term that describes the uneven distribution of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) in society.
(a) Digital divide (b) Cyber crime (c) Cyber ethics (d) Digital rights

11. It means that data/information is not being received or modified by an unauthorised

person, over a network, from source to destination.
(a) Secure data transmission (b) Secure socket layer
(c) Intellectual property rights (d) Freedom of information

12. Riya has received an encrypted message and wants to convert this message into the
actual message (message before encryption). The technique she should use is called
(a) conversion (b) encryption
(c) decryption (d) None of these

13. This type of e-Commerce is when an individual sells their services or products to a
business organisation.
(a) C2B (b) B2B
(c) C2C (d) B2C

14. It is an intentionally deceptive action designed to provide the perpetrator with an

unlawful gain or to deny a right to a victim.
(a) Crime (b) Ethics
(c) Fraud (d) Etiquette

15. Which of the following is the act of copying another person’s work word-for-word?
(a) Paraphrased plagiarism (b) Direct plagiarism
(c) Accidental plagiarism (d) Mosaic plagiarism

For Detailed Solutions
1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (c)
6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (a) Scan the code
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (b)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Latest CBSE
Latest Sample Question Paper for Class X (Term I)
Issued by CBSE on 2 Sept, 2021

Computer Applications Class 10 (Term I)

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25 Time : 90 Minutes

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Which one of the following software comes under open source software category?
(a) Photoshop (b) MS-Paint
(c) Linux (d) Windows

2. HTML tag to draw horizontal line

(a) <HL> (b) <HR>
(c) <HLINE> (d) None of these

3. Secure data transmission means

(a) data is accessible by any unauthorised person during transmission
(b) data cannot be accessed by any unauthorised person during transmission
(c) transmission of data happens easily
(d) None can access it

4. The correct HTML code to display(P+Q) 2 is

(a) <SUB>(P+Q) 2</SUB>
(b) P+Q <SUP> 2 </SUP>
(c) ( P + Q)<SUP> 2 </SUP>
(d) <SUP> (P+Q) 2</SUP>

5. Which HTML tags cause browsers to render text as italics?

(a) <TEXT style = “italics”></TEXT> (b) <ITAL.></ITAL.>
(c) <I></I> (d) <B></B>
18 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

6. The correct HTML code for inserting an image is

(a) <IMG href= “image.gif”> (b) <IMG> image.gif</IMG>
(c) <IMAGE src = “image.gif”> (d) <IMG src = “image.gif” >

7. Which attribute is not valid for the <BODY> tag?

(a) background (b) color
(c) vlink (d) bgcolor

8. …………… attribute is used to specify the location of an image file.

(a) alt (b) src
(c) align (d) name

9. Which of the following is not an example of Intellectual Property Rights?

(a) Patent (b) Trademark
(c) Password (d) Industrial Design

10. The…………… attribute of <IMG> tag specifies an alternate text for an image, if the
image cannot be displayed due to any reason.
(a) alt (b) alternate
(c) tooltip (d) text

11. While creating a web document, which unit is used to express an image’s height and
(a) Centimetres (b) Pixels
(c) Dots per inch (d) Inches

12. Preeti needs to send a very confidential message to her colleague in office over a secure
channel. She uses a technique wherein an actual message (which is in readable form)
can be converted into an unreadable message. This concept is known as…………… .
(a) encryption (b) decryption
(c) plagiarism (d) data security

13. Which is the correct way to comment out something in HTML?

(a) Using ## and # (b) Using <!-- and -->
(c) Using </-- and -/-> (d) Using <!-- and -!>

14. The default alignment of images, that are inserted in web page, is

(a) left (b) right

(c) inline with text (d) middle

15. Which of the following techniques can be used for security of data?
(a) Authentication (b) Authorisation
(c) Encryption (d) All of these

16. Which of the following is not a cyber crime?

(a) Plagiarism (b) Phishing
(c) Using licensed software (d) Hacking

17. …………… is a software for which exclusive rights of modification in the source code
remain with the owner.
(a) Free and Open Source Software (b) Freeware Software
(c) Open Source Software (d) Proprietary Software
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

18. A …………… is the right given by the government to an inventor to protect his/ her
invention from being used/copied for a fixed period of time.
(a) copyright (b) intellectual property
(c) patent (d) trademark

19. Which of these is not an attribute of the FONT tag?

(a) color (b) face (c) type (d) size

20. The <……………> tag displays text in subscript form.

(a) SUB (b) SUP
(c) SUPS (d) SUBS

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Arun clicks on a link received in a message on his phone which promises him a
complimentary trip to a destination of his choice. He forwarded this message to his
friend, Panshul and asked him to do the same. But Panshul refuses and tells Arun that
his personal and private information, such as online account names, login information
and passwords can be stolen and he should be careful of such …………… attacks.
(a) phishing (b) spamming
(c) scamming (d) plagiarism

22. Consider the following HTML code:

<OL type=“i”>
Choose the correct output that would be shown upon execution of the above code ,
from the choices given below.
(a) I. First (b) i. First
II. Second ii. Second

III. Third iii. Third

IV. Fourth iv. Fourth

(c) I First (d) i First

II Second ii Second
III Third iii Third
IV Fourth iv Fourth

23. Charlene is an artist. She displays her artwork on the Internet using her website to
attract buyers. One day while browsing the Internet she discovers that another artist
has displayed her painting portraying it as his own. Which rights of Charlene was
(a) Digital Privacy Rights (b) Intellectual Property Rights
(c) Digital Property Rights (d) Intellectual Privacy Rights
20 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

24. Which of the following will result in the largest text size?
(a) <H3> (b) <H6>
(c) <H2> (d) <H4>

25. We can create a numbered list using the …………… tag.

(a) <UL> (b) <LIST> (c) <OL> (d) <DL>

26. Which of these is not an example of cyber bullying?

(a) Copying a classmate’s personal photo against his/her permission from his social media
account and sending it to other friends on their E-mails.
(b) Bullying a classmate in the school corridor.
(c) Threatening someone on whatsapp.
(d) Posting mean messages about someone on their social media.

27. Identify which of the following type of list will create a bulleted list?
(a) Unordered (b) Ordered
(c) Definition (d) Numbered

28. Which sequence of HTML tags is correct?


29. Pratham is excited to use a new software which is freely available to download but he
cannot modify or change the source code. Pratham is using
(a) freeware software (b) open source software
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

30. Priyanshu has written the following code snippet as part of an HTML program:
<B> Mystery Moon </B>
Predict the output of the above code.
(a) Mystery Moon (b) Mystery Moon
(c) Mystery Moon (d) Mystery Moon

31. Consider the following code:

<IMG src=“Computers.jpg” width=“ ________ ” height=“________”>

Fill in the blanks to set the image size to be 250 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall.
(a) 250, 400 (b)400, 250
(c) <250><400> (d) <400><250>

32. Tag (s) required to create description lists in HTML.

(a) <DL> (b) <DT>
(c) <DD> (d) All of these

33. Which of the following is not a reason for the digital divide in different demographic
(a) Cost of technology
(b) Lack of information
(c) Lack of access to high performance computers
(d) Lack of access to the disabled
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

34. One of the most popular method of encrypting data is ceaser cipher where original
data is replaced by a key character like if key is - 2 then ‘a’ will be replaced by ‘y’, ‘b’
is replaced by ‘z’, and so on.
If the key is 2 i.e. every letter is replaced by its next to next letter means the letter ‘A’ will be
replaced by ‘C’, the letter 'B' is replaced by ‘D’, and so on then what will be the replacement
of the word ‘CoMpUtEr’?
(a) Eqorwvgt (b) eQOrwVtG
(c) eqroWVTG (d) EqOrWvGt

35. Consider the following form control in a HTML form:

± Male
± Female
Now, choose the correct line of code for the above,
(a) <INPUT
type = “radio” name= “Gender” value= “male”>Male<BR>
type = “radio” name= “Gender” value= “female”>Female<BR>
(b) <INPUT
type = “radiobutton” name= “Gender” value= “male”>Male<BR>
type = “radiobutton” name= “Gender” value= “female”>Female<BR>
(c) <INPUT
type = “radio”, name= “Gender”>< value= “male”>Male
type = “radio”, name= “Gender”>< value= “female”>Female
(d) <INPUT
type = “radio” name= “Gender” value= “male”><BR>
type = “radio” name= “Gender” value= “female”><BR>

36. Gagandeep has written the following code to display an image in the background of
HTML document:
<BODY BgGround= “Animals.jpeg”>
But he is not getting the desired output. Help him to identify correct code.
(a) <BODY Bg= “Animals.jpeg”>
(b) <BODY BACK= “Animals.jpeg”>
(c) <BODY BGIMAGE= “Animals.jpeg”>
(d) <BODY BACKGROUND= “Animals.jpeg”>

37. Which of the following is a way to avoid plagiarism when using material from the
i. Citing
ii. Paraphrasing

iii. Referencing
iv. Embedding
Choose the correct option.
(a) Only i and ii (b) Only i
(c) Only i, ii and iii (d) Only ii and iv

38. Tag to create password field in HTML document.

(a) <PASSWORD> (b) <INPUT>
(c) <PWD> (d) <PWORD>

39. Which of the following tag is used to define options in a drop down selection list?
(a) <SELECT> (b) <LIST>
22 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

40. Which of the following is the correct way to create a list using the lowercase letters?
(a) <OL alpha = “a” > (b) <OL type = “a”>
(c) <OL letter = “a”> (d) None of these

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study-I
Geetika has recently created her social accounts. She is very excited as she waited so long to
go online. She has recently also got admission in a prestigious high school and does not
know many students.
When she logs into her social media a few days later, she finds that someone is posting
negative, demeaning comments on her social media profile. She is also getting repeated
mails from unknown people. Whenever she goes online, she is trolled by multiple
unknown people.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Geetika is a victim of

(a) eavesdropping (b) plagiarism
(c) phishing (d) cyber stalking

42. Which of the following is the most appropriate action she should take?
(a) She should stop going online and delete her social media accounts.
(b) She should not share this with anyone as she might face more of such kind of behaviour.
(c) She should file a complaint at the nearest police station.
(d) She should inform her parents and bring to the notice of school authorities.

43. After hearing her ordeal, the school decides to publish a set of moral principles that
determines the appropriate behaviour of students while using the Internet. The school
is referring to…………… .
(a) intellectual property rights
(b) internet privacy
(c) computer ethics

(d) cyber ethics

44. Geetika is advised by her best friend, Seerat to protect her personal information from
intentional or unintentional attacks by others. This is also known as …………… .
(a) digital right
(b) copyright
(c) data privacy
(d) intellectual property

45. The computer teacher of Geetika’s class decides to take an online session on the topic
Netiquettes, which generally includes
(a) safeguarding one’s passwords and sensitive online information
(b) logging out of social media accounts after the session
(c) not bullying or trolling anyone by disrespecting them or passing inappropriate remarks
(d) All of the above
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Case Study -II

Consider the following code created by Sumantha for a webpage:
<BODY bgcolor=“yellow”>
<H1> Our Country : India <__> #line 1
<IMG src=“india.jpg”>
<FONT color=“red” size=“5” ____=“Times New Roman”> #line 2
India is spread over a large geographical area. In terms of area, it is the
7<SUP>th</SUP> largest country while in terms of population,
it is the 2<SUP>nd</SUP> largest country in the world.
Some facts about India are as follows___</P> #line 3
<LI>Area :Approx 3.28 million sq. km ___ #line 4
<LI>North to South extension :Approx 3,200 km</LI>
<LI>East to West extension :Approx 2900 km</LI>
<__> #line 5
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.
46. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 1.
(a) \H1 (b) \H6
(c) /H6 (d) /H1

47. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 2.
(a) font (b) face
(c) type (d) text

48. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 3.
(a) </F> (b) <F>
(c) </FONT> (d) <FONT>

49. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 4.
(a) <I> (b) </LI>
(c) <\LI> (d) <\I>

50. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 5.
(a) UL (b) <\UL>
(c) <UL> (d) /UL

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (d) 42. (d) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (d)
24 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. Open source software is a software whose readable text so it can only be read by the
source code is available for modification or person who has the secret code or decryption
enhancement by anyone. e.g. Linux, Unix, key.
MySQL, etc. 13. <! - - .... - -> is a comment tag, that is used to
2. HTML tag to draw a horizontal line is <HR>. insert comments in the source code of the web
This horizontal line can be used to divide page. Comments are not displayed in the
information into sections. browser’s window.
3. Secure data transmission means data cannot 14. An image that is displayed in the same line of
be accessed by any unauthorised person the text is called an inline image. By default, an
during transmission. image, inserted using <IMG> tag, is placed
4. The correct code to display (P+Q) 2 is inline with text.
(P + Q) <SUP> 2 </SUP> 15. Techniques can be used for security of data as
authentication, authorisation and encryption.
<SUP> tag is used to represent superscript
text. Superscript text is elevated slightly 16. Cyber crime is a crime that involves a computer
above the baseline to appear above and a network. It may harm someone’s security
surrounding the text. and financial health.
5. <I> </I> tags cause browsers to render text as 17. Proprietary software is a software for which
italics. It is also a container tag and used for exclusive rights of modification in the source
text formatting. code remain with the owner.
6. <IMG> tag is used to insert an image in a web 18. A patent is the right given by the government to
page. src attribute of <IMG> tag takes URL of an inventor to protect his/her invention from
an image file as value which points to the being used/copied for a fixed period of time.
direct location of an image to be displayed. 19. <FONT> tag specifies the font face, font size and
7. <BODY> tag defines the document’s body. It font color of the text. Its attributes are size, face,
contains all the necessary contents of a HTML color. But type is not an attribute of the <FONT>
document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tag.
tables, lists etc. Its attributes are background, 20. <SUB> tag displays text in subscript form.
text, bgcolor, alink, link, vlink, topmargin and Subscript text is lowered slightly below the
leftmargin. color is not an attribute of baseline to appear below the surrounding text.
<BODY> tag.
21. He should be careful of such phishing attacks.
8. src attribute is used to specify the location of Phishing attacks are the practice of sending
an image file. fraudulent communications that appear to come
Syntax <IMG src=“image name”> from a reputable source.

9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) reserves all 22. Ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. Each list
the rights of the owner to the information to item starts with the <LI> tag. The list items are
decide, how much information is to be marked with numbers.
exchanged, shared or distributed. e.g. patent, The numbering of an HTML list can be changed
trademark, industrial design, copyright etc. to letters or roman numerals by the type
Password is not an example of IPR. attribute.
10. alt attribute of <IMG> tag is used to provide 23. The right of Charlene was infringed as
alternate text when an image on a web page Intellectual Property Right (IPR). IPR reserves
cannot be displayed. all the rights of the owner to the information to
decide, how much information is to be
11. width and height attributes of <IMG> tag tell
exchanged, shared or distributed.
the dimensions of an image to the browser.
Dimensions of image are in pixels or 24. There are six levels of headings in HTML,
percentage. ranging from <H1> to <H6>. <H1> defines the
largest heading level and <H6> defines the
12. This concept is known as encryption.
smallest heading level.
Encryption is the process that scrambles
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

So, from given options, <H2> will produce the • Citing

large text. • Paraphrasing
25. Ordered list or numbered list starts with the • Referencing
<OL> tag. By default, the numbering will be 1,
38. Tag to create password field in HTML
2, 3, …… . You can adjust the numbering
document is <INPUT>.
using type attribute.
Password provides a single line text input field
26. Cyber bullying is when someone uses
where the user can enter password.
technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or
target another person. From given options, all 39. <OPTION> tag is used to define options in a
are examples of cyber bullying except option drop down selection list.
(b). Bullying a classmate in a school corridor is Syntax <OPTION value = “value”>
not an example of cyber bullying. Text</OPTION>
27. Unordered list is an indented list with a bullet 40. Ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. The
symbol in front of each list item. numbering of an HTML list can be changed to
28. The correct HTML structure is letters or roman numerals by the type attribute.
type=“a” uses lowercase letters.
<HEAD> 41. Geetika is a victim of cyber stalking. Cyber
<TITLE></TITLE> stalking refers to the use of Internet and other
</HEAD> technologies to harass or stalk another person
<BODY> online. This online harassment which is an
extension of cyber bullying.
</HTML> 42. She should inform her parents and bring to the
notice of school authorities.
29. Pratham is using freeware. It is a software, i.e.
available for use at no monetary cost but 43. The school is referring to cyber ethics. Cyber
usually closed source. ethics refers to a code of safe and responsible
behaviour for the Internet Community.
30. <B> tag specifies the text into bold text. This
tag is used for text formatting. 44. This is also known as data privacy. Data
privacy is a part of the data protection area that
31. Complete code is
deals with the proper handling of data focusing
<IMG src=“ Computers.jpg” width=“250” on compliance with data protection
height =“400”>. regulations.
32. Definition list is a list of items, with a 45. Netiquette means respecting other user’s views
description of each item. Tags used in and displaying common etiquette when
definition lists are <DL>, <DT> and <DD>. posting your views to online discussion
33. Lack of access to high performance computers groups.
is not a reason for the digital divide in 46. /H1 is used to fill up the blank in line 1. <H1> is

different demographic regions. the heading tag. It is also a container tag which
34. The word CoMpUtEr is replaced with next to has closing tag </H1>.
next letter means EqOrWvGt. 47. face is attribute of <FONT> tag, which specifies
35. Radio button provides a radio button on the the type of font such as arial, Times new roman
form. Only one radio button of a group can be etc.
selected at one time. 48. <FONT> tag specifies the font face, font size
36. background attribute specifies a background and font color of the text. It is a container tag
image for a document. HTML supports that has closing tag </FONT>, which is used to
various graphics format such as .gif, .jpg etc. fill up the blank in line 3.
Syntax <BODY background=“URL”> 49. In line 4, <LI> tag is used to specify the list
37. Plagiarism is an act of copying another item. Its closing tag is </LI> which will be used
person’s idea, words or work and pretend that to fill up the blank in line 4.
they are our own. To avoid plagiarism when 50. <UL> tag specifies the unordered list whose
using material from the Internet, the way closing tag is </UL>. Closing tag must be
is/are required to fill up the blank in line 5.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. ......... is an exclusive right of the developer to protect their works.

(a) Patent (b) Trademark (c) Copyright (d) None of these

2. HTML is a
(a) package (b) software
(c) markup language (d) None of these

3. The …… refers to a code of safe and responsible behaviour for the Internet community.
(a) cyber law (b) cyber ethics
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

4. Which of the following is/are example(s) of open source software license?

(a) GPL (b) BSD
(c) MIT (d) All of these

5. Netiquette is short for

(a) Etiquette (b) Internet etiquette
(c) Social etiquette (d) None of these

6. Which of the following security protocol protects communication between client and
(a) SSL (b) SET
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
30 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

7. The …… in e-Commerce means the protection of privacy of the parties involved in

(a) fraud (b) privacy (c) security (d) None of these

8. ........ refers to a citizen right to access information is held by the state.

(a) Software license (b) Freedom of Information (FOI)
(c) Digital divide (d) None of these

9. Which attribute of <INPUT> tag is used to resize the field?

(a) type (b) name (c) value (d) size

10. ……… allows only a single selection at a time.

(a) Checkbox (b) Radio button (c) Text (d) None of these

11. When creating a web document, which unit is used to express an image’s height and
(a) Centimetres (b) Pixels (c) Dots per inch (d) Inches

12. Which tag is used to insert an image in web page?

(a) <A> (b) <TABLE> (c) <IMG> (d) <P>

13. To create a numbered list with A, B, ... use

(a) <OL type=“A”> (b) <OL start=“A”>
(c) <OL begin=“A”> (d) <OL starts=“a”>

14. To create a square bulleted list, use

(a) <UL type=“circle”> (b) <OL type=“square”>
(c) <UL type=“square”> (d) <UL start=“square”>

15. Which of the following HTML container tags do you apply to text for formatting the
text as a paragraph?
(a) <PARAGRAPH> ....... </PARAGRAPH> (b) <PARA> ....... </PARA>
(c) <P> …… </P> (d) None of these

16. Which section is used for text and tags that are shown directly on your web pages?
(a) Meta (b) Head (c) Body (d) Table

17. A web page normally consists of

(a) head and body (b) top and bottom
(c) body and font (d) body and title

18. Which of the following is the correct code of HTML page?

(a) <HTML> (b) <HTML>
<TITLE> Hello <HEAD>

</TITLE> <TITLE> Hello

(c) <HTML> (d) <HTML>
<BODY> Hello <HEAD> Hello
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 31

19. Container elements in HTML require

(a) starting tag (b) ending tag
(c) starting and ending tags (d) None of these
20. Making illegal copies of copyrighted software is called
(a) software piracy (b) browsing
(c) collaboration (d) electronic distribution

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. It is an act of copying another person’s idea, words or work and pretend that they are
our own. The intentions behind this could be malicious or it could be done accidently
like copying data from other’s computer without his/her permission and redistributing
further. What is it?
(a) Piracy (b) Plagiarism
(c) Hacking (d) Intellectual property rights
22. Consider the following HTML code :
<DD>An electronic machine
<DD>Brain of computer</DL>
Choose the correct output that would be shown upon execution of the above code.

(a) Computer (b) Computer

An electronic machine An electronic machine
Brain of computer Brain of computer

(c) Computer : An electronic machine (d) Computer CPU

CPU : Brain of computer An electronic Brain of
machine computer

23. Cheery is an Author who writes the book and her friend suggests that if you copy
someone else’s work in your task, word for word, then do not forget enclosing it in
quotes and also mention its source. Her friend is asking to Cherry to avoid ……… .
(a) intellectual property rights (b) plagiarism

(c) hacking (d) privacy

24. alt attribute allows
(a) addition of an alternate hyperlink
(b) addition of a border to image
(c) use of an alternate image in place of the specified image
(d) addition of alternate text about an image

25. Which tag is used to write the H 2O in HTML?

(a) <SUP> (b) <SUB> (c) <CHEM> (d) <HIGH>
32 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

26. To prevent hacking, which point is not to be used?

(a) Create complex passwords
(b) Don’t give your password to anyone
(c) Log out of accounts when you are done with them
(d) Don’t use offensive language

27. ……… value of type attribute displays a hollow circle for an unordered list.
(a) Circle (b) Disc
(c) Hollow circle (d) Semicircle

28. Observe the following code and find which line has an error.
<UL style = “square”>
<LI> Water Bottles
<LI> Lunch Box
<LI> Handkerchief
(a) <UL style= “square”> (b) <LI> Water Bottles
(c) <LI> Lunch Box (d) <LI> Handkerchief

29. Intellectual property rights protect the use of information and ideas that are of
(a) social value (b) moral value
(c) commercial value (d) ethical value

30. Consider the following code:

<IMG src = “images\school.jpg” alt = “…………”>
Fill the blank to set the image. In case the image cannot be found, it should display ‘Schools
in India’.
(a) Schools (b) Image not found
(c) Error (d) Schools in India

31. Which tag is used to get the desired result, if text is Hello World?
The output should be displayed as
Hello World
(a) <I> (b) <U>
(c) <B> (d) <H>

32. noshade is an attribute of which tag?

(a) <BR> (b) <HR>
(c) <TT> (d) <B>

33. Which of the following refers to attempt to gain information from undisclosed areas?

(a) Hacking (b) Knowledge

(c) Etiquette (d) Plagiarism

34. Rahul is working in MNC company. His friend told him about a term that it
encourages people to create new softwares as well as helps them to improve the
existing application. Identify that term.
(a) Hacking
(b) Plagiarism
(c) Intellectual property rights
(d) Netiquette
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 33

35. Consider the following form control in a HTML form:

First name :
Last name :

Now, choose the correct line of code for the above.

(a) <INPUT type=“text” name=“First_name:”/> <BR>
<INPUT type=“text” name=“Last_name:”/> <BR>
(b) First_name : <INPUT type=“text” name = “First_name”/><BR>
Last_name : <INPUT type = “text” name= “Last_name”/>
(c) First_name : <INPUT = “text” name= “First_name”/><BR>
Last_name : <INPUT = “text” name= “Last_name”/>
(d) First_name : <INPUT type = “First”/><BR>
Last_name : <INPUT type = “Last”/>

36. Aayan has written the following code to display an image in the background of HTML
<BODY BgGround = “Flowers.jpeg”>
But he is not getting the desired output. Help him in identifying correct code from the
(a) <BODY Bg = “Flowers.jpeg”>
(b) <BODY BACK = “Flowers.jpeg”>
(c) <BODY BGIMAGE = “Flowers.jpeg”>
(d) <BODY BACKGROUND = “Flowers.jpeg”>

37. Tag to create textbox field in HTML document

(a) <textbox> (b) <input> (c) <text> (d) <box>

38. The value for alt attribute is a text string of upto ……… characters.
(a) 256 (b) 1024 (c) 216 (d) 512

39. Which of the following tag is used to make the web browser ignore anything that the
tag contains?
(a) <Paragraph> (b) <! ---- .....----> (c) <Comment> (d) None of these

40. Trademark is the registered word or text /logo depicting the identity of a
(a) product (b) work (c) company (d) All of these

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study-I
Raman wants to buy some goods or books online. His friends told him about e-Commerce
that it is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet.
e-Commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer,
supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic
data interchange, inventory management systems and automated data collection
systems.There is no special software to install other than a web browser and many banks
do not charge for this service.
34 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

His friend also told about the types of e-Commerce in which different parties interact to
each other. These types are B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C, B2G, etc.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.
41. Which type of e-Commerce involves the electronically facilitated transactions between
(a) C2B (b) C2C (c) B2C (d) B2B

42. Which of the following is considered as a powerful tool to collect consumer’s private
(a) e-Commerce (b) e-Shopping (c) e-Learning (d) B2B

43. Many people think that e-Commerce is the same as

(a) e-Learning (b) e-Shopping (c) e-Trading (d) e-Business

44. e-Commerce was one of the ……… business types to become digitally available.
(a) first (b) second (c) third (d) fourth

45. Which of the following applies to any consumer that sells a product or service to a
business over the Internet?
(a) C2C (b) B2G (c) C2B (d) B2B

Case Study-II
Consider the following code created by Riya for a web page:
_____ #line 1
<BODY bgcolor=“aqua” text=“blue” link= “green” alink=“red” vlink=“red”>
<BASEFONT face= “News Gothic MT”>
<CENTER> <H1> REALLY HONEST </H1> <_____> #line 2
<H1 align=“right”> BOOK REVIEWS </H1>
<HR color=“blue” >
I read a lot of books about many different subjects, here is a list of books
that I have read recently
<UL type =“square”> <LI> <B> <U>
<FONT color=“green”>
“The Rainbow Returns” by E.Smith </FONT>____</B> #line 3

<LI><FONT face=“arial”color=“purple”>
“Seven steps to immeasurable wealth” by R.U. Needy. </FONT>
<LI> <I> <____color = “black”> “The Food_Lover’s Guide to Weight Loss”
#line 4
by L. Goode. </FONT> </I>
<LI> <U> <FONT____=“yellow”>“A Silly Person’s Guide to Seriousness”
by M. Nott.</FONT></U> #line 5
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 35

Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 1.
(a) </HEAD> (b) <HEAD>
(c) /HEAD (d) HEAD

47. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 2.
(a) /CEN (b) \CENTER
(c) /CENTER (d) \CEN

48. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 3.
(a) </LI> (b) </UL>
(c) </U> (d) <U>

49. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 4.
(a) FACE (b) FONT
(c) TEXT (d) STYLE

50. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in line 5.
(a) type (b) color
(c) face (d) style

Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 37

1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (b)

1. Copyright is an exclusive right of the 13. The given list uses the uppercase letter for each
developer to protect their works, which is item, so the correct syntax is
granted by law. <OL type=“A”>
2. HTML is a markup language, which is used to 14. Square bulleted list is the part of unordered list.
define the layout and attributes of WWW To create a square bulleted list, use
<UL type = “square”>
3. The word cyber ethics refers to a code of safe
15. <P> ........... </P> is a container tag, which is used
and responsible behaviour for the Internet
for formatting text as a paragraph.
16. Body section is used for text and tags that are
4. GPL (General Public License), BSD (Berkeley
shown directly on your web pages.
Source Distribution) license and MlT
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 17. From the given options, a web page normally
license are the examples of free and open consists of head and body.
source software license. This license is aimed 18. <TITLE> tag must close inside the <HEAD> and
at giving all users unlimited freedom to use, </HEAD> tags.
study and privately modify the software.
19. In HTML, container elements are required as
5. Netiquette is short for Internet etiquette. both starting and ending tags.
Etiquette is a code of polite behaviour in
society, while netiquette is a code of good 20. Software piracy refers for making illegal copies
behaviour on the Internet. of copyrighted software.
21. Plagiarism is an act of copying another person’s
6. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security
idea, words or work and pretend that they are
protocol protects communication between any
our own.
SSL enabled client and server software
running on a network. 22. HTML definition lists (<DL>) are indented list
without any bullet symbol or any number in
7. The privacy in e-Commerce means the front of each item.
protection of privacy of the parties involved in
trading through e-Commerce. 23. To avoid plagiarism, Cherry should follow
guideline that is given by her friend.
8. Freedom of Information (FOI) refers to a
24. alt attribute allows addition of alternate text
citizen’s right to access information that is
about an image.
held by the state.
25. <SUB> tag is used to write the H 2O in HTML.
9. size attribute of <INPUT> tag is used to resize

the field such as set the length of text box. The text which is lowered slightly below the
baseline to appear below the surrounding text
10. Checkboxes allow multiple selections at a time is known as subscript.
while radio button allows only a single
26. To prevent hacking, should use the points
selection at a time.
create complex passwords, don’t give your
11. Image’s height and width units are expressed password to anyone and log out of accounts
in pixels or in per cent form. when you are done with them.
12. <lMG> tag is used to insert an inline image in 27. Circle value of type attribute displays a hollow
a web page. This is a container tag. circle for an unordered list.
38 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

28. There should be type instead of style. So, correct 39. <! ---- ...---- > is a comment tag that is used to
line is <UL type =“square”> make the web browser ignore anything that
29. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) protect the use the tag contains.
of information and ideas that are of commercial 40. Trademark is the registered word or
value. IPR encourages people to create new text/logo depicting the identity of a product,
softwares as well as helps them to improve the work and company.
existing applications. 41. C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer) is a type of
30. alt attribute provides an alternate text to an e-Commerce that involves the electronically
image, in case of someone using a text only facilitated transactions between consumers,
browser or using a graphical browser with through third party.
images turned OFF. To fill the blank, ‘School in 42. e-Commerce (Electronic Commerce) is
India’ is used because it is given. considered as a powerful tool to collect
31. <B> tag specifies the text into bold text. So, this consumer’s private information.
tag is used to desired result. 43. Many people think that e-Commerce is the
32. noshade is an attribute of <HR> tag. When this same as e-Business, but as defined here it is
attribute is present, the rule is drawn with a solid only a subset.
blank line as a 2D effect instead of the default 3D 44. e-Commerce was one of the first business
effect, i.e. without shading. types to become digitally available, but the
33. Hacking refers to attempt to gain information Internet offers more than just buying and
from undisclosed areas. To prevent hacking, selling products and services.
make sure you are on an official website, when 45. C2B (Consumer-to-Business) applies to any
entering password. consumer that sells a product or service to a
34. His friend used the term intellectual property business over the Internet.
rights that encourages people to create new 46. </HEAD> is the correct option to fill up in
softwares as well as helps them to improve the line 1 because <HEAD> is a container tag
existing application. and it must be required its closing tag.
35. Textbox provides a single line text input field, 47. /CENTER is the correct option to fill up in
where the user can enter text. line 2. It is the closing tag of <CENTER>.
Textbox is created by <INPUT> tag.
48. </U> is the correct option to fill up in line 3.
36. background attribute of <BODY> tag is used to This tag is used to underline the text. It
set the image in the background. Flowers is the started after the <B> in this code, so it must
name of image and jpeg is the graphics format. be closed before </B>.
37. <INPUT> tag is used to create textbox field in 49. FONT is a tag that required to set the font
HTML document, where the user can enter text. style and type.
38. The value for alt attribute is a text string of upto 50. color is the correct option to fill up in line 5.
1024 characters. color is the attribute of FONT tag.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Tags and text that do not display directly on the web page are placed in
(a) body (b) table (c) head (d) title

2. …… is a license agreement that gives an organisation permission.

(a) Software (b) Software license
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

3. In which of the following fraud, fraudster using a stolen credit card?

(a) Merchant fraud (b) Identity theft
(c) Refund fraud (d) Friendly fraud

4. Which of the following is the part for e-Commerce?

(a) B2B (b) B2C (c) C2B (d) All of these

5. In a web page, you can place

(a) 2 levels of headings (b) 6 levels of headings
(c) 4 levels of headings (d) 7 levels of headings

6. The alternate text of an image can be displayed by using ……… attribute of the <IMG>
(a) src (b) alt (c) align (d) None of these
40 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

7. The use of size attribute of <INPUT> tag is

(a) sets the length of text box (b) sets the border of text box
(c) sets the thickness of text box (d) None of these

8. Which option provides a way for the user to securely enter a password?
(a) Text (b) Checkbox
(c) Password (d) All of these

9. …… provides a single line text input field.

(a) Password (b) Textbox
(c) Checkbox (d) None of these

10. The need of ..... arises mostly when sending E-mail.

(a) etiquette (b) netiquette
(c) plagiarism (d) None of these

11. The default alignment for paragraph is

(a) left (b) right
(c) center (d) justified

12. Intellectual property is a

(a) industrial property (b) copyright property
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

13. Freedom of Information is also called

(a) Right to Information (b) Human Rights
(c) Finance of Information (d) None of the above

14. To start a list using circles, use

(a) <UL type=“round”> (b) <OL start=“1”>
(c) <UL =“circle”> (d) <UL type=“circle”>

15. Which of the following is not a container element?

(a) P (b) B (c) OL (d) HR

16. ........ attribute is used to set the color of a link, while it is active.
(a) vlink (b) alink
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

17. Which attribute of <BODY> tag specifies the color of visited links in a HTML document?
(a) vlink (b) alink
(c) link (d) None of these

18. To create an HTML page, you need


(a) text editor (b) web browser

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

19. Plagiarism occurs due to lack of

(a) hacking (b) digital divide
(c) knowledge (d) None of these

20. The hallmark of ……… grants the use of one or more copies of software.
(a) proprietary software license (b) freeware software license
(c) shareware software license (d) open source software license
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 41

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. In this case, the fraudsters assume another person’s identity, creates credit cards in the
victim’s name and goes on a shopping.
(a) Merchant fraud (b) Refund fraud
(c) Fraud via identity fraud (d) Friendly fraud

22. Consider the following HTML code:

<UL type=“circle”>
<LI> New Delhi
<UL type = “circle”>
<LI> Islamabad
Choose the correct output that would be shown upon execution of the above code.
(a) 1. INDIA (b) INDIA

New Delhi New Delhi


Islamabad Islamabad

(c) 1. INDIA (d) 1. INDIA

● New Delhi New Delhi

● Islamabad Islamabad

23. Shreya told her friend Princy about a term that, “It is the study of ethics pertaining to
computers, encompassing user behaviour and what computers are programmed to and
how this affects individuals and society”. What is it?
(a) Cyber ethics (b) Plagiarism
(c) Netiquette (d) Hacking

24. Which of the following is an attribute of the <IMG> tag, which specifies the location of
the image?
(a) alt (b) src
(c) face (d) loc

25. ……… gives the ability to select only one item from the list.

(a) List box (b) Checkbox

(c) Text box (d) Combo box

26. Which of the following is not the factor which contribute to digital divide?
(a) Age (b) Gender
(c) Relevant content (d) Economic growth

27. Which tag is used to write (A +B)2 in HTML document?

(a) <SUB> (b) <SUP> (c) <High> (d) <Low>
42 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

28. Which sequence of HTML lists is correct?

(a) <HTML> <BODY> <OL> <LI> </LI> </OL></BODY> </HTML>
(b) <HTML> <OL> <BODY> <LI> </BODY> </OL></HTML>
(c) <HTML> <BODY> <OL> </OL> <LI> </LI>< /BODY> </HTML>
(d) None of the above

29. Rahul has some information and he wants that unauthorised person could not access
this information. Which term he should use for this?
(a) Integrity
(b) Availability
(c) Confidentiality
(d) Authenticity

30. Sohan has written the following code snippet as part of an HTML program.
<U> Honesty Policy </U>
Predict the output of above code.
(a) Honesty Policy (b) Honesty Policy
(c) Honesty Policy (d) Honesty Policy

31. An image to be displayed in a web page has to cover 25% of the browser window
horizontally and 50% vertically. The attribute ……… and ……… of the <IMG> tag
would be used for achieving this.
(a) height, width (b) width, height
(c) width, width (d) height, height

32. A visited link on a website is generally underlined and …… in color.

(a) blue (b) white
(c) purple (d) red

33. Which of the following is a proprietary software?

(a) Python (b) Microsoft Windows
(c) Linux (d) MySQL

34. Kavi is using social media a lot. His friend suggest him that don’t troll people in web
forums or website comments by repeatedly nagging or annoying them. This rule is
considered in which term?
(a) Piracy (b) Privacy
(c) Digital divide (d) Netiquette

35. Consider the following form control in a HTML document:

Python Java
Now choose the correct line of code for the above.

(a) <INPUT type=“checkbox” name =“python” value=“on”> Python

<INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“java” value=“on”> Java
(b) <INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“Python”>
<INPUT type = “checkbox” name= “Java”>
(c) <INPUT type=“check” name=“python” value=“on”> Python
<INPUT type=“check” name=“java” value=“on”> Java
(d) <INPUT checkbox=“python” value=“on”> Python
<INPUT checkbox=“java” value=“on”> Java
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 43

36. Jatin has written the following code to display an image in the background of HTML
<BODY BgGround=“Birds.jpeg”>
But he is not getting the desired output. Help him in identifying correct code from the
(a) <BODY Bg=“Birds.jpeg”> (b) <BODY BACK =“Birds.jpeg”>
(c) <BODY BGIMAGE=“Birds.jpeg”> (d) <BODY BACKGROUND=“Birds.jpeg”>

37. Which of the following was supported by Mastercard, Visa, Microsoft, Netscape, etc?
(a) SSL (b) SET (c) B2B (d) B2C

38. Tag to create checkbox field in HTML document

(a) <CHECKBOX> (b) <INPUT> (c) <CHECK> (d) <BOX>

39. To make an item selected by default, use the selected attribute in the
(a) <OPTION> tag (b) <SELECT> tag
(c) <INPUT> tag (d) <FORM> tag

40. Which of the following is correct way to create a list using the numbers?
(a) <ol type=number> (b) <OL type=“1”>
(c) <OL type=1> (d) <OL letter=1>

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.
Case Study-I
Intellectual property rights are a common type of legal IP protection for those who create.
These rights, however, have actually contributed enormously to the world, in particular
Many companies in a variety of industries rely on the enforcement of their patents,
trademarks and copyrights, while consumers can also be assured of quality when they
purchasing IP-backed products. The purpose of intellectual property rights is to encourage
new creations, including technology, artwork and inventions, that might increase economic
growth. Intellectual property rights increase the incentives for individuals to continue to
produce things that further create job opportunities and new technologies, while enabling
our world to improve and evolve even faster.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Which of the following encourages people to create new softwares as well as helps

them to improve the existing applications?

(a) IPR (b) Plagiarism
(c) Hacking (d) Piracy

42. Which of the following are the controls of intellectual property rights?
(a) Avoid joint ownership
(b) Get exact match domains
(c) Safeguard with strong access control
(d) All of the above
44 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

43. ……… can still be enforced, if others try to create simple material from the original
source material.
(a) Patent law (b) Trademark law
(c) Copyright law (d) All of these

44. IPR reserves all the rights of the owner to the ……… to decide.
(a) information (b) name (c) salary (d) work

45. Which term provides the assurity of good returns, people and businesses invest?
(a) Plagiarism (b) Copyright (c) Trademark (d) IPR

Case Study-II
Consider the following code create by Nidhi for a web page:
<TITLE>Taj Mahal____ #line 1
<BODY bgcolor=“pink”>
<IMG src=“taj.jpeg” height=“1OO”width=“150”>
<H1><U> The Taj Mahal</U> ____ #line 2
<P><_____color=“blue”size=“5”face=“Times New Roman”> #line 3
The Taj Mahal is a world famous white marble <BR> monument located on the
Yamuna river bank in _____ #line 4
the Indian historical city of Agra.
<FONT color=“green”>
_____ #line 5
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in the line 1.
(a) </BODY> (b) </HTML>
(c) </TITLE> (d) None of these

47. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in the line 2.
(a) <\H1> (b) </H1>

(c) </H6> (d) <\H6>

48. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in the line 3.
(a) FACE (b) FONT (c) CAPTION (d) BODY

49. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in the line 4.
(a) <HR> (b) <H1> (c) <BR> (d) <P>

50. Choose the correct option from the following to fill up in the line 5.
(a) </HEAD> (b) </TITLE> (c) </CAPTION> (d) </BODY>
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
46 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (d) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (d)

1. Information in <HEAD> tag is not displayed Because circular list starts with unordered list
directly on web page. It is used to identify the type circle.
matter (tags) used on a web page. 15. HR is an empty tag because it has no closing
2. Software license is a license agreement that tag, while P, B and OL are container elements.
gives an individual or organisation permission 16. alink attribute is used to set the color of link,
to use a software program. while it is active.
3. In refund fraud, fraudster using a stolen credit 17. vlink attribute of <BODY> tag specifies the
card makes an overpayment on purpose. color of visited links in a HTML document.
4. Business-to-Business (B2B), 18. To create an HTML page, you need text editor
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), and web browser. Because text editor is
Consumer-to-Business (C2B), required to write HTML code and web
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) and browser is needed to display the page.
Business-to-Government (B2G), are the main
types of e-Commerce. 19. Plagiarism occurs due to lack of knowledge. It
is an act of copying another person’s idea,
5. Web page provides six levels of headings, words or work and pretend that they are our
ranging from <H1> … </H1> to <H6> … </H6>. own.
6. alt attribute of the <IMG> tag is used to display 20. The hallmark of proprietary software license
the alternate text of an image. grants the use of one or more copies of
7. size attribute of <INPUT> tag is used to resize software.
the field such as set the length of text box. 21. In fraud via identity fraud case, the fraudsters
Syntax <INPUT size = “value”> assume another person’s identity, creates
8. <INPUT> element of type password provides a credit cards in the victim’s name and goes on a
way for the user to securely enter a password. shopping. This type of fraud is increasing
rapidly as the number and scope of data
9. Textbox provides a single line text input field, breaches increase.
where the user can enter text.
22. <OL> tag creates the ordered list, while <UL>
10. The need of netiquette arises mostly when tag creates the unordered list. <LI> tag is used
sending or distributing E-mail posting on to define the list item. Circle is a type of
usenet groups or chatting. unordered list.
11. The align attribute of <P> tag (for paragraph) 23. Shreya told her friend Princy about a term
provides various alignments like left, right, cyber ethics. Cyber ethics is the study of ethics
center and justify. But by default, its alignment pertaining to computers, encompassing user

is left. behaviour and what computers are

12. Intellectual property are of two types: programmed to and how this affects
(i) Industrial property individuals and society.
(ii) Copyright property 24. src is an attribute of the <IMG> tag, which
13. Freedom of Information (FOI) is also called specifies the location of the image to be
Right to Information refers to a citizen’s rights displayed.
to access information that is held by the state. 25. Combo box gives the ability to select only one
14. To start a list using circles, use item from the list. It occupies less space but
shows only one value for visibility.
<UL type=“circle”>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 47

26. Digital divide is a term that describes the initially by Mastercard, Visa, Microsoft,
uneven distribution of ICT. Economic growth is Netscape and others.
not the factor which contribute to digital divide. 38. <INPUT> element of type “checkbox”
27. <SUP> tag defines superscript text, which provides a way for the user to choose more
appears half a character above the normal line than one items from the list.
and is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. 39. To make an item selected by default, use the
To write (A + B)2 , <SUP> is used as selected attribute in the <OPTION> tag.
(A + B) <SUP>2 </SUP> 40. <OL> tag is used to define the ordered or
numbered list in HTML document. type
28. <OL> tag is the ordered list. Each list item starts
attribute of <OL> tag defines the type of
with the <LI>tag. The list items are marked with
ordered list.
numbers. <HTML> show that, it is HTML
document and all code is written in <BODY> To create a list using the numbers, the correct
tag. code is
29. He should use confidentiality. In <OL type=“1”>
confidentiality, information should not be 41. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) encourages
accessible to an unauthorised person. It should people to create new softwares as well as
not be intercepted during the transmission. helps them to improve the existing
30. <U> tag is used to underline the text. It is also a applications.
container element. 42. Avoid joint ownership, get exact match
31. The attributes height and width of the <IMG> domains and safeguard with strong access
tag would be used for horizontally and control are the controls of intellectual
vertically. property rights.

32. vlink attribute specifies the color of a visited 43. Copyright law can still be enforced, if others
link in a document. The default color of vlink is try to create simple material from the original
purple. source material.

33. Proprietary software is a software that legally 44. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) reserves all
remains the property of the organisation, group the rights of the owner to the information to
or individual who created it. Microsoft decide, how much information is to be
Windows is a proprietary software. exchanged, shared or distributed. The owner
can decide the price for doing so.
34. Netiquette means respecting other user’s views
and displaying common etiquette, when 45. IPR provides the assurity of good returns
posting your views to online discussion groups. people and businesses invest in the national
35. type=“checkbox” in <INPUT> tag provides a
checkbox on the form. With checkboxes, we can 46. </TITLE> is the correct option to fill up in line
give the users a list of items to choose from. 1. It must be closed before </HEAD>.

36. To display the image in the background of 47. </H1> is the correct option to fill up in line
HTML document, BACKGROUND attribute is 2.</H1> is the closing tag of <H1>.
used which take image’s name with its format 48. FONT is the correct option to fill up in line 3.
as value. This tag is used to define the font type, face
So, the correct code is and color.
49. <BR> is the correct option to fill up in line 4.

<BODY BACKGROUND=“Birds.jpeg”>
This tag is used to break the line.
37. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) is a system
for ensuring the security of financial 50. </BODY> is the correct option to fill up in line
transactions on the Internet. It was supported 5. This tag is closed before </HTML>.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Which of the following will produce a solid circle bullet when given as value of type
with <UL>?
(a) Circle (b) Disc (c) Square (d) Rectangle

2. The tags used for specifying the style in HTML are

(i) <B> (ii) <I> (iii) <M> (iv) <L>
Choose the correct one.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iii)

3. Which of the following is not HTML list?

(a) Ordered (b) Unordered
(c) Definition (d) Detailed

4. Which of the following is a system for ensuring the security of financial transactions
on the Internet?
(a) SSL (b) SET
(c) URL (d) FOI

5. Example(s) of HTML editor is/are

(a) Notepad (b) Dreamweaver
(c) Microsoft frontpage (d) All of these
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 49

6. Which of the following term is used when information should be available wherever
required within time limit?
(a) Authenticity (b) Integrity
(c) Availability (d) Confidentiality

7. To start a list with number 3, we should write

(a) <OL start=“3”> (b) <OL type=“3”>
(c) <OL value=“3”> (d) All of these

8. Which of the following tag specifies an input field?

(a) <INPUT> (b) <OUTPUT>
(c) <HEAD> (d) <TITLE>

9. Which type of fraud method also exists in wholesale?

(a) Merchant fraud (b) Refund fraud
(c) Friendly fraud (d) Fraud via identity theft

10. Which of the following will give smallest size of the text?
(a) <H3> (b) <H6>
(c) <H2> (d) <H4>

11. The correct HTML code for inserting an image is

(a) <IMG href=“image.gif”> (b) <IMG> image.gif</gif>
(c) <IMG src = “image.gif”> (d) <IMAGE src = “image.gif”>

12. This technology firm is much easier and affordable to create a privacy policy.
(a) CPA Web Trust (b) BBB Online
(c) (d) TRUSTe

13. This following rights is provided by which act?

“The right to be given reasons for decisions taken by government that affect them”
(a) SSL Act (b) IT Act
(c) RTI Act (d) FOI Act

14. HTML tags are

(a) in uppercase (b) case sensitive
(c) in lowercase (d) not case sensitive

15. Why should you specify a background color, if you are using an image for the actual
background of your page?
(a) So the text shows up better
(b) The background color will be shown until the image loads
(c) In case the image does not fit right

(d) None of the above

16. The open source movement is branched from the free software movement which began
in the late
(a) 90’s (b) 80’s
(c) 70’s (d) 60’s
17. Which program do you need to write HTML code?
(a) Spreadsheet (b) Access
(c) Notepad (d) None of these
50 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

18. Selling of a software illegally for temporary use as on rent basis is called
(a) renting (b) softlifting
(c) downloading (d) counterfeiting

19. The crime like ………, have/has increased leaps and bounds.
(a) abduction (b) fraud
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

20. Which type of tags are used by HTML?

(a) Tags only for image (b) User defined tags
(c) Tags only for linking (d) Fixed tags defined by the language

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Surbhi is a student of Class Xth and her elder sister is teaching to her about a term. She
told to Surbhi that to prevent this term, make sure you are on an official website when
entering password. What term is she talking about?
(a) Piracy (b) Hacking (c) Privacy (d) Plagiarism

22. Consider the following HTML code:

<OL start = “4” type = “1”>
<LI> Taj Mahal </LI>
<LI> Qutubminar </LI>
<LI>Lalkila </LI>
Choose the correct output that would be shown upon execution of the above code,
from the choices given below.
(a) 4. Taj Mahal (b) 4 Taj Mahal (c) 1. Taj Mahal (d) 1 Taj Mahal
5. Qutubminar 5 Qutubminar 2. Qutubminar 2 Qutubminar
6. Lalkila 6 Lalkila 3. Lalkila 3 Lalkila

23. John is an executive in e-Commerce company. He is writing some content about types
of e-Commerce, in which he wrote, the sale of the shoes from the shoemaker to the
retailer would be considered as ……… transaction.
(a) C2B (b) B2C (c) B2B (d) C2C

24. The tag that requires an opening as well as closing tag is called
(a) empty tag (b) container tag (c) ordered tag (d) unordered tag

25. Which attribute is used to change the beginning value of an ordered list?
(a) type (b) begin
(c) start (d) first

26. Which of the following URL is a full path to an image?

(a) Absolute (b) Relative
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

27. ……… is intended to increase transparency.

(a) FOI (b) FOIA (c) GPL (d) GNU
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 51

28. Which of the following protects the communication link between the merchants and
(a) SET (b) SSL (c) BBB (d) B2C

29. ......... specifies the language of an element content and attribute values.
(a) dir (b) strong (c) lang (d) link

30. Sheetal has written the following code:

<OL type = “i”>
<LI> Rose </LI>
Predict the output of above code.
(a) i Rose (b) i. Rose (c) I. Rose (d) I Rose

31. Consider the following code:

<IMG src = “………” alt = “ ”>
Fill in the blanks to set the image whose name is “color. jpg”, if image does not display
then “Hello colors” will be display.
(a) Hello colors, color. jpg (b) color.jpg, Hello colors
(c) <color.jpg>, <Hello colors> (d) <Hello colors>, <color.jpg>

32. Tag(s) required to create list box in HTML.

(a) <LIST> (b) <LISTBOX>
(c) <SELECT> (d) <OPTION>

33. The term ……… refers to something that can be modified and shared as its designed is
publicly accessible.
(a) proprietary source (b) freeware source
(c) open source (d) None of these

34. “Avoid replying to negative comments with more negative comments” is include under
(a) netiquette (b) hacking (c) plagiarism (d) privacy

35. Consider the following control in an HTML form:

Password :
Now, choose the correct line of code for the above.
(a) <INPUT type = “password” name=“Password” value=“Pass”/>
(b) Password : <INPUT type =“password” name=“Password” value=“Pass”/>
(c) Password : <INPUT type=“password” value =“Pass”/>
(d) Password : <INPUT name= “Password” value=“Pass”/>

36. Manan has written the code to insert an image named “globe.jpg” in the background of
a web page.
<BODY image=“globe.jpg”>
But he is not getting desired output. Help him to identify the correct code.
(a) <BODY bg=“globe. jpg”> (b) <BODY back=“globe.jpg”>
(c) <BODY background=“globe.jpg”> (d) <BODY bgImage=“globe.jpg”>

37. It applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other over the Internet.
(a) B2B (b) B2C (c) C2B (d) C2C
52 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

38. Observe the following code:

<IMG src=“D:\Books\images\colors.jpg”>
Identify the type of URL of an image.
(a) Relative (b) Absolute (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

39. Which attribute of <INPUT> tag specifies the value of an <INPUT> tag?
(a) val (b) value (c) type (d) label

40. Which value of size attribute to display the list is drop down menu?
(a) 0 (b) -1 (c) 1 (d) None of these

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study-I
Suresh is a cyber expert. He told his friend that, if you are using social media then you
should follow some rules for good netiquettes. His friend does not know about the term
netiquette then Suresh told him.
Netiquette, abbreviation of Internet etiquette or network etiquette, guidelines for courteous
communication in the online environment. It includes proper manners for sending E-mail,
conversing online and so on. Much like traditional etiquette, which provides rules of
conduct in social situations, the purpose of netiquette is to help construct and maintain a
pleasant, comfortable and efficient environment for online communication as well as to
avoid placing strain on the system and generating conflict among users.
Netiquette includes rules that provide guidance for appropriate social interaction and
technical performance online.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Netiquette is short for

(a) Etiquette (b) Internet etiquette
(c) Network etiquette (d) None of these

42. Important rule of netiquette is

(a) never flame a friend (b) smiley in every message
(c) remember human (d) None of these

43. Which of the following is a code of good behaviour on the Internet?

(a) Etiquette (b) Netiquette
(c) Manners (d) All of these

44. Is it correct to reply to negative comments with more negative comments?

(a) True (b) False
(c) Sometimes (d) Depend on comments

45. Which of the following is not a rule of good netiquette?

(a) Do not use offensive language
(b) Never spam others
(c) Trust other when you are new on social media
(d) Respect other’s privacy
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 53

Case Study-II
Observe the following code:
<TITLE>Really ____ #Statement 1
<BODY bgcolor=“aqua” text=“blue” link=“green” alink=“red” vlink=“red”>
<basefont _____ =“news gothic mt”> #Statement 2
<____ align=“right”>BOOK REVIEWS</H1> #Statement 3
<HR color=“blue”>
I read a lot of books of many different subjects, here is a list of books that I
have read recently
<UL type=“square”>
<LI><B><U><FONT color=“green”>“The Rainbow Returns” by E.Smith </FONT></U></B>
<LI><FONT face=“arial” color=“purple”>“Seven steps to immeasurable wealth”
by R.U. Needy.</FONT>
<LI><FONT ____ =“black”>“The Food_Lover’s Guide to Weight Loss” # Statement 4
by L.Goode.</FONT>
<LI><U><FONT color=“yellow”>“A Silly Persons Guide to Seriousness” by M.
Nott.</FONT></U> </UL>
_____ #Statement 5
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 1.

(a) <BODY> (b) </TITLE>
(c) </HTML> (d) </BODY>

47. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 2.

(a) style (b) type
(c) face (d) font

48. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 3.

(a) <H> (b) H1
(c) \H1 (d) </H1>

49. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 4.

(a) color (b) face
(c) style (d) type

50. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 5.

(a) <BODY> (b) </HEAD>
(c) </BODY> (d) </TITLE>
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 55

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (b) 45. (c) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (c)

1. A solid circle bullet use the type disc. 16. The open source movement is branched from
This is used in <UL> tag. the free software movement which began in
the late 80’s with the launching of the GNU
2. The tags used for specifying the style in HTML project by Richard Stallman.
are <B> and <I> because these two tags are text
formatting/styling tags. 17. From the given options, Notepad is useful
program to write HTML code.
3. Detailed list is not a type of HTML list.
18. Selling of software illegally for temporary use
4. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) is a system as on rent basis is called renting.
for ensuring the security of financial
transactions on the Internet. 19. The crime like abduction, fraud, etc., have
increased leaps and bounds.
5. Examples of HTML editor are Notepad,
Microsoft frontpage, Dreamweaver etc. 20. HTML provides predefined and fixed tags
defined by the language.
6. Availability is used when information should
be available wherever and whenever required 21. Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer
within time limit, specified. system or a private network inside a
computer. To prevent hacking make sure you
7. The correct syntax for start a list with number 3 are on an official website when entering
is <OL start = “3”>, where OL is ordered list. password.
8. The <INPUT> tag specifies an input field where 22. Ordered list starts with <OL> tag. start
the user can enter data. attribute is used to change the beginning value
9. Merchant fraud is a type of fraud method that of an ordered list.
also exists in wholesale. The numbering of an HTML list can be
10. From the given options, <H6> tag displays the changed to letters or roman numerals by the
smallest size of heading text. type attribute.
While <H1> tag displays the largest size of 23. B2B (Business-to-Business) applies to
heading text. businesses buying from and selling to each
11. <IMG src = “image.gif ”> other over the Internet. The sale of the shoes
from the shoemaker to the retailer would be
where, <IMG> is a tag and src is an attribute
considered a B2B transaction.
which specifies the source of an image.
24. The tag that requires an opening as well as
12. is a technology firm that much
closing tag is called container tag. These types
easier and affordable to create a privacy policy. of tags always wrap around the text or

13. FOI (Freedom of Information) Act provides graphics.

that every person has the following legal rights. e.g. <BODY>, <HEAD> etc.
“The right to be given reasons for decisions
taken by government that affect them”. 25. start attribute is used to change the beginning
value of an ordered list. Normally, the ordered
14. HTML tags are not case sensitive means we can list begins with 1.
write tags either in uppercase or lowercase.
26. Absolute URL is a full path to an image.
15. We have to use background color because if in For example,
any case image is not displayed then atleast
background color will be shown on that place. <IMG src = “E:\AIO IT
56 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

27. FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) is 37. B2B (Business-to-Business) applies to

intended to increase transparency.It does not businesses buying from and selling to each
provide access to all government documents. other over the Internet.
28. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protects the 38. An absolute URL is a full path to an image.
communication link between the merchants 39. value attribute specifies the value of an
and customers. The merchant is allowed to see <INPUT> tag. It is used to represent the default
the payment information. value of any type field.
29. lang specifies the language of an element 40. size attribute displays height of the list. If it is
content and attribute values. 1, the list is a drop down menu, otherwise it is
Syntax <HTML lang = “fr”> scrolled list.
30. Ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. Each list 41. Netiquette is short for Internet etiquette.
item starts with the <LI> tag. Etiquette is a code of polite behaviour in
The numbering of an HTML list can be society while netiquette is a code of good
changed to letters or roman numbers by the behaviour on the Internet.
type attribute. 42. Important rule of netiquette is remember
31. src attribute of image tag represents the name human.
of image and alt attribute represents the 43. Netiquette is a code of good behaviour on the
alternate text when image will not be display. Internet. This includes several aspects of the
So, complete code is, Internet such as E-mail, social media etc.

<IMG src=“color.jpg” alt = “Hello colors”> 44. Avoid replying to negative comments with
more negative comments.
32. A list box is a graphical control element that
allows the user to select one or more items 45. Do not trust other when you are new on social
from a list contained. <OPTION> tag is media.
required to create list box in HTML. 46. </TITLE> is the correct option to fill up the
33. The term open source refers to something that blank in Statement 1. It is a closing tag of
can be modified and shared as its designed is <TITLE> and must be closed before </HEAD>.
publicly accessible. 47. face is used in Statement 2 to fill up the blank.
34. Netiquette means respecting other user’s views It is an attribute of FONT and define the font
and displaying common etiquette when type.
posting your views to online discussion 48. H1 is the largest heading tag. It will be used in
groups. It includes avoid replying to negative Statement 3 to fill up the blank because its
comments with more negative comments. closing tag is already given at end of line.
35. Password provides a single line text input field 49. color is an attribute of FONT tag which will
where the user can enter password. define the color of text.
36. background attribute specifies a background 50. </BODY> is used to fill up in Statement 5. It is
image for a document. the closing tag of <BODY>, which already
Syntax <BODY background=“URL”> given and it must be closed before </HTML>.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Why is it important to specify width and height attributes in <IMG> tag?

(a) To ensure that image is not copied
(b) The image will not render without these
(c) To stop the image from loading
(d) Helps the browser to load the web page faster

2. …… on a web page allows a user to enter data.

(a) HTML form (b) Server
(c) Client (d) None of these

3. Which of the following is not a reason behind plagiarism?

(a) Fear of failure (b) Lack of enforcement
(c) Being lazy (d) Having enough knowledge

4. A feature of ……… licenses means that certain rights regarding the software are
reserved by the software publisher.
(a) proprietary software (b) open source
(c) freeware (d) shareware

5. Web browsers display images in ……… format(s).

(a) XBM (b) JPEG
(c) GIF (d) All of these
58 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

6. Which attribute is not supported by a <BODY> tag?

(a) bgcolor (b) size (c) text (d) link

7. What will happen, if the background image is smaller than the browser’s window?
(a) It will leave a blank space at the bottom of your page
(b) It will be repeated
(c) It will be stretched
(d) It will not be displayed

8. Which of the following appears with malicious intention and breaks into the owner’s
(a) Craker (b) Hacker (c) Copyrighter (d) Plagiarius

9. Which one of the following list type that will create a bulleted list?
(a) Unordered (b) Ordered (c) Definition (d) All of these

10. Criteria must be met to be considered as open source software by software

(a) Competition (b) Get exact match domain
(c) Source code must be included (d) Do not use offensive language

11. Heading tags in HTML are

(a) H1…H6 (b) H1…H5
(c) H1…H10 (d) H1…H8

12. Choose the correct HTML tag for the second largest heading.
(a) <H2> (b) <H4>
(c) <H6> (d) <H1>

13. Which of the following is the most successful online auction website?
(a) e-Bay (b) Amazon
(c) Flipkart (d) Myntra

14. Which describes as “Data should recorded in such a way that it can be audited for
integrity requirements”?
(a) Encryption (b) Audited
(c) Integrity (d) Auditability

15. To start a numbered list with regular numerals, use

(a) <OL type=“A”> (b) <OL type=“1”>
(c) <OL type=“I”> (d) <OL type=“U”>

16. In which type of fraud, the transaction was placed by a true customer and the
chargeback is initiated for something innocent?

(a) Refund fraud (b) Friendly fraud

(c) Merchant fraud (d) Fraud via identity theft

17. ……… is a privacy seal program for websites created by Invisible Hand Software.
(a) TRUSTe (b) BBB Online
(c) PrivacyBot (d) CPA WebTrust

18. Which of the following is a bold tag?

(a) <B> (b) <BR>
(c) <BOLD> (d) <BT>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 59

19. <IMG> tag is a/an

(a) container element (b) empty element
(c) closed element (d) None of these

20. An attribute of <INPUT> tag is required for the identification of form.

(a) value (b) size (c) name (d) type

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Arun is a student of Class 10th and he is preparing a presentation on e-Commerce.It

wrote a point about a term but forgot to mention the name of that term. Read the point
and identify their name.
It describes transactions between businesses.
(a) B2C (b) B2B (c) C2B (d) C2C

22. Consider the following HTML code:

<OL type=“a”>
<LI>Lily </LI>
Choose the correct output.
(a) A. Rose (b) a. Rose
B. Lotus b. Lotus
C. Lily c. Lily

(c) A Rose (d) a Rose

B Lotus b Lotus
C Lily c Lily

23. If a third party were to assume ownership, copy or sell someone’s previously
copywritten work, that would legally be considered. What right was infringed?
(a) Patent (b) Trademark
(c) Copyright (d) Plagiarism

24. What is the largest range of accepted value of size attribute?

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 8

25. <! ---- .... ---- > tag is used in HTML for
(a) comment line (b) break line
(c) horizontal line (d) underline

26. Which of the following is not an advantage of SSL?

(a) SSL provides security at the session layer.
(b) SSL is already built into commonly used web browsers.
(c) There is no need to install any additional software.
(d) SSL cannot provide assurance of non-repudiation without a third party server.
60 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

27. Identify which of the following type of style tag will create an italic text.
(a) <IT> (b) <IA>
(c) <I> (d) <ITALIC>

28. Which sequence is correct?

(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

29. Riya wants to learn some software skills for which she needs some softwares. But she
does not want to pay for this. Which type of software she should use?
(a) Open source software (b) Microsoft’s software
(c) Antivirus software (d) Proprietary software

30. This attribute specifies that a drop down list should not be enabled.
(a) notEnabled (b) disable
(c) disabled (d) None of these

31. Identify the correct code for the following:

CO 2
(a) <SUB> CO 2 </SUB> (b) CO <SUB>2 </SUB>
(c) <SUP> CO2 </SUP> (d) CO <SUP>2 </SUP>

32. Tag required to create paragraph in HTML is

(a) <Paragraph> (b) <P>
(c) <Para> (d) <PR>

33. Which of the following is not the factor, which contribute to digital divide?
(a) Relevant content (b) Age
(c) Economic growth (d) Gender

34. Which of the following applies to businesses buying from and selling to each other
over the Internet?
(a) B2C (b) B2B
(c) C2C (d) B2G

35. By default, …… item in the drop down list is selected.

(a) first (b) second
(c) third (d) fourth

36. If you put a <P> tag before <IMG> tag, a blank line will appear
(a) before the image (b) after the image

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

37. Intellectual property includes

(a) create invention (b) literary
(c) artistic work (d) All of these

38. Tag to create superscript text in HTML document is

(c) <SUP> (d) <SUPRT>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 61

39. Following code will display the text in

Hello <BR> world
(a) Same line (b) Different line with minimum 2 lines gap
(c) Next line (d) None of these

40. What is the output of following code?

<P align = “right”> Some text </P>
(a) Some text (b) Some text

(c) Some text (d) Some text

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.
Case Study-I
Naman wants to write his book on HTML, so he discussed this idea to his elder brother
Raman. Raman told him that during the writing of book please avoid plagiarism because it
is illegal.
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their
consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. All published
and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered
under this definition. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless or unintentional. Under the
regulations for examinations, intentional or reckless plagiarism is a disciplinary offence.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. What is the reason behind plagiarism?

(a) Being lazy (b) Fear of failure
(c) Competition (d) All of these

42. A latin word plagiarius, which means

(a) kidnapping (b) hacking
(c) cracking (d) None of these

43. Which of the following is an act of copying another person’s idea, words or work and
pretend that they are our own?
(a) Phishing (b) Plagiarism

(c) Intellectual (d) Copyright

44. The intention behind plagiarism could be

(a) malicious (b) plagiarius
(c) concern (d) None of these

45. The word plagiarism has emerged from

(a) malicious (b) plagiarius
(c) failure (d) None of these
62 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Case Study-II
Consider the following HTML code given below:
My first web page
______ # Statement 1
<BODY ______ = “red”> # Statement 2
<H1> Look at the image </H1> <BR>
<IMG ___=“D:\images.jpg” alt = “Rose Flower”> # Statement 3
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. What will be displayed in the title bar of the browser?

(a) My first web page (b) Look at the image
(c) Rose Flower (d) Image

47. What will be the alternate text if the image not displayed?
(a) My first web page (b) Look at the image
(c) Rose Flower (d) Image

48. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 1.

(a) </ BODY> (b) </ TITLE>
(c) <TITLE> (d) \TITLE

49. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 2.

(a) color (b) background
(c) colour (d) bgcolor

50. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 3.

(a) src (b) path
(c) abs (d) relv
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
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Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
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1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
64 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (c) 40. (a)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (b) 49. (d) 50. (a)

1. It is important to specify width and height 16. In case of friendly fraud, the transaction was
attributes in <IMG> tag to help the browser to placed by a true customer and the chargeback
load the web page faster. is initiated for something innocent like
2. HTML form on a web page allows a user to believing their package to be stolen or not
enter data. i.e. sent to a server for processing. recognising the merchant’s name on their
credit card statement.
3. Plagiarism is an act of copying another
person’s idea, words or work and pretend that 17. PrivacyBot is a privacy seal program for
they are our own. Not having enough websites created by InvisibleHand Software.
knowledge is a reason behind plagiarism. 18. <B> is a bold tag. It is a container element. This
4. A feature of proprietary software licenses tag is used for text formatting.
means that certain rights regarding the 19. <IMG> tag is an empty element, which means
software are reserved by the software it has no closing tag.
publisher. 20. name attribute of <INPUT> tag is required for
5. Web browser displays images in XBM, JPEG, the identification of form.
GIF, etc., format. Syntax <INPUT name=“field name”>
6. size is not an attribute of <BODY> tag. 21. B2B (Business-to-Business) describes
7. When the background image is smaller than transaction between businesses, such as a
the browser’s window, then it will be shown in business between a manufacturer and a
boxes in repeated pattern. wholesaler or between a wholesaler and a
8. A hacker appears with malicious intention and retailer.
breaks into the owner’s system and steals the 22. Ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. The
information illegally. numbering of an HTML list can be changed to
9. Unordered list provides various types of letters or roman numerals by the type
bullets like square, disc and circle. attribute.

10. Open source software refers to something that 23. Copyright is an exclusive right of the
can be modified and shared as its designed is developer or author, to protect their works
publicly accessible. Source code must be which is granted by law.
included to be considered as open source 24. size attribute specifies the size of the text. The
software. range of accepted values goes from 1 (smallest)
11. H1…H6 are headings tag in HTML. to 7 (largest).

12. <H2> tag provides the second largest heading 25. In HTML code, the comment line is declared as
in HTML. <! --- … --->. Comments are not displayed in
the browser’s window.
13. e-Bay is the most successful C2C
(Consumer-to-Consumer) online auction 26. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security
website. protocol protects communications between any
SSL enabled client and server software running
14. Auditability describes as, “Data should on a network.
recorded in such a way that it can be audited
for integrity requirements”. “SSL cannot provide assurance of
non-repudiation without a third party server”
15. Because regular numbering is the natural is not an advantage of SSL.
numbers starting from 1, 2, 3, ..., etc.
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 65

27. <I> is a style tag that is used to make the text in 39. <BR> tag is used to break line, so it will display
italic form. It is also used for text formatting. the text in next line.
28. <IMG> is an empty element, so its closing tag Output Hello
is an optional. So, both options (a) and (b) are world
40. align attribute specifies the alignment of the
29. She should use open source software whose text within a paragraph. right align will shift
source code is available for modification or the text to the right.
enhancement of anyone.
41. There are various reason behind plagiarism as
30. disabled attribute of <SELECT> tag specifies being lazy, fear of failure, competition, not
that a drop down list should be disabled. having enough knowledge, lack of
Syntax <SELECT disabled> enforcement, lack of management, lack of
management skills, etc.
31. <SUB> tag is used to display the sub-scripted
text. Sub-scripted text appears slightly below 42. The word plagiarism has emerged from a latin
the base line. word plagiarius which means kidnapping.
32. <P> tag is used to create paragraph in HTML. 43. Plagiarism is an act of copying another
It inserts a line break with extra space in the person’s idea, words or work and pretend that
beginning. they are our own.
33. Digital divide is a term that describes the 44. The intentions behind plagiarism could be
uneven distribution of ICT. There are various malicious or it could be done accidently like
factors which contribute to digital divide are copying data from other’s computer without
relevant content, age, lack of ICT skills and his permission.
support, gender and attitudinal factors. 45. The word plagiarism has emerged from the
34. B2B (Business-to-Business) applies to latin word plagiarius.
businesses buying from and selling to each 46. <TITLE> tag defines the title of the document.
other over the Internet. So, text within <TITLE> and </TITLE> will be
35. By default, first item in the drop down list is displayed in the title bar, i.e. My first web
selected. List box is a graphical control element page.
that allows the user to select one or more items 47. Rose Flower will be the alternate text, if the
from a list contained. image linked in this web page will not open.
36. If you put a <P> tag before <IMG> tag, a blank For this, alt attribute is used.
line will appear before and after the image. 48. </ TITLE> is used to fill up the blank in
e.g. <P> <IMG src = “image 1. jpg”> </P> Statement 1. It is a closing tag of <TITLE> and
must be closed before </HEAD>.
37. Intellectual property includes create invention,
literary and artistic work, design, symbols, 49. bgcolor is the correct option to fill up the blank
names and image used in commerce. in Statement 2. It is used to set the background
color of HTML document.
38. Tag to create superscript text in HTML
document is <SUP>. It displays the text slightly 50. src attribute is used to give source of an image.
above the base line. So, src is the correct option to fill up the blank
in Statement 3.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. HTML tags are enclosed in

(a) curly brackets (b) square brackets
(c) double quotes (d) angular brackets

2. Which is not a valid value in the align attribute of <IMG> tag?

(a) top (b) center
(c) bottom (d) right

3. Which of the following tag is used to create drop-down menus?

(a) <OPTION> (b) <SELECT>
(c) <INPUT> (d) <HEAD>

4. Where do you place the <TITLE> tag in a HTML?

(a) BODY (b) HEAD
(c) TITLE (d) FONT

5. Which of the following shows purchasing only one licensed copy of a software and
distributing and loading it onto multiple systems?
(a) Renting (b) Softlifting
(c) Patent (d) Loading

6. The demand for C2B e-Business will ………. over the next few years.
(a) increase (b) decrease
(c) constant (d) depend on situation
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 67

7. ………… is simply the violation of intellectual property rights and right to privacy.
(a) Hacking (b) Privacy (c) Plagiarism (d) Piracy

8. The text specified in the alt attribute is displayed as tooltip in

(a) Internet Explorer (b) Google Chrome
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

9. The default alignment of images, that are inserted in web page, is

(a) left (b) right (c) inline with text (d) middle

10. Which of the following is an exclusive right of the developer or author to protect their
(a) Copyright (b) Patent (c) Trademark (d) Renting

11. ……… attribute is used to specify the location of an image file.

(a) alt (b) src (c) align (d) name

12. M in HTML stands for

(a) Management (b) Markup
(c) Modified (d) Machine

13. SSL is already built into commonly used ………… .

(a) web servers (b) web browsers
(c) search engine (d) domain name

14. Who launched the open source movement?

(a) Herman Hollerith (b) Charles Babbage
(c) Richard Stallman (d) Guido Van

15. In an unordered list, it is necessary to enclose each item in

(a) <LI> tag (b) <UL> tag
(c) <I> tag (d) <OL> tag

16. Which options do you have while making bulleted lists?

(a) Disc, circle, square (b) Square, polygon
(c) Disc, circle, rectangle (d) Disc, oval, polygon

17. Which of the following option allows the user to select one or more items from a list?
(a) Combo box (b) List box
(c) Option element (d) None of these

18. Which of the following applies to any consumer that sells a product or service to a
business over the Internet?
(a) C2C (b) C2B

(c) B2B (d) B2G

19. With the ………, common people can ask questions regarding the work status of their
complaints to government.
(a) RTI Act (b) Info Act
(c) Human Act (d) Citizen Act

20. What is the closing tag of <TEXTAREA> tag?

68 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Ritu and Raman are students of Class 10th. They are learning about digital divide. Ritu
asked that what factor(s) that contribute to the digital divide but Raman is not able to
give answer to her question. Help them to find the factor(s).
(a) Age (b) Gender
(c) Relevant content (d) All of these

22. Consider the code:

<DT> Fromage
<DD> French word for cheese
<DT> Voiture
<DD> French word for car
Choose the correct output.
(a) Fromage (b) Fromage
French word for cheese French word for cheese
Voiture Voiture
French word for car French word for car

(c) Fromage (d) 1. Fromage

French word for cheese
● ●French word for cheese
Voiture 2. Voiture
● French word for car ● French word for car

23. Which of the following examines the impact that cyber technology has for social, legal
and moral systems?
(a) Plagiarism (b) Cyber ethics
(c) IPR (d) Netiquette

24. Abhinav has written a code to align the image in center in the browser’s window.
<IMG src = “image.jpg” align = “center”>
But he did not get desired result. Help him in identifying the correct code.
(a) <IMG src = “image.jpg” align = CENTER>
(b) <CENTER> <IMG src = “image.jpg”>

(c) <CENTER> <IMG src = “image.jpg”> </CENTER>

(d) None of the above

25. Which of the following is/are attribute(s) of <INPUT> tag?

(a) type (b) name
(c) value (d) All of these

26. It refers to the use of digital technology to cause harm to other people.
(a) Cyber bullying (b) Cyber crime
(c) Cyber security (d) Cyber hacking
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 69

27. Identify the correct code to set the font used for heading is “Arial”, size is 6 and color is
(a) <FONT type = “arial” color = “black” size = “6”>
(b) <FONT face = “arial” color = “black” size = “6”>
(c) <FONT family = “arial” color = “black” size = “6”>
(d) <FONT face = arial, color = black, size = 6>

28. Which of the following is the correct syntax for <OPTION> tag?
(a) <OPTION value = “value”> Text
(b) <OPTION value = value> Text </OPTION>
(c) <OPTION value = “value”> Text </OPTION>
(d) <OPTION> Text </OPTION>

29. It is an act of copying another person’s idea.

(a) IPR (b) Plagiarism (c) Piracy (d) Privacy

30. Following code has an error:

<BODY color = “red” background = “school.jpg”>
Identify the correct code.
(a) <BODY bgcolor = “red” background = “school.jpg”>
(b) <BODY bg = “red” background = “school.jpg”>
(c) <BODY backcolor = “red” background = “school.jpg”>
(d) <BODY bcolor = “red” background = “school.jpg”>

31. HTML can be used to insert image in format(s).

(a) GIF (b) XBM (c) JPG (d) All of these

32. Tag(s) required to set an image in HTML is

(a) <IMAGE> (b) <IMG>
(c) <I> (d) <IMGE>

33. To ensure merchant privacy, …… prevents the payment gateway from seeing the order
(a) SSL (b) SET
(c) BBB (d) FOI

34. Which type of fraud is done without malicious intent?

(a) Refund fraud (b) Merchant fraud
(c) Fraud via identity theft (d) Friendly fraud

35. See the below text and identify the tag is used for formatting in first line



(a) <Bold> (b) <STYLE>

(c) <B> (d) <U>

36. Tag(s) required for list item in ordered list.

(a) <OI> (b) <OL>
(c) <OLI> (d) <LI>
70 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

37. The need of …… arises mostly when sending or distributing E-mail posting on usenet
groups or chatting.
(a) plagiarism (b) bullying
(c) netiquette (d) stalking

38. Correct code to create a paragraph whose text color is blue.

(a) <P style = “color : blue”> </P>
(b) <P style = “color : blue”>
(c) <P color = “blue”>
(d) <P color = “blue”> </P>

39. Which of the following tag is used to define checkbox in HTML form?
(a) <SELECT> (b) <INPUT>

40. To change the font size of a single line on a web page, code is
(a) <FONT size = + 1> </FONT> (b) <FONT size = 0> </FONT>
(c) <FONT size = +1> (d) <FONT size = 0 >

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study - I
Consider the following code:
<TITLE>Experiment______</HEAD> # Statement 1
<BASEFONT face=“Times New Roman” ____=“4”> # Statement 2
<H2>Reaction of Magnesium with Hydrochloric Acid</H2>
<IMG _____= “reaction.jpg” alt= # Statement 3
“magnesium with hydrochloric acid” width=“500” height=“200”>
____The equation for the reaction is:</B><BR> # Statement 4
Magnesium + Hydrochloric Acid = Magnesium Chloride + Hydrogen <BR>
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl<SUB>2</SUB>(ag) + H<SUB>2 _____(g) # Statement 5

Based on the given code, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 1.
(a) \TITLE (b) /TITLE
(c) </TITLE> (d) <\TITLE>

42. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 2.

(a) size (b) type
(c) s (d) b
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 71

43. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 3.

(a) name (b) value
(c) src (d) source

44. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 4.

(a) <Bold> (b) <B>
(c) B (d) Bold

45. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in Statement 5.

(a) </SUB> (b) /SUB
(c) \SUB (d) <\SUB>

Case Study-II
The digital divide refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access
to modern information and communications technology and those that do not have
access. Though the term now encompasses the technical and financial ability to utilise
available technology-along with access (or lack of access) to the internet –– the gap it
refers to is constantly shifting with the development of technology.
Digital inequality is evident between communities living in urban areas and those
living in rural settlements; between socioeconomic groups; between less economically
developed countries and more economically developed countries; between the
educated and uneducated population.
Individuals with access to a broadband connection can be digitally split. There are
numerous types of the digital divide that influence our efforts in accessing the Internet.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 46 to 50.
46. Which of the following is the gap that exists between individuals who have access to
modern information and communication technology?
(a) Digital divide (b) Piracy
(c) Stalking (d) Phishing

47. What is/are barriers to the digital divide?

(a) High cost (b) Technology barrier
(c) Language barrier (d) All of these

48. Digital divide is a term that describes the uneven distribution of

(a) ICT (b) IT
(c) IPR (d) None of these

49. “Many people thought that new technology are harmful for young generation”, this
term refers to which factor of digital divide?

(a) Gender (b) Age

(c) Attitudinal (d) Relevant content

50. ……… appears in differences between developed, developing and emerging nations.
(a) Cyber bullying (b) Cyber ethics
(c) Digital divide (d) Cyber stalking
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 73

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (d) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (c) 29. (b) 30. (a)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (a) 49. (c) 50. (c)

1. HTML tags are enclosed within angular 16. Bulleted list provides various values like disc,
brackets (< and >). circle and square.
2. center is not a valid value in the align attribute 17. A list box is a graphical control element that
of <IMG> tag. To align in center, <CENTER> allows the user to select one or more items
tag can be used. from a list.
3. Use <SELECT> container tag to create 18. C2B (Consumer-to-Business) applies to any
drop-down menus. consumer that sells a product or service to a
4. <TITLE> tag is placed in the <HEAD> tag. business over the Internet.

5. Purchasing only one licensed copy of a 19. With the RTI (Right to Information) Act,
software and distributing and loading it onto common people can ask questions regarding
multiple systems is called softlifting. the work status of their complaints to
government. They have the right to know the
6. The demand for C2B e-Business will increase information which is related to them.
over the next few years due to customer’s
desire for greater convenience and lower 20. <TEXTAREA> is an opening tag and
price. </TEXTAREA> is its closing tag.
7. Software piracy means copying of data or 21. There are several factors that contribute to the
computer software without the owner’s digital divide as relevant content, age, gender,
permission. This is simply the violation of lack of ICT skills, support and attitudinal
intellectual property rights and right to factors.
privacy. 22. This list elements have a unique array of tags
8. The text specified in alt attribute is displayed or elements; the resulting lists are similar to
as tooltip in Internet Explorer only. those you would see in its dictionary.
9. An image which is inserted in web page by 23. Cyber ethics examines the impact that cyber
default placed inline with text. technology has for social, legal and moral
systems. It also evaluates the social policies
10. Copyright is an exclusive right of the
and laws that have been framed in reply to
developer or author to protect their work
issues generated by the development.
which is granted by law.
24. The reason for not getting the desired result is
11. src attribute is used to specify the location of
that CENTER is not a value of align attribute in
an image file.
<IMG> tag.
12. M in HTML stands for Markup. So, correct code is

13. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is already built into <CENTER><IMG src=“image.jpg”></CENTER>
commonly used web browsers and there is no
25. <INPUT> tag defines an object on the form
need to install any additional software.
which can receive user input. It has some
14. The open source movement is branched from attributes as type, name, value, size, height
the free software movement which began in and width.
the late 80's with the launching of GNU project
26. Cyber bullying refers to the use of digital
by Richard Stallman.
technology to cause harm to other people. This
15. Each item must be enclosed in <LI> tag either typically involves the use of the Internet, but
in ordered list or unordered list. may also take place through mobile phones.
74 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

27. face is an attribute of <FONT> tag that specifies 39. <INPUT> tag is used to define checkbox in
the font family for font. The values of HTML form. With checkboxes, we can give the
attributes are always given in double quotes. users a list of items to choose from.
28. <OPTION> tag is used to represent each choice 40. The font size of a single line can be changed by
of the select. It has some attributes as label, using the following HTML code.
selected and value. <FONT size = +1> This is HTML text </FONT>
29. Plagiarism is an act of copying another 41. </TITLE> is used to fill up the blank in
person’s idea, words or work and pretend that Statement 1. It must be closed before
they are our own. </HEAD>.
30. bgcolor is an attribute of <BODY> tag, which 42. size is used to fill up the blank in Statement 2.
defines the background color. Its value is always in numbers.
31. HTML can be used to insert image in formats 43. src is used to fill up the blank in Statement 3. It
as GIF (Graphics Interchange Format), XBM takes URL of the image file that you want to
(X Bitmap), JPG (Joint Photographic Experts insert in the web page.
Group) and PNG (Portable Network Graphics).
44. <B> is used to fill up the blank in Statement 4.
32. <IMG> tag is required to set an image in It specifies the text into bold.
HTML document. It is an empty tag that
45. </SUB> is used to fill up the blank in
means it is not required to use its closing tag.
Statement 5. It must be used because its
33. To ensure merchant privacy, SET (Secure opening tag is here.
Electronic Transaction) prevents the
46. The digital divide is the gap that exists
payment gateway from seeing the order
between individuals who have access to
modern information and communication
34. Friendly fraud is nearly identical to chargeback technology and those who lack access.
fraud, except that it is done without malicious
47. There are various barriers to the digital divide
as high cost, language barrier, technology
35. <B> is a bold tag that is used to set the barrier, Internet connectivity barrier, etc.
formatting as bold text.
48. Digital divide is a term that describes the
36. <LI> element is used to indicate a list item as uneven distribution of ICT (Information and
contained in an ordered list or an unordered Communication Technology).
49. Attitudinal factor derived from cultural and
37. The word netiquette is a combination of net behavioural attitudes towards technology.
and etiquette. The need of netiquette arises Many people thought that new technologies
mostly when sending or distributing E-mail are harmful for young generation.
posting on usenet groups or chatting.
50. Digital divide appears in differences between
38. <P> is a paragraph tag used to create a developed, developing and emerging nations
paragraph in HTML document. in terms of the availability of Internet.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Which character is used to represent the closing of a tag in HTML?

(a) \ (b) !
(c) / (d) .

2. Correct code to insert an image in HTML document.

(a) <IMG href = “house.jpg”> (b) <IMG url = “house.jpg”>
(c) <IMG link = “house.jpg”> (d) <IMG src = “house.jpg”>

3. HTML code to set the font type is arial.

(a) <FONT face = “arial”> (b) <FONT type = “arial”>
(c) <FONT style = “arial”> (d) <FONT family = “arial”>

4. Choose the correct option.

(a) Elements in HTML describes the way of presenting the content in the browser.
(b) All elements must have atleast one attribute associated with it.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
5. Choose the correct option.
(a) Use of method attribute determines by which method the data in the form will be
(b) Method can be POST or GET.
(c) Default method in HTML is GET.
(d) All of the above
76 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

6. Apart from <B> tag, what other tag makes text bold?
(a) <FAT> (b) <STRONG>
(c) <BLACK> (d) <EMP>

7. Which of the following is not an open source software?

(a) LibreOffice (b) Microsoft Office
(c) GNU image manipulation (d) MySQL

8. What protects the intellectual property created by artists?

(a) Copyrights (b) Patents
(c) Trademarks (d) Registered designs

9. Image link can show a text label, if you add property

(a) alt (b) str
(c) alternative (d) All of these

10. Gif and jpg are the two main types of what?
(a) Animated effects (b) Videos
(c) Images (d) None of these

11. Which tag can set the background color for web page?
(a) <BODY> (b) <FONT>
(c) <HEAD> (d) <TITLE>

12. Why should you add alternative text to your images?

(a) So the users can save the image using the text as a name
(b) So the users can get an idea of what the image is before
(c) In case the user wishes to load a different picture
(d) All of the above

13. Tags and text that do not show directly on the page are placed in ……… tag.
(a) <HEAD> (b) <BODY>
(c) <TITLE> (d) None of these

14. The user must agree to the …… terms and agreements, when they use an open source
(a) system (b) license
(c) community (d) programmer

15. Which of the following term means stealing of required information by seeking and
exploting weakness in a computer?
(a) Plagiarius (b) Hacking
(c) Cracking (d) License

16. Installing an illegal copy of software on the hard disk of a personal computer is called
(a) Softlifting (b) Renting
(c) Hard disk loading (d) Software counterfeiting

17. Which of the following provides the assurity of good returns, people and businesses
invest in the national economy?
(a) FOI (b) IPR
(c) Privacy (d) Ethical issues
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 77

18. B2C e-Business models include

(a) e-Ships (b) E-mails
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

19. Copyright defines

(a) an exclusive rights of the developer to protect their work
(b) special power of monopoly granted by the law
(c) the registered word depicting the identity of a product
(d) None of the above

20. To create a disc bulleted list, use

(a) <UL type = disc> (b) <UL type = “disc”>
(c) <OL type = “disc”> (d) <UL start = “disc”>

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Anjali is a student who is writing documentation. Her faculty suggest her that instead
of copying the language of the book as it is, try to put it in your own language. Anjali
can avoid ……, if she follows this instruction.
(a) hacking (b) stalking
(c) plagiarism (d) piracy

22. Correct code to set the font is in verdana, font size is 4 and color is brown.
(a) <FONT face = “verdana” color = “brown” size = “4”>
(b) <FONT family = “verdana” color = “brown” size = “4”>
(c) <FONT style = “verdana” color = “brown” size = “4”>
(d) <FONT text = “verdana” color = “brown” size = “4”>

23. For good netiquette, user should follow rule(s)

(a) Do not use offensive language. (b) Do not troll people in web forums.
(c) Do not trust other when you are new. (d) All of these

24. Which tag is used to write the O 2 in HTML?

(a) <SUP> (b) <SUB>
(c) <CHEM> (d) <HIGH>

25. Observe the code and find which line has an error.
<UL style = circle>
<LI> Mathematics
<LI> Science

<LI> Accountancy
(a) <UL style = circle> (b) <LI> Mathematics
(c) <LI> Science (d) <LI> Accountancy

26. Anuj is a student of Class 12th. His brother told Anuj about a point that ‘An
environment is provided for the innovative thoughts and technologies’.
Identify that term.
(a) Phishing (b) Plagiarism
(c) Ethical issues (d) Intellectual property rights
78 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

27. Which attribute of <HR> tag is drawn with a solid line without shading?
(a) noshade (b) align
(c) margin (d) color

28. Correct code to set the background color of the page is aqua and the text color is blue.
(a) <BODY bgcolor = “aqua” color = “blue”>
(b) <BODY bgcolor = “aqua” text = “blue”>
(c) <BODY background = “aqua” color = “blue”>
(d) <BODY background = “aqua” text= “blue”>

29. Which of the following requires that no one can discriminate against a group is not
sharing the edited code from already edited?
(a) Open source (b) Proprietary source
(c) Commercial source (d) End source

30. Ansh has written the following code as part of an HTML program:
<INPUT type = “radio” name = “subject” value = “computer” > Computer
Predict the output of the above code snippet.
(a) Computer (b) Computer
(c) Computer (d) Computer

31. Which tag is used to create drop down menus and scrolled lists?
(c) <SELECT> (d) <INPUT>

32. Tag(s) required to create combo box in HTML.

(a) <INPUT> (b) <COMBO>

33. Which of the following shows that information should not be altered during its
transmission over the network?
(a) Availability (b) Integrity (c) Authenticity (d) Encryption

34. Which of the following prevents merchants from seeing the customer payment
(a) SSL (b) SET (c) FOI (d) SDT

35. Consider the following code:

<IMG src = “Images\computer.jpg” alt = “…………”>
Fill in the blank to set the image, when alternative text is Computer Education.
(a) Computer (b) Image not found
(c) Images\comptuer (d) Computer Education

36. Which tag is used to get the desired result?

If text is Learn the computers

Output should be Learn the computers

(a) <B> (b) <I> (c) <U> (d) <H>

37. The open source movement was started to spread the concept of
(a) open source software (b) commercial software
(c) proprietary software (d) freeware software
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 79

38. <! ----- ……----- > is used for in HTML document.

(a) Heading (b) Comment (c) Superscript (d) Subscript

39. Glossary lists are denoted by the element

(a) <UL> (b) <OL>
(c) <MENU> (d) <DK>

40. Which of the following is an attribute of <P> tag?

(a) align (b) size
(c) color (d) All of these

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.
Case Study-I
A software license is a legally binding agreement made between the owner or
developer of a software program and the user, outlining how they can use and
distribute the product. The license is a text document designed to protect the
intellectual property of the software developer and to limit any claims against them
that may arise from its use. The EULA is a contract that establishes the rights of the
purchaser for installing and using the software.
Every EULA contains a clause that stipulates when its conditions are activated by an
end user. Failure to follow the terms and conditions of an open-source license can lead
to revealing trade secrets or even legal action from the project’s developers.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.
41. Which of the following provides end users with the right to one or more copies of the
(a) Piracy (b) Software license
(c) Copyright law (d) Trademark

42. What is the full form of FOSS?

(a) Free Open Source Software
(b) Freeware Open Source Software
(c) Free and Open Source Software
(d) Freedom and Open Source Software

43. Example(s) of permissive free software licenses is/are


(a) BSD license (b) MIT license

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

44. This software is available for modification.

(a) Open source (b) Commercial
(c) Proprietary (d) Shareware

45. Type(s) of software license is/are

(a) proprietary (b) FOSS
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
80 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Case Study - II
Consider the following code
<TITLE> My school </TITLE>
<BODY ____ = “black”> # line 1
<FONT face = “verdana” color = “maroon” size = “5”>
<B> ABC School _____ # line 2
<_____ size = “4” width = “75%” noshade> <BR> # line 3
<IMG src = “School.jpg” height = “150” width = “400” ____ = “right”>
# line 4
<FONT size = “4”>
<P align = “justify”> <B>
ABC is a Hightech School for the next generation kids, situated on the feet
of Shivalik in the city of Chandigarh which offers quality education on its
best. The school has a vast campus of 200 acres with state of the art
building and other facilities to provide excellent shape to the future of
your kids. The School is affiliated to CBSE board that offers education from
Pre-nursery to class XIIth </B> </P>.
______ # line 5
<LI> About Us </LI>
<LI> Meet the Stuff </LI>
<LI> Principal Notes </LI>
<LI> Facilities </LI>
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.
46. Choose the correct option to fill up in line 1.
(a) color (b) font
(c) text (d) background

47. Choose the correct option to fill up in line 2.

(a) <\B> (b) </B>

(c) \B (d) /B

48. Choose the correct option to fill up in line 3.

(a) H1 (b) U (c) BR (d) HR

49. Choose the correct option to fill up in line 4.

(a) style (b) align (c) size (d) margin

50. Choose the correct option to fill up in line 5.

(a) <UL> (b) <DL> (c) <OL> (d) <DT>
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
82 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (a) 26. (d) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (b) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (c)

1. The forward-slash(/) character is used to 14. The user must agree to the license terms and
indicate the closing of a tag in HTML. agreement in order to access an open source
2. <IMG> tag and the src attribute are used to software. There is a limitation of open source
display an image on the HTML document. software that the user cannot modify the terms
and conditions of any software.
3. face attribute of FONT tag is used to set the
type of font. 15. Hacking means stealing of required
information by seeking and exploting
4. Elements in HTML describes the way of weakness in a computer.
presenting the content in the browser is correct
statement. 16. Installing an illegal copy of software on the
hard disk of a personal computer is called hard
5. All three options are true with reference to the disk loading.
GET method in HTML.
17. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) provides the
6. <STRONG> tag is used to mark content having assurity of good returns, people and
strong importance on a webpage. It works just businesses invest in the national economy.
like the HTML bold tag style-wise, but it adds
additional meaning to the text inside this tag 18. B2C (Business-to-Consumer) describes the
which is considered as important by browser. activities of business serving and consumers
with products and services. Common B2C
7. Microsoft Office is not an open source software e-Business models include e-Ships and E-mails.
since its source code is not shared publicly.
Others like LibreOffice, MySQL are open 19. Copyright is an exclusive right of the
source softwares through which is distributed developer or author to protect their work
along with its source code. which is granted by law.

8. Copyrights protect the intellectual property 20. disc bullet list is the part of unordered list. To
created by artists. Copyright is an exclusive create a disc bullet list, we use
right of the developer or author, to protect <UL type = “disc”>
their works which is granted by law. 21. Plagiarism is an act of copying another
9. Image link can show a text label, if you add person’s idea, words or work and pretend they
property alt. alt provides an alternate text to an are our own.
image in case of someone using a text only 22. FONT tag specifies the font face, font size and
browser or using a graphical browser with font color of the text. This tag is generally used
images turned OFF. for changing the appearance of a short
10. HTML can be used to insert images in formats segment of text.
as GIF, JPG, XBM and PNG. 23. Netiquette means respecting other users views

11. <BODY> tag can set the background color for and displaying common etiquette when
web pge. posting your views to online discussion
Syntax Users should follow some rules as
<BODY bgcolor = “colorname”> ● Do not use offensive language.

12. It must to add alternative text to images so ● Do not troll people in web forums.

users can get an idea of what the image is ● Do not trust others when you are new.

24. <SUB> tag is used to write the O2 in HTML.
13. Tags and text that do not show directly on the The text which is lowered slightly below the
page are placed in <HEAD> tag.
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 83

baseline to appear below the surrounding text is 36. <U> tag is used to underline the text. To get
known as subscript. the desired output, correct code is
<SUB> is used to display subscript text. Learn the <U> computers </U>
25. There should be type instead of style. So, correct 37. Open source software movement is a
line is movement that supports the use of open
<UL type = “circle”> source licenses for some software. The open
26. Intellectual property rights (IPR) reserves all the source movement was started to spread the
rights of the owner to the information to decide, concept of open source software.
how much information is to be exchanged, 38. <! ---- ……… ----> is used to insert comments
shared or distributed. It has feature as an in the source code of the web page.
environment is provided for the innovative Comments are not displayed in the browser’s
thoughts and technologies. window.
27. When noshade boolean attribute is present, the 39. Glossary lists are denoted by the element
rule is drawn with a solid black line as a 2D <DK>, while regular lists are denoted by the
effect instead of the default 3D effect, i.e. elements <UL>, <OL>, <MENU> and <DIR>.
without shading.
40. <P> is paragraph tag that has only one
28. bgcolor attribute of <BODY> tag specifies the attribute, i.e. align.
background color of a document. text attribute
41. Software license provides end users with the
specifies the color of the text in a document.
right to one or more copies of the software,
29. The term open source requires that no one can without violating copyrights.
discriminate against a group is not sharing the
42. Full form of FOSS is Free and Open Source
edited code from already edited.
30. Radio button provides a radio button on the
43. Examples of permissive free software licenses
form. Only one radio button of a group can be
are the BSD license and the MIT license,
selected at one time.
which give unlimited permission to use,
31. Use the <SELECT> container tag to create drop study and privately modify the software and
down menus and scrolled lists. Between includes only minimal requirements on
<SELECT> and </SELECT> tags, you can only redistribution.
have <OPTION > tag and their text, which
44. Open source software is a software whose
define the items in the list.
source code is available for modification or
32. Tag required to create combo box in HTML is enhancement by anyone.
<OPTION>. Combo box is used to display a
45. Types of software license are proprietary
drop down list of some options from which one
software license and free and open source
can be selected.
software license.
33. Integrity shows that information should not be
46. text is an attribute that specifies the text’s
altered during its transmission over the
47. </B> is the closing tag of <B>, which is used to
34. SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) is a system
bold the text.
for ensuring the security of financial transactions
on the Internet. It prevents merchants from 48. HR tag is used to drawn a horizontal line. It
seeing the customer payment information. has some attributes like size, align, noshade,
35. alt attribute provides an alternate text to an

image, in case of someone using a text only 49. align attribute is used to specify the
browser or using a graphical browser with alignment of the image.
images turned OFF. To fill the blank, “Computer 50. <OL> is ordered list tag that specifies the
Education” is used. number list.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. It is the act of intruding into someone else’s computer or network.

(a) Hacking (b) Phishing
(c) Cracking (d) Stalking

2. Tag to show the superscript text

(a) <SUB> (b) <SUP> (c) <\SUP> (d) <\SUB>

3. Which of the following is a code of good behaviour on the Internet?

(a) Etiquette (b) Net manners
(c) Netiquette (d) Intellectual

4. The correct HTML code to display NO 2 is

(a) <SUB> NO2 </SUB> (b) <SUB>NO(2)</SUB>
(c) NO <SUB> 2 </SUB> (d) NO <SUP> 2 </SUP>

5. Which HTML tags cause browsers to render text as underline?

(a) <FONT text = underline > </FONT> (b) <U> .... </U>

6. HTML documents are saved with the extension

(a) .htm (b) .html
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 85

7. Which <HTML> tag adds a line break?

(a) <BR> (b) <BREAK> (c) <B> (d) <BL>

8. Attribute specifies the color of the horizontal line.

(a) hr (b) text (c) color (d) hcolor

9. Which type of e-Commerce describes activities of business serving and consumers with
products and services?
(a) B2B (b) C2C (c) C2B (d) B2C

10. Which attribute of <FORM> tag provides the URL of the program?
(a) name (b) method (c) action (d) post

11. Correct code to set background color of the page is yellow.

(a) <BODY bgcolor = “yellow”> (b) <BODY color = “yellow”>
(c) <BODY background = “yellow”> (d) <BODY bg = “yellow”>

12. Which of the following cannot provide assurance of non-repudiation without a third
party server?
(a) SET (b) SSL
(c) IPR (d) FOI

13. In HTML, tag is used for definition of list item.

(a) <DL> (b) <DD>
(c) <DT> (d) <DI>

14. ……… tag is used to insert inline images into paragraphs and headings.
(a) <IMG> (b) <IMAGE>
(c) <I> (d) <IM>

15. Plagiarism is an act of

(a) hacking someone’s computer (b) copying another person’s idea
(c) stealing someone’s laptop (d) moving someone’s data

16. It can still be enforced, if others try to create simple material from the original source
(a) IPR (b) Information law
(c) Copyright law (d) Trademark law

17. Example(s) of open source software is/are

(a) Linux (b) Unix
(c) MySQL (d) All of these

18. Which of the following is the back end of your website?


(a) Site hosting (b) Content management system

(c) Domain name (d) Social media pages

19. Which of these is not an attribute of <IMG> tag?

(a) href (b) src
(c) alt (d) align

20. ……… attribute takes URL of an image.

(a) alt (b) src
(c) align (d) href
86 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. “Today a large percentage of information content on the Internet is in English”, it is the
barrier to
(a) plagiarism (b) digital divide
(c) stalking (d) spamming

22. Consider the following HTML code:

<UL type = “circle”>
<LI> Computer
<LI> Science
Choose the correct output from the following.

(a) Computer (b) Computer

Science Science

(c) Computer (d) Computer

Science Science

23. Which term defines, “There should be a mechanism to authenticate a user before
giving him/her an access to the required information”.
(a) Availability (b) Authenticity
(c) Integrity (d) Auditability

24. HTML is a subset of

(a) SGMD (b) SGML
(c) SGMH (d) XM

25. The <BODY> tag is usually used after

(a) <HTML> tag (b) <TITLE> tag
(c) <HEAD> tag (d) <FONT> tag

26. How would you define cyberbullying?

(a) Cyberbullying is when you are being physically attacked repeatedly in school or in other
(b) Cyberbullying is when you get a single mean message on a social media platform.
(c) Cyberbullying is any bullying behaviour that takes place virtually and happens

(d) Cyberbullying is when you make new friends online who without knowing them in

27. Which program do you need to write HTML?

(a) A graphics program
(b) Adobe reader
(c) Notepad
(d) Excel
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 87

28. Which tag is used to change the font type of text?

(a) <BODY> (b) <TYPE> (c) <FONT> (d) <TEXT>

29. Which of the following is a fundamental human right that underpins freedom of
association, thought and expression?
(a) Privacy (b) Piracy
(c) Plagiarism (d) Stalking

30. To start a list at count of 4, use

(a) <OL begin=“4”> (b) <OL list=“4”>
(c) <OL start=“4”> (d) <OL Number=“4”>

31. Consider the following code :

<IMG src = “exam.jpg” alt=“Exam” width=“ ” height = “ ”>
Fill in the blank to set image size to be 100 pixels tall and 50 pixels wide.
(a) 50, 100 (b) 100, 50
(c) <50>, <100> (d) <100>, <50>

32. Tag(s) required to set the image in center.

(a) <C> (b) <CENTER>
(c) <CEN> (d) None of these

33. Which of the following encompasses the technical and financial ability to utilise
available technology, along with acess to the Internet?
(a) Plagiarism (b) Stalking
(c) Digital divide (d) FOI

34. Which of following is a software under copyright but available at no cost?

(a) Freeware software (b) Free software
(c) Closed software (d) Proprietary software

35. Consider the following form control in HTML :

Enter description …

Now, choose the correct line of code for above.

(a) <TEXTAREA rows=“5” cols=“50” name=“description”>
Enter description ...
(b) <TEXTAREA rows=“5” cols=“50”>Enter description ... </TEXTAREA>
(c) Description <TEXTAREA rows=“5” cols=“50”>Enter description ... </TEXTAREA>
(d) Description <BR/>

<TEXTAREA rows=“5” cols=“50” name=“description”> Enter description ...


36. Shrey has written the following code to display an image in background of HTML
<BODY background = nature.jpg>
But he is not getting the desired output. Help him to identify the correct code.
(a) <BODY bg=nature.jpg> (b) <BODY background=“nature.jpg”>
(c) <BODY image=nature.jpg> (d) <BODY image=“nature.jpg”>
88 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

37. Which of the following is/are example(s) of C2C platform?

(i) Online auctions
(ii) Classified advertisements
(iii) Royalty free photographs
Choose the correct option.
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii) (d) All of these

38. ……tag is used to create radio button in HTML document.

(a) <RADIO> (b) <INPUT>
(c) <OPTION> (d) <SELECT>

39. HTML tags are recognised by

(a) <!…> (b) <==>
(c) < > (d) [ ]

40. Which of the following is not a valid value for alignment?

(a) Left (b) Right
(c) Justify (d) Top

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study - I
_______ # line 1
<BODY ______=“yellow” link=“black” vlink=“green”> # line 2
<BASEFONT face=“center”>
<____ color=“maroon”>INDIAN RHINOCEROS</FONT></H1> # line 3
<IMG src=“rhinoceros.jpg” ______=“right” height=“100” width=“100”> # line 4
The Indian rhinoceros lives primarily in northern India and Nepal.These massive
beats have some noticeable physical differences from their African relatives.
Their segmented hide looks like a formidable coat of natural body armout.
It functions a bit like one also.Flexible skin between the thicker hide“plates”
allow them to shift as the rhincoceros moves.<BR><BR>
Other Endangered Animals:
Whooping Crane

White Rhino
_______ # line 5
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 89

Based on the given code, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 1.

(a) <HEAD> (b) <TITLE> (c) <HTML> (d) <START>

42. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 2.

(a) background (b) bgcolor (c) color (d) backcolor

43. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 3.


44. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 4.

(a) alignment (b) align
(c) indent (d) style

45. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 5.

(a) </UL> (b) </FONT>
(c) </TITLE> (d) </HEAD>

Case Study - II
Rahul is a student of Class 10th. He got an assignment in which one question is ‘what is the
next generation of Intellectual property rights?’ Rahul asked his elder brother for his help,
then Rahul’s brother told him about that term.
Digital property rights represent the next generation of intellectual property rights, which
puts them on the same playing field as patents, copyrights and trademark brands. Digital
rights are those human rights and legal rights that allow individuals to access, use, create
and publish digital media or to access and use computers, other electronic devices and
telecommunications networks.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. Which of the following includes data, Internet accounts and other rights in the digital
(a) Digital property (b) Intellectual property
(c) Digital document (d) None of these

47. ………… disputes arise when some form of counterfeiting or piracy occurs between
(a) Intellectual property rights (b) Digital property rights
(c) Human rights (d) Information rights

48. Intellectual property rights also can exist in ……… , such as pictures, musics, movies
and literary works.
(a) documents (b) information

(c) digital property (d) copyrights

49. Which of the following is/are digital property rights?

(a) Domain name (b) Site hosting
(c) Social media pages (d) All of these

50. As ……… , digital information exists inside the Internet realm.

(a) intellectual property (b) digital property
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
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Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
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1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 91

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (c) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (b) 37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (d)
41. (c) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (d) 50. (a)

1. Hacking is the act of intruding into someone 11. bgcolor attribute of <BODY> tag specifies the
else’s computer or network. To prevent background color of a document.
hacking, do not give your password to anyone 12. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) cannot provide
and log out of accounts when you are done assurance of non-repudiation without a third
with them. party server.
2. The text which is elevated slightly above the 13. In HTML, <DD> tag is used for definition of
baseline to appear above the surrounding text list item. DD stands for definition description.
is known as superscript. To show the
superscript text, use <SUP> tag. 14. <IMG> tag is used to insert inline images into
paragraphs and headings.
3. Netiquette is a code of good behaviour on the
Internet. This includes several aspects of the 15. Plagiarism is an act of copying another
Internet such as E-mail, social media, online person’s idea, words or work and pretend that
chat, web forums, website comments and other they are our own.
types of online communications. 16. Copyright law can still be enforced if others try
4. The text which is lowered slightly below the to create simple material from the original
baseline to appear below the surrounding text source material.
is known as subscript. To show the subscript 17. Open source software is a software whose
text, <SUB> tag is used. source code is available for modification or
5. <U> tag is used to underline the text. It is also a enhancement by anyone. Examples of
container element. open source software are Linux, Unix, MySQL
e.g. <U> Hello </U>
18. Content management system is the back end of
Output Hello your website. Check who has access to this
6. HTML is a page layout and hyperlink section of your website and make sure they do
specification language. HTML documents are not have unrestricted access to the site.
saved with the extension .htm or .html. 19. <IMG> tag is used to insert an image in HTML
7. <BR> tag is used to insert a line break which document. href is not an attribute of <IMG>
means the text/image following the tag will be tag.
moved to the next line. 20. src(source) attribute takes URL (Universal
8. color attribute of <HR> tag specifies the color Resource Locator) of an image file as value,
of horizontal line. which points to the direct location of an image
Syntax <HR color = “color_name”> to be displayed.

9. B2C (Business-to-Consumer) describes 21. The barrier to the digital divide is, that “Today
activities of business serving and consumers a large percentage of information content on
with products and services. An example of the Internet is in English”, which is a barrier
B2C transaction would be a person buying a for the people whose primary language is not
pair of shoes from a retailer. English.

10. action attribute of <FORM> tag provides the 22. <UL> tag define the unordered list. Each list
URL of the program (in the server) that item starts with the <LI> tag. type attribute is
receives the information from the form and used to change the bulleted symbol in a list.
processes it. 23. Authenticity defines the given definition.
92 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

24. HTML is a subset of SGML (Standard 37. Online auctions and classified advertisements
Generalised Markup Language). SGML are two examples of C2C (Consumer-to
provides a way to define markup languages -Consumer) platforms.
and sets the standard for their form. 38. <INPUT> tag is used to create radio button in
25. <BODY> tag specifies the all main content of HTML document.
HTML document. <BODY> tag is usually used 39. HTML is written in the form of tags. A tag or
after <HEAD> ...... </HEAD> tags. element refers to a string enclosed within
26. Cyberbullying is any bullying behaviour that angular brackets (< and >).
takes place virtually via many different devices 40. align attribute specifies the alignment of the
and platforms. text. Values of align are left/right/justify.
27. Notepad program is used to write HTML Top is not a valid value for alignment.
which saves a file with .htm or .html
41. <HTML> is used to fill up the blank in line 1
that acts as a container for all other HTML
28. <FONT> tag is used to set the font type, font elements.
size and font color. face attribute in <FONT>
42. bgcolor is used to fill up the blank in line 2 as it
tag defines the font type of text.
represents the background color of web page.
29. Privacy is a fundamental human right that
43. FONT is used to fill up the blank in line 3. It is
underpins freedom of association, thought and
a container tag whose closing tag </FONT> is
expression as well as freedom from
already given at end of line 3.
44. align is used to fill up the blank in line 4.
30. start attribute of <OL> is used to change the
beginning value of an ordered list. 45. </UL> is used to fill up the blank in line 5.
</UL> is closing tag of <UL>.
31. The width and height attributes tell the
dimensions of an image to the browser. If 46. Digital property includes data, Internet
height and width are set, the space required for accounts and other rights in the digital world,
image is reserved before loading the page. including contractual rights and intellectual
property rights.
32. To set the image in centre of document,
<CENTER> tag can be used. 47. Digital property rights disputes arise when
some form of counterfeiting or piracy occurs
Syntax <CENTER><IMG src=“URL”></CENTER>
between companies.
33. Digital divide encompasses the technical and
48. Intellectual property rights also can exist in
financial ability to utilise available technology,
digital property, such as pictures, musics,
along with access to the Internet.
movies, literary works, web pages, computer
34. Freeware is a software under copyright but code and other creative works.
available at no cost. A freeware application
49. Some digital property rights are domain name,
may or may not have its source code freely
content management system, site hosting,
social media pages etc.
35. Use the <TEXTAREA> container tag to create
50. As intellectual property, digital information
multiline scrollable, text entry boxes. Use the
exists inside the Internet realm. In effect,
rows and cols attributes to set the displayed
transactions and agreements between
height and width of the text area.
companies and consumers take place in a
36. background attribute is used to set the image virtual world as opposed to the “real-life”

in HTML document. Name of image always world standard laws were designed to protect.
should be in double quotes.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. In which term, information should be encrypted and decrypted only by an authorised

(a) Authenticity (b) Encryption
(c) Audiability (d) Integrity

2. Which attribute specifies the short description about image?

(a) src (b) align
(c) subject (d) alt

3. Which of the following uses different encryption and hashing techniques to secure
payments over Internet?
(a) SSL (b) BBB
(c) SET (d) IPR

4. Identify the tag to define (A + B) 3 is

(a) <SUB> (b) <SUP>

5. Which of the following is not a style tag?

(a) <B> (b) <U> (c) <I> (d) <H>

6. <DK> tag defines the

(a) glossary list (b) regular list (c) ordered list (d) unordered list
94 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

7. To start a list with number 5, we should

(a) <OL start = “5”> (b) <OL type =“5”>
(c) <OL value = “5”> (d) All of these

8. Correct code to set image used is from file Main.jpg.

(a) <IMG name = “Main.jpg”> (b) <IMAGE src=“Main.jpg”>
(c) <IMG src=“Main.jpg”> (d) <IMG> src=“Main.jpg”

9. Which of the following promises an audit of technology, security and business

(a) TRUSTe (b) BBB Online
(c) (d) CPA WebTrust

10. …… attribute specifies the width of an image border.

(a) width (b) size
(c) border (d) face

11. Which alignment of align attribute of <IMG> tag is different in both Internet Explorer
and Mozilla Firefox?
(a) Middle (b) Top
(c) Bottom (d) Left

12. ……… reserves all the rights of the owner to the information to decide, how much
information is to be exchanged.
(a) Plagiarism (b) Cyberbullying
(c) IPR (d) FOI

13. This tag is used to create drop down list.

(a) <SELECT> (b) <LIST>
(c) <COMBO> (d) <INPUT>

14. ……… defines an object on the form which can receive user input.
(a) <OBJECT> (b) <OUTPUT>
(c) <OPTION> (d) <INPUT>

15. Which type of hackers are also known as an unethical hacker?

(a) Black hat hackers (b) White hat hackers
(c) Grey hat hackers (d) None of these

16. It is the granting of a property right by a sovereign authority to an inventor.

(a) Copyright (b) Trademark
(c) Patent (d) All of these

17. Which of the following represents subsequent generations of property rights?


(a) DPR (b) IPR

(c) FOI (d) RTI

18. Which of the following occur when another company usually a competitor uses a
corporation trademark to reinforce its own image?
(a) Patent infringements
(b) Trademark infringements
(c) Copyright infringements
(d) None of the above
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 95

19. Identify the type of URL of an image by following example:

<IMG src=“F:\New Pattern\Term-I\nature.jpg”>
(a) Absolute URL (b) Relative URL
(c) Mixed URL (d) Inline URL

20. Which type of link is used for unvisited link?

(a) vlink (b) ulink (c) alink (d) link

Section B
This section consists 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Shrey is asking about a term to his younger sister that it is a crime that involves a
computer and a network. Which type of crime is mentioned here?
(a) Cyber crime (b) Network crime
(c) Security crime (d) IT crime

22. Find the output from the following options.

(a) Science (b) Science
• Physics Physics
Art Art
• History History

(c) Science (d) Science

Physics • Physics
Art Art
History • History

23. Which of the following is the use of Internet or other electronic means to stalk or
harass an individual, group or organisation?
(a) Bullying (b) Stalking
(c) Cyber stalking (d) Phishing

24. HTML code to set the paragraph in right alignment.


(a) <P> align=right</P> (b) <P align=right></P>

(c) <P align=“right”><\P> (d) <P align=“right”></P>

25. Which tag is used show below list?

● World
● Wonders
● Worst
(a) <OL> (b) <UL> (c) <DL> (d) <DT>
96 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

26. Computer system assets can be modified only by authorised parties is termed as
(a) confidentiality (b) availability
(c) authenticity (d) integrity

27. Identify which of the following tag will show the password field?
(a) <SELECT> (b) <OPTION>
(c) <INPUT> (d) <PASSWORD>

28. Which of the following is the correct sequence in HTML?

(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

29. Sohan is using software that includes a license that allows him to modify the software
to best fit his needs. What type of software is he using?
(a) Open source software (b) Proprietary software
(c) Closed software (d) Commercial software

30. Which works similar to <I> element?

(a) <STRONG> (b) <EM>
(c)<B> (d) <BLOCKQUOTE>

31. Which attribute is not used for the radio type?

(a) name (b) value (c) checked (d) selected

32. Which of the following includes rules that provide guidance for appropriate social
interaction and technical performance online?
(a) Netiquette (b) Stalking (c) Phishing (d) Rights

33. ……… can use the information which they gather to then financially fund themselves
or worryingly that they might use this money to fund terrorism.
(a) Fraudsters (b) Hackers (c) Crackers (d) Righters

34. Which of the following is not related to computer fraud?

(a) Altering in an unauthorized way
(b) Altering, destroying, suppressing or stealing output
(c) Building of open knowledge resources
(d) Altering or deleting stored data

35. It is freedom of a person or people to publish and consume information.

(a) IPR (b) FOI (c) BBB (d) OSS

36. Find output of the below code from following options.

It is HTML <BR> used to create <U> Web Page </U>
(a) It is HTML used to create Web Page
(b) It is HTML
used to create Web Page
(c) It is HTML
used to create Web Page
(d) It is HTML used to create
Web Page
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 97

37. Which value of type attribute in <UL> tag is used to show the following list?
± Mango
± Apple
± Banana
(a) disc (b) sphere
(c) circle (d) square

38. Identify the code to insert image taj.jpeg size to be 70 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall.
(a) <IMG src =“taj.jpeg” width=“70” height=“100”>
(b) <IMG src=“taj.jpeg” width=“100” height=“70”>
(c) <IMG src=“taj.jpeg” width=70 height=100>
(d) <IMG src=taj.jpg width=70 height=100>

39. Main tag to create HTML document is

(a) <HEAD>
(b) <BODY>
(c) <TITLE>
(d) <HTML>

40. Consider the following form control in a HTML form :

~ Music
~ Dancing
Now, choose the correct line of code for the above.
(a) <INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“Hobbies”value=“music”>Music<BR>
<INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“Hobbies”value=“dancing”>Dancing<BR>
(b) <INPUT type=“checkboxbutton” name=“Hobbies”value=“music”>Music<BR>
<INPUT type=“checkboxbutton” name=“Hobbies”value=“dancing”>Dancing<BR>
(c) <INPUT type=“checkbox”, name=“Hobbies”><value=“music”>Music
<INPUT type=“checkbox”, name=“Hobbies”><value=“dancing”>Dancing
(d) <INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“Hobbies”value=“music”><BR>
<INPUT type=“checkbox” name=“Hobbies”value=“dancing”><BR>

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.
Case Study - I
Riya is working in MNC. She needs a software for her new project. Riya wants any software

for which she has not to pay. Her colleague told Riya about open source software.
Open Source Software (OSS) is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify
and enhance. “Source code” is the part of software that most computer users do not ever
see; it’s the code computer programmers can manipulate to change how a piece of
software-a “program” or “application” works.
Open source software is also sometimes conflated with the free software movement, which
can add to the confusion around whether open source means “free”. The free software
movement grew out of the hacker culture of the 1970s and was formally founded by
Richard Stallman as part of the GNU Project and the non-profit Free Software Foundation.
98 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Based on the given information, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Which type of software is completely customisable but it depends on the open source
(a) Closed software (b) Open source software
(c) Proprietary software (d) Commercial software

42. Example(s) of open source software is/ are

(a) LibreOffice (b) Python
(c) Linux (d) All of these

43. Open source software ......... promote collaboration and sharing.

(a) agreements (b) licenses
(c) rules (d) norms

44. Which of the following is usually stored in a public repository and shared publicly for
(a) Open source code (b) Code modification
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

45. Can Riya change some code of open source software which she will use?
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) Depend on price of software (d) Depend of her coding skills

Case Study-II
Consider the following code:
<TITLE>Dubai Tourism</TITLE>
<FONT ___=“arial” color=“maroon”> #line 1
<HR width=80% size=“5” color=“red” noshade>
<HR width=60% size=“5” color=“red” noshade>
<FONT size=“5”>

Enjoy the world of pure travel masti

<IMG ___=“burj.jpg” align=“bottom” width=“110”> #line 2
____ #line 3
The following is a list of major tourist attractions in Dubai:<BR><BR>
<UL ___=“disc”> #line 4
____ #line 5
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 99

-Dolphinarium and Palm Dubai
- Ski Dubai and Cruise
Based on the given code, answer the questions 46 to 50.
46. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 1 as marked.
(a) style (b) face
(c) label (d) design

47. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 2 as marked.
(a) href (b) alt
(c) name (d) src

48. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 3 as marked.
(a) <\P> (b) </P>
(c) </HR> (d) <\HR>

49. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 4 as marked.
(a) type (b) style
(c) start (d) design

50. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 5 as marked.
(a) <OL> (b) <UL>
(c) <LI> (d) </UL>

Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 101

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (a) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (c)

1. Encryption defines that information should be 14. <INPUT> defines an object on the form which
encrypted and decrypted only by an authorised can receive user input.
user. Syntax
2. alt attribute define the short description of an <INPUT type=“fieldtype” name=“field name”
image. The value for alt attribute is a text string value = “fieldtext”>
of upto 1024 characters including spaces and
punctuations. 15. Black hat hackers are also known as an
unethical hacker. These people hack the
3. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) uses system illegally to steal money or to achieve
different encryption and hashing techniques to their own illegal goals.
secure payments over Internet done through
credit cards. 16. Patent is the granting of a property right by a
sovereign authority to an inventor. It provides
4. <SUP> is superscript tag which displays the text the inventor exclusive rights to the patented
slightly above the base line. process.
5. <H> is not a style tag while <B>, <U> and <I> are 17. DPR (Digital Property Rights) represent
style tags which are used for formatting the subsequent generations of property rights
text. which puts them on an equivalent playing
6. Glossary lists are denoted by the element <DK>. field as patents, copyrights and trademark
7. start attribute is used to change the beginning brands.
value of an ordered list. 18. Trademark infringements occur when another
Syntax <OL start = “number”> company usually a competitor uses a
corporation trademark to reinforce its own
8. <IMG> tag is used to insert an image in a web image.
page. src attribute takes URL of an image file as
value, which points to the direct location of an 19. An absolute URL is a full path to an image.
image to be displayed. 20. link attribute specifies the color of an
9. CPA WebTrust provide services titled unvisited link in a document.The default color
“WebTrust” and “SysTrust”. It promises an of link attribute is blue.
audit of technology, security and business 21. Cyber crime is a crime that involves a
practices. computer and network.
10. border attribute of <IMG> tag specifies the 22. Definition list is a list of items, with a
width of the border around an image. description of each item. <DL> are indented
list without any bullet symbol or any number

11. Middle alignment is different in both Internet

Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. in front of each item.

12. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) reserves all 23. Cyber stalking is the use of Internet or other
the rights of the owner to the information to electronic means to stalk or harass an
decide, how much information is to be individual, group or organisation. It may
exchanged, shared or distributed. also include monitoring, identity theft,
13. <SELECT> tag is used to create drop down list.
The <OPTION> tag inside the <SELECT> tag 24. align attribute specifies the alignment of the
define the available options in the lists. text within a paragraph.
102 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

25. Unordered list is an indented list with a bullet 35. Freedom of Information(FOI) is freedom of a
symbol in front of each list item. An person or people to publish and consume
unordered list start with the <UL> tag. information.
26. Computer system assets can be modified only 36. <BR> tag is used to line break while <U> tag is
by authorized parties is termed as integrity. used for underlined the text.
27. A password field is shown by <INPUT> tag. A 37. type attribute of <UL> tag is used to change the
password field shows one dot for each bulleted symbol in a list.
character input by the user. 38. <IMG> tag is used to insert image in which
28. <HTML> tag tells the browser that this is an attribute src is used to take URL of an image.
HTML document. 39. <HTML> tag is the main tag to create HTML
<BODY> tag is used for text and tags that document.
appear directly on the web page. To create 40. With checkboxes, we can give the users a list of
horizontal line use <HR> tag. items to choose from. The user can choose more
29. OSS (Open Source Software) typically than one items from the list.
includes a license that allows programmers to 41. Open source software is completely
modify the software to best fit their needs and customizable but it depends on the open source
control how the software can be distributed. license. It requires in-house expertise.
30. <EM> element indicates emphasis, browser 42. LibreOffice, Python and Linux are examples of
will show the contents of <EM> element in open source software.
43. Open source software licenses promote
31. When we want to pick one option from the collaboration and sharing because they permit
given many options we use radio type. name other people to make modifications to source
attribute sent the value of the option selected code and incorporate those changes into their
to the server. value attribute indicates the own projects.
value that has been sent to the server for the
selected option. The checked attribute 44. Open source code is usually stored in a public
indicates that which value should be selected repository and shared publicly. Anyone can
on the loading of the page. access the repository to use the code
independently or contribute improvements to
32. Netiquette includes rules that provide the design and functionality of the overall
guidance for appropriate social interaction project.
and technical performance online. Netiquette
varies among the many subcultures of the 45. Yes, Riya can change the some code of open
Internet, and, of course, netiquette issues source software because it is distributed with
change with time and technology. its source code, making it available for use,
modification and distribution with its original
33. Fraudsters can use the information which they rights.
gather to then financially fund themselves, or
46. face attribute specifies the type of text font such
worryingly that they might use this money to
as times new roman, arial etc.
fund terrorism. Therefore, it is essential that
individuals and organisations are aware of 47. src attribute takes the URL of an image file that
how to protect themselves against cyber you want to insert in the web page.
fraud. 48. <P> tag specifies to mark a block of text as a
34. Computer fraud is any dishonest paragraph. It is a container tag and its closing

misrepresentation of fact intended to let tag is </P>.

another to do or refrain from doing something 49. type attribute of <UL> tag is used to change the
which causes loss. Building of open bulleted symbol in a list.
knowledge resources is not related to
50. <LI> tag is used to indicate the list item as
computer fraud.
contained in unordered list.
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Integrity defines
(a) information should not be altered during its transmission
(b) the protection against the denial of order
(c) information should be encrypted
(d) information should not be accessible to unauthorised user

2. Which of the following is/are container tag(s)?

(a) <HTML> (b) <OL> (c) <FONT> (d) All of these

3. Which of the following is/are required for safe e-Payment?

(a) Confidentiality (b) Integrity
(c) Encryption (d) All of these

4. The correct code to display SO 4 is

(a) <SUP>(SO)4</SUP> (b) <SUB>(SO)4</SUB>
(c) SO<SUB>4</SUB> (d) SO<SUP>4</SUP>

5. Which HTML tag cause to set the basic page characteristics?

(a) <B> … </B> (b) <BODY> ... </BODY>
(c) <BD> ....</BD> (d) <HTML body=“value”>

6. The default color of an alink attribute is

(a) blue (b) purple (c) black (d) red
104 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

7. String as a value of alt attribute must be enclosed in

(a) quotation marks (b) brackets
(c) dots (d) commas

8. Identify the expansion for alt

(a) alternation (b) active link
(c) alternate text (d) None of these

9. The heading tag always start

(a) new line (b) same line
(c) after one line (d) depend on user’s choice

10. Which type of software piracy occurs when fake copies of software are produced in
such a way that they appear to be authentic?
(a) Renting (b) Softlifting
(c) Software counterfeiting (d) Hard disk loading

11. Which method attribute of <FORM> tag sends the form information in the HTTP
(a) GET (b) POST (c) Form (d) action

12. Identify the software, whose criteria must be met as

(i) Source code must be included
(ii) Modified versions can be redistributed
(a) Proprietary software (b) Commercial software
(c) Closed software (d) Open source software

13. Which is the correct way to set the title of the page is “Save the Earth”?
(a) <HEAD> Save the Earth </HEAD> (b) <BODY> Save the Earth </BODY>
(c) <HTML> Save the Earth </HTML> (d) <TITLE> Save the Earth </TITLE>

14. Tag that required to create following list:

A. Rose
B. Lotus
C. Lily

(a) <OL> (b) <UL> (c) <DL> (d) <DT>

15. This respects other user’s views and displaying common etiquette when posting your
views online.
(a) Etiquette (b) Netiquette
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

16. Which of the following was established for transparency, government accountability
and general public protection against corruption?
(a) FOI (b) RTI
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

17. Business-to-Business e-Commerce applies

(a) to businesses buying from and selling to each other over Internet
(b) to any consumer that sells a product or service to a business over Internet
(c) the electronically facilitated transactions between consumers
(d) All of the above
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 105

18. Expanded form of ICT is

(a) Information and Communicate Technology
(b) Information and Communication Technology
(c) Information and Community Technology
(d) Information and Commense Technology

19. If you want to display uppercase alphabets instead of numbers, ……… ordered type
should you use.
(a) a (b) A (c) 1 (d) I

20. Which attribute of <TEXTAREA> is used to identify the input field?

(a) value (b) label (c) name (d) type

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. Ajay purchased a proprietary software for his new project. His friend Aman asked to
Ajay that which type of license is used for this software. Ajay read description for this
license, there is no renewal, a new license must be purchased after expiration. Identify
this license.
(a) Perpetual license (b) Annual license
(c) Permissive license (d) None of these

22. HTML code to set the image ‘nature.jpg’ stored in ‘Picture’ folder in C : as the
background of your web page.
(a) <BODY background=“C :\Picture\nature.jpg”>
(b) <BODY image=“C :\Picture\nature.jpg”>
(c) <IMG src=“C :\Picture\nature.jpg”>
(d) <BODY src=“C :\Picture\nature.jpg”>

23. Riya wrote a book on Java language and she wants to published this book with her
name. But she get some confusion that how is she protect her work to be copied?
Which law can protect her work?
(a) Copyright (b) Patent (c) Trademark (d) Renting

24. size attribute specifies the height of the rule in

(a) units (b) pixels (c) dots (d) All of these

25. ……… scrolls as much as needed, so you are only seeing the display size, not the data
(a) Text box (b) Combo box
(c) Textarea (d) List box

26. Which act provides that every person has the right to access official records held by
government departments?
(a) FOI Act (b) Human Act
(c) Government Act (d) Information Act

27. The default bullet type for most web browsers is a

(a) square (b) disc
(c) circle (d) star
106 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

28. If there are no other images in the current line, then the image is aligned to ……… of
the text.
(a) top (b) bottom (c) middle (d) right

29. The license also defines the responsibilities of the parties entering into the
(a) license rules (b) license limit
(c) license agreement (d) All of these

30. Riya has written the following code as part of HTML program :
<UL type=“disc”>
<LI> controlling
<OL type=“1”>
<LI> Pollution
<LI> Deforestation
Predict the output of above code.
(a) ± Controlling (b) ~ Controlling
1. Pollution 1. Pollution
2. Deforestation 2. Deforestation
(c) ● Controlling (d) ● Controlling
1. Pollution i. Pollution
2. Deforestation ii. Deforestation

31. Which of the following is a graphical control element that allows the user to select one
or more items from a list contained?
(a) Check box (b) Text box
(c) Radio button (d) List box

32. As per HTML standard, ……… attribute of <IMG> tag is optional but is highly
(a) src (b) alt
(c) href (d) noshade

33. Which of the following refers to the misuse of devices like computers, smartphones,
tablets and networks to gather information on users?
(a) Hacking (b) Cracking
(c) Phishing (d) Stalking

34. This software remains the property of its owner/creator and is used by

end-users/organisations under predefined conditions.

(a) Proprietary software (b) Closed software
(c) Commercial software (d) All of these

35. Find the correct code to set the web page background color as yellow, text color as red
and visited link color as blue.
(a) <BODY bgcolor=“yellow” font=“red” vlink=“blue”>
(b) <BODY color=“yellow” text=“red” vlink=“blue”>
(c) <BODY color=“yellow” font=“red” vlink=“blue”>
(d) <BODY bgcolor=“yellow” text=“red” vlink=“blue”>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 107

36. The default value of width attribute in <HR> tag is

(a) 100% (b) 150% (c) 120% (d) 200%

37. An encryption algorithm is used to transform a readable message into

(a) text message (b) simple message
(c) converted message (d) encrypted message

38. Value for type attribute of <OL> tag uses uppercase roman numerals is
(a) i (b) I (c) A (d) 1

39. Which of the following tag not need its closing tag?
(a) <HEAD> (b) <HTML> (c) <BR> (d) <UL>

40. Identify the correct syntax for selected attribute of <OPTION> tag.
(a) <OPTION select> (b) <OPTION selected>
(c) <OPTION value=“selected”> (d) <OPTION selected=“value”>

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.
Case Study-I
Consider the following code:
<HEAD> <TITLE> Candy World ____ # line 1
<BODY bgcolor = “pink” link = “green” vlink = “blue”>
<FONT face = “Comic Sans” ____ = “red”> # line 2
<H1> <CENTER>Smacking Lollies </CENTER> </H1>
<FONT size = “4” ____ = “arial”> <U> <I> Smacking Lollies </I> </U> is a new
chain of stores selling of candies and mouth watering lollies. # line 3
<IMG src = “Ice.jpg” ____ = “right”> # line 4
<P> The following is a list of major outlets of Smacking Lollies : </P>
<LI>West Delhi Janak Puri and Rajori Garden </LI>
<LI>South Delhi-South Extension and Vasant Kunj </LI>
____ </FONT> # line 5

Based on the given code, answer the questions 41 to 45.

41. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 1 as marked.
(a) <\TITLE> (b) </TITLE>
(c) \TITLE (d) /TITLE
42. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 2 as marked.
(a) color (b) fontcolor
(c) text (d) bgcolor
108 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

43. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 3 as marked.
(a) style (b) value (c) face (d) design

44. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 4 as marked.
(a) margin (b) align (c) paragraph (d) setting

45. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank line 5 as marked.
(a) \UL (b) /UL (c) <\UL> (d) </UL>

Case Study-II
Secure data transmission means that data/information is not being received or modified by
an unauthorised person, over a network, from source to destination. For secure data
transmission, we can convert an actual message (which is in readable form) into an
unreadable message (called an encrypted message) with the help of the concept of
encryption. This unreadable message is sent through the network to the destination. If a
hacker tries to read this message, he/she receives an unreadable message that cannot be
easily converted into the actual message. The unreadable message can be converted to the
original message by the receiver at the destination. Caesar Cipher is one of the common
encryption techniques. In this technique, each letter of the word is replaced by a letter some
fixed number of positions (usually called as key) down the alphabet.
For example, if the key is 3, each ‘A’ will be replaced by ‘D’ (Letter ‘D’ is 3 positions down
Letter ‘A’ in the alphabet), each ‘B’ will be replaced by ‘E’ and similarly, each ‘Z’ will be
replaced by ‘C’. The receiver can identify the original message by using the reverse
technique of encryption. This reverse technique is called decryption.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 46 to 50.

46. Secure data transmission means

(a) data can be accessed by any unauthorised person during transmission
(b) data cannot be accessed by any unauthorised person during transmission
(c) transmission of data
(d) None of the above

47. Which of the following techniques can be used for security of data?
(a) Authentication (b) Authorisation
(c) Encryption (d) All of these

48. Caesar Cipher is

(a) used for conversion of the actual message into an encrypted message
(b) an encryption technique
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above

49. Person ‘X’ has received an encrypted message and wants to convert this message into
the actual message (message before encryption). The technique he should use is called
(a) conversion (b) encryption
(c) decryption (d) None of these

50. A sender wants to send a message having the text as ‘COMPUTER’ to a receiver using 4
as the key. What will be the encrypted message?
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
110 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (c) 44. (b) 45. (d) 46. (b) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (b)

1. Integrity defines information should not be 15. Netiquette means respecting other user’s views
altered during its transmission over the and displaying common etiquette when posting
network. your views to online discussion groups.
2. These types of HTML elements always wrap 16. FOI (Freedom of Information) or RTI (Right to
around the text or graphics which come in a Information) was established for transparency,
set with an opening as well as closing tag. government accountability, education and
general public protection against corruption.
3. Security is an essential part of any
transaction that takes place over the Internet. 17. Business-to-Business (B2B) e-Commerce applies
Essential requirements for safe e-Payments to businesses buying from and selling to each
are confidentiality, integrity, encryption, other over Internet.
authenticity, etc. 18. Expanded form of ICT is Information and
4. <SUB> tag is used to display SO 4 . It is Communication Technology.
subscript tag which shows the text slightly 19. The numbering of an HTML list can be changed
below the base line. to letters or roman numerals by the type
5. <BODY> tag defines the document’s body. It attribute. For uppercase alphabets, A is used as
is used to set the basic page characteristics. value of type attribute.
6. alink attribute specifies the color of an active 20. name attribute of <TEXTAREA> is used to
link in a document. The default color of an identify the input field.
alink attribute is red. Syntax <TEXTAREA name=“text”>
7. alt attribute contains string which must be 21. For annual licenses, there is no renewal, a new
enclosed in quotation marks. license must be purchased after expiration.
8. alt is used for displaying alternate text when 22. background attribute of <BODY> tag specifies a
image is not displayed on web page. background image for a document.
9. Heading tag always start new line and it is of 23. Copyright is an exclusive right of the developer
size types say H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 and H6. or author, to protect their work which is granted
10. Software counterfeiting occurs when fake by law.
copies of software are produced in such a 24. size attribute specifies the height of the rule in
way that they appear to be authentic. pixels. A pixel is a tiny dot that makes up the
display of your computer.
11. POST method of <FORM> tag sends the form
information in the HTTP environment. 25. Textarea scrolls as much as needed, so you are
only seeing the display size, not the data size.
12. Open source software is a software, whose

criteria must be met as 26. Freedom of Information (FOI) Act provides that
every person has the right to access official
(i) Source code must be included.
records held by government departments as
(ii) Modified versions can be redistributed. defined by the act.
13. <TITLE> tag defines the title of the 27. The default bullet type for most web browsers is
document. Title must be a simple text and a disc.
should not be same as the file name. e.g.
14. Ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. Each ● Mango

list item starts with the <LI> tag.The list ● Apple

items are marked with numbers, alphabets ● Banana

CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 111

28. If there are no other images in the current line, be turned back into plaintext by using the
then the image is aligned to top of the text. decryption key.
Both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox 38. The numbering of an HTML list can be
treat this alignment in same manner. changed to letters or roman numerals by the
29. The license also defines the responsibilities of type attribute. I uses uppercase roman
the parties entering into the license agreement numerals.
and may impose restrictions on how the 39. To add a single line of space, you can use a line
software can be used. break <BR> tag. This is an empty tag, i.e. no
30. An unordered list starts with the <UL> tag and need of its closing tag.
ordered list starts with the <OL> tag. 40. selected attribute defines the default option to
31. A list box is a graphical control element that be selected when page is loaded.
allows the user to select one or more items Syntax <OPTION selected>
from a list contained. The <SELECT> tag is
used to create drop down list. 41. <TITLE> tag is used to set the title of web page.
Its closing tag is </TITLE>.
32. alt attribute is specified to provide alternate
information for an image. As per HTML 42. color attribute of <FONT> tag is used to define
standard, this attribute of <IMG> tag is the color of text.
optional but is highly recommended. 43. face attribute specifies the style of text font
33. Hacking refers to the misuse of devices like such as times new roman, arial, etc.
computers, smartphones, tablets and networks 44. align attribute of <FONT> tag specifies the
to cause damage to or corrupt systems, gather alignment of the text.
information on users, steal data and 45. <UL> tag creates unordered list. Its closing tag
documents or disrupt data-related activity.
is </UL>.
34. Proprietary software remains the property of
46. Secure data transmission means data cannot be
its owner/creator and is used by
accessed by any unauthorised person during
end-users/organisations under predefined
transmission. Secure transmission refers to the
conditions. Proprietary software may also be
transfer of data such as confidential or
called closed source software or commercial
proprietary information over a secure channel.
47. Secure data transmission can be used various
35. bgcolor attribute sets the background color, techniques as authentication, authorisation,
text attribute sets the text color and vlink encryption, integrity, auditability, etc.
attribute sets the visited link.
48. Caesar Cipher is an encryption technique that
36. width attribute specifies the width of a used for conversion of the actual message into
horizontal line in pixels or per cent. Its default an encrypted message.
value is 100%.
49. The receiver can identify the original message
37. An encryption algorithm is used to transform a by using the reverse technique of encryption.
readable message into encrypted message. This reverse technique is called decryption.
An encryption algorithm is the method used to
transform data into cipher text. An algorithm
will use the encryption key in order to alter the C O M P U T E R
data in a predictable way, so that even though
the encrypted data will appear random, it can G S Q T Y X I V
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination

1. This question paper is divided into three sections.
2. Section - A contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
3. Section - B contains 20 questions. Attempt any 16 questions.
4. Section - C contains 10 questions. Attempt any 8 questions.
5. Each question carries 0.625 mark.
6. There is no negative marking.

Maximum Marks : 25
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min

Section A
This section consists of 20 questions of MCQ type. Answer any 16 questions.

1. Which of the following concerns to the code of responsible behaviour on the Internet?
(a) Cyber ethics (b) Phishing
(c) Hacking (d) Cyber crime

2. ....... tag is used to insert a line break with extra space in the beginning.
(a) <P> (b) <BR> (c) <HR> (d) <I>

3. Hacking done by stealing classified information, stealing passwords to get into a site
and also recasting a website
(a) with permission (b) with rules
(c) without agreement (d) without permission

4. The correct HTML code to display 6O 2 is

(a) 6O<SUP>2</SUP> (b) 6O<SUB>2</SUB>
(c) <SUP>(6O)2</SUP> (d) <SUB>(6O)2</SUB>

5. Text between these tags is not displayed on HTML web page.

(a) <BODY> .... </BODY> (b) <FONT> .... </FONT>
(c) <OL> .... </OL> (d) <! - - .... - - >

6. It can also be used to give section headings.

(a) Heading tag (b) Line break tag
(c) Horizontal tag (d) Bullet list tag
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 113

7. Which of the following tag affects all text in a document that follows it?
(a) <FONT> (b) <BASEFONT>
(c) <OL> (d) <UL>

8. In HTML, images appear ……… with a single line of the text.

(a) outline (b) inline
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

9. This term exists to help people to communicate more effectively online.

(a) Etiquette (b) Netiquette (c) Recast (d) Rights

10. Which method attribute of <FORM> tag sends the information to the server?
(a) POST (b) GET (c) FORM (d) SET

11. Which field shows one dot for each character input by the user?
(a) Radio button (b) Check box (c) Password (d) Text box

12. Type(s) of digital divide is/ are

(a) gender divide (b) social divide
(c) universal access divide (d) All of these

13. Identify the type of URL by following code:

<1MG src=“D:\Images\New\hello.jpg”>
(a) Absolute URL (b) Relative URL
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these

14. It can be set for a character, sentence or entire document.

(a) <FONT> tag (b) <HEAD> tag
(c) <BODY> tag (d) <HTML> tag

15. The most well-known example of a copyleft or reciprocal license is the

(a) GPL (b) MIT
(c) BSD (d) Apache

16. Any software you did not pay for or see online for downloading that’s normally not
free is considered
(a) proprietary software (b) commercial software
(c) pirated software (d) closed software

17. e-Commerce is conducted over

(a) computers (b) tablets
(c) smartphones (d) All of these

18. In this phishing, an attacker attempts to obtain confidential information from the
(a) Spear phishing (b) Whaling
(c) Deceptive phishing (d) Pharming

19. Color name for hexadecimal value #FF0000 is

(a) blue (b) red (c) white (d) yellow

20. …… can occur within headings and paragraphs.

(a) Outline image (b) Text image
(c) Inline image (d) None of these
114 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Section B
This section consists of 20 questions. Answer any 16 questions.

21. This agreement is a legal document that stipulates several key conditions between a
software company or developer and a user to allow use of the software.
(a) IPR (b) FOI
(c) RTI (d) Software license

22. Consider the following code:

<B> Saving </B>
<OL type =“1”>
<LI> Forests
<LI> Endangered Species
Choose the correct output.
(a) Saving (b) Saving
1. Forests i. Forests
2. Endangered Species ii. Endangered Species

(c) Saving (d) Saving

1. Forests 1 Forests
2. Endangered Species 2 Endangered Species

23. Software licenses typically provide end users with the right to one or more copies of
the software without violating
(a) trademark (b) copyrights
(c) patent (d) human rights

24. Identify the correct code for following output:


(a) <HTML> (b) <HTML>

Education <BR> Hub Education <BR> Hub
<HR> </BODY>

(c) <HTML> (d) <HTML>
<HR> <HR>
Education <BR> Hub <BR>
</BODY> Education
</HTML> Hub
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 115

25. Which tag is used to create following list?

± Education
± Sports
± Learning
(a) <DL> (b) <OL>
(c) <DD> (d) <UL>

26. ……… describes the gap between people who have access to affordable, reliable
Internet service and those who lack it.
(a) License (b) Piracy
(c) Cyberbullying (d) Digital divide

27. This tag can be used to divided information into sections.

(a) <BR> (b) <IMG>
(c) <HR> (d) <OL>

28. Which sequence of HTML page is correct?

(a) <HTML> <BODY> </BODY> <P> </P> </HTML>
(b) <HTML> <BODY> <P> </BODY> </HTML>
(c) <HTML> <BODY> <P> </BODY> </P> </HTML>
(d) <HTML> <BODY> <P> </P> </BODY> </HTML>

29. Which of the following e-Commerce refers to a business selling a good or service to
another business, like a manufacturer and wholesaler or a wholesaler and a retailer?
(a) B2B (b) B2C
(c) C2C (d) B2G

30. HTML code that produces a horizontal rule with size 5, aligning right on page is
(a) <HR size =5 align=right> (b) <HR size =5, align=right>
(c) <HR size=“5” align“=right”> (d) <HR value=“5” align=“right”>

31. Riya has written a code to set the color of text in which she can give the value of color
(a) color name (b) hex_number
(c) rgb_number (d) Any of these

32. Definition lists are started with

(a) <DT> (b) <DD>
(c) <DL> (d) <UL>

33. Which of the following is a type of social engineering attack often used to steal user

data, including login credentials and credit card numbers?

(a) Stalking (b) Phishing
(c) Cyber ethics (d) Cyber crime

34. This includes information they hold about you or about government policies and
(a) Freedom of Information Act
(b) Human Rights
(c) Right to Information
(d) Intellectual Property Rights
116 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

35. Consider the following form control in a HTML form:



Now, choose the correct code.

(a) <FORM> (b) <FORM>
<SELECT name=“dropdown”> <SELECT name=“dropdown”>
<OPTION value=“Hindi” selected> Hindi <OPTION value=“Hindi”>Hindi
<OPTION value = “Computer”>Computer <OPTION value =
</OPTION> “Computer”selected>Computer
<OPTION value = </OPTION>
“Science”>Science</OPTION> <OPTION value =
</SELECT> “Science”>Science</OPTION>
(c) <FORM> (d) <FORM>
<OPTION value=“Hindi”selected>Hindi <OPTION value=“Hindi”
</OPTION> selected>Hindi
<OPTION value = “Computer”>Computer </OPTION>
</OPTION><OPTION value = <OPTION value =
“Science”Science</OPTION> “Computer”>Computer
36. Code to set the title of page is Football Club as
(a) <HEAD>Football Club </HEAD>
(b) <HEAD Title=“Football Club” </HEAD>
(c) <HEAD><TITLE>Football Club</TITLE></HEAD>
(d) <TITLE value=“Football Club”> </TITLE>

37. It was an early communications protocol used by e-Commerce websites to secure


electronic debit card and credit card payments.

(a) SSL (b) SET (c) IPR (d) RTI

38. Which of the following code is used for English of an element content and attribute
(a) hi (b) en
(c) de (d) es

39. Which heading element gives the most prominent headings?

(a) <H1> (b) <H2>
(c) <H6> (d) <H3>
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 117

40. ...... attribute of <OPTION> tag specifies the value to be sent to the server when form is
(a) label (b) name (c) value (d) size

Section C
(Case Study Based Questions)
This section consists of 10 questions. Any 8 questions are to be attempted.

Case Study-I
Consider the following code:
<FONT face=“arial” ____ =“3”></FONT>
<H1 align=“center”> # line 1
<FONT color=“blue”>FOOTBALL CLUB</FONT></____> # line 2
<CENTER><IMG ____ =“football.jpg” height=“150” width=“150”></CENTER> # line 3
<H3>Welcome to the website of the Manchester Football Club</H3>
<P>The Manchester Football Club is based in United States of America and has
a long <BR>
and proud history. We have several teams in various age groups from kids to
grown-<BR>ups so there is a team to suit any player. <BR><BR>
<U>This year’s motto:<____><BR>
We are the BEST:<BR> # line 4
<____ size=“3” noshade size =“75%”> # line 5
Based on the given code, answer the questions 41 to 45.
41. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 1 as marked.
(a) text (b) size
(c) value (d) text

42. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 2 as marked.
(a) \H1 (b) /H1
(c) H1 (d) <H1>

43. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 3 as marked.

(a) src (b) href

(c) alt (d) label

44. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank in line 4 as marked.
(a) \U (b) U
(c) /U (d) /I

45. Choose the correct option to fill up the blank line 5 as marked.
(a) BR (b) HR
(c) UL (d) OL
118 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

Case Study-II
The word plagiarism has come from the Latin word ‘plagiarius’, which means to kidnap.
As the plagiarism definition suggests, when someone uses the work of another artist
without properly citing the source or giving credit, then that will be an instance of
plagiarism. Plagiarism is a punishable offense and it is a form of intellectual theft.
Plagiarism is applicable for writing or website articles, but it is also applicable in stealing
intellectual property like music, images, videos; and even choreography of a dance.
Not everyone who plagiarizes starts out with the goal of stealing someone else’s work.
Sometimes, plagiarism is simply the result of poor planning and a few bad, panicked
decisions. Don’t fall victim to the plagiarism trap.
Based on the given information, answer the questions 46 to 50.
46. It is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their
(a) Phishing (b) Cracking
(c) Plagiarism (d) Stalking

47. Which of the following plagiarism is the act of copying another person’s work word for
(a) Direct plagiarism (b) Paraphrased plagiarism
(c) Mosaic plagiarism (d) Accidental plagiarism

48. If someone reuses his own work again without the permission of the professor, it will
be considered as
(a) direct plagiarism (b) self-plagiarism
(c) mosaic plagiarism (d) accidental plagiarism

49. ……… is often the result of a disorganised research process.

(a) Paraphrased plagiarism (b) Self-plagiarism
(c) Mosaic plagiarism (d) Accidental plagiarism

50. Which of the following involves making a few changes to someone else’s work, then
passing it off as your own?
(a) Accidental plagiarism (b) Self-plagiarism
(c) Mosaic plagiarism (d) Paraphrased plagiarism
Roll No.

Student Name Sub Code.

Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid Gel & Fountain pens for filling the OMR sheet.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.

1 18 35

2 19 36

3 20 37

4 21 38

5 22 39

6 23 40

7 24 41

8 25 42

9 26 43

10 27 44

11 28 45

12 29 46

13 30 47

14 31 48

15 32 49

16 33 50

17 34

Check Your Performance

Total Questions: Total Correct Questions
Score Percentage = × 100
Total Correct Questions: Total Questions

Less than 60% > Average (Revise the concepts again)

If Your Score is Greater than 60% but less than 75% > Good (Do more practice)
Above 75% > Excellent (Keep it on)
120 CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I)

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (b) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (c)
41. (b) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (c) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (d) 50. (d)

1. Cyber ethics concerns to the code of 14. <FONT> tag can be set for a character, sentence
responsible behaviour on the Internet. This or entire document. This tag is generally used
field is sometimes also referred to by phrases for changing the appearance of a short
such as Internet ethics, computer ethics and segment of text.
information ethics. 15. The most well-known example of a copyleft or
2. <P> tag is used to mark a block of text as a reciprocal license is the GPL. These licenses
paragraph. It inserts a line break with extra allow you to modify the licensed code and
space in the beginning. distribute new works based on it, as long as
3. Hacking done by stealing classified you distribute any new works or adaptations
information, stealing passwords to get into a under the same software license.
site and also recasting a website without 16. Any software you did not pay for or see online
permission. for free that’s normally not free is considered
4. <SUB> tag is used to display subscript text. The pirated software. For example, Adobe
text which is lowered slightly below the Photoshop is a popular commercial image
baseline to appear below the surrounding text editor that must be paid for to use. If you
is known as subscript. found a way to install that software for free on
your computer, you are committing software
5. <! - - .... - - > tag is used to insert comments in piracy.
the source code of the web page. Comments
are not displayed in the browser’s window. 17. e-Commerce is the buying and selling of goods
and services over the Internet. It is conducted
6. Heading tag can also be used to give section over computers, tablets, smartphones and
headings. other smart devices.
7. <BASEFONT> tag affects all text in a document 18. Deceptive phishing is the most common type
that follows it. It has optional ending tag. of phishing. In this case, an attacker attempts
8. In HTML, images appear inline with a single to obtain confidential information from the
line of the text. victims.
9. Netiquette exists to help people to 19. hex_number specifies the text color with a
communicate more effectively whilst online hexadecimal code. Color name for hexadecimal
and to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings value #FF0000 is red.
and potential conflicts. 20. Inline images can occur within headings and
10. GET method sends the information to the paragraphs.
server. 21. A software license agreement is a legal

11. A password field shows one dot for each document that stipulates several key
character input by the user. This prevents other conditions between a software company or
from seeing the password. developer and a user to allow use of the
12. There are numerous types of the digital divide
that influence our efforts in accessing the 22. <B> tag is used to make the text bold and <OL>
Internet. Some of the vivid gaps in digital creates a numbered list.
inequality include gender divide, social divide 23. Software licenses typically provide end users
and universal access divide. with the right to one or more copies of the
13. An absolute URL contains all the information software without violating copyrights. The
necessary to locate a resource. license also defines the responsibilities of the
CBSE Sample Paper Computer Applications Class X (Term I) 121

parties entering into the license agreement and card and credit card payments. Secure
may impose restrictions on how the software electronic transaction was used to facilitate the
can be used. secure transmission of consumer card
information via electronic portals on the
24. <BR> tag is used to insert line break while
<HR> creates a horizontal line.
38. ‘en’ as code is used for English of an element
25. <UL> (unordered list) is an indented list within
content and attribute values.
a bullet symbol in front of each list item.
39. <H1> heading element gives the most
26. The digital divide describes the gap between
prominent headings.
people who have access to affordable, reliable
Internet service (and the skills and gadgets 40. value attribute of <OPTION> tag specifies the
necessary to take advantage of that access) and value to be sent to the server when form is
those who lack it. submitted.
27. <HR> tag can be used to divide information Syntax <OPTION value=“value”>
into sections. 41. size attribute of <FONT> tag specifies the size
28. <P> tag is used to mark a block of text as a of the text.
paragraph. This is a container tag that has 42. <H1> defines the most largest heading level. Its
opening tag as well as closing tag. closing tag is </H1>.
29. Business-to Business (B2B) e-Commerce refers 43. src attribute takes URL of the image file that
to a business selling a good or service to you want to insert in the web page.
another business, like a manufacturer and
44. <U> specifies the underlined the text. It is a
wholesaler or a wholesaler and a retailer.
container tag and its closing tag is </U>.
30. <HR> tag is used to create horizontal line on
45. <HR> tag is used create horizontal line on web
your web page.
31. The value of color can give with color name,
46. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work
hex_number or rgb_number.
or ideas as your own, with or without their
32. Definition lists are started with <DL> tag. consent, by incorporating it into your work
33. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack without full acknowledgement.
often used to steal user data, including login 47. Direct plagiarism is the act of copying another
credentials and credit card numbers. It occurs person’s work word for word. Inserting a
when an attacker, masquerading as a trusted paragraph from a book or an article into your
entity, dupes a victim into opening an E-mail, essay without including attribution or
instant message or text message. quotation marks, for example, is direct
34. The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act gives plagiarism.
you the right to request access to 48. If someone reuses his own work again without
government-held information. This includes the permission of the professor, it will be
information they hold about you or about considered as self-plagiarism.
government policies and decisions.
49. Accidental plagiarism is often the result of a
35. Combo box in HTML is used to display a drop disorganized research process and a
down list of some options from which one can last-minute time crunch.
be selected.
50. Paraphrased plagiarism involves making a few

36. <TITLE> tag defines the title of the document. changes to someone else’s work, then passing
It is placed between <HEAD> and </HEAD> it off as your own. Unless a specific idea is
tags. common knowledge, you cannot include it in
37. Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) was an your paper without providing a citation even if
early communications protocol used by you do not include any direct quotes.
e-Commerce websites to secure electronic debit

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