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volunteer work is a great way to help and support the communities.

many people
like to work as volunteers during their free time. also students do volunteer work
to gain new skills and to learn many things in real life. x

the role of charities in helping society is so huge. charities plays an important roles
when it come to improve the societies and helping people in need. many people
like to donate money to charities and support them all the time due to their
significant roles. roles of charities are not limited to helping poor people but they
also help students to be involved in the community. they offer many programs to
help students and the public sector in achieving their goals. also, these charities
help adults to get married and provide financial support for them. charities also
provide medication to those who can not afford the costs of hospitals. these are
just a few roles of the charities that are helping the societies. x

there are many ways you can help and support charities in the community. one
important way is to to donate money for them if you have enough money for you
then donating some will help them a lot. if you don not have money to support you
can help them by doing some volunteer work such as help them to organize the
charity and do some administrative work. you can also support them by offering
your time to do some cleaning works for them and organizing some events for
them. x

‫ الكثير من االشخاص يحبون العمل‬.‫االعمال التطوعية هي طريقة رائعة لمساعدة ودعم المجتمعات‬
‫ ايضا ً الطالب يقومون بأعمال تطوعية لكسب مهارات جديدة وليتعلمون اشياء‬.‫كمتطوعين خالل وقت الفراغ‬
.‫كثيرة في الواقع‬

‫ الجمعيات يلعبن دور مهم في تطوير المجتمعات ومساعدة‬.‫دور الجمعيات في مساعدة المجتمع كبير للغاية‬
‫ الكثير من االشخاص يحب ان يتبرع بماله للجمعيات ويدعمهم طوال الوقت بسبب‬.‫االشخاص المحتاجون‬
‫ دور الجمعيات ال ينحصر على مساعدة الفقراء ولكن ايضا ً هم يساعدون الطالب لينخرطون‬.‫دورهم المهم‬
_.‫ هم (الجمعيات) يعرضون الكثير من البرامج لمساعدة الطالب والقطاع العام في تحقيق اهدافهم‬.‫في المجتمع‬
‫ الجمعيات ايضا ً تقدم العالجات‬.‫ايضا ً هذة الجمعيات تساعد الشباب على الزواج وتقديم المساعدات المالية لهم‬
‫ هذة فقط القليل من دور الجمعيات في‬.‫(األدوية) لألشخاص الذين ال يستطيعون تحمل تكاليف المستشفيات‬
.‫مساعدة المجتمعات‬

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