Environmental Science Public Advisory

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Tyrese Baxter

Public Advisory

Human Interactions with

Natural Ecosystems

Food & Medicine

 Traditional Medicine continue to play an essential role in health care, especially in primary health care. Traditional Medicine are
estimated to be used by 60% of the world’s population and in some countries are extensively incorporated into public health
systems. Medicinal Plant use is the most common medication tool in traditional medicine, due to the global demand for natural
products. These plants are cultivated from their environments and scientists conducts research on the extractions of the plants.
For e.g. Echinacea is beneficial for: Colds, Immunity, Bronchitis and Upper Respiratory Infections.
 Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition through its influence on world food production, as it ensures the sustainable
productivity of soils and provides the genetic resources for all crops, livestock, and marine species harvested for food.
Biodiversity makes production systems and livelihoods more resilient to shocks and stresses, including those caused by climate
change. For e.g. The production of varying domestic crops such as: Maize and Cotton.

Recreation & Aesthetic Benefits

 Humans enjoy spending time in outdoor environments such as: Natural Areas, Parks, Forests, and other green spaces. These
outdoor spaces provide opportunities for recreation, adventure, and physical activity. These spaces can be beneficial to humans
in terms of increasing the economy of the country. For e.g. Tourist going on trial walks to view ecosystems and varying species
of organism.

Revenue Generation & Industries

 The development of industries has increase economic growth, due to an unprecedented, sustained increase in the flow of income.
This was only possible due to the large amount of resources found in natural occurring ecosystems. This has caused the modern
industries now to flourish on unbelievable measures due to the renewable resources found within our ecosystems. For e.g. The
Amazon Rainforest provides humans with tone loads of timber, which can be used in industry for the manufacturing of goods
such as: Furniture and Housing Materials.

Protection to Infrastructure and Human Life

 Humans are constantly improving and upgrading roads, bridges and transportation networks and building better infrastructure
for buildings to help sustain human life. These improvements help to improve the quality of life for humans on earth, which
allows for the sustainable increase and flourish of the human population. For e.g. Forests provides the world with a sustainable
never-ending supply of wood, which aid in the construction of varying buildings and development of infrastructure.

The contribution Climate Conditions

 The development of industries had caused humans to be responsible for the varying climate changes experienced by the world.
This has happened due to the demand of electricity, coal, natural gas which has caused a large chunk of global emissions. These
increased global emissions has caused the production of acid rain, melting of ice caps, depletion of the ozone layer and etc.
Which negatively impacts ecosystems, but there are measures that can be taken to prevent this from happening, for e.g.
Reforestation – The replanting of vital trees and plants to help combat the negative impacts of climate conditions.

Genetic Resources

 The rapid development of modern biotechnology over the past decades has enabled humans to use genetic resources in ways that
have not only fundamentally altered our knowledge of the living world, but has also led to the development of new products and
practices that contribute to human well-being, ranging from vital medicines to methods that improve the security of our food
supplies. For e.g. Plant Genetic Resources (crop wild relatives) are used for food and agriculture production, which helps to
conquer the great demand of food on a worldwide basis.

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