Assessment 3

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Assignment: 03

Course Title: Intermediate English Skills

Course Code: ENG102
Section: 10
Semester: Fall 2021
Submitted to:
Md. Nizam Ul Hossain
Department of English
Southeast University
Submitted by:
Name: A. S. M Sajjad Hossain
ID: 2018010000162
Batch: 48th
Southeast Business School
Southeast University
Submission date: 23/01/2022

a. You should stay here for today.

b. I'll find new and better friends.
c. The retailers might suffer.
d. People would have died of poverty.
e. You will change your job.
f. He would have joined the ceremony.
g. He will be in a big trouble.
h. We would have been late for the meeting.
i. I will start my revision.
j. Their shareholders will be happy.

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