Reflection Eumind 1

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Yash’s Reflection:
I learnt a lot in this project. It helped me get interested in waste
management, inculcate it myself, and spread awareness to other
people. As leader of the project, I got the opportunity to work
with my wonderful team and hone my leadership skills.
I enjoyed interacting with my Dutch peers on the first video
conference and look forward to the second one.
The interviews gave me a lot of insight and knowledge in terms
of waste management and ways to effectively carry it out. I
agree with Mr. Muthukumar about each individual spreading
awareness slowly from small areas to cities and creating an
efficient system as done in our awareness activity.
I would have preferred to have a face-to-face interaction with
the interviewees and my team; and investigate the rubbish at
school but due to the Covid pandemic we were unable to do so.
My advice to everyone reading this is to spread awareness
however you can and bring a change in your surroundings.
A special thanks to my teachers for giving me an opportunity to
do this project

Thank you.
Yash. (Leader)
Meet’s Reflection:

Eumind has been an interactive platform where I could discover new

skills. It has directed me to innumerable important life lessons. Because
of this, I have learnt the true meaning of waste management and why it
is so important. I have also learnt how to work with a team to make an
ideal inspiration for others. It was a great experience, conducting
interviews, doing research work and learning new stuff about waste and
how to segregate it.
EUMIND was a golden opportunity for me exchange ideas with our
peers from Netherlands, across the globe. The interviews also have
taught us a lot about the topic. We learnt that everything starts within an
individual and only then can we create an awareness. The best way to
manage waste is to segregate it into two parts- wet, and dry waste.
As the editor and technological head of the group, I have achieved a lot
of knowledge on video editing, website building and how to make things
presentable. While editing the introductory video and interview videos I
learnt about how professionals make their work so perfect.
Although, our hands were tied due to the covid 19 pandemic. This
stopped us from finishing a few modules such as “Investigating Rubbish
at School”.
But it did not stop me from working hard and making this project so
successful. The SDG activity also helped us in knowing the fundamental
goals of the United Nations and how we as students can help and
contribute for the betterment and well-being of the society.
Thank you,
Meet Bali (Editor and Technological Head.)
Aarush’s Reflection:
Over the course of time, contributing to the EUMIND
project, I learnt a lot of new things like how waste is
managed in our country.
It is a lot more complicated than I thought. For example,
Mr. Ritesh Dang had said in our interview that the most
important part of efficient waste management is
awareness. If it is not spread, the people of the country
will not understand the gravity of this situation
It was a wonderful experience to communicate with the
students of Netherlands and learning how they manage
The brainstorming and exchange of ideas whilst creating
our Weebly website was a very fun and productive
Our group had worked for countless hours on Google and
zoom meets to make our website as vivid as possible and
form extra questions for asking during the interviews and
so, in conclusion I am very proud of our team and the
efforts we put in.
Aarush (Interviewer)
Sidh’s Reflection:
I have learned plenty of new things throughout the year through
this project. It was an experience I will never forget.  I have put
forth my greatest effort for this project and am overwhelmed
with pride to see it shape this way. 
I have learned plenty of new things. It helped me to exchange
thoughts with fellow students of my age across the globe. I have
been able to see things with a different perspective. Through this
I have opened up and shared plenty ideas with people all across
the world. I have developed keen interest in matters like
greenery and waste management. 
During the Video Conference, I have enjoyed the conversation
with our peers from another corner from the globe. Sharing our
thoughts and opinions for each other has been very interesting
for me. This exchange of thoughts has helped to see the opinions
we have for each other and for waste management. 
The interview with school has enlightened me by informing all
the necessary precautions and measures taken by our school to
provide proper waste management. 
I have loved this project and would even like to contribute
further if not this platform, then another. My special request to
everybody to spread awareness about go green and waste
management and try to contribute according to your capability
to truly bring a change. 
Thank You 
Sidh Jain (Creative Head) 
Karthikeyan’s Reflection:
It has been eye opening to see the various methods Dutch peers from
around the world are using to help achieve our goal of efficiently
managing waste to not damage the world's ecosystems. We have learned
a lot about managing waste and how we can play our part in making the
world a better place for ourselves and others.

During the Video Conference, we spoke with our peers about what we
could do to raise awareness and make the entire process of waste
management more efficient and eco-friendly. We exchanged ideas and
were enlightened by this discussion. We answered all their questions as
best we could and made the best effort we could.

Our group, Group 6, worked cohesively and as a single unit. Our leader,
Yash, was open to suggestions, and we all contributed to this project.
Everyone worked diligently and made sure that their work was
completed well in advance and made it easier for each member to play
their part as best they could.

  The interviews with schools and organizations gave us an insight into

the working of institutions and how they try to reduce the amount of
waste they produce, and they provided us with answers to our questions.

I am satisfied with the efforts of our group in this project. However, to

make more impact, I encourage others to spread awareness as much as
they can, so that we can make this world better for us and generations to

Thank you,

Karthikeyan (Writer)

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