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UP student plagiarizes prize-winning photos

Questions and Answers:

1. In what competition did Solis send in his plagiarized work?

Smiles for the World photo contest conceptualized by the Chilean

Ambassador Roberto Mayorga.

2. What sanctions did he receive from the organizing committee? Describe his

Mayorga, the organizing committee, said that they will conduct

an investigation to this kind of incident. He also warned that Solis'
conduct may forfeit his award and that he needs to meet the contest
organizers right after. Mayorga’s action is just appropriate because he
immediately responded regarding this misconduct committed by the
UP student, Mark Joseph Solis. Meanwhile, Solis’ action is very
unethical because plagiarism is considered as a crime and a serious
offense violating R.A. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code of the

3. Do you think technology and the internet have made plagiarism easier? Do
you think technology has made people more or less creative? Explain your
answer by citing examples.

For us, yes. With the power of internet, people can easily steal
other people’s works, thus, making them lazy in thinking or creating
their own concepts and ideas about a given topic.

UP grad in photo plagiarism gets redemption

Questions and Answers:

1. According to the article, how did Solis redeem himself? What job did he

For the past two years, Solis, a graduate from the University of
the Philippines, managed a football program for the street children at
a makeshift field inside the Baclaran church compound, Pasay City, in

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order to compensate his wrongdoings regarding the plagiarism
incidence he was involved in.

2. What project did he help?

The football project helped players aged eight to twelve and

seeks to improve the street children’s character and perception
through the sport.

3. What is there to learn about the life of Solis?

This proves that the violation or misconduct done by a person

alone cannot already justify himself/herself as an individual. There
could always be a room for change for each one of us to improve
ourselves and our own well-being. It also shows that one can change
for the better in order to redeem his/her mistakes.

Summarize the answers:

A University of the Philippines student named Mark Joseph Solis won

the Smiles for the World photo contest where he used a plagiarized work and
credited it as his own. The authorities immediately took an action and
Mayorga, the organizing committee, conducted an investigation regarding
the incident. He warned that Solis' conduct may forfeit his award and that he
needs to meet the contest organizers right after. Solis’ action is very
unethical because plagiarism is considered as a crime and a serious offense
violating R.A. 8293 or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines.
This happening suggests that technology can really be that powerful
and may be used in evildoings if placed with the wrong hands. With the aid
of internet, people can easily steal other people’s works, that makes them
lazy in thinking or creating their own concepts and ideas about a given topic.
For the past two years, Solis managed a football program for the street
children at a makeshift field inside the Baclaran church compound, Pasay City, in
order to compensate his wrongdoings regarding the plagiarism incidence he was
involved in. The football project helped players aged eight to twelve and
seeks to improve the street children’s character and perception through the
This proves that the violation or misconduct done by a person alone
cannot already justify himself/herself as an individual. There could always be

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a room for change for each one of us to improve ourselves and our own well-
being. It also shows that one can change for the better in order to redeem
his/her mistakes.


Carabuena: From bully to cyberbullying victim

Questions and Answers:

1. What did Carabuena do that made netizens angry?

He mistreated a Metropolitan Manila Development Authority

officer, Aide Fabros. Carabuena was caught on camera berating and
slapping the MMDA personnel last August 11, 2012.

2. Describe the acts of cyber bullying that the netizens did to Carabuena. Do
you think their actions are justifiable? Defend your answer.

Netizens bashed Carabuena after his immoral action. Some

netizens threatened Cabuena to the extent that they even sent him
death treats after the video had leaked on the social media. For us, it
is not justifiable since their actions are clearly a violation of the human
rights. Maybe he had made a mistake but we must keep in mind that
we’re not on the right position to take our own justice regarding this
issue. Let the authorities do their job and the law will speak for itself.

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3. How did the incident affect Carabuena’s life?

The incident made Carabuena depressed and he was suspended

to his work because of the issue. Some netizens also threaten him and
because of this, he didn’t go out for a week and stayed inside his
house for his own protection.

4. Do you think technology and the Internet has made bullying easier?

It’s a big YES. Technology and the internet made it easier to

commit bullying since people can easily post hurtful words with just a
single click or tap. They can also create fake accounts that would hide
their true identity thus, making them even braver to do these heinous

5. Give one suggestion to avoid cyber bullying. Give one suggestion to avoid
being a cyber-bully.

To avoid these incidents, always remember that as a user of

social media, you must be respectful, considerate, and always put
your feet to the shoes of others. Be wise and sensitive to all of your
actions in these social media platforms to avoid doing harm on your
fellow netizen. If you are being cyberbullied, just try to ignore it if it
doesn’t really affect you that much. On the other hand, if the actions
were already unbearable and involves your own safety, immediately
report to the authorities like guidance councilor and cybercrime
prevention groups.

Summarize the answers:

A video went viral on social media showing Carabuena berating

and slapping an MMDA officer, Aide Fabros, last August 11, 2012.
Some netizens threatened Carabuena and even sent him death treats
after the video had leaked on the social media. This happening is not
justifiable since their actions are clearly a violation of the human
rights. Maybe he had made a mistake but we must keep in mind that

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we’re not on the right position to take our own justice regarding this
issue. Let the authorities do their job and the law will speak for itself.
The incident made Carabuena depressed and he was suspended
to his work because of the issue. Some netizens also threaten him and
because of this, he didn’t go out for a week and stayed inside his
house for his own protection.
Technology and the internet really made it easier to commit
bullying since people can easily post hurtful words with just a single
click or tap. They can also create fake accounts that would hide their
true identity thus, making them even braver to do these heinous acts.
To avoid these incidents, always remember that as a user of
social media, you must be respectful, considerate, and always put
your feet to the shoes of others. Be wise and sensitive to all of your
actions in these social media platforms to avoid doing harm on your
fellow netizen. If you are being cyberbullied, just try to ignore it if it
doesn’t really affect you that much. On the other hand, if the actions
were already unbearable and involves your own safety, immediately
report to the authorities like guidance councilor and cybercrime
prevention groups.


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Four in ten teenage girls 'are addicted to internet: Youngsters
increasingly showing signs of compulsion with their tablets and
smart phones

Questions and Answers:

1. From the research, do boys and girls share the same Internet usage? Explain
your answer. Cite statistics or data.

No, teenage girls tend to use the Internet more often compared
to boys with same range of age. A survey conducted by the charity
Tablets for Schools showed that in more than 2,000 secondary school
pupils, aged 11 to 17, that were asked, 39 percent believe that they
are addicted to the Internet. 46 percent here were girls, which is much
bigger compared to teenage boys with just 36 percent of the

2. Cite one real life example in your school or community of teenagers who
have experienced computer addiction. What happen them? Have they
recovered from their addiction?

Before, we always see a lot of teenage boys swarming around in

computer shops. Some of them even escape from their classes just to
go there and play different online games. Thanks to the improved
regulation of the school, with the help of the authorities and the
Internet shops, this incidence was moderated. Little by little, these
cases were being inhibited and is continuously declining ever since.

3. Give two pieces of advice from Tablets for Schools to avoid computer

As what the charity Tablets for Schools emphasized, parents

should ban their children from using their devices before bedtime and
they must encourage them to buy alarm clocks instead of using their
phones for the purpose. They should set a limitation in using their
gadgets to avoid sacrificing their time to study and do their school
works. They could also find new ‘boredom busters’ that would help
them stay away from the Internet for certain times of a day or a week
and be ‘unplugged.'

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Summary of the answers:

A survey conducted by the Tablets for Schools showed that in more

than 2,000 secondary school pupils, aged 11 to 17, that were asked, 39
percent believe that they are addicted to the Internet. 46 percent here were
girls, which is much bigger compared to teenage boys with just 36 percent of
the population.
On the other hand, the case in our locality is a little different. Teenage
boys were the ones that are more addicted to computer, specifically to online
games. Thanks to the improved regulation of the school and the Internet
shops, this incidence was moderated and little by little, the cases have been
continuously declining ever since.
As what the charity Tablets for Schools emphasized, parents should
ban their children from using their devices before bedtime and they must
encourage them to buy alarm clocks instead of using their phones for the
purpose. They should set a limitation in using their gadgets to avoid
sacrificing their time to study and do their school works. They could also find
new ‘boredom busters’ that would help them stay away from the Internet for
certain times of a day or a week and be ‘unplugged.'

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