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Unit: Sales and Delivery to Stores Topic: Replenishment

After completing these exercises, you will be able to:
 Name the master data that is required for replenishment
 Run replenishment in SAP Retail and control the documents that are generated
In the future, you want to generate purchase orders automatically in your warehouse, based on the sales data that
has been recorded in your system.
1-1 You plan to supply store T2## with merchandise centrally, using the replenishment function. Use the
parameter overview to see the articles that are procured for Recipient T2## using replenishment:
Sales  Replenishment  Overview  Parameters
Field name or data type Values
Recipient T2##
Articles R100000 and R100008
Program  Execute or choose [F8]
1-1-1 Which RP type do articles R100000 and R100008 have?
The RP type is found in the RP Type column. Articles R100000 and R100008 have the RP type RP
1-1-2 Which replenishment master data has been maintained for the following articles?
The following values have already been maintained in the system:
R100000 R100008
Stock 70 0
Target stock 1,500 1,000
Reorder point 300 700
Safety stock 250 250
1-1-3 How do you know if an article is active for replenishment-based inventory management?
Replenishment-based inventory management has been activated for the articles for which the
fields for Replen. IM and the Correct RS function have been selected
1-1-4 Which articles are active for replenishment-based inventory management?
Replenishment-based inventory management has been activated for article R100008
1-1-5 How can you find (function key) a definition for Reorder point?
For the definition of the reorder point, place the cursor on the Reorder point field and select
1-1-6* Go to the site master for customer T2## and check if inventory management on merchandise
category basis is scheduled for merchandise category R1121 (Perishables), and which value-
only article is going to be used to post the stock. Note: you can do this by choosing Extras →
Merchandise categories in the site master.
Double-click on field T2##
Extras  Merchandise categories
Inventory management for a merchandise category has been activated for merchandise
category R1121 (the relevant field in column M has been selected). Stock is posted to
merchandise category article R1121 (column MC article)
What does activating inventory management for a merchandise category do?
As you have made this setting in your system, inventory management is no longer run on a value
and quantity basis for the articles in your stock. Inventory management is now only to be run on
a value basis for the total of all articles in the relevant merchandise category
1-2 Trigger procurement for articles R100000 and R100008 for customer T2## by running
replenishment planning.
Sales  Replenishment  Replenishment planning  Execute
Field name or data type Values
Recipient T2##
Articles R100000 and R100008
Program  Execute
1-2-1 What article quantities have been suggested for procurement?
R100000 R100008
Replenishment requirements 1,430 PC 1,000 lb

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Generate the follow-on documents and view the results in the replenishment monitor.
Go to the generated document view.
Replenishment requirements  Generate follow-on documents
Confirm the dialog box that appears by selecting [Enter].
Which type of follow-on document has been generated? Order type Double-click on Pur. Order
(purchase order number) UB (stock transport order)
Which supplying site was found by the system? T7##
Make a note of the purchase order number.
1-2-3 Which article quantities do you want to order?
R100000 R100008
PO quantity _______ CAR ________ CRT
1-2-2 Which article master data was used to calculate these PO quantities? (To find this information,
go the article master for both articles and check the units of measure).
Select an item and go to the article master by selecting Environment  Article. In the article master,
select the Basic data view and press [Enter]
The warehouse unit of issue (D/I column) is used for the stock transport order. You can calculate the
purchase order quantity by dividing the replenishment quantity by the total number of base units of
measure in the warehouse unit of issue.
1-3 You now want to find out how the replenishment master data detailed under 1-1-2 was found for article
R100000. To do this, go to the replenishment parameter overview for customer T2##.
Sales  Replenishment  Overview  Parameters
Field name or data type Values
Recipient T2##
Articles R100000 and R100008
Program  Execute
1-3-1 Which requirements group in store T2## is assigned to merchandise category R1111?
Double-click on field T2##
Extras  Merchandise categories
The requirements group (Large) 02 has been defined for merchandise category R1111.
Return to the parameter overview
1-3-2 Has replenishment master data been maintained for any of the requirement groups for article
When you are in the parameter overview, double-click on field R100000, select the Basic data
view, press [Enter], press the [Additional data] button and choose the tab Requirement groups.
The requirement groups 01, 02 and 03 have been maintained for article R100000
1-3-2 According to the replenishment master data for article R100000 in store T2##, what is the:
Requirement group 02 was assigned to store T2## for merchandise category R1111. The
requirement group contains the following data:
Target stock: 1,500
Reorder point: 300
Safety stock: 250
Compare your data with the data determined for 1-1-2!
The values for article R100000 in store T2## are defined using this data
1-4 Before continuing with the remaining exercises in this unit, create a new purchase order (stock transfer)
using the following data:Purchasing  Purchase order  Purchase order  Create  Stock transfer
1-4-1 Supplying site: T7##
Order type: UB
Purchasing organization: R300
Purchasing group: R30
Delivery date: next working day
Site: T2##
Storage location: 0001
Field name or data type Values PO quantity
Articles R100000 80
Articles R100008 40
PO number:

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This purchase order is now used as the basis for the remaining exercises in this unit!

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Unit: Sales and Delivery to Stores Topic: Merchandise Distribution
After completing these exercises, you will be able to:
 Create a generic purchase order for cross-docking deliveries
 Process the purchase orders for your stores from shipping to goods issue in cross-docking
Before procuring merchandise, you group the stock transfer orders from your stores to a generic purchase order
for an external vendor. When goods are received in the distribution center, the article quantities are divided into
stock transport orders and sent to goods issue immediately, together with the relevant documents.
2-1 The purchase orders for your stores need to be grouped into a collective purchase order for an external
vendor in merchandise distribution.
2-1-1 You need to add a distribution profile to your distribution center site master record. Assign
distribution profile 002 in the Purchasing / distribution view for site T7##
Master data  Site data  Site  Change
Field name or data type Values
Site T7##
Tab: Purchasing / Distribution
Field name or data type Values
Distribution profile 002
Site  Save.
2-1-2 Create a collective purchase order for distribution center T7## and purchasing organization
R300. You want to run procurement for all articles that have to be delivered to your store by
this Friday. The merchandise should be in your distribution center for a maximum of one day.
You should therefore select the schedule line interval 1
Merchandise logistics  Merchandise distribution  Collective purchase order  Create
Field name or data type Values
Distribution center T7##
Purchasing organization R300
Processing types Select all
Procurement period From today until Friday next
Schedule line interval 1
Retain all other settings [Execute] or [F8]
Which articles does your system suggest for procurement?
Articles: R100000 and R100008
Mark the lines and then select
How can you find out which stock transport orders should be used to calculate the purchase
order quantity? Goto  Display details

2-1-3 Let your system suggest a vendor for the article items. Your system may already have found a
vendor - see column Vendor.
Which vendor did your system find?
Mark the lines and then select: Edit  Find supply source Vendor R3000
Generate the purchase order and make and note of the number:
Collective purchase order  Generate  Total worklist
The Document number column contains the purchase order number ____________
2-1-4 Display the purchase order in your system.
To which site is the article delivered?
In which storage location do you want to process goods receipt?
Merchandise logistics  Merchandise distribution  Collective purchase order  Display
Enter the number found in 2-1-3 _________________ and press [Enter]

Site: T7##
Storage location: 0003

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2-2 After goods receipt at the distribution center, the received quantities are distributed to the individual
stock transfer orders for the stores. They are then moved to goods issue area immediately, together with
the relevant delivery documents.
Merchandise logistics  Goods receipt  Goods receipt
2-2-1 The merchandise is delivered to distribution center T7## and you post the goods receipt for
your (collective) purchase order. Enter today's date minus seven days as the date of production
for article R100000.
Make a note of the article document number.
Field name or data type Values
Purchase order See 2-1-3:
Field name or data type Values
Date of production (for R100000) A week ago today:
Select Item ok for both items. Choose [Post]
2-2-2 Go to the merchandise distribution monitor screen. Display merchandise distribution data for
distribution center T7## and the PO number for your collective purchase order. How can you
see that no adjustments have yet been made?
Merchandise logistics  Merchandise distribution Distribution  Monitor
Field name or data type Values
Distribution center T7##
PO number See 2-1-3
Document types Select all
Program  Execute
Expand the individual items
No adjustment has yet taken place as the Act. Quantity for the individual items has not yet been
displayed (they still have the value 0)

2-2-3 In a second session, adjust the goods receipt in distribution center T7## to match the purchase
order that was displayed by the system in 2-1-3.
Which article quantities have been planned for cross-docking?
Save the merchandise distribution and then refresh the merchandise distribution in your other
System  Create session
Merchandise logistics  Merchandise distribution  Distribution  Adjust
Field name or data type Values
Site T7##
PO number See 2-1-3
Goods receipt See 2-2-1
[Execute] or [F8]
Display the distribution for an additional article by selecting Goto  Next Procurement Item.
The column CD quantity contains the cross-docking quantities for each of stock transport items
for the article concerned.
Distribution  Save  Total
Switch to the other session to view the merchandise distribution display
Edit  Refresh
2-2-4 The follow-on documents for delivering items from the distribution center to the stores are also
created when merchandise distribution is adjusted. Find the document type and document
number using the purchase order history for the items in the stock transfer order that you
created (see 1-4-1). Document:_________________
Purchasing  Purchase order  Purchase order  Display
Enter the purchase order number from exercise 1-4-1._____________
Select item.

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Item  Statistics  PO history
A delivery was generated
2-2-5 Display the delivery in your system.
Which storage location has been found for picking the individual items?
Double-click on the document number.
Choose the Picking tab.
Storage location: 0003 (CD storage loc.)
Which picking status do the article items have?
Picking status:
Picking status (column Picking): not relevant for picking
(Note: this information is also available in the detailed item view:
select the item and then press the button [Item detail].)
How does this affect processing of the delivery?
Goods issue can be posted for this delivery immediately. No picking is needed in the warehouse
for this delivery
2-2-6 Use the delivery monitor to post goods issue for all of your deliveries that are to be posted.
Merchandise logistics  Logistics Execution  Goods Outbound Process  Goods issue for
Outbound delivery  Post Goods issue  Collective processing via outbound Delivery
Field name or data type Values
Plan d gds mvmnt date From today until next Friday
Edit  All selections
Created by IRT100-##
Program  Execute
Select deliveries.
Subsequent functions  Post goods issue
Confirm the dialog box concerning the actual merchandise movement date by selecting [Enter].
2-2-7* You want to add a delivery note to your delivery. Create a delivery note for your delivery.
Display the delivery note in your system before it is printed.
Select delivery
Subsequent functions  Output from deliveries
Confirm processing mode Initial processing by selecting [Enter].
Confirm that your delivery is in the delivery field, [Execute].
Select delivery
Goto  Print preview.
2-3* You want to add more information to the documents that you have created.
Purchasing  Purchase order  Purchase order  Display purchase order
2-3-1 Display the PO history for the items in your vendor purchase order and your stock transport
order. Which follow-on documents are displayed?
Follow-on documents for vendor purchase orders:

Follow-on documents for stock transport orders:

Enter the numbers of the stock transport order and the vendor order. Mark the items.
Item  Statistics  PO history
The following are displayed as the follow-on documents:

For the vendor order: Article document (goods receipt)

For the stock transport order: Article document (goods issue)

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