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(Grreraucien) EMBRACING FINTECH BY BANKS IN BANGLADESH EL Rae ae ee eee aoe aad of International Business, Lee gee ee reached at sharua anks are at the heart of cere ney aed (FinTech) Sorcerer Sere Rr eee Cae oe particular, in developed countries like ans Toe Rieu ed eS Eee een otra ery FinTech firms is complementing Poe ea ci ee te rot) Proce oes ciety ‘of banks themselves perhaps has enact go Pea a creel Pe see ee anon eee a ord toencourage many others and thus, reshape the banking industry globally pared Being a developing country, FinTech es ec form of mobile-based financial ea a pee etre Ca) Pee ren restr sy say much about the promise of FinTech solutions in Bangladesh, our banking sector appear sluggish in peer uncer eceny pire nantes discussion of FinTech in Bangladesh: are our banks preparing themsclves for the new wave? Do they have te ean Prin ee antsy CAO Peace eins Peete eee OTe) in their products and services. There Sr See ke! Pee eres Preece promising areas could be the following: Deane Toy errant ‘machine-learning and/or Artificial Intelligence for fast and accurate borrower credit quality eee Se eae ecard significant human judgment and Rega ena etter) once rs Crate enon Pees eno ieee ereetiegrre ein tony ‘transactions, yet customers have to spend hours to make a simple ST rag an physically visiting branches. Banks can introduce App-based ec ee seen STC receive, and manage their accounts/cards through a single DSi ee aes Pees bboen working on it, the eer pecs Oe cere eens err erg pect rey onec ety es eer eerie) Pence tenet Sac eae oe Circe ere ngoa ss 4) Micro marketing using BIG data: ee clients, which could tell them Piet coment nes ty their clients As a result, such data ‘could heip develop customized offers and services for the clients Peer eret es) oe une is used to analyze such eee FFinTech startups collaboration: eveeene ices t ‘operation and services using emote Pee n rg eee nee ey relatively lower immediate cost, they could collaborate with local eee ets Pee en analyze client data and develop FinTech solutions that are to be Ore ton oe Ree ee Bangladesh invest significantly low Peer eat ay Peete tarry Pes Cri (Barua and Khan, 2009). Often banks res eet eet ens Pee Cesta) ere Coe eve ecay eee n ner Cees mee products, services, and processes Poe ag creme ‘word, in particular, developed country financial institutions, realize how one eee Ce ers sluggish,and/or ignorant on this realization. Over the last decade, renee ere a eg rere toner (Caren nities et CC aoe La) is an unsustainable approach. FinTech is a must in today’s world to have a greater depth of financial services, Poe tec it and act today to save their own crt) ees Onn ee ae eee Br ea eed Require” Bangladesh Journal of Management and Information Stems, Vo. aera Ca

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