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Progress Test
Welcome Unit

A. Grammar

A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

A a A long black dress.
1 Where’s he standing?  b A microphone.
2 Where’s she from?  c I like reggae.
3 What does she look like?  d I love it!
4 Do you like classical music?  e I’m going to travel around Europe.
5 What’s your name?  f In the middle.
6 Can he play the piano?  g My friends call me Zuzu.
7 What are you going to do?  h She comes from Argentina.
8 What kind of music do you like? i She has black hair and blue eyes.
9 What’s she wearing?  j Yes, he can. And he can play the
10 What’s he holding?  violin, too.

A2 Underline the correct form. (10 points)

1 Where do you come/are you coming from?

2 He’s sitting on the left. He wears/is wearing a black cap.
3 She is having/has blond hair.
4 What do you do/are you going to do this week?
5 They stay/are staying in London at the moment.
6 Nearly 10 million people live/are living in Greece.
7 I play/am playing the keyboards every Friday.
8 Where were/are you yesterday?
9 Do you come/Are you going to come to the concert tomorrow?
10 She likes/is liking rock music.

A3 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 What kind.................................................................................................?
I like rock.

2 What........................................................................................................?
She’s wearing a yellow top and a red skirt.

3 What ....................................................................................... this week?

I’m going to travel around Scotland.

4 Where.....................................................................................................?
He comes from Poland.

5 Where.....................................................................................................?
She’s standing on the right.

He has fair hair and green eyes.

7 How......................................................................................................?
They’re fifteen years old.

8 Where....................................................................................................?
I’m staying at the Hilton.

9 Where...................................................................................................?
She lives in Madrid.

10 .................................................................................................... piano?
No, he doesn’t. He plays the guitar.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Find the words and put them in the right group. (15 points)

nodbl robwn sasiclacl clury smurd rifa kolf tarugi zajz besykorad ocrk
gerega bamas grastith nilovi

(5 words)
(4 words)
(6 words)

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 She speaks English with a French a….................................. .

2 He only likes c…...............… music. He hates pop and rock.
3 I don’t know him. What does he l…........... l……........?
4 I’m really e……...................! I’m going to meet my favorite actor.
5 She’s at u…….....................; she’s studying to be a doctor.
6 Leonardo DiCaprio is very well-k…........................... in the USA.
7 The p……......................... of London is about 5 million.
8 Her hair is not dark; it’s b............................……
9 Scotland was an i….............................… country until 1707.
10 He’s studying d…...............................; he wants to be an actor.

Progress Test
Unit 1


A. Grammar

A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 Do you like rock music?  a Nice to meet you too.
2 How long are you staying b He’s the one who’s sitting in the middle.
in Morocco?  c Neither do I.
3 I can’t speak Chinese.  d So do I.
4 I don’t like folk music.  e Neither can I.
5 I love dancing.  f Just for three days.
6 I’m going out.  g At seven o’clock in the morning.
7 Pleased to meet you  h I think they are beautiful.
8 What do you think i I don’t mind it.
of the Thai islands?  j So am I.
9 What time are you leaving? 
10 Which one is David? 

A2 Write sentences with who or where as in the example.

(5 points)

e.g. boy – plays the piano

That’s the boy who plays the piano.
restaurant – I met him
That’s the restaurant where I met him.

1 hotel / they are staying ..........................................................................

2 woman / sings rock ..........................................................................
3 man / works in the theater ..........................................................................
4 theater / he works ..........................................................................
5 girl / phoned me yesterday ..........................................................................

A3 Write sentences with so or nor as in the example. (5 points)

e.g. I’m Brazilian. So am I.

I’m not English. Neither am I.
1 I can play the guitar. ..........................................................................
2 I am going to the movies. ........................................................................
3 I hate this music. ..........................................................................
4 I don’t mind tidying my room ..........................................................................
5 I can’t sing. ..........................................................................
6 I’m not interested in history. ..........................................................................
7 I don’t want to go. ..........................................................................
8 I really like playing tennis. ..........................................................................
9 I can’t stand classical music. ..........................................................................
10 I’m going shopping. ..........................................................................

A4 Put the verbs in the present continuous. (5 points)

1 I don’t mind ..................….. (cook) but I hate ..................….. (tidy) my room.

2 She .............…....... (visit) her grandmother tomorrow.
3 He loves .............….....… (listen) to the bagpipes.
4 We .............….....… (spend) a week in Bogotá.
5 How long ..................……… (you stay) there?

B. Vocabulary

B1 Write the words. (5 points)

1 A …................................ is a person who takes photographs.

2 A …................................ is a person who plays the guitar.
3 A …................................ is a person who plays music.
4 A …................................ is a person who works with doctors and looks after
sick people.
5 A …................................ is a person who reports news.

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 The café serves hot s............................ and sandwiches.

2 There’s always a doctor on d…...................... at the hospital.
3 There’s a very good a…....................… about the festival in the newspaper.
4 To tell you the t…....................., I don’t know what’s happening.
5 She’s going on a t…..................... of Southern Spain!
6 What do you t....................…. of her? Do you like her?
7 We’re going to a new restaurant. Would you like to come a…...................... ?
8 I like all k........................................ of music, especially jazz.
9 Are you a…..................... with me? I’m sorry!
10 My room is a m…...................... . I’m going to tidy it.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Mark the stress. (5 points)

exhibition girlfriend nickname organize photograph photographer

positive profile receptionist transport

D. Writing (10 points)

Emma interviews you for MNX. Write answers to her questions.

1 What do you think of French pop music?

2 What makes you laugh?
3 What words best describe you?
4 Do you have any bad habits?
5 What do you do in your free time?

1 .........................................................................................................................

2 .........................................................................................................................

3 .........................................................................................................................

4 .........................................................................................................................

5 .........................................................................................................................

Progress Test
Unit 2


A. Grammar

A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

A m
1 e
W 
o 2
u Could you tell me the way to






3 e

C l
a a
n s
o t
u i
g e
v y
e o
e w
a n
a t
n o
, t
p e
e m
a o
s v
e i
? e
 ?
4 
W Why did you get lost?
h 6
e Who was Plato?
n 7
How long did they live there?
w 8
a Is he a good dancer?
s 9
How did you get there?
t 

10 i
A n
r ’
e t

y h
o a
u v
o a
i m
n a
g p
? .
 Don’t you know? Have a look at my

B i
a s
A o
w y
e b
k o
a k
g .
o d
. For five years.
b e
Yes. Just a moment!
B f
e I walked.
c g
a I’d love to.
u h
s No. He dances really badly.
e i
Sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m not
I g

o o
a t
t r
c i
o g
o h
k t
n a
g h
. e
j a
Yes, of course. Turn right here and d
A2 Complete the sentences with these verbs in the past tense.
become buy die learn meet sing sleep think win write

1 I ....................…. very well last night.

2 Elizabeth …....................… Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in 1952.
3 My sister …...................... English in Scotland.
4 I …...................... some new CDs yesterday.
5 Shakespeare …..................... 38 plays.
6 Maria Callas first …....................… in Athens in 1941.
7 Meryl Streep ……..................... an Oscar in 1979 and another one in 1982.
8 Agatha Christie was born in 1891 and …...................... in 1976.
9 Mary Queen of Scots never …...................... her cousin Elizabeth.
10 Many people ....................…. that Mary killed Darnley.

A3 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 When …............................................................................................….?
She left five minutes ago.

2 How many …….....................................................................................?

He wrote six letters.

3 Where …..........................................................................................….?
They went to Florida.

4 Where ……..........................................................................................?
I learned French in Switzerland.

5 How …….............................................................................................?
She danced beautifully.

6 Where ……..........................................................................................?
She studied at the University of Edinburgh.

7 When ……...........................................................................................?
He died in 1963.

8 When ……..........................................................................................?
She married him in 1990.

9 What time ……...................................................................................?

I came home at five thirty.

10 How many ……..................................................................................?

She had two husbands.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Write the opposites. (5 points)

1 badly ......................................
2 slowly ......................................
3 happily ......................................
4 loudly ......................................
5 most ......................................

B2 Choose the correct word. (10 points)

1 Can you tell me the way/street to the library?

2 This is very difficult! Can you give me a help/hand?
3 The movie theater is on your right. You can’t miss/lose it.

4 We went/got off the bus outside the theater.
5 He fell/went in love with her the minute he saw her.
6 Catch him! He’s a steal/thief.
7 I don’t like him any more/still.
8 We walked along/between the path.
9 I’ll call you in a minute/time.
10 Don’t worry! Take it easy/easily.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Underline the main stressed words in each sentence.

(5 points)
e.g. She didn’t go to England; she went to France.

1 He didn’t buy a house; he bought a car.

2 She didn’t ask her sister for help; she asked her cousin.
3 He didn’t kill her; he killed her brother.
4 They didn’t go to Paris; they went to Amsterdam.
5 He didn’t learn quickly; he learned slowly.

D. Writing (10 points)

Read these notes about Tom Cruise and write a short paragraph
about him.

Tom Cruise – born New York, 1962

Handsome, not very tall
First part in Risky Business 1982 – teenager
Top Gun 1986 – very popular
Audiences loved Interview with a Vampire (1994)
Married actress Nicole Kidman – 2 children
Likes: playing with children, acting, writing
Dislikes: football


Progress Test
Unit 3


A. Grammar

A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 Is the music too loud?  B
2 Can you see it?  a Both!
3 Will you go to the concert?  b I don’t know; but I think I can work
4 I’m afraid I’ll forget everything.  it out.
5 Will Mark be there?  c I think we shouldn’t waste electricity.
6 What can we do about the d No, you won’t.
energy problem?  e No. It’s too far away.
7 What does this mean?  f Why don’t you put on your coat?
8 Do you want the black dress g Yes, he will.
or the red one?  h Yes, I’m getting the tickets tonight.
9 It’s very cold today.  i Yes, we must leave immediately
10 Must we go now?  j Yes. Can you turn it down a bit?

A2 Complete the sentences with these words. (10 points)

must mustn’t should shouldn’t will won’t.

1 It’s cold. I think you ……...................... put on your jacket.

2 Your dad …....................….. smoke; it isn’t good for him.
3 People ……...................... smoke in the building – it’s a rule.
4 I hope the test ……...................... be too difficult.
5 I want to go to the beach tomorrow – I hope it ....................…….. rain.
6 You …....................….. have a ticket to go in.
7 You …....................….. chew gum when you’re talking to your teacher.
8 Don’t worry – I’m sure the homework …....................….. be easy.
9 We …....................….. pollute the environment.
10 I …....................….. go now; it’s very late.

A3 Make sentences with too and enough as in the examples.
(5 points)
e.g. I can drive a car. I am 18 years old.
I’m old enough to drive a car.
I can’t drive a car. I am 15 years old.
I’m too young to drive a car.

1 I can’t play tennis. I am tired.

I’m …………………………..................................................…..

2 We can’t walk there. It’s far.

It’s …………………………..................................................…..

3 We can go swimming. It’s warm.

It’s …………………………..................................................…..

4 I can’t see. It’s dark.

It’s …………………………..................................................…..

5 Nobody can get the answers right in this test. It’s difficult..
It’s …………………………..................................................…..

B. Vocabulary

B1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. (5 points)

1 I can’t hear the music. Can you turn it …............................ ?

2 Turn …............................ the TV. There’s a good film on.
3 Look at her! She’s soaked …............................ the skin.
4 We must stop cutting …............................ trees.
5 People are using …............................ all of the Earth’s resources.

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 The party is o……................ . Let’s go home.

2 I had a party yesterday and now I must t…...............…. up the house!
3 It’s very c……................ today. I think it’s going to rain.
4 Don’t w…...............…. your money; think about how you spend it.
5 He was late because there was a lot of t…..............…. in the streets.
6 We must all try to s…..............…. energy!
7 He lives in a v..............……. near Dublin.
8 I don’t have a phone at home, but I have a c…..............…. phone.
9 I sometimes a…..............…. with my brother, but I love him.
10 Let’s listen to the weather f……............... to see if it’s going to rain tomorrow.


C1 Match the words that rhyme. (5 points)

e.g. night – light

1 weight 
2 snow 
3 way 
4 lake 
5 sleep 

a blow
b break
c keep
d late
e pay

D. Writing (10 points)

How can we save the Earth? Write down 10 sentences about:

∑ garbage
∑ energy
∑ animals
∑ beaches
∑ forests

∑ We should save things and recycle them. We shouldn’t throw away so many
∑ We should recycle glass and paper.


Revision Test 1: Units 1 - 3


A. Grammar

A1 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 How long ………….........................................……..................................…....?

They’re staying in Edinburgh for two weeks.
2 What ……….........................................…………..........................................?
I’m leaving at half past six.
3 When …………………...................................................................................?
She’s going to Chicago tomorrow.
4 …………………...................................................................... in your free time?
I usually read or listen to music.
5 ………………….............................................................. go to the movies?
I’d love to.
6 ………………….................................................................... the time, please?
Yes, of course! It’s quarter to eight.

7 Where …………………..................................................................................?
Deacon Brodie lived in Edinburgh.
8 When …………………....................................................................................?
I was born in 1986.
9 ………………….............................................................................tomorrow?
No, it won’t rain.
10 ……………….........................................…...................................... nervous?
Yes, I think I will be nervous.

A2 Complete the sentences with these words. (10 points)

should shouldn’t must mustn’t will won’t

1 You ……......................... eat so much! It’s not good for you.
2 It’s freezing. I’m sure it ….........................… snow tomorrow.
3 You ….........................… play football in the classroom.
4 We ……......................... recycle glass bottles.
5 I hope there .........................…… be too many people.
6 You ….........................…be 18 to drive in Spain.
7 I ….........................… go to bed early tonight. I’m working in the morning.
8 We .........................…… turn off the lights when we leave a room to save energy.
9 I think she ……......................... play very well.
10 You ……......................... smoke so much.

A3 Put in who or where. (5 points)

1 That’s the restaurant …..................… I met him.

2 This is the man …..................… gave me the book.
3 That’s the girl …..................… called me yesterday.
4 Let’s go to the party …..................… you saw her.
5 This is the hotel …..................… we stayed last time.

A4 Write sentences with so or neither as in the example. (5 points)

e.g. I like him. So do I.

I don’t like her. Neither do I.
1 I’m going out. ..........................................................
2 I don’t like blue jeans. ..........................................................
3 I love dancing. ..........................................................
4 He isn’t coming to the party. ..........................................................
5 I’m bored. ..........................................................

A5 Put the verbs in the simple past. (5 points)

1 We ….........................… (go) to the movies last night.

2 She ….........................… (not dance) with anyone at the party.
3 I ….........................… (not sleep) very well last night.
4 He ….........................… (not know) the answer to the teacher’s question.
5 I ….........................… (sing) very well when I was a child.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Find the odd word. (10 points)

1 music guitar keyboards violin

2 disc jockey guitarist musician reporter
3 dentist photographer nurse doctor
4 love like hate tidy
5 boat train coach travel
6 straight left right lost
7 along past down path
8 model actor part play
9 forest field lake town
10 cloudy foggy snowy destroy

B2 Choose words from this list and complete the sentences.

argue catch describe did different go hang invitation lake
made mess nightmare noise popular quietly same share smile
throw unpopular village waste write

1 We must ….................… the eight o’clock bus.

2 I ….................… a lot of new friends in Edinburgh.
3 ….................…! They’re taking photographs of us.
4 Do you have your own room or do you .................…… one with your brother?
5 My room is a ….................…; I must tidy it.
6 ….................… on! I’m coming in a minute.
7 Can you ….................… him? What does he look like?
8 Did you get an ….................… for the party?
9 He spoke very ….................… and I couldn’t hear him.
10 She’s very ….................…; nobody likes her.
11 Her hair is the ….................… color as mine.

12 Don’t ……................. it away; I want to keep it.
13 I didn’t sleep very well; I had a .................…….
14 I ….................… with my sister all the time.
15 He lives in a ….................… near Lima.


C1 Mark the stress in these words. (10 points)

agreement audience average beautifully electricity especially exhibition

festival guitarist microphone neighbor perform perhaps photographer
population positive probably surname unpopular

D. Reading (10 points)

Read the text and decide if the statements following the text are true or false.

Plato was a great Greek philosopher. He was born in Athens in 428 BC. When he was a
child his father, Ariston, died, and his mother, Perictione, married Pyrilampes, who was a
friend of Pericles.

As a young man he became a student of Socrates, who was not only his teacher,
but also a good friend. But in 399 BC, the Athenians sent Socrates to prison, where he
killed himself. Because they were good friends, Plato was afraid for his own life and left
Athens. He then traveled to Italy, Sicily and Egypt.

In 387 BC Plato was back in Athens and had his own school, called the Academy.
There he taught philosophy, astronomy, biology and mathematics. Aristotle became the
most famous student of the Academy.

In 367 BC he made another trip to Sicily to teach the new ruler, Dionysius the

But a few years later he returned to Athens and spent the rest of his life teaching at the
Academy and writing. He wrote more than thirty books and died when he was 80 in
Athens. He became famous all over the world and there are still philosophers who
continue his work and admire his ideas.

True or false?
1 Plato’s father was called Pyrilampes. T/F
2 Perictione was a friend of Pericles. T/F

3 Socrates and Plato were good friends. T/F
4 Socrates was Plato’s teacher. T/F
5 The Athenians killed Socrates. T/F
6 Plato left Athens because he was bored. T/F
7 Aristotle studied at the Academy. T/F
8 In 367 BC Plato went to Sicily on holiday. T/F
9 Plato wrote thirty books. T/F
10 He lived a long life. T/F

E. Writing (20 points)

Read these notes and write a short biography of Socrates.

Socrates (469-399 BC).

Greek philosopher.
Born in Athens, son of Sophroniscus and Phaenarete.
Studied Greek, music, and gymnastics.
Soldier in the Peloponnesian War with Sparta.
Taught, but didn’t write.
Very popular, great sense of humor.
Died in prison.


Progress Test
Unit 4



A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 Where have you been?  B
2 Has she done her homework?  a I haven’t slept all night.
3 I hate spaghetti!  b I’ve been at school all day.
4 Shall I get you a cup of tea?  c No, thanks.
5 Hi! Can I join you?  d Only one.
6 I’m starving!  e Well done!
7 What’s the matter?  f Well, I think it tastes delicious.
8 How many meals have you g Why don’t you have something to eat?
had today?  h Why don’t you turn on the heating?
9 I’ve done all my homework.  i Yes, of course you can.
10 I’m freezing!  j Yes, she has.

A2 Look at George’s diary for today and make questions

and answers as in the example. (10 points)

e.g. check my e-mail  Has he checked his e-mail? Yes, he has.

1 clean the house 

2 cook dinner 
3 phone my parents 
4 take the dog for a walk 

5 do my English homework 

A3 Complete the sentences with How much or How many.

(5 points)
1 …....................…….. money do you have?
2 ………...................... CDs have you bought?
3 ……....................….. sandwiches have you eaten?
4 ……....................….. cake would you like?
5 ……....................….. eggs do you need?

B. Vocabulary

B1 Choose the right word. (5 points)

1 The chicken tastes very good/well.

2 I took off/out my clothes and went to bed.
3 I’ve eaten too much! I think I’m going to be unhealthy/sick.
4 Be careful! You’ll drop/fall the vase.
5 He does a lot of exercise so he’s very healthy/fit.

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 She’s h………....................! She can’t do anything right!

2 I have a terrible h…....................…… . Do you have an aspirin?
3 Did you w…....................…… up early this morning?
4 This ice cream t……....................… delicious!
5 I have a p……....................… in my leg. I must see a doctor.
6 I can’t do it now; I am too b……....................…!
7 Do you eat a b……....................… diet?

8 I haven’t eaten anything all day – I’m s. .……………
9 I’ve l……....................… my guitar. Have you seen it?
10 There were twenty questions in the q………………..


C1 Mark the stress. (5 points)

balanced breadcrumbs frying pan headache honestly lifetime medicine

questionnaire recognize temperature

D. Writing (10 points)

How fit are you? Think about the last two weeks and write sentences about:
∑ eating healthy food
∑ eating unhealthy food
∑ sports
∑ walking
∑ TV
∑ sleep and relaxation

Write about 50 words.

e.g. In the last two weeks I haven’t eaten a lot of fruit and vegetables. I have…



Progress Tests
Unit 5



A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 What does CD stand for?  B
2 Can I try it?  a All right! But be careful!
3 I like this song.  b Yeah, it’s cool!
4 Is Sean Connery Scottish?  c He’s the guy that recorded my song.
5 Why did he go to the d I’m afraid so!
post office?  e It was written by Mary Shelley.
6 Was the door open?  f It’s made of American hardwood.
7 What’s this guitar made of?  g That’s right.
8 Who is he?  h No, it was locked.
9 Who wrote this book?  i Compact Disc.
10 Was the CD stolen?  j To buy some stamps.

A2 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple passive

or the past simple passive. (10 points)

1 This new computer …...................................….. (make) of blue plastic.

2 All my CDs …..................................….. (steal) last night.
3 Only hamburgers ……................................... (serve) in this restaurant.
4 I think the Walkman …….................................... (invent) by Sony.
5 The Murder of Roger Ackroyd …..................................….. (write) by Agatha
6 Cartoon films …...................................….. (show) in this movie theater.
7 Starry Night …...................................….. (paint) by Van Gogh.
8 Norma …...................................….. (sing) by Maria Callas in 1956.
9 The thieves …...................................….. (question) by the police for two days!
10 Conan the Barbarian …...................................….. (play) by Schwarzenegger.

A3 Change the sentences as in the example. (5 points)

e.g. Can I use your computer? I want to send an e-mail.

Can I use your computer to send an e-mail?

1 I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy some cat food.

2 Can I borrow your CD player? I want to listen to a song.
3 She’s using the computer. She is typing her homework.
4 Can I use your phone? I want to call my brother in Australia.
5 I’m going to a party. I want to dance with my friends.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Complete the sentences with the right prepositions. (5 points)

1 You can’t put this shirt in the washing machine. You must wash it ......….. hand.
2 If we don’t do it this way, we’ll get ......….. trouble.
3 His name is John, …........ his grandfather.
4 Is it good? I did it ......….. a hurry!
5 What does A&R stand …........?

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 You should take some n…...................... if you want to remember everything!

2 The engineer is in c…...................... of the sound.
3 She really l…...................... football; she plays every day.
4 I don’t like pop. I p…...................... rock music.
5 The police didn’t find any c…..................... . They don’t know who the burglar is.
6 I am not sure, but I s…...................... he is at work.
7 Every time he goes to a restaurant, he c…...................... that the food isn’t good.
8 She can speak three f…...................... languages!

9 Madonna only appeared in one s....................….. of the film.
10 I need a new p…...................... of jeans.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Does the intonation in these questions go up (≠) or down ()?

(5 points)

e.g. What’s your name? 

Are you all right? ≠

1 Was the door open?

2 How much does it cost?
3 Who was the telephone invented by?
4 Was there a lot of damage?
5 When did you see him?

D. Writing (10 points)

Read the notes and write about Antonio's first CD.

Called: Don’t worry now

Made: 1999
Written by: Antonio and the All-Stars
Demos: sent to 7 record companies
Chosen by: Funky Music
Recorded at: Fab Sound Studios, Puerto Rico
Recorded on: September 10th
Sent to: 98 radio stations
CDs sold so far: 12,000

Antonio’s first CD was called .......................................................................................


Progress Test
Unit 6



A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 How are you feeling? 
2 Where were you last night? 
3 I saw a monster last night. 
4 What did you do when you
saw the burglar? 
5 What were you doing when
you heard the bang? 
6 Would you like to come for a walk? 
7 The test is going to be easy. 
8 He’s lost his job. 
9 Was there anyone in the studio? 
10 What will happen if you walk
under a ladder? 

a I hope so!
b I ran away.
c I was at home. I was watching TV.
d I was sleeping.
e I’d love to, but it’s impossible.
f I’m OK.
g It serves him right!
h No, no one was there.
i That’s nonsense!
j They say you’ll have bad luck.

A2 Put the verbs in the past simple or past continuous. (10 points)

1 She …....................….. (sleep) when her sister…....................….. (come) home.

2 I ……...................... (watch) TV when I …..….................... (fall) asleep.
3 When the monster ……...................... (appear) they ……...................... (fish) in the
4 When he …..................….. (finish) his homework, he …..................….. (go) out.
5 When I ……...................... (see) him, he …....................….. (read) a newspaper.
6 He …….................... (break) his leg while he ..................…….. (play) basketball.
7 They …….................. (lie) on the beach when they …...............….. (hear) a bang.
8 Someone ……...................... (knock) on the door while I …..................….. (have) a
9 We …...............….. (have) breakfast when the postman …...............…..(come).
10 I …......................….. (scream) when I ……..................... (see) the monster.

A3 Complete the sentences with verbs in the present simple

or the future simple forms. (5 points)

1 If I ….................... him, I ....................…. him about it. (see) (tell)

2 If you ….................... harder, you …....................... it. (try) (do)
3 If you …................. careful, you ..................…. mistakes. (not be) (make)
4 We ................…. late if you …..................... (be) (not hurry)
5 If you …............... to my party, I …............... to you again. (not come) (not speak)

B. Vocabulary

B1 Write the opposites. (5 points)

1 lucky .....................................
2 possible .....................................
3 stop .....................................
4 tell the truth .....................................
5 alive .....................................
6 top .....................................

7 handsome .....................................
8 far away .....................................
9 wake up .....................................
10 in front of .....................................
B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 If we hurry, we’ll arrive in …..................... for the show.

2 She was a very good student and passed all her ....................…. .
3 Someone has …..................... into my apartment! They’ve stolen everything!
4 I woke up late so I got …........... and left at once.
5 I don’t believe his story. I’m sure he’s …..................... it up.
6 I couldn’t find him. He was …..................... under the bed.
7 She ....................…. into an old friend in the street.
8 Leave me ….....................! I don’t want to see anyone.
9 He didn’t have any money so he paid by ....................…. .
10 Mike and I had an interesting …..................... about music.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Underline the /∂/ sound. (5 points)

e.g. better

appear argument burglary conversation cover creature dangerous

enormous submarine wonder

D. Writing (10 points)

Write a story about a monster. Use these notes to help you.

My sister and I – row – lake

monster – appear
ugly, enormous
monster – say “hello”
very nice
swim together

One day, my sister and I were rowing…


Revision test 2: Units 4 - 6


A. Grammar

A1 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 Shall …………....................................................................................…….?
Yes, please. I’d love a glass of water.

2 ………...........................................................................…….. anything today?

Yes, I’ve just eaten a sandwich.

3 How ……...........................................................................……...........…….?
I had three hamburgers.

4 What ……...........................................................................…...........……….?
My jacket? It’s made of leather.

5 When …….....................................................................................………….?
It was made in 1999.

6 Who ….......................................................................................…………….?
It was directed by Steven Spielberg.

7 What ……...........................................................................…………. at 4 a.m?

I was sleeping.

8 ……...............................................................…………. when the postman came?

I was talking on the phone.

9 ………..............................................................………. when the postman came?

I opened the door.

10 Where ……….......................................................................................……….?
It was made in the USA.

A2 Rewrite these sentences as in the example. (10 points)

e.g. Anna made it.

It was made by Anna.
Anna makes them.
They are made by Anna.

1 His brother hurt him. ..............................................................................

2 They make these scissors in China. ...........................................................
3 My sister wrote this book. .......................................................................
4 My friend Maria painted this picture. ......................................................
5 They serve hamburgers in this restaurant. .................................................
6 An old woman answered the telephone. ....................................................
7 Two tall men stole the computer. ..............................................................
8 Many people buy this newspaper. ...........................................................
9 Cascade performed this song. .............................................................
10 My mother played this part. .....................................................................

A3 Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the

future simple. (5 points)

1 I …….................... (not come) to the party if you ....................…… (invite) Dora.

2 If he …....................… (pass) the exam, his father …..........….......... (buy) him a
new computer.
3 If the weather …....................… (be) fine, we …....................… (go) for a walk.
4 He thinks that if you …….................... (eat) healthy food, you …....................…
(not get) sick.
5 She …....................… (tell) him about it if she …....................… (see) him.

A4 Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the

past continuous. (10 points)

1 He …….................... (read) when the children ....................……(come) home.

2 I …….................... (cook) dinner when the phone …....................…(ring).
3 She …....................…(arrive) while I …....................…(talk) on the phone.
4 He …….................... (wear) a blue sweater when I ....................…… (see) him.
5 I …….................... (bump) into him while I ....................…… (jog) in the park.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Choose the right word. (10 points)

1 She lied/lay to me – she didn’t tell me the truth.

2 He’s a murder/murderer! He killed his wife.
3 When she saw the monster she screamed/smiled.
4 This singer has a beautiful voice/noise.
5 The woman looked at my hand and told me my luck/fortune.
6 They arrived in/at time for the show.
7 The last scene/stage of the play was beautiful!
8 The printer/editor didn’t like the story and left it out.
9 The police are investigating/questioning the mystery.
10 I was late and I missed/lost the bus.

B2 Complete the sentences. (15 points)

1 I’m s…....................…! Is there anything to eat?

2 It’s f…....................… cold! Can you turn on the heat?
3 T…....................… off your watch before you jump into the water.
4 I have a t…....................…! I’ll stay in bed today.
5 He’s changed a lot! I didn’t r…....................… him!
6 I’d like to i…....................… a famous person for the school magazine.
7 Did Bell i…....................… the telephone?
8 USA s…....................… for United States of America.
9 You’ll get into t....................…… if you do that again.
10 The police are s…....................… for clues.
11 Get d…....................… quickly! We need to leave soon.
12 I w…....................… who told you these things!
13 I fell a…....................… the minute I went to bed.
14 This park isn’t just big, it’s e…....................…!
15 I don’t understand. Can you e…....................… it to me?

C. Pronunciation

C1 Underline the /∂/ sound in these words. (10 points)

appear balanced color editor existence future gallery interview

lawyer lemonade lower murderer mystery nearby pepper reader

recognize saucer scissors sugar

D. Reading
(10 points)

Read this story and decide if the statements that follow are true or false.

Jonathan Harker was a young lawyer working in London in 1800. His wife was a
beautiful intelligent woman named Mina. They lived very happily together until the day
that Jonathan got a letter from someone named Count Dracula, who lived in
Transylvania. Dracula wanted to buy a house and needed Jonathan’s help to find one. He
was paying a lot of money, so Jonathan traveled to Transylvania to meet him.

Count Dracula was a tall thin man who was always dressed in black. Jonathan
arrived at his castle late at night and Dracula welcomed him and invited him to stay in his
castle for a few days. Jonathan agreed, thinking of the money.

Every day he walked alone around the castle and in the gardens. Dracula never appeared
during the day. In the evenings, Jonathan always wrote to his wife, and had dinner in the
beautiful dining room of the castle. Later, Dracula would appear and they would have
long conversations about the house in London.

A week later, Jonathan told him that he wanted to go back to England. Dracula got
very angry. From that moment, Jonathan became Dracula's prisoner. He couldn’t write to
his wife any more, so Mina became more and more worried.

One day, as he was searching for a way out of the castle, Jonathan found Dracula's
dead body. But the same night Dracula appeared alive again, so Jonathan thought there
was something very weird about him. He was frightened. He then discovered that
Dracula was a vampire; he wasn't exactly dead, but he wasn't alive either. He needed to
drink people's blood to exist.

A month later, Dracula traveled to England. Many people died suddenly when
Dracula visited and more were dying every day. Dracula was secretly in love with Mina,
so he went to visit her. He told her that Jonathan was his prisoner. “Come with me,” he
said, “and you and Jonathan will live forever.”

But Mina wasn’t stupid. The next morning she went to the library and read about
Dracula and vampires. She also found out how she could kill him. And the same evening,
she killed Dracula and saved her husband’s life.

Mina and Jonathan lived happily ever after.

True or false?
1 Dracula had a lot of money. T/F
2 Dracula’s castle was in Transylvania. T/F
3 Dracula and Jonathan usually met in the morning. T/F
4 Jonathan didn’t want to stay at the castle for more than a week. T/F
5 Dracula told Jonathan that he was a vampire. T/F
6 Vampires drink blood. T/F
7 Mina believed Dracula. T/F
8 Mina read a book about Dracula. T/F
9 Mina and Jonathan killed Dracula together. T/F
10 Dracula killed Jonathan. T/F

E. Writing (20 points)

Write your own frightening story. Use these notes to help you.

Little Darren And The Ghost

Darren in bed – ghost appeared; terrible, big teeth; “I’m going to eat you.”;
Darren screamed – ghost left; Following night – ghost again; Darren waiting
Not afraid; “Go away. I don’t believe you.”; Ghost left; Never came again.



Progress Test
Unit 7



A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

A 8 Do I have to go now?
1 Did you have to practice a lot? 
 9 When did you last see him?

 10 You don’t have to go.
 
2 Have you ever been hang-gliding?
 B
3 Have you ever been to China? a I know, but I want to.
 b No, you don’t have to.
4 How long have you been here? c Yes, for four hours a day.
 d Sure. I was there last week.
5 I don’t believe you! e But it’s true!

f I haven’t seen him since July.
6 I think I can fly!
 g A long time!
7 I’ve got an idea. h What?
 i Don’t be stupid!
j No, I haven’t. Is it difficult?

A2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present perfect

or the past simple. (10 points)

1 I …........................................… (have) to go to school six days a week when I was

your age.
2 She …........................................… (not speak) to me since this morning.
3 We ….......................................… (see) that film last week.
4 …........................................… (you-see) Ricky Martin’s new video?
5 We …..............................…(sleep) in a tent last night.
6 He …........................................… (live) in this house since he was born.

7 We …........................................… (stay) in this hotel for ten days, but tomorrow
we’re leaving.
8 She …........................................… (break) her leg when she was twelve.
9 I ….................................................… (never-break) my leg.
10 They …..............................................… (be) in the bank for ages. What are they
doing there?

A3 Complete the sentences with for or since. (5 points)

1 He’s been out …..........................… this morning.

2 I haven’t seen her …...................… January.
3 She’s lived here …….................. five years.
4 I’ve been here …..................… five o’clock.
5 We haven’t had a holiday …................… three years.

B. Vocabulary

B1 Find the odd word. (5 points)

1 boots shoes jeans sneakers

2 jaguar rhino cub hunt
3 helicopter hang-glider plane pilot
4 clean tidy iron litter
5 safe mist cloud wind

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 I can wear my watch when I’m swimming; it’s w……................….

2 Which r………................. to Seattle has the best roads?
3 Her boots are not exactly the same as mine, but they are very s…................…….
4 The price of computers goes d……................…. every week.
5 We must all try to p…................……. wild animals.
6 I think we’re s…..........……. in the middle of nowhere!
7 I think I’ve broken my leg. It h……..........…. a lot!
8 It seems difficult at first, but soon you’ll get the h……..........…. of it.
9 I p………........... I’ll never do it again.

10 Do you have to wear a u…..........……. at school?

C. Pronunciation

C1 Put the words in the right group: /s/ or /z/? (5 points)

eyes house how’s ice once ones price prize rice rise

/s/: place

/z/: plays

D. Writing (10 points)

Read these notes and write a paragraph (about 60 words) about elephants.

Where do they live? Tropical forests, Africa, Asia

How do they live? Eat plants and leaves. Like walking and swimming. Rest in the
afternoon. Live in herds.
What about young ones? Size of a large dog. Stay with mother for five years.
How big are they? Asian: height – 3m, weight – 5000 kg;
African: height – 4m, weight – 7000 kg
Is there anything unusual about them? They can run, but they can’t jump.



Progress Test
Unit 8


A. Grammar

A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

A a It’s hard to say. I like all of them.
1 Could you do your exercises now?  b I can’t start my computer.
2 Did she ask him to get her a cup c She said she didn’t have time.
of tea?  d I’m sorry. It was all my fault.
3 Have you cooked dinner yet?  e I’ve already told you five times! I
4 I’m very angry with you.  have to finish this tonight!
5 Is it necessary to leave now?  f But I’ve already done them.
6 What did she say?  g Nearly. It’ll be ready in half an hour.
7 What’s the hurry?  h No, she asked him to get her a cup
8 What’s the problem?  of coffee.
9 Which one do you like best?  i Already?
10 Helen! It’s time to get up!  j Yes, it is. It’s very late.

A2 Report these sentences. (10 points)

e.g. “You must be sensible.”

He told us to be sensible.

1 “I live in the center of New York.

He said …………………………….................................................................

2 “We’re going to a party in the evening.”

They said ………………...........................................................……...………

3 “Could you bring me a glass of water?”

She asked me ………………...........................................................…………

4 “We must write an article about the festival.”

They said ………………...........................................................……..………

5 “I don’t believe you.”

She said …………………...........................................................…….....……

6 “The show starts at nine o’clock.”

He said ………………...........................................................………......….

7 “You must leave.”

He told me…………...........................................................…………….…..

8 “Please don’t be late.”

She asked him …………………….............................................................…

9 “Don’t forget to bring your camera.”

He told me ……………………...........................................................……..

10 “I am learning Japanese.”
She said ……………...........................................................…………...……

A3 Write sentences with yet and already. (5 points)

What has Jacob done?

e.g. clean the house  He’s already cleaned the house.

1 do the ironing  .................................................................................

2 wash the clothes  .................................................................................
3 make the beds  .................................................................................
4 tidy the living room  .................................................................................
5 cook dinner  ..................................................................................

B. Vocabulary

B1 Complete the sentences. (5 points)

1 If someone is m……............, they have disappeared and no one knows where they
2 If you are d…..................…., you have lost all hope.
3 If you a…....................…., you say that you are sorry.
4 If something is u……..................., you have to do it as soon as possible.
5 If something is h….....................…., it is difficult to learn or to do.

B2 Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1 T…................…. to Mary’s help, we finished in time for the party.

2 You shouldn’t take any r…................…. when you do dangerous sports.
3 U…................…., she didn’t pass the exam.
4 I’m g…................…. you are all OK.
5 He was taken to the hospital by an…................….
6 C…................…. down! There’s nothing to worry about.
7 I had a terrible d……................. last night – it woke me up!
8 H……................. my hand if you are afraid!
9 Breathe d……................. and try to relax.
10 I warned him about it but he didn’t take any n…............….

C. Pronunciation

C1 Mark the stress. (5 points)

ambulance ankle apologize assistant broadcast

communicate desperate heroine incredible unfortunately

D. Writing (10 points)

Imagine you have interviewed a famous singer. Here are some of the things he/she
said. Write a short article about him/her.

∑ I live in Tokyo with my three cats.

∑ I have traveled everywhere: Australia, the USA, Africa and Europe. I have sung in
the best theaters worldwide.
∑ I never drive. I go everywhere by taxi.
∑ I sing folk songs, but I don’t like listening to them. I prefer classical music.
∑ I don’t like reading. I have never read a book in my life.
∑ I’m going on a tour of the USA next month.


Progress Test
Unit 9



A1 Match the sentences from A with sentences from B. (5 points)

1 Are you going on vacation this summer?
2 Has your teacher ever been to Argentina?
3 Have you ever written an article? 
4 I’m taking an exam tomorrow. 
5 Tiffany’s American, isn’t she? 
6 What’s the best thing about Paris?
7 What’s the music scene like in
8 What’s the tallest mountain in the
world? 
9 Which city did you like best,
Puebla or Guadalajara? 
10 Who’s that? 

a Absolutely amazing!
b Definitely!
c Good luck!
d I have no idea! I’m not very good at
e I thought they were both wonderful!
f It’s my mother.
g No, she hasn’t.
h The restaurants!
i Yes, I have. I wrote one yesterday.
j Yes, she is.

A2 Rewrite the sentences as in the example. (10 points)

e.g. I’ve never seen a better movie.

It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen.

1 We’ve never tasted more delicious food.

It’s ……………………………........................................................................

2 I’ve never met a more interesting person.

He’s ……………………………......................................................................

3 She’s never visited a more exciting place.

It’s ………………………........................................................................……

4 They’ve never heard a better song.

It’s ………………………........................................................................……

5 She’s never driven a faster car.

It’s ……………........................................................................………………

6 I’ve never met a more beautiful woman.

She’s …………........................................................................………………

7 I’ve never had a more exciting vacation.

It’s ……………........................................................................………………

8 We’ve never had an easier test.

It’s …………………………........................................................................…

9 I’ve never seen a more intelligent cat.

It’s ……………………........................................................................………

10 I’ve never read a more interesting article.

It’s ……………………........................................................................………

A3 Complete the sentences with the right question tags. (5 points)

1 She’s Spanish, ……....................….?

2 They were here yesterday, …....................…….?
3 You’re Venezuelan, ……....................….?
4 He was at home, …....................…….?
5 You were there, ……....................….?
B. Vocabulary

B1 Write the words. (5 points)

1 Fish can live in it. A..........................

2 It rings in the morning and you wake up. A................. ....................
3 You keep it to help you remember something nice. S.........................
4 You say this to someone who has passed an exam. C..........................
5 It is dark and it always follows you. S.............................

B2 Complete the sentences. (5 points)

1 He’s a great t…..........……; you’ll love having conversations with him.

2 They went for a d……..........… around town in his new Mercedes.
3 The view from the tower is really s……..........…!
4 Don’t stand on the e…..........……; it’s dangerous!
5 Vancouver is going to h……..........… the next Music Festival.
6 I’m a very r…..........…… person; I never worry.
7 What should I do? Do you have any s…..........……?
8 He has e……..........… a music competition.
9 S……….......... up! You’ve said enough!
10 I’m looking f…..........…… to the summer vacation.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Put the words in the right group: /eI/ or /aI/? (5 points)

drive height kind lake late may might pay sign weight


D. Writing (10 points)

Write a paragraph about your village/town/city. In your paragraph try to answer

these questions:

Where is it?
What’s the population?
What are the main attractions?
What’s the weather like?

Revision Test 3: Units 7 - 9


A. Grammar

A1 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 When …………….................................................................… in the morning?

I have to get up at eight in the morning.

2 What time …………................................................................………………..?

He has to go to bed at eleven thirty.

3 Did ……………………...........................................................................……..?
Yes, my grandmother had to wear a school uniform.

4 ……………………….....................................................................….. to New
Yes, I’ve been there many times.

5 How long……………………...................................................................……..?
I’ve been here since this morning.

6 ……………………….........................................................….. your homework?

No, I haven’t finished it yet.

7 ………………………..........................................................................….. soda?
No, she asked me to bring her a lemonade.

8 …………………..............................................………..when you were younger?

No, I didn’t have to help with the housework then.

9 Your sister was in the school band, ……..................................................……..?

Yes, she was.

10 ……………….......................................................................………….. a prize?
No, I’ve never won a prize.
A2 Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the
present perfect. (10 points)

1 I ……........................................… (live) in this house for five years when I was a

2 She ……........................................…(live) in Paris when she was 20.
3 I ……........................................… (not make) the beds yet.
4 He …........................................…… (write) his first book five years ago.
5 This is the best book I …..............................…… (read).
6 I …....................…… (see) the new Tom Cruise film last night.
7 We ……….................... (not invite) her to the party yet.
8 He …....................…… (already – finish) his homework.
9 She ……....................… (just – go) out.
10 She …....................…… (go) out two minutes ago.

A3 Report what these people said. (10 points)

1 “I’m leaving!”
He said ………………..........................................................................

2 “Can you help me with my homework?”

He asked her ………….........................................................................

3 “She plays basketball every Wednesday.”

He said ………….......................................................................……...

4 “I must try harder.”

She said ……….......................................................................………..

5 “Go away!”
He told her …….......................................................................………

6 “The film starts at eight o’clock.”

She said ………….......................................................................……..

7 “I’m going to call her later.”

He said …….......................................................................…………...

8 “Stop talking.”
She told us ….......................................................................………….
9 “Don’t laugh.”
He told us ……………........................................................................

10 “Could you give me your pen, please?”

She asked me ……….......................................................................…

A4 Complete the question tags. (5 points)

1 She’s a singer, ………..................................?

2 They’re actors, ……….................................?
3 He’s leaving, …........................................…?
4 They were in the show, …............................?
5 She was with you, …...................................?

B. Vocabulary

B1 Write the opposites. (5 points)

1 child ......................................
2 dangerous ......................................
3 high ......................................
4 more ......................................
5 send ......................................

B2 Complete the sentences with the right prepositions. (5 points)

1 Look …....................…! You’re going to fall!

2 The price of clothes is always going …….................... .
3 Shut …....................…! I’m trying to do my homework.
4 Where are the rest …....................… the group?
5 Hold …....................…! I’m going to save you!

A3 Complete the sentences. (15 points)

1 I hate the city; I’d like to have a house in the c…....................….

2 I won’t do it again! I p…....................…!
3 That exercise was very s…....................… . I did it in five minutes!
4 The plane t…….................... off at 15:25 exactly.
5 We must try to p....................…… the rain forests.
6 I don’t live in a house; I live in an a…....................…
7 Elephants live in h…....................…; they don’t live alone.
8 Leave a message on the a…....................… if I’m not there.
9 I didn’t have time to read the newspaper, I just looked at the h…....................…
10 This is really u…….................... . We have to do something immediately.
11 She warned him about the danger, but he took no n…....................…
12 I’m looking f…....................… to the end of the school year.
13 Last year we stayed in England, but next year we’re going a…....................… on
14 She’s very ill and they’ve taken her to the h…....................…
15 The d…....................…between her house and her school is less than 200 meters.

C. Pronunciation

C1 Mark the stress. (10 points)

amazingly aquarium bedding broadcast definitely eyelash headline

headphones instructor inventor lunchtime necessary ocean qualified

seafood similar spectacular suggestion transmission unfortunately

D. Reading (10 points)

Read this text about Prague and answer the questions that follow.

Prague is a city in the west central part of the Czech Republic and is the capital and
largest city of the country. It is situated on both sides of the Vltava River. It is one of
the oldest and most beautiful capitals in Europe, with a population of nearly 1,300,000.
It is also an educational and cultural center – it has the oldest university in central
Europe, Charles University, which was founded in 1348. The city also has many
museums, libraries, and theaters. Since 1989, Prague has become a very popular tourist
The Old Town, which was built in the 13 century, is the main tourist attraction.
The New Town is where all the public buildings, shops and banks are. On the western
side of the river is the part of the city called the Lesser Town, with a number of
baroque palaces and Hradcany Castle, where the President of the Czech republic lives.
Next to the castle is the Church of Saint Vitus.
In the past, Prague was the capital of Bohemia and during the 14th century became the
largest European city after Paris. It was damaged during several wars and changed
hands many times until it became the capital of the independent Czech Republic in
January 1993.

1 Where exactly is Prague?

2 Where is the Vltava River?
3 How many people live in Prague?
4 What’s the most famous university called?
5 What places are there for tourists to visit?
6 What happened in the 13 century?
7 What can you find in the New Town?
8 Who lives in Hradcany Castle?
9 What happened in the 14 century?
10 What happened in 1993?
E. Writing (20 points)

Now read these notes and write a short paragraph about Oslo.

Oslo, southeastern part Norway

Capital city of Norway
On the Aker River
Population approx. 500,000
University of Oslo (1811)
Tourism important to economy
Modern architecture
Many museums and parks
Norwegian Nobel Institute helps choose winner of Nobel Prizes
1952 Winter Olympic Games

Final Test


A. Grammar

A1 Complete the questions. (10 points)

1 Where …………….....................................................................….........……?
I saw him outside the theater.

2 When ……………...............................................................................………?
She went to New York in 1997.

3 How long……….....................................................................………....……?
They are staying here for two weeks.

4 Who ………….....................................................................………...............?
Her father was a famous painter.

5 When …………….....................................................................……..….......?
I’ll tell you on Monday.

6 What time …………………......................................................................…?

I usually get up at nine.

7 How often …………….....................................................................………?

I play football twice a week.

8 …………….......................................................................………this week?
Yes, I’ve seen two films this week!

9 What ….....................................................................……………….…......?
It’s made of hardwood.
10 Where ….....................................................................………………….....?
It was made in France.

11 ………………................................................................... at 10 o’clock last night?

I was watching TV.

12 Who ………….....................................................................………….......?
It was painted by Van Gogh.

13 How ……………….....................................................................…….......?
He’s written nine books.

14 When …………….....................................................................………......?
I saw him last week.

15 When ……………..........................................................................……….?
She was born in 1988.

16 ………………….......................................................................… to Spain?
No, I’ve never been to Spain.

17 …………………..........................................................................…dinner?
Yes, I’ve cooked dinner.

18 How long ……….....................................................................…………..…?

They’ve studied English for three years.

19 What time ………………...................................................................……...?

I have to go at six o’clock.

20 …………………...............................................................................… yet?
Yes, I’ve just done the ironing.

A2 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. (10 points)

1 I think it ……............................... (rain) tomorrow.

2 She can’t talk to you now; she ……............................... (study)
3 This is the most interesting film I …..............................…. (see)
4 I …..............................…. (read) this book. I ……............................... (read) it in
5 He ……............................... (cook) when his wife ……............................... (return)
6 If you …..............................…. (be) lucky, you …..............................…. (pass) the
7 She …..............................…. (watch) television every evening.
8 I …..............................…. (be) born in 1987.
9 She ..............................……. (leave) five minutes ago.
10 He ……............................... (just finish) his homework.
11 She …..............................…. (phone) while I ……............................... (iron)
12 He …..............................…. (live) in San Francisco now. He …..............................
…. (live) in San Francisco for ten years.
13 She …..............................…. (travel) a lot when she was young.
14 He ……............................... (never be) abroad in his life.
15 He …..............................….(not like) pop music.

A3 Rewrite these sentences. (10 points)

1 My sister wrote this song.

This song ……………….............................................................................

2 “Leave me alone,” he told me.

He told me ……………...........................................................................…

3 “Could you pass me the salt?” she said.

She asked me ………...........................................................................……

4 They make these shoes in Lisbon.

These shoes ………...........................................................................………

5 Jennifer López signed this photograph.

This photograph …...........................................................................……….

6 “I’m going out,” he said.

He said ……………...........................................................................…........

7 I’ve never read a better book than this one.

This is the ………...........................................................................………...

8 We can’t do this exercise. It’s very difficult.

This exercise ……...........................................................................…………
9 “Don’t shout,” she said.
She told me ……………...........................................................................…..

10 I bumped into him while I was walking the dog.

I was ……...........................................................................…………...........

A4 Choose the best answer. (5 points)

1 You …….....… chew gum in the classroom.

A mustn’t B don’t have to C aren’t.

2 I’m sure you .....……… find it easy.

A must B should C will

3 He’s a teacher, .....……..

A isn’t he? B is he? C wasn’t he?

4 He’s the man …….....… taught me English.

A who B which C what

5 I’ve got …...…… books than you.

A fewer B less C same

B. Vocabulary

B1 Put these words into the right groups. (10 points)

break into burglar French fries coach cough potato chips gun hardwood

headache helicopter kipper leather murder plastic poison sneeze

temperature thief train wool

Transportation: (3)

Illness: (4)

Food: (3)

Materials: (4)

Crimes: (6)
B2 Write the words. (15 points)

1 The first person you see in an office. .........................................

2 Actors perform on it. ..........................................
3 The opposite of “borrow” ........................................
4 The opposite of “fast” ...........................................
5 A building where a lot of workers make things. ........................................
6 A telephone that you can take with you. .........................................
7 A pain in the ear. ...............................................
8 Dogs can eat them; people can’t. ............................................
9 A person who talks a lot. ......................................................
10 You keep your money in it. .............................................
11 A baby lion. ..........................................................
12 A creature from another planet. .....................................................
13 Very big ...................................
14 Strange ......................................
15 The opposite of “modern” ...............................................

C. Pronunciation (10 points)

C1 Underline the silent letters.

breadcrumbs calm castle climber comb designer folk foreign

handsome ironing knitting light might scene sign straight talker

through walker weigh

D. Reading (10 points)

Read the text and decide if the statements following the text are true or false.

Maria Callas was born in New York on the fourth of December 1923 but her parents
were Greek. Maria's mother decided to return to Greece with her two daughters, because
life in Greece was cheaper than in the United States and the family did not have very
much money at the time. However, her father stayed in the USA. Maria loved music and
her parents decided to give her piano and singing lessons. Maria’s father sent over
enough money to pay for Maria’s singing studies at one of the academies of music in
Athens. She studied music from morning to night. After many school performances, she
was given a part in the Royal Opera in Suppé’s Boccaccio. This was the start of her

In 1942 a soprano at the opera became ill and Maria had to sing in her place. Her
performance was a huge success. Even so, Maria’s life in Athens was difficult. In
September 1945, Maria decided to return to her father in New York. Life in New York
was much better, but things were not easy for a new opera singer. The United States was
full of singers from Italy and competition was strong. So when Maria was asked to sing
La Gioconda in Verona, she went to Italy. She had to borrow money to pay for her
ticket. In Italy she met her future husband Meneghini, as well as her friend Tullio
Serafin. Her performance in Wagner’s Walküre and then in Bellini’s I Puritani received
worldwide publicity and she became a star. From then on she was asked to record a
number of records, which made her famous and popular not just in Italy, but all over the

1 Maria Callas was born in America. T/F

2 She started piano lessons when she was young. T/F
3 Her parents were rich. T/F
4 Life in the United States was more expensive than in Athens. T/F
5 Maria stopped studying music when she went to Athens. T/F
6 She appeared in school performances. T/F
7 Maria’s father was still in New York in 1945. T/F
8 Maria Callas was the only opera singer in New York in 1945. T/F
9 She had almost no money when she went to Verona. T/F
10 Her performance in I Puritani was very successful. T/F

E. Writing (20 points)

Now use these notes to write a short biography of Marilyn Monroe.

Born 1926 in Los Angeles

Difficult years as a child
Married Jim Dougherty at 16
Became a model
20th Century Fox discovered her
Small parts for a few years
Success came in 1952 with Monkey Business
Many films followed
Monroe biggest Hollywood star
Second marriage to Joe DiMaggio 1955
Marriage didn’t work, but they were good friends
Acting became better and better
Moved to New York
Married writer Arthur Miller
Not happy
Died in 1962



Progress Test Welcome Unit Key
A. Grammar

A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer) 1f; 2h; 3i; 4d; 5g; 6j; 7e; 8c; 9a; 10b

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 do you come 6 live
2 is wearing 7 play
3 has 8 were
4 are you going to do 9 Are you going to come
5 are staying 10 likes

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 What kind of music do you like?
2 What’s she wearing?
3 What are you going to do this week?
4 Where does he come from?
5 Where is she standing?
6 What does he look like?
7 How old are they?
8 Where are you staying?
9 Where does she live?
10 Does he play the piano?
B. Vocabulary

B1 (1 point for each correct answer)

Hair: blond, brown, curly, fair, straight

Instruments: drums, guitar, keyboards, violin
Music: classical, folk, jazz, reggae, samba, rock

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 accent 6 known
2 classical 7 population
3 look like 8 blond
4 excited 9 independent
5 university 10 drama
Progress Test Unit 1 Key
A. Grammar

A 1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1i; 2f; 3e; 4c; 5d; 6j; 7a; 8h; 9g; 10b

A 2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 That’s the hotel where they’re staying.
2 That’s the woman who sings rock.
3 That’s the man who works in the theater.
4 That’s the theater where he works.
5 That’s the girl who phoned me yesterday.

A3 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1 So can I. 6 Neither am I.
2 So am I. 7 Neither do I.
3 So do I. 8 So do I.
4 Neither do I. 9 Neither can I.
5 Neither can I. 10 So am I.

A4 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 cooking, tidying; 2 is visiting; 3 listening; 4 are spending; 5 are you staying

B. Vocabulary

B 1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 photographer; 2 guitarist; 3 musician; 4 nurse; 5 reporter

B 2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 snacks; 2 duty; 3 article; 4 truth; 5 tour; 6 think; 7 along; 8 kinds; 9 angry; 10 mess

C. Pronunciation

C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

exhibition girlfriend nickname organize photograph photographer
positive profile receptionist transport

D. Writing

Award 2 points for each correct answer: 1 point for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling
and 1 point for appropriacy and relevance.
Progress Test Unit 2 Key
A. Grammar

1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1g; 2j; 3i; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7d; 8h; 9f; 10e.

A2 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1 slept; 2 became; 3 learned; 4 bought; 5 wrote; 6 sang; 7 won; 8 died; 9 met; 10 thought

A 3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 When did she leave? 6 Where did she study?
2 How many letters did he write? 7 When did he die?
3 Where did they go? 8 When did she marry him?
4 Where did you learn French? 9 What time did you come home?
5 How did she dance? 10 How many husbands did she have?

B. Vocabulary

B1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 well; 2 fast or quickly; 3 sadly; 4 quietly; 5 least

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 way; 2 hand; 3 miss; 4 got; 5 fell; 6 thief; 7 any more; 8 along; 9 minute; 10 easy

C. Pronunciation

C1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 He didn’t buy a house; he bought a car.
2 She didn’t ask her sister for help; she asked her cousin.
3 He didn’t kill her; he killed her brother.
4 They didn’t go to Paris; they went to Amsterdam.
5 He didn’t learn quickly; he learned slowly.

D. Writing

Award 6 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 4 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content and inclusion of all information.
Progress Test Unit 3 Key
A. Grammar

A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1j; 2e; 3h; 4d; 5g; 6c; 7b; 8a; 9f; 10i.

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 should; 2 shouldn’t; 3 mustn’t; 4 won’t; 5 won’t; 6 must; 7 mustn’t/shouldn’t; 8 will; 9
mustn’t/shouldn’t; 10 must

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 I’m too tired to play tennis.
2 It’s too far to walk there.
3 It’s warm enough to go swimming.
4 It’s too dark to see.
5 It’s too difficult.

B. Vocabulary

B1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 up; 2 on; 3 to; 4 down; 5 up

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 over; 2 tidy; 3 cloudy; 4 waste; 5 traffic; 6 save; 7 village; 8 cell/cellular; 9 argue; 10 forecast

C. Pronunciation

C1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 weight – late
2 snow – blow
3 way – pay
4 lake – break
5 sleep – keep

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content.
Revision Test 1 Units 1-3 Key
A. Grammar

A1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 How long are they staying in Edinburgh? 6 Can/Could you tell me the time, please?
2 What time are you leaving? 7 Where did Deacon Brodie live?
3 When is she going to Manchester? 8 When were you born?
4 What do you do in your free time? 9 Will it rain tomorrow?
5 Would you like to go to the movies? 10 Will you be nervous?

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 shouldn’t/mustn’t; 2 will; 3 mustn’t; 4 should; 5 won’t; 6 must; 7 must; 8 should; 9 will; 10 shouldn’t.

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 where; 2 who; 3 who; 4 where; 5 where

A4 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 So am I. 4 Neither am I.
2 Neither do I. 5 So am I.
3 So do I.

A5 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 went; 2 didn’t dance; 3 didn’t sleep; 4 didn’t know; 5 sang

B. Vocabulary

B1 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 music; 2 reporter; 3 photographer; 4 tidy; 5 travel; 6 lost; 7 path; 8 manager; 9 town; 10 destroy

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 catch; 2 made; 3 Smile; 4 share; 5 mess; 6 Hold; 7 describe; 8 invitation; 9 quietly; 10 unpopular; 11
same; 12 throw; 13 nightmare; 14 argue; 15 village

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
agreement audience average beautifully electricity especially exhibition festival guitarist
microphone neighbor perform perhaps photograph photographer population positive probably
surname unpopular

D. Reading (1 point for each correct answer)

1 false; 2 false; 3 true; 4 true; 5 false; 6 false; 7 true; 8 false; 9 false; 10 true

E. Writing
Award 10 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 10 points for appropriacy,
relevance of content and creativity.
Progress Test Unit 4 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1b; 2j; 3f; 4c; 5i; 6g; 7a; 8d; 9e; 10h

A2 (1 point for each correct question and 1 point for each correct answer)

1 Has he cleaned the house? Yes, he has.

Yes, he has. 4 Has he taken the dog for a walk?
2 Has he cooked dinner? No, he hasn’t.
No, he hasn’t. 5 Has he done his English homework?
3 Has he phoned his parents? Yes, he has.

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 How much 4 How much
2 How many 5 How many
3 How many

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 good; 2 off; 3sick; 4 drop; 5 fit

B 2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 hopeless 6 busy
2 headache 7 balanced
3 wake 8 starving
4 tastes 9 lost
5 pain 10 questionnaire

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

balanced breadcrumbs frying pan headache honestly lifetime medicine questionnaire recognize

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content.
Progress Test Unit 5 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1i; 2a; 3b; 4g; 5j; 6h; 7f; 8c; 9e; 10d

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 is made 6 are shown

2 were stolen 7 was painted
3 are served 8 was sung
4 was invented 9 were questioned
5 was written 10 was played

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 I’m going to the supermarket to buy some cat food.
2 Can I borrow your CD player to listen to a song?
3 She’s using the computer to type her homework.
4 Can I use your phone to call my brother in Australia?
5 I’m going to the disco to dance with my friends.

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 by; 2 into; 3 after; 4 in; 5 for

B2(1 point for each correct answer)

1 notes; 2 charge; 3 likes/loves; 4 prefer; 5 clues; 6 suppose; 7 complains; 8 foreign; 9 scene; 10 pair

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 ≠
2 
3 
4 ≠
5 

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content.
Progress Test Unit 6 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1f; 2c; 3i; 4b; 5d; 6e; 7a; 8g; 9h; 10j

A2 (1/2 point for each correct verb)

1 was sleeping, came 6 broke, was playing
2 was watching, fell 7 were lying, heard
3 appeared, were fishing 8 knocked, was having
4 finished, went 9 were having, came
5 saw, was reading 10 screamed, saw

A3 (1/2 point for each correct verb)

1 If I see him, I’ll tell him about it.
2 If you try harder, you’ll do it.
3 If you aren’t careful, you’ll make mistakes.
4 We’ll be late if you don’t hurry.
5 If you don’t come to my party, I won’t speak to you again.

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1 unlucky; 2 impossible; 3 start; 4 lie; 5 dead; 6 bottom; 7 ugly; 8 nearby; 9 fall asleep; 10 behind

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 time; 2 exams; 3 broken; 4 dressed; 5 made; 6 hiding; 7 bumped; 8 alone; 9 check; 10 conversation

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
appear argument burglary conversation cover creature dangerous enormous
submarine wonder

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content.
Revision Test 2 Units 4-6 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 Shall I bring you a glass of water? 6 Who was it/the film directed by?/Who
2 Have you eaten anything today? directed it/the film?
3 How many hamburgers did you have?/ 7 What were you doing at 4 a.m?
How much did you eat? 8 What were you doing when the postman
4 What’s your jacket made of? came?
5 When was it made? 9 What did you do when the postman came?
10 Where was it made?

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 He was hurt by his brother. 6 The telephone was answered by an old
2 These scissors are made in China. woman.
3 This book was written by my sister. 7 The computer was stolen by two tall men.
4 This picture was painted by my friend 8 This newspaper is bought by many people.
Maria. 9 This song was performed by Cascade.
5 Hamburgers are served in this restaurant. 10 This part was played by my mother.

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 won’t come, invite
2 passes, will buy
3 is, will go
4 eat, won’t get
5 will tell, sees

A4 (1 point for each correct verb)

1 was sleeping, came 4 was wearing, saw
2 was cooking, rang 5 bumped, was jogging
3 arrived, was talking

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 lied; 2 murderer; 3 screamed; 4 voice; 5 fortune; 6 in; 7 scene; 8 editor; 9 investigating; 10 missed

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 starving; 2 freezing; 3 take; 4 temperature; 5 recognize; 6 interview; 7 invent; 8 stands; 9 trouble;
10 searching; 11 dressed; 12 wonder; 13 asleep; 14 enormous; 15 explain

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
balanced color editor existence future gallery interview lawyer lemonade lower murderer
mystery nearby pepper reader recognize saucer scissors sugar

D. Reading
(1 point for each correct answer)
1 true; 2 true; 3 false; 4 true; 5 false; 6 true; 7 false; 8 true; 9 false; 10 false
E. Writing
Award 10 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 10 points for appropriacy,
relevance of content and creativity.

Progress Test Unit 7 Key

A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1c; 2j; 3d; 4g; 5e; 6i; 7h; 8b; 9f; 10a

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 had; 2 hasn’t spoken; 3 saw; 4 Have you seen; 5 slept; 6 has lived; 7 have stayed; 8 broke; 9 have never
broken; 10 have been

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 since; 2 since; 3 for; 4 since; 5 for

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 jeans; 2 hunt; 3 pilot; 4 litter; 5 safe

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 waterproof; 2 route; 3 similar; 4 down; 5 protect; 6 stuck; 7 hurts; 8 hang; 9 promise; 10 uniform

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
/s/: house, ice, once, price, rice
/z/: eyes, how’s, ones, prize, rise

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy and
relevance of content.
Progress Test Unit 8 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1f; 2h; 3g; 4d; 5j; 6c; 7e; 8b; 9a; 10i

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 He said he lived in the center of New York.
2 They said they were going to a party in the evening.
3 She asked me to bring her a glass of water.
4 They said they had to write an article about the festival.
5 She said she didn’t believe me.
6 He said the show started at nine o’clock.
7 He told me to leave.
8 She asked him not to be late.
9 He told me not to forget to bring my camera.
10 She said she was learning Japanese.

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 He’s already done the ironing.
2 He hasn’t washed the clothes yet.
3 He hasn’t made the beds yet.
4 He has already tidied the living room.
5 He hasn’t cooked dinner yet.

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 missing; 2 desperate; 3 apologize; 4 urgent; 5 hard

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 Thanks; 2 risks; 3 Unfortunately; 4 glad; 5 ambulance; 6 Calm; 7 dream; 8 Hold; 9 deeply; 10 notice

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

ambulance ankle apologize assistant broadcast

communicate desperate heroine incredible unfortunately

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy,
relevance of content and creativity.
Progress Test Unit 9 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
1b; 2g; 3i; 4c; 5j; 6h; 7a; 8d; 9e; 10f

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 It’s the most delicious food we’ve ever tasted.
2 He’s the most interesting person I’ve met.
3 It’s the most exciting place she’s ever visited.
4 It’s the best song they’ve ever heard.
5 It’s the fastest car she’s ever driven.
6 She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.
7 It’s the most exciting vacation I’ve ever had.
8 It’s the easiest test we’ve ever had.
9 It’s the most intelligent cat I’ve ever seen.
10 It’s the most interesting article I’ve ever read.

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 isn’t she? 2 weren’t they? 3 aren’t you? 4 wasn’t he? 5 weren’t you?

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 aquarium; 2 alarm clock; 3 souvenir; 4 congratulations; 5 shadow

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 talker; 2 drive; 3 spectacular; 4 edge; 5 hold; 6 relaxed; 7 suggestions; 8 entered; 9 shut; 10 forward

C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)
/eI/ lake, late, may, pay, weight
/aI/ drive, height, kind, might, sign

D. Writing
Award 5 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 5 points for appropriacy,
relevance of content and creativity.
Revision Test 3 Units 7-9 Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 When do you have to get up in the morning?
2 What time does he have to go to bed?
3 Did your grandmother have to wear a school uniform?
4 Have you ever been to Paris?
5 How long have you been here?
6 Have you finished your homework?
7 Did she ask you to bring her a soda?
8 Did you have to help with the housework when you were younger?
9 Your sister was in the school band, wasn’t she?
10 Have you ever won a prize?

A2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 lived; 2 lived; 3 haven’t made; 4 wrote; 5 have (ever) read; 6 saw; 7 haven’t invited; 8 has already
finished; 9 has just gone; 10 went

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 He said he was leaving.
2 He asked her to help him with his homework.
3 He said she played basketball every Wednesday.
4 She said she had to try harder.
5 He told her to go away.
6 She said the film started at eight o’clock.
7 He said he was going to call her later.
8 She told us to stop talking.
9 He told us not to laugh.
10 She asked me to give her my pen.

A4 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 isn’t she?
2 are they?
3 isn’t he?
4 weren’t they?
5 wasn’t she?

B. Vocabulary
B1 (1 point for each correct answer)
1 adult/grown-up; 2 safe; 3 low; 4 less/fewer; 5 receive

B2(1 point for each correct answer)

1 out; 2 down/up; 3 up; 4 of; 5 on

B3(1 point for each correct answer)

1 country; 2 promise; 3 simple; 4 takes/took; 5 protect; 6 apartment; 7 herds; 8 answering machine; 9
headlines; 10 urgent; 11 notice; 12 forward; 13 abroad; 14 hospital; 15 distance.
C. Pronunciation
C1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

amazingly aquarium bedding broadcast definitely eyelash headline headphones instructor

inventor lunchtime necessary ocean qualified seafood similar spectacular suggestion

transmission unfortunately

D. Reading
(1 point for each correct answer. Do not penalize grammar/spelling mistakes)

1 In the west central part of the Czech Republic.

2 In the middle of Prague.
3 Approximately 1,300,000.
4 Charles University.
5 Museums, Hradcany Castle, Church of Saint Vitus.
6 The Old Town was built.
7 Public buildings, shops and banks.
8 The President.
9 Prague became the largest European city after Paris.
10 Prague became the capital of the independent Czech Republic.

E. Writing
Award 10 points for accuracy of grammar, vocabulary and spelling and 10 points for appropriacy,
relevance of content and creativity.
Final Test Key
A. Grammar
A1 (1/2 point for each correct answer)

1 Where did you see him? 12 Who was it painted by?

2 When did she go to New York? 13 How many books has he written?
3 How long are they staying here? 14 When did you see him?
4 Who was her father? 15 When was she born?
5 When will you tell me? 16 Have you ever been to Spain?
6 What time do you (usually) get up? 17 Have you cooked dinner?
7 How often do you play football? 18 How long have they studied English?
8 Have you seen any films this week? 19 What time do you have to go?
9 What is it made of? 20 Have you done the ironing yet?
10 Where was it made?
11 What were you doing at 10 o’clock last

A2 (1/2 point for each correct verb)

1 will rain 9 left
2 is studying 10 has just finished
3 have (ever) seen 11 phoned; was ironing
4 have read; read 12 lives/is living, has lived
5 was cooking; returned 13 traveled
6 are; will pass 14 has never been
7 watches 15 doesn’t like/didn’t like
8 was

A3 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 This song was written by my sister. 6 He said he was going out.
2 He told me to leave him alone. 7 This is the best book I have (ever) read.
3 She asked me to pass her the salt. 8 This exercise is too difficult (to do).
4 These shoes are made in Lisbon. 9 She told me not to shout.
5 This photograph was signed by Jennifer 10 I was walking the dog when I bumped into
López. him.

A4 (1 point for each correct answer)

1A; 2C; 3A; 4A; 5A
B. Vocabulary
B1 (half point for each word correctly placed)

Transportation: coach, helicopter, train

Illness: cough, headache, sneeze, temperature
Food: French fries, potato chips, kipper
Materials: hardwood, leather, plastic, wool
Crimes: break into, burglar, thief; gun, murder, poison

B2 (1 point for each correct answer)

1 receptionist; 2 stage; 3 lend; 4 slowly; 5 factory; 6 cell/cellular phone; 7 earache; 8 bones; 9 talker; 10
wallet/bag/purse; 11 cub; 12 alien; 13 huge/enormous; 14 weird/odd; 15 old-fashioned

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