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The eight principles of communication

 introduction
Everything you need to know about the principles of effective communication. The
effectiveness of a system is measured in terms of its objective achievement.
Therefore, the effective communication system is one which achieved its objectives.
Communication is effective where there are no barriers to communication.
The message should be clear and complete. The communication should always be
consistent with the objectives, policies and programmes of the enterprise.
Communication is effective when the workers are receptive to it and are able to give
relevant feedback.

 Principle of communication : 8 CS
Most of my posts and articles on MichaelSpeaks reference the following 8
SpeechDeck principles. The color coding is used by the SpeechDeck system:
1 Clarify your Content – Black
The black and white of your message must be clear.
No amount of “color” will help, unless your core message is simple, clear, and
logically organized.
Because all communication starts with a clear message, this is the starting point for
every client I coach, every workshop I teach, and every presentation I prepare.
2 Inject Anticipation – Red
It doesn’t matter how clear your message is if no one is listening.
Anticipation is about getting the listener’s attention at each transition and holding that
attention to the end.
When done properly, you can generate interest and make people listen to you (even
if they don’t want to).
3 Develop Relationships – Orange
To develop rapport with the listener, you must form and build relationships. Groups
that already know each other well, may already share a group rapport.
This principle is most important when speaking to new audiences, attempting
persuasion, or when audience analysis is paramount.
4 Reveal the Messenger – Yellow
The quality of your message is largely based on the impression made by the
messenger (you). To establish legitimacy, credibility, and authenticity, you must be
yourself and share something of yourself.
This is often the single most important principle to transform ordinary
communication into the extraordinary.
5 Encourage Participation – Green
If a listener is not participating mentally, physically, verbally, or socially, he or she will
not accept or remember your message.
Utilize interpersonal interaction to help the listener understand and comply with your
6 Empower the Individual – Blue
Your presentation must be made relevant to the listener. Empowerment includes
personalization, self-persuasion, and eliminating obstacles that might prevent the
listener from adopting your message.
Give the listener the power to agree with you.
7 Manage the Theater – Indigo
Effective communication requires more than just words. You also must use the
space around you.
This may involve slides, visuals, and body language. When done properly, you will
continuously eliminate distractions and direct the listener’s focus of attention.
8 Engage the Subconscious – Violet
A logical message is not enough. We only remember information when it touches us
at an internal level.
Verbally you must provide the proper context,
but more importantly you must make a non-verbal, emotional, and non-cognitive

 Conclusion
Effective communication is the process of transferring information or
thoughts to someone or a group of people by way of speaking, writing or
body language. According to “” (2014), “Effective
communication extends the concept to require that transmitted content is
received and understood by someone in the way it was intended. The
goals of effective communication include creating a common perception,
changing behaviors and acquiring information” (para. 1). It is important
that the person receiving the information be able to clearly and concisely
understand the information from the sender. The most effective and
ineffective techniques for sharing information, techniques that can be
applied or modified in a health care work environment and ways in which
technology may affect these processes will be discussed in this paper.
Effective Communication Techniques
Effective communication begins with encoding, or being able to clearly
and concisely relay the message so that the receiver will be able to
decode the message. Another important part of effective communication
is making sure the receiver properly understands the message that was
being sent. When considering the context of the communication it
improves the effectiveness. Context includes age, religion, sexual
orientation and intellectual abilities of the receiver. Body language, or
non-verbal communication includes eye contact, facial expressions,
posture and position of the hands and arms. When body language is
consistent with verbal content it improves understanding, and when body
language is inconsistent with verbal content it creates confusion about
the message. Emotions can interfere with effective communication. For
example: messages maybe negatively affected if the sender is angry.

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