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The Great Schism: The Byzantine Orthodox Church

Byzantine Culture (role of the emperor)

1. Two institutions central to Byzantine culture- emperor,

2. Emperor priest-king considered deputy of Jesus Christ on earth,
his co-ruler.
3. Emperor responsible for both civil, religious law.


1. Christianity greatly influenced artistic life of Byzantines.

2. Art, Architecture, literature based on religious themes.
3. Byzantine art often featured saints, figures, from Bible.
4. Most art in form of mosaics, examples: hand above cross, hand of
God, 12 lambs, Christian flock, community on earth.

Religious Conflicts

In the 700s the use of art in churches deeply divided society, this
religious controversy threatened the strength of both church and
state. The controversy involved the use of icons (paintings or
sculptures of sacred figures).

Icons and Controversy

1. Churches contained beautiful icons.

2. Some Christians objected to their presence believed use too
close to non-Christian worship of idols.
3. People called iconoclast, “icon breaker”.

Iconoclast Movement

1. 726ad, Emperor Leo III forbade use of icons, ordered their

2. Iconoclast movement unpopular with many in the church
3. Since few could read, clergy found sacred images useful for

Reaction against iconoclasm raged on and off until 843ad, when a

council settle the issue by accepting icons, the dispute played a
crucial role in the growing divide between the emperor in
Constantinople and the pope in Rome.

The Church Splits

1. Over time, number of issues that divided eastern, western

churches grew.
2. Use of Greek one difference, theological differences also
3. Eastern church allowed clergy to marry, western church did not.

Church Governance

1. Pope in Rome, patriarchs in Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch,

Jerusalem were church leaders; emperor oversaw church law,
did not govern church.
2. Byzantines did not accept pope as supreme authority over
religious issues.


1054ad, differences became so large, schism, split occurred

between churches. Church in the east became Orthodox Church, west
remained Roman Catholic.

Later hurt Byzantine Empire, could not rely on western help

against invaders( Seljuk Turks).

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