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Art 100 Assignment

Identity and Art During 2021

Prof. Amy Adams

Due October 19th by 5:00p.m.

The Carters Apeshit if link doesn’t work, cut and

paste into browser

Read all of the instructions below thoroughly before you begin your project.

Format for the Assignment (no title page), double spaced, 10 or 12 pt. type (Times or Arial
only), 1” borders. Make sure you proofread your writing for adhering to the information
listed above, as well as incorrect grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other errors. In
addition, make sure your project includes an identity statement. Your grade will reflect your
ability to follow these guidelines.

The first part of your assignment is thinking about identity as it is expressed in the video
Apeshit that is linked at the top of the page. I want your ideas on how the artists are using
identity in the video involving the selected works of art. I want YOUR personal interpretation
of how Beyoncé and Jay-Z address identity through those themes and art. This portion
should be no less than 500 words.

The second part of the project involves your identity. Our personal identity shapes who we
are and how we project ourselves. Just as Beyoncé and Jay-Z selected certain works in
the Louvre to use in the video that reflect their identity, I want you to curate a collection of
art (that is here in NYC museums) that defines who you are and how those works shape
your identity. Remember that personal identity is different than cultural identity, or
religious identity, although for some culture and religion shape personal identity.

For the works you selected, you will include an image and description of the work. The
information about the work that should be included and formatted as follows is, Jan
Vermeer, Maid Asleep, 1656–1657, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Notice that the title of the
work of art is in italics. After your description of the work, I want you to offer why you
selected this work and how this work reflects or shapes your identity. [This portion of each
work should be no shorter than 100 words].

The format for the finished assignment is up to you, but this will be submitted through
Turnitin on Blackboard. According to their guidelines you may submit word documents,
google docs through google drive, PowerPoints and pdfs.

The minimum number of works for your curated collection is 4 and only one of the works
can be from outside a museum. For this assignment please limit the museums to the
Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, the Brooklyn Museum, the Whitney Museum and the
Guggenheim Museum.

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