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The use and storage of all chemicals and materials used shall be in accordance
with the instructions of the CLIENT, local Government requirements and in line
with the specifications stipulated by the manufacturers.


Flying Insects:

a) Prevention of accumulation and breeding of flying insects

must be achieved by:

1) Keeping all refuse covered.

2) Avoiding stagnant water.
3) Avoiding cracks and crevices.
4) Cleaning away spillage immediately.
5) Keeping drains/gullies clean and avoiding offensive

6) Keeping all food covered.

b) Prevention of flying insects gaining access to buildings must be

achieved by:

1) Keeping all doors closed when not in use.

2) Keeping air curtains over doors switched on.
3) Keeping windows closed when there are no fly screens.
4) Fixing fly screens over windows, if they are required to
be opened and maintaining them in good repair.
c) Treatment of flies in external areas must be achieved by:

1) High standards of cleaning and housekeeping.

2) Regular spraying on refuse and other areas attractive to
flying insects with insecticide, after cleaning, on a
regular programmed basis.
3) Maintaining refuse storage units in good repair.

d) Treatment of flies in internal areas must be achieved by:

1) The use of 'insect-o-cutors'
2) Swatting
3) Insecticidal aerosols

Crawling Insects:

a) Prevention of infestation must be achieved by:

1) Inspection on receipt of all consignments including the

outers, inners, pallets and delivery vehicles that may
provide harborage for insects.
2) Repairing all cracks and crevices in services, finishes,
junctions between machinery racking etc. and floors.
3) High standard of cleaning and housekeeping.

b) Evidence of crawling insects in a storage area, or part must result in:

1) Removal of stock from that area for inspection. Any

stock found to be infested, or damaged by insects must
be discarded.
2) Thorough cleaning and insecticidal treatment of the
affected area.

Use of insecticidal sprays and aerosols:

a) In external areas, insecticidal sprays must be used selectively

in refuse area, and other areas where flying insects are

b) Spraying external areas must only be performed after thorough


c) In high winds, dust storms or rain, insecticidal sprays should

not be used.
d) The following precautions must be adopted when spraying or
using aerosols in food storage, preparation or dining areas,

1) Only insecticides that are recommended to be safe near

foods may be used, example pyrethroids.

2) Only spray when there is no open food being stored,

prepared or consumed.

3) Only spray when all food contact surfaces are covered.

4) Spraying on food, food containers, packaging or outers

are prohibited.

5) Particular attention must be paid to spraying any cracks

or crevices.

6) The use of aerosols must be on a controlled basis and

not sprayed to excess or haphazardly.

Safety Precautions:

a) Only employees who have been satisfactorily trained may use


b) Contact between sprays and the skin must be avoided. Gloves

and protective clothing including goggles must be worn when
spraying insecticides.

c) Eyes must be washed immediately in cold water, if

accidentally splashed with insecticide, the Medical
Department must be notified.

d) After spraying hands must be thoroughly washed. If

protective clothing has become contaminated, they must be
changed before working in a food preparation area.

Rodent Control

a) A high standard of housekeeping and refuse control must be
maintained in both internal and external areas.

b) Premises must be regularly checked for access points for

rodents, and blocked where necessary.

c) Holes and gaps can be blocked with either;

1) Concrete and chicken wire

2) Metal Plates
3) Temporary closures may be achieved with wire wool or
'Brillo' pads.
4) Ill fitting doors should be rehung, or fitted with metal
plates or durable draft 'excluders'.

d) The creation of harborage points and 'dead' areas must be

avoided wherever possible.

e) All suppliers’ vehicles and commodities must be inspected to

ensure they are free from infestation. Evidence of infestation
should result in rejection of the goods.

Treatment - external areas:

a) If large numbers of mice are known to exist in areas

surrounding buildings, preventive treatment should be

b) Poisonal baits should be used as a control measure against

large numbers of rodents. Traps may be used in conjunction
with poison.

c) Then placement of all poison baits and traps must be recorded

and checked daily. Results must be documented.

d) Poison must only be placed in suitable containers that are

weather resistant. They must be clearly labelled 'POISON'.

e) Placement of poison baits and traps must be selective and only

sited in areas where rodents are likely to exist, such as:
1) Where harborage for rodents exists
2) There is a food supply (refuse areas)
3) There is a water supply (Stagnant water)

f) Haphazard and unrecorded placement of poisonous baits and

traps are prohibited.

Treatment - Internal areas:

a) When an infestation has been discovered,

1) All stocks must be checked and any damaged or

contaminated items discarded.
2) Checks made to discover any 'dead' or undisturbed
areas that may be providing harborage.
3) Checks made to discover how the rodents gained

b) Evidence of infestation may be obtained from:

1) Sighting
2) Damaged stocks
3) Trails left in dust, spilled flour etc.
4) Grease smears
5) Droppings

c) In food handling areas, only traps shall be used. Poisons are


d) Placement of traps must be recorded and checked daily.

e) Traps must be removed, when there is no further evidence of


f) In the event of persistent re-infestation, permanent trap

positions may be established.

g) All trap positions must be clearly marked to prevent accidental

disturbance or handling by employees.
h) Poison baits may only be used in internal areas when there is
heavy infestation that traps have been unable to clear. The
following precautions must be adopted.

1) No open food is prepared or stored in the affected area.

2) All poison baits are in suitable containers, clearly
labelled 'POISON'.
3) All poison bait placements are recorded.
4) All poison bait placements are clearly marked to
prevent accidental disturbance or handling by
5) All poison baits are removed when the infestation is
i) All poison baits must be accounted for and safely disposed

j) Any poison bait spillage must be swept up immediately and

disposed off.

Safety Precautions:

a) Only employees who have been satisfactorily trained may

carry out rodent control.

b) Protective gloves must be worn when handling poisons.

c) If poisons are ingested, the Medical Department must be

notified immediately. The type of poison must always be
recorded so that the Medical Department can be notified if

[To be adapted to Client Requirements]

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