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‫آزمايشگاه بيمارستان آتيه‬

Atieh Hospital Anatomical & Clinical Pathology Lab

‫فرحزاد‬،‫تقاطع دادمان‬-‫شهرك غرب‬
Address:Tehran SHAHRAK-E-GHARB

1 ‫ از‬1 ‫صفحه‬ 22:32 1400/01/14 :‫جوابدهي‬ 15:17 1400/01/14 : ‫ تاريخ مراجعه‬O.P.D 09122974613 0001008032 : ‫شماره‬
- - ‫ دكتر‬: ‫پزشك معـالج‬ 44 : ‫سن‬ ‫پيمان اكبري‬ ‫ آقاي‬:‫نام بيمار‬
Molecular 22:32

Test Result Unit

SARS-Cov-2-rdrp Gene --
SARS-Cov-2-N Gene --
Internal Control Passed
Specimen Type Naso/Oropharyngeal swab
Method Real-time PCR methodology is used to amplify three related genes to SARS-Cov-2
detection including N and RdRP(specific for COVID-19) and a human gene
(confirming appropriate sampling from the patient).
Ct Value interpretion Ct value, routinely ranging from 13 to 45, is a numerical basis of COVID-19 viral
load in a specimen.This number has a reverse correlation with viral load .
, Ct value is scientifically applied for quantitative assays with less variation in
sampling. Hence,its use for COVID-19 as a qualitative assay should be done with
care, considering a few logs of difference between two consecutive specimens as a
rising or falling trend of the viral load.
Note Negative results do not preclude SARS-COV-2 infection and should not be used as
the sole basis for treatment or other patient managment decisions.

Lab director

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