Community Resources Presentation Assignment

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Community Resources Presentation Assignment


Your job today is to find a Settlement Agency or Community Resource Centre near your new home in
Toronto. These are agencies that help newcomers and refugees find the services they need to be
successful in Ontario. For example, they can help people to…
 get settled in their community
 find housing, a job or childcare
 access other programs such as English classes, employment services and skills training
 get information about healthcare and social services
 find an interpreter or translator

To complete this assignment, you will:

o Read a website of your choice, and search for specific details
o Answer questions about the agency or community resource by reading and evaluating
the website (this will prepare you for your presentation)
o Synthesize the information you gathered and present it using Flipgrid

Follow the steps below to get started.


PART 1: Learning about your agency

Step 1: Visit:

Step 2: Search using your city, postal code, and/or address

Step 3: Choose one of the Settlement Agencies on the list

Step 4: Answer the questions below about the agency you chose. To do this, delete the spaces and
type in your responses. Your responses must be written in your own words. Do not copy and paste
information directly from the website. This does not show your understanding.
1. Organization Name: _____________________________________________________

2. Describe what type of organisation they are. (try in the “About Us” section)

3. What are their hours?

Day: Hours:

4. Make a list of how this community service helps people? (Try to write 4 points)

5. Which of their services/programs interest you most? Why?

6. What upcoming events, activities and/or programs are they running? Check their social
media if their website doesn’t say.

7. How can you contact the agency in order to get more information?

8. What age group would use this community service? (e.g., for 10 year olds to 17 year olds,
30-40 year olds, etc.) Why do you think this age group would be attracted to this community

9. What gender group would be interested in this community service (e.g., male, female,
transgender, both males and females, etc.)? Why do you think this gender group or groups
would be attracted to this community service/program?

10. In your opinion, is the website easy to use? Does it look organized? Write at least two (2)
good or bad things about the website’s layout?
The Research – Rubric

Guiding Level R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Questions: (>50%) (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80%+)

Do your Not at all. You A little bit. You Somewhat. You Considerably. Completely.
responses show do not show any show little show some You show that You show a
that you understanding of understanding understanding of you understand detailed
Knowledge &

understand your your chosen your chosen your chosen your chosen understanding
chosen agency. agency. A lot agency. Some agency. of your chosen
agency? Expectation not more detail is more detail is Expectation is agency. Your
met. needed. needed. met. responses are
Expectation is

Have you Not at all. You A little bit. Somewhat. Considerably. Completely.
rephrased the have not written However, you However, you You have used You have
information that in your own have copied a have still copied your own words rephrased
you read online words at all. The lot of information some to rephrase what what you read

(and not just information is from the information from you read. in
copied and copied. internet. the internet. Expectation is sophisticated
pasted)? Expectation not met. and detailed
met. ways.
Expectation is

Are your Not at all. Your A little bit. Somewhat. Considerably. Completely.
responses responses are However, many However, some Your responses Your

clear, coherent not understood. of your of your are clear, responses are
and complete? Expectation not responses are responses are coherent and detailed, well-
met. difficult to still a little complete. written and
understand. difficult to Expectation is insightful.
understand. met. Expectation is

TOTAL: Socio-Cultural
Competence and
Media Literacy /12
PART 2: Presentation

Once you have done the research, you need to present your findings. You must read through your
research and organize the information. You want to make sure that you synthesize (or combine) what
you learned into an interesting and engaging presentation.

You will record your presentation on Flipgrid. Flipgrid is a social learning platform where teachers ask
questions, and students respond in a video. I have included a couple of Flipgrid tutorials that will help
you to understand the website better. Please return to the assignment page to see these.

Once you feel comfortable using the site, it’s time to visit our class Flipgrid! I have provided a link to it in
today’s announcement.

You can record your video on the site or pre-record your video and then upload it. Your video should be
5-7 minutes long, but no longer than 10 minutes.


1. You should practice your presentation before recording, and apply the following strategies:

 Include an introduction, like:

- “Good morning. My name is ______ and today I will be talking about ______.” 

 When you are recording, make as much eye contact with the camera as possible
 Pause before moving to a new idea
 Use transition phrases to divide up your ideas, like:
- “I am going to start by talking about…”

- “Next, I want to discuss…”

 Don’t rush! When people speak too quickly, they’re difficult to understand. Take your time and
focus on pronouncing each word clearly. 
 Include a conclusion, like:
- “Thank you so much for listening to my presentation. Please let me know if you have any

2. Review the rubric on the following page so that you fully understand the expectations.
The Presentation – Rubric

Guiding Level R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

Questions: (>50%) (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80%+)

Based on your Not at all. Your A little bit. Somewhat. You Considerably. Completely.
presentation, presentation However, you include some Based on your Your detailed

is your does not only include a information presentation, it and thorough

Knowledge &

knowledge of include any little bit of about your is evident that presentation
the agency information information agency, but you understand shows
you chose about the about the more is your agency. extensive
evident? agency. agency. A lot needed. Expectation is understanding
Expectation is more is met. of the agency.
not met. needed. Expectation is

Have you Not at all. No Just a little bit. Somewhat. Considerably. Completely. All
applied speaking However, a However, only Most speaking the suggested
speaking strategies are limited amount some speaking strategies are speaking
strategies to used in your of speaking strategies are used. strategies were

your presentation. strategies are used in your Expectation is used.

presentation? Expectation is used in your presentation. met.  Expectation is
(an not met.  presentation. Some more are exceeded. 
introduction, Many more are needed. 
conclusion, needed. 
eye contact)

Have you Not at all. You Just a little bit. Somewhat. Considerably. Completely.
synthesized do not However, you However, you You synthesize You have
the information synthesize the need to need to your research synthesized the
Thinking & Inquiry

from your information. synthesize your synthesize your well. You have highlights of
research into You are just research a lot research some your notes for your research
an interesting reading your more. You are more. You are reference, but into an
oral notes. mostly reading still reading present engaging
presentation? Expectation not your notes. some of your rephrased presentation;
met. notes. information. you do not read
Expectation is your notes.
met. Expectation is

Are you Not at all. You Just a little bit. Somewhat. Considerably. Completely.
speaking are not However, due However, due You make one You do not

clearly and understood in to fluency and to a few fluency or two small make any
fluently? Are your pronunciation and fluency and/or pronunciation
you presentation. errors, you are pronunciation pronunciation or fluency
pronouncing Expectation is very difficult to errors, you are errors, but you errors. You are
every word not met.  understand. difficult to are still understood
clearly? Are understand at understood. completely.
you times. Expectation is Expectation is
understood? met.  exceeded. 

TOTAL: Speaking:  /16

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