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Stative verbs

Estados Sensaciones Comunicación Otros estados

emocionales o

Believe (creer) Appear Agree (estar de Be (ser/estar)

(aparecer) acuerdo)
Dislike Belong
(disgustar) Hear (oír) Astonish (pertenecer)
Doubt (dudar) See (ver) Concern
Deny (negar) (concernir)
Imagine Seem
(imaginar) (parecer) Disagree (no Consist
estar de acuerdo) (consistir)
Know (saber) Smell (oler)
Impress Contain
Like (gustar) Sound (sonar) (impresionar) (contener)
Love (amar) Taste (saber, Mean (significar) Cost (costar)
de sabor)
Hate (odiar) Please Depend
(complacer) (depender)
Prefer (preferir)
Promise Deserve
Realize (notar / (prometer) (merecer)
darse cuenta)
Satisfy Include
Recognize (satisfacer) (incluir)
Surprise Involve
Remember (sorprender) (involucrar)
Lack (faltar)
(suponer) Matter
(entender) Need
Want (querer)
Owe (deber,
Wish (desear) de deuda)

Own (tener)

Pero hay casos especiales cuya conjugación en presente continuo depende del significado. En esta
tabla puedes conocerlos:

Stative verbs: casos especiales

Verbo Significado sin Ejemplo Significado con Ejemplo

terminación - terminación -ing

Appear Parecer / It appears to Presentarse (en My band is

Asemejar be an UFO un escenario) / appearing at
Actuar his party

Feel Opinar I feel you Sentir She is feeling

deserve pain in her
more chest

Look Parecer It looks too Ver They are

weird to me looking at the

See Entender He can’t see Visitar He is seeing

your point his couch

Think Opinar She thinks Pensar I am thinking

you are her about your
best teacher offer

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