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The following business strategies are prominent in Netflix's operations.

1. Business models of platform (digital media marketplace) and pipeline (entertainment content
production, etc.)

Netflix Inc. was founded primarily to serve as a business model for their video streaming operations.
Consumers can get their chosen entertainment material through the same portal. Netflix Inc. is
producing new films and shows via the traditional pipeline method. The pipeline business model
allows the client to have direct control over the output of materials. It supports Netflix's rapid

2. Business model that eliminates the intermediary (production to distribution)

By offering its original content directly to users via its own streaming service, Netflix Inc. avoids the
use of brokers or middlemen. This business model makes use of the company's strategic advantages
and competencies. Other entertainment content suppliers can work directly with Netflix to reach
target audiences around the world, allowing the firm to continue its rapid expansion.

3. Business model based on endless subscriptions (revenue model for unlimited online access)

Netflix's unlimited streaming service is a marketing technique that reflects the company's broader
business model. Customers with an unrestricted subscription have unrestricted access to
entertainment content on the website. This business strategy aids in the acquisition and retention of
members, as well as the effectiveness of Netflix's expansion ambitions.


Different management teams and goals are involved in Google's operations management. Despite
this, the organisation uses the ten operations management decisions in all of its commercial
activities. These ten decision areas in operations management address the numerous actions that
lead to organisational success.

1.Product and service design

2.Quality Assurance

3.Process and Capacity Design

4.Location Strategy

5.Strategy and Layout Design

6.Human Resources and Job Design

7.Supply Chain Management

8.Inventory Control




People come first, not processes, in their philosophy. More specifically, they have a dream team of
exceptional people working together. They are a more flexible, enjoyable, interesting, creative,
collaborative, and successful organisation as a result of this strategy.

A dream team is one in which all of your co-workers are exceptional at what they do and work well
together. Being a part of a dream team has immense value and satisfaction. Great gyms, luxurious
offices, and regular parties are not in their definition of a great workplace. Their idea of a wonderful
workplace is a dream team working toward idealistic common goals for which they spend a lot of
money. You learn the most, do your finest job, progress the fastest, and have the most fun when
you're on a team like this. On a dream team, there are no "brilliant jerks.". Teamwork comes at an
outrageous cost. They believe that clever individuals can also have decent interpersonal interactions,
and they insist on it. When highly skilled people collaborate, they motivate one another to be more
creative, productive, and ultimately successful as a group than they could be as individuals.

Their dream teams comprises of 5 divisions

 Product
 Corporate Functions
 Content
 Marketing and Publicity
 Games


The global teams of Google are

1. Technology & Engineering

Develop tools and solutions for billions of consumers in the future.

2. Marketing & Public Relations

Connect users to the product's magic..

3. Business Planning

Deliver the research and insights that help us innovate.

4. Legal

Help to shape internet policy and law in the future.

5. Sales, Service, and Support (Sales, Service, and Support)

Provide businesses with the resources they require to survive

.6. Design

Make experiences that are both beautiful and intuitive.

7. Finance
Create and manage solutions to help our global company succeed.

8. People

Identify, develop, and support the individuals who make Google great.

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