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Description of problem/issue - Megan

Employee retention refers to the ability for an organization to keep their employees. This is a

growing concern within the United States workforce. Every month, three to four million people quit

their jobs and one-third of new employees quit within the first six months. Being able to retain your

employees is a complex problem that requires understanding of the culture, motivational theories,

and employee satisfaction (Apollo Technical, 2021).

Having to replace your employees can be costly in terms of time spent in training and time

recruiting new hires. Organizations must strive to make their employees feel valued and provide

opportunity for growth to encourage retainment. Studies have found that employees would prefer

opportunities for learning, want to feel challenged, and need to feel like they are in a safe space to

communicate (Apollo Technical, 2021).

As it currently stands, the United States has an employee turnover rate of over 50% and

those numbers are expected to surge as the end of the COVID-19 pandemic nears. If employers

want to avoid that surge, they need to prioritize employee retention strategies to improve their

chances of success (Apollo Technical, 2021).

Alternatives Considered - Shilpa

The journey of an employee begins with the recruitment process, where HR professionals

outline job descriptions, set expectations, interview, and search for the right person who will fit in

the organizations’ culture. A lot of effort, time, and finances go into choosing the right candidate for

the right job. It hurts the productivity of the organization when these individuals leave.

Effective onboarding and orientation

Onboarding is the procedure of supporting newly employed to get comfortable with their

new job role. It is also regarded as socialization in an organization to understand the mechanism of

work systems and get acquainted with the vital information regarding work, behavior,

competencies, work culture, and efficiency that will aid in the productivity and performance of the

company via training and development (Human Resources Degrees, 2021).

The training and support provided from day one act as a motivational tool for newbies to

become assets for the development of the employer and can set the tone for an employee’s tenure in

a company. This process is classified into formal and informal onboarding. The former focuses on

organized tasks and techniques that help the new employee to adapt to their new role, while the

latter is more relaxed and semi-organized tasks that aid in teaching the new employee about his/her

new job surroundings. Having a structured onboarding and orientation enhances employee

engagement, increases productivity, bridges the communication gap influencing employee retaining

(FastPay, 2018).

Assigning a new employee with a work buddy/mentor adds value to the onboarding process,

especially in the current economic condition where work in remote conditions has become

necessary. This style allows the newbie and the buddy to learn from an experienced and understand

a fresher’s point of view along with the offering of constant guidance to make the newcomer feel

welcomed and comfortable. This program increase employee engagement through collaboration

aids in retention (increased by 50%) of top talent (Pasch, 2020).

Work-life balance

It is a mandate for employees to know that there is life outside of work in a world filled with

stress and pressure. Lack of work-life balance leads to an unhealthy and dissatisfying work

environment. Over tiredness can lead to deviating from the important aspects and goals. Statistics

show that working for more hours declines productivity as human brains need to unplug, recharge,

and refresh (Southern Management, 2019).

Organizations and their managers need to encourage a positive work-life balance by

practicing it to access one’s potential skills, build creativity, and abilities for increased productivity

(Southern Management, 2019). After all, creating a flexible and balanced work-life environment

makes the employee and organization happy and healthy.

Creating an environment that spreads positivity by defining the attitudes, behavior, values,

etc. invites employees to enjoy coming to work with diverse people and cultures. It serves as a
platform to develop skills, for open communication, to improve retention rates, to increase

reputation directly affecting the performance of a business (Rajvanshi, 2020).

Following the Covid Pandemic - Megan

Since a surge in employee turnover has been ongoing and expected to increase, it is

important for employees to carefully consider how they are going to address this. Improving

income, is certainly an option. As it currently stands, even if the federal minimum wage was raised

to 15$ an hour, nearly double what it currently is, a typical American family could still not afford

the basics. The low pay rate in relation to rising cost of living has caused many employees to

consistently be looking for new better paying jobs. Employers need to consider the long-term

benefits in raising their wages in relation to employee retention. If wages are not meeting their basic

needs, they are far less likely to feel valued by their employer or feel motivated to remain with a

specific company (Health Consultants Group, 2021).

Improving employee benefits is another way that a company could show appreciation for

their employees. Lack of paid sick leave was a big problem during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many

Americans are not offered enough paid sick days and will go to work with contagious illnesses to

avoid being fired. Additionally, benefits are often nonexistent when it comes to pregnancy leave,

forcing pregnant mothers to return to workdays after they delivered a baby. With healthcare still not

being universal in the United States, Americans rely on their workforce to provide them with health

care options. However, paying for it often takes a large amount of money from their already

stretched paychecks, forcing them to opt out of having healthcare at all. Ensuring they are given

sufficient and affordable health benefits would make a big difference in employee satisfaction

(Health Consultants Group, 2021).

Finally, incentive programs can be especially motivating for employees. It is estimated that

incentive programs can increase employee productivity by 25 to 44 percent. Employee satisfaction

increases when there is potential for growth within the organization. Long term incentive programs
do better than short term, and motivates employees to remain with the company to achieve that

reward (Stolovich, 2010).

Communication is important for consistent progress within the work environment.

Organizations need to ask their employees what could be done to improve their relationship with the

company. People vary on their needs and expectations from their jobs, and it is important to know

what your employees are requiring to remain satisfied with your organization.

Proposed course of action- Ephrem

Studies show that approximately 77% of employees who quit their jobs could have been

retained by their employers. 21 % attribute their departure to career development, 13% to work-life

balance and 11% to the behavior of their managers (Tarallo, 2018). All these can be simply

summarized as employers failing to meet the needs of the employees. Employers who understand

these dynamics strive to ensure they employ the right candidates and have adequate measures in

place to retain a large percentage of the workforce by meeting the workers requirements and

expectations. The following factors assist in promoting employee retention:

 Hiring the right candidate: HR professionals should ensure the job description is as

explicitly outlined as possible so the candidate knows and understands his expectations.

While skills are an essential part of performing the job, it is vital to hire candidates who will

align with the behavior and culture of the organization and work well with the existing team.

The interview should include behavioral questions, role playing and providing practical

responses to situational occurrences. When employees struggle to fit in or find their place

within an organization’s culture, they will be unhappy and discontent and will eventually

resign or get fired (Kappel, 2017).


Engaged employee: Some employees

perform tasks that suit their individuality,

but when the overall culture of the

Low retention rate: Hiring the right
company reflects their individuality, they
candidates can reduce the cost of
naturally develop confidence in their role
hiring employees, but if not
and make it difficult to work. Get the
implemented properly, it can have the
desired result (Learn, 2020).
opposite effect (Learn, 2020).

Cost savings: When there is an effective

culture, employees want to stay because

they feel they are benefiting from the role Focus on personality: Companies

they play in the company they belong to. too often make the mistake of

That said, hiring qualified employees that choosing job seekers based on

fit your corporate culture will result in personality rather than skills and

long-term hiring, which ultimately helps qualifications during the interview

reduce employee turnover and reduce process (Learn, 2020).

hiring costs (Learn, 2020).

 Provide opportunity for growth : Employee retention tends to suffer when organizations lack

effective leadership and adequate opportunities for growth (Tarallo, 2018). Employers need to

take it a step further by assisting employees draw up a career path and encourage employees to

achieve it by giving them assignments that will give them the opportunity to learn and grow.

Companies should also focus on expanding the knowledge base of employees. Employees see

relevant training from employers as a commitment and investment in their worth and regard it as

a powerful incentive to stay at the company (Florentine, 2019).

High cost: Staff training costs can be huge for

small businesses. Travel costs, training

Increased employee motivation: Providing learning
facilities, in-house training and equipment can
opportunities increases enthusiasm for work as
rise quickly. But there is good news. Using
employees can apply new skills and face new
online training can reduce these costs a lot
challenges (Anna, 2020).
(Anna, 2020).
Increase employee participation: Training and
It takes time to go home: The time an
career opportunities increase employee satisfaction.
employee is trained is the time they spend
It also gives you the tools you need to grow and stay
outside of work. Employees may not be able to
safe at work! Job satisfaction is closely related to the
support many hours outside of working hours.
level of employee engagement (Anna, 2020).
(Anna, 2020).

 Offer competitive compensation and right benefits: People like to feel valued. In the work

environment it generally boils down to how much employees get paid get paid and what

additional benefits they get. Benefits go beyond healthcare and sick leave, other benefits like

stock options and other financial rewards should be explored and they can be allocated based on

a predetermined time periods. 88% of companies view financial incentives and bonuses as a key

factor in retaining employees (Florentine, 2019).

Lack of adequate capital: Competitive
Talent Attraction: Companies use a competitive
payroll policies can be a great way to attract
payroll policy to attract skilled employees to their
and retain talent, but new businesses may not
organizations. Every company wants to be
have the capital to pay competitive salaries to
successful and hire talented professionals to help
qualified employees
them become competitive in the industry
(, 2020).
(, 2020).

Private Enterprises: Private enterprises are

Employee Retention: Competitive salary packages
often unable to compete with the salary
can increase employee motivation and productivity
packages offered by state-owned enterprises,
while reducing turnover, which can cause
and state-owned enterprises can offer
significant losses. A competitive payroll package
talented employees high salaries and long-
can help retain the best talent
term incentives depending on their
(, 2020).

(, 2020).

 Implement effective cultural connection : The needs and expectations of employees change

based on their career journey – an employee’s expectations at four weeks will be very different

from someone who has been in the company for 4 years. Needs and expectations will also differ

based on cultural and generational backgrounds. A healthy and productive company culture has

been noted as one of the key contributing factors to employee retention (Tarallo, 2018). To

enjoy work and not get burned out, there needs to be a balance. Employers need to acknowledge

and promote a life outside the work environment. Employees having a relationship with staff

beyond work related issues also promote employee retention. The company culture is developed

by maintaining a positive work environment, connection is achieved by maintaining a healthy

balance between work and life, with meaningful relationships amongst coworkers and

contribution represents utilizing and appreciating employees’ strengths and weaknesses. The

workplace should be an environment where employees can freely express their ideas,

preferences and expectations with no repercussions. Companies can promote team building and

social events within the office to promote the relationship between staff and also establish

policies that have the wellbeing of employees in mind. Periodic performance reviews should be

carried out where honest two way feedback is given.


Different cultural perspectives can Colleagues from some cultures are

inspire creativity and foster innovation: less likely to express their opinions:
Our culture affects the way we see the However, having a variety of mental
world. The diverse perspectives combined abilities is not enough. It is also very
with the vast international and personal important to create an open and
experience of an international team can inclusive work environment so that
provide new perspectives for colleagues to everyone on the team feels deserved
see work and the world differently to contribute (Reynolds, 2019).
(Reynolds, 2019). Language as a barrier:

Product and service: By hiring Professional communication can be

professionals from different cultures, misinterpreted or difficult to

businesses often benefit from hiring understand in different languages

professionals with a wide range of skills and cultures: issue. Even in an

that are not available locally. Global English-speaking office for

companies can expand their service range everyone, it can be difficult to

by leveraging overseas employees understand a lot of accents or how

(Reynolds, 2019). your mother tongue is spoken

(Reynolds, 2019).
 Implementing an effective onboarding process: An employee’s perception on whether

or not to remain in a job starts as early as when the employee is going through the

onboarding process. A successful onboarding experience will demonstrate what makes

the organization different from others; provide the necessary insights to the employee on

how their job contributes to the overall company’s mission and outline what it takes to

succeed in the role. Every new hire yearns to feel connected to their roles, colleagues and

managers. Employers need to take advantage of this by providing emotional connections

during the onboarding process and demonstrate trust by giving new hires meaningful

assignments as early as possible (Tarallo, 2018).


Increased employee retention: Maintaining

Lack of management commitment:
skills and knowledge of new employees starts
Managers, especially executives, tend to
from day one. About 31% of new employees
be busy people. And while few people
quit their jobs within the first 6 months
deny that new team members need the
(Anna, 2020).
first few days of work, the reality is that
Increased employee engagement:
they often deal with too many priorities,
Residence is closely related to the
so there is a temptation to delegate or
dedication of new employees. Everyone
transfer. The responsibility for hiring
wants to enjoy their work and get high
new employees is overwhelming
marks. Investing in the development and
(Foxall, 2020).
success of employees demonstrates

commitment to employees (Anna, 2020).


Apollo Technical. (2021). 19 Employee Retention Statistics That Will Surprise You.

FastPay. (2018, April 5). Which Employee Onboarding Process is Best: Informal vs. Formal.



Health Consultants Group. (2021). 6 Post Pandemic Employee Retention Strategies.

Human Resources Degrees. (2021, May 18). What is Onboarding?

Pasch, M. (2020, August 19). Mentorships Are The Key To Long-Term Employee Retention.


Rajvanshi, S. (2020, October 11). Feasting with philosophers and mystic poets. Times of India



Stolovich, H. (2010). Workplace Performance: Research and Best Practices.


Southern Management. (2019, September 13). Work-Life Balance: Employee and Employer


Anna. (2020, July 8). Advantages of employee onboarding. Retrieved from https://www.easy- advantages/item12578

Anna. (2020, August 12). 4 advantages & disadvantages of employee training. Retrieved from advantages-and-


Florentine, S. (2019, February 27). Employee retention: 8 strategies for retaining top talent.

Retrieved from

Foxall, D. (2020, January 14). Five common employee onboarding problems and how to fix

them. Retrieved from onboarding-


Kappel, M. (2017, August 9). 5 Ways to reduce employee turnover. Retrieved from


Learn, I. (2020, July 6). The pros and cons of hiring for cultural fit. Retrieved from fit/ (2020, August 2). Key advantages and disadvantages of competitive

pay policies. Retrieved from advantages-and-

Reynolds, K. (2019, July 11). 13 benefits and challenges of cultural diversity in the workplace

Hult blog. Retrieved from cultural-diversity-


Tarallo, M. (2018, September 17). How to reduce employee turnover through robust retention

strategies. Retrieved from


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