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A Space Marketing Feature

y o u r
t , i t i s
h e a r o n
y o u r p a n i
a l u e g c o m
V e l o n
a stroke or a failure leads to
death. Therefore, to have a healthy

l i f However, to
Such testi-
monies explain, the gravity
of this medical condition. Nowa-
days, most of the diagnoses are done
at the time of hospitalisations that
life, it is important to have a healthy
Here are a few tips to have a
healthy heart
- Eat oil-free food: Cholesterol is a
eradicate such unforeseen
situations, doctors and researchers tells us that even after the medical fat that majority of the time has pro-
are putting their heads together to sector has grown immensely yet, the ven to be unhealthy. Excessive ac-
make people understand the severi- lack of awareness, knowledge and cumulation of bad cholesterol forms

he world is witnessing an in- walls inside our blood vessels
crease in Cardio Vascular Dis- ty by dispensing efficacious treat- ignorant attitude towards personal
ment. health is slim. which comprises the blood flow.
eases (CVD) impacting lives This can only be taken care of with a
invariably. There have been in- Mr. Murali a resident of Hydera- This calls for adherence to the ru-
bad, who underwent heart surgery lebook. It is very essential to be met- balanced diet by adding a lot of
stances where people are complete- green leafy vegetables and fruits to
ly unaware of their internal health last year said, “I had mild discom- iculous because our body is a
fort in my chest which initially we complex structure and requires a lot see miraculous results.
issues and it results in taking a toll - Quit Smoking and Drinking:
on them gravely. Perhaps, the World thought could be a gastric condition of care and attention. Similarly, our
and did not pay much attention to it. heart is made of muscles, and feed- Many times studies have shown that
Heart Federation started observing tobacco and liquor invite ailments
World Heart Day on the 29th of Sep- But in weeks I started losing my ing the right amount of nutrients, vi-
breath, heart palpitation increased, tamins, and minerals to make it like high blood pressure, which
tember every year. This day is solely eventually is harmful to the heart,
dedicated to making the masses and then I decided to see a cardiolo- function properly is vital.
gist. After performing the blood Human Heart resulting in a shorter lifespan. To
aware of CVD and other related is- beat this one has to completely give
sues which require medical assis- work, ECG, and TMT the doctors Our heart pumps oxygen, tran-
found out that there was a mild sports all the key substances and up and focus on staying healthy.
tance. - Physical Exercise: Amidst the
When it comes to the general pu- blockage that required angiography. juices to the rest of the body, and
Now it has been a year that I am ad- flushes out the deoxygenated blood hectic work schedule, dedicating
blic, more than awareness we have 20-30 minutes to physical fitness
myths and misconceptions floating hering to a strict lifestyle and have by purifying it and sending the ox-
allocated time for myself by striking ygenated blood to the lungs for un- will be rewarding in the longer run.
around rampantly. Such disbeliefs It will strengthen our muscles and
are more or less the root cause of a balance between work and perso- interrupted functioning of our body.
nal life.” This involuntary cycle when suffers ensures the blood flow is smooth.
why people succumb before receiv- Maintaining a routine and staying
ing medical aid. vigilant about your own body will
Over the years, India has evolved not only reduces heart strokes but
culturally and has adopted the se-
dentary lifestyle which posed mas-
Adopt healthy practices to give up will prepare the heart to withstand
any unplanned trouble.
sive ramifications. This altered unhealthy habits
lifestyle had both its pros and cons. Pragya Garg


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