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Functional vite and fuir Antxcomnechons? ~> Funchal wwilt ea eee ey (ig lleva ah A wk 2 Unit es > Lontial Prowsing Unit ( cPU) ren > Bua staucture Prowssor ; rput M al wal ALU | Ge) Regesters AO Re GEOR “Hote Taney aboul youze components an Sn Fumilarnonliel ?- nj 8 Nts and Qt a nat otoubbas) MAN ww ge Buses, bus brebitedtns, types of bus aul bus arbitnelsbn Bus: > Bus ha communi cation Ayton thal dite. tramafer- between seein Mampi > A bus ih a Lommunicalion pesto eomreig ee move devices’ 7 A bus is a quoup sledlteal Lines fooires Host OPT cent ipa 5 a ca ode aul orR ene he pe Ey A bua that Aon mano Apmpulic wor poner ( processor, mn slo) 4 ssdled a Auyptone buA > Bw amy bus Divas tomer babsified mle Hore fanchion @ fata Bus ® Addagss Buss Bote Bus }- fat, Linas proven pall oe mover date. boliveer S Bidevectional > Width o dita bus ws ruwabe of leinas ven dat bus - > Each bin 99m 2064 oulgorebsteta. i : u : A ad ross Bus; ( Uniclizectioval ) > Ths adds dine at used dat or destination of, ths dates on she dati bus For examples ee the processor wo werd, tt m she as dinas Cknew) the gounee, tshes do acad ov woaite a. reenact Stas addeuss 4 dusived wo The width. of addaus bur olla mines tox marcirnerm Possible. mormon capaci 4 fhe Austen oombicl Burt (Bidiiecbionall) Ae povitiol Lins ant wed % conidial tae actus te act amd adders Limes - b pad ise of te — twubel sipals shammil both, aormamd. antl thinning bor Timing sugrals= eee the vali olty of data and addr Command Adpeall > Apecify ee ti be pedoimed . Typical eovbsol Linu include. —™M a — Memory Keas = lo von — Ifo Koad amas Ack, ~ Bus Request - Bus Grant ~ £lock ~ etc: Reyuerk Ad BS Dijsteiee = wy eon siiezes tees — DdDedicakd — Mubiplxed Dedicated bus Line we permanently, ae: aia fumttion ov fo a pluygical Aubset of comnpuilir componunls Exavmnple a, functional dadicadiio me en que 4 epost eluglicaltd adises ond data Lunes Mudliplred ? Adiysss aud att sigs eee wer tht owed ak of dines uaing am Addsors Valid divs For ales ‘ cE a hs beponwing, oh aaa oy, Ht alee sd om wha bud ond Adds volid ‘Line via activelad - Ati fava gl Ya some bua sus able ig than vercerel drome Se bel ah gan wae fr Subsoquantt saocl A safer ( mutt peri og.) knowen aa tire Bus Ark ason’ — Move thom waodube vood covtiol . cov pad prin Confialler$ ened 2g T]o module may need fo read ov vosile daiectly t He mommy, the buds The dui may be a & ~prowssor ~ An dustedbutid Aerume , Hoare uno parked rovioller Ratha, cach maul powbion accus cowbol Logie avad tha modus act togethen. te Ahore the bus- weit both, raithods of arbilantion , ths porpose ish dui yur device, Cithn, he proesor oy an To module , a masta, Ts master raouy iteake a dota tamper (2 good ov waite) wrth Aome otter dwice, pluily acts as slave ee portivulet erchang.- at “Tung Tiuing Rigas ti Hs way din Wohi ewerdle are poordlinated on the bus- PR We 10 Sinaia at Toning —®@ Asynehrorou Tontns a hohe 4 Synchronous “Tj : — With symubronous tina lee oecwrounce of He ener om ithe bus 4 difianimad by a vtloch. es tiamsmits a jequlad sugpronce 6 alternmbie os and I's equi duvatron «A Ainge [+0 ‘boornsomabsons oh aaferred tas a flock rye pe ieee open Aah: hive sot. - Att evils starts ot Atha beginning of a -tlock cycle We me OS ral 0 > with ronour Liming , dhe ocewounce eb ore om a bus ee om dopontls on He occurrence. af a Previous event > No clock. Bua Arbitaation Teciques > ae prio ly Bus cet eae Bud Reuse Buds Busy Daisy- chain Method! ot Serial Methods > Ta sequal of bud Usage veom bo plaud oy amy ynaodale vonnectid’ 5 Te bus worvtolter ‘genni tte bus do the drhst module Aowucted * a ? I module gamitidevbsot, oho tas hen ranted bus to, devet have not tepusted Yor bud , will 4orscard she growl Ae the vot module - 3 4 te module whe A Aaning sts gant won: 5 whe bud, makes she jal ‘Bet’ andl ube She bub. Alta wing bus Ota module unset Hs busy Aisodivorrtlage Modules as te fixed Priosity Palleng Methed 2 Polling count Line = h i" Mox N of, commuted modulus a’ SD Modules, sequusts He bud using “Bus Ruquust” Line » > Sua comtiollr +e 2 = pote Menge a" Ayuonees om the Arquimu ob allocated by > The omoclule, elit, f I : lla, ae bead segs omd use gnarohed “ha Sade pewtluud Reg wat Pobibiow Technique? — With wothed, every module Aad coal # te bus towkoll by 4 “Bua * amd Bus és by epanate gaomt => Tadividual module rom aquest de ofa bua eonbtolle, hae ene een dine - 4 veo gain the bun a ‘Hoa module 3 which hed Poquastid for ae bus: > dat Wy walod vinuaan te cot of Ale 2g : > Setter eae Bus > daw M reer ref ‘ A eee) intel > Oe ee ab roma oie ae sea oe hy Ao omettr we bus sbuctire ; es uaing Muti ples, = using ris oe Bop: 7 com . ss Mudtiphr ers cemetiee sof ) ister" | | cant PH Na arm: el oo Trametes eg 0 grep theien adenine ce stored - pov ae Honeoryfoad § oe 2 nt * ald i ia spesattcom Read? DR< M {a RJ DRO dale Rea Jocalion eid by Pelins Rion MLART2 woh, . i ae be Memens Waites ero be ” aoe i ald a anil, opeushon ere rite: MEART< PR ~ Registers ow used to ator dee dimporarily > Te aegis dw CPU ferfowws toe voles | bear vita i) coukiel awtl Stabs Resists Grevsral Rar pose Pests, Ry eric Dole kagustev Trabuuclion Regist, Adds Register MAR, Conslitton oodles MpR User Visible Resists ¢ Nee ube, Wisibe stat Mo -poud me ee crass of repthovre ASOT exeutes apa Gounsl Fusbose ~ Hate Register = Ack Register ~ Condition Codes Genel Rasose beyitis ~ ee be re by bats fo ony ae? - Gerd ity wndsely se io P Register to Roll Hu dele Aes hagialen Auta. Register many be used only Adldress Reg dster be devoted a5 & fortiveular addbess irey modes + erlompla j te Loe, feinta Index eee ~ egnunck Reinlix hatds the adders ths babe of She Argnund um seaeecietel adtsessing - — Tutler sting ane used for tndexed addiessrng and rey be outs indexed « ~ Stack fount, -ponli As Ha top of the stack, . This allows. ii it adiduating that 4s 1 pop and ott cane es need not tho he an explictt Condition toces ( Also eas Plage)? aoudition oodles art Yee bite At Hs prowutor sharcduoue GA the arrult of eution * “4 Exonuple ? a apa Aaa . — Zero Ruut ~ Sveflow ~— etc- spel ees Soi egal > Raguitnn omployrd to ential ats operation uiker- > Not visible fo the ues * {tr Ragistess me essential 4 inshuution exeeation © Program coumbin © sasbuchion Register @™ pddsers Reyiiter (9%) ® Memoug dala hagishr (MDA) ~ Progon out tondasins sa aaddsass othe sinsbinacion te be fet ~ Trslauclion Regyater ervdains the srblixection mort Mleaslir Location win Ha panne” MDR op MBR( Memory Bi Ragustin ) eontuins a werd eae ete Ha woud oOo 4 peourbly Sead ee ie ee paw 2 Preysom Stabs ee pout at of, degli known as PSW, 7 Pow aynos sa vole ce ps : . rage ton Oe MS aaa Pine ee “eal gl 0 Snjel veompe stall ia espa sein te Bide foe clisables used to enable o oliscble intonspls thor the -prossor J exenobing ynode - eae _Tebowupt Enable supervisor — indicatis 19 Pee Le eo Us Te pic Prowssor_ Onganinaltin * froussor japwlauws ALU, cu omd Regulas SALUD Tue ALU (Artthimaatic hogic Uvit) does Hs actual > CU: conbiel witi- CV vovtiols she movement of cate ond insudion sia nd at of to rower ae eoritiols he operation ef ALU: Trtunal steuclure o4cPU © Prowssor Orqamigedliim yasous Agu the ombonwls | ~prowssor Aonnebed gyro accomplish Mrviztosks - A prouseer dow He fees eae ~ Fetch Insbauction Fetch Tnstauchiu ¢ The -proussey Bonds am insbuchion deo Ci i Latorpact Trutuclion > The insharctbn Ja aecoclecl ote detivntne| polis ack’on a snapibed - Ds eaieindetees aa eeeten aan Tee saspiibe a nes - ‘ meen Reading, atota ele 2 ‘i an instechion 14044 Reqpne i tcall ad Spe Gennal Repisles ami zation 2 eaten ovgpnsatin fox Seven CPU Anyi tins 3BXB Detoder. —= 7] ALV SsELD OPR _, | g 3 3 s sere | serd | OPR | Conhia) werd Resin set velth common ALU set reith Common ALY — Ts ovclpuk of each Regisles Dp Aon do two mth plexos.s “46 dom Hh baaes A ond B- ~ le seludtion Line Jin each omuttiplaxer Adlics one. Aegitta, ci tie eb wt buses Bod Bev Hs i 50 orimen ALU detoxmus the anttimedic ~> The Ault is available pee and, gor ints "oasis a utp i she by & dacedss. o> “Tue diodes activals nee ithe seyste- hood i ae Re Table of ofernttions poovmona by ALU 0 isis Hable specifies ) Jot selected pporon te onli 24L f five bits aan Jepiuse / \ total 32 operation J é Topic. 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