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Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68

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Evaluation of the oxidation stability of biodiesel stabilized with

antioxidants using the Rancimat and PDSC methods
Jian Zhou ⇑, Yun Xiong, Xiao Liu
Department of Fuel Chemistry, Logistical Engineering University, Chongqing 401311, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, both the standardized Rancimat and thermoanalytical pressure differential scanning
Received 7 August 2016 calorimetry (PDSC) methods were employed to investigate the effects of antioxidants on the oxidation
Received in revised form 28 September stability of biodiesel. The differences in the antioxidant effectiveness between these phenolic compounds
could be clearly distinguished by both methods. Results revealed that the efficiency of antioxidant was
Accepted 2 October 2016
Available online 7 October 2016
highly dependent on the test conditions used in each method. Among the five antioxidants investigated,
tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) showed the highest sensitivity to different conditions between two
methods: the highest oxidation stability in Rancimat vs. the lowest efficiency in PDSC. Butylated hydrox-
yanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) acted more efficiently in PDSC than in Rancimat due
Antioxidants to lower volatilization losses, but not as well as pyrogallol (PY) and propyl gallate (PG) in increasing the
Oxidation stability oxidation stability of biodiesel. Results from isothermal and nonisothermal PDSC methods were basically
Rancimat consistent with each other with respect to the antioxidant efficiency: PY > PG > BHA, BHT > TBHQ. A pos-
PDSC itive linear relationship between results obtained from both methods could be observed within each type
TBHQ of antioxidant, but the overall correlation for the entire data set between Rancimat and PDSC was not as
strong as that between isothermal and nonisothermal PDSC methods.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction by free radicals. Synthetic antioxidants are generally more pre-

ferred than natural antioxidants due to higher efficiency. The most
Over the past few decades, biodiesel has received increasing commonly used in biodiesel are the following synthetic phenolic
attention as a renewable alternative biofuel. Biodiesel offers many compounds: pyrogallol (PY), propyl gallate (PG), butylated hydrox-
advantages over conventional petrodiesel: inherent lubricity, non- yanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and tert-
toxic and biodegradable, free of sulfur and aromatics, higher cetane butylhydroquinone (TBHQ). These antioxidants, more easily oxi-
number and flash point, and lower exhaust emissions such as CO2, dized than biodiesel itself, could interrupt the chain propagation
CO, PM, and HC, excepting higher NOx emissions [1,2]. However, reactions by donating hydrogen atoms to peroxyl radicals from
biodiesel is highly susceptible to oxidative degradation because their phenolic hydroxyl groups, with the formation of less reactive
of its high content of unsaturated methyl esters. The resistance antioxidant radicals that do not initiate another free radical or
of biodiesel against oxidation has long been a critical concern to propagate the oxidation process [8].
fuel manufacturers, distributors and consumers, which depends To evaluate the antioxidant efficiency on the oxidative stability
not only on the fatty acid composition profile, but also on the pro- of biodiesel, the following accelerated oxidation methods are most
duction process and storage conditions [3,4]. During the long-term often employed: Rancimat, EN 14112, the determination of oxida-
storage of biodiesel, the presence of light, oxygen, metal ions, high tion products; PetroOXY, ASTM D7545, the determination of oxy-
temperature, etc. should be avoided as much as possible [5]. gen uptake; PDSC, ASTM D6186 and E2009, monitoring of the
Most of the biodiesel produced requires the use of antioxidants heat evolved during the oxidation reactions [9]. These methods
to meet the oxidation stability requirements set forth in ASTM provide elevated temperature and/or pressure to accelerate the
D6751 (3 h) or EN 14214 (8 h) [6,7]. Addition of antioxidants to oxidation reaction and shorten the experimental time. Although
biodiesel could help slow down the process of oxidation caused actual storage conditions are not truly reflected by these acceler-
ated oxidation methods, the study of oxidation stability would take
too long and be unfeasible without them.
⇑ Corresponding author. Rancimat is the only accepted method by EN 14214 standard for
E-mail address: (J. Zhou). assessing the oxidation stability of biodiesel. The induction period
0016-2361/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
62 J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68

is determined by monitoring the continual increase of conductiv- much attention paid to investigating the possible differences in
ity, which is mainly caused by the volatile secondary oxidation the antioxidant efficiency between two or more methods, and
products, such as formic and acetic acids [10–12]. Usually, the few systematic research has been carried out to verify the depen-
longer the induction period, the better the oxidation stability. dence of the sensitivity of antioxidant efficiency on the applied
The biggest disadvantage to this method is the test duration being method. Based on this background, the standardized Rancimat
too long: a single test will require much more time than before and promising PDSC methods were employed in this study to
given that the oxidation stability specification in the EN 14214 investigate the efficiency of the antioxidants on the oxidation sta-
standard has increased from the earliest 6 h to the present 8 h. bility of biodiesel, and attempts were also made to establish the
To shorten the time of analysis, raising the test temperature from correlation between these two methods with different test
110 °C to 130 °C was suggested. However, higher temperatures conditions.
could yield misleading results that do not accurately reflect antiox-
idant performances as some antioxidants, like BHA and BHT, could
2. Materials and methods
easily volatilize and decompose at higher temperatures [13,14].
PetroOXY provides a fast, safe and promising alternative for
2.1. Materials
measuring the oxidation stability of biodiesel. The high pressure
in this method could decrease the volatilization loss of additive
The waste cooking oil biodiesel was used in this study, which
and saturate the sample with oxygen. The induction period is
was provided by Chengdu Hengrun Hi-tech Co., Ltd., Sichuan,
determined by monitoring the pressure drop resulting from the
China. This biodiesel did not contain any antioxidant additives,
consumption of oxygen in oxidation reactions, which corresponds
and fulfilled the EN 14214 quality specifications with the exception
to the time required to achieve a fixed (10%) pressure drop. The
of oxidation stability. The main chemical and physical properties of
fuel sample can be subjected to more severe test conditions in Pet-
the fresh biodiesel were given as follows: viscosity at 40 °C,
roOXY than in Rancimat: there is a maximum pressure of approx.
4.20 mm2/s; density at 15 °C, 0.878 g/cm3; CFPP, 5 °C; flash point,
1000 kPa when the temperature reaches 140 °C as per ASTM
159 °C; cetane number, 54.0; sulfur content, <1 ppm; water con-
D7545. This method has shown good repeatability, reproducibility,
tent, 300 ppm; acid number, 0.37 mg KOH/g; copper strip corro-
and judgement between different replicates [15–18]. However, a
sion (3 h at 100 °C), 1.0; oxidation stability at 110 °C, 3.01 h.
minimum value of induction period using the PetroOXY method
The following antioxidants, purchased from Aladdin Industrial Cor-
has not been accepted yet, and the correlation between PetroOXY
poration (analytical grade), were investigated for their impacts on
and Rancimat is still under investigation [19–21]. Note that, this
improving the oxidation stability of this biodiesel: PY, PG, BHA,
method is not the focus of this article; the correlation between
BHT, and TBHQ. These antioxidants were added into the biodiesel
Rancimat and PetroOXY will be explored in detail in a separate
at the concentration of 100, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 ppm (by
weight), after which the treated biodiesel was kept in the dark at
The thermoanalytical technique, PDSC, that directly measures
room temperature.
the heat flow associated with chemical reactions, has been widely
used over the past 25 years to investigate the thermooxidative sta-
bility of lubricating oils and greases, aviation turbine oils, veg- 2.2. GC/MS analysis
etable oils and polymers [22]. This method can be run in an
isothermal mode to give an oxidation induction time (ASTM The fatty acid composition of the waste cooking oil biodiesel
D6186) or in a programmed temperature (nonisothermal) mode was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC/
to give an oxidation onset temperature (ASTM E2009) [23]. The MS). The chromatographic analysis was performed on Agilent
acceleration of autoxidation could be easily detected by this 7890A GC system (Agilent Technologies) equipped with a 5975C
method: the heat flow remains stable prior to oxidation but rises MSD and a HP-5MS UI column (30 m  250 lm  0.25 lm) using
sharply to the maximum exothermic peak when oxidation reaction Helium as the carrier gas. The column temperature was held con-
begins. The high temperature and pressure recommended by ASTM stant at 180 °C for 3 min, ramped to 200 °C at 1 °C/min, and then
E2009 and D6186 (130–210 °C, 500 psi) could effectively suppress held at 200 °C for 2 min, and lastly at 20 °C/min to 250 °C, where
the volatilization of sample materials and shorten the experimen- it was kept for 2 min. The transfer line between GC and MS was
tal time to minutes instead of hours. But these recommended kept at 260 °C. The EI mass spectra (70 eV) was acquired in the
parameters are not suitable for evaluating the oxidation stability m/z range 10–400. The injection volume was 1 ll and a split ratio
of biodiesel due to the fundamental differences in the chemical of 100:1 was employed. The biodiesel was dissolved in tetrahydro-
structures between biodiesel and lubricants. Therefore, a prior furan and quantification analysis was performed by internal stan-
selection of appropriate temperature and pressure is required to dard calibration using methyl heptadecanoate (Sigma-Aldrich).
give a measurable induction time (isothermal mode) or onset tem- The fatty acid profile of this biodiesel was presented as follows:
perature (nonisothermal mode): the induction time will either be myristic acid (C14:0), 0.59%; palmitic acid (C16:0), 15.53%; palmi-
impractically too short or too long when chosen at too high or toleic acid (C16:1), 1.27%; stearic acid (C18:0), 6.80%; oleic acid
too low temperature, respectively. Lower temperatures and pres- (C18:1), 41.53%; linoleic acid (C18:2), 27.78%; linolenic acid
sures (110 °C, 200 or 80 psi) were most often employed in previous (C18:3), 1.10%; arachidic acid (C20:0), 0.41%; eicosenoic acid
studies, in which the PDSC method demonstrated good indication (C20:1), 1.44%; behenic acid (C22:0), 0.24%; erucic acid (C22:1),
of the oxidation stability of biodiesel [2,24–28]. 2.27%.
A pilot study using the above mentioned three methods to
investigate the oxidation stability of biodiesel was carried out by 2.3. PDSC method
Murta Valle et al. in 2014 [27]. Results showed that the sensitivity
of the oxidation stability of soybean oil biodiesel to the antioxidant The PDSC measurements were carried out using a DSC Q2000
concentration, bisphenol and phenol, was highly dependent on the TA Instruments, coupled to a pressure cell. The instrument was cal-
method applied; PDSC presented better sensitivity and shorter ibrated with high-purity indium before test. Approximately
analysis time as compared to Rancimat and PetroOXY. However, 3 ± 0.3 mg sample was carefully weighed in an open aluminum
most research done to date have been limited to a single test pan and placed in the equipment’s sample chamber, and an identi-
method for assessing antioxidant efficiency [4,6,7,16]. There’s not cal empty pan was placed on the rear platform as a reference. The
J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68 63

experiments were performed at 1400 kPa (200 psi) under static showed a sudden sharp increase in conductivity. The induction
oxygen atmosphere (zero purge gas flow). In the isothermal mode, period, defined as the time corresponding to the inflection point
the cell was heated from 40 °C to the specified temperature 110 °C of the conductivity vs. time curve, was used for quantitative deter-
at a heating rate of 40 °C/min, then maintained at the regulated mination of the oxidative stability of biodiesel. The longer the
temperature and pressure until an exothermic reaction occurred. induction period, the more stable is the biodiesel. The untreated
The nonisothermal measurements were performed under the same biodiesel showed an induction period of 3.01 h and failed to meet
conditions of atmosphere, pressure, and sample quantity, but at a the EN 14214 specification (8 h), which could be mainly attributed
heating rate of 10 °C/min in the temperature range of 40–200 °C. to the structural composition and oxidative reactivity of the unsat-
Before the start of heating, an equilibrium time of about 2 min urated fatty acid methyl esters. For the waste cooking oil based
was recommended to enhance the baseline. Experimental data biodiesel used in this study, 23.57% were saturated, 46.51% were
were analyzed using TA Universal Analysis software. The oxidation monounsaturated, and 28.88% were polyunsaturated: methyl ole-
induction time and oxidation onset temperature were determined ate was the predominant fatty acid methyl ester (41.53%), followed
by the intersection of the extrapolated baseline and tangent to the by methyl linoleate (27.78%), and methyl palmitate (15.53%). The
maximum exothermic peak. composition profile of this biodiesel was in good agreement with
previous reports that also choosing used cooking oil as raw mate-
2.4. Rancimat method rials [4,14]. As can be seen from Fig. 1, addition of antioxidants to
biodiesel could enhance the oxidation stability by extending the
The Rancimat test was conducted as per EN 14112 using an 873 induction period: values of 6.27, 7.24, 15.10, 20.07, and 22.30 h
Biodiesel Rancimat instrument from Metrohm, Herisau, Switzer- were found for biodiesel treated with 250 ppm of BHT, BHA, PG,
land. Approximately 3 ± 0.2 g sample was carefully weighed in a PY, and TBHQ, respectively.
glass test tube and analyzed under constant airflow of 10 L/h Fig. 2 shows the dependence of the Rancimat induction period
within the thermostat-controlled block heater at 110 °C. The of the biodiesel on the antioxidant concentration measured at
stream of purified air swept the volatile oxidation products formed 110 °C. We can see clearly that the higher the concentration, the
during the accelerated aging out, which were collected in an elec- longer the induction period. The addition of different antioxidants
trical conductivity measuring vessel containing 50 mL of deionized could improve the oxidation stability of the biodiesel to different
water where the conductivity was continuously measured. Induc- degrees. As can be observed from Fig. 2, PY, PG, and TBHQ per-
tion period was defined as the time taken from the start of the test formed much better than BHA and BHT. The induction periods of
to the onset of oxidation, and determined from the second deriva- PY and PG were at least two times as large as those of BHA and
tive of the conductivity curve automatically. The experiments were BHT at all concentrations. PY demonstrated better oxidative stabil-
carried out in at least duplicate to evaluate the reliability of both ity than PG, especially at concentrations below 500 ppm, while the
methods employed. The variability of our determinations was difference between them got smaller as the concentration
within ±5%, which did not exceed the repeatability limit of their increased further. As can be seen from these results, PY and TBHQ
respective standard method. could significantly improve the stability of biodiesel at the lowest
concentrations, while no noticeable improvements could be
observed for BHA and BHT even at the highest concentrations.
3. Results and discussion Among the five antioxidants studied, almost 500 ppm of BHA and
BHT was needed to meet the EN 14214 oxidation stability require-
3.1. Rancimat: induction period ment (8 h); however, 100 ppm was sufficient to achieve this in the
case of PY, PG, and TBHQ: the antioxidants PY and TBHQ at
Typical conductivity curves for biodiesel treated with antioxi- 100 ppm were far more effective than BHA and BHT at all concen-
dants, as determined by the Rancimat method, were plotted trations tested in this study. Overall, the effectiveness of these
against time as shown in Fig. 1. As the oxidation reaction pro- antioxidants could be ranked as TBHQ > PY > PG > BHA > BHT, in
gressed, the conductivity increased rather slowly and almost lin- agreement with a previous study [4]. Although PY showed the
early with time until accelerated oxidation stage, where it

Fig. 1. Rancimat conductivity curves for biodiesel treated with 250 ppm of
antioxidants measured at 110 °C. The navy dashed line indicates the 2nd derivative Fig. 2. Rancimat induction period vs. antioxidant concentration measured at
of conductivity curve for biodiesel stabilized with TBHQ. 110 °C.
64 J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68

longest induction period (16.11 h) at the lowest concentration oxidation stability. The longer the induction time, the better the
(100 ppm), TBHQ demonstrated far better antioxidant efficiency oxidation stability. The untreated biodiesel exhibited poor oxida-
than the other four antioxidants at higher concentrations tion stability with an induction time of 23.54 min at 110 °C, which
(>100 ppm). The induction period of TBHQ at 1000 ppm was about could be raised to 62.04, 96.38, 101.44, 119.44, and 157.34 min for
4.6, 4.7, 2.0, and 2.1 times as long as those of to BHA, BHT, PY, and biodiesel stabilized with 250 ppm of TBHQ, BHA, BHT, PG, and PY,
PG, respectively. respectively. It should be noted that the type of antioxidant used
The differences in the antioxidant efficiency could to a large cannot be distinguished directly from the shape of endothermic
extent be explained by the molecular structures of these phenolic peak, but the induction time obtained can be used to rank the
compounds [8]. The hydrogen atom abstracted from the hydroxyl effectiveness of various antioxidants.
group of the antioxidant could be transferred to the oxidized free Fig. 4 shows the PDSC induction time of biodiesel treated with
radicals, which serves to interrupt the chain propagation reactions antioxidants measured at 110 °C. As expected, the induction time
and inhibit the rate of oxidation. The stable antioxidant radical increased with increasing antioxidant concentration. BHA, BHT,
formed can further react with other free radicals to contribute to PY, and PG provided the greatest enhancement of oxidation stabil-
the inhibition of oxidation. PY and PG have three hydroxyl groups ity, whereas TBHQ presented the lowest oxidation stability, con-
attached to their aromatic rings, and could offer more sites than trary to the highest antioxidant efficiency shown in the Rancimat
BHA and BHT for the formation of complex between antioxidant method: 1000 ppm of TBHQ could not match 250 ppm of other
radical and free radical. TBHQ bears two hydroxyl groups in the four antioxidants in the PDSC method. PY and PG demonstrated
aromatic ring, but its derivative products formed during the better antioxidant efficiency than BHA and BHT in the whole range
antioxidative process may also retain antioxidant properties, and of concentrations, but the differences between them were not so
some of them have even been reported to have higher activity than large as that observed in Rancimat, especially at higher concentra-
TBHQ [29,30]. BHA and BHT possess only one hydroxyl group in tions. BHT provided better protection against oxidation than BHA;
their aromatic rings and are proved to be less effective than PY, addition of BHT resulted in a longer induction time. Overall, the
PG, and TBHQ in most cases. Another contributing factor for the order of the antioxidant efficiency of these phenolic compounds
poor antioxidant efficiency of BHT and BHA is the possible obtained from isothermal PDSC method was as follows:
volatilization losses during high temperature measurements PY > PG > BHT > BHA > TBHQ.
because of their relatively high volatility [13].
3.3. Stabilization factor: Rancimat vs. PDSC
3.2. Isothermal PDSC: oxidation induction time
Although the five antioxidants displayed high effectiveness in
The striking advantage of the PDSC method is that the use of protecting the biodiesel from oxidative degradation in both meth-
high pressure helps to decrease the sample volatility by elevating ods, there were notable differences in the antioxidant efficiency
the boiling point. Fig. 3 shows isothermal PDSC curves for biodiesel between Rancimat and PDSC. For the purpose of comparison
stabilized with 250 ppm antioxidants. The onset of oxidation at the between induction periods obtained from two different methods,
specified temperature is signaled by an abrupt increase in the sam- the stabilization factor SF was introduced to express the antioxi-
ple’s evolved heat, which results in an exothermic peak in the PDSC dant efficiency: SF = IPA/IP0, where IPA and IP0 are the induction
thermal curve. The time interval from the start of the isothermal periods in the presence and absence of antioxidant, respectively.
experiment to the appearance of the exothermic peak is defined The larger the stabilization factor, the higher the antioxidant effi-
as oxidation induction time. During the induction phase of biodie- ciency. As can be seen in Fig. 5, these phenolic compounds per-
sel oxidation, peroxyl radicals can be efficiently trapped by the formed much better in PDSC than in Rancimat with an exception
antioxidant present in the sample. Once the antioxidant is con- of TBHQ, as the former SF was obviously larger than the latter.
sumed to a critical level, it is no longer effective to retard oxidative The effectiveness of BHT and BHA was significantly higher in PDSC
deterioration, at which point the biodiesel sample catastrophically than in Rancimat, most likely due to lower volatilization losses by
oxidizes liberating large amounts of heat (exotherm). The length of the high pressure adopted in the PDSC method, which also indi-
the induction time is often considered as a measurement of the

Fig. 3. Isothermal PDSC curves for biodiesel treated with 250 ppm of antioxidants Fig. 4. PDSC oxidation induction time vs. antioxidant concentration measured at
measured at 110 °C. 110 °C.
J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68 65

Fig. 5. Stabilization factor vs. antioxidant concentration for Ranciamt (a) and PDSC (b).

cated that the actual antioxidant efficiency could be underesti- efficiently than in the Rancimat method, although not as well as PY
mated by the Rancimat method. and PG.
For the same antioxidant level, the differences in the antioxi- TBHQ exhibited the longest induction period in the Rancimat
dant efficiency between PDSC and Rancimat could be attributed method but the lowest antioxidant efficiency in PDSC; the highest
to the antioxidant sensitivity to the test conditions: 200 psi pure SFR value could reach 4.70 for 1000 ppm of TBHQ. It should be
oxygen (1400 kPa) in severe PDSC versus 1 atm air supply (10 L/ mentioned that both methods were carried out at almost the same
h) in mild Rancimat. The stabilization factor ratio SFR, defined as time. Among the five antioxidants investigated, TBHQ has often
the ratio of the larger stabilization factor to the smaller one deter- been reported to display excellent antioxidant efficiency in the
mined by both methods (no less than 1), was introduced to express Rancimat method; the same high efficiency, however, has rarely
the antioxidant sensitivity to the differences between two meth- been reported in PDSC [25]. Pinto et al. investigated the inhibitory
ods. The larger the stabilization factor ratio, the more sensitive effects of a-tocopherol, green tea extract, and TBHQ on peanut oil
the antioxidant is to the different test conditions between two biodiesels obtained by methyl (MPB) and ethyl route (EPB) using
methods. It can be clearly seen from Fig. 6 that TBHQ showed both Rancimat and PDSC methods [28]. They reported that TBHQ
the highest sensitivity, followed by BHT, BHA, PG, and PY. BHT showed much better antioxidant efficiency in Rancimat than in
and BHA were far more sensitive than PG and PY to the differences PDSC, and the SFR values obtained for 2000 ppm of TBHQ were
in the test conditions between Rancimat and PDSC, whereas PY and 3.94 and 5.04 for MPB and EPB, respectively, coinciding with our
PG proved to be more effective than BHA and BHT at inhibiting bio- study. Similar observations about TBHQ have also been reported
diesel oxidation. A possible explanation is that BHA and BHT could by other researchers [31]. We cannot rule out the possibility that
easily volatilize during the Rancimat measurements because of the contradictory behavior of antioxidant TBHQ in PDSC is due to
their relatively high volatility [13]. When the tests are carried possible participation in side reactions with excess oxygen in the
out under elevated pressure in PDSC, the volatilization of BHT chamber or thermal decomposition losses by the high temperature
and BHA could be effectively suppressed, and they have acted more and pressure adopted in this method. The different test conditions
of PDSC from Rancimat, mainly the elevated oxygen pressure,
could alter the antioxidative mechanism of this phenolic com-
pound and increase the possible occurrence of participation in side
reactions [19]. More research is needed in the future to confirm
this assumption.

3.4. Nonisothermal PDSC: oxidation onset temperature

The main advantage of nonisothermal PDSC method is that it

can be used to determine the onset temperature of oxidation and
measure the kinetic parameters of the process within a short time,
which gives another way to look at the oxidation stability of the
biodiesel. Fig. 7 depicts nonisothermal PDSC curves for biodiesel
oxidation inhibited with 1000 ppm of antioxidants. The heat flow
remains relatively constant until oxidation of the sample begins,
releasing huge amounts of energy in the process. As seen from
Fig. 7, the addition of antioxidant was manifested as an increase
of onset temperature corresponding to the first maximum of the
heat flow, which was greatly higher than the isothermal tempera-
ture. The experiment was ended soon after the first exothermal
peak appeared to save time for further experiments. The first peak
Fig. 6. Stabilization factor ratio vs. antioxidant concentration. was assigned to the formation of hydroperoxides, while the second
66 J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68

mooxidative protection than BHT, which could be attributed to

BHT’s higher rates of decomposition loss at elevated temperatures
[13]. There was no fundamental contradiction between antioxidant
efficiency determined from isothermal and non-isothermal exper-
iments, although different mechanisms were thought being
involved in inhibiting oxidative deterioration.

3.5. Correlation study: Rancimat vs. PDSC

Fig. 9 presents the correlation between PDSC oxidation induc-

tion time (min) and Rancimat induction period (h) measurements
for biodiesel stabilized with antioxidants determined at 110 °C.
The different signs correspond to different types of antioxidants,
and the lines come from regression analysis. As can be seen from
the short-dashed lines in Fig. 9, there was positive linear correla-
tions (R2 > 0.90) within each type of antioxidant between induction
period values obtained from Rancimat and PDSC, in agreement
with findings reported by Leonardo et al. [26]. All the regressions
Fig. 7. Nonisothermal PDSC curves for biodiesel treated with 1000 ppm of were statistically significant with p value < 0.02. However, no over-
antioxidants. all correlation could be detected between Rancimat and PDSC for
the entire data set. This could be explained by the antioxidant sen-
sitivity to the different test conditions between two methods. Due
peak (not shown) resulted from the decomposition of the to possible volatilization, decomposition or participation in side
hydroperoxides to secondary degradation products, which did reactions, these antioxidants could undergo different antioxidative
not correlate directly with the antioxidative effects [32,33]. The mechanisms in inhibiting oxidation between Rancimat and PDSC.
onset temperature of the untreated biodiesel increased from Considering the contradictory behavior of TBHQ in both methods,
152.40 °C to 169.60, 176.35, 179.81, 184.96, and 191.08 °C for bio- the overall relationship between the oxidation stability values of
diesel treated with 1000 ppm of TBHQ, BHT, BHA, PG, and PY, Rancimat and PDSC for other four types of antioxidants, i.e. BHA,
respectively. The higher the onset temperature, the better the ther- BHT, PY, and PG was established: the red solid line in Fig. 9 showed
mooxidative stability. a coefficient of determination value of 0.69 between them. It
The results presented in Fig. 8 showed that the onset tempera- should be noted, however, that this correlation was dependent
ture of biodiesel treated with antioxidants could be shifted to on the biodiesel and antioxidants used, and could not be guaran-
higher temperatures in comparison to untreated biodiesel. The teed for other kinds of biodiesel and antioxidants.
addition of antioxidants could effectively improve the thermoox- Taking into account the consistent behaviors of antioxidants in
idative stability of biodiesel. Antioxidant activity and antioxidant both isothermal and nonisothermal PDSC methods, the correlation
concentration demonstrated a positive linear relationship: higher between oxidation induction time and oxidation onset tempera-
concentration could contribute to better stability. The effectiveness ture was established and presented in Fig. 10, which showed a pos-
of the five chain-breaking antioxidants evaluated for protecting itive linear correlation (R2 > 0.93) within each type of antioxidant.
biodiesel from thermooxidative degradation could be ranked in The overall correlation for the entire data set denoted a statistically
the ascending order: TBHQ < BHT < BHA < PG < PY, basically in significant correlation between isothermal and nonisothermal
agreement with previous observations in isothermal PDSC method. PDSC methods (R2 = 0.89), independent of the antioxidant used.
Obviously, TBHQ was more significantly affected than other four
antioxidants by the high temperature and pressure with respect
to improving resistance to oxidation. BHA showed better ther-

Fig. 9. Correlation between PDSC oxidation induction time and Rancimat induction
period measurements for biodiesel treated with antioxidants determined at 110 °C.
The red solid line indicates the overall relationship between induction period values
Fig. 8. PDSC oxidation onset temperature vs. antioxidant concentration. of Rancimat and PDSC for BHA, BHT, PY, and PG.
J. Zhou et al. / Fuel 188 (2017) 61–68 67

efficiency in biodiesel. Taking into consideration the inconsistent

behavior of TBHQ in both methods, more research is needed in
the future to investigate antioxidant behaviors in different test


The authors would like to thank the Scientific Instrument Cen-

ter of Logistical Engineering University for providing research facil-
ities for this work.


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