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FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE ‘ToTALSOUTHPARS PRC-FIO0 Onshore Facilities Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 1 of 13 Go ‘FosTER WHEELER FRANCE ‘TorAt-SOUTH PaRs PRC-FIO0 Onshore Facilities Rev.0 : Sept 1999 Page :2 of 13, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2, REFERENCES 3. CAUSES OF OVERPRESSURE 3.1, INDIVIDUAL FAILURES 3.2, GENERAL FAILURES 33, FIRE CONTINGENCIES 4. ALLOWABLE OVERPRESSURE. 5. DETERMINATION OF RELIEVING RATES 5.1, COOLING FAILURE 5.2. REFLUX FAILURE 53. BLOCKED OUTLET 54, ABNORMAL HEAT INPUT 5.5. PRESSURE LET DOWN 5.6. HEAT EXCHANGER TUBE RUPTURE, 5.7. LOSS OF HEAT IN SERIES FRACTIONATION SYSTEMS 58. COOLING WATER FAILURE 5.9. ELECTRIC POWER FAILURE 5.10. SIMULTANEOUS FAILURE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND COOLING WATER 5.11. INSTRUMENT AIR FAILURE 5.12. FIRE CONTINGENCIES 5.13. OTHER CASES 6. TYPES OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES 61. CONVENTIONAL TYPE 62. BALANCED TYPE 63. PILOT-OPERATED VALVES 7, MATERIALS 8. ANNEXI FOosTER WHEELER FRANCE TorAl. SOUTH PARS. PRC-FIOO Onshore Facilities Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page :3 of 13 INTRODUCTION This document provides main guidelines for examining the principal causes. of overpressure, determining individual relieving rates. The referenced documents (API RP 520, 521) should be used in priority. ‘This document is a complement to instructions related to pressure relief valve shown - DBS561 V 999 P312 209 Rev 0 « Relief and blowdown philosophy ». ~~ - DBSS61 V 999 P312 205 Rev.1 « Process sizing criteria» - section 2.1.2. PSV setting. ‘Section : Heat exchangers design pressure. ~~ =» DB5561 V 999 P312 203 Rev.1 « Design basis for PID development » Section 3.2, : Relief valves. - RPS561 V 999 1545 01 Rev.2 « Safety relief valves - General requirements ». — REFERENCES 24. APERP 520 Part Sixth Fition —March 1993 Part: Fourth Edition December 1994 “~ 22. APIRP S21 Fourth Edition ~ March 1997 C 3% yee tte) FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE ‘ToTAL SouTH Pans PRC-FIOO (Onshore Facilities Rev.0 : Sept 1999 Page :4 of 13, 3. CAUSES OF OVERPRESSURE (Non exhaustive list) 3.1, INDIVIDUAL FAILURES ~ Cooling failure ~ Reflux failure = Blocked outlet = Abnormal heat input ~ Pressure let down G ~ Heat exchanger tube rupture ~ Loss of heat in series fractionation systems 3.2. GENERAL FAILURES = Cooling water failure ~ Electric power failure = Instrument air failure 3.3. FIRE CONTINGENCIES ~ Effect of fire on the Wetted Surface of a Vessel ~ Thermal expansion of gas 4, ALLOWABLE OVERPRESSURE To be specified based on accumulated pressure as per API RP 520 - figure 1 (ASME section VIII) i.e. maximum allowable accumulated pressure equal to : = 110 % of MAWP for operating (non fire) contingencies and for single PSV installation, - 116 % of MAWP for operating (non fire) contingencies and for multiple PSV installation. Example for two PSV : (Ref API RP 520 - Part I- Table 4 , Page 25) First PSV: set pressure = MAWP ; Allowable overpressure = 16 %. . Second PSV : set pressure = 105 % x MAWP ; Allowable overpressure ~ 10 %. ~ 121 % of MAWP for fire contingencies = 125 % of MAWP for liquid lines (Thermal expansion). ‘FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE ‘ToTAL SOUTH PARS PRC-FIO0 Onshore Facies Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 5 of 13 Note: MAWP (maximum allowable working pressure) is greater or equal to specified design pressure. Design pressure will be used instead of MAWP in the above criteria, 5. DETERMINATION OF RELIEVING RATES 5.1. COOLING FAILURE (Ref. APIRP 521 - § 3.6.2 - Page 9) 5.1.1 TOTAL CONDENSING Relieving rate: Total incoming vapor rate to the condenser. ‘Temperature: Temperature corresponding to accumulated pressure. Particular case for air condenser = Anatural convection effect is not to be considered for the pressure relief valve sizing - For the flare network sizing, a natural convection effect (up to 20 % of duty) can be considered to determine the relieving rate related to general power failure, 5.1.2, PARTIAL CONDENSING Relieving rate ‘The difference between the incoming and outgoing vapor rate at elieving conditions. Particular case for ir condenser: Refer to total condensing service above. 5.2. REFLUX FAILURE (Ref. APE RP 521 - § 3.6.6. —Page 9) ‘The top tower reflux failure will cause flooding of the condenser. This case is equivalent to the cooling failure. FOsTER WHEELER FRANCE, ‘TOTAL SOUTH PARS: PRC-FIO0 Onshore Facilities Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 6 of 13 5.3. BLOCKED OUTLET (Ref. APIRP 521 - § 2.3.2. - Page 4) = Itmay be caused by a control valve failure or misoperation and this is regardless of the control valve failure position. - Relieving rate: Normal outlet flow calculated at relieving conditions. - Fora volumetric machine, the relief rate corresponds to the design capacity of the machine (pump or compressor) calculated at relieving conditions. Particular case for accumulation of non condensables : In the case of blocked outlet of gas on tower, non condensables can ‘accumulate to the point that the condenser is blocked. This effect is equal to a total loss of coolant. 5.4, ABNORMAL HEAT INPUT (Ref API RP 521 - § 2.3.12 - Page 6 and § 3.11 - Page 12) Abnormal heat input from reboilers. It may result from fail open steam control valve to a reboiler. Relieving _rate: vaporisation corresponding to the difference between the maximum capacity of reboiler (valve fully open, clean exchanger) and the minimum operating capacity (for example working at 60 % of capacity). Common practice: the maximum capacity= 150 % x «Design » capacity of reboiler. 5.5. PRESSURE LET DOWN (Ref, APIRP 521 - § 3.10 - Page 10) 5.5.1, SOME CAUSES OF PRESSURE LET DOWN ~ Fail-open of a pressuring valve or of a feed inlet valve to a surge drum, + Fail-open of a steam trap on a condensate system. ~ Fail-open ofa level control valve between HP and LP vessels or systems. FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE. ‘TOTAL SOUTH PARS: PRC-F1O0 Onshore Facilites Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 7 of 13 55.2. CALCULATION HYPOTHESIS - Fully open of control valve and by-pass valve simultaneously. = The HP system is at normal operating pressure and the LP system is at relieving pressure. - The LP system outlets are supposed to be closed (case of start-up or operating at minimum capacity). ~ Relieving rate to be calculated by instrument department based on the CV of the control valve and the CV of the by pass valve. - In the case of failure of a control valve on @ HP liquid, two cases are to be considered 1, Loss of liquid level, the full vapor will flow into the LP system through the liquid control valve. 2. HP liquid flashing, 5.5.3. IMPORTANT REMARKS ‘The safety valve shall be finalized only after the selection of the control valve and the by pass valve. In the critical case, it can be considered © to use the bypass valve having the same CV as the CV of the control valve (for example to use an HCV for bypass). ‘to install a restriction orifice on the by pass. car seal close the bypass. to suppress the bypass. 5.6. HEAT EXCHANGER TUBE RUPTURE, (Ref. API RP 521 - § 2.3.13 - Page 6 and § 3.18 - Page 23) 5.6.1, RELIEF DEVICE REQUIREMENTS Pressure relief for tube rupture is not required where the design pressure of the low pressure system (LP exchanger side including upstream and downstream systems) is above two-thirds of the design pressure of the HP side. Otherwise the pressure relief valve for tube rupture has to be considered. ‘The 2/3 rule above should be applied in the limit of the rating of 15O# for the design pressure of LP system. For higher pressure, it should be analyzed case by case, FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE TorAL SOUTH Pars PRC-FIO0 Onshore Facilities Rev.0 : Sept 1999 Page : 8 of 13 - Pressure relief valve for tube rupture is not required if the piping and downstream equipment on the LP system have the capacity to handle material leaked from the HP source, - B xr double-pipe exchanger The tube rupture contingency will not be considered for schedule pipe type exchangers. ‘The pipe type of the exchangers need to be checked and confirmed by the specialist, 5.6.2. FLOWRATE ~The flowrate is determined using the equations in annex I (extract from Foster Wheeler Standard). - The high pressure fluid flows through both openings, the leakage flowrate should be the rate coresponding to twice the cross-sectional area of the single tube, - The eventually effects as vaporisation of liquid due to the pressure reduction, the mixing of two fluids in the different temperatures should be considered for the relieving flowrate. 5.7. LOSS OF HEAT IN SERIES FRACTIONATION SYSTEMS Refer to APIRP 521 -§ 2.3.9.- Page 5 In series fractionation ( for example the bottoms from the first column feed into the second column), the loss of heat input to a column can overpressure the following column. Loss of heat results in some of the light ends mixing with the bottoms and being transferred to the next column as feed. Under this circumstance, the overhead system of the second column cannot assume the additional vapor load, then overpressure will occur, Relieving rate (of the second column) = Gross OVHD of the second column at relieving conditions + the flashing of the light ends from the first column calculated at relieving conditions, 5.8. COOLING WATER FAILURE (GENERAL FAILURE) Refer to cooling failure. FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE, ‘TOTAL SOUTH PARS PRCFI00 Onshore Facilites Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page :9 of 13 5.9. ELECTRIC POWER FAILURE (GENERAL FAILURE) Refer to APIRP 521 - § 3.17 Page 22 Electric power failure should be analyzed case by case. ‘The analysis should take into account of the following parameters : Loss (or not) of feed to the system. Heat input by reboiler. Water cooling system which may imply a circulating pump driven by an electric motor. 5.10, SIMULTANEOUS FAILURE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND COOLING WATER This case should be considered. 5.11. INSTRUMENT AIR FAILURE, This case should be considered. 5.12. FIRE CONTINGENCIES (Ref. APIRP 521 - § 3.15 - Page 14) 5.12.1. FIRE ZONE ‘The fire zones are shown on the safety flow diagrams. WETTED SURFACE ‘The wetted surface of a vessel will be that portion of the vessel which is wetted by its internal liquid and is equal to or less than 8 m above the source of flame. The source of flame refers to ground grade but could be at any level at which a substantial spill or pool fire could be sustained. - Liquid-full vessel ‘Total surface limited to the height of 8 m, heads included, FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE. ToraLSouTH Pars, PRC-FION Onshore Facilities Rev.0 Sept 1999 Page : 10 of 13 - Horizontal vessel * Surface up to NLL for vessel with auto level control, limited to the height of 8ri, heads included. * Surface up to HLL for vessel with on/off control, limited to the height of 8m, heads included. - Vertical separator : Surface up to LAH, limited to the height of 8 m+ head. (KO drum) - Fractionating column : Surface up to NLL + holdup from all trays c (10 cm per tray) or packing, limited to the height of 8 m+ : head, ~ Air cooled exchangers In this project, the wetted surface of the air-cooled exchangers are not to be considered. 5.12.3, LINES EXPOSED TO FIRE The common engineering pratice is to take a 10% margin for fractionating towers, 30% for other vessels and heat exchangers in calculating the wetted area. 5.12.4, RELIEVING RATE (Ref API RP 521- § 3.15.2 - Page 16) ‘The relieving rate is calculated from the heat absorbed and the latent heat of the ‘material contained in the vessel. - The heat absorbed for vessels is calculated as follows : Q = 21000 FAS Where Q= Heat absorbed (BTU/HR) F = Environment factor to be taken equal to 1. Insulation shall be considered as non fire resistant. A= Total wetted surface (SQFT) ~ Latent heat of vaporisation of hydrocarbons:(Ref API RP 520 - § D-7 - Page 56). =In the zone which is close to the critical point, latent heat of 50 Bru/lb can be used. FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE. ‘TOTAL SOUTH PARS PRC-FIOO (Onshore Facilities Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 11 of 13 5.12.5. PARTICULAR CASE Fire under fractionating column with aircondenser (total condensing). - Air condenser totally loses its condensing and cooling ability when it is exposed to fire, - Relieving rate = Gross OVHD + flowrate corresponding to the wetted surface of associated equipments (column + reboiler + reflux drum + associated exchangers + piping), GQ 5.12.6. THERMAL EXPANSION OF GAS (Ref APIRP 521 - §3.15.2 - Page 16) ~ Forthe vessels containing vapor, refer to APIRP 521 - §3.15.2 - Page 16 - For the vessels containing a small amount of liquid (compressor KO drum for example), two calculations should be carried out as follows + Thermal expansion of gas (assuming no liquid in the drum). ‘+ Flowrate corresponding to the wetted surface (the wetted surface is assumed up to LAH). ‘The larger figure will be used. Particular case for air coolers : (gas cooling service) ‘© The surface to be considered = total bare tube area. ‘© The calculation to be done using this surface. 5 5.12.7. FIRE CASE UNDER AN EXCHANGER Cases to be considered - The exchanger is connected to a fractionating tower or to any system protected by a pressure relief valve. The wetted area of the exchanger should be taken into account in calculating the heat input fot fire case. ‘+ Shell side : wetted area based on the shell surface. Tube side : wetted area based on both heads of the exchanger or arbitrarily 13 of the shell surface. - Isolable exchanger fan exchanger can be isolated without being drained, and is located in a fire area, the exchanger must be protected (shell side and tube side) by a pressure relief valve forthe fire case. FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE TTOTALSOUTH PARS PRC-FI00 Onshore Facilites Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 12 of 13 - Other case No protection against overpressure is required if the exchanger is not isolable or the exchanger can be isolated but will be drained. 5.12.8. FIRE CASE UNDER UN AIR-COOLED EXCHANGI In this project, the wetted surface of the air-cooled exchangers are not to be considered. SS 5.13. OTHER CASES - Steam / condensate drums : Referto: API RP 520-Part I- §4.4 -Page 34 : Sizing for steam relief. ASME Code - Section I - Storage tanks : Ref APISTANDARD 2000: Fifth Edition- April 1998. 6. ‘TYPES OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES 6.1. CONVENTIONAL TYPE - Conventional pressure relief valves are used when the discharge is routed to ~ the atmosphere or through a low back pressure flare system, Conventional pressure relief valve should typically be used when a range of variation of the back pressure does not exceed 10% of the set pressure (gauge). 6.2. BALANCED TYPE, ~The design of balanced pressure relief valves incorporates means for reducing the effect of back pressure on the set pressure and for minimizing the effect of back pressure on performance characteristics such as opening and closing pressure, lift, and relieving capacity. = Balanced type can be used when the back pressure is in excess of 10% of the set pressure (gauge) and is limited to less than 50% of the set pressure, or when possible to 30% of the set pressure to avoid capacity reduction due to back pressure. = Superimposed back pressure caused by depressurizing valves in the system shall not be taken into consideration at determining the need for a balanced valve when operation of depressurizing valves and relief valves in one system does not take place at the same time. FOSTER WHEELER FRANCE, ‘ToraL SouTHPARS. PRC-FIOO Onshore Facilities Rev.0: Sept 1999 Page : 13 of 13 6.3. PILOT-OPERATED VALVES Pilot-operated valves are used where : = Operating pressure is very close to set pressure. ~ Quick opening or closing is required, ie. less than 10% overpressure for liquids and 5% for gas. ~ Clean process fluid service. 7. MATERIALS For pressure relief valves in sour service, it should be indicated by a note on PSV data sheet and all materials shall comply with the NACE MR 01-75 standard. 8 ANNEXT Attachment Annex I-Page 1 to 4. TOTAL souTH PARS PRE. Fiioo . Serr 1999 ANNEX _ Page Vy PROCESS STD 602 PAGE 4033 roster WY wareurr SAFETY REVISION 3 PROCESS PLANTS DIVISION RELIEVING DEVICES DATE Sune 1996 4,0 HAZARDOUS CO) INDIVIDUAL 43° Protection of Equipment 43.2 Shell and Tube and E Tube Failure and Leakage (cont'd) 3 Flowrate ‘A tube rupture is considered to be a sharp break in one tube. The high pressure fuid flows through both openings, which is equal to twice the cross-sectional area ofthe single tube. AYtor hes" In some cases Clients would not consider the possibility of complete guillosine fracture of heat exchanger tubes greater than (1/4"pccuring, This is because of the very large relief fows which would result if larger tube sizes are considered. Check procedures, documentation and ‘with the Client for the Project concemed. If a very high standard of ‘mechanical design is employed, some Clients relax this requirement and RB employ a smaller break cross sectional area than that which results from a guillotine fracture In determining the flow rate, allowance should be made for any liquid that will ash to vapor either as the result ofthe pressure reduction or, in the case of certain volatile fluids beng heated, because of the combined effcs of pressure reduction and vaporization as the Suid is intimately contacted by the hotter material onthe low-pressure side TOTAL Sourt Paks PRC-F- 100 _sert 1999 ANNEX ZT - age 2/4 PROCESS STD 602 PAGE 4034 roster WY wareter SAFETY REVISION 3 PROCESS PLANTS DIVISION RELIEVING DEVICES DATE Sune 1996 40 HAZARDOUS Cot INS AND. UAL RELIEVING RATES 4.3 Protection of Equipment 43.2 Shell Pipe Heat Exe 43.2.2 Tube Failure and Leakage Flowrate (cont'd) ‘The following equations can be used to calculate the flow from the high to the low pressure side (equations based on a discharge coefficient of 0.7, CJC. = 1.33 and area of tube break equal to twice the cross sectional area of one tube) oh Kod Py a aT Liquids Wir kid fp, =P) @ Equivaletto = VW=Kid? [Pi @) mt Where : (*) variable discussed hereafter. Vapors We ‘22s flow through tube break, kg/hr or Ibfhr w liquid flow through tube break, kg/hr or Ibfhr ve liquid flow through tube break, m3/hr or GPM 3 4 ‘ube inside diameter, mm or inch Pat) upstream pressure, bara or psia Px) relieving pressure ofthe low pressure side, usually 1.1 x ‘eauge set pressure), bara or psia M molecular weight z ‘compressibility factor 1) ‘vapor temperature, °K or °R putt) liquid density, kg/m oF 16/83 Ke ‘constant fictor of (1), use either 2.93 (metric) or 385 (British units), depending on the above listed units used Be constant factor of (2), use ether 1.77 (metric) or 2645 (British units), depending on the above listed units used ky constant factor of (2), use ether 1.77 (metric) or 330.3, (British units), depending on the above listed units used 2 TOTAL SOUTH PARS PRE. F- 100. sePT 1994 . ANNEX TL _ PAGe 3/4 PROCESS STD 602 J PAGE 4035 roster WY wareter SAFETY REVISION 3 PROCESS PLANTS DIVISION RELIEVING DEVICES DATE Sune 1996 40 HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RELIEVING RATES 43 Protection of Equipment 43.2 Shell and Tut (contd) 43.22 Tobe Failure and Leakage Hlowrate (cont'd) ' Review of the pressure conditions Py and Ps ‘The liquid equations (2) or (2') will be used in the following, cases — the liquid fow stays quid asi lows through the tube break P:>Py Pyi(*) : vapor pressure ofthe liquid the liquid ashes as it flows through the tube break RB P Py), use Py: instead of P, and calculate W; or Vi based on P; - Py If the liquid is at boiling conditions on the high pressure side (or close to these conditions), the liquid flow W or Vi can still be calculated using (2) or (2°), but based on ‘+ The pressure differential Py - P2 with P=Py Pr: higher pressure of critical flow downstream pressure (Pc). Experience has shown that should be calculated as Pe = 0.55 P, with Pc and P; in absolute pressure units here, ~ relieving pressure Pa, © The mixed phase density py (at relieving or critical low conditions) instead of the liquid density p, ToTAL Souttt TaRs PRO.F-(00 - SEPT 1949 Annex T. PAGS 4/4 PROCESS STD 602 PAGE 4.036 roster WY wrrerer SAFETY REVISION 3 PROCESS PLANTS DIVISION RELIEVING DEVICES DATE June 1996, 4.0 HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS AND INDIVIDUAL RELIEVING RATES RS Aa 1on of Equipment 43.2 Shel and Tube and Double Pipe Heat Exchanger 43.2.2 Tube Failure and Leakage (conté) wthpe speedy f°) ites afiong ore ow oman Tes dta canbe obed fom anise ah on be compte, oF th Cc 2 » where: Tz relieving or critical flow temperature Cy specific heat of the liquid 2 atent heat ofthe liquid 1° Ta) Review of the temperature condition (*) The high pressure side temperature is used to determine :T, px, Put ‘A reasonnable value is to consider the average operating temperature ofthis high pressure side. Nethertheless if the range of temperature is very large, flow through tube break should be calculated both at inlet and at outlet conditions Review ofthe ca When su Biclent Volume — If the calculated discharge exceeds the normal y/tal fiow in the high pressure sie, the later fow shoul be use, on the HP side may Supply theclclated owrate above the normal flowrate — When calculating the flow out of the low-pressure side, credit can be taken for the fluid-handling capacity of both the inlet and outlet lines unless the inlet contains check valves or control valves which would tend to be closed by the effects of tube breakage. ‘Valves on low pressure side provided only for isolation may be assumed fully ‘open. control valves in 2 position equivalent to the minimum normal flow unless the valve could automatically close due to the emergency situation. = In some cases the flowrate to be relieved out of the low-pressure side is greater than the flow through the tube break (calculated using (1), (2) or (2), because of the additionnal vaporization due to the mixing of a volatile Guid with a hot fluid

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