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26/07/2021 The Nightblade

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The Lord stone

Primary skills:

Illusion & Sneak

By Sonserf369


on May 13, 2016

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26/07/2021 The Nightblade


Race: Khajiit, Bosmer, Breton, Dunmer, Argonian

Major Skills: Illusion, Sneak, One-Handed

Minor Skills: Archery, Conjuration, Alchemy

Armor: Light (Nightingale Armor, Ancient Shrouded Armor)

Weapons: Daggers & Bows (Blade of Woe, Mehrune's Razor, Bound Dagger, Nightingale Bow, Zephyr,
Bound Bow)

Shouts: Aura Whisper, Throw Voice, Whirlwind Sprint, Marked for Death

Standing Stone: Lover, Serpent, Shadow, Lord

Stat Distribution: 300:290:200 (Magicka : Health : Stamina)

This character is meant as a healthy mix between stealth and magic gameplay to create a powerful and
versatile character who can swiftly deal with almost any situation. Every room is a puzzle, with multiple
options available for eliminating each and every one of your enemies. The catch: you must remain unseen at
all times.

Hope you guys enjoy this build. I'll be happy to answer any questions posted in the comments section. Also,
don't forget to leave a rating! 3/9
26/07/2021 The Nightblade


Skill Breakdown

Your main goal should be to dispatch of all enemies as quickly and silently as possible. One-Handed and
Sneak are a powerful combination that can deal some serious damage as long as you remain undetected.
Assassin's Blade is your best friend, making the use of daggers imperative. Dual Savagery is also a really
nice bonus, since it only requires you to be wielding two weapons to receive the bonus damage; no need to
actually attack with both.

Illusion is the glue that holds together this playstyle, giving you tons of tools to get in close to your enemy
and right back out without leaving a trace. Muffle is good for levelling and your support tool for remaining
undetected until you get Invisibility. Use Calm spells for keeping single targets under control, and Fear when
you are cornered by a large group. Illusion Dual Casting is one of the two Dual Casting perks that are
actually worth anything (along with Destruction), since it allows you to affect higher level targets. Quiet
Casting is one of the core perks for the entire build, not only affecting spells but also making your Shouts
completely silent, allowing us to use Aura Whisper without fear of being detected. Master of the Mind
gives this skill a much needed boost in power, allowing you to influence difficult enemies like Centurions
and Dremora Lords.

Archery is our damage tool for long range. Striking a Dragon or Dwemer Centurion from behind with a
dagger won't always be an option; this is when we take a step back, literally. Power Shot allows us to
stagger lock most enemies, which can buy us some serious time against some of the hardier enemies. Avoid
Critical Shot, since the way the game calculates critical hits makes the extra damage much less relevant the
more you level up.

Conjuration is a nice utility skill, allowing you to get a huge advantage against the competition thanks to the
power of bound weapons. These bound weapons are Daedric quality and can be obtained very early in the
game. This allows you to level both magic and the appropriate combat skill for your weapon at the same
time. Later on, you can get some of the heat off of you by conjuring something to distract your enemy while
you retreat and reassess the situation. This skill is one of the best long term investments you can make with
this playstyle.

Alchemy is our final utility skill and a nice way to round out the character, providing us with a quick way to 4/9
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get gold and some minor bonuses. The land of Skyrim is filled with thousands of different plants, insects,
and fungi that you can turn into potions and poisons for selling or as a supplement for your own use.
Whether it is some healing, some extra poison damage on your weapon, or even some more reliable
invisibility, Alchemy has got you covered.

As a final note, Vampirism is very much an option for this build. The vanilla bonuses mesh perfectly with
this playstyle, granting you passive bonuses to both Sneak and Illusion. Embrace of Shadows is extremely
useful early game when you still don't have reliable access to Invisibility, and Vampire's Servant ain't half
bad for when you need a meat shield. The addition of Dawnguard also reduced a lot of the downsides to
being a Vampire, making it an even more appealing option, though I do not recommend the use of the
Vampire Lord with this build.

Of course, there's the exploit involving the Necromage perk in the Restoration skill tree, which increases the
duration and strength all of your active effects as a Vampire due to your new status as undead. Be mindful of
using this exploit though, as it is very easy to attain god-like levels of power when maximizing its benefits.


Role Playing and Backstory

Your curious nature stems from a broken mind, for your head can never seem to keep a straight
record of anything. For you, life is but a blur. Memories are but a collection of loose images with
hardly any structure, as if reading some dingy old journal, with pages or even whole chapters
missing. The worst part is the sharp headaches, which occur any time you attempt to remember
anything, and make it even harder to concentrate.

You can remember your name, but not who gave it you or where you came from. Your earliest
memories are of the prisons of Bruma, where you spent much of your youth for petty thievery.
Surviving on your own as a child in a large city is no easy task, so stealing felt like a necessity, 5/9
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even if you never understood the nature of your actions. You stole your first coin out of curiosity,
not really thinking of its true value. Now with every trip, you returned with food as well as a few
more shiny souvenirs (eventually including jewellery from casual shoppers at the market). You
never cared to think how or why, all you new is that you wanted more.

As time went by, your obsession grew stronger, your skills steadily improving, your curiosity
knowing no bounds. Until one day you found yourself inside somebody's house, not knowing
how you had gotten inside in the first place. As panic slowly took over, you frantically searched
for the quickest way out, broke straight through a window, and made a run for the cramped
alleyway you called home, where your precious stash remained hidden. You didn?t know you
had just broken into the home of Burd, the Captain of the Guard. You didn?t realize you were
being followed.

Next thing you remember is being back inside the prison, the stone walls and iron bars so
bitterly familiar. However, it was the loss of all your treasure that disheartened you the most, for
you knew there was no way the guards had not found it. For the first time in a while, after
feeling you found some form of purpose, you had nothing left. You had no intention of waiting to
see what the guards had in store for you, and so you began searching your cell. After a while,
you found it: the loose brick, indicating the flawed wall, behind which was the escape tunnel you
had used countless times. Good thing the guards always put you in the same cell, otherwise you

would have never be able to remember all these details.

The tunnels lead you outside the walls of the city. Usually you would find a way to sneak past the
guards at the main entrance, but today you felt something had changed. You were tired of living

the same story; of the same people; the same old buildings; the same old, broken memories that
seemed to loop in your head. For the first time, you saw the opportunity for a fresh start. You
vaguely remembered the locals mentioning something about a border, found not too far beyond
the mountains. Maybe your purpose lay there too.

And of course, we all know what happens once you make it past the border.

The discovery of your Dragonborn heritage causes nothing more than confusion at first, but
over time it will bring you great peace to finally find a greater purpose. You will spare
Parthurnaax, for you see yourself as the bridge between the people and the dragons, rather than
a weapon to be used against either one.

You will join the Thieves? Guild out of impulse more than anything, for old habits are hard to
give up. You will enjoy proving your skills to your peers and earning the respect you knew you
deserved all along. When on the job, you will avoid killing unless you are hit first; you're a thief,
but not a murderer. You will leave once you've obtained the Skeleton Key, for you won't give
away such a unique treasure so easily. This reward is much greater than anything else the
Thieves' Guild could possibly offer in exchange for its return.

The College of Winterhold will be of great interest to you. You will be very excited to discover
your magical talents, and will delve deep into learning new magical skills. Illusion will be of
particular interest for you, for it is the magic of the mind. Maybe by mastering these energies,
you might be able to solve the mystery that haunts your mind.

Joining the Dark Brotherhood will be purely accidental, and you will initially serve them out of
fear more than anything else. You will remain silent when speaking with Astrid. Overtime, you
learn to appreciate the personalities of your peers and the family-like atmosphere. You will
spare Cicero, for you will always be suspicious of Astrid?s true intentions. You become more
violent as you progress further, the Night Mother's influence sipping into your mind. You've
evolved from the petty thief of your younger days, avoiding conflict whenever possible, to a full
blown assassin who revels in the pain of his enemies. Now Illusion magic is not just an evasive
tool, but also a way to toy with your prey before you eat it, so to speak.

The Companions are of no interest to you. You see them as unskilled brutes and savages. They 6/9
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have nothing to offer you, avoid them like the plague.

The Civil War is of very little concern to you, for you find both parties despicable; you view the
Nords as shortsighted and racists, while the Imperials only remind you of your younger years
spent rotting in a cell. You will avoid involvement until you learn of the Jagged Crown, which
you seek for yourself as another treasure for the collection.

You will complete all Daedric quests and obtain all the artifacts. Your curiosity and desire for
unique treasure surpass your fear of the unknown, and your damaged psyche makes you more
susceptible to their influences. You respect Daedra and think of them as natural inhabitants of
our universe.

You may become a Vampire if you so desire. Your curious mind will think of it as a new
experience and an improvement of your natural talents. However, you will not join Harkon?s
court, for you believe his plans and methods are going way too far. The sight of a Vampire Lord
is utterly disgusting to you, let alone the idea of having to become one. You will join the
Dawnguard and defeat Harkon once and for all, even if it means giving up your Vampirism.

You will avoid any followers whenever given the choice. Your methods are silent and
premeditated; other people only get in the way. Dealing with your own thoughts is more than

enough trouble, let alone having to deal with another person?s.


 builds

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