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NAME : Paritosh Sharma This document contains the dif-

ferent design ideations for the

ROLL NO : BD/19/95 assignment along with the con-
cepts behind and the fonts used
SUBJECT : SEMIOTICS AND LETTERFORMS in the making of the poster and
deriving the main and the final
SUBMISSION : FINAL POSTER SUBMISSION poster on the given quote.

• Everything needs to be composed within a 1600 sq centi-
metres area.
• Create three options before the final.
• Selection of appropriate type is expected.
• Layout is the most important part of this assignment.
• Ues color if required.
• Choose one and then finalize it.
DATE OF SUBMISSION : 05/01/2021 Prof. Yogesh Jahagirdar
The concept here being the one character that has influenced my entire childhood has been Spider-
man.........the vow of being responsible and sacrificing his own life each and everyday just so the people
out there can be safe , the prosparity for spiderman is the promise he made to his uncle Ben and therefore
is out there everyday to help with his responsible powers.

Font used : APOLLO

Illustration/ artwork in the back : Made by me

The concept begind this poster is not the direct word relation but rather the symbolic meaning of saving
or sacrificing the unnecessary whims and fancys in the present and reaping its bebefits when we have a
treasure of our own.

Font used : Waver in ‘drops’, Myriad pro in ‘the’, ‘of ’, ‘your’, ‘add’, ‘to’, ‘of ’, APOLLO regular in ‘ocean’ and
Charendon blk BT black in ‘prosperity’.

Illustration/ artwork in the back : Made by me

The concept behind the final poster is very simple and includes the flow of sentence itself taking into consid-
eration the the different meaning of each letter. The sentence flows like ‘ the drops of your sacrifices add to the
ocean of prosperity. The drops are coming out of sacrifices, in between there is ‘your’ written that makes you
in between the sacrifices and drops. The drops then move forward and combine into ocean.
As one sacrifices more or for prolonged period of time the distence is reduced which is signified by the relative
foreshortening of letter ‘drops’. Firstly the drops in the first letters ‘d’’r’’o’ dosen’t connect to the ocean but when
they do the process is continued and the result is directly proportional to the effort put. Truely drops make

Fonts used : Waver in ‘ drops’, Scary ghyphs and nice characters in ‘ sacrifices’, Parisish in ‘add’, ‘to’, ‘the’, ‘your’,
Season in ‘the’, ‘of ’, Split on in ‘ ocean’ and Channel in prosperity

Made on Illustrator

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