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Simulation 4

p (AA) = frequency of AA
genotype = 0.25

p (Aa) = frequency of Aa
genotype = 0.50

p (aa) = frequency of aa
genotype = 0.25

w (AA) = relative fitness of AA

genotype = 1.0

w (Aa) = relative fitness of Aa

genotype = 1.0

w (aa) = relative fitness of aa

genotype = 1.2

Over time the frequency of the p allele declines to 0 around the 25th

generation, this causes the frequencies of the Aa and AA genotypes to steadily

decline until they are lost. This is because the relative fitness of the aa genotype is

set to 1.2, allowing natural selection to favor the aa genotype. This causes the aa

genotype to go to fixation.

The average fitness of the population in response to the frequency of the A

allele starts at 1.2 then steadily drops to 1.0. This is because the fitness of the aa

genotype is set to 1.2, causing a rise in the aa genotype. However, in the Aa and AA

genotypes, the relative fitness is set to 1.0, leading to a loss in the p allele. To

address Laura and Kiara’s comments, the reducing slope of the graph is due to the

AA and Aa genotypes being less advantageous. Angel pointed out that comparing

other simulations could be useful, in simulation 2, the AA genotype is more

advantageous than the aa genotype, and the slope is positive, this suggests that

when the AA/Aa genotypes are the most advantageous, the average fitness of the

population also increases in comparison.

The rate at which the frequency of the p allele changes over time steadily

declines from 0.00 to approximately -0.030 before rising back to 0.00, this is because

the relative fitness of the aa genotype is 1.2 while Aa and AA are set to 1.0, thus

causing the p allele to decline steadily before it is lost. This steady decline then loss

of the p allele causes the upside down bell-shaped curve that we see in the bottom

right graph.

Laura: If aa goes to fixation due to being favored by natural selection within the first

25 generations wouldn’t that mean the aa genotype is advantageous, and if so why

do we see a decrease in fitness within the population? It reached fixation at 25

generations reaching the 100 generations, within that time wouldn’t the aa genotype

become more frequent and eventually increase the average fitness of the population

over time?

Kiara: If one of the genotypes goes to fixation, that would mean the other two go to

loss, if this is the case, then why would we see the fitness of the population decline

despite the aa genotype being favored and that genotype being the only one seen in

the populations? If you could elaborate more on that, it’d be helpful. Otherwise I

think your explanation is pretty good.

Angel: For your explanation I think it would be good to include a sentence of two of

the possibilities of why the 1.2 for aa is prominent. Maybe compare it to one of the
other simulations in which AA/Aa is at 1.2. How long did it take for the AA to reach 0

in the population compared to the aa genotype? How did this affect the fitness of the

population? I think that adding these points will strengthen the explanation.

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