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Old Periodicity New Periodicity

Schedule Technicia Sectional SSE(Signal)/ Remark

Code Schedule
DSMG Incharge n SSE/JE(Signal Incharge:
SSE/SE (Signal):
1. Check that Block Instrument are free from mechanical
- Yearly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
damage/corrosion. Check tightness of all nuts/bolts.
2. Checking of Push Buttons, Indicators, relays, bell & buzzer. Half
Quarterly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
PB1 3. Locking & sealing of all relays and counter. Monthly Quarterly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
4. All the relays are properly plugged in block & holding clips are
- - Monthly Monthly Quarterly New
intact and contacts are clean and free from pitting.
5. The telephone and telephone cord. Monthly Quarterly Monthly Monthly Quarterly
1. Checking the working of releasing of shunting key. - Yearly Quarterly Half Yearly
2. Measuring the line current and voltage. Half
Quarterly Quarterly Half Yearly
3. Working of cancellation counter. - - Quarterly New
Half Yearly
PB2 4. Cross checking of Door lock keys & SM key of one instrument
- - Quarterly Half Yearly New
with other instrument.
5. Measuring the insulations between each individual insulated
- Yearly Quarterly Half Yearly
circuit and earth (shall not be < 10 M Ohm).
6. Measure the earth value. - - Quarterly New
Half Yearly
1. LSS cannot be taken OFF without line clear and is
automatically replaced to ON when train enters the Block - Yearly Half Yearly Yearly
2. The Last Stop Signal at the sending station cannot be taken
‘OFF’ until the receiving station instrument is set to “Train
- Yearly Half Yearly Yearly
Coming From” condition and the sending station instrument
PB3 is sent to “Train Going To” condition.
3. The Line Clear can be granted only when reception signals
- Yearly Half Yearly Yearly
and the Last Stop Signal are proved at ‘ON’.
4. The opposing Last Stop Signals of the block section cannot be
- Yearly Half Yearly Yearly
taken ‘OFF’ at one and the same time.
5. The circuit for proving the arrival of a train is directional. - Yearly Half Yearly Yearly

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